seven^n men y ell f o rc m jfe ^ in tanker explosion...

^ s t ; Tre^ * Will Sii<^ed Dawes ■IfllEiCMC Seven^n Men. Die In Tanker Explosion •MAJICUS nOOK. I’ll.. '(Ul*) - Hcvcnluvii Mit-n 'v6rc kllluil xvlioii till! S1 II1 Oiri.'oiii|i;iti,v'(i (unkur niil- •• vjiH sliiiHorcd' !)>• iL jierli's of : L'«>lonl<)iiH .-toOnv III the r . I'a.. iJDclca. offlc-lcifH o M lu rrnilii. iiiiiliK. Soiiiu iiiumlMirti uf.'tlie cri’U ' Oru HHlt'CIl. Suilili'iily (hcru caiiio .ilav Mri lilioil. CoiifiiHioii Tltrc. iioro litiiHtii cuiiu) (iiilckly. Muintivrn if llm crow iiM<i Him-filcir<‘^ iPRESENIiiS eAttEDBYM i_ 5^^,.^s^rAifnba8sador. ' ■— TT • . Oongrossmon Rutherford : Quin Succumb to Hcnrt '-Attacks . i-iVK im: IX m.\ uch: s u o o K . s>n.. u n ’>—'riit .Him-«ll-innRor"nuiwt-irw^x” liIit: Ifi'cil l).v u iiuricH of KirrlfU; ox' v[irl>' toiliiy and niiuiy ol iliu' 111 •iifrnoiiM iil.uaril woru' kllk'd. y irc 'nit'iiiljurx ot I5ii? cri'xv dlcil )ti Iioh|>H:i1h- iinil rcaeiii'rn -n't iiiUliliiy rcniiuviMl .iwllcH «if Mtvctr ' ‘ ' rivcl |>crii()iiH rrntii.ilio clii o r iliu- cnitt. faiifci'r'wjiK.iiod II]) ni llm' douU'iiftvr iiiilandliik^ liur r(ir/-,ii of: ..................mijiii for Iciiiiod Into itio w i a.(|tiuriur of n 110 duld 1m iilmoHi Yell ForcM Jfe^ Japaiiese^^overnment Turns D 6 wn 2 PiimsiQiLs of RrJ W.VSUIXgVonV (UI’) — OKdeii M<llK .will Iio Jiiiin'pd.sccrclury of ■tlio.Tref|Mir>- ,to miccocd Aiidrnu' 'W.-Mftloti, lilt- AVIdlc Iluusi iiuiiiiccd lotl:iy. ..MIIJs . IS un.lcr»fcri;l«ry of Uio:troiiitiir>> Tlio aniioiincoiiKnii wan and formally by'rtii:odi)re JosUn. , , , ....... j. [deni JIO(ivcr'« Hdcrutary.- Uo «nl.l '"■'ido oil, IjroiiBlit from M o x ico ^ lui did iiol know wliuiliur :\l<dlon'rt .^ " ' "cmlier^j of il.o m JK iiulloa liHil 4.CCI11 qtri<!lally rtul.-i»i>^'Vt--dui'M.w>;ro..€lu»ii|iiK. »ui ______ hiiUlcd .11* ycl. Tlicro ivaii no liidl* ^ ' ciilloii wiicn till) diaiiKO would uikc WASmNOTO.V (Iri’) Two nliico. ullhoiiBli It l« cxuected Mllb of ilio Ilouvc wIlllJo JDMlallud Hlioiily. JHh. jn^tnliialldu will lie iieiiL tc (bo Scmitu au hh Multoiroffi', claljy njsjKM"’lo tnko ii|> Mm «m- ■ornlilj> to 0 real Uriliiliir , OUC. HWllll. inllo lii walbi ii« liarulj-rt'd. ............................... . . ti-itu'lr-tmillo-t •loarcd Ny tliu fUuiioK, TIii'Ko w(-r«i luliuii li^liorniltiilii’jiiftjrii four died (pdiiy. oilutrji liucli imrloim'i rotiditloii lliulr llvm>.weii!.(li;siiuUo.di' <lf. Till) rifNowlns vlcllnm'wi-Tu |i Ilf led: . , Cll|>I. Joocpll lUviTH. .Sicidit'U ‘Marx. I'lillixlilidila. Noiu-o Hlovi'ilorc. Uity Uonillloa, MiirliHia, liii. h‘dwli> iniM».-ll. Hook, J'MwaKl a io ltit v .. .MI>'Ul;:uii i iiid. .............. ............... FiFIMRHir-i -today-i« tte Far East - Of HODruBc'uUKivut!. I'ervy ot. 'Siniiiicd'TtUili' orford'.of jUiOr^la. ........................... . . .......... iHwl todiiy. , , , .. Hoth Hiiffcruil HiiOduii lieurLiul-.- n.iiliojrortiii lito Q«lu'ut' iM liw had iiionl for xoniu llliioM. IUiUi(>rrord,:dJcil [) rri-itldioit ut' ltiu time >liu I auii'tc' _____ _ ______________ ut- 7rir. a. Quiti hi'ttiSO! n.'Ui. '^tlm ln iin ir'iT Com^iiltln- •>. QflH_wiN.tliiiiruion ot.ihuJl'jUH inllltaiy (iffnlrii cuinuilucn. ■Ituili crforil_was cli:Uniinn of Uw . coiil - iiillloc-oit-<loctlon«'or lUu iir"ul- doiit,-vied i>rv(ildoiit aiiJ ro|ircr • .eicniotlvos In' CoiiKrfHH. ■ - Tlio clcHlliH roduccil t o . fivo, lJa> PtiHocrallc iiinjorliy In fliojloui 4 'rite KlundlHK n«w lvccomea’.--ilni flcrnlH. UlS; Uciiubllcuini,',. 21 t’anncr-Lrtibor,-1: vacanylea n... . ' lllps Ilislnullr ; ,• Iludiorfonl wa«J-|irt>imrlnV for liln batJi wli-:n tlio-licurl^,olliifk . .occurrcU. .IJIu. wlfo* JiounUldm-'fHU. lli> w ta dead when tho hotel, doc-, lor readied iho loom. . Quin Jinil IJccn-uiidof'"troiilmcnt 'fo r anoilier ••nllnicnt,. Tli* lici.ri minck lirouRhl dofltU almDte(.i Jn- tilntitly Jmviil doctorii «aiu. Quin wa» CS ycftra old, fllcgoiiib, roscDtcJ tlio inoyond'i‘^l»<l9iilppl dlHtrict conllnuously ulnco 1012.-,. Iliilhcrford .waj|,fl2vati4i wtui il'nit olectod Troih tliD'Tnxtir-Ci'^lir ill!itrIct- iH-i0S4: -Ito ImU. im cil 'Ui«*oVconinMjutlvij-1orpii .dB.'intiyor uf lil«.honi6 .lowti;:,,Riraylli,;qtt. W INTERBLI CYBREAil imoliEs , FKIKXn UOOVKIl •WASIU.VOtO.V. (U r) — O R d 0 II I.lvlug»{QU IMIUh. ■SccruUiry ’.MhU Ion’ll iindoriiiudy un iiiideniccryliiry ,«t.tlio-trwuiury,-aiid-HJlilod-l(H«i'<^- :cud >.^fclIo(l Ih »n orl*;l»»l Jloovur ■iiQii -who uik|..4<yo >o oyo w lih him m la cutuitulKn. ltl« l»CU>cwe« III tlin '\Mliltu IIouKC tiiiii ibcc‘U n Known riictor'Iir WaHhliiKtoii'jiolIU' cul life. - , I..ini{ lii-SiH.IIfffht .. ',Sol ..... '. .... ............... ... ., Iiiiu-d .by Honio.lo ii 'lliirv;ird cdi.. tloa, II CatnbrldKO law coiiriie, Krciil i.oavy , Inhorlled wi'nllli. blsli iiocliil do«1* poriatlon. T hrcu dL'iidiii 111 OlilriiKi IvftHtla «J,A» SmUh in-tlio m o Now ,,tlrlb»iled lo tho s((irni_and two \ork «1H orsiibL-rnatorliil conicMt „irccL. car-^ioiorniOn.-^rmi.Ml by ollni nulcd MIllH.from tliu jiollcliil ijio wlnU-wliii^iiif.I.ourialn of fluho.i, nc'iit thulr cju-K Into colllulon In tlio ,,WI1I« j:oniiilcici IWt ronr.ytvir,,,^,^.. w(jaL_aldc...liijurlnK'a-«<'(»i^-;{- . . 1, 1 .! < TOHi«t. o t .Unn^VjJ 111 Uiri'c yoiirH, scrlomrty cnoiiKh to be taken Divers Pondeu ' Over, Methods ; Kriiunaiinu In lOWi a i Ibe aKo of l". t<> iif>«i>liiilK ' I- - _ . . . <-• . < '1 . Uo .-rollowcd tlil« Hj> will., a Inwj j.^om flvi. 1C u'cven' IncliM ofl of RaiSIllff^U-Pfttcd j M .l courHo-in CiimlirldKc. . Ihiiok-lay over iiorlhtrn-.Illlnohi and' ' ■ VcSsel :Mli;liiuiiii, American Qomoa Tn r ield’ln. BOO Moter Seating 2^00 . Worst'Bllrzard"orScaiioirHits Mid^wcH;-Floods Men. aco Indiana Ily I^‘nll<:i| l>ri-»S , ' r I - I blizxiU'd iinliiiralluli'd tliU tbD _i>o»llcn» cnr«u aUrU:,^.^ itodiij, Ullln); iiji a «lx.|nt;h rbliiiikct .............. o\v mid ci'l|.jil)iiK triiNH- Man Claims Sugar. Cube Hit His Eye Demands $103,890 ibrrAvii of ilif ; .^.P .ESIRUClULj!*^'i ------' Ohiticsc'womi jiffSiiSA Ss Chinese . Troops-CUdiix Victory Over Wide Front; Loot- inff Expccled i>lf;\N(iM .\l ( I ' l 'l —.lllUKII • KhrtT-Tnciiihvnt—iiiikiy. ilnt.i <-M-ilii-ii^'5'iIicUK' • n -rtifc r«T'- moiii'-■iiii'5‘ili'<‘ ll(i.-s I..1I 1.V 111 a il.-s pri-alc effu i-t 'di t.Uu'U a C«-l rhni. miiiri'o ..lf.-ii.!lvo -.vbli-lij iib n .ti I'lli'd io <'Vui-wlK-liii lin-m- ij Til.- .lapaiicjio .j.ri-pavnl fi.r al' I'tFllllIli-l--offlllMlV.- I.. iltr.,u'.'1.;i.'lt <'llll>l' ..!• ;.lll»'h tniopx xvlu. hii'I ..................... -.'.v.-i- wUl-i fli.iil. Til.' Clilii i-'li- n-poi'K'il llii-vi llllll I|-:iUp;-cl lu'ii . hiiliathiii,! of .lii|>-| Japnn finds unaccoplublu two piovi.sioiis ol' tlie pTiace plan ntJvanccd EiiBlund luul Ihc United Slates, lo aotlle the - ‘linttr----- ^— ---------------- . . ' , were acliii^' a;i uolctiun at Shungliai, usin^' weapon:;, _ \yaniliiiJti silenced'Wqo.'iiui^M'orts. Tlie fort ciinii re- filled as boat liiey cquld, l)Ut thou- rihclln did. not reach their targets. D. C. Bess,'a United Press correHpondciit, wiilched tliis attack and wrote a vivid description of , it, Adminil M. M ’Tiiylor, commander of American Niival torcei! at Shanghai,' radioed lo WuKhin;]toi> that Japaitcii'u patrols have left tho Ameri(!an and Briti:;h defence {lectors. Early-Fridil^ niorninK', lontr-.ljcfore aimrisi:, ,hoslililies wi-Ve. n}nesvqd,.iu .fl!''iP*-‘'i native suction of ShiuiKliai. Ail night* long biiildings -of ihe city .burned fiercely, but ihere w ei^io niili- tary chishea. . - f uuUn;t. ’nilni-.'f 'I'll.' (Ml SUiENBRlIlS suBisme, itai/oa. (■ .laiMiu-),!' -jitIi.I I TIk'I i iiiniiinnllldi iiMii' i|f|.|,'iluii a fli-u- Ti|ai-l;fiicd al iJiioliii/: IM/1 Mill's Irfl7|- 111' Ir Mil . jiidlni liry lai Hi;riJ»V.u"ti}^>rot"®ubiic^^ mi- yait a.flat, failure. Ho ran for. Con-:,noroiiH minor accldonlM. * ,• ,r.' ' ■* 'I Suffering ot.tlio-dwitUulo wan In- -Jii, iql-l, Mlllii won u HwiMn Ihe tonslflcd. i;,..,. >.*5. ,>'>?« ics»«laiuro, nntil *riio ChlcnRo inirfaco UnoH ordor- florvtfd -Awb -terjns, dlatlnKiilHhlnK ed 6ui 101 mccliiuilcal Hwut‘i>urs. ff^ni Mnncir fiK-a tiix and financial .«•! nml Imndrcdn tff nhov -’- - ^ l(iit:'-«li _____________ ■- Si'ncd'Ovei^wis J^v;lon.llle m'lir camo nlons. MIIIh tiurv'iil ovm cM nii n mnff-ufflci.T, .-tiV-dliicuxn-'JiudvHll'lit^-nlriii-k - by I Bnow-bllndcd'iiioU»rl8i.- died ia lio.Hpltal. . T’bn -fori-cnHt nfJIiC -WOiiHitT-bnr* ' ;LTO .woiitlior In the, ilrlVC Ilk- Cllllll'Sl. llllll dlllllll --------- 7"—— ------------- 'an: Hi" Ijici-ciiiilni: daiiKi-r li; lln Ibu 'IJrlll«li Hiiliiiiiirlnc tM-l!' loday,. concession w<-ro calm. Chlni-i;. dlKcovert-d In Itio • rtrook-nlrcwn ImiilicrH fc»ri-d lotiilnK. Tbi.y fear il -.Sfan-ri .bai-lylnk- alonijnhlo ii «'■ J’blnM .!. arlul<!« REPflRIiR M-S ■ Late Flashes jMESEGONSjJ^JLeiiini WMOMFORIS D, C. 'Bes.={ W .ilchcfi Bombard-j ment -.From Jap Liner | Dairen Marti , ,j iiv 1). r. iw:ss (, rnlird t’n-l.. Staff .................... . (C.Hnrl«lil I'}' I'liIU’d I'r • SIlA.SCMAl il'l')'—HiiH'Tini: Vniii-.i/- r iiiuim H :ih muil . I ' fiorii Worid Tlio MO liad.hcfi Jiinnaii*_:iC— itua'cn ol’_(ln)lt roiilmaii A ll ilio -JMIHb’ wocK. In tlio' HoUKo nuidc liliini-Mttino n# tilt obloHfJloimbll- cttn 'nenibor on tax and iflnance —snru Joliii (Jack)! Oariior, prcflont. DfeiaocrflHo apcaker .of ilio ..................... ..........................,;«'orked Chlcufio urea lonlKlit. , j"'«« foiiml aniiny ilnicH,. hut i Sonih of tlio rcBlon-rovrred byiH'vcejis tnul .bronjUU .ni. only mu dco|) jinow. floodH - monncL-d. 'niL-i*H''''lnu Mbmal fhiK». IiroHpcci o£ mlllloiiii at ‘lonH nioru, Tlio•cauw.ofjbo dhmmer had i wa(er frniu tlio HHovf.;tliuriud*iii)|irL-l>'‘-’ca’'dfform lnod nor had divi lioimlon in Noiitborti'Uhdlonn.-u-berollvarned how ninny of tho Co-ni X Lt-D. STPatriarch Called by Death .SALT LAKli (.‘ITV, rioll. tl' —liVaUi ttrdiiy iinL-xiioiIlodly i.'nd (bo llfu of Ilyrniii C.lldjH'Sinli i':' prvnldlOK pa-'.TiatcIi o f tho 1>. B.- Onirch iind .'ilio foiiTtU 't ri'ci doxtonil.'ftit of tlio rii>i[ Mt... Knillli. Sr. liahilai; a •J;iiiani':i.t iiir- iiiTlcr. and a niiindy dlilit. VII Miirii ancliored a Nllle );bl wamliliiM bombardInK 'lli;lii_l:rulM'cni aiid*’livt!i i Kpoiiltd riiinic iili.'iidllv I. III. illrplam-s direrlrd ilu •. Th.‘ ChlnPHit •biilli-rli'.i lo- mil'll fcr'iily. Tln'lr hIu'IIh rt-afh- liardly 1mlf-,>vay lo ibo Jiiji- \var.Hlii|i3. ........ . YWIili. ---- N iH lbln ii;in'i\(; itK:.\i;ivi:i> MI.\\»Jll.VI. fl'rlduy). (iri‘) T<-rrIi'i<- I'lu'blliiu'-mis n-siiaiw N»rlb -latli.n frmit li<da> afl<-r it lull «f In tbi-.batlli', diiriiiir rli till- .liliiriiik' riilii>> of .ifc'TiK-ri; thr mily uf KoivluN iiilllliir). ob>,eru‘rk lirlllMi-d llii- ,lut>aui-si' liiid laiiiK-bcd It riiiiil ei'fiirl l» dis'- loiltff till- (-blni'sc. »|M. hino Il...... rcsMInc thcai nllh >nr- l.rlsluk' Mien-'*. iK'fvwlvi'ii ""I't- fli-nx-nl lii'M thi'lr |>us|||unK nli-rily. iVnrliiK Hk- jioxslbiUty (liat Iho niliii-H-. If nintfd, Moiild nl(4-ni|il III nisb the |,*»k*N' tn tin* M>((tomvut. - .^Hos-t=ntnoiV>t iuai-l.lHo irnns «nr. droMiU'd out moil ot l)ii- lim r by Ibo ninililt' of jirUUer}. t;mii I ' llm- nh>?llM rals u d (•lulKbr of dilsl, . Tbt 1/AlOi a-hAOil), (CJ*) — Jack , Shea, of llio United Status, woa ibo 500. muter «t»cod Hkrtttnk •■nee. . tlio firul event, of tho ^vlnter Olyiii- jilc’ . nroB'n«n» 'wlitch opened -bere today. - " ShoJi croliscdTJia-TIiHinnnio^flT? ...yurdH 111 front <>I SvoiscfivDiincn , of Norway, worlil'H- rtoord iioldcr. AlojAiHlor Hurd, or poflndn, -wai* third/ '.and,.Fra»k;,aWok;-.;alKO of Canada, wijo dvfoiilrd Jliird. in tlio first <iunllfylUK .rotirlJi: ' A'"KNior«l ad vutorciH duty of. W puK cent; on. All IniportH In C roat-BrllAln,^vKll "ccrtnln bxccptlonii. .wnit. i^ircpOBod' ary .XovIllo Cbnulibrltllu. ctumcoN lor'of Uio oxelic(]nor; ia Introdue- —^inrKMbo—jfDvormHcnf 6~fi»(UruriD ' - ' tt\« ' Coiiuncmit <otlay. Then oatno hln 4llHn»tronii battio with •■AI" Smith for llin covoruor-; jildp of Nfcv .York. -uMIIIh uannllod Smllh’^^’lth tlio remark “lliero In truth 1n tho pmn In public vnjollfe;" . .Sinltli leapud' nl (lio iihra drn1jbt:d MIIIh Iwilly. ^llllll Iniiiiiccd .JroiiV .-(liat^-defc, ..o.,-tlio undor-Hefrotaryshlii-.wltJi tho Cu<illdKo adinlnlHirntlon.i iNot ,untll...Iioovor and tliO' dcpreyulon camp, nloiifc', Old ‘.MHU tllsjihiy- ]iIh full,,ltilonls. ; . ,,, • «e^»\lIo‘ntloriHiii: «:mlll , 'itllllA'lii.i:ivun »oino «;rodll fur Ibo <«w;-jcnr dul.t niorutbrlinn. «’\Vhon •Ifoovcr. halliod iit It. silIlB'To^iott'od' lilit. adrleo niid finally . It \vont tliroiii;li under tlic porxonal eoax- Int;'-ofVlho undurHecruiury, itoiia- mnhorlttcA «h(d. - ’ FJnahclal craHbeii In (•onnany nis'nln l>rbiichl.Mlllu into iltu K|iol' ;igbt. Wlion Laval vl!ill.e<l^loover It'tnnnjinilvwho wna m the PrcNl- dcnt’iv cMniw ond It won 7111" pvrutb tho fliMl nsrcei^ioiit. "^^over Galls XJpon Nation To Put ‘Slacker Dollar’ to -H orfcforixbodtofX Iouni^ • Unllo'il I'roM HUirt t‘crreKiiouilp“t .-WsniNOTOX. {Oi>Jr~War, lins^ ^>on .doclurcd .itii ,tJio,-.'.‘iilucKbr ' Pro8l<lcal'iroov(jr haa •cttlloO Aii^ ,..;oU c diKy:..(a'.2>rlui;.SlMU.OUO,V{»0 'iguf or . hoardlne ,andVj>uiTlt'.' to V 'm 'ork-rn a "Wiir ntfalnal. doprun- ,-;|iI6o.'* ..i .L-.i_Th'c»eudollarSj'ara'.ltidtIou_.un«lor. ,'"jnattfcfiBD8," In utooKlnsr, cooWo J»r«i an<r- 8afQ-yepOBa-* 0*es.'>They ' laro oarnlhg no IntereB^ for. tliolr .V'-owiior*.- TJioyr:arB ■ilolne-up-Wl- ■• 'ar®%4tfii>S.«.n)®" - out -of •work, ;-ThejI3%.v« cauwjd 'liuadrod*- «t ... Jlouvtfr tt\m> uuHeil .on ltr.ul' ofr-tniblnc.tii.'ucrlcnKttre. lat^ir, ohdrcficu, ticlioolfi. uonlcu cIubHt patnouc -Hocioticn and tmdo ax- imlatlonB to meet. wUb Jilm Sat> uhdii^‘ lu H(A-U(r It national oreun* lutlod. eb ‘ tbo citmpalfn.' ^-rjmrif-.wiuni.Tlay 'imrretim l<2cati»o o f 'ffiOfii -'^>y '^/^^slltonod •'■'lioanlcrfc--, •S"'. iJonmgo'Kceiledi^ ’ .'r' ^ .! Pri»l(J£tifc HoovtV ntm .summoias' •>Atncrlbah cltUena. to.'inuiilor «nr- tlmo .unity.-tthd/iouralfo'. und,j«o- ?;:'ltot li a oallcin-'Wldo Kar' tb'im t f- "claikisr 'dollaM’' .to work.-j ir,^-,Thla appear ’ h ' m :„tniuJo ■ :n fw d Admlnl!(tra((ir. -lie «tlrfdd Uio .country W ikivo food to 'Wln- Uio n ’ar. , i!o apitcoled both to iiatriotiMn) aad'-<fl ieif-lMoreoL Mt-tr< tlip avoraso 'clllxon’«—cUance; l«.:..ilie Kaailc,. offort»-ot- tho-42,-000,ootl.' COfti UwoTiMtuclSon Flnaace blocd i>f-tlio nation-agftlo_- ,. ?*Kveryono.-. lioanllntf . cnrrcncj'. Injutet not.*pi).ly. Ilia own.'pros- p«ui anO .ihoso oL Ills loiiilly. but' la.nctlDffiContrary-to iho com* Jiion' sood/r-Mr. Hooror uliL-vlt I*’. t t r r o r e i r ^ M - .lAto«wt'^»iBt tlitiy Hlioulct iH}turh :lt to clreulatloa.^aa .■\f6jl,;oi'.a pltrlotlo; Kcrvico to tJio, oountry»<ufc a-yTbolt.". ■ , - g . . . : ^ ............ ' (In.. foriH vvoi^e, itl- ..Meanu-hllo. doz(Mi!i of nhinii oi all nailiiiiinfncK' liml iixi<i’iiibli'<l im jii biirdmenl. A llrlllHli f;iinboat lii) dirt'ully lii'hlnd Ibo .lapani'iio. i\v Jiiimm'-ie alr|)liinc:i clrcl- ;V<k-icmU-il ■foriH.’ iioiiii}" ' 'ilroiiyeil ■|;ui)i]i5_i!a_lUe.^hlniaii-jl!;ruuiL;iui. ........................... i.f ibu 111- ,Sec«i Umiie. \Vrou«Ut . TIkl Diilrun Mu'rii j.rcciieded ii|i llii> WhaiiKPOo I'lvur lo .Sli.intbi-.l al I p .m . Wii |«»!icit .i’|ii:<u In.Kbuif III \Vvii!iii:iK whore lb« cl^umiirl tiiH Xmw. i could-p'l‘o tbo ahiilliirrtil CbltjOxo bliltci-le-t' iiiid nhell-un-n- IIdH'.'oh iind luiHdlau-.----- i. - - -— .SIii'IIk inid loi-n Im p ' hnli"< in itio roolK and :iiiiaidii-d I'miiitk'nn Cbliu'so mini 'I iohsi' h i» bliu. .•Wn’iimiiR. II town of in,mm ^ii- .liabllantH. itjilefly linburnit-n. 4v;ik 'ileuTled. Tbo nblim j>ii»si''l u|i- iili'oiim uiidliiturbid. ' • W'ASIII.VGTON (i:i') — Sonnlrtr liiivlfiv Ui-|in.. I‘a.. lodiiy> deoliirrd blm«olf In favor of ruii.;iil of ib< IStb amfindmdui_iuul-r»t*lopni Ibinor contnil lo ibo .k1«(c - h. ftflERlMiS ntE N t;n .m.mji: ukqukst l*:iKI.S. (Ul*)_Tin. forrtifn offko,, ,toiliiy_.Hnn'oiittecifc11ia t_ Ibo i-'rcNcIi nnilmxudor io Ja-' pitit, (Viuul IK> lluctel. Imd niiulc .Ti'U' n'pro Ilio .laiiiini'so il’nMlluK H' to resiu'ci Sbanu’Iml. Inti'rimdunHl ! jHpiit and V'n'nrh ,cimrf»to1 IVO.MK.V .SIII,|l!Klt.S SII.l.\(;llAI dt) - IVoinot ^«i-n> dIscouiTi-d 'xiin^ inml. in nn Iniirtlvv, soc< liir loduy. , ' ItciiorliTs iitloiilidlni; l» >'o)> loiv tbo rh cr niiid to ll'noMini;' fiirli bclou .SbaiiKhal onttnfnl. iTi-il Ibo rnnumtlaKCtl-tmnJl- I!IioId. by ■H- (lozon ..tbluewi - mu-. ■non v'txipix-d nllli nnrleiil' NI.PPONFEARFUL Government at Tokio Hands Reply To Am Britieh Ambassadors Ctd. (I.M'J -Tho Kovopuuion(. day'piibllicju'il llii Toply reJOiil- i; lu-ii -polndi Sii ilio jiropoHali '\>)i-lrl jioweri’ for pcaco; In ■‘V llllll. Ibo Ri'i-ouil and flftli'i'olniv. Till- i-t'|ill<':< WL-ru iKiiided lo 'th u IViiied Sluio.1^tbiULHidor. ,\V. ' (.•iimcrun l-’orbw ; '-ind tb'o Hrltluh utiili;\~iu,U«r. Sir l'Vuivel',1 l.lnvUoy ’ • Thi- .-.oi'oad imlii'l lu Ibo iiro-' I.ii'<ab> ;illt>u1a(i'il .thoro' t>o mi runbir mobfl'liailon t>r pn-iiaratlou for fuiHVo limtllHluii Wvwceii Ja- liaii and Cblua. . _ .Mlu-lil l.riK o .llnnrhnrlu Tho-flfib-.'Hill'd noKoilaHon«. (0 ' n-'illo .all oiKNiandliiir contriivcrn- l<-s iH'twwii'ibo two niUlona la , ibc spirit Ilf Ibo Kolloise pact liittbiK.war. .ThiH jnlcbi result in , loMi of .Miinc-bnrla lo. Japan. • The Intniduiilon {<> Japiiu’u. ni* ply h.-ilil ilmi "Jiipiuieso ■forwW win ci-aito hostimUo.i'IfU hi i> m > MUi'<'<l ihitt riiL'joao furcoK Itnmedl^ aii'ly coniploii-ly ceauo .ihclr mca- iiolnu and «llHturblnK uctlvtttoK.” It added: '■If- on tbe o<jntrary ilio Clil- ' iKwiv ' linoludlng rcKnlarn Mind pliUaelc-'.benmeu) . iicrslHt.-lu , hucIi . s\dl'!Ulwv. Jupan rcsmoa liiU' '■' ; frcodom of actlo^for its tultltary i "l:i Tinw . 4>t< rolU iljIono<>»-*-''xX »r >1110 CiniidSo-ln tho paat. iwd’ ' ' Iho Rrorily of.’tliO’‘t>r«a«nl-lOtiiB’ . < tloii^ Japan find. It iinl’io'sallila ,ui ‘ rcnounco-moblllu>lon-flr-']>ro^rn- tt<Tllit-ri.r .lioaiim iea/' the' repl/-'^ contlnnod. - A!>I>n»TO* X c u im l iZ o n o . ' 'f -, ‘Japan Iia.n <10 objoc'tlou to licr oouHiil and ucnimundor vntcilnK . iioKuilDtlons for an acrcoinent ■nncornlfiK •.SDpanatlou' d r • t«spce,- Ivo forcM "nnd Uic" ciitaWljib-. iiont, tf ncoosiiary,'«f a noiitriil ;ono In tho dinti-U-( of Chapcli“ -.- - •‘\Vhllol#It In prexnincd tluit nil ! ' »windln« <)UckUuiii« l>oVvfccjj^ Chlsi& T ‘ ” ipan ■■Jrielbilo tb n MiLftclnii^. . lenfiOT, Jujian -rcBortls., ;<}io - latter nii an cUtlrely HopamXo'oab. : '- from tho .iiluuKbal' iiffalr, titid " msrcovor ,11 U' covcrcd ^»y-lli{i, U-aKue o t 'N'alluiiH rcnolutloa, 'of / \ Doo(>niber 'lO .. • - _JlEUEHlCC2U0t l l ^ t iM, th O j Bf4tl«^is:r=p ijollcy .of-J«ilniu -not-lo-iicfopt.i(lliT>-^-^— jiKHlMtitncu -of litjutrul obncrvom or V. linrricIiiimtH ; ll^ "Ifio ■liet'dcM 'i^iTofT^ <(iM‘iahum t;uAceritlni;- Miuidiurla. ' Ilonco, tUo' euiidlllORK' In-iianty - Kniplt fU'o.oC Uio powora* Uoto' U . nccclitAblo to Jatw n. i‘< (SlKbcil) .Koi)klohl Yoshlskvrn/^ • ' OWSIW Nine^Bclow ?heiiiiumutCT , Herts -Mr. <;r<uiiiil HoB’it loiidmoiiy bero 4)f tho -pBitl, -wait-.ljcHcd-'by-roporla Jti:ouUli«l..Wordfl otJlJU-Cbcynfc ffovcrnmont jwoathor ’obsorvor ,nt 11)0 ‘ibiircnif <jf ■cnloin'i>1 'o)0 ’ horo ___ - tbo eolddiit^wtiitlior Mnco Dccember'lS'i^licn Uio lotfap^eraturo ■wan recorded i\L' Blx'do^oi..boloA<. ■'.Sldrnia vhava; dlxitod, ODty tho drUlA of tbo '(itiow; remaining, to - ollmlhatcl ■(hroifgli . .„.i»pcc'.inn jb o ' ‘-part of WRhwny a a t e a r liras .TAI' lMTKt>LH,U:.lVK WASlllNtnON .'.{I'V) — .\d. mlnil .M. .>L I ’nyli/r; frininmud.' liiK Anii'rlcan nutal-forrcs n( . Sliilimlial. adW.>M-it tbo.:i;iivy . di-imrtuiont by rndio lodiiy th a t, benate to C onstder nil- , ■liiiiuni^L' piilrolK-: bnv.'! _ ‘otiii tialoil ..VinorlKin iind llrlU Ml ' dofi-imo. Ki'filorv, • • ‘th u s “ ,.1 'asIiiK Ibiv xllNulliiii cn-all). - ltK< <HOia>r «MiKy.sll.VlliK U lab, (U l'l—Till) 'VVehU orn American W lnti-r-. Hporiit iin> SDi'laiton hiiM' r^tiiEnkcil Alf Bii- m-nV tiS" fcol leujx; «t- IHp 1'Jhc^ ono wcok_iu;o as tlio wnrld’ii ree- oni;. iL-.wali.anHonnfed today by'-'^ Wardoii. iicercdiry. j,. • Li, follette^ ^5lP; XVASUr.XOTUir^UVI-^lJattiliiR •■yoiiUK lk)b" -.-LaPoUclto^f .~\VU- ./ eomjln totlay .won an InltliU nue-' wKii In,^ Ills rlfebt'for',<llroct/;fou.-i.'.; enil »hl to tho j(»)llOH«; Tito .Sciiutd. forjiially a'ffreotl '^ i •.■.\U<5 «;> vWU »vwa»«tc'il iW LnKolloitfl ■nuii S tija io r. CoiitlKa'n,' Dom.. Colo.. I.i'bvldlne i37B,0M.<KKI- rpi- relief ^^^•o^k,— .V '. ' ' * . ' ; , c ; |'.c Two Plows Fight_SnQ3gS- :-ih-:7Zercr;-5Nfe|^^ niilwiiy iHtlivefii.Cniiiiiol niid '\\M1’#);Nc,v««lilr,cOiitlhue»itff-iIi'o|(^ suovvliontnl a 10-eur .lraiii;\tlivclv',lttCt Iwo oinfiuVs ntiil n^f'ft'ihvl In- ti^Tntur vv^iW'-' ’ ‘ onjfiiic?. At 11 o'd*ii«irTS»^diiy'-foronooni iuiothcr liulpcf .omra made up ot foiir more locoiiiotUis and an vJ« dltlopnl plow hod.-not yot rcachod W o-«i«lluy-trnln.--j«-hlch-.'iS"U5 mltOHJiiOUtliV'crVTwlh-fallB— ia'd abaui.'ll«J»tI«a‘-norlh-QC-W«Usr-^- ThQ.TAnxUIaD’ relief.-loi»inqtlvui> tionr mfnl'lnnt^ •'• tlio’finow nil nlrhti'werc) mllo-poBt -.101 an*! It: K"* «*pict«d they wonW bo aWfe (o>\jeco«i Iti t J r - ............=' attoraoon. ......................... ...... O n-'iho ■train •.wWch- left-Uero! V ;d n o * d io ''ul^^IU^^niaUdRIOl^i• to tbo-.fmtr.' ossloea'>nQ^1>low'. A w o rk . thiln-'. ontlitf.;; ciir-?-ind ifouch aakinar:;idStV;eo»mMr>tt:i: oretl up-rrom..Mtwo«a>h»re-'and PocatoUo io - ajiUtM tniihBr.w'- ■ ,VOn tno'.BUi«cd;ir(Unfj3ti^ditfdl torMlioyti;eBuWr • ,« w : •'W.Ar* -pusi

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^ s t ; T r e ^ *Will Sii<^ed Dawes

■IfllEiCM C

S e v e n ^ n Men . Die In Tanker Explosion

•MAJICUS nO O K. I’ll.. '(Ul*) - Hcvcnluvii Mit-n 'v6rc kllluil xvlioii till! S1II1 Oiri.'oiii|i;iti,v'(i (unkur niil- • •• vjiH sliiiHorcd' !)>• iL jierli's of

: L'«>lonl<)iiH .-toOnv III the r . I'a.. iJDclca. offlc-lcifH oM lurrnilii.

iiiiiliK. Soiiiu iiiumlMirti u f.'tlie cri’U'Oru HHlt'CIl.Suilili'iily (hcru caiiio .ila v Mri

lilioil. CoiifiiHioii T ltrc.iioro litiiHtii cuiiu) (iiilckly. Muintivrn if llm crow iiM<i Him-filcir<‘^


i _ 5 ^ ^ , .^ s ^ rA ifn b a 8 s a d o r .

' ■— TT •. Oongrossmon R u therfo rd :

Q uin Succum b to H cnrt '-A tta c k s .

i-iVK im : IXm . \uch:s u o o K . s>n.. u n ’>—'riit

.Him-«ll-innRor"nuiwt-irw^x” liIit: Ifi'cil l).v u iiuricH of KirrlfU; ox'

v[irl>' toiliiy and niiuiy ol iliu' 111 •iifrnoiiM iil.uaril woru' kllk'd.

y ir c 'nit'iiiljurx o t I5ii? cri'xv dlcil )ti Iioh|>H:i1h- iinil rcaeiii'rn -n't iiiUliliiy rcniiuviMl .iwllcH «if Mtvctr ' ‘ ' rivcl |>crii()iiH rrn tii.ilio clii

or iliu- c n itt.faiifci'r'w jiK .iiod II]) ni llm'

douU 'iiftvr iiiilandliik^ liur r(ir/-,ii of:

..................mijiii fo rIciiiiod Into itio w i

a .( |tiu riu r o f n 110 duld 1m iilmoHi

Y e l l F o r c M J f e ^ J a p a i i e s e ^ ^ o v e r n m e n t T u r n s D 6 w n 2

P i i m s i Q i L s o f R rJ

W.VSUIXg VonV (UI’) — OKdeii M<llK .will Iio Jiiiin 'pd.sccrclury of ■tlio.Tref|Mir>- ,to miccocd Aiidrnu''W.-Mftloti, lilt- AVIdlc Iluusi iiuiiiiccd lotl:iy...M IIJs . IS un.lcr»fcri;l«ry ofUio:troiiitiir>>

Tlio aniioiincoiiKnii wan uiadc.lia n d form ally by'rtii:odi)re JosUn. , „ , , ....... j.

[deni JIO(ivcr'« Hdcrutary.- Uo «nl.l '"■'ido o il, IjroiiBlit from M o x ic o ^ lui d id iiol know w liuiliur :\l<dlon'rt .^ " ' "cmlier^j o f il.o m JK iiu lloa liHil 4.CCI11 qtri<!lally rtul.-i»i>^'Vt--dui'M.w>;ro..€lu»ii|iiK. »ui

______ hiiUlcd .11* ycl. T licro ivaii no liidl* ^' ciilloii wiicn till) diaiiKO would uikcW ASmNOTO.V (Iri’) — Two nliico. ullhoiiBli It l« cxuected M llb

o f ilio Ilouvc w IlllJo JDMlallud Hlioiily.JHh. jn^tnliialldu will lie iieiiL tc

(bo Scmitu au hh M ulto iro ffi', c laljy njsjKM"’lo tnko ii|> Mm «m-

■ornlilj> to 0 rea l U riliiliir

, OUC. HWllll.inllo lii walbi ii« liarulj-rt'd.

............................... . . ti-itu 'lr-tmillo-t•loarcd Ny tliu fUuiioK, TIii 'Ko w(-r«i luliuii li^liorniltiilii’jiiftjrii four died (pdiiy. oilutrji liucli imrloim'irotiditloii lliu lr llvm>.weii!.(li;siiuUo.di' <lf.

Till) rifNowlns vlcllnm'wi-Tu |i Ilf led: . • ,

Cll|>I. Joocpll lUviTH..Sicidit'U ‘Marx. I'lillixlilidila.

Noiu-o Hlovi'ilorc.Uity U onillloa, M iirliHia, liii. h‘dwli> iniM».-ll. Hook, J'MwaKl a io ltitv .. .MI>'Ul;:uii i

iiid. .............. ...............

FiFIMRHir-i -today-i« tte Far East -

Of HODruBc'uUKivut!. I'ervy o t. 'Siniiiicd'TtUili' o rfo rd '.o f jU iO r^ la ............................. . .......... iHwl todiiy. , , , ..

Hoth Hiiffcruil HiiOduii lieu rL iu l- .- n .iilio jro rtiii lito

Q « lu 'u t ' iM liw had iiionl fo r xoniu llliioM. IUiUi(>rrord,:dJcil

[) rri-itldioit u t' ltiu tim e >liu

I auii'tc'_____ _ ______________ ut- 7rir.a. Quiti hi'ttiSO! n.'Ui.' ^ t l m l n i i n i r ' i T Com^iiltln-

•>. QflH_w iN .tliiiiruion o t.ihuJl'jU H in lllta iy (iffnlrii cuinuilucn. ■ Ituili c rforil_w as cli:Uniinn of Uw .coiil

- i i i lllo c -o it-< lo c tlo n « 'o r lUu iir"ul- d o iit ,-v ied i>rv(ildoiit aiiJ ro|ircr

• .eicniotlvos In ' CoiiKrfHH. ■- Tlio clcHlliH roduccil t o . fivo, lJa>

PtiH ocrallc iiinjorliy In f lio j lo u i4 'rite KlundlHK n«w lvccomea’.--ilni

flcrnlH. UlS; U ciiubllcuini,',. 21 t ’anncr-L rtibor,-1 : vacanylea n...

. ' lllps I lis ln u l lr ;,• Ilud iorfon l wa«J-|irt>imrlnV for

liln batJi wli-:n tlio -licu rl^ ,o lliifk . .occurrcU. .IJIu. wlfo* JiounUldm-'fHU.

lli> w ta dead w hen tho hotel, doc-, lor re a d ie d iho loom . .

Quin Jinil IJccn-uiidof'"troiilm cnt ' f o r ano ilie r ••nllnicnt,. Tli* lici.ri

m inck lirouRhl dofltU almDte(.i Jn- tilntitly Jmviil doctorii «aiu.■ Quin wa» CS ycftra old, fllcgoiiib,

roscDtcJ tlio inoyond'i‘ l»< l9 iilpp l dlHtrict conllnuously ulnco 1012.-,.

Iliilhcrford .waj|,fl2 vati4 i wtui il 'n it olectod Troih t l iD 'T n x t i r -C i '^ l i r ill!itrIct- iH -i0S 4 : -Ito ImU. im c i l

'Ui«*oVconinMjutlvij-1o rp ii .dB.'intiyor uf lil« .honi6 .low ti;:,,R iraylli,;qtt. ‘


•WASIU.VOtO.V. (U r ) — O R d 0 II I.lvlug»{QU IMIUh. ■ SccruUiry ’.MhU Ion’ll iindoriiiudy un iiiideniccryliiry

,«t.tlio-trwuiury,-aiid-HJlilod-l(H«i'<^- :cud >. fclIo(l Ih »n orl*;l»»l Jloovur ■iiQii -who uik|..4<yo >o oyo w lih him

m la cutuitulKn. ltl« l»CU>cwe«III tlin '\Mliltu IIouKC tiiiii ibcc‘U nKnown riictor'Iir WaHhliiKtoii'jiolIU' cul life. • • -

, I..ini{ lii-SiH.IIfffht ..',Sol . . . . . '. . . . . ............... ... .,

Iiiiu-d .by Honio.lo ii 'lliirv;ird cdi.. tloa, II CatnbrldKO la w coiiriie, Krciil i.oavy ,Inhorlled wi'nllli. b lsli iiocliil do«1* poriatlon.

T hrcu dL'iidiii 111 OlilriiKiIvftHtla «J,A» SmUh in-tlio m o Now ,,tlrlb»iled lo th o s ((irn i_and two \ o r k «1H orsiibL -rnatorliil conicMt „irccL. car-^ io iorn iO n.-^rm i.M l by ollni nulcd M IllH .from tliu jiollcliil ijio wlnU-wliii^iiif.I.ourialn of fluho.i,

nc'iit th u lr cju-K In to colllulon In tlio,,WI1I« j:oniiilcici IWt ronr.ytvir,,,^,^.. w(jaL_aldc...liijurlnK'a-«<'(»i^-;{- . . 1,1 .! <TOHi«t. o t .Unn^VjJ 111 Uiri'c yoiirH, scrlomrty cnoiiKh to be taken D ivers P o n d e u ' O ver, M ethods ; Kriiunaiinu In lOWi a i Ibe aKo of l" . t<> iif>«i>liiilK ' I- - _ . . . <-• . < '1 .Uo .-rollowcd tlil« Hj> will., a Inwj j.^om flvi. 1C u'cven' IncliM ofl of R a iS I ll f f^ U -P f ttc d j M .l courHo-in CiimlirldKc. . Ihiiok-lay over iiorlh trn -.Illlnoh i a nd ' ' ■ VcSsel


A m erican Qomoa Tnr ie ld ’ ln. BOO M oter

S ea tin g 2 ^ 0 0 .

W o rs t 'B llrz a rd "o rS c a iio irH its M id^w cH ;-Floods Men.

aco Ind iana

Ily I‘nll<:i| l>ri-»S , ' r I - I blizxiU'd iinliiiralluli'd tliU tbD _i>o»llcn» cnr«u aUrU:,^.^

itodiij, Ullln); iiji a «lx.|nt;h rbliiiikct .............. o\v mid ci'l|.jil)iiK triiNH-

M an C laim s Sugar. Cube H it H is Eye

D em ands $103,890

ibrrAvii o f ilif ;

. .P.E SIRUClULj!*^'i------— ' O h itic sc 'w o m i

j i f f S i i S A S sChinese . Troops-CUdiix V ictory

Over W ide F ro n t; Loot- inff E xpccled

i>lf;\N(iM.\l ( I ' l ' l —.lllUKII

• KhrtT-Tnciiihvnt—iiiikiy.

iln t.i <-M-ilii-ii '5'iIicUK' • n -rtifc r«T'-moiii'-■ iiii'5‘ili'<‘ ll(i.-s I..1I 1.V 111a il.-s pri-alc effu i-t 'di t.Uu'U a C«-lrhni. ■ m iiir i'o ..lf.-ii.!lvo -.vbli-lij

iib n .t i I'lli'd io <'Vui-wlK-liii lin-m- ijTil.- .lapaiicjio .j.ri-pavnl fi.r a l '

I'tFllllIli-l--offlllMlV.- I.. i l t r . ,u ' . '1.;i.'lt<'llll>l' ..!• ;.lll»'h tniopx xvlu. hii'I

..................... -.'.v.-i- wUl-ifli.iil. Til.' Clilii i-'li- n-poi'K'il llii-villllll I |-:iUp;-cl lu'ii . hiiliathiii,! of .lii|>-|

Jap n n finds unaccoplublu two piovi.sioiis ol' tlie pTiace plan ntJvanccd EiiBlund luul Ihc U nited S la te s , lo aotlle the

- ‘linttr----- — ---------------- . . ' ,were acliii^' a;i uolctiun a t Shungliai, usin^'

weapon:;, _\yaniliiiJti silenced'W qo.'iiui^M'orts. Tlie fo r t ciinii re ­

filled as boat liiey cquld, l)Ut thou- rihclln did. not reach their targets. D . C. Bess,'a U nited P ress correHpondciit, wiilched tliis a tta c k a n d wrote a vivid description of , it,

A dm inil M. M ’Tiiylor, com m ander of Am erican Niival torcei! a t Shanghai,' radioed lo WuKhin;]toi> th a t Japaitcii'u patrols have le ft tho Ameri(!an and Briti:;h defence {lectors.

E a r ly -F r id i l^ niorninK', lontr-.ljcfore aimrisi:, ,hoslililies wi-Ve. n}nesvqd,.iu .fl!''iP*-‘'i native suction of ShiuiKliai. Ail night* long biiildings -of ihe city .b u rned fiercely, b u t ihere w e i^ io niili- ta ry chishea. . - f


'I'll.' (Ml

SUiENBRlIlSs u B i s m e ,

itai/oa. (■ .laiMiu-),!' - ji tI i .I ITIk'I i iiiniiinnllldi iiMii' i |f |.|,'ilu ii a fli-u- Ti|ai-l;fiicd al

iJiioliii/: ■

IM/1 Mill's I r f l 7 | - 1 1 1 ' I r M i l

. jiidlni liry lai

H i;riJ»V .u"ti}^> ro t"® ub iic^^ mi-y a it a .f la t, fa ilu re . H o ran for. Con-:,noroiiH m inor accldonlM. *

,• ,r.' • ' ■* 'I S u ffering ot.tlio-dw itU ulo wan In-- J i i , iq l-l, Mlllii won u HwiMn Ihe tonslflcd. i ; , . . , .>.*5. ,>'>?« ics»«laiuro, nntil *riio ChlcnRo inirfaco UnoH ordor-florvtfd -Awb -terjns, dlatlnKiilHhlnK ed 6u i 101 mccliiuilcal Hwut‘i>urs. f f^ n i M nncir fiK-a tiix a n d financial .« •! nml Imndrcdn tff nhov -’- - ^

l(iit:'-«li_____________■- Si'ncd'Ovei wis J^v;lon.llle m'lir cam o nlons. MIIIh

tiurv'iil o v m c M nii n mnff-ufflci.T,

.-tiV-dliicuxn-'JiudvHll'lit^-nlriii-k - by I Bnow-bllndcd'iiioU»rl8i.- died ia lio.Hpltal. .

T’bn -fori-cnHt nfJIiC -WOiiHitT-bnr*■ ' ;LTO .woiitlior In the,

ilrlVC Ilk- Cllllll'Sl. llllll dlllllll--------- 7"—— ■------------- 'an: Hi" Ijici-ciiiilni: daiiKi-r li; lln

Ibu 'IJrlll«li Hiiliiiiiirlnc tM-l!' loday,. concession w<-ro calm . Chlni-i;. dlKcovert-d In Itio • rtrook-nlrcwn ImiilicrH fc»ri-d lotiilnK. Tbi.y fear

il -.Sfan-ri .bai-ly lnk- alonijnhlo ii «'■ J’blnM .!. arlul<!«

REPflRIiR M-S ■ Late FlashesjMESEGONSjJ^JLeiiini

WMOMFORISD , C . 'Bes.={ W .ilchcfi Bombard-j

m ent -.From Ja p L in er | D airen M arti , ,j

i iv 1). r . iw :ss (,rn l i rd t’n -l.. Staff .................... .(C.Hnrl«lil I'}' I'liIU’d I 'r• SIlA.SCMAl i l ' l ' ) '—HiiH'Tini:

Vniii-.i/- r ■ ■ ■iiiuim H:ih

muil. I '

fiorii Worid

Tlio MO liad .hcfi Jiinnaii*_:iC— itua'cn

ol’_ (ln )lt roiilmaiiAll ilio

-JMIHb’ wocK. In tlio ' HoUKo nuidc liliini-Mttino n# t i l t obloH fJloim bll- cttn 'nenibor on ta x and iflnance

—snru Joliii (Jack )! Oariior, prcflont. DfeiaocrflHo apcaker .of ilio

..................... ..........................,;« 'o rkedChlcufio urea lonlKlit. , j"'«« foiiml aniiny ilnicH,. hut i

Sonih of tlio rcB lon-rovrred byiH'vcejis tnul .bronjUU .ni. only mu dco|) jinow. floodH - monncL-d. 'niL-i*H''''lnu Mbmal fhiK».IiroHpcci o£ mlllloiiii a t ‘lonH nioru, T lio •c au w .o fjb o dhm m er had i w a(er frn iu tlio HHovf.;tliuriud*iii)|irL-l>'‘-’ca’ 'd ffo rm lnod n o r had divi lioimlon in Noiitborti'Uhdlonn.-u-berollvarned how ninny o f tho Co-ni

X Lt-D. ST PatriarchC alled by D eath

.SALT LAKli (.‘ITV, r io l l . t l '—liVaUi ttrdiiy iinL-xiioiIlodly i.'nd (bo llfu of Ilyrniii C.lldjH'Sinli i':' prvnldlOK pa-'.TiatcIi o f tho 1>. B.- Onirch iind .'ilio foiiTtU 't ri'ci doxtonil.'ftit of tlio rii>i[ Mt...

Knillli. Sr.

liahilai; a •J;iiiani':i.t iiir- iiiTlcr. and a niiindy dlilit. VII Miirii ancliored a Nllle );bl wamliliiM bombardInK

'lli;lii_l:rulM'cni a iid * ’livt!i i Kpoiiltd riiinic iili.'iidllv I. III. illrplam-s d irerlrd ilu

•. Th.‘ ChlnPHit •biilli-rli'.i lo- mil'll fcr'iily. Tln'lr hIu'IIh rt-afh- liardly 1mlf-,>vay lo ibo Jiiji-

\var.Hlii|i3......... . YWIili. ----


ii;in'i\(; itK:.\i;ivi:i> M I.\\»Jll.V I. f l 'rlduy). ( ir i‘) T<-rrIi'i<- I'lu'blliiu'-mis n-siiaiw

N»rlb -latli.n frmit li<da> afl<-r it lull «f In tb tlli ', diiriiiir

rli till- .liliiriiik' riilii>> of .ifc'TiK-ri; th r mily uf

KoivluN iiilllliir). ob>,eru‘rk lirlllMi-d llii- ,lut>aui-si' l i i id laiiiK-bcd It riiiiil ei'fiirl l» dis'- loiltff till- (-blni'sc. »|M. hinoIl...... rc sM In c thcai n llh >nr-l.rlsluk' Mien-'*.

iK'fvwlvi'ii ""I't-fli-nx-nl lii'M th i'lr |>us|||unK nli-rily . iVnrliiK Hk- jioxslbiUty (lia t Iho niliii-H-. If n in tfd , Moiild n l(4-ni|il III n isb the |,*»k*N'tn tin* M>((tomvut. - ■ ■

.^Hos-t=ntnoiV>t iuai-l.lHo irnns «nr. droMiU'd out moil o t l)ii- l im r by Ibo n inililt' of jirUUer}.

t;mii I

' llm-nh>?llM ralsud (•lulKbr of dils l, .


1/A lO i a-hA O il), (CJ*) — Jack , Shea, o f llio United Status, w oa

ibo 500. m uter «t»cod Hkrtttnk •■nee.. tlio firu l event, o f tho ^vlnter Olyiii-

jilc ’. nroB'n«n» 'w litch opened -bere today.

- " ShoJi croliscdTJia-TIiH innnio^flT? ...yurdH 111 fron t <>I SvoiscfivDiincn , of Norway, worlil'H- r to o rd iioldcr.

AlojAiHlor Hurd, o r poflndn, -wai* th ird / '.and,.Fra»k;,aW ok;-.;alKO of Canada, wijo dvfoiilrd J li ird . in tlio f irs t <iunllfylUK .rotirlJi:

' A'"KNior«l advutorciH duty o f. W puK cent; on. All IniportH In C ro a t-BrllAln,^vKll

"ccrtnln bxccptlonii. .w nit. i ircpOBod' ary .XovIllo C bnulibrltllu . ctumcoN l o r 'o f Uio oxelic(]nor; ia Introdue-

— inrKMbo—jfDvormHcnf6~fi»(UruriD' - ' tt\«' Coiiuncmit <otlay.

T hen oatno hln 4llHn»tronii battio w ith •■AI" Sm ith fo r llin covoruor-; jildp o f Nfcv .York. -uMIIIh uannllod Sm llh’^ ’lth tlio rem ark “lliero In t ru th 1n tho pmn In public v n jo llfe ;" . •.S in ltli leapud' nl (lio iihra

d rn 1jbt:d MIIIh Iwilly.^llllll Iniiiiiccd .Jro iiV .-(liat^-defc, ..o.,-tlio undor-Hefrotaryshlii-.wltJi

tho Cu<illdKo adinlnlH irntlon.i iNot ,untll...Iioovor and tliO' dcpreyulon camp, nloiifc', Old ‘.MHU tllsjihiy- ]iIh full,,ltilonls. ; . , , , •

«e^»\lIo‘ntloriHiii: « :m lll , 'itllllA'lii.i:ivun »oino «;rodll fu r Ibo

<«w;-jcnr dul.t n ioru tbrlinn . «’\Vhon •Ifoovcr. halliod iit It. silIlB'To^iott'od' lilit. ad rle o niid finally . I t \vont tliroiii;li under tlic porxonal eoax- In t;'-o fV lho undurHecruiury, itoiia- m nhorlttcA «h(d. - ’ FJnahclal craHbeii In (•onnany

nis'nln l>rbiichl.Mlllu into iltu K|iol' ;igbt. W lion Laval vl!ill.e< l^loover I t'tn n n jin ilv w h o wna m th e PrcNl- dcn t’iv cMniw ond I t won 7111"

pvrutb tho fliMl nsrcei^ioiit.

"^^over Galls XJpon Nation To Put ‘Slacker Dollar’ to - H o r f c f o r i x b o d t o f X I o u n i ^

• Unllo'il I 'roM HUirt t ‘crreKiiouilp“ t .-W sniN O TO X . {Oi>Jr~War, lins

^ > o n .doclurcd . iti i ,tJio,-.'.‘iilucKbr

' Pro8l<lcal'iroov(jr haa •cttlloO Aii^

, . . ;o U c d iK y:..(a'.2>rlui;.SlMU.OUO,V{»0'ig u f o r . ho a rd ln e ,andV j>uiT lt'.' to

V 'm 'o rk - rn a "Wiir ntfalnal. doprun- ,-;|iI6o.'* ..i

.L-.i_Th'c»eudollarSj'ara'.ltidtIou_.un«lor. ,'" jnattfcfiB D 8," In utooKlnsr, cooWo

J»r«i an<r-8afQ-yepOBa-*0*es.'>They ' l a r o oa rn lhg no IntereB^ fo r. tliolr .V'-owiior*.- TJioyr:arB ■ilolne-up-W l-

■ • 'ar®%4tfii>S.«.n)®" - out -of • work, ;-ThejI3%.v« cauwjd 'liuadrod*- «t

. . . Jlouvtfr tt\m> uuHeil .on ltr.ul' ofr-tniblnc.tii.'ucrlcnKttre. lat^ir,

ohdrcficu, ticlioolfi. u o n lc u cIubHt p a tn o u c -Hocioticn and tm do ax- im latlonB to m eet. wUb Jilm Sat> uhdii^‘ lu H(A-U(r It na tional oreun* lu t lo d . eb ‘ tbo c itm palfn .' ^-rjmrif-.wiuni.Tlay 'imrretim

l<2cati»o of 'ffiOfii -'^>y '^/^^slltonod •'■'lioanlcrfc--,•S "'. iJonmgo'Kceiledi ’ .'r' ^. ! Pri»l(J£tifc HoovtV n tm .summoias' •>Atncrlbah c ltU ena. to.'inuiilor « n r -

tlm o .un ity .-tthd /iou ralfo '. und ,j«o- ?;:'lto t l i a oallcin-'Wldo K ar ' tb 'im t f- "c la ik isr 'dollaM ’' .to work.-j ir,^-,Thla a ppea r ’ h 'm :„tniuJo ■ :n

fw d Admlnl!(tra((ir. -lie «tlrfdd Uio .country W ikivo food to 'Wln- Uio n ’ar.

, i!o apitcoled bo th to iiatriotiMn) aad '-< fl ieif-lM oreoL M t-tr< tlip avoraso 'c lllxon’«—cUance; l«.:..ilie

Kaailc,. o f fo r t» -o t- tho-42,-000,ootl.' COfti UwoTiMtuclSon Flnaace

blocd i>f-tlio n a tio n -a g f tlo _ - ,. ?*Kveryono.-. lioanllntf . cnrrcncj'. In ju te t not.*pi).ly. Ilia o w n .'p ro s- p « u i anO .ihoso oL Ills loiiilly. b u t ' la .nctlD ffiContrary-to iho com* Jiion' sood /r-M r. H o o ro r u l iL - v l t I*’. t t r r o r e i r ^ M - .lAto«wt'^»iBt tlitiy Hlioulct iH}turh : l t to c lreu la tloa .^aa .■\f6j l,;o i '.a p ltrlo tlo ; Kcrvico to tJio, oountry»<ufc a-yTbolt." . ■ ,

- g . . . : ^ ............

' (In.. foriH vvoi e, itl-

..Meanu-hllo. doz(Mi!i of nhinii oi a ll nailiiiiinfncK' liml iixi<i’iiibli'<l imjiibiirdmenl. A llrlllHli f;iinboat lii) dirt'u lly lii'hlnd Ibo .lapani'iio.

• i\v Jiiimm'-ie alr|)liinc:i clrc l-

;V<k-icmU-il ■ foriH.’ iioiiii}" ' 'ilroiiyeil ■|;ui)i]i5_i!a_lUe.^hlniaii-jl!;ruuiL;iui. ........................... i.f ibu 111-

,Sec«i Umiie. \Vrou«Ut . T Ik l Diilrun Mu'rii j.rcciieded ii|i llii> WhaiiKPOo I'lvur lo .Sli.intbi-.l al I p .m . Wii |«»!icit .i’|ii:<u In.Kbuif III \Vvii!iii:iK whore lb« cl^umiirl

tiiH Xmw. i could-p'l‘o tbo ahiilliirrtil CbltjOxo bliltci-le-t' iiiid nhell-un-n- IIdH'.'ohiind luiHdlau-.----- i. - - -—

.SIii'IIk inid loi-n Im p ' hnli"< in itio roolK and :iiiiaidii-d I'miiitk'nn Cbliu'so mini 'I iohsi'h i» bliu..•Wn’iimiiR. II town of in,mm ii-

.liabllantH. itjilefly linburnit-n. 4v;ik 'i leuT led . T bo nblim j>ii»si''l u|i- iili'oiim uiidliiturbid. ' •

W'ASIII.VGTON ( i:i ') — Sonnlrtr liiivlfiv Ui-|in.. I‘a.. lodiiy> deoliirrd blm«olf In favor of ruii.;iil o f ib< IStb amfindmdui_iuul-r»t*lopni Ibinor co ntn il lo ibo .k1«(c-h.

ftflERlM iS

n tE N t ;n .m.mji: u k q u k s tl*:iKI.S. (U l*)_T in. forrtifn

offko ,, ,toiliiy_.Hnn'oiittecifc11i a t _ Ibo i-'rcNcIi nnilm xudor io J a - ' pitit, (Viuul IK> lluc te l. Imd niiulc .Ti'U' n 'p ro Ilio .laiiiini'so il’nMlluK H' to resiu'ci Sbanu’Im l. Inti'rimdunHl ! jHpiit and V 'n 'nrh ,c im rf» to 1

IVO.MK.V .SIII,|l!Klt.S S II .l .\( ;l lA I d t ) - IVoinot

^«i-n> dIscouiTi-d

'xiin^ inm l. in nn Iniirtlvv, soc< liir loduy. , ' •

I tciio rliT s iitloiilidlni; l» >'o)> loiv tbo r h c r niiid to ll'noMini;' f i ir li b c lou .SbaiiKhal onttnfnl. iTi-il Ibo rn num tlaK C tl-tm nJl-

I!IioId. by ■ H- (lozon ..tbluew i - mu-. ■non v'txipix-d n llli nnrleiil'


G overnm ent a t T okio H ands R eply To Am

B ritieh A m bassadors

Ctd. (I.M'J -Tho Kovopuuion(. day 'piibllicju 'il llii Toply reJOiil- i; lu-ii -polndi Sii ilio jiropoHali

'\>)i-lrl jiow eri’ fo r pcaco ; In ■‘V llllll. Ibo Ri'i-ouil and flftli'i'o lniv.Till- i-t'|ill<':< WL-ru iKiiided lo 'th u

IViiied Sluio.1^tbiULHidor. ,\V. ' (.•iimcrun l-’o rb w ; '-ind tb'o Hrltluh utiili;\~iu,U«r. Sir l'Vuivel',1 l.lnvUoy ’ •

Thi- .-.oi'oad imlii'l lu Ibo iiro - ' I.ii'<ab> ;illt>u1a(i'il .thoro ' t>o mi ■ r u n b i r mobfl'liailon t>r pn-iiaratlou for fuiHVo limtllHluii Wvwceii Ja- liaii and Cblua. .

_ .Mlu-lil l . r i K o . llnnrhnrlu T ho -flf ib -.'H ill'd noKoilaHon«. (0 '

n-'illo .all oiKNiandliiir contriivcrn- l<-s iH 'tw w ii 'ib o tw o niUlona la , ibc sp irit Ilf Ibo Kolloise pact liittb iK .w ar. .ThiH jn lc b i r e s u l t in , loMi of .Miinc-bnrla lo . J a p an . •

T he In tn idu iilon {<> Jap iiu ’u. ni* ply h.-ilil ilm i "Jiipiuieso ■ forwW w in ci-aito h o s tim U o .i 'I fU hi i>m>MUi'<'<l ihitt riiL'joao furcoK Itnmedl^ a ii'ly coniploii-ly ceauo .ih c lr mca- iiolnu a n d «llHturblnK uctlvtttoK.”I t added:

'■If- on tbe o<jntrary ilio Clil- ' iKwiv ' linoludlng rcKnlarn Mind pliUaelc-'.benmeu) . iicrslH t.-lu , hucIi . s\dl'!Ulwv. Jupan r c s m o a liiU ' '■'; frcodom o f a c t lo ^ f o r i t s tultlta ry

i " l : i T i n w . 4 > t < l l i o . - . i m r o l U i l j I o n o < > » - * - ' ' x X » r >1110 C iniidSo-ln th o paat. iw d’ ' ' Iho R ro rily of.’tliO’‘t>r«a«nl-lOtiiB’ . < tloii^ Jap an find. It iinl’io'sallila ,ui ‘ rcnounco -m ob lllu> lon -flr- ']> ro^ rn - tt<Tllit-ri.r .lio a iim iea /' th e ' rep l/-'^ contlnnod. -

A!>I>n»TO* X cuim l iZ ono. ' 'f -, ■‘Jap an Iia.n <10 objoc'tlou to licr

oouHiil and ucnimundor vntcilnK . iioKuilDtlons for a n acrcoinent ■nncornlfiK •.SDpanatlou' d r • t«spce,- Ivo forcM "nnd Uic" ciitaWljib-. iiont, tf n c o o s iia ry ,'« f a noiitriil ;ono In th o dinti-U-( o f Chapcli“ - .- -

•‘\Vhllol#It In prexnincd tlu i t nil ! ' »windln« <)UckUuiii« l>oVvfccjj Chlsi& T ‘

■ ” ipan ■■Jrielbilo tb n MiLftclnii^.. lenfiOT, Ju jian -rcBortls., ;<}io -

la tte r nii a n cU tlrely HopamXo'oab. : '- from tho . iilu u K b a l' iiffalr, titid " m srcovor ,11 U ' covcrcd ^»y-lli{i, ■’ U-aKue o t 'N'alluiiH rcnolutloa, 'o f / \ Doo(>niber 'lO .. • -_JlEUEHlCC2U0t l l ^ t iM, t h Oj Bf4tl«^is:r=p ijollcy .of-J«ilniu -not-lo-iicfopt.i(lliT>-^-^— jiKHlMtitncu -of litjutrul obncrvom o r V. linrricIiiimtH ; ll "Ifio ■ lie t 'd c M 'i^ iT o fT ^ <(iM‘iahum t;uAceritlni;- M iuidiurla. ' Ilonco, tU o' euiidlllORK' In -i ian ty - K niplt fU'o.oC Uio powora* Uoto' U

. nccclitAblo to J a tw n . i‘<(SlKbcil) .Koi)klohl Yoshlskvrn/^ • '

OWSIWN ine^Bclow Z cro .R ocorded .by

?heiiiiumutCT , Herts

-Mr. <;r<uiiiil HoB’it loiidmoiiy bero

4)f tho -pBitl, -wait-.ljcHcd-'by-roporla Jti:ouUli«l..Wordfl otJlJU-Cbcynfc ffovcrnm ont jw oathor ’ obsorvor ,n t 11)0 ‘ ibiircnif <jf ■ cnloin'i>1'o)0 ’ horo

___ - tbo eolddiit^wtiitlior MncoD ccem ber'lS 'i^ licn Uio lotfap^eraturo ■wan recorded i\L' Blx'do^oi..boloA<. ■'.Sldrnia vhava; dlxitod, ODty th o

drUlA o f tbo '(itiow; rem ain ing , to

- o llm lhatcl ■(hroifgli . .„.i»pcc'.inn j b o ' ‘-part of WRhwny

a a t e a r liras

.TAI' lM TKt>LH,U:.lVK W A S lllN tnO N .'.{I'V) — .\d .

m ln il .M. .>L I ’nyli/r; frininmud.' liiK A nii'rlcan n u ta l- fo rrc s n(

. Sliilim lial. adW.>M-it tbo .:i;iivy . •di-im rtuiont by rndio lodiiy t h a t , b e n a t e t o C o n s t d e rnil- , ■liiiiuni^L' piilrolK-: bnv.'! _

‘o tiii tialoil ..VinorlKin iind llrlU M l ' dofi-imo. Ki'filorv, • • ‘thus

“ ,.1'asIiiK Ibiv xllNulliiii c n -a ll) . -

ltK< <H O ia> r «M iK y .sll .V lliKU lab, (U l 'l—Till) 'VVehU

orn A m erican W lnti-r-. Hporiit iin>SDi'laiton hiiM' r^tiiEnkcil A lf Bii- m-nV tiS" fcol leujx; «t- IHp 1'Jhc^ ono w cok_iu;o a s tlio wnrld’ii ree- oni;. iL-.wali.anHonnfed today by '- '^W ardoii. iicercdiry. j , . •

L i, f o l l e t t e ^ ^ 5 lP ;X V A S U r.X O T U ir^U V I-^lJattiliiR

•■yoiiUK lk)b" -.-L aPoU clto^f .~ \VU- . / eomjln totlay .won an InltliU n u e - ' wKii In, Ills rlfebt'for',< llroct/;fou.-i.'.; e n il »hl to tho j(»)llOH«; •

T ito .Sciiutd. forjiially a'ffreotl '^ i•.■.\U<5 «;> vWU »vwa»«tc'il iWLnKolloitfl ■ nuii S t i ja io r . CoiitlKa'n,' Dom.. Colo.. I.i'bvldlne i37B,0M.<KKI- rpi- relief ^^^•o^k,— .V '. ' ' * . ' ;

, c ; |'.c

Two Plows Fight_SnQ3gS-:-ih-:7Zercr;-5Nfe| ^

niilw iiy iHtlivefii.Cniiiiiol niid '\\M1’#);Nc,v««lilr,cOiitlhue»itff-iIi'o|(^ suovvliontnl a 10-eur .lraiii;\tlivclv',lttCt Iwo oinfiuVs ntiil n^f'ft'ihvl In- ti Tn tu r vv^iW'-' ’ ‘onjfiiic?.

At 11 o'd*ii«irTS»^diiy'-foronooni iu io thcr liu lpcf .o m ra made up o t foiir m ore loco iiio tU is and an vJ« dltlopnl plow hod.-not yot rcachod W o -« i« llu y -trn ln .-- j« -h lch - . 'iS "U 5 mltOHJiiOUtliV'crVTwlh-fallB— ia 'd abaui.'ll«J»tI«a‘-norlh-QC-W«Usr-^-

ThQ.TAnxUIaD’ relief.-loi»inqtlvui> tion r m fnl'lnn t^ •'•

t l i o ’finow n il n lrh ti'w erc) mllo-poBt -.101 an*! It: K "* «*pict«d they w onW bo aWfe (o > \je co « i Iti t J r - ............= 'a tto rao o n . ......................... ......

O n - 'ih o ■train •.wWch- left-U ero! V ;d n o * d io ' 'ul^^IU^^niaUdRIOl^i• totb o - .fm tr . ' o ss lo e a '> n Q ^ 1>low'.A w o r k . th iln -'. ontlitf.;; ciir-?-ind ifouch aak in a r: ;id S tV ;eo » m M r> tt:i: oretl u p -rro m ..M tw o « a > h » re - 'a n d PocatoUo io - a jiU tM tn iih B r .w '- ■,V O n tno'.BUi«cd;ir(Unfj3ti^ditfdl torMlioyti;eBuWr • ,« w : •'W.Ar*


tfKeiT'VO -JD A H Q -iSyjjm iG -JIM E ar-tv™ PATASi-IDAHO--^

t e s s - B t r a p g e v . G i y e i i

' T B e c i s i o n ' d v e f i B r o c l c i ■

By Alicrri

B uhi Main Claim s He- _"VVa8 F ou led ; Re- - " fuiies 'to G o On

^_.V eS .S»R r T f i ’- T t f e v C A l - l f u s ' — . T R C . M - r ^ ^ ’■'RCUoLd'TiO lARV UJAI on PQUi

._ £<3A3) >*^/E:A lERA Bl.e.SlR^-~VaLl-A^lT•-^ I A R E O F A •BA'PTLe T M G . U W E tA C ie » — -=;THe.T?Eca-RDS f/Av/e m v .A A iceST feR s

UikJPER A R M S ' A S T A R -B A C K L A S :CriARL-eMA<&A5jf-~=My: bAS

J c M C t n i m ; * ' ,‘•■<>r - n n il- - w r t ^ l

T w in FjUii. 1 Sftit, J.nUo C m-cr. ICUUlo tlio -tliln l ro-i olfflit-cnnto J

• lioxliiK 'cniil :\rcmoririI I'm ilnv iilnhT.

.tlio (Ii'CIaIou ft foul mill- I'riu'H'ii !■

. tlio ilKhU K xlchm (nll.Ml ilftncn.; Hint l in u i; ii;’.ii Jow l)loV.. Tcil - a t v l n r t ^ i n , • co torcd liaiili.'?J n d t UoxlLT,. I’Ofj'.oUo,

- I ' l l 10 n rrlvc l.r.-i . blocluM roadu, lo:il

o Cliiy NrlHon. . . . . . __ _____i r i»~nIxMbTiii(l KTl: .>u l 'r;iriijT'ilHinaye<I (iiuuvorlt ;u' k! c lw -ir •lioxiii^r, Ixil Hi'ctimil to liK'.k i ln '; i’ai rliili ■trciiirrli <t> ilc-llwr ;i l^iuu lionl C.iuImji

•nmirow w lili IHiiividu'Twin riill/i. Ill a '•Iroci iiitl>Htliiiii'il r. vJio w aaj nn>(;lii;lll>- iifli.'iliilod n o d ' i^rk'ncli. A iintlii'r in‘>' iry , l)ivi>ve( ii iid iii^ n in .v . i;n;. iiia .I loK -f w.u.l.lrjf!.:.-. 1- tn - r :ar,c\- -vifuliC'O t:i n <lr.’i\v. K i'lih ■Hiiiitrr.130. and Up<1 Ail;uini, i:il. 1-o;ii .if ilinliorly , dro 'v In ilu; cffiiuln- •JllHfT tioiit.

Uoforco Iiiiil Tr.’ivlii iiaii lil.i T Jlo liaa ittls

• W A R T f t ( i s - c o u w r i ‘6 7 i r A P l o o k t - ' K I - — h e a r i m g 'C F s c R E E c M iM G r- s r ie u u s - * _ y r r ' M E v i M e f J A L A P ,, - H w a s iM - r H e s o e f t w A R ,w K e R E i

i - W A ^ —iM -'/H " !—JA ltJ lA A i= r.W A P Ir= -> ^ ^= i^^ V srA S i:B A D l-V .W O U M P e ?r^ ,W E K iE —f J c T r o R M v r p

B E O U E R liO /VWfJcWURfA jfe■ M o w ., A S A SOUDIER ____

G F ' t Q i r T L j ^ e


^ K I M I N S K f

ftud C onqueror'.O f L otighrnn Scheduled To >

M eet F c b rn a ry 18

(rUK’AdO llW’l - J . \ r k ' Ocinii^y, :iu' nli;iivi1 fiir IiIh ftri**. 'TIkIx"

tn llicr ho fitllHl to d('f<'i|I TiliMiry I In .Solillur FIclti: 'Cjilciisi>, In 1027.

J __ Ui;iiiiHdiV. <vlli.-UiL-!:t_JvJnL- l.i'vhi.

.*,HL tliu Clil(-jiK<>-Htadliiin, h'l'Ii. IS. jutiil 0-oinico. kIovcm will l)u lisuil

LivUuilty—wllLuuMxc-Ui—UiciiL__"TIliH In KOlllK ,10 1)0 U tiKllI,'

[H.'tlir- l.cuniu-d SuckH, Domimi-y'i iiiiiiniiKiT. “ Ii will liu tin cxiilldiloir iln niinio rn ty . D einnsty Ih koIuk

linmlii fu ll iliiiliiK tho tlra t f -m in c ls oC till* . rv i'n t. iiUlJrocU 'ftlid^- .SliaiiKo . cWitlniKilly -:(!j|nclic(l .and Jiiul

.............inlVil f i 'f in r tliC ccntriil fdsl-H our* . C o v c n io r ln'i'd ilu> mil(lt;or u n :im .' •

nooaovbit opon ' •,P lacid C o n te s ts '.lti<'c-d'dm-. I'VnnkJIn -I)., Utiosl'Vcli

______ 1(1. .......... . ■‘vhi'ii ilii\v linedmi 111 front Ilf Uii- Ki'iindHtimtl.

(U f) — , ••inindrrd* o f ' y.r:iir;i n s 'i." lln?......... nalUmiil tiovoniop In i.nrv..,''lfAVii» llif

. viM.niiii; o f itio thlril franio. lunc- '<» n I li <’ tn oolitiod ' aiul ro-iic:lin<'il lo ct’ii.n.' ■'ViiiTil ro :inm)iK n;i-l .t iv o r, an nKrci-nioiit -uiim ' n:!i<-li<'d > ' ) > « fr(i7i'tr v.ill.-.v,i ilm i ,i„„n wlion llio llmo 'ra n iu f<ii' llic I lU irtt tUo flpJilt-rji'u(iUld..H!>iK 'njiu'''J"''^"'’‘' ' vlll;iKft Hi tlii’ ,;i„noK. 1 wl.di Hiiil '.wi! m li:lit ro-I fw lt lj;-T ra v i» ' t«.TilcCH. ;i» f „ r _ a s . v h ' i i llilii ciiMloni. iitKil mirciid ilii.' Ik ro i iltln K tiir <lie b.!!ir.|iniM u'iih 1'riinli In lloouovi-lt loduy form ally Olympic K|iirll iini<in^; n il iltc iia - Jrep n c cM o d ; from 'il.tii tU i- '’i'j;'’';;* tvliiK.r iioiw i.f ili.> ciirtli." .,


•|-:(!linclic(l .and Jiiul (o lio-ii<.’|):if.'ilMh| iPoDly to <Ilvo, ln?o n^ioilicr' i;Ihm»!. jTOibrnce In wlilcrli tioih .IH hvrcd l l-AKI'2 I'r .ACII)........................ ..ivjim ny cftecU vc'Jm dy lilnwi,. v\i ( lio !" ’l‘H‘' Hio «{f»lnn <if. the;' naiUmiil i;,-,| f _ , . . (......... ...... 1 -...... I__ i

nJ.?. 1 , • ‘ Krami imm-ii o r Uio-ooii-i Win B u M C on testI f 'f l tro u g o o slovo, lu token of vie- t.-rlnn ImdiKroiiiid of leu iin<t iinow

•O'y- . \ All Mio 3.1(1 coiili-.sKiiitr, Toiiroi-rnt-' llt'IIM iV (S|»-. l;ill — lljirl.-y

r a R G l E i R E ;

..... iiiillDirn, pii.HiU'd rlict rcvli^w- dc 'r.'rilur Itnlil. I 'i-u :. .lii u JiurdInir Hiniid tlify .w or.; imliilcd by llu> f lU'lil riiiitt';a ' lirUv.-i'ii llio iwci JiHlloiinl nnilioni <i( tIiplr.<-on:iirii'ti.l.|nliii.-(:i on iliu lrii-;il ri<i<ir A\V<|.

Tlu« w n itlifr u-n.s !>l(lii(; ciiUl.incuday iil::lit. Tlv> Uiilil nocniid •nil Juki nnouclt liroi'xo ic.mi \yuh from ilu- lliirloy iiciimio-

• 111. In :i in 'cllm lniiiypk 'nr nnd ....... ............. ..

_ in vvliiii till) ilo lw itlo n flap i nnd -till- fh'-.-clrclP.l Olympic linnaor

T O M Y ' ^ ^ S P O n T S


!.‘>y JUT c c n i 'o f ilio reeclplK for all jlilH n|>pcuVun{u<.biit ho lind In.inil lliln cnil t<i allow Uio Clik'ii»;ti ntii<

:]><'mj>Kvy lii tlic.U niw InK cnnl. Iiui :l.rv |ii«ky‘rt liiindliTH illc iu tid lorin.t ;mi If l«jn-lniihy wus tlio lili: n i- Ur;ii:llun.”I'^A 'v liiiiky iia s l>«i-n Kiiiiraiiii'i'd jJT.'jiiii wlili II iirlvlU'Ku c f ' . i : , Iter.

■ <;rnt o f iliu ,bhio rccfiptjt. Malcli- liiinUcr Niiti! l.«w ls jircdlciod today jtlii' Dcniiixuy-lA'VlnHlty lioui wtAiId

-•iHidl ou t lliL* iitudliiin, aliriic lln ';|:il)uiit ::i,0<j(r pcrifomi nnd nljinii

'•Ur„*..(ioii. •I tak ln i; on ,J/0vhi8lty, Dcmp**)-

Tiriini..< ■ rnnkl i i K .liuuvywvlKlil UrIl«nK..f„^ „ , , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Jl) H K M ty .'li-l.ll.UOIlK (IJn llid Trrvs .Staff (•(.rrcnuomli'iiO.

I.AK lJ_ri.A C m . N. V..I'Yiiuklln I). ItooiiovcU

intornatioim l. nniliy and Iliu Inlaii- Kllilo vahip of liaviiii: Swciloii. I’oU-k, l''lnnii. irlKliiiii-n. wliui-i;y,fE_J''"> roiddcniB of Swliri-rlitiid. UrlUim'.-f, _ iiicV f'n„,Kroiiclinien. Cniimlliin!'. ^ H iin n a r l- ’|, | , •

auafiiHt niic iiiuiilier lii v„« .^1.0I I I I K . . . .Kfcat otiidi'or«.

U-iillv jiiccrelary. o r INpcucli. Ih rorroPt.

Nt-w York opf.'nc'd lli.r llilrd- w i i i J _ o r i , , ^ „ boan-, . ...... •OlvmplE j:iiincti lydny, by j.;lvln« o lf • ilfnl • tiiliTK'i'rirrinKTiir^lunilfr.'-T-■■l'"'>«"'''''Hl” no-iifiott-iirol>aldy

Hlicorli, Now I d idn 't hear tlicju 'H (lovcnior’ii Bporcli. wli

••l.<;vlnKk;»ald iiiiukH.

•■All. rlK rii/' n 'p llr .l •.Mrs. blit hIio la tiT Kiilil ir. iiiiiicr» would be nnt'd. .

tlio f loor \lircoVlm<-'iiJ “SlxlPirn onnn- kIdv.'u 'will i ,l» .\oH -• V ork 111 U ccOnblT .du-J*'e ««cd," Siickn ?<al<l. • 1 Im la n ;:i: l '

nnd loKti ' 'vlH H(;rc<i Mo lat. H'j« ro io l ib i 'i ' ' '■'=* I

j 'i ice ‘ii’>li*‘'*''' of I'''*'' " f 'ii’olKlitt kJovph n rc ' jisnI l.ovlnnky. wUli!

............. . - .............. ......... fy 'w iU i'l iir^ i iu w ro u .r if -v iu iii .; v i id -iiooK;:and nl- <"i'in<f n lo t of wrnnKlInK back iindjxlionld bo ab le f> le a Dcmii.ti'ySj

' ■ '.eira. l.nvli,.l|.1.llltv In ............................... ‘

H urtlin g fn» u .iliu DlyiHpIc buliB lcd.rtin-iiL .UikaJiliicId .iiUliD.mlK'tf. an iKHir'iuid HtrlkinK. n ircr . tliu <;<Tmiin but. plloH'd by AVornor /;ibn crnckod iip dnrlnK n irliil run ilio ollior day. Zabn broakliiK n AvrlHt nnd llu! uioiiOiorM of Ii Ih oi'ew brjii« sovoroly hbakcii up. •S'.abiuJost .CiJii* irol.' llio .« lcd U'fl' tbo i-oiiriio und wiiiit iiInnnliiK tliroiiBfi tlio a ir lOi) feet buforo It i^msliril’ iikMltiHl u H it . ' . T bc iiii’ii |d c ln ri‘d on tbu bob. Iront JO r<-iir a ri!: 'I 'llm Znliii, l lc lii rb l i KfiiuiiT. SnlmHtlnn •Iliibcr iind Hriilionuin O r.,l luns ?>l<'lilh«rn. ^ - _____________

Klntor-niiimiK>‘r. wimiii IiIk S n rn t .bnlli* mill binJy. miiSHnc'i'i lo provMii "baby lbo r" | " H ''• • '" ‘V',.?"'**- rli.'iitHiillKiu.j.nln*.

> I'll aiiil W iiinra nitcnilnntN. ..U M illn ., b ilriN ............................ Kost.T'H offlw . I.orati-d In J.

............. . I (.■. 1VI..HT ■

CJI.MM.rS P . I.AKSEN • CO.\t, i:il.Mr.\NY.'i-lii>nu riA . Cnxlto Cutfl Dull— Ad».

•ruo of \vlial

l>roK>i coup Hiiinu biiiidrud yurdu rc- i-d friiiii Mio opRikkcr'n xtnnd'iind Jill t'lUr.iricod wltli « Imby doll

In blint cordiirny dnwii In tliu llilrd tw oC tbi- KriindNiaiid. > ''Hut li'x no K iv>ri;riniblc to i; oc:ih

wluii tlio .Oov’ornor nabl ouL Iboro In llio'TiiUldlo of till' Hkrillii); iliili. I'll bi't yon^niy lii«( .rpnlr o t rod [kiniiclu (nnd' do '} ncod *oni pul) Hint siomrulioru • In Ills tn llt Hie riovi-rnor xtrcnNCil ibii Im porliuicc of Hill Olymplp Kunid; lui bulldoni o f

.IV.*. ••• lOiJClllv . '. ...•a ---—. . . .. ..n ■ .'V .....V > .Vim. riw Jlow Uiuiii,. vlii nn liiluriircicr. to f"rili booans.o'a J.cvy; l^cvln-!ab ility lo tali'u punlBlinicnt.

!»tva)i ,l>pn>moi}<,' iind dlKciiM» lilgli'ta ri ff walla, -fiw - wlKiidlnu.. Garbo, i" nnd tliO' tnHtliiiiiiii O f Koulaidi * comiHircd to corn on tbo coli,

Iliit iiiifortnnatoly .w(! do not 11 I II Uioplii.' Yon will m illr.o llilii

Jniit iu( uooii nii-yonjrvad o f a ll llio unpluim ani koUikhwui Hint have takoii ida ro a t Olyniidi: Kiuiii'r*,. Olyniplo Kiinii'H iir'imlly nn> i Ik; In- KinnliiK nnd tlio ond. tliu nlpba und nmoKii.i 'f frlvndnliliiF/ Tlio boyh nnlly winllu wlien tbi'y nu 'ct m ifpr.’xvlii'n tbuy intrt.


■ E A S Y W A SH IN G M A C H IN E S ’B o th E lcc tric a n d Gns Enginc-

.' • > . ' ■N o n rn ttc r w hore yoit live, wo havo ,ii Nviisliintf iimchinc for

y o u r needs.

I f you have a u E a sy niacliine le t lu keep it functioning

.properly, ' . -

' . ' s o m e t h i n g N E W -

. g e n e r a l I e l e o t r i c

...........W A SH E R S- '•

.A U t'r of c.xi»;rlini!iitailoii

(bo C c o ^ 'u f 'r n c r lr ic \:<i. bavo

fini'.liy di‘'>'loiii.'d II. , Win

j;iii>d cNoiinli. to In-ar Ib« fnin-

Ti-iidu Marfi. Call and'

1. .'u iiil— learn.

.I'lioni Itji; Sl:itl!l:i;; Vl'Muitj ob-‘

laliK'd l*y iliii Ci. {•:. a 'alvator.

4 oxiil.ilii iliiii nuw \va:ili-

; S A ! n i m ^ , T e ' f a u ^ 4 ^ g 3g :r : i:: \ 'y ^ ’- :'"^ ; / : ' -ibATO^EVENING t im e s ,M ’m N KMLL^, IBAH6 / '

: | } , .., -1: ;■■ e x t r a i a l l a b o u t t h e b ig n a v a l b a t t l e |

, .nw K l’« ram«ii« twii«ll.-»H. JThT^W. J r . . J» ).»n- >v)i)) iv v .,..f i l i f rfK-'c.v;.rr,«/im. ."rvirJm j r„y e lov,’" m w i o rh lw ilc-lu l l i h c n w ii; . rn r i lu - full iW rh ,•<«./ f;<«j hi Hih „u-rn-',„lxlionorcci KiiMli., hl.t ".Mi; n)(iiprs".(il(>rla. rlKln. mid I’cKsy.' Tlio Inil.y , a t Aniitii.ollx.. M,|„ lc ;ini ilir. » ri of l.i W.-i,t>. iioi.'d N

. . , . . . • . , , , , •, iii'iloii Kolns; on In pv«r>' ro n iiT oi i ic riiijc wimli miiki' i.nm cli fo r a r.'frroi-. Am Ju~i IdoI; :ii t l i d r fli:liiliit; tii'-ir:.'wulKlieil only 3 lummU I I oiiiK'i!:! iiM iirlli. Now lie Him llu’ iifiili-H .11 Jii . . • . ' ' * /


riijii oittiuTii ‘111 ti lifii;.' -hchlfid It - fii

\iiylimv. ih.- .till'.: ulir>li >1,1 ;i:.llilli:tiill.

, h '; : '* -w iiir M r, 'PIioioRrnpJteJ >■•1 iuriny,i(y Ilttli- M ary Jlcitio H u r’I ' - >:irv Ilf Wiir ill:i|iliij'o<l lior.moBt' ;. (ui.i'ii'wt I k t 111 lu-r ]i<.‘i-ambulau>r

nixl lii nn iticUcs mil. ~


T hey Commaiid U. S. W ar Forces .1


, ” 'al costs, th ere a re ii num b er^v i(!\\-])o in ts to con- stan tly keep in m ind. One of. tnese .in ])articiilar w as ■recently pninted onf. in thpsi?_CQ]unms. Attention was'! 'ij

called to th e 'n ecess ity o f keepjng distinctly sejjarate |“ ' " t K e T e s s e n t i a r f i x e d a i s t s l i f t l i V c

in .co n tras t to the costs o f new seiVices which liave ? T ' ' ' ^ e ¥ i r a g f l r d ~ f f o h r t i n i e ~ t o ~ l l n r 6 ~ f o i ' ' t l r ( r h e n e t i i , c o n ^


venience, pleasure or pro tection o f _tax|)ayei's; such fo r instance as county agents, faire, weed bureaus' and

::_.„iid3pitals._:..'------ , ^ -------------poin ted out th a t w hen i t bocame necessjuy

il or. decrease th e toUil cost of a taxation unit, be exorcised th a t an essential d epartm en t

wiisnbtip.enaiizod'^;^^^^ of an aijxiliaryy.’ j ^ a l im e n t ; T n ^ to :a ttcm i)tto solVe aV •jlipspitalnjrobl^Vp iW ^nise, by.reducirii? salaries o'*': - deputies’in'tlie sseMoi s ^ . ■ • .

. fcrNov^.^here are* o th er •factoi's w orthy of. considera-V - |^n:by,those who are attemptihff to give tlio aubjeat : pf government costs serious study. Eacli departmcijt 'h ' fibovild be considered as a separate entity and lliese■ ' t»6 w. brancl^es o f .public s e m c e should jje judgiid sole-

iy.'on th eird n d iv id y a l m erit, t h e ‘Servibd they render, JSl'Comparison to th e ir expense.

costs hibney, fo r in stance to conduct the slieriff's■ “ 'O ffice ,'bu t no p n e ,%vill suggest th a t the oifice be done V- w ith in o rd er to save th e cost of its upkeep, L :_ jfflgc ltjnc iden ta lly . is-.cpmpa¥atiyely. lo.\v.-..In.tlie- in- i:; pf'these'p j.ib lic seWice departm ents, a t the |

^ t^ 'e tim 'e.there is a study o f their,costs, tiiere niust.Iw •;-'^3^ade'.a'sfcUdy o f th e ir 'm e ri t ; th eir worth. Tliey mustj■ . rtpi'be condem ned because they cost.m oney; the jjoint;

to 'deteiiilirie.ifirst is th e ir necessity, and then seek to ’ - . Jpperate th e m 'a t the m inim um cost.

irr M aybe'any fau lts they m igh t hti^e lie.eitlicr in their ;;; • 'opei^tioh-or, some o th er factQ r; tliey m ight he render-

— jng^^eE ^G adiic iC tllirconim unity-could-iH -a(for< l:to . dispenseAvith. On the o th e r h a n d ’they m ight not have any-o f these-advantages.r'..Aiiyon'e 'can~say.ithat a th ih g costs too much, nr, is

: “ top.higli:’^ If the costs o f an y service really is too high, b u t i f the seiTicc is a t the same tim e fndispen- j^b le ,'th e n th.e so lution is n o t to eliminate* tlie depart-

. ^nent, b u t to b ring i t up to-its h ighest efficiency a t the Ipwesti possible cost. In o th er w ords tlie test should be

: m erit, efficiency , indispen'sahility. •‘ . • . 'T h ere a re some th ings -we c a n ,g e t along w ithout.

,^ 'there w e m u stliav e , only w e w an t them a t the low- ' ’est.poK ible cost.-T his a p p lie s to crinie prevention, to

health , to food, to f ire protection, careful adm inistra- •tibn o f public a ffa irs a n d o th er item s wliich are read­ily 'recognizable. -

;Beyond th a t th ere w ill be d isag reem ent,as to ju st

both favorable a n d jin fa v o ra b le im m ediately ravail- ' able. ■■ .

■ . F or instance; i t - is - a r^ ie d th a ’t?the coiirity fa ir 'b e - -- - ing the one sh o w -w in d o w j^ r th is agricultural em pire

will m ore th an pay fo r itse lf in building-m orale and •: iir 'p rom oting th e pregtige o f th is reg io n ; >tTiat the

county agen t w ork in th is coim ty is dcsireable fo r := 2= ^infiila^T oasonsahd-in-th^aM istance-rende^diii-m ar-

keting, crop p roduction ,.cho ice p f crops, fd n h d a ta an d g en e ra l s tim the^chief industry of the sec­tion which is f a c i n g an B liv esto ck raising; and tlie

' .noxious w eed bureau h a s its d e fen d ed , who sta te its -— rtiro rk iro fln ca lcu ab lG ’ benefitT o 'lam l'values, ])rdduc-

■ tivily, p u rity o f seeds a n d fo r o ther feasons; and the county hiealth. unit, is d efen d ed on grounds th a t since

. its institu tion h e re the health o f the people is, api)re-■ ciably be tte r, there has been a m inimum of epii3emics, q*nd the d read ed ^ p in a l m eningitis which in the period

“ N ovem ber 12, 1928, to M ay 15, 1929, took a toll of 23 ,lives out of. 44. ctises, has practically been elim-

‘inated . I t is s ta ted th a t - ^ r in g th a t period which w as . .. i)revious to the insta llauw n o f the u n it ,’ th e-cases

w hich w ere cared fo r tit Uie county infinnfirjr — r^ 'iW ^ e ^ u n ty - lw iv in g - t^ e a H ttn m p a id -h o s p i^ iz a - . ■ :,...t ;bn bills alorie-som e ^3 6 0 0 , apd ‘fu rther th a t liill the

• .benefits which acrue-from the unit are secui-ed 'at an annual cost to the county of only .?6280, which is 56

- . yfer cent o f its cost, the rem ainder. •cnminp' frnm fhf» .:j,_ZISo.ekcieiler_jt‘.ounaation, the..-U m ted“ StatH^.-jniblia

. . .health service-and the S ta te o f Idaho. ‘•. i .W ithoyt.belittling th e w o rk ,o r the need of any o f

_ ijie o ther ac«yiUes_pf.the.county,jtrj.s_^-4 1- /* » - *i-„ 1- - 3,.a whole there would bo no

* 1 0 0 0 FEET-cTt.-»r . . . . . . jop. No knock wiili "SlUndara' Gasoline. Hill-TocNo.i —■iiariing,

n. p.Ii. on- I 3f5 grnde.

no FEET—Knocking <lcvclopeJ with ts 'o Jinc 'o f average octane Miing n ’llill Teit’No. 2—'dtictcU ufldcr (tic t : coaditioiifc ■

•rm il w ill liclil tliclr r rc u ln r iiU'Cl- Inn of li-brii!iry l . l i i . the Lu^iidu Iinll III In ilio iirti'ruoon.■;iVmi~Tr~ni.; <A'£.niiiW

Kiiiiiiiiy Ongiiwl Jr ., wild.Jinn l>(j;i - iin d e r- fjunrantlD n-^or—thi*-''- • p f r ' iliri'O wcuki) In'linprovInK. „ J

\ “ LaTy"Ga!olme5orBVCM8cOatana.


, DdJed to G 3« lm e-it i i a new p r d - Rifls u tnl t y the U . S. G ovenim cnt,, tJic S<l<leiy of Automotive Engmeersand Siindara O il Cocnpanyof Cali- •

.liv agal'iiit •'la2y” BaM’Uiic».

You get Hiuiirpi>»ed Octane EIH- clency, and_; 1 a ll-ground, .w ide- •

point where you actually /SfJr’thcni •-knocking-On-Julli, parllcularly,.

“Sundard't” wperiority lunds ou t!, jta.«<d/muj oif. cofjrAnr o.- cAuronniA

•‘Standard". __

Mr. (111(1..Mr.H. l i .Hnu«(>. o f Iln- .i-lii:rl...iIr_a:iiL_ilr.i.i.'\V ._C _J\V llm a

or Durlvy «'nro Stiiidjij' (J/micr ; KiU'iifB o f 'M r . ' itdd .\lrn. Gpoi'KC j .Mo-«('r. ■ . -

'Joliii unil iluiiKlitcT.K kln -

H:ili iinjiiiur nnfl Oi:<tini.l.'tiilii i i ; i« " re lu rn c il.'O ii.( lio Ir tr ip I'oiiicMbny lii«d to xlirivcl xiiou'.. .Flvy nirK .curiiliii; tlirniigli, i/ijroiliitr fvnnd It .ilirricuit l» niiiliu tlxi trlt>. V'I’liiK jii drJfiiHl joaUH.

T r S T A i iO A R ^ A f lb U S ^ ^ ^ o Bf-UE PEALERS

S T A N D A R D G A S O L i r j I E .. ,„ .i ,.,; . .; ^ S T A 'N D A < 1 0 \E T H Y L G A S O L I N E

2*5?-. flD jE SHOUTS, AND. IWB O N tV : ^V^fsW60.S..COMS 7 0 HIM ARE OUE.ER, U\TTl.6


Glea-jniiiil'gsJir.s-i' n iT .s o r iu im x 'J . jn’t ic r *

H.S'f KVi:UYW .inntK

A -» :;i»o llii.r-V *Ji'I'- 'l‘at—«lriUiila..Ill) in'i.iliiimT'..t lu'fti^-'limloiKl oi' tlUIni; it wiin illniHoM-il diirlni; llio h tiitf InvoHilKiiiloti i.f flllln;; imi* llon. niclUudM iii U)‘'litn(>nd, Vii;

'H . .\iri-k, d lro rio r « r ill.' divlnliiii Ilf iimrl.'i^iK. (old llir

Si-imr- fiii:inrivt'iiiitiiili:i-u iliiii tlicdriiliiUKi’ !)Uiii[i li'ti I'lioiiKli cii'Mi-Iliic t') iitla- iliV iiiiiiorl.Tt iK-vcTitI i.illi'H a«a>". I !• far ftii' repi'IsiiH.

niuinV III.; ficnv ladn;: lu-i-ril- lul \Mili Ki'viinluiu ilia-iiliH til nr* nanlc! cliviiiUiii w!io iilaii lo ilo- iiiil'llK. liii-lr Hi'liI.-vonii-iilii . inlilKliL

AniciMh' iiiliiT ilLi-iivc nii'lliuds i f iiial;i;r: p rrfu .»ar>Iliiiii ]ui1h:iii ;;as aiu1 <:iii>l<> oil:- i:pi.Tl.irM!orilt l-r 'I iir i ' 'i ir;;!-

■ lirjilii li> d<MlriU'l!iiii; u 'avs To niaU liiilliT rodiiiii .aiK ll llli .................

li.rlc i.

wifi'-\V!ii-ri .!»• iUri.-«' uway li!»Km: xlif' iiliihliid lili'ii w ith II fit) . I'.i Ik* lilni'ltoiicd liiitli luT ’to ll wan Itic still')' ivlaU'd tmlify 111 .MuilliHpal I'liiii't a t ^i;ul ' Itnfa''!.

•„ hv J . 1!. ICiilirhiiu. of I 'o ric Minl.'rii; wl'ji'>;iili| lu- '.van

iii'o ft iin il ln‘r—iilin . . ... Ik; tiild .IihIk*’’H:rlii'ri IJo I»i

Mritiianyn. "Il wan -ii'lf’ ili tciiw. Como down to 'jlii- hiiiisu niiil 'I ’ll ^liou‘ you tliri'c., Iiulloi liiili;>r iiiirtl, «'lii'ii hIiu .(iri'd 111 111'.* rci-onlly."_JnilKo I)ti J..a Miititaiiya ili'('Ilni.-ilJim! ri'ft'rrM iho lo proti;

cl:iii. 1ia;i noi ilri'lilnl 111 lU'oV.'llllt i.t niiit: fnr (iii.> r r '|l.< T

’Ii.'irli'M V.illi'i', Iliiily'ii. lulia- liluytnu fiiiliiT. «jx'ii»d lilx .miihV

iiipalKii ill Kiiii)'j;i Cliy, ll«dy';i cfoniilinr.- tin- fullu-r

|inliLi|il mil. IiaH iiilrrod

Paul Woman Is •Injured In Fall.g

V.ATXENTIOB?Special Added Attractions to Regular;.Meetin^

■I’AIIN (S|ii.<;l,tl) — ta ilfell and lirohi* licr ii

Moiiitav wlillc' w orkliiRo III. llK-i.giho HiiiiU'.irViHllo ll«l<‘Mi'iii <.vcry- '" 'f 'A vl,rr.-:-'rh--«T,j-H :t-i«rrti-for-po!U ' .fcrcd-^bM !tc ii-uU ja \v -iu i* ii= ^ lC : loal |>;-,imlarln-. co llnr .Ijivh' III ii o r w rod: lam

A u d -u lia i [i.^lliMaiu II !,<-.TiUncl.

jilio ii.. T im ' Hoviil I'lilinr Iciditn

FIGHTS‘ Scrapy M atchos from

— B O B T O W E E E 'S 'O L T T B '

DANCE NOVELTIES' — ' D irec t from the, -


so v iK T /,'H i K rn j)K(^»Ki: ..(hi-Ki!!“ -.l.. iUl.S.. 11^ IViifosrail

Siivlci i;;«ui‘il a ilL'cri'O.VtlKiioil'fiy lH'ii(n 01111 iiiliiir iiKi'aocTii o f .tlii i ih; fai'lo HiiVi'riinifUl. »rpur;illritt llic- cliiiri'li and mill'.'.-

•V:iliii, In. ilic KikTorlinion.t of T aurida, wan f,i;cuiilc<l liy IJTo •I’liriiii't- i\iid itiL-y tiroiirodcd on, lUclr adViilii'L' pjiiHPliatiliiliiil. NU'- pln' wa.i •','Jl;i;a hy ,i1i.-’ U-ilhiiovlkl.

TIk l''i!i.iiici: Ctiiimu.itlonMil \>a:t liilrixluci'il In ilu- lIodHO

Vot'ilco. I’adiiii. Trcvliiii t«ii<l i r o ’ wiTo a ttacked from ilio a ir.ICIfibl iiorrctir.-wcrc-lcHli-d-al -Tn»*vliiii and 'liu ' Clinri;!i o f Sun I.or- ciii;o ivri:i'Ui-<l, '

l''ri'n«;li irniiini iTjiiiUod .t tt'fst of ProKno;*.

riKK XniT 'auto. nisuiujfCE

InMimncH 3fnn.—Adv. .

Identity Question

. . I t 't ir . d.pniana.tliiiM hc. health'.;U.:iiPprK ,o f:th e county Tie. m ain tained . Everyonij recog- - - - J ^ fe thc-ncecssity-of th e hospital lo r instance. Some

w . . cotin ty cou ld a iU iM lily J ii,|jose uf i f .for ; (ite ra tio n .u n d er p riv a te a«Tiei.ship,-but nonc'w oulcl ■ r e c o m r r i b n d it« : h p i n f r H isn o n q f» f l w i f l i

1 I<nrRii c ity In '• Jn jiiin .’ ; ’

4j Koundntlon of nnytlilnp. ,

.11 Kiuiurc.13 I'flKo for pnsc.15 Wn« srocdy.KSIiiRftlfllindis.1" Devoured. iS T o •uiiBunic.20 Very IiIrU

21 C rcfttcr.In nuantiiy .

2.1 ninllK ure-• .

25 PIcceH out.^ fi/:ru il|lc il.28 i.«Kt lufitcr.rsoricascd. <l3Aulo.

•31 Jlulilior port o t H .Miirlilc.Ilrazll. 4SWI(li<)ul'

32 A nifrlcnii T ed- vfilencc. . oration (it <n,Oourmnnd.

in .W 'H ,\XH\VKK > ,12 Kvolved. — c h ‘. I n UrcnUwator..-;..-

■•.^ITuirculti'rotjudT a rnco trftcl:.- ■ •

J9 Sorrowful. 22Urj;.-d on. ‘ . '

:To Hlojic. .Sprcnds. itu' o(

/ArclicK. SSKXulluiit..27 B ctr. '29 CouHtcllalloiu ' 31 Cazud. 32Toiiilni.-•:i3 Mciil. • ___••

ns InmiJntc'st \ i :U T I C .\ r j .34 M ineral opclnff..|U Si'cU ulmUar-<i)'-l-P<ilille-ti|>efthcrr>35-nii '

Iho tonkn henii. 2 ItlKoroun.- ; i l t n l l ! •I -I Klnutolk. •: r>Onc In card& • r.Ciinie.

7 Ktiodi.■ ,S C ourte iy .U lk .. C lualc r of

34JuinM K, W in. OlOnn who COlt*. In. . ^ .ROIiy. ...........■ ron In u il. 8 . ‘ trIvcB. 10 Departed by ..Cl-nuK|o p lant.

— ? ■ .nCA Iirupt. iKiat. ' S2 Midiite^laiiii•37 flriiiiKlU np. fiCViilntd. 11 To stuff. ] . pcraon.


36 ISelliixvcd. nTSnmll nail,

'.;i3 I’erfornis. « Pltclior.

'jiiKuliichooil. 47 nufori;.

CHIP OFF THE 010 BLOCK ' • 'L U C K I 'K a r c ^ m y S t a n d b y . I b u y d i c m c x d u s i v c l y . I ’v c .

aU brands b u t L U C I O T S T I U ^ arcm6nih(.hB labered.Gi a fi«s......—]iroat.vAnd.tliat.ncw.ixnprovcd.Gcll6phanc-

w rappcrtlia tbpc i^ thaflipo fthcfinE crisa tM stra ic .’;TTifough o piolB-alott window.

r-'Deiib'baxtj-llio o pie,.ood.w*— ,<ion'l KitMD a polocVo . . . hs . hat <nu>d«i like a wretllof. Whoii .undraiting, h» hangt hit cisthtt'. 'on Ihaclvandtllir. Th« bo< eflictt lik» hli Isleil FIRST NATIONAL' piauRE,"UNidN DCPOr;*'D6uo liat tluek 19 tUCKicS four yean,but dldn‘1 Hicli-fTi«-moV«»» b flUCItIJS onyllirnn lof hl» Wnd

jflSfdj. "Yog’io □ bflck'^Ooufl."

YcurThrootProtectlon—ggdlrisHrrltarion^ ogoltfstcbirgllA ndT lo lB fo ro -P fO T f; C e l/o flhano K otip s ffia t ,^« ^o a slO (r '> ra v o r E ve r F n t h ^ '

T V N E IN O i l L U C K Y S T R IK E -eO■ o f iw Z ay .ix tom M .Ififjica^lom ffrro tv , c t* jyT u«U oy ,,T fiunJoy <fiulSutURlny'evening ovCT 17. B . C. ' ' ■ ■" '


Kre ws in BriefH i s o i l

=Or|SnlBfttion—DiVdtibff Allflrf tion .to W id e V ariety.

J i ' o f Tofiks . . • *


rotrnoiun<«nlJentii::--------- -Am . l ’n t r r i t s . . _ . :

•Mr; nnil Cliircnrn KIhk. To-

lio rh~^uftn lB T 7-»hnin i'y 'S r o t . - cntolln,, nccpicilliiK l» Iniortiiiillnii

■reeolvjjii here. M n. KliiK «•«« Tnr- m orly ;Mlnn H elen K leffiicr, T FrtllH.

Avcrj- - l l i i le t r Dlrs At KlmliiTlv

A very I 'u rk e r nu luH , fil. dloil -rimrm luy iiu»rnihir'"iiL lliHl) ut

lilpli j iojiu men.

T lio T rnvelcni, •.iloiijtlitiuL Icnifuii tcniu o f (lio m -lii I'nllH li’lxh Kcliuot, (lefcniod r KitUiro Fi>rmei‘..tcni

iiU k:__ aclioot. nftlnm,- andClaiido n . Dotwcllor. irihnhire? of (ho iD ctwollw^Co^l x:o'm|inny,-;inil C ip lu lii Jom en P , T orlcr, nsilst* n ia .DroHccwtliiK n tto rncy , Twin FiillH7 'nc«iitlV (>r'A vlll'''cnm liici- n liiimoroiiH . a t ' llio'rlja j'.ovriltiR or Hip iiciilor and


.Mrrt. C.irt (i. Hcnnon. iironniiii cfiiilnimii, ■^n~nmiuc«H. A ll/i ire cx- .ifldt'fK’ml . . [HffiJh! Bfiefikcnt. Tfie ojiuti tioiwi' mccIliiK liuo ctircd.

(lie Tw in FaVii Chtimf/cr o f Com inorco, com iilleil by NowoU .S . WiRlit, nccro tnry . In ridrtillon—to IImHiir l-tic nccixiinllBlimenlH to

mU*. ' • • • A niilnir Ui‘Mrii}fd

An iiwnlitK oil tliu fro a t o f tlio V'ttiplro Aii:<> coni|)iiny tinraKu uii Sui-oml avenue iioriti wai\ dcntroy- «il Wodni'Krliiy • iilRlil liy f|rt> 4)0- illiVCd in linn- HtiiKeil .fruiii wnarlm. fro!n_ n rfitHino>^_Tlio _Tw(n K illiij riri- Oo)nVrtm6ni rtp'rViui of llio bliijie.

Cniinty AK«'nl 'I'lilks AfSJHi---------------------

Conniy 'Akwii Hnrvcy s.’ Halo aiUrwscil jUo (iir.nwrn' uiTw lu r a i l s hlKti-Hflionl .W cdncii- ilny ovcnink 'ttpcakliiK uii of fcrdK ecr oxiiurJineiK;! c o ^ i ic t-?d -iu -tU o com ity..

iitlou conim liteo, rcvojilR mim croim Dtliop nc tlv lllO H -o f-iho ,- cliiWHtier iliirlDK tlio inontli.

Atimiijr. Ihflso «ro iln> following;•---------- llfirtiffny »‘rnjuct»i..------ ----------

joln_i _<^himiJ>'’.r_.«f_.commprce nuicHiiB liold n l Slioiilionn waJi

' advlHOd tim t fcdcrnl.fundii fo r oU>Inc botwoen K otdxim iitui Tw in r i l l n w itliilrnwn If iirni»>r|tTOsnlyjJ IJiroiUfJr Stlo l^c^^<' - town Ifl not'p f-ov lilix t. All to\yni;,-aJouR No. o n , hlBliwny ■ luive Jo/iicil lo wor>: oiit '.a 'H uliilloh r.t ililo ' illffi*'uiiiy . .' I’lnon fo r ollliiK koiiLIi o f Tw in

" T t i l l a to 'lloBcrfion o ri'N o .'O a ;«ro ]>rflgroRRlnB;r flnal,-,lf)Knlion *C tl>c rou te {inrt'"rl(tlit*hr'wny;;tiTO.- the jimlii iirobli'u is 10 lift'w orked 'o iil.

IteuiiCHl W cnmiilnllon to n • KUfo H ta sd aM -u f 'tlia Siinshotio ^5n*ln.U iU dor.JorM t.rom i a s . i i ' d iixe xcrnlo lonii d r lto Ia -Imi*

ii im d . Tliunfl, jm io '.JuiTd’ n u t nittdo' IMk tr ip ' rnn lu in l l r ' rpn ilio llio licjitity Mjintfi s<> rl»'s6 (ioiith of T h Jii F iiIIk, IIu*.

. riiiiililoir H])otK und l ^ h iT . . - ;■ JJpnii MarktlliKf

M lx-ln -traiialt-op tlo ii from Call- foritlu r v ld ' ’ no rthorii Id ah o nodM ontQ na'iii In o p e ra tio n .h o n to I t ,- - - - - ... .... . .In oxiioctcd' tJm t thill pflvllcKO <>.au .'ffilrKroiiml.i. T iler. M lii'lnt? well. I.o B'ocurli^•iv■^a•.^Vci^K.Tw^n F alla .Vfluro Hjwk«

•Mlnco llio •.mllodBO; U ' mucti l o a n . 'C f o n o m l c Bltimtlon ocrnio poul- Confercnco ivJiU rnllroart of»lelal«,l:>; und vullot-valHLnK:is holoB Jirrnngcd-.lo fo rn ia lly ^ re* '^ f ‘'*“y ^ J “,r , r ' ' . l lH P n ^ .lueat tlilfl. norvJco. I’osniblltiy

. rh iii^nn Sofurdny Vo ■'Vlll

Ktrolc. Ita Iinit Jiooti 111 Vnr. (ho IciKl tiiiir'iiiotiiliH. Tlio body rcHtx jii- ibo W lilic n iorinary In Twili P jIIk. Ho Ik mtrvlvod' liy blii wife, M n ii-ll i ik '- i ,: , im> naaa. .l^nvrviir<' M d W nl.or lliili!it....Tkvlu..Fulls II ibniKliliT. MrH.. i.o la T lllnuon, LoinliL lilalio; nnil (wo broilii'rH, i'MwuSl U iilctl. Nokoinliir 111., and

HnloU. lu-artlxiown, 111.

■IfoH nilcnvrilcrs V lll.J lr ia.T lio Sontlirrii .M alio. l^ lfoU nder'

w rltcrn’ nsHocliilloii-w'"P a rk liotol ^nu tn lay rom ilnr • •

Tim tioify o f - r ra n lc -f lc lsb '; -10, ri.-:ihU-nt o f T w l i i 'K a lls fo r >(> al •)<-ar.i' ivnii fiimiil :il bin <aWii lioino Dll Suruild avCi.*iiio itomli

.1 111 Ui(j afternoi;fo r l l i (* > .• " ■ i in a HUffcror from jml



E x c c u tlv o “ A T in o t in c c r 'P h n “ f o r ^P r o g r a m T o B e S tn g c i l in

T w in - F u l l s D is t r i c t_ / ,— ______________

•Cli'dr.irler (Irvolopmoiit ,Ih ilie n 'a l cun 'pilvo In ilu ' Ilny .Sroiil niiivrniPill, wlilrb Ui a lioiic lo n ile - liriiio .ItH twcMiy-Hc-i'ond . nnulvi'r-

n o y Scout, wi'idc, K elinn ry tiald !■:. UuKMfll S rc ll.

TjT--------------------iiir iin ‘ . iinm rj..............


.ilivi» 111 (lie sroH tlU iriin i.' , .ilivvclcd lo Uu' n l-llio

ntihir .•liarucii-r ' In hi.vs, 'I '" ' < Ii'i'-.di r. <.r lilt! nm iin iiii an- lini -•’“ f’''.'' 'H 'boi. lo ihln c 'l'I. K vi-y new d*'. ••"‘I f-'iiHly,

i-oloiMi.ont Him liin ia .lo In ilu> hcoui " s.i.MiKhui. • «ri.;r ilio v.-imriv liroKrani la n irc fn lly Minll.'d |o .1<- boiivtilui: n t tlu> \oniii:-All>'n ml-

:^ iu y n < iio w h e t |K -r._l r'i_>ii!5m

KcUviiiil llnbcook w a n ulculed lii'<’"li1i'ai 'o f llu! Twill I'a ll.i Ma- j:iciaiis rliOi for llio <'oniln;y.j;c<vr,«ii rh« r.'jiiitiir Wfc-kly'nio<‘!lni; .o t WriiV'ii n ifo 'riinrailiiy 'ni)on. F n ili- ’ fU .S)i»'»r)ji‘w r \ 'UH rt‘*rJcetciJ vi* o li;T-ltl(,'al._ a iid 'M o y il Colllur wat‘ . nnn in l M-Vn'dii'y-iroaKiiii'r.

Kctlriiib' (iiiKMTH w o r o ' j o l i n llobei'i’iiin. iiri-Hldioii, and l.yiin ,

• T liiiim lay'n f iiredns m arked tlio' iiiinlviirKitry i>r tlio oriaiiilKi*

Hon. wlili-li wiiH foriatil lii Kohcn- 'iii'y. I'K't.'

M .lba- will,.I, i ,.ITi-ri 'n.''lTlrT:;dJhyiiHliit.V;('iTien.' biui li 'iMil II. KiTii. iiii: ifii> I'lasi yf'rtr. ••

.'a ririy

.... ...... . . . . . . . ............ .hnslncHnl''‘"'*-'“ ' ’ HiliercnloslH for a numberlnV< A ir i in r IiiHiinilieo 'ifiilen-j"f anrl th is waM ilie cnnsc!

in e jiii re Toononleil 11 bo j>roncnl ail;'■/'•wJ'l'* Uoaib. m ;conllii|C to of-

'<1V in ( (IV <[irliuo iil)ji-i:ilvi

m ill InKTCHi of. lir iirllia l kiiowli'dui; aiitiirr<l • by the n ficr a ll. biilCII inciiiiis /O f UoUlliiK tiic hiivn-iii »t llio 1iiiy iiIo<Ikc!> lo ilie »coiii Oiilb

[and -L.iw under li-ailrnili|[i im will ItirliiK • nlKiiii o lia rae liT di'veloji-

. I o f ilie : r | l n l'”allii d lH liid ''l*oiirln« forili vlomls of mnoko and n»lioM. Do riic.KO-^iualciniilu’;* "111 olmcrve A nnlvlT snry w.-cit wllli

iin<)nji."V!«i'nnii o f F lro"—Droi*cnlcd IIiIh tenriioiiKt in-gM'ei h.h a m inor “ d iffuront ■proKram-for cacb of ili t m illion iiionaced tliV lown o f Antlc'mi r rrcn ily . Kino aKln-n talni'il "">'!*.■ n'^cnrdln;; in jilanH oiU.v'er tiii> ('on.niniilty. t iT rn rh ln irJ lir Iniinbli.-ini;'.

I'MiKry .Sr»io«l Helo).--Hcld TIilH W eek |j,n i,;,d l.cei* dn td iilncc

Tho ilirce-day poultry «cliool'bo-1 Tucnd'ivI,> ................... . . lu c m i vy,

flRcr». cailoil 10, 'inv<milKftl<j.<lic;_ . . , i r f ,•deuib. T il,, body. ruiTy.tUiii ummiIVi T T I T A R Y B A L L -

s c ^ p u L E D "‘•»i FRIDAY EVENINGOavla.

w a te r ex p o rt ra ( ii)o n beann via r n r t la n d ly rIbo- bclnR ' Invf HitRat* 0*1.

i{ csiilcn J« .ro r..T w Jn F«(Urt. you^^conlulltto^^ coinponw lioX 'T .

3. U oyd, Jiinoau H. Shinn and T. •U’ A tkins liaTo rocolvod tjio. hourly iiupport o t o u r . c o un ty ''o ffic ia l* In Qlnonlnff io niiiko luniporary ofTico'. robm ' X^r -flovcrnl d is tric t oftlolalH w hich .-will muan .iliclr location he ro : opondlnR c f n t Isiiiit $ 10,000 inoro o t .n o w cnsb nnnn* a lly In T w in PallH mul b o iia r i;or- v k o to llio to m m iiu lty In tlic lr tC ' •iipectlvo lin e s .', ConjcrMiin'iau iinilth'M b ill Id ConRruKu tn brovidu

(ins . DlHtrlballni? P ln n t t , P a rtle u 'p u rp o rlliiK io ,fln|vn-

.d a l ly rcnilf'. u n d V'lHlnR to cHlnb* llRh Hiieh a norvleo In T w in Fali» Jiuvff'fljado i>nbllc.'UlUlUc!*- eortlflc.ato o fco a v c tili 'n c o anil-rip* coMliy. A , frafcfilflo po rm ltr./rom ou r c ity w odld 3 ie :tn iO “n«C !l8hn ' If tho‘'4ilAlQ ocrtlflc .itd In .Kroiilcd.

- ln fo rnm llba .,n ii»tfl;.'of. aliiiU Jar uervlco. Us aiiccosit' o r ''fd U -

_iiTO and .tho ' Kcnerni tiatliifactlon •o f tlio iinU no 'lu tllliijr---------------“ ■

apeak on poiillry-raiilnir. ”

H um orous Debuto To* Feature. 1*-T. A. - '•a ia> ry 'U o n o lt, TwLn F.illH nt- to r j io y \ a n d John Khics,. Iiend of th o .' doparlm enl of "bliiiory and sodi\1.‘ s,ilcuco |n ;< ho Tw in P iiIIh

Bright Spots In Business

, li ilayK. n rcord ln ;; ii lliK-il by Keoti.

J Sniiilu>- li In p la iih rd 1 .......«r(Kjp< In (fie r f ty iiVli'iid rliui I Imily.' M onday la an nlvep

ouilni; In17!Ttin rirdny . »n.l 'wi

by iiilkii on iii'Oi

am i paruniH w ill n ltond Iroop nieuiliiKH. '0 vlc»v domonHiralloiiM of >:c<iiillnK w ork. W odni'iulay luui bui-n

. , ..... ...r-............... ..................................................................... il.'i'lKnalctl nil c ivic «ood liin i d.iy.npparcnily iiiii:cninlnul »Uorlly ooinpany 10. 1 l«ih <‘ni:liiiM-ra bnru ,; ..., ,, , will «.'<-lt i! iiirm i totlienviflcr. Davlii wan coiicornnl n,,, imnnnl .ball of llio unit will Ih*; IM ) - llu ' iidjtiM- accuin|ilUb ‘for lb<‘ «r:lio<i|, r liu rrlialwiil. nelKl..;.» lieallh and. ,icnt sivon al .Memorial ball Fxlday jiviw.iu-'ii- li> .i**''’!!.''.®'''''': orK;uil*ail<ni,

.......................................................................... .............. S'KW VOUKhealth ....... ....... ...... ' . , .1

hill cabin-W ednL aday .-n ln ircl till:, •'veeV. hop;» lli;ti tliero---------- - j T iio a ffa ir will l>o open lo tlie cri'iiH.' In »U'i:l pnicbasi'.i by

refo rm <o lOL-alo Tclailvcn iW^^publlc, w hich I'l bcln;; to earrlem , "Ir^on ............. . uiday.

........ .- i s - t "no rDlatlvcii llvlnn In th is nee- I'O tho olK btli.nniiual b;ill o f ‘tiio'-tcv f a r Co. sin.;.,- llu- iialloiiiil a,Ho ■'dvP!' lo tbn (;roiit oa th . nnd S n ltir. ,Vif in?.

.‘LelKhlon H«lil.t»d\v. M.« hns.rucclv-j ______ ____I .......... ‘ ^ * •

Ollll'l- ...............................;l oily. T liuntilay hIkIu. ibero

-■.will lie- (I ciniH o t honor, a t whieb •li l« expocicil w ill be ii record al* :iendiin(-<-. hYlday ib o ncnnts will

0 ib c lr parentrt to commit, ih r

tho -Twin.

" ^ r n n l t . w . H o r .an l: ;.d . _________________________

if. W ariln . TS. K lm r.-rly . ' R a p i d P r O g f T e S S■iilly ll wan llic'I.SCib Infantry, wlib »««»<'liillon.. j fan n e r fo r a ntin iber c f yearn, dl,-l . -------•lhi< Ibcn Captain llo ilie rl tu r-. ’ , ,a i lihi M n n .h o n io lat<‘ W cilne-day ' r .'.o.;iiacli In coinmaiiil. Thu intin r In n o w I.ONSDAM-.. U. l.-^-Ineron».Ml d i--.ati..rnooii. lliri h ealilt liail bi-.ui' » ''b “ ili# '•r S.roiisli.M i'.. lo

I.<tul..rbach In cliarK .'O ribe:> ''i‘ti ') .;o i- "b"-i1n«« »>" poor fo r HOint- l.lm -. ' . be i-f.Mrm.-J I j.i.ra.try II a iu - i : ;•I'OKlmcnl "With l llodcin niajor. buKi;lnrr enabled.Uil> l..on;-ilali! nu ll lli. |,i imrvlvpil by ncveu nonn. ai ilU' Huy f-alni;i aiiuino-'o t Ibo necond balinllun.' ,1'* (ii'^miHs l<« wrirldds; f« iw . ,;i- . .s’. .Mawin, J. T . ' .MnrHn ami I'n/KrcKW/ji/r ryj.MIy

(-lamlu .Manin. a ll of.-l'd<‘n : Mai k a*Torrl'.i)t lo iho,'<.. l-i cbar«n of

Called by Death Dramatists MakeASiFIRE AND GALE RAGED IN BALTIMORE

■ff.rt*Ifif» la lli'l

iilionld th o :propononntot'.lh l> new ,.. ' Indnntry docldo (o ‘procbcd'"w lll» '

ilic lrrp lnnn . • -

- S n d % 5 G 4 n i ^ e 8 ; ; j p ^ p ^^ O j i i S h a k e t L ; $ t o i ^ i 8 h e ( d

^ on;;itiiq;;;y.aU!^W^^fo rl tn o r.i lip ;;8 ^ o .;r lv u Y f In

;Snow-Honth fo rK .'....___

Ibo ,-vfe)i}lt^ nhowBoil- a\-oTnwVOoinU--bIr(»fl. incli«al/ w ithr 3: -WQtcr'.ctiUtoht- o f ,11> itsclid^. T IilB i? K l»v«*normalfor.-tWs'.’IJin^-OBVo«r.".(ioyir'ff»rc*

■ ■*" port'niW do ■ lo?^ thft''^nal cjjmpany -tt£flco h o r^ f ib y Jouoph^ kMarl' o f a ro m a ,' Motv* cii/sen'or. JCtt<

■ n o r t . WBBOUotod .i>'rlday.''. J t :iO; a ‘.'hca>->':anoK. ...^A>llbR (b a t. tim e.’- ’ 'I _ , , ,

, -M r. a tarliliftm , •. in .' hl»- » i>oft ' iAntotv‘hC‘l> rto RO.0 Ter>tho‘idln(rlct

o h ' nri, bbdfrvallon’. t r l | i , . wUb ra •j ' comploto ^-oiiort. to jiQ .iuado^lator.

• ■In th e w ock. T ho,iinow Xull <)Tor th o - v a l lo r tilnco ' Sa lu rd ay ’W Tft* po rted tn ho heart*. * • -

. I n SI, .A jttU oaj-• vJclnlly , ■ HUORV Ifi,-TO i>6tlod>tJj;bo;ati.«vor:

«Bo, dc p lii '.c t'. 3o::ijicW!fl:;,-wtUvTad o p U ro f oVor-.COVJricbeaMth^Uio Ilonrj-'H laUo . riat.V a n d ; ^t'.O JIc SpHngK. \ .......

Steihp Ghairman^..^.-, Ajjka'^-iMponge

>'A ll.'pofBona..-w ho' ImvdJ n o t ro* ♦ • apondod to CJirl*tma»Jcy^enl

«alo. o f tho - Ami-Tub(srculo8{B/.*ii;

UTO rcanoK cd .,to r e tu rn o ltlior tho • .w ta m tiS 'o r-th p . cqu lvarcn l In .fcagli

' •—“.-ng. flooa aa''jKKi1iib1e,vnccordlhi;~Vft' Mr>». ,W .'O rl- ChapiaAa. Mmlhnaii.

.1. ." I 'h o ro a ro ;2 0 0 jHsnioM .wh<>^TC- ■ ccivod Chrifttniaji ;s c a l^ ^ ^ y ^ 'ln n »

— U-,tt-liD.MyiUiOQtIi«liJQiaJloaj^^}lwK • . /Q r Uiom. o r T « u m w l th 0 '« o a l8 - f t

t tlio -.T w in ;.T W Is C o im li- ’ An^l-Tii* ijerculoalH ^ hgttoclallon.. ,8o much

I -syho-.lia^o not"', rqpUod.-_______ ___oc la llo il Is v e ry 'anx loua

I, . t toV li6U >;tho '*chool.'.w U ftjthe lr 'ho a ^ :p ro R n x m . am l',<o.cantlnuo Ita

.* o rk - i t lU i , tu 6 o r < m lo » t 't o l i a t j a n d •unucrprlv llcfcd ; chlW rcn,,

V n n n ■' ' “ W ST IlO lT — I'm diicllon o f C iidll-lnnd [ten Sliiriln. T w in F.ilU ; IJnic,; i'i<! I'hiy. D Irceilon of ilic <lnim:iA . c c u . J ^ u u i i 1.X1UC .'In,, nml L aS alle ciirii In -laniiary an<l .Max .Mnrlln, .leronie. and two l« hi th !ir«o iif A. I,. Siny.b. wlioLimit R e - O n e n e d ' e x r e e i l I n K any dunKlitiTH. Mi'fl. A. .1. Henry,-ICdcft. ap|ie;ir.i In ilio tliii* role.

• ■-f . . provlouii J a n u a ry In. tlio la a i !iev-.j:ii(| J ira . I’aKior, Tenncjtseo. I’rei'cniaiinn of •'SlronKlienri"e ra l ycarK. dnccih I.; I>. Tit* iMiily rt'HlH ' iil tho Tw in li' <me of lb«? iiiont ambliloiiH iin-KNher, pr.'w ldent of tin ' C'adlllao. Frillji. Morluar.v. F unera l arratii?o- do7iakin«« ever OMnmod liy local MiMor, (‘iir. Co,, nald. ■ . inionU have ,no t been e'^mplcleil.' di’.imail«in. in ndil.Mon t o ' i h e .

—— ----- tplay. ihi) A. i:. ITanclii o rc liei.trta i.'C ci.v .N A T l-C ineliina tl & Snb-) uWPt/.S IlOJIV K dr.V l) | .vJJI,,; on ibe

u rban llrll Telepliciie .Co. r e p o r t e d N i n V . YOniC, (Ul*)—T h u -b o d y pi-nCTam Imih evcolni:<. net priifli fo r waa |H .fit-.9f>l,'of • flve-yoir-old Florence McDon-; --i-ompurcil w ith $'J..lfi7;i71 In l!);:o..„oll, jiiljinhiK from liu r jio in c »lhco'-~SiV fnt lialb<« niid biidy ni(iHKnc(>>_ '— ------------- [e-irl> yc .'ten lay , wan found <oday n lllre llrT e you r rlieninntlsniiiolnn.County Tax Group “ ten em en t banum cnt In U rook-'M en and U'omen uKeudanto.

r - • 1 S h e - a p iiaren ily b.^d KCcn; D r.’ Foslvr'n office- Locnicd In' l O ' M e e C ' W n ' r n d a y .HlTnnKlcil lo ;dcn lli .:j)o l|co KaUl. renncy hloclt.

!m arehallcd lUi.-'eaUro ' i i r ^ t l s h l l i i K ^ ^ ' r ti4U \W :B pootncu lar b lttio Bbown'In th is aerial,phow .,T iR 'o,

ita tua '.to............................................. ............ ..............................................................o ju m b c ry o rd B ri- 'b o x -ra c tb ry ia iid numorous homoK Ittll 'rp rcy (Um bim ub- J)lM 6'tli# ilw a8Jic lR hlonoabyR 3C .m llo .5 tilc ,' • ' ’

Fodunil feed loaiw to , fnrmer.i w b d jo -c ro p n •• •wele affer>.ed -by drou iil if l ;nit yc 'ir, fo r'w h lc li tb perloiBTrf flllnic nppllcadouii cIoh-

,ad V cum lK 'r 1. m ay li? obtained aKniu, n n lll Fulirnifry -0. .licccrd*

' InR I/) n , le lec ra in rocolved by ItJ.onnly ARCni H am -y ,S r Ilnlu ITIinrnday from W nlter 13. Kllfr. ladmlnlD trndvo olO cer In clmrKO of I th o 'ln an a . *

•Any -f.Trin'or' In Tw in Fnllii .county wliOBO cropn wero uTfcclVd

7rb>—tb o 'd m « sln - 'in n > —n p i'ly -f^ i^ a " lo ttn rn n lo 'K iiC ir- • TIio ManFr*mnitc

diirlnR U iIk 'p e rio d will bo for ibruo m'ontliK.fcc<I, however, wbllo tbcflil niado previously woro for flvo m onihs. ,'T e x t o f tho tolcKrani rcRciverl

by H ale .w,111 an followii; • ■'i.'ficd joa iij ro-oponco ~ tinlll

F ob n iary 2!i r .op a la r i operatlonii n ndor fo rm er _reK nlallonn wKh oxcbpt{o.i'« - jJfat ndvancTn 'wHl' ho nmilo for tbrou tnontbs feed In* B tw w i'o f' flvo m ontlw .- ' v;.T}iosb, deiilrlnn’ io .h p i i ly - fo c loanB a re aiiked to .Kct In- loucb U‘> tlio connty accnl'B offlne.

• 'a - . , ; a q u e r ’ l .ll" , \ i

N0_ PRIOEL'ADVANCE H cn r i t ^ t h S o ^ Sonnd;^

- A d d e d 'L a f f r ■ "S noops to Oonquer'

“ Littlt! T rail'Qralm m McNamce •

I t 'c ft Long’ Show- P lease .Como E a rly - .;*v

Hihh-s Upen .'In lh irc iJilti P . Ml M ies a t (l::iil—La>;( Show nt i)'

. . friio mcitibern of, th e eonlily taxJioaifo<I_.Jjy— i{ a y .- jU L

Head, .-hnlm ian. Is-nchc'dnleil to incoi F rld 'iy nlfibi of. iljln ,-i\-cckj a t - t h e cbiiTiiber of coniinerco n t- | flpcn to ad o p i final rw onim onda-1 tlonii to bo placcd b c to r© '':th o : boiiril o f county coninilnHlrtnora

•nf <ho puW lc-hcnrln jj-tm -tho-liud- KCL'Mcaday...’rii'e .cnninilitco I^ divided Into

novoa- KTOiipn- nndor-tUo o f 'w ee d dep u rtin cu i/co u rijy aKCut, county lioapUal, county flilr, h ea lth d tp a n n ie n t , poor and pen- Hlons, and c o u rt Iiouho dep.irt- m entn. --•

J-.; If I 'f;.'

Is Your Gasotir. j Tax MoncB U ItD IN G Q ck>D R O ^ S ^

\ / r ■■

R A tK E tE E R S ^^ Y o u pay a tax on every gallon o f gawline yo^jTiuy. Your state Ifvi« this

tax to pay.for building good roadt. . . k - - .

But your state is not getting all the m oney pa id as a gaso line tax. .• ^C K ETEER S ARE TAKING AN 'A L A R M IN G ^tO U N T OF ITl .

They are wiling bootlegged gasoline on w hi'^ p ly the^a re no; : \ ; tax::;^fauMhey make motorists, pay all 6c a pan of the tax. “l ^ ncketeer .' keeps this taa{ money, himsein - •

-You gee yout tax back in thc-form of good,roads’whcii’the su tc w l- - ' le m tlic fax. You g « ijothirg when ndicteers get'jouf'moBey.-Aftd-- ccfnembcr--if )-out state 'got all t'he money.paid as tax, it:c(w ld'w dl' afford (o low erits gasoline taxi'

I f y o u w anij-our money to go into'road building instead o f Into jiC;. . ’. J faflfrrrrf%*pnrlfrc^^kft.wtrrt.thr. gatnlin>> ^W buy U nniLbflntle[. f ^ .

.Buy ■gasoline made by a'.rdiable, law-ab'iding company andjsold^undero.^_a.depetidabIc,.^,'.and,I».:^cctt3in:.tKsit‘i<»“ t .« * J ^

moBCY coes to 'v o a e s ta te ’i n d a o t co che,tadccf(?c^-That*g'cftc-<w[y:-'. . way to beat.ihc racketeers; ■' r‘ * . ' -

ro a a O jE V K h T O G .T D ffiS , TWIN: E.VLLB," IDAHO - P a g e 'S i j y t i i ; . . .

Today’s Markets and Financial News . JJARY ARD_W JLL_::^___-n tlA T T CL O S E T O H E R l h i [ a ) J O !



O tdco . o f 'l l io C om ptro llo r 'o t th o U Ciirrcucy..'W aalilnslon, D. C.i D o -^

'ArrlvcN p. 01,'I W IS .K A l.I .S -4 h U y 3 U J-

SU«S1I»XK , •• Xortlitiminll

/^avoA —— .— :i.I Leave

"S o iilh ln ia n d

CL ASS I FIE 1) PIRECTOJRY■ R ispohiiblo-Butinew . ProfMsional

«?:^ntSTurin--ffll»-A bli~ah 'etic » l lY A to g e c l iuick;Rcferericp-T— — r - - —


ILU- lAWYI nk UlillKvi'W

.WYBR.. P m S T

r!—AtJTO:"TOgr^BODY-V?:ORKS' P O il- B A L B -rW liiO SH IEU J. AND

doo r s lo o i- 'A u lo topH and . cur-

jfin&:-:.^omeig-~.’i'nn-, .nnil y..Work8t 'bftck oLDaoccittnU.

iD E N 3 3 a T f l_


..Third, ATC. E aiL -P bone 283.


W ELLS DRILLBD. A N Y -8IZ B li UotOH. ■ D cm pjtcr -‘jum oB..Boath. T w in F a lli ', . I d a .- fh o n o


lon t .All ■Qf;lJio,n<^llcrii..... nnii j ic n i ip ''n ‘ii(l liixiiry

In llto.- All o t ilicin iloitorvcJ llioBoJlllllBS. •, _ ___ ■ \

An Blio niCcimiiifnlly cuV lon’Btlia oflO-Miit oiiliac IlanueJ for'w om en wHo' fo r somo lim cnitablu’ reua'on wniKcd oultne Uaniicl 1u' mtduum* incr.,tlio rlr l 'u niltnl retu rned con­tinually to tlint inoruhic convoria- lion. Wcro :tlm llosnllcra tooli tlicniBclvcbT AYoro .itioy^lnilccU.nll lost' Iti wofuo ttian nivillocrUyT Did liio pasl Rlorlps o t a fumlly count for, no lliinc 'w lion , tho present llia t family was vo ro rty t

/■Wliafn catlnif yon!'* Jenny .El- klDJt. Iier counler mate. a«l:od 6bc£,

.“K ollilBS.",E llea rep lied ' siilrit* '|5, _lcsa|y..;- ■ " - ■ n m nbo felt ,‘vi-cBry at»l lUiijour asod. liu r liead nclicd , frotp tin

rir?ao»(rrrui»itii.grw plulntn- of nlioppert' wlio Ocslrcd u<Ko (or tlie lr raouey (bai money ..w ould ' buy. “Llk tbouRbc Ellon bliterly.. Wllll uaol.' abd' llm


THIicl.alio cliecrcd. As-alio .combed he r Jm lr-and :poirdercd .lier-tlam p.facQ idn% flUo:.obscrrea' th a i 's l ie ,lMd Krcat.deol of company. Tlie Orni _ •las room^wnii .f'jlUof.BuIijHKirltirJm well otr.tlinu ticniclf. mnny of l lw r

JaiUi-_______________paal tlio - poilalbllUy o t attalplQC

.happier .fulutos.

^ ti) fet'd .mill cloffi^ iild oup .nctlv^buy .

Tbnl riMiliiiR o'f •miiiiiri.T'Rcd 'i;licmonl wiia 'nim.Uvltli ilid • rbiii:lird tlm 'dance .tPlin'trt Uniadwtiy and pliMiK?d li !o (lio Rriic<!fiil iIii-hU-nr-ilin< lmll iiiB. U k-ft litT n liruiilly^vlicn,'i fio «ccr.rifd'lloor. BUo'lGft'Mic'cli-V;ur-nnd »tuiipr^l..ln(u Drcdinlitlid. •-Tbs Ills, 'ovvr;doconited .ro o t

!VCD MHb iill’ibu iliudni drnwn. ii ;>eaKMl cbcai) nuO taw dry. Tbu p p(?r roscH lliftt Bliadcd tlio llKbt^ were luit only linllnllim —iliuy d l^ ty r r i io lli.or; no t ye t cwcpl.

iiiiwy wUli confelll rem aining from iu 'iilslil liffore.IB Rllt cli'iilrn nad lalilM 'urranRcd round'Iho traMn proaoni a ii'citlni; )r romanco. Or tlio-'r.btm '-tlrkct uotli iiBorilio dnot' llUo lbo lloliut

Ijontlifi of motion pictiiro AB .llio icb ' toniRnco w aro-for b:iI«I

jjtlL'n lifinnrod her low, n«uired creclfilliat nliu'ba<l iiui coiiio-for jmancc, an|] wnlUod tow ard ibc

ttflor miirlicd .•■Oillcc—Jin;n1i uioi!. ManilRcr." S!w wn-i n l l i tk ' -iirlBcd tlfut tlicro wi-vi

iiy fiartnci Aficr

iiniu of tliu ri>oMt lio r<'li-:in<.'il liur.fiiri'lx'ait.aiiilJIoiipud In-

a lilu nwlvol cliiilr'iiKnlii.' .'•Yon’ro o l It,,*' Ifu , niiiioiincod. T iihi ni^ n ltli your nVvuInK drnm t elKli't uVlock loiilKlit. V.m'ro nl- iiwi'il Monitiiyi' oir if you w ant 'enr.

TjiIiii iiu y iiilie r niKtit ’>iiT. wllliout 'xpiiTinliirc lit iulviun;c7, m id 'you 'ro ircd. 'rbiil'/f.Hll." ' •

Ellen «ni‘lled faliiHy? ' ^ . - •T m nfrald U Imi't a ll." idio ol>-

ervcd unriiftloil. "I bavn to Iw-wrt- lilted v'lll'i Ibo J«b loo. W hat 1# tlio

iialiirj".- .'Cumml»ilun-i. -Tbe linvit pay. li> ccnUi n dnnco ntrn1i;ht d/ncliiK- Von van p ic lc 'n ii more BlvInK prlvatu li'iiiiiili:!. You -col bQlf' the liilflnRs. Yon •aplli your:l|iB.......................

Ilv ixinliitcd lilii cyi-:i iind rcsard- ;d her wllli tbo.cold.K binw o ' inrneon o r -n mimlral confflly

na w.ctl., T liat probably wan n cleai ludlcAtlOQ tb a t D ream land, job-

iipt-too'pi-ol!lablp.(0 iiuockrd pi lUf-f.-unicd Klaw

eater- •Jncoi) Satomon did not''^inA'T,‘1n

sh o 'c a m o 'In ir ’IlC 'w as-T rrartnn- hat.- Ifo did not reniovo Ills hi Nor dill ho rewovo tlic clKiir u t Klw moulli-whpn-Jio-l»qultud.kcr.-liiul

lold him'. . ,

"Vonled ivi. If .bo hb-d .Ji •^YoH p it clusJi loo. tinoclt the i>i)oO off any of tbe bout' ' bnvn

lie admit- lullced It:


piaUciihiK cHi>y—itlx or-nnvcn on Satui i:a>K. I > l c r l\mn clcrklnB In Aorii. ‘rim i wUat you do 'now l"

I^IIph wan WnnUlerably take ;Thacl:. c".lubut iirc voIcQ wax cool .an Rho ad-, n i n U Ibnt.olio.dtd r l r rk lti_n, and. m eant to euiiilnno. io d' .Salomon Indinuienlly utniirod l ie r ■-bnt’Biifirii rourse wbk unVany way :o'ii<iIcU'iiuia3e7b'iil'lfo'-dId nofa^-' pi’flr to bo really InCureaicd.

lier. ‘Tho” JiM)’ii nlWityH .iipcn II nuiiiaKc to -ocarD up lh« drPKs." U lo . th u l nfl(TiM.nit; KIten.. Ml- •tv dlnap/H.inted a t ImilnK tbo JlIU5';;ri a wcnU. teb'iilioiipiVl'VUin

llrookli'n aiiarlm eiil h.iiiiiu. T lir rn ., lom: wftlt wbllo Kood.naiured

rji. Clanty cllmbcd' tlio. jilalr# . l o - brlnn Molly lo Ibn phone., lint tbo.'

.11 wa» e u tler Uian tb s explana- ■u.’ -Molly JlosBltor.'mado li very

hard . 8bo c o iild 'n o t undcrBtaud. why IJlicn Itad nol-perouadcd Salo* non lb lako-Irtr-w llliou t tliu oro-' ling ' dreiH.' Sbo never nnder«lood luch IblMK*. .T o 'topU h lit off-nbo. explained tearfully th a t tho 'lau d , lord bad tu lleC durlns.lbo mornluB for bin rent. - ►•

-W ltat will wo d o r abo walled. . E llen Ijia 'tro 'f iM te rfd c a -o r th a t •

.ban- Molly. -Hut abo .poured forth reaasurance.i bcfo^o. Bbo 'U u n ^ n p ibo rccelrcl- nnd turned a w ju ^ ^ b a i:iivo way a lUtIo tben. Tffero wero

palo w ith fatlRUo and anxiety. Sbo bVuRhud paBl a baudiom ^

ilddle-aK^d man. wbo bad been walllnK a t the row of teleplioBca ou tlio tltlb floor oC D.irclay'e.. Sbo did

arm., -Sboi-tum ai^to fac* . Klov0n-lJarc lay ,.ow n8t - 0tf-lbB.tlB-_. parlm unt Bloro.* - ’ s '

■Von’rc' employed here, a r e n 't 'you?:!, bo aakcd._________

Elien'B heart uaro a r re a t tl

........t licMH, iindtT lbs. _•___L osborn Iieiia, 3 IbH. up. ______Colored'>prluK crii, ovo r 3 1b_»_SiuKu .......________________Old cockfl


" j siio.Hiio.\-E. ,:.(si»=tai). TRiMisfop. • c o m v a B -r . - '-

ttlilcb nil* tlve.. coD trncl fo r »,Uio opcrn tioa of tl ia hoIiooI bijii t7tin«-'‘ '

jAi itprllnB p n iiiu iro n , •lhrcti:*cl5btoi’'^ - ;« dU trlcla .-in -. -Oio • couhiy:-Vonh nnd W crt o r ShbB bone^-ii^^^ - unaldo throuKli

ick Afnndnv. ow lnc to ••

llrd .McxlHin. .Nq. 1 _____ __ 11. 40; ^Tl.tclicll, w hoItcd Mexicuii, N o..:! . . 51.25 ” ‘J'B"f»orbood nn 'd .tcaclto rs-tnV )

niuo T.IB G rlnim A lfulfn p o r >

Comiimu A lfalin . per cw t. .._$I0.00 Ucd-Clovor. -por cwt. ;:::i$io.(io

Polulw* . ietS.“Nq. 1 .... _.__...,G5 lo COi

UlOllCB. , OnlonH .

ttud U nnvohi, .Vo. 1.... ivodticiT ----

n m ie rfn t ;Ubks. c x lr ........ ..

,-^ 5

OvurwAlRUi Imtiiborn. UlU ttf ■_g..O nmmdKrrf ................p v e rw o ln b i.b in

by, Irtib-aled, fthd hrouisbi niHJiy. o f tbo punna'.'<u -poa*Tbffi3 > : n d ■• .MIiib' A im n’. C. L‘ctir(«jn*,>.-'^‘-' ru ra l «ui»{irrI«or7~*~Alblbri;i ,T« SbOBliono Ibis ■ woofc •.8 B0 ;«peud (lio -time uu 'tli-'J'obyiiiid ln«pocllnu th e 'TuVal 8elioblK'c!» ..counly,:„ Q K ih{^ laJtt>a:-4]^4)it lt>J» Iboughi tlin t iO iii 'ro ad n a bo In Bucii: cradltli>n"lli.nt » h d ^ btt.4inttW o;-t6 ireaclivBcm ib '-btll nioro Tem olo «cli6olii.-.<‘> " .'..'•.Ht'«.'.>roav— aubKtlluK) te ac h er .In .'l l Mr*. ^^Yel^llcrcll,V.V:l^ti”<Vnl to Wcr homo 'I d ‘■.TfloUnUilli; laBt. weck; illnoaa ,o f : l i i r ;

anjl.iQjiS f E i*• > n n :.

\V n iT /iT J fS S 'B r ESTATE. CpOD-' .'lOK'.-.Ida. todaiy. tsp o U c ro cp

.MGNEY- t o LOAN'. • - : : feHOE R E P A m n io

LOAN’S , 1SRI/UAN015,-'N 0;W AIT- : ' '. i^ in K for InniiA. Wo .^ai'8 dn-AliB v f e ^ t t f u r l l r . 'a o d lu ilp ly tba fumln. •LTTTT. . . ••• gwIm ft rn . Phnhi^iRRi;

LADIES PIN E WORK.,,-SOL-EH 'v tltcbbd oh. I^pm fort a tm flezf- billlT- T w in '> a ll» :S b o o ^ iie p a lr - Inci 1M:f<t.f>fbnn*'jW.-'Phnn*.ll»S

>^flpHpqM-Aap. OOLI^QES.

■ d B .‘ 'w « .- D. iiE Y N O L b i ' iso b:. Man:8U., .

i;^trQOTrfd;i:coLLEQE.'W M fvanT 'Idaho , . S ta rt

nlablu.Rood lobkfl and .dlnilnctloh. Ju» t around Ojio.cornet'.'Wbb. know

-vbat- m l^hl bitln a toro? . Sbo iw uns •out InW! t h f t ^ i ^ t t I 'lftfi-avcniio ;.WM Jaded. diid wlltlnR In £bo Ai RUn Bunahliir,, Kven.thb'Bbop n |i dowa’ rtbni«d: dn»ty 'a n d - tl/a roc. chandl»p. ijLiiaily so eeJJcInc. f i u

.:d[mmeO;i>7. tlifT U lnxine'ttM n' tliliL

,i - .irnary,.4lfiiplrit! 'M .ih'b iB ft- lh a 'ii ri i-

was atmoai caccr: how 'foF tb 'o

'^UT,Kiidii>l|:.tbi‘c ■P M B p lrl^ a t.ih 'o i.

to lce ns i r r i ^ i!8 an iilR'She liyd n»Tj>^

lllrildftluif-Jiy^ JoajH S.<>lnuioil. . . . . . leaned; 'iiiroiH .lintldy .ileiiii, wound lip ,n parlablQ rlc tro ln .'pu t bn.ft'Eccord aiid'liidjul ,u p , \ -•■ rn.,lrj;yD u_,oul/* hri;iuild, ^:-Ellei^ { f ille d ' 8iar_lt(|_d.- . n iji e»>- dcWy.-' S a ^ riib a 'cx p e c ie d ' tiep lo lldnt-'o .‘li'llli lilm. .116' w^9 boldliiB

iit W a ^ rm s ': atiu-^lyJd-ricrm-tHF orc'danecir KUti’ n ^nnii, ln:ii:»:«)ilft' [(%Tl*a;;frmati' vrcnrinit' n ‘h a t nnd


iliii; drtxaes." '•;>niiiii'B fwt,•ocliod.-upou- Jiio di'»l5, .jii. tbo^tloof, '

-btch had T5eoiamo dowi

’t do.V iie laid . : ‘' l ‘,nitsh< 'a8 KL-U tell j-oii tb n i ' llio i'bycolhi rloib(iH-Aru tho 'cnlcli.'i.T boy wetti out tftjit, horo. And you gotta ha rb '«‘nl.T.Tbl« Ui B clam y-plate. -. P art

■llBlntla.'J^riiry'bbriutl- .•,iiM Waj;;ia^;.iiib,-:,JiU^^

" Wj;n>, liU J[or

........ counler. H er counler. tended*liynnollicr.p lrl. wasBix noora bclowlij tb e bnapmnnt.. . . ,•.■■

‘‘I-a m empIoWd.bapci", Bbo soldi ft. atralncd /ift^ 'T o lco ... , ,

, you o t e p , . l q tb .^ :offlc«. ploaso?"..' - -

Ellen clamped bcM eelh Isto J>ar^ .J1t-or~^lp.^'At;ebe8Ueutl^ followed, l i l m 'r t e eallitd > r l h ' a ll h e r :^ f r^ 'pcr?'e •.lo/ia64t‘Uhta"'nirai:.caiamiiT.;'jji. «(> «he,waa,^U> ip»o h«r j6b aL;,Bu»,:-:;;cl&}''aS

F C R .S A L E A T '"


i M t t

^ Only_4.0\tie3LHavaJyior<i_Eop.. u la t ib n T l ia n U n d o S um

- H o s -E m p lo y c s— — ^

m I I d a h o D e j p a r r t m e i i ^ ^^ s ' ''if'ieism "77

iWi\safNCmv. “ TL'£'r‘ —, Tfiv ot l,l)^3,:573 fulltlm d worlt-

Cr» 'a ru Iq })C rouiitl ‘0:1 TJiiuIu Smn'H jm yroll.- Tlioy- recolvw -ttu. iivcrnKc iiouiil a tJtiiiltinic vEo to la t < cilcrar im>-VoU >I.nii:,CUO,4C7. acconlliip to n com- lilln llo ii. Jiiiil comidptcil • by <lio ISiircnu or tliu JUiiIrcI.

Tliln Jtr/iiy*of Ictloriil umiiloycrf c x cc fib tliu iiopiiU tlon of wiy

uTflfiLH'n o f.U iiL ja-tlm .iniloii.' -J l' Ik

■>r<jbruary'.‘j!;.'. '• 'C o u jjiy ouiMjrHiicnUuiil « f u tliooh,

Y 3 a rU m Nultiu^r,']ia» untKfflnciiiriliHi • vW.vU. Vlnccnl.Miiflto coiiiinlMsloiifr

o I odiicaUpii. SvlH.nil<lre«» ili«'M!nl* ■-dokJi wniniy tniificpH’ iiicclInK In l>oV lioia .'I'uewlUy Hdoniooii,;;0. a t !:[!() o 'c lock .lii M iocoun mum

0 ■•court_'jin - . . -

M'Tta.RttQiiil .lIllH liitvliliK- iJiiUijj;' hu\cerM

.'i;OMcr''<jC X 'lillo /A ii io ilc u u a jc c lm ii- ;\:rc fi,v ltu tu lloU 'o rtlcon t ifor llu i 'y e tir j

siDlE ^ c i b - -r loJlM a jid TrloniU of tliu ntfinliara \

i!i;e t i ~ o f - \N«w

iMvxlco, V cn iica t. -S'cVnilii ntnl AVyoiiiliiK. Oilly fou r eltlex In (ho iiulloii, uVew Y ork. CliliiiKU. I’lil li- (li-lplilii iinil L.OH AuKoli'H. Itavu iiiuii)* cttliiiiii!) Kovcrniiiurit

J ia a._c iiip loy« . -----Aij tivor/j«c o f ouo o u t 'o f

.‘lIlH-'lll.TJjo'{Sov''*nimi!iit jDi.vroll ii

li:r»:L* llm l u tilll Iniil w eek, a^'licn llif Imrt'nii o f ilin biiilKci coiiipli-i- wl I t i !>iifvoy, Jio iiKciicy of-llu t ^(•vurniiioiit jijul ,m<>rc ijiiiti the VHKUOiii liuw iniiiili Uiiclc^luii ]ul(l o iil lit. uitliiriud ivicli

M ark et Survey Says B ean M ovem ent l>uU

k ; 3 uu lo r,p«» l ^oiiiiHtlor o t tlie o r d e r : . tv /5 « y « + '- C arlson , comiHclor; Q 'm uk••

OttlinlnKUoni.-vicn coim nclor; X. K.- j.,i-:Jenoop.-TOc-ordliiB eccrolory, ami

• Jnjnc* WoUb. troiim ircr, vf-' - v ^ O. c h o p tc r iiioi a t tlie lioiiio

PW Iftp nciiiBborB •^follllny a in i. A . c . Do Miiry rcvlo'y-

|(vir ml;'tho to o k , "Tlio O real I'lanio" ‘ •

ijv X . t'lirlam i. ,.liui(5litur;

M o untain V iew | *” ~ '■Boys E n terta in

. ^ io , I . ,0 . p. r . iiiiii wnn t>ii< 8CCI10 -_ o t-a JOIly o n r ty Krlilay.nlKUl when •-^■-•-' ■-;p^V(;lili.-Clyilo-Alien. Moyil

. - ........,n . niiiiiUcr o f iliclrilontlB. OancliiR ttnii. oiijoyca uiilll

In to lio u r wlicn ri'fronliuiuniH w cro s c n ’o<l.

Jlov . J.- a '\\-,iUcm of llii* Hiijillul Ik •. Hopm MJiwlon iio(Ji:ty iircaclicil Jil

'• tlio - l . ( ) m m iii i l iy i in ir c l i SimJiiy iiioniliH.*. •T hn HiKilwicc was t-om-

•;.o iia m tlv d y n im ui.-.ilii.. to tlm -iiru- • vulonco o f " flu " In iliu vk ltiliy .

. C'onniietl t o '1'lii‘Jr lIoiiicH.;;c W in. ;\V’Jlllniii TJilullcu, u))il vMrk ,;,^ K tu n ie lt nm io r aiicl miinll m»ii.;. ;...'\Vaj-ac.‘tiro couuiictl 10 tliclr Jidhich I.- ..ib m icvgro cflHCM •■Till,"___ . ______}■:■ IJufllns-lK -rccovcrlnK a i IiIk' . bomo u fio r an niiuiiutUIy sovcrc at*.

(nek or - f i n / ’ - “ ■ - -IofH on uit> lowtir viiU of Itio

Salm on tr a c t 0 D rcjo lcliis o r i 'f J

• . o f 0 to « Innlitm, (tiirliijr 'ilic Hiornw »»• • y -n • * ' <• ‘’M -'rJ'luy. Su ln iday , SiintJuy ,»ml P lO neer.'C lub o fJloiiilay. T lio »no'v wa« licuvy nml v

, m -i.,K lvlnj;, i.n.nilrto o r 11 coiiHltlcr-i . Ul>lu unioiint o r iiiolalnro for next I t> > car’« croi). . , . . 1

JJOiSIi—Markcj. Jo r.O ro iil Xorlli- vrii ItbiinH :U; T w in I^U h \vtiiUllfu-

ycM t. ultlC 'llK ht offftrlBKli......... -


g ^ P A Y jCWBTiSa

S H H T R I T ;Z S P o a t e i t

— .,.11. II.-Ijil io ' Ii6n tm '-li( iiorvlni:. . ‘from Kroworrt wimil to o r Iii . w c h h ,’ ' -Mlar* H elen Mftlln. <laiiKlitcr o f jo f domuinl. Blaloa 11 tcUcral m arket] Mi'K. H. AV. IlllllH, ro-uniiHl a fciv «urvcy. Iiiaulrl«« to r Hccoml m ' l c tl l (y r> H i_ ^ tro m Himonc. O re.. '>cann a t-p r lc e i nvcraRluK lO.ccnUi u ^ o been .•« Hlmlent a t , l '‘f Imtitlrccl ibclow top-urn ilo wcroilie VtirlHiliii IUIj Ic Sd ioo l. -MlH8)‘ «'>>veil. . ^l im iA l f f m h r iv i l H iitlcrlu^Ii-om a, ■ Ucnn 7)rleeH o t ul m n jo r m arkul .-icrvniin Iiroiik Oiiwn • fnirnlcCT>i;<Jco low er IhbI w eek. Avllh

T lie A oxlllarv. o f 'l l iu A nierleun

. .~ s . “ 2. ’s '.K .?-.? -' 11

M en’s 'F in e ~ S p rin g W iU p n -^ ro th --- e rs a n d -T ru it-o f-th e -L o o m ”


V alues to $1.95.

^ Special Gio8B-out Spring' "■ 7 PatternV-.----- -----------"■

Both co lla r a tta c h e d a n d banded , g u y 'K ’; S tripes, fi:?iirei5i;, plain; an ^ j:.slub- K " M jM tfnHyle8'and.patlerija^ ij;f

.> Y our C hoice ftS C each • *„ ■

, l.cKloi

'eloelt. A iKirllon of U iu .‘' ‘‘.pj[p‘ {.rum K ortliurn in o v e iiic u lliJ .......... ......... fi'oni (lie; mniiiKK. M ont.. a e c l lo n j^a fternoon . ..

Sliinndry biiKn. fo r (Ije yi-:er:.'iiiV;vNm"llKlit; .biil'.'iirlcca'T ieiil «rciiiiy- liuKiilinl III lloltse. Ton w l|n Kroweni hcIIIii); on ly Io nvuitruw ere i-omiiletcil. • A •KUCHslnK Muntll iinionnUi o f ca iili-to tiin<liict >;nniu wiui cnjoyocl la te r In w lilch Umlr bnHlnena: K imli'm uml m it ra l Jii 's . V era Znlil won the j>rl*c. ^yeiilcrn initrketn for Q re at Norili-

ibentiH f((umi)vd bccaim c.of loV

N orthern V olcano Throw s O iit L ava

(UP) ■— UnlVnak

ANCJHOIlAOl-:. AlaBkU. aiilMliuliloii vnlcaijtf on iKliind WM in lu l r c riu tllon todny.

•, KliiniM Mhot li1«l|.ln lliu.oky. Jnni nlftlit and from th e to p of ilio moitn- liiln rciM ioi Invii caHcniIcd In iilcady

> '/itrouinK ilown lo tlio foollilllK.' •! No aHlii-H fell Inland bccauHC- Jiuuvy wind lurrle^l them out JiorlnK Hi-a.

JleporiH of tbu ernittlun radioed liuro by Joiieiili NaiienI from KalHo i>anH.

ilonit flannc'l tronii(ir»uniok<i< a -b la c k . cIkix' io .kcl iliu

■liDlrlt.:H> foiniiOHe.

L w hlcli j)cii .lieatiii ■ w

40 lb. OottoD 'H a ttro ss $1Q6B uybral D o n 't bo-mlnKxl- by flc* .tillouH prlco . labels w lU r no> callcd rcKUlar p rices . AuU id soe Ibc ^Kliiu o f tlio nrntlroan. Comr (0 IIKIIT SWKK’l ' (c r ihe ben vnhics lu MiKtruuuoa. Ucda unt SprlnsB- '

“ ' Special V alues In

B o b b e r sib?-_______ (M ain F loor Shoe S to re )

jWeii^s .7 e y e le t A ll R ubber L ace B oots w ith heeL R eg- l ^ l a r $2:95 values-r.:.,.......l„ ..;„ ........

O ne lo t o f M en’s 1 4 -in c h \ll ey e le t A ll R ubber Lace Boot w ith heel. R egu lar ?4 .85 va lue ......... .. .. .. .§ 2 ,9 5

.One L ot L ad ies R ubbers, m ostly low heels; S izeV ^ 5'fi. C leanup p a ir .........................................i S c ,

• lyieii’s 4: B u ck le ' D ress Ove)rshoes. .Goo^ili^quality.. Re- lila f $ ^ 7 5 g ra d es ......

K im berly G ives’ B enefit Pkj-ty

" S u e s F o r I ^ t u r i t y I KIMUICULY. (Sjiix-iiil

nInKllOISl'y-flii Uidted<»iii.tes dl.xlilut ■<-hlb ■

tcimnwircd . bv .-.liu I ' lo n w i’uiiiiriui "■“** aflenilud. • Twenty

. «:oiirl'bcr6 J lo w Jm r j; ljn i{ f of'Tn-ln ' Z . “ ■a"*’/!,3-'nllii 'liaH Kn<!« th e .lln lti- .l 'S iu te H o f.'" '■ ''k " >i'- plm.dil.!. , ' l l i e lu>ll

• r. in(HtirlnK bln w iir Hnk Itintir- 1 d itu rn ie d , «;ltb: onco «r.»HJ.OHu tji-eiiu«i: iif iierni*, in'^’J f ’ nn<l’Of.^v fnn illiire. uni'uc toliil illniibllllv,' fliilnind I'l nnd rn(;i‘ a d d e d 'lu lln iiHt:>i:(lvi;>

Jirlno from i.-nldemlu’ l'iu-<«i>lmllllK. invm.’ '.Mrii, (imirHu- l/.-ieoln won • iiphiO 'Injury. inyociinlitrH 'nnd,oilier tbu . iiw;U'.l for lil|ili..iro ri: for Ilie

ni'oiUiiiiMi'ii lilftb lu-oro »wiird,w Dr.'FoMti^r fbi' 1)Hr> T.'KCoIrd, in J . I'lii1ll|i_])ay (;f.M<i>^ui>Kb. IrAlIouKCH from both f e e t '( o r $1.00:

In tbe .|,lnui'blc ciinii'H' MIhh . Oc - ! 1 " .J - .f - I'onncij l.inck, nrvk'vo Wilcox nnd .J la rlcy New­k irk i-,.,:elvr--l .......................

ik U,1iIkI>

■ lii'tliii; (»r eoffi n .cinil' iluiiK(w»il» w rre .-tiived. Mrs. A. J. ‘VVilson antl-.Mr:7—Wllltntn-M.nt c.l a i;ilivVufr(:i!_herv|vi-.

Tn~C.~PcfiVL-TD~^vaii bnHluM :>t her Ui'niti. Tliui.t^iloy-iiflemooir i''. n l;n<i ln>ii-lii-nn. fn illie briilco ;::iniii. fullovvln« .InuMlu'.dni .Mr.-u r 'li il Hrun. Mr». .l'V:mk «H'.'li.niltli • r-'nl Mv», (.’liiirli"( 're iif rr . \ . .. iiw u id ii'fo r liiK b ^L'uriw. In ml« dIUon t.i ibu Kliiibevly eliib 5 bern. .Stf.i, Oifti 'V s.slku .'• Mr«.

G A S O L I M ©

JA I’A.V consitniPK lai-Kc i|U!intt- IIUH .o f flnii. bill. -'.Iiev intvt' .'iil Kol tbcin a ll co rm llcd , ii» I .liavu

r - i f 'B lilpincnt o f H nllbni -ivlilirb- 1 r ' <(ni .j;olhK- i<iiii« ■.'.iloiiK ui jr>e

. 'H o .y o ii . • Aim) o iluT v;iilfile,i Imnd every «lny. 'n>« 5>meli’eoinhiK now. ium 't • in lw '.li......'A ny fjnli In the_fltdi |]n>) l do lu l kciip In iitock I xk'lll Kot for yvii I b "

^Jf you,-w-lll hini«, ivjuit .It Ik. I ■ .J.»CMlal^}icani>n jiinriit 1-Vb. •lo. -irby

■ ' iio i luivi) .1 kK <>f flrili on biuiil.'p" ..-J iif ld juiy. M r..T n :eke r. now lii tbo‘ “

tim e .10 bo KetiL*);; Kunlen iiewlK. A n y iU n s . , yon 'Vant .In

■ . noiinilH .ur m ore f .ciui s t f fo r ysuui(il •••'nve yon ■aionev.' ru-IJMC!

| i l + N A J E P ^ iM’5 S-HQiES FOR:^pME;N: *6

There is a difference!:Try our^cleai', fepai-kling

gas ytrom . tour front door -Pum psTtfttt lyoii. will find

- a difference—for"thc?-b^-- ter! Quicker stai'ting, lt(ng-.

■ ai‘mileage; better perforirt- -miee;'-ence!

-And yowll ‘ like our

Lind Autjpnobile Go.' . The y in c i t onil I)M t .E(]al|>iica -Onro7e

Official Bosch M apncto -*■ Tlm'kcn. > > ir ’ l)cp a r ta ro and '- ^ S a les Btid Serrlc® StaUoii. ' f - ' ’ U ja t t B earln ir D U W bolo rt

Oflleo M il a iJo p T h o n o 2W . , JT arla P hone 2W.E A I^ S

1 Falli,.Idnh<) . - p o p a rtn ie n t Store,

V V W A V A W bW .

- : : \ i i e x w ip tiM ii iil.v a lito n r e rii».iii!> j)n n t - i i i ' t ! - J ‘n H t - e i . > l o r i ^ ’ l i » K < ' l . v - w » v « ' i > - ' H i w U u i - > < | i r i

UHKorliiieiil o r p i i l t e n i s . • ' yiinl 19 c

- n e w S P R IN G B R O A D C L O tH >51 , V P R IN T S *■ il9o i4•StVilcmg color uiiiiilMimliyiiH, in 1i »ilk«lil<o liiinl.v-

S~ , wNiyoii u lo lli.'T |ii’S(r'wjll'lih-viTV ))UpiiIiii‘ fo r xiirii'iK _>1loil«V df'; ftiilniol (llT!>Kl5i, 'CtC. -§ QV»“-'

» T n s t color,.yuW ............. ...................... ...... •

N E W -S P -R IN G -R A Y O N — — S H IR T IN G S 2 9 c -Yd;

Tliit is Ihir .venr <tf nil yCilrH ti> OHoiiomize. Kvcrj’ inni likcii a Kliirl: ol^i.voii. llerii is sotuetltiiltc lU!M!r=

: 'llii-m::, * ■ , , , s . . .

Exceptlpn^l Grocery Yafiues^ j ju 'r - c ^ s b v o r 'tliis ] is t o f food borffaias a n d f ig u re ai jjcnny

J i s 'a ponny earn ed , y o u 'll c am a .pockc tfu l o f chanso 'shopR iog- hcrc;:lfo .iiccd— & l k T i b D T i r q p a H t y - ^ t V a l w : q r r t b o r l '------- =--------------- ^ ^ -------------------------—

])iiniin Wlienl' Miieni'oiii• y ' i b s i - f o r : : . . . . , r , .......

‘•ySolitl' Ipacle1 9 p

(.'ry jitn l A’ic d rt i i i i ; O jits \vi B rucn (,’lijSH Oisli, In rg c c iin

W iio lc i i 'ln .'u t> O erm n (k — lU. hHt!

20 c

I’icrcc’K■CafaiU», - lb.; ciui

■ SI illc r’fi C o m I’llalivH.;,

- s^l’ondH"l’cim»Jt Uiitti!r,;-l(i OZ. cjiil .....

- DuiiliniiC^ Fi'ch Ii VCocuaimt - \Vj j)o m iil Clin .......,;.;..!...............: J t v V .

‘Chayc, fijuiiburiiii J^uied . ,J ic lie io ii s C o f f c i ' r i ' Ibi ‘ciiii . . . . ' . O O V .•