seven signs of ethical collapse

The Seven Signs of Ethical Collapse: How To Spot Moral Meltdowns in Companies . . . Before It’s Too Late A Focus on Ethical Culture Professor Marianne M. Jennings W.P. Carey School of Business

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Page 1: Seven signs of ethical collapse

The Seven Signs of Ethical Collapse: How To Spot Moral Meltdowns in Companies . . . Before It’s Too Late

A Focus on Ethical CultureProfessor Marianne M. JenningsW.P. Carey School of Business

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Companies That Fell; Round 2 for some• Adelphia• Boeing• Cendant• Computer Associates• Tyco International• General Electric• Global Crossing• Merrill Lynch• Enron• Qwest• WorldCom• Royal Shell• Nortel• Krispy Kreme• Refco• Hewlett-Packard• UnitedHealth Group

• AT&T• Xerox• Kmart• Citigroup• Lucent• ImClone• Arthur Andersen• HealthSouth• Royal Ahold• Parmalat• Apollo Group• Marsh & McLennan• AIG (Putnam)(Mercer)• Fannie Mae• KPMG• GM• The stock options (130


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Some sample fines . . .• Boeing

• $615 million fine• Royal Shell

• $120 million fine• AIG

• $1.5 billion for accounting misstatements• HealthSouth

• $1 billion restatement• $100 million fine

• Tenet• $725 million settlement• Plus interest, for total of $900 million

• HCA• $1.7 billion in civil and criminal fines

• UnitedHealth Group• Parmalat

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I. What can we learn?

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a. These were not close calls.

• Capitalizing ordinary expenses• Backdating options• Embezzlement• Insider trading• Fraud• Spying

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b. We’ve been down this road before."Where were these professionals ... when

these clearly improper transactions were being consummated? Why didn't any of them speak up or disassociate themselves from the transactions?"

Judge Stanley SporkinLincoln Sav. & Loan Ass'n v. Wall, 743 F. Supp. 901, at 920


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So, what makes good people at great companies do really dumb and unethical things?

Knowing business history and that these were not close calls, how do these ethical, legal, and, too often, financial collapses


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II. Thoughts on common threads among the collapsed companies and antidotes for prevention

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Common Traits in Ethical Collapse

1. Pressure to maintain numbers 2. Fear and silence 3. Young ‘uns and a Bigger-Than-Life-CEO 4. Weak board 5. Conflicts 6. Innovation like no other company7. Goodness in some areas atones for evil in others

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1. Pressure to Maintain Numbers

• High ROE; double-digit growth, etc.• Pledges to continue the performance

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Pressure Antidotes

• Antidote: Help employees distinguish between superior skill, foresight and industry and cheating.

• Antidote: Watch unconsciously sent signals.• “Find a way.”• “Whatever it takes.”• “Sharpen your pencil.”

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2. Fear and Silence

• There is never a problem with employees missing the ethical issues

• Always a problem of not raising the issue, being ignored, not having an avenue for raising the issue, or being fired for raising the issue

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Ethics at Work

KPMG 2000 Survey

• 76% of employees observed a high level of illegal or unethical conduct at work in the past 12 months

• 49% of employees observed misconduct that, if revealed, would cause their firms to “significantly lose public trust”

KPMG 2005 Survey• 74% of employees observed a

high level of illegal or unethical conduct at work in the past 12 months

• 50% of employees observed misconduct that, if revealed, would cause their firms to “significantly lose public trust”

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State of Ethics• 65% DIDN’T REPORT (1999)• 37% DIDN’T REPORT (2003)• 41%-50% DIDN’T REPORT (2006)

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Why didn’t they report?• 96% feared being accused of not being a team player

(same 1999, 2003)• 81% feared corrective action would not be taken (2005

data leaning toward this as #1)• 68% feared retribution from their supervisors• 57% feel pressure to do “whatever it takes” to meet

business targets• 49% believe they are rewarded for results, not the

means by which they achieve them (SHRM and industry surveys)

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Merck• “I just can’t wait to be the one to present those results to

senior management.”Dr. Alise ReicinIn a 1997 e-mail on “C.V. events” (cardiovascular effects of Vioxx)Merck had not yet begun selling Vioxx

• “Obstacles” – reference for negative CV events data on Vioxx; used in videotaped sales training for Merck sales reps

• “Dodgeball” – term used to describe what sales reps should do when asked questions about CV events and medical data

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Fear and Silence Antidotes

• Anonymous reporting• Response and follow-up• Review by board• Disciplinary actions• Reward system (guidelines now have both

carrot and stick requirements)

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Remember two critical elements:1. Tone at the top and the importance of

example2. Enforcement: Must be absolute,

unequivocal, egalitarian

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Enforcement is Absolute, Unequivocal, and Egalitarian• “If the janitor had taken the liquor, he

would have been fired.”Student’s observation on discussion of tolerance for a

manager who “borrowed” three bottles of vodka on a Friday night for her birthday party after work and brought in replacements on Monday morning

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3. Young ‘Uns and Bigger-than-Life CEO• CEO a full generation older than direct

reports and/or lack of depth in direct reports• MBAs (senior management)• “I hire them just like me: smart, poor and

wants to be rich.”Dennis KozlowskiFormer CEO, Tyco

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A Look At Your Future Work Force• 60% of high school students cheated on an exam in the last

year • 62% of high school students lied to a teacher in the past year• 82% of high school students lied to their parents in the past

year• 33% copied something from the Internet• 28% stole from a store in the past year• 23% stole from a parent or relative

Josephson Institute 2006

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Iconic CEO and Young ‘unsAntidotes• Always question the icon• Help the young ‘uns: ethics requires daily

effort, reinforcement, and training• Without it, you slip – Everyone believes

they are ethical!• Introspection is the key

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High Ethical Self-Esteem

Living in Denial and Slipping Into Complacency

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Guess who said it?

"Ethical standards and practices in the workplace are the pillars of successful employment and ultimately the benchmark for a strong business."

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Guess who said it!

“it is the responsibility of management to operate the company in a competent and ethical manner. Senior management is expected to know how the company earns its income and what risks the company is undertaking in the course of carrying out its business. Management should never put personal interests ahead of or in conflict with the interests of the company.”

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Guess who said it!

“We understand why the American people are stunned and outraged by the failure of corporate leadership and governance at Enron. It is wholly irresponsible and unacceptable for corporate leaders to say they did not know – or suggest it was not their duty to know – about the operations and activities of their company, particularly when it comes to risks that threaten the fundamental viability of their company.”

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The Survey on Lying• 52% said lying was never justified• 66% said lying could be justified• 65% would lie to save someone’s feelings• 40% said they’d never lied or cheated• 10% of the 40% said they had told a lie in the past week• 40% said it is “okay” to exaggerate a story “to make it

more interesting”• 33% said it is “okay” to lie about your age (only to make

yourself younger, though, not for purposes of drinking age)• 33% said it is “okay” to lie about being sick to take a day

offAP Poll, June 23-27, 2006

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More on the survey

• 77 Virginia college students monitored themselves for one week; only 1 reported telling no lies

• 70 people in Charlottesville, VA did the same; 6 reported telling no lies

• Most likely to lie: 18-29College graduatesHigher incomes

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Statistics from the Voluntary Payment System for BagelsPercentage of time people pay for the bagels?

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Greatest decline in payment rate?

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After 1992

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Greatest increase in payment rate?

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After September 11, 2001

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Which companies had the highest failure-to-pay rate?• Telecoms• Companies where security clearance is high• Mining and manufacturing

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Which group had the highest failure-to-pay rate?• Front-line employees• Executives• Sales

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What do Finova, Nortel, Microstrategy, Computer Associates, and Fannie Mae all have in common?

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Accounting Improprieties and Massive Restatements

Also ranked in Fortune’s Top 100 Companies to Work For – Some for

three years running

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4. Weak Boards • Experience• Age• Conflicts

• A. Consulting• B. Related parties transactions/interests• C. Philanthropy• D. Complexity of relationships

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Quotes That Haunt!“Most of us made it to the chief executive position because of a particularly high degree responsibility . . . We are offended most by the perception that we would waste the resources of a company that is a major part of our life and livelihood, and that we would be happy with directors who would permit waste. . . So as a CEO I want a strong, competent board.”

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Dennis Kozlowski

– While CEO of Tyco and donating millions of Tyco money to charities, including his wife’s trainer and his decorator

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Quotes That Haunt!

“Boards should be absolutely certain that the company is run properly from a fiduciary standpoint in every degree. I am a great believer in the audit committee having full access to the auditors in every way, shape, or form.” Fortune , Nov. 18, 2002, p. 34.

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Al Dunlap

while CEO of now bankrupt Sunbeam

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Weak Board Antidotes• Dig deep on conflicts• Don’t fall for governance myths:

• Stock ownership• 10-year limits• Mandatory retirement• Nomination by shareholders

• Challenge officers, but don’t micromanage• Pay attention to perks• Know industry accounting issues• MBWA

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5. Culture of ConflictsACTIVITY PERCENTAGE


Purchases or sales of insiders’ products or services 47%Loans to executives 39%Directors who sell legal or banking services to company 35%Buying, selling, lending to or investing in companiesinsiders own 21%Hiring relatives 14%Director consulting arrangements 11%Leasing, selling or buying airplanes to or from insiders 10%Company borrowing from insider or insider’s company 6%SEC Report 2003

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United HealthGroup Conflicts

• Head of compensation committee managed CEO’s family trust

• Members of compensation committee had their foundations receive donations from CEOs

• Served on each others’ foundation boards

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Conflicts Culture Antidotes

• Believe in conflicts of interest!• Remember the two ways to manage a

conflict:• Don’t• Disclose

• Establish definitive rules and follow them.

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6. Innovation like no other

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Guess who said it!

“. . . standard accounting rules [are] not the best way to measure [CA’s] results because it had changed to a new business model offering its clients more flexibility.”

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Sanjay Kumar, former CEO, Computer Associates; entered guilty plea to fraud

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A Few Quiz Questions

What company was described in 2001 as having a delivery and marketing model that would change its industry?

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Just emerging from bankruptcy

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A belief that mundane rules don’t apply to them!• Dot-com mantra of EBITDA, “You know, if

we hadn’t had all those expenses, we would have had earnings!”

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7. Goodness in some areas atones for evil in others• Culture of philanthropy• Culture of diversity• Culture of safety• Culture of environmentally conscious

operations• Culture of volunteerism• “The Changing Lanes” Phenomenon of

Moral Schizophrenia

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Guess Who Said It!

“It’s more than just money. You’ve got to give back to the community that supported you.”

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John Rigas

while CEO of Adelphia, who gave back to his daughter and others in business with him

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Antidotes for the Good/Evil Balancing Act• Rethink popular notions of social

responsibility and business• Rethink company activities, perceptions,

realities• Be very skeptical about “doing well by

doing good”• Rely on virtue ethics and simplicity: Truth,

Honesty, Fairness, Egalitarianism

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III. Thoughts on Overarching Philosophy and Attitudes

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a. Watch the gradual slippage that comes from complacency.

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On Slipping . . . “You slip-slide into evil, he thought. You cross the

line for just one moment. You cross back. You feel safe. You change things, you believe, for the better. The line is still intact. Okay, maybe there’s a smudge there now, but you can still see it clearly. And the next time you cross, maybe that line smudges a little more. But you have your bearings. No matter what happens to that line, you remember where it is.Don’t you?”

Harlan Coben, Chapter 32

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b. “We don’t think they began as frauds.”• The problem of “A Simple Plan”• “Time-out” Antidote• “It’s a gray area.”

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Questions About the Gray Area?• Why is it important that it be gray to you?• Is it legally gray?• Is it ethically gray?• Is it a good-faith disagreement?• Interpretation vs. loophole vs. nondisclosure of

relevant information• Descriptors: “Aggressive opinion”

“Aggressive accounting”“Financial engineering”

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c. Ultimately, leadership and example matter.

Culture is to company what character is to individual.

Culture comes from the collective actions and responses of leaders.

Ultimately, culture depends on individuals’ character.

The Missed Reassurance of the HP Crisis.

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Layers of Responsibility for EthicsWho is responsible?


Company Regulations

Government and Systems Regulations