settlement. what is a settlement? a settlement is a place where people live permanently. this could...


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Page 1: Settlement. What is a settlement? A settlement is a place where people live permanently. This could range from a hamlet to a huge city


Page 2: Settlement. What is a settlement? A settlement is a place where people live permanently. This could range from a hamlet to a huge city

What is a settlement?• A settlement is a place where

people live permanently.

• This could range from a hamlet to a huge city.

Page 3: Settlement. What is a settlement? A settlement is a place where people live permanently. This could range from a hamlet to a huge city

How did it all begin?What did this area of England look like 1000 years ago?

Page 4: Settlement. What is a settlement? A settlement is a place where people live permanently. This could range from a hamlet to a huge city

Early humans were hunters and gatherers. They lived by eating fruits and berries, and hunting…

Page 5: Settlement. What is a settlement? A settlement is a place where people live permanently. This could range from a hamlet to a huge city

…which meant they were always on the move, chasing sources of food.

Page 6: Settlement. What is a settlement? A settlement is a place where people live permanently. This could range from a hamlet to a huge city

Then, one day, they noticed something amazing: where they dropped seeds, plants grew!

Page 7: Settlement. What is a settlement? A settlement is a place where people live permanently. This could range from a hamlet to a huge city

Then, one day, they noticed something amazing: where they dropped seeds, plants grew!

Page 8: Settlement. What is a settlement? A settlement is a place where people live permanently. This could range from a hamlet to a huge city

So they began to settle down in one place and grow their food. These were the first farmers. This was the start of permanent settlement.

Page 9: Settlement. What is a settlement? A settlement is a place where people live permanently. This could range from a hamlet to a huge city

Explain why settlements began 12,000 years ago!

• Mention the first agricultural revolution.

• Explain why this meant people stopped being nomadic.

Page 10: Settlement. What is a settlement? A settlement is a place where people live permanently. This could range from a hamlet to a huge city

Site and Situation• The Site of a settlement is the exact

location where the settlement is located. Eg. On level ground, dry land, etc.

• The situation of a settlement is the location of the settlement with respect to other places and features. Eg. Near to a river, north of a forest.

• Describe the SITE and SITUATION of this school.

Page 11: Settlement. What is a settlement? A settlement is a place where people live permanently. This could range from a hamlet to a huge city

Describe the Site and Situation of Venice.

Page 12: Settlement. What is a settlement? A settlement is a place where people live permanently. This could range from a hamlet to a huge city

Your Turn…

• In groups of 2 or 3…

• Consider the factors people would have thought important when choosing a good site and situation for their settlement.

• Create a star diagrams (or lists) and include both Physical Factors, and Economic Factors.

Page 13: Settlement. What is a settlement? A settlement is a place where people live permanently. This could range from a hamlet to a huge city

Factors to consider when choosing

where to locate a settlement

Wet-Point Site

Near to fresh water for drinking, washing, or irrigation.Could be near a river or at a spring


On a hill, surrounded by water (island, meander or marsh).

Arable Land

Near to good rich soil for growing crops (arable land).

Flat Relief

On flat land where it is easy to build houses, roads and farm.

Dry Point Site

On dry land, which is not liable to flooding.


Near to Woods/Forest for fuel, building materials and hunting/gathering

Building Materials Near to stone, wood, mud which could be used for building materials

Nodal Point

At a route centre. Where roads/rivers meet, which encourages trade. Especially at fords and bridges. Bridging points and lowest bridging points


Near to the sea. For trade and a source of food

ShelterProtected from cold winds

AspectSouth facing slopes

Resources-MineralsLocation at or near where valuable minerals are extracted. Oil, Coal, Gold etc.

Page 14: Settlement. What is a settlement? A settlement is a place where people live permanently. This could range from a hamlet to a huge city
Page 15: Settlement. What is a settlement? A settlement is a place where people live permanently. This could range from a hamlet to a huge city
Page 16: Settlement. What is a settlement? A settlement is a place where people live permanently. This could range from a hamlet to a huge city
Page 17: Settlement. What is a settlement? A settlement is a place where people live permanently. This could range from a hamlet to a huge city
Page 18: Settlement. What is a settlement? A settlement is a place where people live permanently. This could range from a hamlet to a huge city
Page 19: Settlement. What is a settlement? A settlement is a place where people live permanently. This could range from a hamlet to a huge city
Page 20: Settlement. What is a settlement? A settlement is a place where people live permanently. This could range from a hamlet to a huge city
Page 21: Settlement. What is a settlement? A settlement is a place where people live permanently. This could range from a hamlet to a huge city


Page 22: Settlement. What is a settlement? A settlement is a place where people live permanently. This could range from a hamlet to a huge city
Page 23: Settlement. What is a settlement? A settlement is a place where people live permanently. This could range from a hamlet to a huge city
Page 24: Settlement. What is a settlement? A settlement is a place where people live permanently. This could range from a hamlet to a huge city
Page 25: Settlement. What is a settlement? A settlement is a place where people live permanently. This could range from a hamlet to a huge city
Page 26: Settlement. What is a settlement? A settlement is a place where people live permanently. This could range from a hamlet to a huge city

The first river crossings were Fords.

Page 27: Settlement. What is a settlement? A settlement is a place where people live permanently. This could range from a hamlet to a huge city
Page 28: Settlement. What is a settlement? A settlement is a place where people live permanently. This could range from a hamlet to a huge city
Page 29: Settlement. What is a settlement? A settlement is a place where people live permanently. This could range from a hamlet to a huge city
Page 30: Settlement. What is a settlement? A settlement is a place where people live permanently. This could range from a hamlet to a huge city
Page 31: Settlement. What is a settlement? A settlement is a place where people live permanently. This could range from a hamlet to a huge city
Page 32: Settlement. What is a settlement? A settlement is a place where people live permanently. This could range from a hamlet to a huge city
Page 33: Settlement. What is a settlement? A settlement is a place where people live permanently. This could range from a hamlet to a huge city
Page 34: Settlement. What is a settlement? A settlement is a place where people live permanently. This could range from a hamlet to a huge city
Page 35: Settlement. What is a settlement? A settlement is a place where people live permanently. This could range from a hamlet to a huge city

Select the best site for a settlement

Page 36: Settlement. What is a settlement? A settlement is a place where people live permanently. This could range from a hamlet to a huge city
Page 37: Settlement. What is a settlement? A settlement is a place where people live permanently. This could range from a hamlet to a huge city

In groups of 4 or 5 (5 minute activity)

• Collect a photograph of a settlement.• For your photo decide whether it is a good site for a

settlement or not. Give reasons for your answer.• For your photograph, suggest at least 2 reasons why

you think it was chosen.• Try to identify where your photograph was taken. Use

the country list below. (note- there are 9 countries listed, 4 countries will not be used)Japan, Kenya, England, France, Switzerland, The Philippines, Holland, Canada, Morocco

Page 38: Settlement. What is a settlement? A settlement is a place where people live permanently. This could range from a hamlet to a huge city
Page 39: Settlement. What is a settlement? A settlement is a place where people live permanently. This could range from a hamlet to a huge city
Page 40: Settlement. What is a settlement? A settlement is a place where people live permanently. This could range from a hamlet to a huge city
Page 41: Settlement. What is a settlement? A settlement is a place where people live permanently. This could range from a hamlet to a huge city
Page 42: Settlement. What is a settlement? A settlement is a place where people live permanently. This could range from a hamlet to a huge city
Page 43: Settlement. What is a settlement? A settlement is a place where people live permanently. This could range from a hamlet to a huge city
Page 44: Settlement. What is a settlement? A settlement is a place where people live permanently. This could range from a hamlet to a huge city
Page 45: Settlement. What is a settlement? A settlement is a place where people live permanently. This could range from a hamlet to a huge city