set-up reduction

How to Effectively Implement Set-up Reduction in Any Organization

Upload: ciaran-shaw

Post on 02-Jan-2016




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Set-Up Reduction. How to Effectively Implement Set-up Reduction in Any Organization. Set-Up Reduction. What Set-up Reduction is and why it is important to achieving Lean Processes and World-Class Performance results. Factors that Influence Lead Times and Set-up Operations. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Set-Up Reduction

How to Effectively Implement Set-up Reduction in Any Organization

Page 2: Set-Up Reduction

What Set-up Reduction is and why it is important to achieving Lean Processes and World-Class Performance results.

Factors that Influence Lead Times and Set-up Operations.

The basic concepts and steps required to effectively implement a Set-Up Reduction Program.

How to properly analyze and set-up operation.

How to develop effective performance measures to insure you are obtaining the results necessary from the program.

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What is Set-up Reduction?- A process through which the total time required to changeover or set-up

equipment or a work center is dramatically reduced through a systematic, problem-solving, waste-eliminating approach.

What Set-Up Reduction Is- o - Is one tool of many in the drive to make processes lean through o elimination of waste and excessive time.o - A cost-reduction tool.o - A low-cost method to achieve increased capacity from existing o equipment.o - Way to reduce lot sizes significantly and improve versatility of product o mix through a work center to enhance customer service.o - Means to have people who perform the work take “ownership” for theo process and be involved in implementing solutions in their work area.o - A cross-functional team approach to problem-solving.

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Why Is It Important to Reduce Set-up Times?

o Reduce total process time.o Reduce lot sizes to minimal levels to achieve flowo Reduce Queue time.o Reduce Inventory/WIPo Improve Product Mix/Flexibilityo Reduce costso Increase capacityo Improve Qualityo To reduce technical or special training to perform set up.

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Lead Time is made up of the following elements:o Queue.o Transportation.o Inspectiono Unnecessary Motiono Wait Time.o Rework/Scrap.o Overproduction.o Excess inventory and WIP.o Run Time.o Inefficient plant layout

All these lead time factors influence Set-Up Times and provide focus on what to reduce or eliminate as part of the Set-Up Reduction Program---- WASTE ELIMINATION.

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For Set-up Reduction efforts to be successful, you must incorporate all of the following actions into your program:

o Simple Job Changes.o Focus on Equipment Up-Time.o Small lot size production.o Training for operators and team.o Increase flexibility in equipment, processes and people.o Team work.o Operators/Set-up People are the owners of the process and its results.

o Videotaping of the entire process.o Flow Charting current process and proposed process.o Elimination of Wasteo 5S and Visual Control programs.

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13 Step Set-Up Process Improvement Program

  (1) Select Set-up Team (cross-functional)

(2) Select a Team Leader, Recorder.

(3) Assemble Team Members and conduct training class in: - Why Change? - Concepts of Waste - Flow-Charting/Value Stream Analysis - Problem-Solving Techniques - Set-Up Reduction Principles.

(4) Select a Set-Up Reduction Project

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13 Step Set-Up Process Improvement Program (continued)

(5) Flow Chart Current Set-up Process (6) Videotape the set-up process as currently performed.

(7) As you videotape the set-up operation, complete a Set- Up Worksheet that documents the elements and

indicate if external or internal element.

(8) Team meets and goes through thorough analysis of the videotape and worksheet and determines areas for improvement. Develops a new process.

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13 Step Set-Up Process Improvement Program (continued)

(9) Record new process on worksheet. Implement changes.

(10) Videotape the new process.

(11) Review videotape of new process and analysis for additional changes/improvements that can be made.

(12) Monitor set-up operation. Take corrective action if not getting the desired results or if process “backslid”.

(13) Reward Success.

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Establishing The Foundation-o Seek simplicity in solutions, tooling, fixtures and

equipment.o Search for low-cost, no-cost solutions.o Avoid studying a set-up reduction project to “death”.o Strive for continuous improvement, versus an all-or-nothing

approach.o Document the current process first “as is”. Videotaping is

preferred.o Increase “buy-in” throughout the entire organization by

conducting periodic communication and training sessions. These meetings should consist of Senior Managers and Team Members.

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Set-Up Process Times-

The two basic elements of Set-Up Time:

o Internal Set-up- Defined as the elements or work that must be carried out while the machine or equipment is shut down or idle.

o External Time- Defined as set-up elements which can take place while the machine is in operation or after the operation is completed;

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Six Step Process for Analyzing Effectiveness of Adjustments-

(1) Determine purpose of each step (What is the step’s function and is it necessary?)

(2) Current rationale. Determine why the step is needed(3) What is the skill level of the Set-Up Operator?(4) Method. Why is it necessary to perform it this way?(5) Causal Factors. What conditions create the need for

repeated adjustments?(6) Consider the alternatives that can eliminate or drastically

reduce Steps 1-5 above, and implement.

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Establish Effective Measurement SystemWhy Measure?o It is important to establish the “current base” and measure

improvement against that base.o Need a reliable indicator of the progress that is being made from

old procedures.

Possible Measurements of Improvement:o Reduced number of steps in set-up process. Set-Up

reduction should leave you with significantly less steps per setup that before the set-up reduction project.

o Total Time for Average Set-Up or Changeover.o Reduced Lead Time.o Machine “Run Time” / Utilization Time.o Improved Scheduling and Running More Products, More

Often with smaller lot sizes.

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Sequence Number

Element Seconds


save program to desktop6015





22612Run Second set of parts (6 per)

11inspect, get pins, BS, Heckling, Grab A (Ed helped with air nozzle) & Adjust program 189

10Run first part and Clamps, deburr cover & Tewak


939Set Z-height (knob fell off, wrong tool holder)

8program upload


7Put tools in


126leather installed

5put material in


4Zero XY


313Parallels and adjust height

punch in1 5

2install stops -- Wquare up, tighten down T


Changeover Observation ChartSeconds 1100Minutes 18.3

Hours 0.3Seconds Eliminated 3130.0

P\% Reduction 64.9%Post Kaizen Cost 15.28$ Pre Kaizen Cost 43.47$

Kaizen Savings/batch 28.19$

After Kaizen, Savings to Mill Downtime were 65%, and that relates to a cost savings of an estimated $28/set-up. It is estimated that there are approximately 350 set-ups on this mill per year, so the potential savings is $9,800 per year.