set no. 1 llu/111121 - · llu/111121 (to...

Set No. 1 Question Booklet No. 00002 llU/111121 (To be fiUed lip by the candidate by bluelblack ball-point pen) RoD No ...... 1 ---,-----,---,---,---,-----,---,1,-· ---ll Roll No. (Write tbe digits in words) ................................................................................................. Serial No, of Answer Sbeet .............................................. . ......................................... . Day aDd Date •••••••••••••••••..•••.•.... •••••.•...•..••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ( Signature of Iavlallator ) INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES (Use only bluelblack ball· point pen in the space ab\}\'e and on both sides of the Answer Sbeet) 1. Within 10 minutes ofthe issue of the Question Booklet, check the Question Booklet to ensure that it contains all the pages in correct sequence and that no page/question is missing. In case of fault)" Question Booklet bring it to the notice of the Superintendentllnvigilators immediately to obtain a fresh Question Booklet.· 1. 00 not bring any loose paper, written or blank. inside the Examination Hall exapt Admit Cant withollt its envelope. 3. A AltSwer SIJeet is given. /t should not be! folded or mutilated. Ii secmul ShMt ."(1/1 not be pl't'lvlded. Only Ihe Answer Sheet wUI be eroluated. 4. Write your Roll Number and Serial Number ofthe Answer Sheet by pen in the space prvided above. 5. 0,. the front pltge nf 'he Answer Sheel, write by pen yOllr Roll Number in Ihe space provided at the top and by darkening the circles at/he bottom. Also. wherever applicable. write the (luestion Booklel Number and Ihe Sel Number in appropriate places. 6. No overwriting ;s III/owed in the entries of Roil No.. (luestion Booklet no. lI11d Set IW. (if lillY) on OMR sheet lind Roll No. and OMR sheet nil. on the Quaton Booklet. ,7. Any change In Ihe aforesnid entries Is 10 be verlfled by Ihe invigllator. otherwise it will be token as un/airmenns. 8. Each queslion ill Ih;,( Booklttl is fill/owed by fOil,. allemu/iI'e .. mswers. Fd! each quttSlitm. ),ou are to record Ihe correcl oplion on Ihe Answer Sllcel b.v darkening the approprillll! cirelli In the corresponding row of the Answer Sheet. by pen as mentionetl in Ihe Ruidellnes given 011 Ihe first page of the AltSwer Sheel. 9. For each question, darken only one circle on the Answer Sheet. If you more than circle or darken a circle partiall)" the answer will be treated as incorrect. 1 O. Nole thai the answttr once filled in ink cannot be changed. If you do not wish to allempt u question, leave alllhe circles in the corresponding row blank (.Ulch quest;o" will be awarcled zero marks). 11. For rough work. use the inner back page of the title cover and the blank page at the end of this Booklet. n. Deposit only OMR. Answer Sheet at the end of the Test. 13. You are not permitted to leave the Examination Hall until the end of the Test. 14. If a candidate attempts to use any form of unfair means. he/she shall be liable to such punishment as the University may determine and impose Oil himlher. Total No. of Printed Pages :28 Mr it arf.?rtr 'I< 'II! 'i]

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Set No. 1 Question Booklet No. 00002

llU/111121 (To be fiUed lip by the candidate by bluelblack ball-point pen)

RoD No ...... 1 ---,-----,---,---,---,-----,---,1,-· ---ll Roll No. (Write tbe digits in words) ................................................................................................ .

Serial No, of Answer Sbeet ............................................. . . ......................................... . Day aDd Date •••••••••••••••••..•••.•....•••••.•...•..••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ( Signature of Iavlallator )

INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES (Use only bluelblack ball· point pen in the space ab\}\'e and on both sides of the Answer Sbeet) 1. Within 10 minutes ofthe issue of the Question Booklet, check the Question Booklet to ensure that it

contains all the pages in correct sequence and that no page/question is missing. In case of fault)" Question Booklet bring it to the notice of the Superintendentllnvigilators immediately to obtain a fresh Question Booklet.·

1. 00 not bring any loose paper, written or blank. inside the Examination Hall exapt th~ Admit Cant withollt its envelope.

3. A Upartll~ AltSwer SIJeet is given. /t should not be! folded or mutilated. Ii secmul A~, ShMt ."(1/1 not be pl't'lvlded. Only Ihe Answer Sheet wUI be eroluated.

4. Write your Roll Number and Serial Number ofthe Answer Sheet by pen in the space prvided above. 5. 0,. the front pltge nf 'he Answer Sheel, write by pen yOllr Roll Number in Ihe space provided at

the top and by darkening the circles at/he bottom. Also. wherever applicable. write the (luestion Booklel Number and Ihe Sel Number in appropriate places.

6. No overwriting ;s III/owed in the entries of Roil No.. (luestion Booklet no. lI11d Set IW. (if lillY) on OMR sheet lind Roll No. and OMR sheet nil. on the Quaton Booklet.

,7. Any change In Ihe aforesnid entries Is 10 be verlfled by Ihe invigllator. otherwise it will be token as un/airmenns.

8. Each queslion ill Ih;,( Booklttl is fill/owed by fOil,. allemu/iI'e .. mswers. Fd! each quttSlitm. ),ou are to record Ihe correcl oplion on Ihe Answer Sllcel b.v darkening the approprillll! cirelli In the corresponding row of the Answer Sheet. by pen as mentionetl in Ihe Ruidellnes given 011 Ihe first page of the AltSwer Sheel.

9. For each question, darken only one circle on the Answer Sheet. If you dark~n more than on~ circle or darken a circle partiall)" the answer will be treated as incorrect.

1 O. Nole thai the answttr once filled in ink cannot be changed. If you do not wish to allempt u question, leave alllhe circles in the corresponding row blank (.Ulch quest;o" will be awarcled zero marks).

11. For rough work. use the inner back page of the title cover and the blank page at the end of this Booklet.

n. Deposit only OMR. Answer Sheet at the end of the Test. 13. You are not permitted to leave the Examination Hall until the end of the Test. 14. If a candidate attempts to use any form of unfair means. he/she shall be liable to such punishment as

the University may determine and impose Oil himlher.

Total No. of Printed Pages :28 [~ Mr ~ it arf.?rtr ~ ~ 'I< ~ 'II! 'i]

llU/lll/21 No. of Questions: 100

~'''lhi\9Q1 : 100

Time : :I Hours

""" : :I 'E/11t Full Mcarlcs : 300


Note: (1) Attempt as many questions as you can. Each question carries 3 (Three) marks. One mark will bet deducted/oreru:h 'ncornet answer. Zero mark will be awarded for each unattempted question.



31fqq;jf~ m 'lit m'T <m 'Ii! Wf<'I ~I millf; w.I 3 (;ft;r) ajq; 'Ii! tl

)IrQ", 71Ff1f 3ffi" $ fffir ~ • <lim" •• 1/4',; 1 millf; 6fj'<iI'i:a w.I 'Ii!

UI'<Iiil> l'F1ml

(2) If more than one alternative answers seem to be approximate to the correct answer, choose the closest one.

"!If<:: v,<li1f~ a",f<;qil> O'<R WI O'<R % ~ .If. <i\ f.l"'<!dII-m O'<R ~I

Original bole of any Tal is called :

( 1) Tukra (2) Theka (3) Tihai (4) Paran

mu· .n (lIR % 'E1I CI'Iif 'lit ~ ~ : (1) ~ (2) ~ (3) ~ (4) 'It'!

Famous Classical Dance form of North India is :

(1) Kathak (2) Raas

(3) Kathakali (4) Manipuri

O'<R ~ q,'j " qn..nll 'IfIl ~ t : (1) ~ (2) "00 (3) "'~ (4) q.ft~

3 1".T.O


03. Which one among the following is Dot a Classical Dance: (1) Oddissia (2) Kuchchipudi

(3) Yakshgan (4) Kathak

H"1~ll!Id if ~ ~ ~1I{!/\'1 ~ ~ t : (1) oM! (2) ~ift~41

(3) "I~

04. Bharat is a author of :

(1) Abhinaya Darpan

(3) Natiya Shastra

(4) """'"

(2) Dashroopak

(4) Sam Ved

'ffiI H"1f<1ll!id if ~ ~ ~ iii (ilf'ldl t ?

(1) 3lf'1'I'< ~ (2) ~ ~

(3) ~~ (4) W!~

05. Which of the foHowing Tal starts from Khali ?

(1) Roopak (2) Dadra (3) Kaharwa

H"1R1ll!id if ~ ~ m ~ ~ ~ ~ m<fi t ?

(1) ~ (2) ~ (3) ~~(ql

06 . . Kathak dance is related to which God?

(1) Shiva (2) Parvati (3) Vishnu

"""'" ~ ~ ~ ~ ('i"'lf.'f.1d t ?

(1) Wci (2) 'Wf<ft (3) ~

07. Mohini name is associated with:

(1) Krishna (2) Arjun (3) Vishnu


(4) Jhaptal

(4) Krishna

(4) 'li"'l

(4) Shiva

1iIft-it 'IT'! ~ ~ ~ ?

(1) ¥"'T (2) al-fl

OS. Shiva has created which of the following dance?

(1) Tandav (2) lasya (3) Raas

1'tr<I if f~"1R1f€l~ iI if ~ "'ll'I qft ~ it t? (1) dl"SCI (2) <'IR'>l (3) m!

09. Which of the following Ved is related to music?

(1) Rigved (2) Saamved

(3) Yajurved (4) Atharvved

f.I"1f<ilf<Sl~ iI if 'IfA-m ~ "WillI if «l4foll~ t :


(4) 1'tr<I

(4) Chhau

(4) ma;

(1)~" (2) «Iq~~ (3) ~ (4) 31"~~~

10. Kathak dance has how many Gharanas ?

(1) Three (2) Two (3) Five

~ "'ll'I i\; flIi<f.\ 'E!if.t ~ ? (1) <ft;; (2) ~ (~) '<lfq

11. Asamukta haste mudra is formed by :

(1) Two hands

(2) Single hand

(3) Combination (,f different haste mudras

(4) Nritta haste

31«!i't> ~ ~ ...rnt ~ : (1) ~ ~oi\' it (3) W'l>! ~W~ldiY i\; w.WT if


(4) Six

(4) V:



12. Maharass is a dance of :

(1) Shiva -Parvati (3) Krishna-Gopi

q&l@ 1«1 ~klr-"ld t : (1) ~ - wrnt~

(3) 'li"'I- ljp:ft ~

(2) Vishnu (4) Radha

(2) ~~

(4) ~~

13. Group of small bole performed thrice and comes to sam is called :

(1) Paran (2) Chakkradar

(3) Tukra (4) Tihai

~ -;ffi;i'i q;'( ww <fA om: .m; "'If<: "@! 'R 31Tit tit ~ ~ t : (1) 'R'I

(3) ~

(2) iiI¥h(eJ(

(4) ~

14. Dadra Tal has ................... matras : (1)- Twelve (2) Six (3) Nine

~ <fR'! if . . . . . . "I!BT(if m<i\ t : (1) 'flW (2) ;;: (3) 4t

15. Kathak dance is originated from:

(1) Temple (2) Court (3) Natya

~ 1«1 'I>'t <mfu . . . . . . ~ ~H : (1) ~ (2) ~ (3) "ITl'iI

16. Paran is formed from the bole of :

(1) Tabla (2) Pakhawaj (3) Naal


(4) Ten

(4) ~

(4) Nritta

(4) 1'1

(4) Khanjari

(1) 0<I<'Il (2) WlllN! (3) ~

17. Nineth mattra is Khali in Tal : (1) JhapTal (2) Dhamar (3) Roopak (4) Teental

~ <lR'I if "'I<if 11m ri m<fi ~ ?

(1) ~qdl<1 (2) ""'" (3) ~ (4) -aR<lR'I

18. Kathak Dance begins with the performance of : (1) That (2) Tatkar (3) Paran

~ 'F'I <m 3lR'i . . • . . . <'t mar ~ : (1) OR: (2) d<t:'hf( (3) 'R'I

19. Which of the following Tal starts from Khali : (1) Jhaptal (2) Rookak (3) Ektal (4) Kaharwa

Hl>ff<'lflsld if <'t ~ <it <lR'I ri <'t 3lR'i m<fit : (1) ~ <lR'I

(3) 11;<0 <lR'I

(2) ~

(4) <t>$(ql


(4) ~

(4) Gat

(4) 1JlT

20. Veer Ras is prominent in which of the following gharana of!<athak :

(1) Lucknow (2) Jaipur

(3) Banaras (4) Banaras and Lucknow

7 P.T.O.


A"1f<'lf<;ld -q ~ 1%<1 'EJif.t <nT ~ <1R ~ ~ >r'llf<ld ~ ?

(1) <'1(1110> (2) ~

(3) 'HIHt (4) 'l11Ht am: <.11!i110>

21. Tukra in which Namaskar is performed is known as :

(1) Natwari

(3) Salami

(2) Sangeet ka Tukra

(4) Paran

~ ~ ""'~~ im11I{WiR ~ t oit . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 om t I

(1) -;gqU (2) WfuI <nT ~

(3) \t<.1l<fl (4) WI

22. The Tukra composed of takar boles is called .................... :

(2) Permelu (1) Natwari

(3) Amad (4) Sangeet Ka tukra

d~"'R ~ ~ 'R 311'lIRd ~ 'Iil 0 0 0 0 0 0 m tl (1) -;gqU (2) ~

(3) 311l{q (4) WfuI <nT ~

23. Gat is of ................ types :

(1 ) Four (2) Two (3) Five (4) Six

'lJO ••••.. wm: q,'\ '@ft ~ I

~ • (1 ) ~ (2) (3) 1(lT.I (4) <J:

24. Tukra performed thrice and comes to sam is called:

(1) Chakkradar (2) Tihai

(3) Chakkarwala tukra (4) Tukra



~ 1l6m ~ qi) <lR 'IR m WI 'R 3lfIlT ;;nil til ~ ¢ qi) ~ : (1) ~qq;(c;R (2) ~ (3) ~qq;( 'fK'IT ~ (4) ~

25. First Vibhag of Dhamar Tal has ............... mattras :

(1) Four (2) Two (3) Three (4) Five

~ '"'" ~ m fcNrT if ...... l!IlII ~ t : (1) ;;m: (2) ~ (3) '!ft:! (4) 'If;t

26. Ek Tal has ............ Vibhag.

( 1) Five (2) Six (3) Seven

1!;lj; '"'" if . . . .. . . . fcNrT m t I •

(1) 'lRI (2) OJ: (3)

27. Raja Chakradhar Singh is related to :

(1) Pakhawaj (2) Tabla (3) Kathakdance (4) Sitar

<r.rr ~SIi'1( ~ A""rt'lr&1d if ~ ~ ... f"'d t ?

( 1 ) q .,11'''"'1 (3) 'fil!lil, '1<'1

(2) <Iir.'ll

(4) ft:mR

28. Raja Chhattrapati Singh is related to :

(1) Pakhawaj (2) Tabla

(3) Kathakali (4) Sitar

<r.rr 011qfli ~ r.t""rt'lf&1d if ~. ~"'~d t : (1) q<stlq"l (2) <Iir.'ll

(3) 'fi1'.1'fi('ft (4) ft:mR


(4) Eight

(4) a:no



29. Present form of Kathak was developed in the court of:

(1) Shahjahan (2) Sadat Ali Khan

(3) Wajid Ali Shah (4) Shujjaudaulla.

q;'f'I; q;r ,*i'l11 ~ f<Ml~ ~ if f<1iififed i311 ? (1) ~1I1!"1l!i (2) ~ 31<'ft 19i (3) ~ 31<'ft ~ (4) tI"1I3~<'11

30. Sitara Devi belongs to .............. Gharana.

(1) Banaras (2) Lucknow

(3) Jaipur (4) Jaipur and Lucknow

ftrnm ~ ..... ...m ~ \1l4f-"ld t 1

(1) il1i(\1

(3) ~

(2) <'1.1113>

(4) ~ am: <'1<ll13>

31. Lucknow gharana of Kathak is famous for its:

(1) Lasya Anga (2) Tandav Anga

(3) Veer Ras (4) Bhakti Ras

q;'f'I; '!"'I q;r <'1<ll13> 'RT'IT • • • . • . % m ~ ~I (1) ~ aFT (2) dl"s'l aFT

(3) <fu: '" (4) '1ftl; '"

32. When two Pataka haste are joint form one side of the palms the haste mudra formed is :

(1) Garun (2) Varah (3) Anjali (4) Karkat

Of'! <:Al' molY ~ 'l<I1'6I ~ il1liifi( ~ '1ft aiR ~ 1ffil'Il: ~ ~ HI .... ~ 'f'Rft ~I (1) ~ (2) ~ (3) ~ (4) q;<i;e



33. If the forefinger of Pataka haste is bend open the thumb the haste mudra formed is :

(1) Shikhar (2) Aral (3) Kapitha (4) Mushti

"tJf<: If<II'1;l ~ '1ft "*fi ~ 'R WI" ~ omil HI m CJffit ~ q,l , , , , ~ ~: (1) ~ (2) 3RR'I (3) ilif!l<tl (4) '!If!

34. If all the fingers of Pataka haste are bent on palm and thumb i. placed upon them the mudra formed is :

(1) Shikhar (2) Aral (3) Kapitha (4) Mushti

"tJf<: If<II'1;l ~ '1ft <'lolt d'if<1<fJ' q,l ~ 'if;;: ~ 'R U?l h2fl ~ '3i'R a$ U?l ~ <it m CJffit ~ ~ <i1 <mt ~ : (1) ~ (2) 3RR'I (3) ilif!l<tl (4) '!If!

35, If the small finger and thumb of surp sheersh hast are spread out the mudra formed is :

(1) Padma khosh

(3) Mrigsheersha

(2) Chandra Kala

(4) Pataka

(2) 'R: 1Ii<'IT (3) '1','IIl4 (4) If<II'1;l

36. If the tips of all the fingers in Patak haste are bent a little the haste mudra formed is : (1) Padam kosh

(3) Mrigsheersh

(2) Surpsheerrsh (4) Soochi

"tJf<: If<II'1;l ~ '1ft ri d'lf<1<fJ' q,l 3R': '1ft aiR ~ <'II ~ ~ <it m qr.j] ~ t : ............ ..

(2) <lof'lll4 (4) '1"it

11 P.T,D.


37. If the thumb of Patakahaste spreads out the mudra formed is :

(1) Ardhapataka (2) Tripataka

(3) Ardhachandra (4) Soochi

'lfc:: ~ rn it ~ 'lit '1m ~ WIT ~ 1i\ iFR <IR'i\ rn "!ll<l t : (1) 31>f ~ (2) f~q<1I~1 (3) 31>f """ (4) ~

38. Shikhar haste mudra is used to show:

(1) Anger (2) Parrot (3) Shivling

mm: rn "!ll<l "" w:i'rT . . .. .. ~ it mm tl (1) Ri\"I (2) <ffirr (3) PlIClf<i'1

39. Trishool haste mudra is used to show:

(1) Friend (2) Lord Shiva (3) Bird

~ ~ "!ll<l "" w:i'rT ..... ~ it mm t ; (1) 11:r> (2) '1'1"111 'Ii'Ii1: (3) filf'i>'ll

40. Chandrakala haste mudra is used to show :

(1) Crown (2) Fear (3) Ball

iHt~i.'Il rn "" w:i'rT ....... ~ it ~ t 1

(1) ~ (2) 'l'1 (3) ifG

41. Koorma haste is used to show ............ .

(1) Turtle

(3) Pair of Snake

12) Pig

(4) Bird

;pi rn "" w:i'rT . . .. .. ~ it mm t 1

(1) ~31T (2) '.l:3R (3) "'fill 'fir ;;j[:,;;r (4) 'll\il


(4) Ghoogat

(4) ~

(4) Leaf

(4) <ruT

(4) Snake

(4) ~

42. Samput haste is used to show:

( 1) Demon (2) Mountain (3) Union

~ m <liT witrr ....... ~ i'lmmt: ( 1) \I!\m (2) 1:f1fu (3) flIffi

43. Kapot haste mudra is used to show:

(1) Pranam (2) Village (3) Air

~m~<liTwitrr ...... ~i'lmmt I •

(1 ) W'TT'I (2) lJlq (3) ~

44. Laya is mainly of ............. types.

( 1) Four (2) Five (3) Six

<'l'I ~ . .. . . . 'lI<w: 'I1iI il'rtft tl •

(1) <m: (2) 'CfR! (3) 10:

45. Greeva bhed is of ................ types.

(1) Five (2) Six

(I) "Gfi'l (2) 10:

46. Kampita is a .................. .

(1) Shiro bhed

(3) Drishti bhed

'fif"'ld ......... t ;

(3) Four

(3) <m:

(2) Greeva bhed

(4) Bhru bhed


(4) Chain

• (4) ~

(4) Afaction

(4) ~

(4) Three

(4) <iR

(4) Eight

(4) 3110

(I) mu ~ (2) men ~ (3) ~ ~ (4) 'Ii ~

13 P.T.O.


47. Tririshchina is a ................ .





(1) Shiro bhed

(3) Drishti bhed

fffitf~ ~: (1) rnu >lG (2)"lftqj >lG

Dristi bhed is of ............. types :

(1) Four (2) Five

~ >lG . . • • . . . >!'l>R "" ~ I (I) <m: (2) • 'fRI

Abhinaya is of ............. types

(I) Four (2) Five

31f'f'l'! . . . . .>!'l>R "" m ~ : • ( I) <m: (2) 'fRI

Avalokita is a .................

(I) Greeva bhed

(3) Drishti bhed

~"RlIr"'d ........ t: (I) "lftqj>lG

(3) ~ >lG .

Angika Abhinaya is a ...............

( I) Body movement

(3) Dialoge


(2) Greeva bhed

(4) Bhru bhed

(3) ~ >lG (4) 'Ii >lG

(3) Six (4) Eight

(3) ;.;: (4 ) a:rro

(3) Six (4) Seven

(3) ;.;: (4) mo

(2) Shiro bhed

(4) Bhru bhed

(2) fiR't>lG

(4 ) 'Ii>lG

(2) Facial expression

(4) Make up


a:nfiiq; aU'I'I'! ............ tl (1) mR: <i"lliiH

(3) 'PlI '?t <TI-M1T (w.m:)

52. Rasa is of .................... types: (1) Six (2) Twelve (3) Fifteen (4) Nine

~. • • . • . 'lI<IiR "" tl (1) ~: (2) '1m[ (3) ~ (4) ;ft

53. Kellucharan Mahapatra was a ................ dancer :

(1) Bharatnatyam (2) Kuchipudi

(3) Odissi (4) Kathak

iI><til(OI "WlT" . . . .. .."*" ill (1) 'Hd11~'{ (2) ~~ (3) ~1B1

54. Kuchipudi dance belongs to which state?

(1) Andhra Pradesh (2) Manipul'

(3) Kerala (4) Madhya Pradesh

!Fill!!¢! '1<'l ~ <J'iI.! '?t tI~ ~ ? (1) 31R! ~ (2) llf'>i'J~ (3) i\;,,,.,

55. Kathakali belongs to winch :;'I.i . .u~. -r'

(1) Andhra Pradesh

(3) Kerala

(2) Manipur

(4) Kamatka

'fi"l'fi<'fl f1"'iF",fm if '?t ~ 'llRI 'fiT 'f«l t ?

(1) 31R! ~ (2) qfUl~ (3) ~{iiT


,'.", '~!""~ T!':h"~ . .,., "\'::1 '"~':'''



56. Which of the following term belongs to Kathak ?

(1) A1laripu (2) Jati Swaram (3) Tatkar

flt"1r.:tfllld if "it ~ m ~ q;~"it ~l4f"lll ~ ? (1) '3R'\.1IR!l (2) "1lfd~(I{ (3) d«"'H

57. Mohiniattam dance belongs to which state?

(1) Orrisa (2) Keral

(3) Andhra Pradesh (4) Bihar

~ 3lp! ~ f<i;<! ~ "it "l4f"1d ~ ? (1) ~ (2) ~ (3) 3lRl ~

(4) Padam

(4) "IG1'I

(4) film

58. Kathak dancer Gauri Shanker belongs to which Gharana ?

(1) Jaipur (2) Banarnas

(3) Lucknow (4) Jaipur and Banaras

_ 'l<f<f;1\R\ ~ f<i;<! <RR "it ~l4f"lll t ?

(1) ~ (2) iij~R"

(3) <11ll1o; (4) ~ afu: iij11~"

59. Yakshgan dance drama belongs to :

(1) Maharashtra (2) Karnatak

(3) Orrisa (4) Uttar Pradesh

'l3FlR ':1<"111R:<;>1 ~"it .. l>ilf->1d t ?

(1) 'l~HIIt (2) <;>1k<;> (3) ~

60. Jhaptal has ................. Tali and ............... Khali.

(1) Three tali-One Khali (2) Two Tali-One Khali

(3) Four tali-One Khali (4) Two Tali-TwoKhali



iilqdR1 if . . . . . "dR'ft afn: . . . . . "I§ il (1) tlR "dR'ft-ll,'-'l\" "I§ (2) ~ arffi .. q:q; {lIf<'i\ (3) "IR"dR'ft - ll,'-'l\" {l/f<'fi (4) <iI dTOI .• <.iT Ttfr.m

61. Roopak tal has ............ tali ........... Khali.

(1) Three tali-One Khali (2) Two Tali-One Khali

(3) One tali-two khali (4) TwoTali-TwoKhali

~ <lr.! if . . . . . afn: . . . . . "I§ il ( 1 ) tlR"dR'ft -ll,'-'l\" w<'il (2) <iI"dR'ft - ll,'-'l\" "I§

(3) ll,'-'l\""dR'ft - <iI (l/f<'fi (4) <iI <lr.! - ~ "I§

62. Nautanki belongs to :

(I) U ttarakhand

(3) Gujrat

~ ~ ... r"'1d t: (1) a,1(Illiog ~

(3) !l"'(ld ~

63. Chhau belongs to :

(1) Rajasthan

(3) Bihar

;m; ~ ... r"'1d t : (1) (1"1""11 ~

(3) ~~

(2) Uttar Pradesh

(4) Punajb

(2) OtR~~ (4) ~~

(2) Orissa

(4) West-Bengal

(2) ~41mfT

(4) 'Iftirl "$lR'f ~

64. Which of the following dance belongs to Gujrat ?

(1) Gidda (2) Jadur

(3) Chhapeli (4) Dandiya

17 P.T.O.


R"1R;tRlid i!( i't q,R m 1f'! ¥1<ta "" t ? (1) ~ (2) ~ (3) ~ (4) iff,;."

65. Lawani is a folk dance of which of the following state?

(1) Uttarakhand (2) Kerala

(3) Maharashtra (4) Punjab

<.'I1<iufi ~ ~ "" ctI'li~<"1 t ? (1) 3'd{lijlo:g (2) ~

(3) ~~RII!< (4) $mi

66. Bihu is a folk dance of :

(1) West-Bengal (2) Assam (3) Nagaland

~ ctI'li~<"1 ...... "" t : (1 ) -qf ~ -.trrr<.'I (2) 3lmfll (3) 11'11<.~·:S

67. Laiharoba folk dance is from: ................. .

(1) Assam

(3) West Bengal

<.'I1~{I'lI <'11'li'i<"1 •••••... "" t I

(1) 3lmfll

(3) -qf~-.trrr<.'I

(2) Nagaland

(4) Manipur

(2) 11'1I~·:S

(4) ~fUl~

68. Which of the following dance belongs to Kashmir :

(4) Manipur

(4) 'lfU1:l(

(1) Hirak (2) Garba (3) Chhapeli (4) Ghoomar

R "1f<'l f Itl a i!( i't q,R m 1f'! 'li~<il ( "" t : (1) ~ (2) lJOO (3) ~ (4) 'fI'



69. 'Pandwani is a famous folk dance of :

(1) Bihar (2) Madhya Pradesh

(3) Chhattisgarh (4) Gujrat

ql~cn;ft . . .. . . . q;J ~ <'i'Jq; W<I tl (1) f.I\1R (2) tJ"'I m (3) ."1l~'14 (4) ~

70. Kollaattam is a folk dance of :

(1) Tamilnadu (2) Karnatka

(3) Keral (4) Andhra Pradesh

~~ ..... q;J <"lIEIi'1M t ?

(1) dr'l<'l11ji (2) "''ira",

(3) m (4) 3W\l m 71. Thumari has which of the following Rasa ?

(1 ) Karun (2) Adbhut (3) Hasya (4)

wm if f.1"1r<'1r~d if it <ht.! til m mm t ?

(1) ~ (2) ~'j<l (3) ~ (4)

72. Who among the following belongs to Kahtak dance?

(1) Yamini Krishnamurti (2) Maya Rao

(3) Sonalman Singh (4) Swapna Sundari

f.1"1r<'1r~d if it <ht.! "EIi'f<Ii W<I it ~ ... r"'1d t ?

(1) '1lfq;ft 1i"'II'lfd (2) llI'Il WI

(3) ~'i('lliI1 ~ (4) ~ ~






73. Sthai bhav of Raudra Ras is :

(1) Shok (2) Utsah (3) Krodh

~ '" <IiT"f'!Il'iI '11<1 • • • • • t I

(1) m (2) ~

74. Sthai bhav of Adbhut Ras is : (1) Hatered

(3) Anger

(3) SIit~

(2) Surprise (4) Fear

~'!FI '" <liT "f'!Il'iI '11<1 • • • • • • • • t I

( 1 ) "'1'IJT (2) 3"!T l!I'! (3) ~ (4) \l'[

75. Kumudani Lakhiya is a ................. dancer :

(1) Bharatnatyam (2) Oddissi

(3) Kathak (4) Manipuri

s>!l'\;fl (,lIr<li~1 ...••.. ~('lI'i11 ~ :

(1) "I(d11~'t.

(3) q;t[qi

76. Sangeet comprises from :

(2) ~

(4) qfUl~

(4) Haas

(4) i!RI

(1) Geetam Vadyam Cha Nrittam (2) Natya Nritta Nritya

(3) Nritta Nritya (4) Singing

..M6 4 .. tt·l1(1 'ifoiRfT ~ ..•.. .• 1


(2) "'flO! VI ~ (4) 1iT<R


77. Kunj Raas perfonned in which of the following dance? (11 Kathak (21 Manipuri (31 Bharatnatyam (4) Oddissi

Fr mr f.l"1r.t~d ~ 1I ~ ~ ~ ~ 1;ffiIl t ?

(11 <IitIlIi (21 qfUl:i{l (3) 'II(d110l,\ (41 ~.

78. Time spent in music is measured by : (11 Matra (21 Tal (3) Vibhag (41 Laya

~ ~ <fuR <m'l ~?fiT . . .. 1I '1T'ffl t I

(11 ""'" (21 'tlR'I (31 fcNrrJ (41 ~

79. Real name of Bhju Maharaj is : (1) Baijnath Misra (31 Brij Mohan

(21 Jagannath Misra (41 Krihna Mohan

1imit q$RIOI <lIT cIlWf<1<1> ~ • • • • • • t I

(11 h1101 fil~ (2) 01'1>1101 fil~

(31 "0I~~1 (41 ~ m 80. Natwar is a name of:

(1) Shiva (21 Krishna (31 Vishnu (4) Ram

~ ..... <IIT~tl (11 fuq (2) ~ (31 fci"!I (41 WI

81. The folk dance Gidda is related to :

(11 Gujrat (2) Punjab

(31 Haryana (4) Uttar Pradesh

21 P.T.O.


m'fi1l'! ~ ...... ~ ~kilr.>tld il (\) 1'I{ld (2) ~

(3) eR~IOIl (4) O<R - ~

82. In which of the state Raas 1eela is performed:

(\) West Bengal (2) Haryana

(3) Rajasthan (4) Uttar Pradesh

(\) 'If~ ~ (2) eR'1I0 11 (3) (1"1~I" (4) O<R~

83. Allaripu is the starting picec of :

(\) Bharatnatyam (2) Kuchchipudi

(3) Kathaka1i (4) Kathak

3l<'<1IR~ . . . . . .. "i'" ~ aiR'! if fi.!'IlPIldI il

(\) '!<d'IIOl"l (2) 'i'~:W

(3) "'~ (4) ~

84. Bhajan Sopori is a famous ................ .

(\) Sarod player (2) Santoor player

(3) Flute player (4) Table player

"'"" m<iRt > . . . . . ~ I ( \ ) mR Clll!:'li

(3) ~ Clll!:'li

(2) ~ Clll!:'li

(4) <I'R'IT Clll!:'li

85. Kera1a Kala Mandalam was founded by :

(\) Protima Bedi (2) Va1lathol Narayan Menon

(3) Swati Tiruna1 (4) Maruga Bhoopati



imr ~ <isct'l ~ ~W : ( 1 ) "\lful:!T~ (3) ~ m(i.<1lct

(2) <R'ct~ 'mT'l'!l It-l'l (4) lR"R ~

86. Who among the following is a famous Tabla player?

(1) Alla Rakkha (2) Amjad Ali Khan

(3) Kalli Nath (4) Vempatti C. Sat yam

f~"1f.,fijld .q ~ 'l>t.! ~ """" ~ t ? ( 1 ) 3IttI1 «F9J (2) 3!IN'~ affit 'l!if (3) ~ """I (4) f<l<qf" <ft. m>f'l

87. Who among the following is a vocalist?

(1) Aman Ali (2) Buddha Dev Das Gupta

(3) Bhimsen Joshi (4) Gopal Krishna

R"1r.,rijld .q ~ 'l>t.! ~ 'IT'I'Ii t : (1) 3!1lR affit (2) 'fi.' ~ Gm 'I'<I (3) <ilq~1;;lm\ (4) ~ W"l

88. Zakir Hussain is related to which instrument?

(1) Santoor (2) Sitar (3) Sarod (4) Tabla

~ ~ film qm ~ {'I""r..., t ?

(1) mt< (2) fu<m: (3) mtG

89. Who among the following has popularized thumari style?

(1) Bahadur Shaj Zafar (2) Nawab Hamid A!i

(3) Nawab Wajid Ali Shah (4) Muhammad Shah Range"le

23 P.T.D.


f""1fCilf&d 'if il f<Mti\> ID<l QlR\ "Tl'l<fi\ ?fit cll"'fll~ M 1f!Il ?

(1) ~ WPllR (2) 'T<l14I ~ ar.It (3) 'T<l14I ~ ar.It m (4) <ileUiG m *

90. Begam Akhtar is related to :

(1) GazaJ Singing (2) Kathak dance

(3) Sarod (4) Sitar

~ ~ ..... il ~41~ t I

(1) 1fi;R'I "Tl'l<fi\ (2) ~"'P"I

(3) ~ (4) ful!R

91. Anushka Shanker is a famous .................

(1) Kathak dancer (2) Vocalist

(3) Sitar player (4) Violanist

atf"lil m ~ ...... t I

(1) ~ ~t<li'I'11 (2) 'uf""" (3) fuoR .<IIG<ti (4) ql~f<'H ~

92. M. Rajan is a famous ............

(1) Vocalist (2) Violenist

(3) Sitar player (4) Tabla player

~."UOR~ ...... t I

(1) 'lIf<l<!>1 (2) 'lI~f<1;j ~

(3) ful!R~ (4) "lIiffiI ~


93. Author of G~et Govind is : (1) Kalidas (3) Sharang dey

1ftlr lil~~ ~ (~f"dl t : (2) 'ffiI

M. Geetanjali is written by : (1) Bhav Bhatta (3) Vitthal

·ftdi"lf<1 ~ (~f<ldl t : (1) 'Itq' ~

(3) ~

95. Tali is known as : (1) S-a-shabda Kriya (3) Kriya

'dl<'It "1f>1~H : ( 1 ) mt«l flfi'Ir (3) flfi'Ir

96. Kathak Kendra i. situalted at :

(1) Gwalior (2) Delhi

(2) W


(2) Bharat (4) Jaidev


(4) ~

(2) Rabindra Nath Tagore (4) Jaidev

(2) (<iI'l(~I~ ~

(4) ~

(2) Nishabda Kriya (4) Grab

(2) mra:: flfi'Ir (4) lIlf

(3) Banaras

(3) 'HIHI

(4) Mumbai

(4) ~



97. Who is the sarod player?

(1) Balmurli Krishnan (2) Ravi Shankar

(3) Zareen Daruwala (4) Swapan Chaudhari

A"lf<1f(lld if ~ 'fiR m1G: ~ ~ : (1) 'IR'!~.~ (2) \fo!m

(3) ;;RR <;1 "''' R'11 (4) ~~

98. Name the tal having one tali and one khali :

(1) Jhaptal (2) Roopak

(3) Dadra (4) EkTal

A"lf<' if ~ ~ <fI<'I' if v,q; mffi ~ v,q; ~ ~ ?

(I) ~ <fI<'I' (2) ~

(3) <::R:U (4) v,q; <fI<'I'

99. Hema Malini is related to which classical dance ?

(1) Kathakali (2) Mohiniattam

(3) Bharatnattyam (4) Oddissi

~qlqlf<141 ~ 'F'I ~ ~l<i1f*1d t ?

(1) .<Il\!I 'Ii <'il (2) ~3lp\

(3) '1{d1ICi1,\ (4 ) ~



100.Pt. Shvi Kumar Sharma is related to which instrument .~

(1) Sitar

(3) Sarangi

(2) Santoor

(4) Sat'Qd

'i. m<r ~. m f<rn crm .g ~tiI~ t ?

(1) ft!lm: (2) ~

(3) mt>ft (4) ~

27 100

3lQj~cil' $ ~ f.t~1

(pr slfAl i; IIfIJr I1/fIff1T Y"'" lIT _ :m' -1/11' i; ~. '["1St' lIT

~ :fWfI-"l6II'ft l/T(If"-. t.r "" tt fW)

1. "lIr.I !If"''''' ~ ~ !O fiRe ~ ~ m ~ "# iii; ~ 11 "\'flit '1"3 ~ t 31R <itt "lIr.I WI ~ t, ~"" ~ ~ ~ 'R ~ ~ ffi'hffi <fiI\!-~ ;fit ~ ~ ~ 'lit ~ !If"''''' JI11<I "'Ii': "#,

2. • -qq.r 11 /Mtbltbl tfilr m-w i; .ad7lfioRf, ffi1lIT 'I"T ~ ~ 1ft ~ _ mY!

11 '1~' 3. :m'-I/II' _"" fW "'" tl -,it:r lit >ill' aftr:r ttfitpl6f, prr :m'-I/II' :riffW"""" *'"' :m' - W I5T II tNi ... fit;ru """"

4. ~ 3l1"'~i'" O'IT 3tR-1j;f '!iT lfilliq; l!>I'!31 """~(""U'-'1"3 'R it;; ~ R"rfi:a ~ 'R~' 5. :m'-W i; IIfIJr Y"'" lIT t.r"" 3IfR1313,,1Ii .. Allff/w f'III:( lIT W _:not iW f'

."" iIrr ~I ""r-""r 031/4.4 .. II"" .... -slfAleT..,;.; _!k eT """.,.", f'm:ff lIT fffli'l

6. ab. 1('1"' _. WIlT 03I3".i .. rifIqj, •• .,gf!<t<I;l rifIqj., !k rifIqj ('If{ -.Itf it) -•• 'I!lfi<iibl lIT 313".i.. aftr ab. 1('1"' _. 1/11' rifIqj RNBoiI' if .ofil'i •• 3IjfIfIr

""tl 7. .1Il.)Ia:~)fit'i4mj" if -.itf fit ofi4<f:i1!6(l firitl!'li ITfT .IIIfinw tt:tr .m;it - rt/f l!"Ii 3Ijfinr

wrR eT JrfiI7r '"'" ~, 8. ....-sfi'libl if ...... i; iIIT .... Jii<I .. :m'iW 'lit ti ...... i; 4 .. fiiWi awr i; IMI(

8/IIIWiT anf-wlIfI ..... f.itd riffir i;!IPR iW 'lit 9W :m'-W i; IIfIJr Y"'" lIT iW 'lit ~. i; 3IjfIi"f t.r""."" IfWIT tl

9. "l[(itq; "lIr.I ~ 3tR ~ ffi1< ~ 1l:'fi m '!'I ;fit 1Jl"1Jl i!i{, 1l:'fi ~ m.; 'FiI ;fit 1Jl"1Jl ~ 'R awa;r 1l:'fi '!'I ;fit a:r'!.'f ~ 'R 'W" 3tR 1ffilI l!AI ~,

10. .."., ~ fi1; l!"Ii l(j"( FIIItIITfT aifinrr :m' _ 'ItT." _ t I 'If{ 3i/f1 fiH!It .... I5T awr "" t-n" ~ t; 1it ~ rifiIr i; !IPR iW 'lit fIfit f'b" vmft Ill, ~I ~....r In" f]"It aki;iW~1

11. "(1!i q;rf ~ ffi1< "lIr.I-~~"" ~ ~~" ~ ~ <m'Il '1"3 O'IT 3tR-~"', ~ ajfirq" '1"3 '!iT m i!i{,

12. • ~ <l'RR! ~ ab 1('1" _ :m'-I/II'. -qq.r 11 'll11T "'Ii': ~,

13. • Wll'<! m;t ~ ~ • -qq.r ~ om ;;rR 'lit 3l1~ro ~ itrl\, 14. * ~ 3M>ff .1131ifila m'I'if '!iT m 'h<111 t <it 'W" r~~qf<4",,,,q &ro ~

~ '!iT!'Iit, '11'iI ;Wrr~'