set b

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Set b


  • SULIT Page 1

    Section A

    [20 marks]

    [Time suggested : 15 minutes] The text below is about a farmer and his family. Questions 1 - 10 are based on the text . The first and the last lines are correct .For the remaining lines, there is one grammatical error in each line. Underline the error and write the correct word in the space provided. An example has been given. The correct word must not change the meaning of the sentence. There are no spelling errors in this text.

    Long ago, there was a farmer who lived with his wife, a young son and his old father

    in a small village. Every day, they worked hard at the farm to earn money in order to

    put food in the table.

    As time passed, the farmers old father become old and weak and he could not help

    them at the farm . The farmer and his wife felt that he is a burden to them and despised

    their old father. They no longer took good care of her . The old man was given little

    food to eat and old , tattered cloth to wear. However, the farmers young son loved his

    grandfather and would shared his food with him. One day, the farmer finally decided to

    put his old father in a largest basket. He wanted to take him deep into the forest to

    died alone.

    The old man could only cry and he did not said anything. The farmers son

    asked his father, When are you taking grandfather in the basket? The farmer answered

    angry, I am taking him to a place where he will be happy forever. Then, the young boy

    said, Father , dont forget to bring back the basket because when you are old , I can use it

    to carry you too. On hearing that , the farmer bowed his head in shame and took his

    father home.

    e.g on











    (Adapted Fables From Asia Retold by Suzee Leong)

    [20 marks]

  • SULIT Page 2

    Section B

    [20 marks]

    [Time suggested : 25 minutes]

    Questions 11 19 are based on the poster below.

    Read the poster below and use the information given to complete the table that follows.

    HEALTH FAIR Lets Live Great

    Fitness Demonstration

    A fitness team will give a demonstration and

    tips at the fair to encourage people to work out

    instead of leading an inactive life.

    Family Bonding Zone

    Come to this area and join in the mini games to

    encourage families to sweat it out together.

    Cook This! Culinary Challenge

    Cook This! is a youth culinary challenge

    where three member teams compete in a four-

    part challenge where they will demonstrate

    their cooking skills and creativity in the

    kitchen Teams participate at each level: junior,

    intermediate, and senior levels.

    How to prevent stress

    Workshop by Juju

    I hope that through my workshops, people will find useful tips to deal with their day-to-day stress,

    along with breathing exercises that can help them to

    stay calm and mentally positive.

    Its miserable if your back is killing you all day long.

    Does your back need some tender loving care?

    Love Your Back is for you.

    Love Your Back is a workshop that teaches you self-care that

    can change your life and helps make it part of your everyday


    11 13 SEPTEMBER 2014 Kedah Exhibition Centre, Alor Setar

  • SULIT Page 3

    Questions 11 15 Based on the poster, state whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE. 11. One must be fit to join the fitness demonstration. _____________ [1 mark]

    12. Through Jujus breathing exercises, one can become more



    [1 mark]

    13. Senior citizens can take part in Cook This! _____________ [1 mark]

    14. Friends can enjoy the mini games together. _____________ [1 mark]

    15. Susie who has a backache will be interested in the Love Your

    Back workshop.


    [1 mark]

    Questions 16 20

    Read the poster carefully and answer all the questions below.


    What activity can a person who loves to prepare meals take part in?


    [1 mark]


    State a benefit of playing games together.


    [1 mark]


    Fill in the table with an appropriate word / phrase from the poster.

    Meaning Word / Phrase


    [1 mark]

    doing it on your own

    [1 mark]

    19. Why do you think the word challenge is used to describe the cooking competition?


    [1 mark]

  • SULIT Page 4

    Question 20

    You would like to invite your friend to join you in one of the events of the Health Fair. In about

    50 words, write an email to your friend encouraging him or her to accompany you.

    In your email:

    give reasons why he or she should take part in the event.

    You may use the information given in the poster in your writing.

    Dear ____________________ ,













    (10 marks)

  • SULIT Page 5


    [15 marks]

    [Time suggested: 25 minutes]

    Questions 21 -27 are based on this article

    CHILDHOOD- the best time of your life?

    Some people say that childhood is the best time of your life. However, being a child has

    both its advantages and disadvantages. On the plus side, you have very few responsibilities.

    For example, you dont have to go to work, shop, cook or pay bills. This means you have plenty

    of free time to do whatever you want - watch TV, play computer games, go out with friends,

    involve in sports and pursue other hobbies. Public transport, cinema and sports centres also

    cost much less for children. In short, being a child is an exciting time in life.

    However, for every plus there is a minus. For one thing, you have to spend five days a

    week, from Sunday to Thursday at school. Studying usually means you have to do a lot of

    homework, attend extra classes and sit for exams. On top of that, you need to fulfil your parents

    expectation and pass with flying colours.

    What is more, you may have a lot of free time but you are rarely allowed to do whatever

    you want. You usually have to ask your parents permission before doing anything - from

    shopping in town to staying out late.

    Last but not least, although there are often cheaper prices for children, things are still

    expensive. Some parents are not always generous in giving pocket money. The reality is that

    sometimes there is not enough money to satisfy a childs need.

    To sum up, some people see childhood as the best time in their lives. However in reality

    children do not have choices to do what they want. As children grow up, they will soon realize

    that they have more responsibilities to bear.

    (Adapted from QUEST MAGAZINE MARCH 2009)

  • SULIT Page 6

    Questions 21 -24

    Read the article carefully and answer the questions below based on the article.

    21. List two responsibilities given in the article which a child does not have to carry out.

    i. _____________________________________________________________

    ii. _____________________________________________________________

    [1 mark]

    [1 mark]

    22. What privilege does a child get when he/ she visits a recreational centre ?


    [1 mark]

    23. Why parents are not generous in giving more pocket money to their children?


    [1 mark]

    24. Fill in the table with the appropriate word/ phrase from the article.


    to engage [1 mark]

    seldom [1 mark]

    turn up for [1 mark]

    a disadvantage [1 mark]

    Questions 25-26:

    Complete the table with the advantages and the disadvantages of being a child as

    mentioned in the text.



    ( i ) [1 mark]

    ( ii ) [1 mark]



    ( i ) [1 mark]

    ( ii ) [1 mark]

    27. Suggest other ways, which are not stated in the text; how children can show their

    responsibilities towards their parents.

    i. ____________________________________________________________

    ii. ____________________________________________________________

    iii. ____________________________________________________________

    [1 mark]

    [1 mark]

    [1 mark]

  • SULIT Page 7


    [45 marks]

    [Time suggested : 55 minutes]

    Question 28

    Part 1 Shorter writing task

    You should spend 20 minutes on this question.

    The English Society of SMK Dato Panglima conducted a survey on Form 3 students to find out

    their favourite pastimes. Based on the chart below, write a report.

    Use the following points to write your report

    Paragraph 1 Purpose of survey Paragraph 2 Findings of survey Paragraph 3 Possible reasons for their choice

    When writing the report, you should remember to

    Use the correct format of a report

    Write the report in about 100 words only









    Playing video games Reading Watching television Facebooking

    Hobbies of Form 3 students SMK DATO' PANGLIMA

    No. of students

  • SULIT Page 8






















    [15 marks]

  • SULIT Page 9

    Question 29:

    Part II Longer writing task

    You should spend 35 minutes on this question.

    During the last school holidays, you and your family had a picnic. Describe your experience.

    In your description, write about the following:

    details of the picnic



    your feelings

    Make sure your description is between 150 to 200 words

  • SULIT Page 10

    [30 marks]


  • SET 2



    SECTION A : Error Identification [20 marks]

    Identification of errors (A) Correction of errors (B) Total

    10 marks 10 marks 20

    No Identification of errors (A) Correction of errors (B)

    1 become became

    2 is was

    3 her Him

    4 cloth clothes

    5 shared share

    6 largest large

    7 died die

    8 said say

    9 when where

    10 angry angrily

    If identification is CORRECT, answer is CORRECT (1, 1)

    If identification is CORRECT, answer is WRONG (1, 0)

    If identification is WRONG, answer is CORRECT (0, 0)

    If identification is WRONG, answer is WRONG (0, 0)

    If more than 2 words are underlined/identified,answer is correct(0,0)

    SECTION B: Non-linear text [20 marks]

    11 False

    12 True

    13 False

    14 False

    15 True

    16 Cook it! Cooking challenge

    17 family bonding

    18 (a) Work out / sweat it out

    18 (b) self-care

    19 Participants need to compete/ The competition is in 4 parts

  • SET 2



    Marks Response

    A (9-10)

    Task is successfully fulfilled. Language is accurate with few first draft slips. Sentence structures are varied.

    B (7-8)

    Task is mostly fulfilled. Language is mostly accurate. Sentence structures are mostly varied.

    C (5-6)

    Task is sufficiently fulfilled. Language is sufficiently accurate. Sentence structures are sufficiently varied.

    D (3-4)

    Task is partially fulfilled. Language is partially accurate. Sentence structures lack variety and are


    E (1-2)

    Task is hardly fulfilled. Language is inaccurate. Distorted sentence structures.

    Award 0 mark when there is - no response or response written in language other than English; or

    - mindless lifting of irrelevant chunks form other sources including rubric

    SECTION C: Linear Text [15 marks]

    21 dont have to go to work/ to shop/ to cook / to pay bills ( pick only 2 answers)

    22 cost much less for children ( any other answer which gives the same idea)

    23 things are expensive/ there is not enough money to satisfy a childs need

    24 . to engage pursue

    Seldom rarely

    Turn up to attend

    A disadvantage a minus

    25 watch TV/ play computer games / go out with friends / involve in sports / pursue other hobbies.

    26 need to fulfil your parents expectation and pass with flying colours./

    have to ask your parents permission before doing anything - from shopping in town to staying

    out late.

    27 fulfil parents expectation/ achieving flying colours/ asking permission from parents to go out

  • SET 2



    Section D : Writing task [45 marks]

    Question 28: Shorter writing task (15 marks)


    B GOOD


    D WEAK







    Task is fulfilled. Task is fulfilled

    Task is adequately fulfilled.

    Task is partially fulfilled.

    Task is hardly fulfilled.

    Ideas are well-developed and well-organised with consistent relevance.

    Ideas are developed and organised with relevance.

    Ideas are sufficiently developed and adequately organised with some relevance.

    Ideas are less developed, lack organisation and relevance.

    Ideas are not developed, not organised and irrelevant.

    Language is accurate with few first draft slips.

    Language is largely accurate with minor errors.

    Language is sufficiently accurate with some minor and major errors.

    Language is partially accurate with a higher degree of major errors.

    Language is inaccurate with major errors that distort meaning.

    Sentence structures are varied and used effectively.

    Sentence structures are mostly varied.

    Sentence structures are sufficiently varied.

    Sentence structures lack variety and are repetitive.

    Sentence structures are distorted.

    Vocabulary used is wide and precise.

    Vocabulary used is wide enough and mostly precise.

    Vocabulary used is sufficient but lacks precision.

    Vocabulary used is limited.

    Vocabulary used is inappropriate.

    Style and tone used is appropriate.

    Style and tone used is largely appropriate.

    Style and tone used is sufficiently appropriate.

    Style and tone used is partially appropriate.

    Style and tone is inappropriately used.

    Note: Award 0 mark when there is - no response or response written in language other than English; or

    - mindless lifting of irrelevant chunks form other sources including rubric When awarding marks, apply the best fit principle. No script will fit neatly into any one of the

    bands. To determine the appropriate mark, identify the band the response belongs to and refer

    to the criteria in band. Examiners should assess the script holistically and always refer to

    the coordinated scripts for consistency

    Question 29: Longer writing task [30 marks]

  • SET 2



    B GOOD


    D WEAK







    Task is fulfilled. Task is largely fulfilled.

    Task is sufficiently fulfilled.

    Task is partially fulfilled.

    Task is hardly fulfilled.

    Ideas are well-developed and well-organised with supporting details.

    Ideas are largely developed and organised main ideas and supporting details.

    Ideas are sufficiently developed but lack organization and supporting details.

    Ideas are partially developed and lack organisation.

    Ideas are not developed and not organised.

    Language is accurate with first draft slips.

    Language is largely accurate with minor errors

    Language is sufficiently accurate with some minor and major errors.

    Language is partially accurate with a higher degree of major errors.

    Language is inaccurate with major errors that distort meaning.

    Sentence structures are varied and used effectively.

    Sentence structures are mostly varied.

    Sentence structures are sufficiently varied.

    Sentence structures lack variety and are repetitive.

    Sentence structures are distorted

    Vocabulary used is wide and precise.

    Vocabulary used is wide enough and mostly precise.

    Vocabulary used is sufficient but lacks precision.

    Vocabulary used is limited.

    Vocabulary used is inappropriate.

    Interest of reader is aroused and sustained.

    Interest of reader is largely aroused.

    Interest of reader is sufficiently aroused.

    Interest of reader is partially aroused.

    Interest of reader is hardly aroused.

    Note: Award 0 mark when there is - no response or response written in language other than English; or

    - mindless lifting of irrelevant chunks form other sources including rubric When awarding marks, apply the best fit principle. No script will fit neatly into any one of the

    bands. To determine the appropriate mark, identify the band the response belongs to and refer

    to the criteria in the band. Examiners should assess the script holistically and always refer

    to the coordinated scripts for consistency.