session one creative writing · writing...


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Page 1: Session One Creative Writing · writing scenarios Unit 2 - Exploring creative writing 60% of AS, 30% of A-level Coursework,
Page 2: Session One Creative Writing · writing scenarios Unit 2 - Exploring creative writing 60% of AS, 30% of A-level Coursework,

Creative Writing Seminar

Session One

L/Os: To know what is expected of me in the Creative Writing course; To understand what I can do to prepare for September; To be able to create a short piece of shared writing.

Page 3: Session One Creative Writing · writing scenarios Unit 2 - Exploring creative writing 60% of AS, 30% of A-level Coursework,

What do you want to gain or learn from a Creative Writing A-Level?

• To develop your skills as a writer?

• To learn new techniques and methods of writing?

• To receive criticism and feedback on work?

Write down two or three ideas on the post-it you have been given.

L/Os: To know what is expected of me in the Creative Writing course;

Page 4: Session One Creative Writing · writing scenarios Unit 2 - Exploring creative writing 60% of AS, 30% of A-level Coursework,

Course Layout:

AS Examinations Unit 1 - Writing on Demand 40% of AS, 20% of A-level 2 hour written examination 60 marks

• Students will answer two questions from a choice of four. Both will involve the production of texts based on practical writing scenarios

Unit 2 - Exploring creative writing 60% of AS, 30% of A-level Coursework, internally assessed and externally moderated by AQA 90 marks

• Students will submit two creative pieces of work (max 3000 words) and a reflective commentary (max 1500 words).

A2 Examinations Unit 3 - From Reading to Writing 20% of A-level 3 hour written examination 60 marks

• Students will answer two questions based on their selection of one stimulus text from a choice of five.

Unit 4 - The Writing Portfolio 30% of A-level Coursework, internally assessed and externally moderated by AQA 90 marks

• Students will produce a portfolio of creative work (max 4000 words or equivalent) and a full reflective commentary (max 2000 words), with bibliography and evidence of redrafting.

L/Os: To know what is expected of me in the Creative Writing course;

Page 5: Session One Creative Writing · writing scenarios Unit 2 - Exploring creative writing 60% of AS, 30% of A-level Coursework,

How can you prepare for September?

• Read as much as you can and as widely as you can

• We will provide you with a reading list as a place to start but you are expected to read around this


You will have to adapt your writing to a number of different genres and styles during the course so you need to be familiar with as many different conventions as you can – fiction, autobiography, biography, travel, science-fiction, cookery, romance, thriller, crime, detective, journalism – the list is endless! L/Os: To know what is expected of me in the

Creative Writing course;

Page 6: Session One Creative Writing · writing scenarios Unit 2 - Exploring creative writing 60% of AS, 30% of A-level Coursework,

How can you prepare for September?

• Keep a journal of your thoughts, ideas and scribbles

• Your summer homework will be to get started on this!


You will need to write reflective commentaries on your coursework during the two years and keeping a journal will help with this – tracking the thought process behind your ideas and edits will enable you to write a much fuller commentary.

L/Os: To know what is expected of me in the Creative Writing course;

Page 7: Session One Creative Writing · writing scenarios Unit 2 - Exploring creative writing 60% of AS, 30% of A-level Coursework,

Poetry Game

1. Who are you? 2. Where are you? 3. Why are you here? 4. What can you see? 5. What can you hear? 6. What can you touch? 7. What do you feel? 8. What do you dream of? 9. What do you want? 10. What is stopping you from getting what you want?

L/Os: To be able to create a short piece of shared writing.

Think of a character – this may be one from a previous story you have written. Answer these sentences as creatively as possible, in full sentences

Now choose your favourite line and highlight it!

Page 8: Session One Creative Writing · writing scenarios Unit 2 - Exploring creative writing 60% of AS, 30% of A-level Coursework,

In your groups:

Using your lines, you now need to create a performance poem with them.

Think about:

• What is the best order for your lines?

• Do you need to edit any lines or words to make them fit together?

• How will you perform it?

L/Os: To be able to create a short piece of shared writing.

Page 10: Session One Creative Writing · writing scenarios Unit 2 - Exploring creative writing 60% of AS, 30% of A-level Coursework,

Summer Homework

Get yourself a notebook to act as your journal for keeping notes, thoughts, ideas etc.


• Go and sit somewhere (e.g. in a café, on the bus, in the park, in a shopping centre) and listen to what other people are saying.

• Write down anything interesting you hear or see; snatched bits of conversation, interesting observations of behaviour, appearance etc.

Now turn this in to a short piece of writing, this could be a poem or short story (no longer than 300 words), and write a short, reflective commentary on what inspired you to write it (no longer than 200 words).

Set texts – there is one set text you will need to buy for this course David Lodge, The Art of Fiction ISBN: 978-0-099-55424-0

You are also expected to read widely and often using the reading list for suggestions but seeking out your own texts as well.