session 38 lars källström

Development of an EU eFreight RoadMap a Swedish initiative in support of an eco- efficient European economy

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Page 1: Session 38 Lars Källström

Development of an EU eFreight RoadMap

a Swedish initiative in support of an eco-efficient European


Page 2: Session 38 Lars Källström

Development of an EU eFreight RoadMap

Lars Källström, Jan Tore Pedersen, Sören Belin

Page 3: Session 38 Lars Källström

Inefficient transport system

• 43 % empty truckloads

• 50 % empty trains

• 30-40 % of the ships not used

Page 4: Session 38 Lars Källström

A Future of Transport initiative

Key priorities in the Communication on the Future of Transport are:

• Better integration of different modes of transport

• Technological innovation

Page 5: Session 38 Lars Källström

Passing the e-Baton to Spain

eFreight Road MapeFreight

Road Map

Page 6: Session 38 Lars Källström

ITS deployment – too slow, too fragmented

Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) provide a large and untapped potential for making the European freight transport system more efficient and more environmentally friendly.

The technical development of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) is promising, but

• The uptake is slow and fragmented across Europe

• We have a patchwork of solutions for companies and administrations

Page 7: Session 38 Lars Källström

What we need

European and world trade need• Interoperable information and communication

systems and services• An understanding of the advantages of

harmonized solutions• A joint vision

Let us join forces and create an eFreight Road Map– the time is now!

Page 8: Session 38 Lars Källström


eFreight • Defined in the ”Freight och Logistics Action Plan”, COM(2007) 607,

eFreight means • Paperless, electronic flow of information, • Simple and harmonized procedures related to the physical flow of

goods• Functionalities for tracking and tracing the cargo from door-to-door

irrespective of the combination of modes• Automatic electronic exchange of information – B2B, B2A, A2A

Page 9: Session 38 Lars Källström

A RoadMap for eFreight

• The required technical innovation and development need to take place in a context

• The RoadMap for eFreight will provide this context for integrating all modes in freight transport

Page 10: Session 38 Lars Källström

eFreight Road Map

• Europe needs a concrete plan for exploiting information technology to support the development of a more efficient and environmentally sustainable freight transport system

• Work shall be based on – Action Plan on Freight Transport Logistics – eFreight (2007)

– Greening of Transport Package (2008)

– Action Plan on Urban Mobility (2008)

– ITS Action Plan (2008-2009)

– Future of Transport (2009)

– ..and a number of related initiatives

• Input will also be provided by results from projects in the Framework Programmes, TEN-T and INTERREG

Page 11: Session 38 Lars Källström

eFreight with focus on logistics

eFreight builds on mode specific harmonization and adds the business to business and business to administration relation to the present focus on traffic and fleet management in

• RIS – River Information Services• TAF – Rail system interoperability• ITS – Intelligent Transport System (road)• ”IATA” – signifying the efforts for air transport harmonization





Page 12: Session 38 Lars Källström

eFreight Vision

• Zero paper documents shall be needed for planning, executing and completing any transport operation within EU. Independent of– The parties involved

– Cargo type

– Transport mode or combination of modes

– Authorities involved

– Type of service demanded

– Transport corridor

– Liability regime

• There shall be zero waiting time related to administrative procedures at all border crossings within EU and for transport between EU and countries with which secure trade lanes have been established

• The eFreight mechanisms shall be technology independent

Page 13: Session 38 Lars Källström

eFreight Goals

1. A standard framework for freight information exchange covering all transport modes and all stakeholders

2. A single European transport document (waybill) for all carriage of goods, irrespective of mode along with all the necessary legislative support

3. A single window (single access point) and one stop shopping for administrative procedures in all modes

4. Simple, harmonised border crossings procedures for all modes of transport for all EU member states.

5. Simple procedures and the necessary infrastructure for establishing secure and efficient transport corridors between Europe, USA, and Asia

Page 14: Session 38 Lars Källström

Success factors

Acceptance by the business community requires • Support for making advanced ITS systems more efficient • Support for easy and low cost access by non-experienced users

Acceptance by transport network managers requires• Support for efficient, safe, secure and green utilization of the networks

Acceptance by the regulators requires• Support for present processes with flexibility to adapt to changes• Respect for Member State control of data

And….• Acceptable costs • Data security and integrity

Page 15: Session 38 Lars Källström

Governance (proposal)

The eFreight development will utilise the appropriate mechanism outlined in the proposal for the ITS Directive:

• The European ITS Committee composed of MS representatives and chaired by the EC

• The European ITS Advisory Group composed of high level representatives from relevant stakeholder groups

Page 16: Session 38 Lars Källström

What´s next?

• Looking for an opportunity to launch the eFreight RoadMap initiative

• Working on the development of a large scale eFreight demonstrator

• Support from the EC obtained

• Support from Swedish stakeholders to take international lead obtained

Page 17: Session 38 Lars Källström

Tentative time schedule

Deployment will start:

• Develop a standard framework: 2011

• Develop a single transport document: 2016

• Establish a single window for the EU: 2014

• Common border crossing procedures: 2014

• Secure transport corridors: 2015

All to be finalised by 2020

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