session 3 redeemed from a critical...


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Page 1: SESSION 3 REDEEMED FROM A CRITICAL SPIRITb95c793332d402cbe44f-a2911e1268458d5fba4d777a56013ca8.r88.… · It’s easy to criticize from a distance and that sense of distance makes




Page 2: SESSION 3 REDEEMED FROM A CRITICAL SPIRITb95c793332d402cbe44f-a2911e1268458d5fba4d777a56013ca8.r88.… · It’s easy to criticize from a distance and that sense of distance makes

What's the first thing

that comes to mind

when you hear the

word "critical "?


Page 3: SESSION 3 REDEEMED FROM A CRITICAL SPIRITb95c793332d402cbe44f-a2911e1268458d5fba4d777a56013ca8.r88.… · It’s easy to criticize from a distance and that sense of distance makes

THE BIBLE MEETS LIFEToday criticism and belittlement are interchangeable to most people. Thanks to social media, people make critical comments online they would never say to someone’s face. It’s easy to criticize from a distance and that sense of distance makes people think that what they are saying is somehow, not as real.

Charles Barkley, former NBA player, is known to be tough and honest, but he avoids social media for the simple fact that people are so mean-spirited and critical of others in our current American culture.

Though Facebook®, Twitter®, or Instagram® make critical spirits easier to see, they’re not the cause. It’s a part of our sinful nature. When we compare ourselves with others, our sense of insecurity wants us to tear others down and elevate ourselves. We begin to pass judgment on others’ motives, actions, and thoughts, as if we have been given authority right.

When we are critical we damage lives, including ours. We will see this truth in the life of Miriam, but we will also see that the discontentment that fuels our criticism can only be fixed when we place our focus back on God.


A critical spirit damages our lives.


Page 4: SESSION 3 REDEEMED FROM A CRITICAL SPIRITb95c793332d402cbe44f-a2911e1268458d5fba4d777a56013ca8.r88.… · It’s easy to criticize from a distance and that sense of distance makes

The Setting

Numbers 11 details how, on their journey from Mount Sinai to the promised land, a series of complaints erupted among the Israelites against God and His chosen leader, Moses. The Israelites complained about the hardships of the journey and about having only manna to eat (no meat). They complained so much that Moses complained bitterly to God about the burdens of leading them. God sent quail for the people to eat, but then sent a deadly plague upon them in judgment. The Israelites then traveled to Hazeroth, where a conflict between Moses and his siblings Miriam and Aaron ensued.

WHAT DOES THE BIBLE SAY?Numbers 12:1-11,13-151 Miriam and Aaron criticized Moses because of the Cushite woman he married (for he had married a Cushite woman). 2 They said, “Does the Lord speak only through Moses? Does He not also speak through us?” And the Lord heard it. 3 Moses was a very humble man, more so than any man on the face of the earth. 4 Suddenly the Lord said to Moses, Aaron, and Miriam, “You three come out to the tent of meeting.” So the three of them went out. 5 Then the Lord descended in a pillar of cloud, stood at the entrance to the tent, and summoned Aaron and Miriam. When the two of them came forward, 6 He said: “Listen to what I say: If there is a prophet among you from the Lord, I make Myself known to him in a vision; I speak with him in a dream. 7 Not so with My servant Moses; he is faithful in all My household. 8 I speak with him directly, openly, and not in riddles; he sees the form of the Lord. So why were you not afraid to speak against My servant Moses?” 9 The Lord’s anger burned against them, and He left. 10 As the cloud moved away from the tent, Miriam’s skin suddenly became diseased, as white as snow. When Aaron turned toward her, he saw that she was diseased 11 and said to Moses, “My lord, please don’t hold against us this sin we have so foolishly committed.

13 Then Moses cried out to the Lord, “God, please heal her!” 14 The Lord answered Moses, “If her father had merely spit in her face, wouldn’t she remain in disgrace for seven days? Let her be confined outside the camp for seven days; after that she may be brought back in.” 15 So Miriam was confined outside the camp for seven days, and the people did not move on until Miriam was brought back in.


Page 5: SESSION 3 REDEEMED FROM A CRITICAL SPIRITb95c793332d402cbe44f-a2911e1268458d5fba4d777a56013ca8.r88.… · It’s easy to criticize from a distance and that sense of distance makes

What are some of the biggest

motivations behind our desire to criticize?

THE POINT A critical spirit damages our lives.

NUMBERS 12:1-3God gave Moses an epic task. He not only led Israel out of slavery, but also through the desert to the edge of the promised land. And this was no quick feat—he, along with his siblings Miriam and Aaron, led the people for 40 years.

It seems his siblings didn’t like his wife because she was a Cushite. They could have been speaking about Zipporah, his wife from Midian, or another woman he later married. Clearly their complaint concerned the woman’s ethnicity. It appears they weren’t happy with her or with Moses for marrying her. But there is more to this story.

It all became clear when they asked if the Lord only spoke through Moses or if He also spoke through them. Their dislike of Moses’ wife was just a smokescreen that covered the real issue. Miriam was jealous. She was comparing herself with her brother. God has chosen Moses to be His mouthpiece, work His miracles, and be in His presence. All eyes were on Moses.

So, what about Miriam?

He hadn’t lifted her to a place of respect and honor like her brother, but she felt like she deserved it. Her question in verse two was really asking, “What about me?”

Miriam may have felt she had all the qualities of a good leader, but Moses had something she didn’t: humility. Moses was the most humble on earth. That’s a big deal. Perhaps Miriam was jealous or frustrated with Her brother’s position. God was doing great things through Moses, yet he remained humble. There’s no room for humility in a critical heart.

Y Social media often becomes a forum for people to compare and be critical of others. What are three negative ways people use social media, and what are three ways we can use it to impact others for Christ?


Page 6: SESSION 3 REDEEMED FROM A CRITICAL SPIRITb95c793332d402cbe44f-a2911e1268458d5fba4d777a56013ca8.r88.… · It’s easy to criticize from a distance and that sense of distance makes

What does

having a critical

spirit cost us?

NUMBERS 12:4-11God was not pleased. Suddenly He called them to the tent of meeting to sort out their attitudes toward Moses. God won’t tolerate a critical spirit. He confronted Miriam, and He corrected her thinking and her attitude toward her brother.

As God’s presence left the tent of meeting, Miriam was left with a skin disease as a result of her sin. There is always a price to pay for having a critical spirit, and not just by the people we hurt with our jealousy, insecurity, and criticism. We personally pay the price.

Clearly, all critical people are not stricken with infectious skin diseases as punishment, but we suffer in similar ways. When we’re critical of others, it grieves the Holy Spirit who calls us to be kind and compassionate (Eph. 4:30-32). A critical spirit separates us from others.

We don’t get to pick our gifts and callings, but we do get to choose how we respond to God. Reacting negatively and comparing our gifts and callings to others’, like Miriam did, only hurts us. We risk losing our effectiveness in using the gifts God has given us for His glory. How? We become so obsessed with the shortcomings of others that we no longer can move forward and use our own gifts for the gospel.

Let’s avoid the consequences of the comparison and criticism game.

Y Read this passage again. Ask the question, "What does this tell me about God's character?" Write down each character trait you see.


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People often isolate themselves

through a critical spirit. What

steps can we take to restore

them to community?

THE POINT A critical spirit damages our lives.

Action Point

The Titanic was the biggest ship in history when it was built. It took two full years to build from start to finish, but when it struck an iceberg on its maiden voyage, it took only three hours to sink. The Hindenburg was unimaginably large when it was built. It took five years to complete, but a small malfunction caused it to crash and burn within minutes. It’s amazing how quickly a seemingly small mistake can tear something down. A critical spirit can have the same effect on the hearts of people around us.

Y How different would your life be if the people who criticized you encouraged you?

Y What steps can we take to build others up instead of being critical toward them?

NUMBERS 12:13-15God's discipline always has a purpose. He wants to bring us closer and make us more fruitful in the future. When we are not producing fruit, God prunes us to make us more fruitful (John 15:1-2). God’s pruning is designed to clear away what holds us back.

A critical spirit is like a dead limb that needs to be cut. It never bears good fruit. It creeps up in our hearts and steals away our ability to worship God with a pure heart. God disciplines us to make us fruitful.

God struck Miriam with a skin disease to discipline her, not condemn her. Aaron confessed that he and Miriam had sinned, and he pleaded for her deliverance. Moses also prayed for God’s healing, and God responded in mercy and grace.

The fact that Miriam could be brought back into the camp after seven days indicates that God healed her. As a part of the discipline process, Miriam still had to endure being isolated from the others for seven days (Lev. 13). Miriam’s sin confined her outside, but God’s grace restored her and reunited her family.

Ultimately, Miriam was remembered not for her critical spirit, but for her leadership. Micah 6:4 identifies her, along with her brothers Aaron and Moses, as part of God’s plan to rescue His people from Egypt and redeem the Israelites from the land of slavery.

Miriam’s failure was not her final word, and our failure does not have define us either. God can redeem us from a critical spirit.


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"When you're in a situation,

you can complain about it, you

can feel sorry for yourself, you

can do a lot of things. But

how are you gonna make the

situation better ? " 2


APPLY ITWhat will you do to fight against a critical spiritual in your own life? Consider taking one of these steps in the week to come:

Y Root Out: Notice your words and the attitude of your heart when you talk about people. Read and memorize 2 Corinthians 10:5. Take your thoughts captive so you can make them obedient to Christ. Stop comparing yourself to others and live for Christ.

Y Own It: Own up to any habits of comparison or jealousy that may have taken root in your life. Ask God to help you change into healthier patterns of celebration.

Y Reverse it: Speak the truth in love (Eph. 4:15). Words that encourage will build others up and can lead them to the gospel (Eph. 4:29). Only speak truth when you can do it out of love and not anger, and people will see a difference in you.

Fun Facts

An astounding 95% of teens who witnessed bullying on social media report that others, like them, have ignored the behavior.1


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GARBAGE IN, GARBAGE OUTPhilippians 4:8-9

We wouldn’t expect a great tasting cake if we used expired milk to make it. We wouldn’t expect a laptop to run correctly if it had parts from an older model. In our relationship with Christ, we often allow the sinful influences we were saved from back into our minds and expect that it won’t affect our spiritual growth. However, what we put into our minds is incredibly important. Paul tells the Philippians to focus their thoughts and actions on whatever is good, noble, excellent, or worth applauding. Dwelling on entertainment, thoughts, or feelings that disagree with God will quickly lead us back into the sin that fails to satisfy in the first place.

We need to think about what we are thinking about. Constantly criticizing and comparing others develops a bitter and critical spirit. Instead, we are to have grace-filled spirits. Entertainment that glorifies sinfulness affects our ability to distinguish God’s fulfilling purpose and sin’s lies.

Y Make a list of the thoughts and influences that lead you into sin, and then begin to develop a plan for each item to exchange sin’s influence for God’s purpose and joy.


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Y Day 1: Numbers 12:1-16

Y Day 2: Exodus: 1:1-22

Y Day 3: Exodus 2:1-10

Y Day 4: Exodus 2:11-25

Y Day 5: Exodus 3:1-22

Y Day 6: Exodus 4:1-31

Y Day 7: Exodus 6:1-30


Page 11: SESSION 3 REDEEMED FROM A CRITICAL SPIRITb95c793332d402cbe44f-a2911e1268458d5fba4d777a56013ca8.r88.… · It’s easy to criticize from a distance and that sense of distance makes


1. “Trusting God Quotes,” Goodreads [online], [accessed 17 July 2015]. Available from the Internet: ww.


2. Jake Rossen, “14 Facts About Netflix, Recommended For You,” Mental_Floss [online], [cited 6 October 2015]. Available from the Internet: ttp://


3. “90 Percent Of People Say They Have A Major Regret. Here’s How To Move Past It,” Huffington Post [online], 26 June 2014 [cited 6 October 2015]. Available from the Internet: ttp://ww.huffingtonpost.



1. “Quotes About Humility,” Goodreads [online], [accessed 17 July 2015]. Available from the Internet:

2. Heather Fishel, “7 Surprising College Dating Statistics,” Campus

Explorer [online], [accessed 17 July 2015]. Available from the Internet:



1. “Tony Dungy,” Brainy Quote [online], [accessed 17 July 2015]. Available from the Internet:

2. “Cyber Bullying Statistics,” [online], [accessed 17 July 2015]. Available from the Internet:


1. John Piper > Quotes > Quotable Quote,” Goodreads [online], [accessed 17 July 2015]. Available from the Internet: ww.goodreads.


2. “Trust in Government,” Gallup [online], [accessed 17 July 2015]. Available from the Internet:


1. Quotes About Restoration,” Christian Quotes [online], [accessed 17 July 2015]. Available from the Internet:


2. Tariq Malik, [online], 21 July 2011 [accessed 17 July 2015]. Available from the Internet:



1. “Quotes About Repentance,” Goodreads [online], [accessed 17 July 2015]. Available from the Internet:

2. “Greatest Rivalries in Sports,” Fox Sports [online], 7 July 2013 [accessed 17 July 2015]. Available from the Internet: ww.foxsports.



3. “Americans Believe in Heaven, Hell, and a Little Bit of Heresy,” LifeWay Research [online], 28 October 2014 [accessed 17 July 2015]. Available from the Internet: ttp://



1. “Radical Quotes,” Goodreads [online], [accessed 17 July 2015]. Available from the Internet: ww.


2. “5 Fun Facts You Didn’t Know About Windshields,” Buzzfeed [online], 27 February 2014 [accessed 17 July 2015]. Available from the Internet:
