serving with mission aviation fellowship july 2020 the one ... · right seat. recently chris flew...

August 26, 2020 Dear Friends and Family of Chris and Karyn Ball Thank you for your faithful support of this incredible family, we are so grateful for all of the ways that you are partnering with them to enable their ministry with MAFC to move forward in South Sudan. As you may be aware, due to the high stress associated with serving in South Sudan, MAF missionaries are strongly encouraged to schedule time outside of the country (R&R) on a regular basis to seek physical, emotional and spiritual replenishment to prevent ministry burnout. Typically, this R&R is granted every 13 weeks, and travel is funded by the program to spend time in nearby countries with missionary guest houses. This year, the only R&R the Ball family been able to attempt was interrupted by COVID-19 requiring them to return to Juba immediately. Since then, the severe travel restrictions put in place by many countries as well as by MAF, have ruled out the opportunity for regularly scheduled R&Rs. Needless to say this has been a long and difficult stretch for them. That being the case, we have recommended they return to Canada for a 7-week R&R to give them the rest and replenishment they need so that they can return to South Sudan rested, and replenished to continue the work theyve been called to. While we know that this is the right decision for them, this return travel to Canada this year is not something that has been budgeted for, and as a result MAFC will need to draw on our limited Compassion Fund resources to make this happen. That being the case, wed like to ask you to prayerfully consider contributing to MAFCs Compassion Fund: P02C, to replenish the $10,880 needed for their return travel to Canada so that this fund might continue to support families like the Balls when they need it the most. By supporting this fund, you are enabling MAF Canada to provide for its missionary staff in exceptional circumstances that require funding over and above what missionary support covers. To support this fund (P02C), please contact MAF Canada directly: Call MAF Canada at 1.877.351.9344 Go online to: Click on Missionary Support Fund Follow the steps indicated and use P02C when asked for the Special Project Number Mail your donation to: 102-195 Hanlon Creek Blvd, Guelph, ON N1C 0A1 Thank you so much for considering this request. In His Service, Tim Bax VP International HR & Member Care

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Page 1: Serving with Mission Aviation Fellowship July 2020 The one ... · right seat. Recently Chris flew Dr Anil and Dr Shalina Cherian, a husband and wife doctor team from India who serve

August 26, 2020

Dear Friends and Family of Chris and Karyn Ball

Thank you for your faithful support of this incredible family, we

are so grateful for all of the ways that you are partnering with

them to enable their ministry with MAFC to move forward in

South Sudan.

As you may be aware, due to the high stress associated with

serving in South Sudan, MAF missionaries are strongly

encouraged to schedule time outside of the country (R&R) on a

regular basis to seek physical, emotional and spiritual replenishment to prevent ministry burnout.

Typically, this R&R is granted every 13 weeks, and travel is funded by the program to spend time in nearby

countries with missionary guest houses. This year, the only R&R the Ball family been able to attempt was

interrupted by COVID-19 requiring them to return to Juba immediately. Since then, the severe travel

restrictions put in place by many countries as well as by MAF, have ruled out the opportunity for regularly

scheduled R&Rs. Needless to say this has been a long and difficult stretch for them.

That being the case, we have recommended they return to Canada for a 7-week R&R to give them the rest

and replenishment they need so that they can return to South Sudan rested, and replenished to continue the

work they’ve been called to. While we know that this is the right decision for them, this return travel to Canada

this year is not something that has been budgeted for, and as a result MAFC will need to draw on our limited

Compassion Fund resources to make this happen.

That being the case, we’d like to ask you to prayerfully consider contributing to MAFC’s Compassion Fund:

P02C, to replenish the $10,880 needed for their return travel to Canada so that this fund might

continue to support families like the Balls when they need it the most. By supporting this fund, you are

enabling MAF Canada to provide for its missionary staff in exceptional circumstances that require funding

over and above what missionary support covers.

To support this fund (P02C), please contact MAF Canada directly:

Call MAF Canada at 1.877.351.9344

Go online to:

Click on Missionary Support Fund

Follow the steps indicated and use P02C when asked for the Special Project Number

Mail your donation to: 102-195 Hanlon Creek Blvd, Guelph, ON N1C 0A1

Thank you so much for considering this request.

In His Service,

Tim Bax

VP International HR & Member Care

Page 2: Serving with Mission Aviation Fellowship July 2020 The one ... · right seat. Recently Chris flew Dr Anil and Dr Shalina Cherian, a husband and wife doctor team from India who serve

An Update from Chris & Karyn Ball Serving with Mission Aviation Fellowship September 2020

Dear Friends,

If you’ve been reading our newsletters over the years you will know we are “glass half full” types of people! Whether a robbery, an evacuation or daily life in South Sudan, we usually view our world through rose-coloured glasses, thanks to God’s continued grace. In our last newsletter we shared that we are tired and in need of a break. We are noticing ourselves leaning towards “glass quarter full” now. Is that a thing? We haven’t gone to “glass half empty” yet, but we are getting close.

Since the start of COVID-19 in East Africa, we’ve been having an open dialogue with MAF Canada about travel to Canada. Should we stay here and serve? Do we fly back to Canada until this pandemic is over? MAF asked most of their staff “to remain in place” at the start of the lockdown and looking back we are so happy that we did remain here. Hindsight is 2020. It has been good to be able to continue to serve in South Sudan; flying missionaries and medical teams, delivering groceries, COVID-19 rapid test kits and PPE to remote areas. But as time passes we realize we are in need of a break, we haven’t been out of country since March. As you know, we live in what MAF deems a “hardship” country and we usually go on regularly scheduled R&R breaks every 13 weeks. It’s been five months plus without this rest and we are really feeling it.

Due to the many travel restrictions still in place, MAF Canada’s Crisis Management Team has recommended that we return to Canada for a time of R&R. It is currently the safest option for us, and we are so grateful for this opportunity to rest and recharge. As you will read in the enclosed letter from Tim Bax, VP International HR & Member Care, this is an unbudgeted expense and MAFC will be drawing on their Compassion Fund to provide for this travel. As an expression of our gratitude, we prayerfully ask that you consider supporting this fund (P02C) that enables MAFC to assist families in circumstances that go beyond what is covered by regular ministry support.

So what are the effects of COVID-19 in South Sudan? Different and deeper than one might first imagine. To date we have had 2,507 cases and 47 deaths. But we are seeing other affects here as well. Many South Sudanese live day to day financially. So when someone loses their job due to COVID-19, they literally lose their ability to feed their family that night. Before the pandemic, the government was moving towards a peace deal and reorganizing the government, putting new

ministers in place, etc. However all of this seems to have paused. The lack of peace is evident; there have been a drastic increase in fatal road robberies, many brutal attacks and murders, and a lot of lawlessness in the remote villages. It’s always felt a little bit like the “wild west” here, but it seems more now than we’ve ever experienced before.

An additional effect of COVID-19 is the closure of schools. Due to South Sudan’s infrastructure, there is no online classroom option. Children have simply stopped learning, education has come to a halt. And one of the biggest consequences of this is an increase in teen pregnancy and child marriage (young girls marrying adult men). This is tragic. Please pray that schools will reopen quickly, and pray specifically that girls will be able to return to class.

After landing on a road, over 700 kgs of iron sheets were off loaded onto quads for a WASH (sanitation and hygiene) program for SP.

As chief pilot and crew training manager, Chris continues to train and check our pilots.

Children surrounded Chris’ plane during a quick stop in a small village. They love when he takes their photos.

Page 3: Serving with Mission Aviation Fellowship July 2020 The one ... · right seat. Recently Chris flew Dr Anil and Dr Shalina Cherian, a husband and wife doctor team from India who serve

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for praying for Chris; for his safety in the air and on the ground. Recently he had a very serious security incident on a remote airstrip; a location that isn’t currently under government rule, another “wild west” spot. Due to the nature of the situation we can’t actually share the details publicly here in our newsletter. When debriefing the situation with MAF International’s head Security Manager, Chris reflected more on the serious situation.“It was a scary situation, but God continued to give me peace. I really felt the Lord was with me through it all.” Thank you for your prayers. We really need and feel them!

Chris was acting operations manager for four weeks this summer. This meant he organized and oversaw all the details of the flights. A great blessing for our partners was that Chris was able to resume MAF’s shuttle flights, which had been stopped due to COVID-19. He also facilitated a lot of flights for the World Health Organization (WHO) and Samaritan’s Purse (SP). More recently Chris has been back in the right seat again, getting our newest MAF pilot Tobias operational. Tobias just completed his route check with Chris! Check out the “Mission Aviation Fellowship - South Sudan” facebook page for more photos and stories from our team.

Karyn really misses ministry outside of the compound, but she’s found some unique ways to still serve. A home for street boys has just opened up behind our compound. She’s eager to start serving in person soon, but for now she’s been sending things like flour, rice, beans, fruit or soccer balls via our market delivery guy. You can imagine how hungry and active a dozen teenage boys are! We love receiving photos of the boys enjoying the gifts! One surprising twist of events was that the rescued boys took one of our food deliveries and went out to share the food we had given them with street boys still living on the streets. It brought us such joy to witness such compassion! Karyn continues to grocery shop for the AIM missionaries serving remotely, in addition she was able to shop for a missionary nurse from New Zealand who quarantined for three weeks at our compound. While we are in Canada, AIM missionaries who live in the bush will be having an R&R in our house. They can’t wait for air conditioning, a pool and a restful break.

Praise the Lord we have been healthy, no COVID-19 symptoms for us. However, we have had a lot of little things. Numerous and recurring infections, more worms and a handful of minor medical troubles that seem to indicate we are worn down. Other than this our kids are doing well. Despite the lack of “things to do”, they are resilient and loving life! They enjoyed doing an online VBS with Calvary Baptist in Oshawa, perks of COVID-19! Will has faithfully been praying for the street boys who hang outside of the big grocery store. And Addy is praying for Katelyn to ask Jesus into her little heart. It’s been really sweet to see Will and Addy grow in their Christian faith and submit their requests to the Lord. One of the many perks of COVID-19 life is slow paced mornings for Karyn and the kids. With absolutely nowhere to go, we have spent time reading a family devotional book called “Long Story Short” by Marty Machowski and it’s been really enriching. Of course the kids fight, complain and get into trouble too! Kate is our strong willed child. Recently Karyn asked Kate to go to the bathroom before they went outside. Kate replied, “No, I won’t go to the toilet until next week!”

All in all, we are still praising Him. We know we are blessed and have so much to be thankful for in our lives. We are grateful for the ministry of MAF and how we are still able to share the love of Jesus through aviation so that isolated people can be physically and spiritually transformed. And we are thankful for you, for your continued prayers, close partnership and faithful support.

The last words of Psalm 23:5 says “my cup overflows.” During this tough time, we keep looking to God, asking him to fill up our “glass half full” and make it overflow! Overflowing with His presence, provision, protection and power. We pray the same over each of you.

Humbled & Grateful, Chris, Karyn, Will, Addy & Kate Ball

The staff send photos of the boys with the deliveries.

An Unbudgeted Expense

To support the Compassion Fund (P02C) of MAF Canada, please contact MAF Canada directly:

• Call MAF Canada at 1.877.351.9344

• Go online to:

- Click on Missionary Support Fund

- Follow the steps and use P02C when asked for the Special Project Number

• Mail your donation to: 102-195 Hanlon Creek Blvd, Guelph, ON N1C 0A1

Chris&[email protected]|[email protected]||www.karynball.comc/oMissionAvia:onFellowshipKenya,Box21123,Nairobi,00505,Kenya
