servant leadership as an enhancer of intrinsic motivation in moocs

Servant Leadership as an enhancer of intrinsic motivation in MOOCs Presenter Mary Bolger Networked Learning Conference, Edinburgh , 8 th April, 2014

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The research proposes that a servant leadership style of engagement in a MOOC learning environment has the potential, via the implementation of a collaborative engagement model, to enhance learner intrinsic motivation. Servant Leadership is a leadership philosophy based on the premise ‘primus inter pares’ or first amongst equals, thus the leader leads from within, sharing power rather than exerting power via controlling influence and the oppression of others. This style of engagement results in personal growth, enhanced identity and strengthening of community.


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Servant Leadership as an enhancer of intrinsic motivation in MOOCs


Mary Bolger

Networked Learning Conference, Edinburgh , 8th April, 2014

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The MOOCs Story

The Tech Touch Dilemma

Using Servant Leadership to Resolve the Dilemma

Theoretical Perspective

Proposed Research Focus


What’s Missing?

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The First cMOOC

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The First xMOOCSebastian Thrun and Peter Norvig from Stanford University

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Arising out of the Stanford course - Udacity was set up- in early 2012 – set up as a for profit venture

Co-founder Sebastian

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xMOOC - Coursera, for profit, partnered with - Stanford, Princeton, Michegan, Pennsylavania (disruptive innovation, focus here is on developing a new business model, new markets etc)

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xMOOC - Non profit venture founded by Harvard and MIT (sustaining innovation – looking to new ways of enhancing existing learning with use of online learning tools)

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Launched in July 2013 – by Stanford Professors, Amin Saberi & Farnaz Ronaghi - (a mix of free, paid and closed courses)

Page 9: Servant Leadership as an Enhancer of Intrinsic Motivation in MOOCs including the Open University, UK and a number of other mainly UK based universities

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German MOOCs Provider

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Spanish MOOCs Provider

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So, What’s the Problem Then?

High Volume of discussion threads, non course related discussions together with declining participation over the duration of a MOOC

(Brinton, Chiang, Jain, Larn, Liu and Wong, 2013)

High Attrition with approximately10% completion rates(Kolowich, 2013)

Lack of Motivation – motivation is an important prerequisite to enhanced learner engagement and self direction in a MOOC

(Milligan, Littlejohn and Margaryan, 2013)

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Dilemma Reconciliation Framework (Trompenaars and Voerman, 2009)

The Alternatives Scenario – Linear Logic

The Reconciliation Scenario – Cyclical Logic

Two people want very different things Outcome tends to be ‘compromise’ rather than ‘all’ or ‘nothing’, Result is that neither party is entirely satisfied or entirely dissatisfied.

Acknowledge that differences present dilemmas, for example, leading-serving and specific-diffuseCombine best attributes of both value positionsOpposites are overcome by combining them

(Trompenaars and Voerman, 2009)

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Dilemma Reconciliation

High Touch

Low Tech

High Tech

Low Touch

High Tech

High Touch

The Tech Touch Dilemma

Conceptual representation of ‘tech-touch’ dilemma depicting a continuum from low tech to high tech contexts together with the human touch associated with each of the contexts

And also showing the cyclical nature of ‘reconciliation’ by merging the seemingly polar opposites to generate a setting that combines the best attributes of technology and touch

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Theoretical Perspective

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Servant Leadership as an Engagement Style

Providing the context to facilitate the optimal growth of others (followers) beyond one’s own self interests (the leader). Thus the leader becomes servant inspiring followers to go on and become servant leaders themselves

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Associated Theories

Self Directed Learning

(Knowles, 1980, 1984)

Self Determination Theory (Deci

and Ryan, 2000)

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Pedagogy Andragogy

Needing More Suppor


Needing Less


Self Direction

HeutagogyHase and Kenyon (2007)

Knowles (1984)

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• Achieve mastery


• Connect with, interact and care for others


• Initiate change (agency) in harmony with the self



f D





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The Research GapThe how of adult learning has been well documented over the years (Houle, Tough, Knowles). However little attention has been given to how adults learn in networked / connectivist learning contexts like MOOCs

The stream of thought associated with the above is the meeting of basic psychological needs (relatedness, competence, autonomy)->enhanced intrinsic motivation -> self direction

It is envisaged therefore that Servant-Leadership will enhance motivation by enhancing engagement

It is further envisaged that Servant-Leadership becomes a goal in itself in that it is self perpetuating. By generating an environment that is collegially empowering, positive and emancipatory, others (servants) will want to go on to become servant-leaders themselves

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Servant Leadership Engagement Style

Listening, empathy, healing, awareness,

persuasion, conceptualisation,

stewardship, growth, building community

Intrinsic Motivation

Self Direction




The Servant Leadership Engagement Model

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Given that the social context can either

Enhance motivation, or Diminish motivation

- it is anticipated that the inclusion of an engagement model (based on servant leadership attributes) has the potential to enhance intrinsic motivation and the development of the necessary self direction required in MOOCs.

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Thus the research hopes to answer the question ‘how can a servant-

leadership engagement style enhance intrinsic motivation in MOOCs?

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BRINTON, C. CHIANG, M., JAIN, S., LARN, H., LIU, Z., WONG, F. (2013) Learning about social learning in MOOCs:

From statistical analysis to generative model

[accessed, 1st Jan, 2014]

DECI, E.L. and RYAN, R.M., (2000). The 'What' and 'Why' of Goal Pursuits: Human Needs and the Self-Determination of

Behavior. Psychological Inquiry, 11(4), pp. 227.

HASE, S. and KENYON, C. (2007) Hautagogy: A child of complexity theory, Complicity: An International Journal of

Complexity and Education, 4(1), pp. 111-118.

HOULE, C. O. (1961) The Inquiring Mind. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press

KNOWLES, M. S. (1980) The Modern Practice of Adult Education. Andragogy versus pedagogy, Englewood Cliffs:

Prentice Hall/Cambridge

KNOWLES, M. S. (1984) Andragogy in Action. Applying modern principles of adult education, San Francisco: Jossey


KOLOWICH, S., (2013). Coursera Takes a Nuanced View of MOOC Dropout Rates. Chronicle of Higher

Education, 59(32), pp. A22-A22.

MILLIGAN, C., LITTLEJOHN, A., & MARGARYAN, A. (2013). Patterns of engagement in connectivist MOOCs. MERLOT

Journal of Online Learning and Teaching, 9(2), 149-159.

[accessed 3rd January, 2014]

TOUGH, A. (1971) The Adult’s Learning Projects: A Fresh Approach to Theory and Practice in Adult Learning. Toronto:

Ontario Institute for Studies in Education

TROMPENAARS, F. and VOERMAN, E. (2009) Servant Leadership Across Cultures, Harnessing the Strength of the

World’s Most Powerful Management Philosophy, Oxford, Infinite Ideas Limited.

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Thank You!

Contact Details

Mary BolgerPhd Candidate, Open Universiteit, [email protected]

Full Conference Paper available