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Serre’s Conjecture on 2-dimensional Galois representations

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Serre’s Conjecture on 2-dimensional Galois

representationsDenis Xavier Charles

AcknowledgmentsI would like to thank Prof. Nigel Boston for oering the ourse on Fermat's Last Theorem. Whatwas a wide foggy sea is now a lear and beautiful lands ape after his le tures. My grateful thanksto Prof. Eri Ba h for listening to my unpolished \le tures" on several parts of this arti le and forhis insightful omments. I thank Rohit for all those oee house brainstorming sessions, and Tal for ondu ting his enthusiasti weekly seminar. Thanks to Madhulika for her support in things greatand small. I would like to add that this arti le ontains no original material or ontent, ex eptpossibly in the errors it ontains (for whi h I apologize in advan e.)

ContentsChapter 1. Introdu tion 71.1. The statement of the onje ture 71.2. Representations from Ellipti Curves 91.3. Outline of the rest of the Arti le 10Chapter 2. The Ei hler-Shimura onstru tion 112.1. The Analyti Side 122.2. The Algebrai Side 16Chapter 3. The Level 193.1. The Artin Condu tor of ρ 193.2. The result of Carayol and Livne 243.3. Removing the prime ℓ from the level 243.4. General level lowering prin iples 26Chapter 4. The Weight 294.1. The pres ription for the weight 294.2. Edixhoven's result 32Chapter 5. The Eviden e for the onje ture 355.1. A onsequen e of Serre's onje ture 355.2. The ase of GL2(F3) 35Bibliography 39


CHAPTER 1IntroductionJe vais essayer de dresser une liste des onje tures (ou \questions") que l'on peut faire dans la di-re tion \formes modulaires - representations galoisiennes".Si f est une forme modulaire mod p sur Γ0(N), de poids k, fon tion propre des operateurs de He ke

Tp ′ , pour p ′ ne divisant pas N, et a oeÆ ients dans Fp, je noterai ρf la representation de Gal(Q/Q)a valeurs dans GL2(Fp) orrespondant a f. Et je dirai qu'une telle representation est \modulaire"; etje dirai aussi, si j'en ai besoin, qu'elle est \de niveau N et de poids k". La question la plus ambitieuseque l'on pourrait se poser serait de donner un ritere portant sur une representationρ : Gal(Q/Q) −→ GL2(Fp)qui permette d'aÆrmer que ette repreesentation est bien modulaire de niveau N et de poids k. J'yreviendrai a la n de ette lettre. Pour l'instant, je vais me on entrer sur les problemes que pose lepoids 2. C'est e dont on a besoin, si l'on veut prouver que \Weil + ǫ⇒ Fermat".Serre, in a letter to Mestre, dated 13 August, 1985.The work of Ei hler and Shimura showed that for ertain usp forms of weight 2 and level N,we an asso iate 2-dimensional Galois representations over a nite eld. This was generalizedby Deligne [Del69, DeS74 to show that asso iated to every newform in Sk(Γ0(N), ǫ) we anasso iate a Galois representation. Serre posed in 1975 the onverse problem, of showing that ertain 2-dimensional Galois representations over a nite eld do indeed ome from modular forms([Ser75). In the 1980s, Gerhard Frey had the idea that if Fermat's Last theorem was false, thenthis gives rise to an ellipti urve with strange properties, in parti ular he suspe ted that su h a urve annot be modular, thereby ontradi ting a onje ture of Shimura and Taniyama. With aview toward making this onne tion expli it, Serre set out to formulate his onje ture very pre isely( alled Serre's strong onje ture), whi h he a omplished in 1987 [Ser87. Serre showed that a ounter-example to Fermat's last theorem, gives a ontradi tion to this pre ise formulation of his onje ture. A sequen e of further developments showed that the Shimura-Taniyama onje tureimplies Fermat's last theorem, this result was proved by Ribet [Rib90 (this is the ǫ referred to inthe above letter to Mestre). The onne tion to Fermat's Last theorem is explained in greater detailin [Bos03. This onje ture of Serre remains a fundamental open problem in Number theory. Herewe will be on erned mainly with the me hani s of the formulation of the onje ture and presentsome (paltry) eviden e for it.

1.1. The statement of the conjectureThe weak form of Serre's onje ture is the following statement:7

Weak Conjecture: Let GQ = Gal(Q/Q) be the absolute Galois group. Suppose we are givena ontinuous representation:ρ : GQ → GL2(Fℓ)su h that ρ is irredu ible and satises det ρ(c) = −1, where c ∈ GQ is omplex onjugation.Then there is a uspidal eigenform f, for some ongruen e subgroup, su h that for all butnitely many primes p, Tr ρ(Frobp) = ϕ(ap(f)). Here ap(f) is the p-th Fourier oeÆ ient of

f and ϕ : Q(· · · , ap(f), · · · )→ Fl is a ring homomorphism.The strong version of the onje ture gives a re ipe for the spa e Sk(Γ0(N), ǫ) where the form f inthe above onje ture resides.Strong Conjecture: With the same hypothesis as the Weak Conje ture. There is a uspidaleigenform f ∈ Sk(Γ0(N), ǫ) that satises the on lusions of the Weak Conje ture, where k,N, ǫare des ribed in the following sub-se tions.Remark 1.1.1. We will restri t ourselves to the ase where ℓ > 2. For the ase ℓ = 2 the originalre ipe of Serre, needs to be modied so we simply ignore this ase (see [Edi92).In the following se tions we give basi denitions of the level and the hara ter, but we give thevalue of the weight k only mod ℓ − 1. The denition of the a tual weight is quite ompli atedand we relegate it to the hapter that on erns itself with aspe ts of the weight.We will adopt the following notations. Let V be a 2-dimensional ve tor spa e over Fℓ. We are givena ontinuous homorphism

ρ : GQ −→ GL(V).The group GL(V) is dis rete, so ker ρ = ρ−1(I) is open. Thus ker(ρ) is of nite index in GQ (asthese are the open sets of the pronite group GQ), and so the representation fa tors through anite extension of Q. This also says that the image of ρ is a nite group, so it lies in GL(Fℓn) fora suitable n.1.1.1. Definition of the level N. The integer N is simply the prime to ℓ part of the Artin ondu tor of the representation ρ ( f. [Art30, Ser79). More pre isely, let Gal(Qp/Qp) bethe absolute Galois group of the p-adi ompletion of Q. There is an inje tion Gal(Qp/Qp) →Gal(Q/Q). This group omes with a ltration G0 ⊇ G1 ⊇ G2 ⊇ · · · | the inertia subgroups (in theupper numbering s heme f. [Bos03 Chapters 3 & 5 or [Ser79). Let Vi = VGi be the subspa esxed by Gi. Set

n(p, ρ) =∑



[G0 : Gi]dimV/Vi.(1.1.1)This an also be written as

n(p, ρ) = dimV/V0+ Swan(V)where Swan(V) is the Swan ondu tor of the G0-module V . Serre alls Swan(V) the \wild invariant"([Ser78 x19.3).We note the following properties: 8

(1) n(p, ρ) ≥ 0 is an integer (see Chapter 3).(2) n(p, ρ) = 0 i G0 = 1, simply be ause ea h term is non-negative in (1.1.1). If G0 = 1,we all the representation unramied at p.(3) n(p, ρ) = dimV/V0 if and only if G1 = 1. If G1 = 1, the representation is said to betamely ramied at p.Now the level N is dened byN



pn(p,ρ).The \integer" dened above is an honest to God integer sin e n(p, ρ) 6= 0 only for nitely manyprimes p. This is essentially be ause the representation fa tors through a nite extension whi h isramied only at nitely many primes.1.1.2. Definition of the Character ε and k mod ℓ − 1. Taking the determinant of therepresentation ρ gives us a 1-dimensional representation, whi h we study to pi k out the hara ter.We have det ρ : GQ → GL(F

∗ℓ),its image is a nite y li subgroup of F

∗ℓ of order prime to ℓ. Suppose the representation weremodular (and we believe the re ipe for N is the orre t one) then omparing with the Deligne'stheorem (Chapter 2), we nd that the ondu tor of det ρ should be a divisor of ℓN. Thus det ρ an be identied with a homomorphism (Z/ℓNZ)∗ → F

∗ℓ. By the Chinese remainder theorem, thisis equivalent (sin e ℓ 6 | N) to giving a pair of homomorphisms:

ϕ : (Z/ℓZ)∗ → F∗ℓand

ε : (Z/NZ)∗ → F∗ℓ.Sin e (Z/ℓZ)∗ is y li of order ℓ − 1, this homomorphism is of the form x 7→ xh for some h ∈

Z/(ℓ− 1)Z. So it an be written as ϕ = χh where χ : GQ → F∗ℓ is the ℓ-th y lotomi hara ter i.e.,the hara ter that gives the a tion on GQ on the ℓ-th roots of unity in Q. Again omparing withDeligne's pres ription shows that h ≡ k − 1 mod ℓ − 1. This gives us the lass of k mod ℓ − 1.Giving the exa t value of k is mu h more involved, and again involves the a tion of ρ at lo al p-thde omposition groups.

1.2. Representations from Elliptic CurvesIn ase we know that the representation arises from an ellipti urve over Q, we an show thatSerre's onje ture is true. Let E/Q be an ellipti urve. Suppose ℓ is a prime (not dividing the ondu tor NE of E) and E[ℓ] denotes the points on E(Q) of ℓ-torsion. This is a subgroup of Eisomorphi to (Z/ℓZ)× (Z/ℓZ). If σ ∈ GQ and P ∈ E[ℓ] then so is Pσ. This gives us a 2-dimensionalve tor spa e over a nite eld Fℓ on whi h GQ a ts ontinuously. Thus E gives rise to a Galoisrepresentation:ρE,ℓ : GQ → Aut(E[ℓ]) ∼= GL2(Fℓ).9

Suppose p 6 | NEℓ is a prime then ρE,ℓ is unramied at p as the redu tion mod p map on thepoints of ℓ torsion is inje tive for these primes. For su h primes ρ(Frobp) is well dened upto onjugation and its tra e Tr ρ(Frobp) is well dened. It is known that Tr ρ(Frobp) = ap mod ℓ,where ap = p+1−♯~E(Fp). By the theorem of Breuil, Conrad, Diamond and Taylor following Wiles'work we know that there is a weight 2 usp form of level NE whose p-th Fourier oeÆ ient is ap( f. [BCDF00, Wil95, TWi95). Thus Serre's onje ture is true for su h Galois representations.1.3. Outline of the rest of the ArticleIn Chapter 2 we dis uss the Ei hler-Shimura onstru tion whi h on erns itself with produ ingGalois representations given a usp form. Chapter 3 takes up the task of motivating and larifyingthe denition of the level re ipe given by Serre. In parti ular we shall see a result of Carayoland Livne that says that if at all the representation is modular then the level of su h a form isa multiple of the one given by Serre's re ipe. Chapter 4 gives the full denition of the weight inSerre's onje ture. Throughout these two hapters we also dis uss the level and weight optimizationideas and results whi h led to the proof that the Weak onje ture implies the Strong onje ture if

ℓ > 2. The last hapter gives some idea about the proof that Serre's onje ture is true if the imageof the representation is in GL2(F3), an important result whi h plays a ru ial role in the work ofWiles.


CHAPTER 2The Eichler-Shimura constructionSerre's onje ture states that ertain 2-dimensional Galois representations over nite elds arisefrom modular forms. In this hapter we shall onsider the other dire tion, where we start with amodular form and try to onstru t a Galois representation that is asso iated to it (in the sense ofthe previous hapter). The rst avatar of this idea was in the onstru tion of Ei hler and Shimurawho showed how to onstru t su h a representation given a newform in S2(Γ0(N)). A general on-stru tion of su h representations from newforms in Sk(Γ0(N), ǫ) remained a thorny open problemresisting several atta ks [Iha67, KSh65, Ser67, until in a brilliant paper by Deligne [Del69 the onstru tion for Sk(Γ0(N)) for k ≥ 2 was solved. In subsequent papers [DeS74, Car86 all theremaining ases were worked out. The omplete a ount of the whole proof with all the details isavailable in the Conrad's book [Con99.We will restri t our study to the weight 2 ase, i.e., the Ei hler-Shimura onstru tion. Re all thebasi steps involved ([Bos03 Chapter 4): We are given a newform f ∈ S2(Γ0(N)) whi h in parti -ular is an eigenform for the He ke algebra T. This gives us a pa ket of data ap for ea h p prime,where f =


n and ap is the p-th oeÆ ient. Sin e f is a newform, its fourier oeÆ ientsare algebrai integers and K = Q(· · · , an, · · · ) is a nite extension. Let Of be the ring of integersof K. Given a prime ℓ, let λ be a prime lying over ℓ in K and let Kλ be the ompletion of K atthe pla e λ. Our task is to engineer a ontinuous representation ρλ : Gal(Q/Q) → GL2(Kλ) su hthat Tr ρ(Frobp) = ap for all but nitely many primes p. We will rst onstru t a GQ-module.Our beginning observation is that if ω ∈ S2(N)⊳

= S2(Γ0(N)) then ω is a holomorphi dierentialform on X0(N) = (h/Γ0(N))∗. Let C1, · · · , C2g be generators for H1(X0(N),Z) as a free abeliangroup (g is the genus of X0(N)). Let V = Hom(S2(Γ0(N)),C). The map that sends C ∈ H1(X,Z)to V giving the map ω 7→∫Cω has dis rete image, a subgroup of Cg i.e., a latti e Λ of rank

2g. The quotient V/Λ is alled the Ja obian of X0(N) whi h we denote J0(N). The des ription ofJ0(N) as this quotient makes it easy to see that it is an abelian variety. Hen e, it omes with themultipli ation by ℓn maps (whi h we denote [ℓn]) and we an look at the orresponding torsionsubgroups J0(N)[ℓn] = P : [ℓn]P = 0. Pat hing these together we get the ℓ-adi Tate moduleof J0(N), Tℓ(J0(N)) = lim

←J0(N)[ℓn] ∼= Z

2gℓ . J0(N) being dened over Q with the multipli ationmaps also dened over Q gives us a module on whi h GQ a ts. We annot use this module fordening our Galois representation as it has rank 2g and not 2. Here omes a mira ulous fa t: ifwe set W ⊲

= Tℓ(J0(N)) ⊗Zℓ Qℓ then as a T ⊗Z Qℓ-module this is rank 2. Where the He ke oper-ators a t on Div0(X0(N)) and preserve prin ipal divisors (and hen e a t on the degree 0 portionof the Pi ard group whi h is J0(N)) by extending Tm[z] =∑

[αiz] linearly, where αi runs throughmatri es (a b

0 d

), ad = N,d > 0, g d(a,N) = 1 and 0 ≤ b < d. This yields a representation11

GQ → GL2(T ⊗Z Qℓ). Sin e f is a newform, the map T → Of given by Tp → ap is a ring homo-morphism alled the eigen hara ter of f. Composing the representation with the eigen hara terwe get a representation GQ → GL2(Of⊗ Qℓ) ∼= GL2(∏λ′ Kλ′) where λ ′ runs over primes above ℓ.Mapping onto the λ-th fa tor gives us the representation ρλ : GQ → GL2(Kλ). There still remainsthe task of showing that this is the required representation, namely has tra e of Frobenius at pequal to the ap. This is a tually hard and we will only outline the proof in the following se tions.Our des ription of the Ei hler-Shimura onstru tion follows the elegant exposition in [RiS01 byConrad and Chapter 3 in [Con99. In what follows we shall use the moduli spa e X1(N) instead ofX0(N) whi h parametrizes ellipti urves with a hosen point of exa t order N. Sin e we are onlygiving a detailed overview, we shall skip the many ompatibility he ks that must be performedbetween the analyti theory, algebrai geometry and the theory of modular forms.

2.1. The Analytic SideLet N ≥ 5 be an integer and let X1(N)an denote the ompa ti ation of the urve Y1(N)an =

Γ1(N)\H, whereΓ1(N)


(1 ∗0 1

) mod N ⊆ SL2(Z).For N < 5, X1(N)an has genus 0 and dimS2(Γ1(N)) = 0 so there is no loss of generality in ourassumption that N ≥ 5. Now S2(Γ1(N)) is the spa e of holomorphi dierential 1-forms on X1(N)and in terms of ohomology this saysH0(X1(N),Ω1,holX1(N)an) ∼= S2(Γ1(N)).The Hodge de omposition for the ompa t Kahler manifold X1(N)an says that:

H1(Xan1 ,Z) ⊗Z C ∼= H1(Xan1 ,C)




= H1,0(X1(N)an) ⊕H0,1(X1(N)an)

= H0(X1(N)an,Ω1,holX1(N)an) ⊕H0(X1(N)an,Ω1,holX1(N)an)

= S2(Γ1(N)) ⊕ S2(Γ1(N))(the notation A for an abelian group A refers to the onstant sheaf asso iated to A). This is alled the weight-2 Shimura Isomorphism. We know that the He ke operators a t on the spa eS2(Γ1(N)), we would like to onstru t geometri operations on X1(N)an whi h indu e a tions onH1(Xan1 (N),Z) that under the isomorphism orrespond to the He ke operators. We would like toshow that the geometri operations that we onstru t are \natural", this entails understandingX1(N)an as a ertain moduli spa e, whi h then omes naturally with some maps.Let z ∈ H, asso iate to this point the ellipti urve given by the omplex analyti des riptionEz = C/[1, z] and 1/N is a point of exa t order N on Ez. Under the a tion of (a b

c d


∈ Γ1(N)a latti e L = [ω1,ω2] is sent to L ′ = [ω ′1,ω

′2] where ω ′

1 = aω1 + bω2,ω′2 = cω1 + dω2. Sin e12

c ≡ 0 mod N and d ≡ 1 mod N, we get ω ′2 ≡ ω2 mod NL or in other words 1

Nω ′2 ≡ 1

Nω2mod L, sin e (a b

c d


∈ SL2(Z) the two latti es are the same, and this shows that points of ex-a t order N get sent to points of exa t order N. Thus the asso iation of the ellipti urve Ezto z ∈ H shows that we an identify Y1(N)an as the set of isomorphism lasses (E, P) onsistingof an ellipti urve E/C and a point P ∈ E of exa t order N. Now onsider the intrinsi mapY1(N)an→ Y1(N)an given by (E, P) 7→ (E,nP) where n ∈ (Z/NZ)∗, this is given by the a tion ofany matrix γn ∈ SL2(Z), γn ≡


n−1 ∗0 n

) mod N on Y1(N)an. The a tion of γn extends to ana tion on X1(N)an whi h we denote In.There is another map indu ed by the involution z 7→ −1Nz

on H this extends to a map wN :

X1(N)an→ X1(N)an. There is a generalization of this map whi h we give on eptually as follows:Let 〈 , 〉N be the Weil pairing on N-torsion points on an ellipti urve E (with sign onventionas in [Mum70 Chapter IV, x20). Then given ζ ∈ µN(C) a primitive N-th root of unity, denethe map ωζ that sends the pair (E, P) to (E/〈P〉, P ′ mod P) where P ′ ∈ E has exa t order N and〈P ′, P〉N = ζ. Thus we have indu ed maps on the ohomology:

w∗ζ, I

∗n : H1(X1(N)an,Z)→ H1(X1(N)an,Z),we will write 〈n〉∗ instead of I∗n.Let p be a prime and dene Γ1(N,p) = Γ1(N) ∩ Γ0(p) when p 6 | N and Γ1(N,p) = Γ1(N) ∩ Γ0(p)twhen p | N where Γ0(p)t is the transpose of Γ0(p). Dene Y1(N,p)an to be Γ1(N,p)\H and set

Xan1 (N,p) to be the ompa ti ation of Y1(N,p)an. By the mapsz 7→


C/[1, z],1

N, 〈1p〉)when p 6 | N and

z 7→(

C/[1, z],1

N, 〈 zp〉)when p | N, we an identify Y1(N,p)an as the set of isomorphism lasses of (E, P,C) where E is anellipti urve, P a point of exa t order N and C ⊆ E is a y li subgroup of order p, meeting 〈P〉trivially.There are unique analyti maps orresponding to the following on eptual maps: π

(p)1 , π

(p)2 :

X1(N,p)an→ X1(N,p)

an, given by π(p)1 (E, P,C) = (E, P) the \forgetful" map, and π(p)

2 (E, P,C) =

(E/C, P mod C). We get a pullba k map on ohomology by(π

(p)2 )∗ : H1(X1(N)an,Z)→ H1(X1(N,p),Z).The map π(p)

1 is a nite holomorphi map and we an take the tra e ([GrH78 Chapter 5) to denethe map (π(p)1 )∗ : H1(X1(N,p),Z)→ H1(X1(N)an,Z). Dene

T∗p = (π(p)

1 )∗ (π(p)

2 )∗ : H1(X1(N)an,Z)→ H1(X1(N)an,Z).13

The following ompatibility theorem whose general form is given as Proposition 3.18, 3.19 in[Del69 states:Theorem 2.1.1. The weight-2 Shimura isomorphismShΓ1(N) : S2(Γ1(N)) ⊕ S2(Γ1(N)) ∼= H1(X1(N)an,Z) ⊗Z Cidenties 〈n〉 ⊕ 〈n〉 with 〈n〉∗ ⊗ 1, Tp⊕ Tp with T∗p⊗ 1 and wN⊕wN with w∗

e2πı/N⊗ 1.Let T1(N) ⊆ EndZ(H1(X1(N)an,Z)) be the subring generated by the T∗p and 〈n〉∗, Theorem 2.1.1shows that via the Shimura isomorphism this is identied with the lassi al weight-2 He ke opera-tors of level N.There is another ompatibility between the up produ t on H1(X1(N),Z) and the Petersson s alarprodu t on S2(Γ1(N)). For f, g ∈ S2(Γ1(N)) dene

〈f, g〉Γ1(N) =


f(z)g(z)dxdy.Sin e X1(N)an is a urve we have that H2(X1(N)an,Z) ∼= Z. The up produ t on ohomology givesus another pairing( , )Γ1(N) : H1(X1(N)an,Z) ⊗Z H

1(X1(N)an,Z)→ H2(X1(N)an,Z) ∼= Z.After base hange to C, this pairing enjoys the following ompatibility:Theorem 2.1.2. Under the weight-2 Shimura isomorphism ShΓ1(N) we have(ShΓ1(N)(f1+ g1), ShΓ1(N)(f2+ g2))Γ1(N) = 4π(〈f1, g1〉Γ1(N) − 〈f2, g2〉Γ1(N)).Set [x, y]Γ1(N) = (x,w∗

ζy)Γ1(N) with ζ = e2πı/N. Then we get the following orollary of Theorem2.1.2Corollary 2.1.3. The a tion of T1(N) on H1(X1(N)an,Z) is equivariant with respe t to thepairing [·, ·]Γ1(N), i.e.,[x, Ty]Γ1(N) = [Tx, y]Γ1(N)for all T ∈ T1(N). With respe t to ( , )Γ1(N), the adjoint of T∗p for p 6 | N is 〈p−1〉∗T∗p and theadjoint of 〈n〉∗ is 〈n−1〉∗ for n ∈ (Z/NZ)∗.Now we fo us our attention on the Ja obian with a view towards reformulating our maps withrespe t to it. For any ompa t Riemann surfa e X, we have an isomorphism of omplex Lie groupsPi 0X ∼= H1(X,OX)/H

1(X,Z). If f : X→ Y is a nite map between ompa t Riemann surfa es, thenwe get a natural tra e mapf∗ : H1(X,OX) ∼= H1(Y, f∗OX)→ H1(Y,OY).14

It turns out that this tra e map is ompatible with the other tra e map en ountered earlier. Givenany nite map f : X→ Y gives rise to the following ommutative diagrams:H1(Y,OY)

f∗// H1(X,OX)







// H1(Y,OY)





OOwith the olumn maps indu ed by the anoni al maps Z→ OY and Z→ OX.Passing to quotients on the olumns gives rise to the mapsf∗ : Pi 0Y → Pi 0X, f∗ : Pi 0X→ Pi 0Yof analyti Lie groups. It turns out that these maps are pre isely those indu ed by Pi 0 andAlbanese fun toriality ([GrH78, Chapter 2 x6), so that f∗ = Pi 0(f) and f∗ = Alb(f). Now wedene endomorphisms of the Ja obian Pi 0X1(N)an via

T∗p = Alb(π(p)1 ) Pi 0(π(p)

2 ), 〈n〉∗ = Pi 0(In), w∗ζ = Pi 0(wζ)

(Tp)∗ = Alb(π(p)

2 ) Pi 0(π(p)

1 ), 〈n〉∗ = Alb(In), (wζ)∗ = Alb(wζ).Taking the ℓ-adi Tate module of the Ja obian, we nd:Tℓ(Pi 0X1(N)an) ∼= H1(X1(N)an,Zℓ)(2.1.2)

∼= H1(X1(N)an,Z) ⊗Z Zℓ.(2.1.3)Thus our struggle has given us the Tate module of an abelian variety on whi h our He ke operatorsa t by the Shimura isomorphism. We do not yet have a Galois a tion, this is the subje t of thenext se tion. We thus have that T1(N) a ts on Pi 0X1(N) in a unique manner ompatible with theabove denition, and (2.1.2) is an isomorphism of T1(N) ⊗Z Zℓ-modules.Let Vℓ(N) = Qℓ ⊗Zℓ Tℓ(Pi 0X1(N)an) this omes with a perfe t alternating Weil pairing ( , )ℓ :

Vℓ(N) ⊗ Vℓ(N) → Qℓ and has two Qℓ ⊗ T1(N)-a tions oming from the ()∗ and ()∗ a tions. Asw−1ζ = wζ we nd that (wζ)∗ = w∗

ζ, and we write wζ for this operator.Theorem 2.1.4. Let T1(N) a t on Vℓ(N) with respe t to the ()∗-a tion or with respe t to the()∗-a tion. With respe t to ( , )ℓ, the adjoint of Tp for p 6 | N is 〈p〉−1Tp and the adjoint of〈n〉 is 〈n〉−1 for n ∈ (Z/NZ)∗. With respe t to [x, y]ℓ = (x,wζ(y))ℓ for ζ ∈ µN(C) a primitiveNth root of unity, the a tion of T1(N) on Vℓ(N) is self-adjoint. In general, adjointness withrespe t to ( , )ℓ inter hanges the ()∗ and ()∗ a tions.We nally ome to the following important orollary:Corollary 2.1.5. The Qℓ ⊗Z T1(N)-module Vℓ(N) is free of rank 2 for either a tion andHomQ(Q ⊗Z T1(N),Q) is free of rank 1 over Q ⊗Z T1(N).Proof :(Sketch) We sket h the proof of the rst assertion, whi h by (2.1.2) redu es to showingH1(X1(N)an,Q) is free of rank 2 over Q ⊗Z T1(N). Using [ , ]Γ1(N), we see that

H1(X1(N)an,Q) ∼= HomQ(H1(X1(N)an,Q),Q)15

as Q ⊗Z T1(N)-modules. A series of redu tions shows that it suÆ es to show thatHomC(H1(X1(N)an,C),C)is free of rank 2 over T1(N) ⊗Z C. Now by the Shimura isomorphism whi h is ompatible withHe ke a tions, this is redu ed to showing that Hom(S2(Γ1(N)),C) is free of rank 1 over C⊗Z T1(N).For this, we study the C ⊗ T1(N)-equivariant C-bilinear pairingS2(Γ1(N),C) ⊗C (C ⊗ T1(N))→ Cby (f, T) 7→ a1(Tf), where an(·) is the n-th Fourier oeÆ ient. This is C ⊗ T1(N)-equivariant, as

T1(N) is ommutative. We verify that the kernel on either side is trivial. The map C ⊗ T1(N) →EndC(S2(Γ1(N))) is inje tive. Now suppose (f, T) = 0 for all T then sin e (f, Tn) = a1(Tn(f)) =

an(f) = 0 we see that f = 0 so there is no kernel on the left. Now if (f, T) = 0 for all f, thenapplying this to Tnf, we see that a1(T(Tnf)) = an(Tf) = 0 showing that Tf = 0 or that T is 0 bythe inje tion of the He ke algebra into EndC(S1(Γ1(N))).

2.2. The Algebraic SideThis se tion will be more sket hy as a proper dis ussion of it needs a good understanding of s hemetheoreti methods. The aim now given the work we did in the previous se tion, is to endow Vℓ(N)with a Galois a tion, and nally tie up the relation between the Frobenius a tion and geometri He ke a tion under the representation that we get. It is known that for N ≥ 5, we an produ e aproper smooth Z[ 1N

]-s heme X1(N) equipped with a \ni e" map to P1Z[ 1N

], su h that an open sub-s heme Y1(N) lying above the aÆne pie e P1

Z[ 1N

]− ∞ is the base of a universal obje t for ellipti urves with a point of exa t order N over variable Z[ 1

N]-s hemes [KaM85. The point is that base hange of this s heme X1(N) upto C re overs X1(N)an with the isomorphism arrying the modulidata ompatibly. Similarly one denes X1(N,p) now a proper smooth Z[ 1

Np] s heme, whose base hange to C re overs X1(N,p)an.Analogous to the previous se tion, we an dene the maps 〈n〉∗, 〈n〉∗,w∗

ζ, T∗p, (Tp)∗, it turns out asbefore that w∗

ζ = (wζ)∗. Analytization then re overs the same operators that we dened earlier.Let Talg1 (N) be the subring of End(Pi 0X1(N)) generated by T∗p and 〈n〉∗. It turns out that T

alg1 (N)is identied with T1(N) dened earlier bylim

←Pi 0

X1(N)/Z[ 1N

][ℓn](Q) ∼= Tℓ(Pi 0X1(N)an).(2.2.4)Now this gives our Vℓ(N) with a anoni al ontinuous Galois a tion! By Neron-Ogg-Shafarevi h([SeT68 Theorem 1) we have that this a tion is unramied at all p 6 | Nℓ. We summarize ourprogress in this lemma:Lemma 2.2.1. Let T1(N) a t on Vℓ(N) through either the ()∗-a tion on ()∗-a tion. Then

ρN,ℓ : GQ → Aut(Vℓ(N)) ∼= GL2(Qℓ ⊗ T1(N)) is a ontinuous representation, unramied atp 6 | Nℓ.Of ourse, the mystery is why should the p-th Frobenius a tion and the p-th He ke operator havethe same tra e. Unfortunately we will not be able to show this fa t here, referring the interestedreader to [RiS01 x5.3 instead. We state what we need as the following theorem:16

Theorem 2.2.2. Let T1(N) a t on Pi 0X1(N)/Z[ 1

N]via the ()∗-a tion. For any p 6 | Nℓ, the hara teristi polynomial of ρN,ℓ(Frobp) is

X2− (Tp)∗X+ p〈p〉∗relative to the Qℓ ⊗ T1(N)-module stru ture on Vℓ(N), where Frobp denotes an arithmeti Frobenius element at p.Note that upto now, our dis ussion has been pretty generi and we have not yet used the newformf ∈ S2(Γ1(N)). This is where we spe ialize the situation to the form f. Let Kf = Q(· · · , ap, · · · )where ap is the p-th fourier oeÆ ient of f. Assume that χf the Nebentypus hara ter of f alsotakes values in Kf. Now onsider the eigen hara ter map Tf : T1(N) → Kf, by Tp 7→ ap. Letpf = ker(Tf), this is a prime ideal as the image is an integral domain.Let Af be the quotient of Pi 0X1(N)/Z[ 1

N]by pf. The a tion of T1(N) on Pi 0X1(N) indu es an a tionof T1(N)/pf on Af and hen e an a tion of Kf ∼= (T1(N)/pf⊗ Q) on it.Then we have:Theorem 2.2.3. (Shimura) We have dimAf = [Kf : Q] and Vℓ(Af) is free of rank 2 over

Qf⊗Q Kf, with Frobp having hara teristi polynomial,X2− (1⊗ ap(f))X + 1⊗ pχf(p)for all p 6 | Nℓ.Choosing a pla e λ of Kf over ℓ we dedu e:Corollary 2.2.4. Let f ∈ S2(Γ1(N)) be a newform and λ a pla e of Kf over ℓ. There exists a ontinuous representation ρf,λ : GQ → GL2(Kf,λ) unramied at all p 6 | Nℓ, with Frobp having hara teristi polynomialX2− ap(f)X+ pχf(p) ∈ Kf,λ[X].Suppose now we are given a newform f in Sk(Γ1(N)) for k ≥ 2, we an redu e the problem of ndinga Galois representation asso iated to f, to the ase of k = 2 in the ase that we are only looking formod λ ongruen es between the tra es. This is dis ussed for example in Gross's paper [Gro90.


CHAPTER 3The LevelLet ρ : GQ → GL2(Fℓ) be an irredu ible representation that arises from a modular form. Sin ethere are many ongruen es between modular forms, it turns out that su h a representation ouldarise from an innite number of modular forms. The strong form of Serre's onje ture predi ts theoptimal weight and level of a modular form from whi h this representation ould arise. In x1.1.1we gave a denition of Serre's pres ription for the optimal level for su h a form. The optimal levelwhi h we shall denote by N(ρ) is the prime to ℓ part of the Artin ondu tor. The Artin ondu tor isobtained by looking at the lo al representations the ρ yields of GQp for every prime p and dening ertain exponents n(ρ, p). From the denition of n(ρ, p) given in (1.1.1), it is not even lear thatthis is an integer! In the next se tion we will outline the proof that n(ρ, p) is an integer. In x3.2we look at a result of Carayol and Livne that shows that any modular form that gives rise to ρmust ome from a level that is a multiple of N. Sin e ℓ 6 | N(ρ), we must be able to remove theprime ℓ from the level of the modular form giving rise to ρ, this will be the subje t of x3.3. Finally,in x3.4 we give a brief idea of how general level lowering is a hieved by a redu tion to the weight

2 ase.3.1. The Artin Conductor of ρTo give a proof of the integrality of the n(ρ, p), we need to digress a bit and dis uss Rami ationgroups. We will simply olle t some of the relevant fa ts and state the important Hasse-Arf the-orem. Then we will dene the Artin representation of the Galois group of a lo al eld, and thenstate Artin's fundamental theorem regarding this representation. The integrality of n(ρ, p) followsas an easy orollary of this theorem. Our prin ipal referen e is Serre's book Lo al elds [Ser79,the presentation here is simply a weak shadow of the one given there.

Notation: For the following subse tions, we adopt the following notations and onventions. Kwill denote a lo al eld, omplete under a dis rete valuation vK. Let AK = x ∈ K | vK(x) ≥ 0 bethe valuation ring orresponding to vK, i.e., its ring of integers. Let pK = x ∈ K : vK(x) > 0be its unique maximal ideal, and let K = AK/pK be its residue eld, and UK = AK− pK. We willonly onsider separable extensions L of K. In this ase, we know that AL the integral losure ofAK in L is again a omplete dis rete valuation ring ( f. [Ser79 Chapter II x2). Dene vL, pL, ULand L as above. We will also assume that L/K is separable. In the ase that we are interestedin the residue elds will be nite and sin e these elds are perfe t, this assumption will not be arestri tion. The rami ation index of pL in L/K is denoted eL/K and the residue lass degree fL/Kso that eL/KfL/K = [L : K].

3.1.1. Definition of the Ramification Groups. Let L/K be a Galois extension in additionto the above assumptions and let G = Gal(L/K) be its Galois group. G a ts on the ring AL. We19

know that there is an element x ∈ AL whi h generates AL as an AK-algebra ( f. [Ser79 ChapterIII).Lemma 3.1.1. Let σ ∈ G and i ≥ −1 an integer. Then the following are equivalent:(1) σ operates trivially on AL/pi+1L ;(2) For all a ∈ AL, vL(σ(a) − a) ≥ i+ 1;(3) vL(σ(x) − x) ≥ i+ 1.Proof : (1) ⇔ (2) is trivial. The image of x in AL/pi+1L generates Ai as an AK-algebra, and thus(3) is equivalent to the rst two onditions. Proposition 3.1.2. Let i ≥ −1 be an intger, let Gi ⊲

= σ ∈ G : σxesAL/pi+1L . Then GiDGi+1forming a de reasing sequen e of normal subgroups of G. Furthermore, if i is suÆ ientlylarge Gi is 1.Proof : The Gi are normal by assertion (1) of Lemma 3.1.1. The last assertion follows from thefa t that if i ≥ supσ6=1vL(σ(x) − x) then Gi is trivial.

Gi is alled the ith rami ation group of G. Note that G−1 = G. G0 is alled the inertia subgroupof G. The quotient G/G0 ∼= Gal(L/K) whi h is y li of order equal to the residue lass degree fL/Kif K is a nite eld ( f. [Ser79 Chapter I). We dene a ertain index fun tion of the group G asfollows:iG(σ) = vL(σ(x) − x).(3.1.5)If σ 6= 1, then iG(σ) is a non-negative integer and iG(1) = +∞. The index fun tion gives the index(o by 1 a tually) of the \deepest" rami ation group in whi h σ sits. It enjoys the followingproperties:iG(σ) ≥ i+ 1⇔ σ ∈ Gi

iG(ψσψ−1) = iG(σ)

iG(στ) ≥ inf(iG(σ), iG(τ)).Let HE G be a normal subgroup and let K ′ be the xed eld of H. Thus G/H an be indentiedwith the Galois group of K ′/K. The index fun tion satises the following ni e property:Proposition 3.1.3. For σ ∈ G/H,iG/H(σ) =




iG(s).Next we olle t properties of the quotient Gi/Gi+1 for i ≥ 0. For this purpose, we dene a ltrationof the group of units UL by:U

(0)L = UL

U(i)L = 1+ piL for i ≥ 1.Its easy to see that UL = lim


(i)L .The stru ture of U(i)

L /U(i+1)L is des ribed by the following proposition:20

Proposition 3.1.4. The quotient U(0)L /U

(1)L = L

∗. For i ≥ 1, the group U(i)L /U

(i+1)L is anon- ially isomorphi to the grop piL/p

i+1L whi h is isomorphi to the additive group of the resideeld L.Let π be a uniformizer of L.Proposition 3.1.5. The map whi h assigns to σ ∈ Gi to σ(π)/π indu es an isomorphism θiby passage to quotient from Gi/Gi+1 onto a subgroup of U(i)

L /U(i+1)L .Now we reap the harvest of properties of Gi/Gi+1 in the following orollary:Corollary 3.1.6. (1) The group G0/G1 is y li , and is mapped isomorphi ally by θ0onto a subgroup of the group of roots of unity ontained in L∗. Its order is prime tothe hara teristi of the residue eld L.(2) If the hara teristi of L is zero, then G1 = 1 and the group G0 is y li .(3) If the hara teristi of L is p 6= 0, the quotient Gi/Gi+1, i ≥ 1 are abelian groups, andare dire t produ ts of y li groups of order p. The group G1 is a p-group.(4) The group G0 is solvable. If K is a nite eld, then G is also solvable.

3.1.2. Upper numbering scheme and the Hasse-Arf theorem. It turns out that for sev-eral appli ations the most natural numbering of the rami ation groups is not the one dened above.For our purposes we need to dene what is alled the upper numbering s heme of rami ationgroups. Firstly, if u ≥ −1 is a real number then dene Gu = G⌈u⌉. Thus σ ∈ Gu⇔ iG(σ) ≥ u+ 1.Deneϕ(u) =




[G0 : Gt]where if −1 ≤ t ≤ 0, our onvention is [G0 : Gt] = 1 if −1 < t ≤ 0 and for t = −1, it is [G−1 : G0]−1.Expli itly, if m ≤ u ≤ m + 1, with m a positive integer, then

ϕ(u) =1



|G1| + · · · + |Gm| + (u−m)|Gm+1|)

.Let ψ denote the inverse of the map ϕ. We now dene the upper numbering of the rami ationgroups by:Gv = Gψ(v)or equivalently

Gϕ(u) = Gu.A dire t he k shows that G−1 = G,G0 = G0, and Gv = 1 if v is suÆ iently large.Let L/K be an innite Galois extension, with G as its Galois group. We an dene Gv =lim←

Gal(L ′/K)v, L ′ running through the set of nite Galois subextensions of L. The Gv form altration of G as in the nite ase. This ltration is left ontinous, i.e., Gv = ∩w<vGw. We saythat v is a jump for the ltration if Gv 6= Gv+ǫ for all ǫ > 0. A jump need not be an integer (evenif L/K is nite, f. [Ser79 Chapter IV.)Now we ome to the Hasse-Arf theorem, a proof of whi h is given in [Ser79 Chapter V x7.21

Theorem 3.1.7 (Hasse-Arf). If G is an abelian group, and if v is a jump in the ltration Gv,then v is an integer.3.1.3. Artin Representation. We assume a nodding familiarity with hara ter theory, agood referen e is [Isa76. Let L/K be a nite Galois extension, with Galois group G. Let f = [L : K].If σ 6= is an element of G, then we dene a ertain fun tion aG : G→ Z as follows:

aG(σ) = −fiG(σ), if σ 6= 1

aG(1) = fσs6=1iG(s).By denition ∑σ∈GaG(σ) = 0, in other words, the inner produ t with the trivial hara ter[aG, 1G] = 0. Sin e iG(ψσψ−1) = iG(σ), the fun tion aG is a lass fun tion (meaning that itsvalue is insensitive to elements in the same onjuga y lass.) The irredu ible hara ters of G forman orthogonal basis for every lass fun tion thus we have

aG =∑


cχχ,where cχ = [χ, aG]. The theorem of Artin shows that this lass fun tion is in fa t a hara ter!Theorem 3.1.8 ([Art30). The fun tion aG is a hara ter. In parti ular, [aG, χ] is a non-negative integer for every hara ter χ of G.The se ond part of the laim of the theorem follows from the rst, sin e every hara ter is a linear ombination of the irredu ible hara ters with non-negative integer oeÆ ients.We olle t some properties of the fun tion aG.Proposition 3.1.9. Let Gi be the ith rami ation group of G, let ui be the hara ter aordedby the agumentation representation of Gi, and let u∗i be the hara ter of G indu ed by ui.ThenaG =



[G0 : Gt]u∗i .

Proof : Let gi = |Gi|. We have u∗i(σ) = 0 if σ /∈ Gi, while u∗i(σ) = −g/gi = −fg0/gi if σ ∈ Gi,σ 6= 1. For σ ∈ Gk but not in Gk+1, the sum on the right side is −f(k+ 1) and aG(σ) has the samevalue. For s = 1 by orthogonality of both sides with 1G we get the result. If φ is a lass fun tion on G, dene

φ(Gi) =1



φ(σ)where gi = |Gi|.Corollary 3.1.10. If φ is a lass fun tion on G, then[φ,aG] =



g0(φ(1) − φ(Gi)).22

Proof : This follows from the Proposition 3.1.9, by observing that [φ,u∗i ] = [φ|Gi , u∗i ] = φ(1) −

φ(Gi). Finally we get:Corollary 3.1.11. If χ is the hara ter of a representation of G in a ve tor spa e V, then[χ, aG] =



g0dimV/VGi ,where VGi is the subspa e of V xed by Gi.

Proof : This follows from the previous orollary be ause χ(1) = dimV and chi(Gi) = dimVGi . Remark 3.1.12. Now returning to our lo al representation ρp : GQp→ GL2(Fℓ) we an substitutethe hara ter aorded by ρp as χ in the above Corollary and using Artin's theorem, we nd that

n(ρ, p) is an integer. Thus all that is left to do is prove Artin's theorem.The idea of the proof is to redu e the omputation of [χ, aG] for a hara ter of G to hara ters ofsubgroups of G. This is a hieved by Brauer's \Chara terization of Chara ters" theorem. Brauer'stheorem a tually gives more (and this is riti al) in that every hara ter is indu ed from degree 1 hara ters, namely homomorphisms from G to a subgroup of the roots of unity of C. This enablesus to redu e to onsidering abelian sub-extensions and we will be able to prove the theorem in this ase by using the Hasse-Arf theorem. We begin with the following lemma for whose proof we referto [Ser79 ( orollary to proposition 4 in VI x2.)Lemma 3.1.13. Let H be a subgroup of G with K ′ being the orresponding subextension K ′/Kof L, and let dK′/K. Suppose ψ is a hara ter of H, and ψ∗ the hara ter indu ed on G, then[ψ∗, aG] = vK(dK′/K)ψ(1) + fK′/K[ψ,aG]Sin e ψ(1) is simply the dimension of the representation that yields ψ so it is an integer. So allthe terms are non-negative integers ex ept possibly [ψ,aG].Proposition 3.1.14. Let χ be a degree 1 hara ter on G. Let cχ be the largest integer forwhi h the restri tion of χ to the rami ation group Gcχ is not the unit hara ter (if χ = 1Gthen set cχ = −1). Then

[χ, aG] = ϕL/K(cχ) + 1.Where ϕL/K is the fun tion dened in the previous se tion.Proof : If i ≤ cχ, then χ(Gi) = 0 (use the fa t that degree of χ = 1), so that χ(1) − χ(Gi) = 1.Now if i > cχ, then χ(Gi) = 1, and so χ(1) − χ(Gi) = 0. By Corollary 3.1.10 we see that

[χ, aG] =∑



|G0|= ϕL/K(cχ) + 1.


Corollary 3.1.15. Let H be the kernel of χ (a degree 1 hara ter), let K ′ be the subextensionof L/K orresponding to H. Let c ′χ be the largest integer for whi h (G/H)c′χ 6= 1. Then[χ, aG] = ϕK′/K(c

′χ) + 1, and this is a non-negative integer.

Proof : Herbrand's theorem ([Ser79 VI x3 lemma 5) shows that c ′χ = ϕL/K′(cχ). Now by propo-sition 3.1.14 we have [χ, aG] = ϕL/K(cχ) + 1. But the fun tion ϕ is transitive, in the sense thatϕL/K = ϕK′/K ϕL/K′ . Using this we have ϕL/K(cχ) = ϕK′/K(ϕL/K′(cχ)) = ϕK′/K(c

′χ). Thus

[χ, aG] = ϕL/K(cχ) + 1. Sin e χ is a degree 1 hara ter, we have that G/H is abelian. Thusthe Hasse-Arf theorem (3.1.7) shows that ϕK′/K(c′χ) is an integer. The non-negativity is lear as

ϕ(u) ≥ −1.

Proof :[of Theorem 3.1.8 We need to show [χ, aG] is a non-negative integer for every hara terχ of G. By orollary 3.1.11 it is at least a non-negative rational number. By Brauer's theoremχ =∑niχ

∗i where χ∗i is the indu ed hara ter of some degree 1 hara ter χi on a subgroup Hi of

G. This redu es us to showing that [χ∗, aG] is an integer, if χ is a degree 1 hara ter. In this ase orollary 3.1.15 says that [χ, aG] is an integer, and lemma 3.1.13 says that [χ∗, aG] is an integer.

3.2. The result of Carayol and LivneOur aim here is to show that if at all an irredu ible odd representation ρ : GQ → GL2(Fℓ) ismodular, i.e., f ∈ Sk(M,χ) su h that ρ ∼ ρf then N | M, where N is the level given by Serre'sre ipe. It turns out that this fa t is an easy onsequen e of fa ts about ℓ-adi and automorphi representations (Carayol in [Car89 devotes a single paragraph at the end of page 787 to its proof).We will simply outline the key idea, without any proofs.Now given the modular form f, we an onstru t by Deligne's me hanism a λ-adi representationof GQ all this ρf. Now the redu tion of this λ-adi representation gives rise to our residualrepresentation to ρ : GQ → GL2(Fℓn). The following two fa ts are true:(1) Under the redu tion operation, the lo al exponents of the Artin ondu tor do not go up,i.e. n(ρ, p) ≤ n(ρf, p). This is the ontent of Proposition 1.1 and 2.1 in [Liv89.(2) The \ ondu tor" obtained by the taking the produ ts of primes with the lo al exponentsof the λ-adi representation is the level M in whi h the form f resides. This is Lemma 4.1of [Liv89.Now the above two fa ts say that the Artin ondu tor of ρ is a divisor of the level M of f,whi h is what we wanted. The proof of fa t (1) does not use anything more that the ma-terial in [Ser79, the proof of fa t (2) requires some work by Ja quet-Langlands and Tunnell[JLa70, Tun79, Del73, Car86.3.3. Removing the prime ℓ from the levelIn this se tion, we will show that if the odd irredu ible Galois representation given to us is modular,then the representation also arises from a modular form of level prime to ℓ. This result is from[Rib94. 24

Theorem 3.3.1. Assume ℓ ≥ 3. Suppose that ρ : GQ → GL2(Fℓ) is an odd irredu ible repre-sentation, that arises from a modular form on Γ1(M), where M = Nℓα, with (ℓ,N) = 1. Thenρ arises from a modular form on Γ1(N).Proof : Let f be the eigenform that gives rise to ρ, we will assume that it is normalized (withoutloss of generality). In the proof v will denote a prime dividing ℓ in Q. Clearly, we an assume thatα ≥ 1 for otherwise there is nothing to prove.

(1) The representation ρ arises from Γ0(ℓr) ∩ Γ1(ℓN) for some r ≥ 0.Let f =


n ∈ Sk(Γ1(M)) and let κ be its asso iated Diri hlet hara ter mod M.We assume k ≥ 2. This means that if (a b

c d


∈ Γ0(M), thenf


az+ b

cz+ d


= κ(d)(cz + d)kf(z).Sin e M = ℓαN, we an de ompose the hara ter κ as a produ t ǫηωi, where ǫ has ondu tor dividing N, η has ℓ-power order and ℓ-power ondu tor, and ω is a hara terof ondu tor ℓ and order ℓ − 1 whi h is the identity mod v (su h a hara ter is alleda \Tei hmuller" hara ter). The hara ter η has odd order so it an be written as ξ−2where ξ is a hara ter of ℓ-power order. The usp form f ⊗ ξ whi h is ∑1≤nξ(n)anqnis a form in Sk(Γ0(ℓ2hM), ξ2(ǫηωi)) where ℓh is the ondu tor of ξ (see [Bum97 Ex.1.5.1). Sin e η = ξ−2, f ⊗ ξ ∈ Sk(Γ0(ℓ

2hM), ǫωi). Now assume that r ≥ 2h, so thatf⊗ ξ ∈ Sk(Γ0(ℓrN), ǫωi). Suppose γ =


a b

c d


∈ Γ0(ℓrN), then(f⊗ ξ)


az+ b

cz+ d


= ǫ(d)ωi(d)(f⊗ ξ)(z)but if γ ∈ Γ0(ℓr) ∩ Γ1(ℓN) then ǫ(d) = ωi(d) = 1, so that(f⊗ ξ)


az+ b

cz+ d


= (f⊗ ξ)(z).The twisted form f ⊗ ξ also gives rise to the same representation. Thus we an assumethat ρ arises from some form on Γ0(ℓr) ∩ Γ1(ℓN) for some r > 0.(2) ρ arises from Γ0(ℓ

r) ∩ Γ1(N).Now from (1) we are provided with a modular form f on Γ0(ℓr)∩ Γ1(ℓN) with nebentypus hara ter ǫωi, where we an assume that i is a positive integer. Consider the EisensteinseriesG

= L(1− i,ω−i) +∑



d | n


qn.It is a known fa t that G is of weight i nebentypus ω−i on Γ0(ℓ) (see [Ser73 Lemma 10).Normalizing G by setting E = c−1G, where c is the onstant oeÆ ient, we get a form Ethat is in fa t ≡ 1 mod v. Thus fE viewed mod v, is a non-zero eigenform. By a similar25

analysis as in (1) fE is on the group Γ0(ℓr) ∩ Γ1(N) (essentially be ause all the hara terswith ondu tor a power ℓ have been killed). Now a beautiful result of Deligne and Serre([DeS74 Lemma 6.11) ensures that we an nd an eigenform on Γ0(ℓr) ∩ Γ1(N) whoseeigenvalues are ongruent to those of f.(3) ρ arises from Γ0(ℓ) ∩ Γ1(N).Now we have an f =


n an eigenform on Γ0(ℓr) ∩ Γ1(N), with r > 1. Let K bea nite Galois extension of Q ontaining the an, and let σ ∈ Gal(K/Q) be an elementsu h that σa ≡ aℓ mod v for all a ∈ OK. Now σ−1f =∑1≤nσ

−1anqn is a normalizedeigenform of the same weight as f. We wish to show that f is ongruent mod v to a usp form of some weight on Γ0(ℓr−1) ∩ Γ1(N). Let g = (σ−1f)ℓ|U, where U = Tℓ the ℓthHe ke operator. It turns out that g is a form on Γ0(ℓr−1) ∩ Γ1(N) ([Li75 Lemma 1), andby our hoi e the Fourier expansion of g is ongruent mod v to ∑(σ−1an)

ℓqn whi h is ongruent to the Fourier expansion of f.(4) ρ arises from Γ1(N).Let W be the operator given by the matrix ( ℓx y

Nℓz ℓ

) where x, y, z are integers su h thatℓx−Nℓz = 1. Now if F is a form on Γ0(ℓ)∩ Γ1(N) of weight w and hara ter ǫ, then [Li75Lemma 3, implies that the formTr (F)

= F + ǫ−1(ℓ)ℓ1−w2 F|W|Uis a form of weight w on Γ1(N). Also, if G is a form of weight w and hara ter ǫ on Γ1(N)then G|W = ℓw/2ǫ(ℓ)G|V ([AtL78 Proposition 1.5). If ℓ = 3, let E be the normalizedEisenstein series E4 of weight four, and if ℓ 6= 3, let E be the normalized Eisenstein seriesof weight ℓ − 1, so that E ≡ 1 mod ℓ. Let a denote the weight of E, onsider the form


= E− ℓa/2E|W = E− ℓaE|V.The g ≡ 1 mod ℓ and furthermore g|W is divisible by ℓ. Let f be an eigenform giving riseto ρ on Γ0(ℓ) ∩ Γ1(N). Then for large enough i one an show that Tr (fgi) ≡ f mod ℓ.

3.4. General level lowering principlesMany methods of level lowering pro eed by rst redu ing the problem to the weight 2 ase. Therst step repla es the representation ρ by a suitable twise by a mod ℓ y lotomi hara ter χ sothat it arises from a newform of weight k, where 2 ≤ k ≤ ℓ + 1 (see [Edi92). Next we use atheorem of Ribet ([Rib94 Theorem 2.2) that says that mod ℓ, the eigenforms of level N whoseweight lies in the range 2 < k ≤ ℓ+ 1 orrespond to eigenforms of weight 2 and level ℓN. So at the ost of putting ba k one power of ℓ into the level we an redu e the weight to 2.26

On e we are in weight 2, we use a theorem of Carayol ([Car89 Theoreme 2) to redu e to thefollowing problem ( alled the Key ase by Ribet):Key case: Let ρ : GQ → GL2(Fℓ) be a Galois representation that arises from a weight 2 newformf of level pM, with p 6 | ℓM, and hara ter ǫ : (Z/pMZ∗)→ C∗. Assume that ρ is unramied at p,and that ǫ fa tors through the natural map (Z/pMZ)→ (Z/MZ)∗. Then show that ρ arises froma form of level M.Another advantage of weight 2 is that we have the lean geometri interpretation of the modularrepresentation as explained in Chapter 2. In this ase there are basi ally four dierent approa hesto level lowering as explained in x3.5 of [RiS01, we refer the reader to that arti le for the dis ussionof these prin iples.


CHAPTER 4The WeightLet ρ : GQ → GL2(Fℓ) be an odd irredu ible Galois representation. Our main task in this hapteris to give Serre's re ipe for k(ρ) the weight of the modular form that onje turally gives rise to ρ([Ser87 x2). After that, we will dis uss a result of Edixhoven that says that if ρ arises from amodular form of weight k level N and nebentypus ǫ, then it also arises from a weight k(ρ) modularform of same level and nebentypus.

4.1. The prescription for the weightAssume the notation of Chapter 1. The denition of the weight k(ρ) depends only on the indu edlo al representation at ℓ:ρℓ : Gℓ→ GL(V) ∼= GL2(Fℓ),where Gℓ = Gal(Qℓ/Qℓ). Let I denote the inertia subgroup of Gℓ, and Iw denote the largest pro-ℓsubgroup of I (this is alled the wild inertia subgroup). The quotient It = I/Iw is alled the tameinertia subgroup. This quotient is isomorphi to lim

←F∗ℓn where the limit is taking with respe t tothe norm maps ([Ser72 Propositions 1 & 2). A hara ter of It is said to be of level n, if it fa torsthrough F∗

ℓn but not through F∗ℓm for any proper divisor of n. Let ρss denote the semi-simpli ationof ρℓ, it is either ρ if the a tion is irredu ible or a dire t sum of two hara ters. Serre shows in[Ser72 (Proposition 4) that in either ase ρss(Iw) a ts trivially (ρℓ is a tame representation at

ℓ). Thus we an think of It a ting on Vss (the semi-simpli ation of V). This a tion of It isdiagonalizable; it is given by two hara ters:ϕ,ϕ ′ : It→ F

∗ℓ.Proposition 4.1.1 ([Ser72 Prop. 1). The hara ters ϕ and ϕ ′ giving the a tion of It on Vssare either level 1 or 2. If they are level 2, then they are onjugate in the sense that ϕ ′ = ϕℓand ϕ = ϕ ′ℓ.

Proof : Let σ ∈ Gℓ, whose image in the group Gℓ/I ∼= Gal(Fℓ/Fℓ) gives the Frobenius automor-phism x 7→ xℓ. One an he k that this ondition implies that σuσ−1 ≡ uℓ mod Iw for u ∈ I. Sothat onjugation by σ operates on It by u 7→ uℓ. This results in the set ϕ,ϕ ′ being stable underthe operation of raising to the ℓ-th power. Thus we have two ases:(1) ϕℓ = ϕ,ϕ ′ℓ = ϕ ′, so that both the hara ters are level 1;(2) ϕℓ = ϕ ′, ϕ ′ℓ = ϕ and ϕ 6= ϕ ′, so that they are hara ters of level 2.This proves the proposition. 29

We will deal with ea h ase above separately. Before that we need to dis uss fundamental hara ters(see also [Bos03 x3.2).4.1.1. Fundamental characters. For a ni e dis ussion of this see [Ser72 x1.3 x1.7 (and[RiS01 x2.1.2). Let Qunrℓ be the maximal unramied extension of Qℓ, and Qtmℓ the maximaltamely ramied extension of Qunrℓ . We have the following diagram of eld in lusions and relativeGalois groups:










The extension Qtmℓ is generated by the extensions Qunrℓ (ℓ1n ) for all n not divisible by ℓ. For n withg d(n, ℓ) = 1, the n-th roots of unity µn are ontained in Qunrℓ . By Kummer theory, we get forea h n, a anoni al isomorphism: Gal(Qunrℓ (ℓ

1n )/Qunrℓ )

∼−→ µn,by σ 7→ σ(ℓ1n )


. Ea h isomorphism gives a map from I → µn that fa tor through It. Composingany of the maps It → µn with redu tion mod the maximal ideal of Zℓ gives a mod ℓ hra terIt → F

∗ℓ. The map It → µℓ denes a hara ter ǫ : I → F∗

ℓk. There are k embeddings of Fℓk → Fℓ, omposing gives us k dierent hara ters It→ Fℓ. These are the k fundamental hara ters of level

k. In parti ular, there are 2 fundamental hara ters of level 2, and these are onjugate under theℓ-th power map.

4.1.2. Definition of k(ρ) when ϕ and ϕ ′ are level 2. Suppose that ϕ and ϕ ′ are of level2. In this ase the representation is irredu ible. For if there was a 1-dimensional subspa e stableunder the a tion, then the a tion of It on this subspa e is given by a hara ter that will extend toGℓ, whi h is of level 1. Let ψ and ψ ′ = ψℓ be the two fundamental hara ters of level 2 of It ( f.x4.1.1). Thus we an write ϕ in the following manner:

ϕ = ψa+pb = ψaψ ′b, with 0 ≤ a, b ≤ p− 1.We have a 6= b sin e otherwise ϕ = (ψψ ′)a = χa, where χ|I is a y lotomi hara ter ontradi tingthe assumption that ψ is of level 2. Sin e ϕ ′ is a onjugate of ϕ, we have ϕ ′ = ψbψ ′a. Thus byreordering ϕ and ϕ ′, we an assume that 0 ≤ a < b ≤ p− 1. In this ase we denek(ρ) = 1+ ℓa + b.(4.1.6) 30

4.1.3. Definition of k(ρ) when ϕ and ϕ ′ are level 1, and Iw operates trivially. In this ase, we an assume that the a tion of I on V is semisimple, and is given by two hara ters ϕ,ϕ ′that are powers χa and χb of the y lotomi hara ter χ, i.e.,ρℓ|I ∼


χa 0

0 χb


.The integers a and b are determined mod ℓ − 1. Normalizing so that 0 ≤ a, b ≤ p − 2. We analso assume 0 ≤ a ≤ b ≤ p− 2 by permuting ϕ and ϕ ′. The weight in this ase is dened by:k =

1+ ℓa + b if (a, b) 6= (0, 0)

ℓ if (a, b) = (0, 0).(4.1.7)

4.1.4. Definition of k(ρ) when ϕ and ϕ ′ are level 1, and Iw does not operate trivially.In this ase VIw forms a subspa e of V that is stable under the Gℓ a tion. The a tion of Gℓ onV/D is given by a hara ter θ1 and on D by another hara ter θ2 of Gℓ, so that the a tion on V isgiven by:

ρℓ ∼


θ2 ∗0 θ1


.We an write θ1, θ2 uniquely in the form: θ1 = χαǫ1 and theta2 = χβǫ2, where ǫi is an unramied hara ter on Gp and α,β ∈ Z/(ℓ− 1)Z. Restri tion to the inertia subgroup is thus of the form:ρℓ|I ∼


χβ ∗0 χα


.Note that α 6= β, for otherwise the a tion on Iw will be trivial ontradi ting our assumption.Normalizing so that 0 ≤ α ≤ ℓ − 2 and 1 ≤ β ≤ ℓ − 1 we set a = inf(α,β) and b = sup(α,β).Now for dening k(ρ) we distinguish between two ases:(1) The ase β 6= α+ 1: In this ase as in 4.1.6 we setk(ρ) = 1+ ℓa + b.(4.1.8)(2) The ase β = α + 1: In this ase we have to distinguish between the type of the wildrami ation. We shall distinguish between two ases that we all slightly ramied andhighly ramied (Serre alls them peu ramie and tres ramiee).Let K0 = Qunrℓ . The group ρℓ(I) is the Galois group of a ertain totally ramied extension

K of K0, and the wild inertia group ρℓ(Iw) is the Galois group of K/Kt, where Kt is themaximal tamely ramied extension of K0 ontaining K. Sin e β = α+1, one an show thatGal(Kt/K0) ∼= (Z/ℓZ)∗, thus Kt = K0(ζ), where ζ is a primitive ℓ-th root of unity. On theother hand Gal(K/Kt) = ρℓ(Iw) is an elementary abelian group of type (ℓ, · · · , ℓ), whi h an be represented by matri es (1 ∗0 1

). Furthermore, one an show that the a tion by ongugation of Gal(Kt/K0) = (Z/pZ)∗ on Gal(K/Kt) is the obvious a tion. By Kummertheory, this implies that K an be written as K = Kt(x1ℓ

1 , · · · , x1ℓm), where ℓm = [K : Kt]. Let31

vℓ the normalized valuation of K0 that gives vℓ(ℓ) = 1, we say that K is slightly ramiedifvℓ(xi) ≡ 0 mod ℓ, for 1 ≤ i ≤ m.So that the xi an be hosen to be units of K0. If the above is not true, then we say that

K and ρℓ are highly ramied.Now we an dene k(ρ) in these ases:(a) The ase β = α+ 1, slightly ramied. The pres ription is the same as for β 6= α+ 1

k = 1+ ℓa + b.(4.1.9) (b) The ase β = α+ 1, highly ramied. Here we denek = 1+ ℓa + b+ (ℓ− 1).(4.1.10) Note that we have assumed ℓ 6= 2.Finally, we have given a full des ription of Serre's pres ription of the weight of the representation

k(ρ).Remark 4.1.2. Note that in all the ases we have dened, the value of k(ρ) lies in the interval[2 · · · ℓ2− 1].

4.2. Edixhoven’s resultIn [Edi92 Edixhoven proved the following theorem:Theorem 4.2.1. Let ρ : GQ → GL2(Fℓ) be a ontinous, odd irredu ible representation. Supposethere is a usp form g of level N, weight k and nebentypus ǫ with ℓ 6 | N whi h is an eigenform,su h that ρ is isomorphi to ρg. Then there exists a uspidal eigenform f of weight k(ρ),level N and nebentypus ǫ that gives rise to ρ. Here k(ρ) is the weight of ρ as dened in theprevious se tion.The proof makes use of the following result of Fontaine (whi h was proved in two letters to Serre)Theorem 4.2.2 (Fontaine). Let f be a usp form of level N, weight k and nebentypus ǫ thatis an eigenform with eigenvalue ap for the p-th He ke operator. Assume that 2 ≤ k ≤ ℓ + 1,and aℓ = 0. Then the lo al representation at ℓ aorded by f (in the sense of Chapter 2) ρf,ℓis irredu ible. Furthermore,ρf|I ∼


ψk−1 0

0 ψ ′k−1

)where ψ,ψ ′ are the two fundamental hara ters of level 2.We will also need the θ-operator, that operates on q-expansions by θ(∑anqn) =


n. Thisoperator has the property that if f is an eigenform of weight k, then there is a mod ℓ eigenformθf of weight k+ ℓ + 1 of the same level N, whose q-expansion is θ(∑anq

n).We outline the onstru tion of f with the properties laimed in Theorem 4.2.1 in a spe ial ase.Suppose ρ|I ∼


ϕ 0

0 ϕ ′

), where ϕ and ϕ ′ are level 2 hara ters as in x4.1.2. Let ψ,ψ ′ be the two32

fundamental hara ters of level 2, and assume a, b are su h that ϕ = ψaψ ′b with 0 ≤ a < b ≤ ℓ−1.Now as mentioned in x3.4, we an nd a twist of the representation ρ by a y lotomi hara terρ ⊗ χ−α (say) that is asso iated to a modular form of weight 2 ≤ k1 ≤ ℓ + 1. Call the modularform giving rise to ρ⊗ χ, f1. The eigenform f1 has p-th eigenvalue p−αap for p 6= ℓ. Furthermore,one an show that aℓ(f1) = 0 and that the weight of f1, is k1 = 1 + b − a. Dene the modularform f by f ⊲

= θaf, where θ is the operator dened above. Then by the property alluded to above,we have weight(f) = 1 + b − a + (ℓ + 1)a = 1 + ℓa + b. A detailed he k then shows that f givesrise to ρ, so that it is the desired form. We refer to [Edi92 for all the details and also a proof ofTheorem 4.2.2.


CHAPTER 5The Evidence for the conjectureIn this hapter we give a short overview of the eviden e that has been a umulated for Serre's onje ture. As might be lear from the previous hapters, most of the results that have beenobtained have been in the dire tion of proving that the strong and weak onje tures of Serre areequivalent. We know very little about the onje ture itself, and it has been proved only when theimage of the Galois representation is very small. In x1.2 we showed how Galois representationsarising from ellipti urves provides some eviden e for Serre's onje ture. This gives us at least aninnite number of examples where the onje ture is true. In x5.1 we will examine a onsequen e ofSerre's onje ture for whi h there is some supporting eviden e. In x5.2 we examine the ase whenwe have a Galois representation to GL2(F3), here Serre's onje ture an be proved. This ase alsoplayed a pivotal role in the proof of Fermat's Last theorem.5.1. A consequence of Serre’s conjectureSuppose we have an odd irredu ible ontinuous representation ρ : GQ → GL2(Fℓ) that is unramiedoutside ℓ. Then Serre's re ipe gives 1 for the level, and the nebentypus hara ter as a onsequen emust be trivial. Now te hniques we have seen and used in the previous hapters tell us, that ifwe look at twists by a y lotomi hara ter, we will get a representation that has weight ≤ ℓ + 1(see x4.2), but the same level and nebentypus. Now suppose ℓ < 11, in this ase dim Sk(Γ0(1)) = 0.Thus there are no non-zero Galois representations of weight ℓ < 11 that are unramied outside

ℓ. That this is The ase for ℓ = 2 was proved by Tate in a letter to Serre. The proof idea is toget an upper bound for the number eld through whi h this representation fa tors and then useMinkowski's bound to get a bound on the degree. Then an expli it al ulation then shows all ofthese elds to be solvable, whi h is then handled by Class eld theory [Tat94. The ase ℓ = 3was treated by Serre using similar methods ([Ser75 x3, see also the notes in his uvres for arti le104.) The ase ℓ = 5 has been proved under the Generalized Riemann Hypothesis by Brueggeman[Bru99.5.2. The case of GL2(F3)In x5.3 of [Ser87, Serre proves the onje ture when the image of the representation is in GL2(F3).In this se tion we will outline the proof of this theorem. More pre isely,Theorem 5.2.1. Let ρ : GQ → GL2(F3) is an odd irredu ible representation, then there is a uspidal eigenform

f =∑



of weight 2, and a prime λ of Q lying above 3 su h thataq ≡ Tr (ρ(Frobq)) mod λfor all but nitely many primes q.The riti al point is the use of the following theorem due to Langlands and Tunnell.Theorem 5.2.2 ([Lan80, Tun81). Suppose σ : GQ → GL2(C) is a ontinuous, odd, irredu iblerepresentation whose image in PGL2(C) is a solvable group. Then there is a normalized uspidal eigenform g =


n of weight 1 and level N and nebentypus ψ, su h thatbp = Tr (σ(Frobp)) for all but nitely many primes p.The work of Langlands and Tunnell produ es an automorphi representation not the modular form,we refer to [Gel97 x4.2 for the steps needed to onstru t the form g(z) from the automorphi rep-resentation.Proof : (of 5.2.1). The idea is to lift ρ to a representation to GL2(C), then apply Theorem 5.2.2to get a weight 1 eigenform. Then use the te hniques used in [DeS74 to get a weight 2 eigenformthat gives rise to an isomorphi representation. The lifting an be expli itly a hieved by giving aspe i inje tive homomorphism

Ψ : GL2(F3)→ GL2(Z(√



−1 1

−1 0




−1 1

−1 0



1 −1

1 1




1 −1


−2 −1+√



.Sin e the matri es (−1 1

−1 0

) and (1 −1

1 1

) generates GL2(F3), this denes the map. It is easy toverify that this gives rise to a homomorphism that is the identity mod (1+√

−2). In parti ular,Tr (Ψ(g)) ≡ Tr (g) mod (1+√

−2). Further, the \lifted" representation satises all the hypothesesof Theorem 5.2.2. Thus we get a weight 1 uspidal eigenform g with the properties laimed byTheorem 5.2.2. Now pi k an eisenstein series E of weight 1 su h that E ≡ 1 mod 3. Now Eg hasweight 2, some level and hara ter that gives rise to ρ (but is not an eigenform!). For on retenesstakeE = 1+ 6






qnwhereχ(d) =

0, if d ≡ 0 mod 31, if d ≡ 1 mod 3−1, if d ≡ −1 mod 3.36

Though Eg is an eigenform mod 3 it by itself is not one, but this is no problem (we have en oun-tered exa tly this situation in x3.3). We use the lemma of Deligne-Serre ([DeS74 Lemma 6.11)to on lude that there exists an eigenform of weight 2 that is ongruent modulo some prime lyingover 3 to Eg. This nishes the proof. Representations with image in GL2(F4) and GL2(F5) have been handled under some restri tionsby the work of Sheperd-Barron and Taylor [ShT97.


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