serra da estrela,our mountain

Serra da Estrela (Star mountain)

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Post on 20-May-2015




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Page 1: Serra da estrela,our mountain

Serra da Estrela (Star mountain)

Page 2: Serra da estrela,our mountain

Altitude (height)•The mountain Serra da Estrela is the highest mountain of Mainland Portugal. It’s about 1993 meters plus 7 meters of its tower. Some people claim it has got 2000 meters, but this is not quite correct.

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Interesting sights

• Though the tower represents one of its most interesting place there are many more places and sights that deserve to be seen:

• Poço do Inferno;• Nave de St. António;• Cântaro gordo;• Cântaro magro;• Lagoas;• Vale Glaciar;• Gargantas de Loriga…

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• The Estrela mountain is located in the center of Portugal, and spreads through several towns: Manteigas, Covilhã and Seia.

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SportsThere are many sports that can be practiced:

All terrain vehicle riding


Sport fishing




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Economic activities

The most important activity of this region was pastoralism, but there are also a set of other important ones.

Famous cheese;Sheep breeding; Wool production ;Wool industries;Estrela mountain dogs breeding.

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Traditional costume

• The typical traditional costume of Serra da Estrela was wool and “burel” made. It was a warm cloth using the existing resources of the region.

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Estrela mountain dogAs its name states, the Estrela mountain dog is the mascot of this region. The Estrela is one of the oldest breeds in Portugal. It is large size, strength,

endurance, agility, a deep chest, ability to tolerate a marginal diet, the set of the legs, a powerful mouth, a tuft of hair around the neck, an easy, jog-like gait, a warm coat, and a watchful, mistrustful, yet loyal temperament.

And it has won several international prices.

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• In the very middle of Estrela Mountain some of the Portuguese rivers come out from their natural springs.

• The river Zêzere;• Mondego;• Alva.

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• There are some rare and protected species that can be seen there:

• Mountain lizard (gecko);• Arbutus;• Holm oak;• Juniperus.

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Wellness invitation

• Mountain Estrela is a beautiful gorgeous place that is ready to be visited and enjoyed with enthusiasm and respect.

• We are looking forward to see you.• Made by

Bárbara CavacasEB1 Sameiro