serologist forensic by courtney daily september 10, 2008

Serologist forensic By Courtney Daily tember 10, 2008

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Page 1: Serologist forensic By Courtney Daily September 10, 2008


By Courtney Daily

September 10, 2008

Page 2: Serologist forensic By Courtney Daily September 10, 2008

EvidenceWhat typeo

f does aserologistanalyze?

bloodAnd other bodily fluids..

such as semen, sweat and saliva

Page 3: Serologist forensic By Courtney Daily September 10, 2008

To become a Chief serologist one must go through specific schoolingTo achieve required

educational levels Such as..

(the minimum)Bachelor’s Degree


Educational Requirements

(master’s Degree)

Ph.D Degree


OR natural science


Page 4: Serologist forensic By Courtney Daily September 10, 2008

Reading, practice,

moot court proceedings

Earning a degree and requirements

All preparing the soon to be serologists with education that will prepare them for real life situations and investigations

Extensive on the job training, shadowing under the supervision of an expert

(pretend/practice court case)

After classroom educationIts time to train

Study time

Students undergo real life training exercisesFor a more “hands on” experience,

Students Work on real case studies under Professional supervision


Page 5: Serologist forensic By Courtney Daily September 10, 2008

techniqueFor analyzing evidenceFluids are tested and analyzed to determine whatThe substance is (Blood, sweat, semen, saliva)

The suspected blood is then sprayed with a solution that changes coloUr when it reacts with haemoglobins or peroxidase in the blood

Another test that can be done is spraying blood with luminal spray, making any residue containing blood glow in the dark as well as pick up on traces of blood that may have been scrubbed away.

Samples and testing solutions are placed into small wells on a gel-coated glass Plate. After the two defuse towards each other, the blood can be determined whether it’s human or not. If the sample is human blood, it will contain human antigens and where the two solutions meet on the gel-coated plate, a noticeable band forms.

A serologist is able drawl conclusions through a detailed inspection of the victim's spatter patterns

Page 6: Serologist forensic By Courtney Daily September 10, 2008


types..Considering there are over 100 different antigens in the human blood it would be unnecessary and time consuming to test each and everyone..

SOO.. Serologists investigate a series of blood testing systems for quicker results, a common one being the

Serologists check red blood cell’s surface for two antigens (A and B)The blood type is named after the antigens

it contains: A, B, AB and O

(Serologists note any blood clumps formed when the same type of antigen meets the same type of antibody, and can then conduct an experiment on the blood Sample to determine it’s blood type)


ABO Blood Type System

of the blood requires 2 solutions, one containing antibodies to type A and the other to type B. The first solution contains type A antibodies and if mixed with type A blood, will form clumps. The second solution contains type B antibodies and if mixed with type B Blood will form clumps. If blood reacts to both the first and second solutions, then the blood is AB because both antigens are present in the blood. The O blood type does not react to either solutions and can there for be classified if blood does not react in the experiments.


Page 7: Serologist forensic By Courtney Daily September 10, 2008

Finer detailClassifying Blood withAfter the blood type is determined, serologists are able to

classify the blood type as negative Or positive

+(Positive) By placing the positive sign before the blood type indicatesThe presence of blood protein within the blood known as the Rh factor (named after the Rhesus Monkey, where it was first recognized)

-(negative) By placing the negative sign before the blood type indicates the Absence if blood protein within the blood

An antibody solution is used on the Rh protein. If Clumping occurs, the protein is present Causing the indication of finer blood type groups:

A+, A-, B+, B-, AB+, AB-, O+ and O-

Page 8: Serologist forensic By Courtney Daily September 10, 2008

Case study:

“Marlon Pendleton was convicted of rape in 1992 based on victim identification. He maintained his innocence and worked independently for several years on his Case until Northwestern University School of Law Center for Wrongful Convictions took him under their wing. Post-conviction DNA testing was conducted under court order at SERI. Chief Forensic Serologist Brian Wraxall found semen on the remaining traces of the original swab and obtained a DNA profile of the semen donor who was not Marlon Pendleton. After serving 12 years in prison, Mr. Pendleton was exonerated and released.”

“Judge VacatesWrongful Rape Conviction”

Forensic serologist ran test of semen and found that the DNA of the semen did notMatch that of the man put in jail. The falsely accused killer was released and the realKiller was caught and put in jail.

Forensic serologist saves the day!

Page 9: Serologist forensic By Courtney Daily September 10, 2008

Interview:Q:So what is it like to see dead people

everyday? Does it gross you out?

Serologist Kevin Kosiorek gives her insights on serology

A:“Dead people don’t really gross me out.”

“It’s not like ‘CSI’ when you see a dead person every day.”Q:A:

Is it like watching a CSI episode?

“We respond to a lot of crime scenes, even in the middle of the night.. I’m a scientist. I use science every day at my job.”


DO you have any other jobs? Or is this your full time job?

Q:Can you tell the difference between and ketchup and blood?


“If there’s a stain on the wall and I think it’s blood, we look at the stain and we say ‘no, it’s ketchup,’”“Without doing the tests, that is impossible.”

Page 10: Serologist forensic By Courtney Daily September 10, 2008

How he viewed life as a serologistQ&A:

What’s your educational background?

What’s your typical day like?

Do you have any other jobs?

What he would have to say about serology

“I’m like any other person, I wake up, eat my breakfast and go to work. But My Work is a little bit more exciting than sitting in a cubical.”

“No, I am passionate about what I do, and I couldn’t imagine doing anything but this.”

Walter McCrone

“I received my bachelor’s degree in chemistry and a PH.D in organic chemistry at Cornell University. I completed two years of post-doctoral work there”

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Sites Used:

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