sermon outline revelation 2 chosen people

Sermon Outline CHOSEN PEOPLE “THE STATE OF THE CHURCH ADDRESS!!!” Revelation Chapter 2 & 3 Introduction Backgrounder and Stuff: Sources: The Holy Bible KJV Version; The New Testament and Wycliffe Bible Commentary; Blue Letter Bible (, Halley's Bible Handbook with the King James Version, Treasury of Scripture Knowledge,,,, and Jamieson, Fausset & Brown Bible Commentary. Author: The Apostle John in Ephesus which was one of the home bases for Christians during that time after receiving the Revelation from the Lord Jesus Christ as it was told through His father God Almighty on the Isle of Patmos where he had been vanquished by Rome by Domitian. Date: ca. 95 A.D. when John was vanquished and writes it Ephesus in 96 A.D. Destination/Location: To the Seven Churches in “Asia” or commonly known as Asia Minor now part of Turkey. Occasion/Reason: John is dealing with heresy related to specifically “fornication” and the “eating of things sacrificed to idols.” Sexual vice was actually a part of heathen worship, and reorganized as a proper thing in heathen festivals. Priestesses of Diana and kindred deities were public prostitutes. Theme: To help steady the church for the awful days of persecution ahead, the promise of Jesus Christ to come again to rule and reign with Him in all eternity, and lastly restore comfort in the world as God promised in Genesis 3. Key Verses: Revelation 2:7, 11, 17, 26-29; 3:5, 12, 21. 1

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Sermon Outline



Revelation Chapter 2 & 3


Backgrounder and Stuff:

Sources: The Holy Bible KJV Version; The New Testament and Wycliffe Bible Commentary; Blue Letter Bible (, Halley's Bible Handbook with the King James Version, Treasury of Scripture Knowledge,,,, and Jamieson, Fausset & Brown Bible Commentary.Author: The Apostle John in Ephesus which was one of the home bases for Christians during that time after receiving the Revelation from the Lord Jesus Christ as it was told through His father God Almighty on the Isle of Patmos where he had been vanquished by Rome by Domitian.Date: ca. 95 A.D. when John was vanquished and writes it Ephesus in 96 A.D.Destination/Location: To the Seven Churches in “Asia” or commonly known as Asia Minor now part of Turkey. Occasion/Reason: John is dealing with heresy related to specifically “fornication” and the “eating of things sacrificed to idols.” Sexual vice was actually a part of heathen worship, and reorganized as a proper thing in heathen festivals. Priestesses of Diana and kindred deities were public prostitutes. Theme: To help steady the church for the awful days of persecution ahead, the promise of Jesus Christ to come again to rule and reign with Him in all eternity, and lastly restore comfort in the world as God promised in Genesis 3. Key Verses: Revelation 2:7, 11, 17, 26-29; 3:5, 12, 21.



Key Controversy: Are the Seven Churches Of John times reflected in OUR Churches today? (Bold added for emphasis and * parts are very important!!!)The information is per Jamieson, Fausset & Brown Bible Commentary. Mr. Fausset is the main source on the material found online along with information from, but with a shortened explanation for the sake of time.

Quick Hits:

1. Ephesus was famed for the temple of Diana, one of the seven wonders of the world. For three years Paul labored there. He subsequently ordained Timothy


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superintending overseer or bishop there: probably his charge was but of a temporary nature. John, towards the close of his life, took it as the center from which he superintended the province.

2. Nicolaitanes--IRENAEUS [Against Heresies, 1.26.3] and TERTULLIAN [Prescription against Heretics, 46] make these followers of Nicolas, one of the seven (honorably mentioned, Act 6:3, 5 ). They (CLEMENT OF ALEXANDRIA [Miscellanies, 2.20 3.4] and EPIPHANIUS [Heresies, 25]) evidently confound the latter Gnostic Nicolaitanes, or followers of one Nicolaos, with those of Revelation. MICHAELIS' view is probable: Nicolaos (conqueror of the people) is the Greek version of Balaam, from Hebrew "Belang Am," "Destroyer of the peopleThe name, like other names, Egypt, Babylon, Sodom, is symbolic. Compare Rev 2:14, 15, which shows the true sense of Nicolaitanes; they are not a sect, but professing Christians who, like Balaam of old. tried to introduce into the Church a false freedom, that is, licentiousness; this was a reaction in the opposite direction from Judaism, the first danger to the Church combated in the council of Jerusalem, and by Paul in the Epistle to Galatians. These symbolical Nicolaitanes, or followers of Balaam, abused Paul's doctrine of the grace of God into a plea for lasciviousness ( 2Pe 2:15, 16, 19 Jud 1:4, 11 who both describe the same sort of seducers as followers of Balaam). The difficulty that they should appropriate a name branded with infamy in Scripture is met by TRENCH: The Antinomian Gnostics were so opposed to John as a Judaizing apostle that they would assume as a name of chiefest honor one which John branded with dishonor.

3. Three schools of interpreters exist on the Visions being already happened or later in the future: (1) The Preterists, who hold that almost the whole has been fulfilled. (2) The Historical Interpreters, who hold that it comprises the history of the Church from John's time to the end of the world, the seals being chronologically succeeded, by the trumpets and the trumpets by the vials. (3) The Futurists, who consider almost the whole as yet future, and to be fulfilled immediately before Christ's second coming. The first theory was not held by any of the earliest Fathers, and is only held now by Rationalists, who limit John's vision to things within his own horizon, pagan Rome's persecutions of Christians, and its consequently anticipated destruction. The Futurist school is open to this great objection: it would leave the Church of Christ unprovided with prophetical guidance or support under her fiery trials for 1700 or 1800 years. Now God has said, "Surely He will do nothing, but He revealeth His secrets unto His servants the prophets" ( Amo 3:7 ). The Jews had a succession of prophets who guided them with the light of prophecy: what their prophets were to them, that the apocalyptic Scriptures have been, and are, to us.

4. Outline Of The Book: Per The International Standard Bible EncyclopediaThe following is a more detailed analysis:


1. Title and Address (Re 1:1-8)


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2. Vision of Jesus and Message to the Seven Churches of the Province of Asia (Re 1:9-20)3. The Letters to the Seven Churches (Re 2; 3)(1) Ephesus (Re 2:1-7)(2) Smyrna (Re 2:8-11)(3) Pergamos (Re 2:12-17)(4) Thyatira (Re 2:18-29)(5) Sardis (Re 3:1-6)(6) Philadelphia (Re 3:7-13)(7) Laodicea (Re 3:14-22)II. THE THINGS TO COME. FIRST SERIES OF VISIONS: THE SEALS AND TRUMPETS

1. The Vision of Heaven

(1) Adoration of the Creator (Re 4)(2) The 7-Sealed Book; Adoration of God and the Lamb (Re 5)2. Opening of Six Seals (Re 6)(1) The White Horse (Re 6:1,2)(2) The Red Horse (Re 6:3,4)(3) The Black Horse (Re 6:5,6)(4) The Pale Horse (Re 6:7,8)(5) Souls under the Altar (Re 6:9-11)(6) The Wrath of the Lamb (Re 6:12-17)3. Interludes (Re 7)(1) Sealing of 144,000 on Earth (Re 7:1-8)(2) Triumphant Multitude in Heaven (Re 7:9-17)4. Opening of Seventh Seal: under This Seven Trumpets, of Which Six Now Sounded (Re 8; 9)(1) Hail and Fire on Earth (Re 8:7)(2) Burning Mountain in Sea (Re 8:8,9)(3) Burning Star on Rivers and Fountains (Re 8:10,11)(4) One-third Sun, Moon, and Stars Darkened (Re 8:12). "Woe"-Trumpets (Re 8:13)(5) The Fallen Star-Locusts (Re 9:1-11)(6) Angels Loosed from Euphrates-the Horseman (Re 9:12-21)5. Interludes-

(1) Angel with Little Book (Re 10)(2) Measuring of Temple and Altar-the Two Witnesses (Re 11:1-13)6. Seventh Trumpet Sounded-Final Victory (Re 11:14-19)III. SECOND SERIES OF VISIONS: THE WOMAN AND THE RED DRAGON; THE TWO BEASTS; THE BOWLS AND LAST PLAGUES

1. The Woman and Child; the Red Dragon and His Persecutions (Re 12)2. The Beast from the Sea, Seven-headed, Ten-horned (Re 13:1-10); the Two-horned Beast (Re 13:11-18)3. Interludes (Re 14)


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(1) The Lamb on Mt. Zion; the 144,000 (Re 14:1-5)(2) The Angel with "an Eternal Gospel" (Re 14:6,7)(3) Second Angel-(Anticipatory) Proclamation of Fall of Babylon (Re 14:8)(4) Third Angel-Doom of Worshippers of the Beast (Re 14:9-12)(5) Blessedness of the Dead in the Lord (Re 14:13)(6) The Son of Man and the Great Vintage (Re 14:14-20)4. The Seven Last Plagues-the Angels and Their Bowls: the Preparation in heaven (Re 15)-the Outpouring (Re 16)(1) On Earth (Re 16:2)(2) On Sea (Re 16:3)(3) On Rivers and Fountains (Re 16:4-7)(4) On Sun (Re 16:8,9)(5) On Seat of Beast (Re 16:10,11)(6) On Euphrates-Har-Magedon (Re 16:12-16)(7) In the Air-Victory and Fall of Babylon (Re 16:17-21)IV. EXPANSION OF LAST JUDGMENTS (Re 17-19)1. The Scarlet Woman on Beast-Her Judgment (Re 17)2. Doom of Babylon and Lament over Her (Re 18)3. Interlude-Announcement of Marriage of the Lamb (Re 19:1-10)4. Rider on White Horse ("The Word of God") and His Armies-Last Battle and Doom of Beast, False Prophet, and Their Followers (Re 19:11-21)V. THE MILLENNIUM-NEW HEAVENS AND NEW EARTH (Re 20$, 21$, 22$)1. Satan Bound; First Resurrection and Reign of Saints for 1,000 Years (Re 20:1-6)2. Loosing of Satan and Final Conflict-Doom of Adversaries and of the Devil (Re 20:7-10)3. General Resurrection and Last Judgment (Re 20:11-15)4. New Heavens and New Earth

(1) The New Jerusalem from Heaven (Re 21:1-9)(2) Description of the City (Re 21:10-27)(3) Blessedness of Its Citizens (Re 22:1-7)(4) Epilogue (Re 22:8-21)


I. The State Of The Ephesus Church!!! Revelation 2:1-7 (Key Verses: Revelation 2:2-7)A. Stand Against False Prophets!!! (Revelation 2:2-3)B. Return To Your First Love And Repent!!! ( Revelation 2:4-5)C. Who Are The Nicolaitanes? Why All The Hatred of Them?

(Revelation 2:6)D. The Reminder of Staying The Course!!! (Revelation 2:7)


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Verses Referenced In KJV Concordance1. In Reference to Verse 3: Galatians 6:92. In Reference to Verse 5: Matthew 21:413. In Reference to Verse 7: Matthew 11:15; Revelation 22:2;

Genesis 2:9 and 3:22.


      Each of the seven epistles in this and the third chapter, commences with, "I know thy

works." Each contains a promise from Christ, "To him that overcometh." Each

ends with, "He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the

churches." The title of our Lord in each case accords with the nature of the address,

and is mainly taken from the imagery of the vision, Rev 1:12-16. Each address has a

threat or a promise, and most of the addresses have both. Their order seems to be

ecclesiastical, civil, and geographical: Ephesus first, as being the Asiatic metropolis

(termed "the light of Asia," and "first city of Asia"), the nearest to Patmos, where John

received the epistle to the seven churches, and also as being that Church with which

John was especially connected; then the churches on the west coast of Asia; then

those in the interior. Smyrna and Philadelphia alone receive unmixed praise.

      1. Ephesus--famed for the temple of Diana, one of the seven wonders of the

world. For three years Paul labored there. He subsequently ordained Timothy

superintending overseer or bishop there: probably his charge was but of a

temporary nature. John, towards the close of his life, took it as the center from

which he superintended the province.

      holdeth--Greek, "holdeth fast," as in Rev 2:25 Rev 3:11; compare Jhn 10:28, 29. The

title of Christ here as "holding fast the seven stars (from Rev 1:16 : only that,

for having is substituted holding fast in His grasp), and walking in the midst of the seven

candlesticks," accords with the beginning of His address to the seven churches

representing the universal Church. Walking expresses His unwearied activity in the

Church, guarding her from internal and external evils, as the high priest moved to and fro

in the sanctuary.

      4. somewhat. . . because--Translate, "I have against thee (this) that," &c. It is not a

mere somewhat"; it is everything. How characteristic of our gracious Lord, that He puts

foremost all He can find to approve, and only after this notes the shortcomings!

      left thy first love--to Christ. Compare 1Ti 5:12, "cast off their first faith." See the


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Ephesians' first love, Eph 1:15. This epistle was written under Domitian, when

thirty years had elapsed since Paul had written his Epistle to them. Their warmth of

love had given place to a lifeless orthodoxy. Compare Paul's view of faith so called

without love, 1Cr 13:2.

      5. whence--from what a height.

      do the first works--the works which flowed from thy first love. Not merely "feel thy

first feelings," but do works flowing from the same principle as formerly, "faith which

worketh by love."

      I will come--Greek, "I am coming" in special judgment on thee.

      quickly--omitted in two oldest manuscripts, Vulgate and Coptic versions: supported

by one oldest manuscript.

      remove thy candlestick out of his place--I will take away the Church from Ephesus

and remove it elsewhere. "It is removal of the candlestick, not extinction of the

candle, which is threatened here; judgment for some, but that very judgment the

occasion of mercy for others. So it has been. The seat of the Church has been

changed, but the Church itself survives. What the East has lost, the West has

gained. One who lately visited Ephesus found only three Christians there, and these

so ignorant as scarcely to have heard the names of St. Paul or St. John" [TRENCH].

      6. But--How graciously, after necessary censure, He returns to praise for our

consolation, and as an example to us, that we would show, when we reprove, we have

more pleasure in praising than in fault-finding.

      hatest the deeds--We should hate men's evil deeds, not hate the men themselves.

      Nicolaitanes--IRENAEUS [Against Heresies, 1.26.3] and TERTULLIAN

[Prescription against Heretics, 46] make these followers of Nicolas, one of the

seven (honorably mentioned, Act 6:3, 5 ). They (CLEMENT OF ALEXANDRIA

[Miscellanies, 2.20 3.4] and EPIPHANIUS [Heresies, 25]) evidently confound the

latter Gnostic Nicolaitanes, or followers of one Nicolaos, with those of Revelation.

MICHAELIS' view is probable: Nicolaos (conqueror of the people) is

the Greek version of Balaam, from Hebrew "Belang Am," "Destroyer of the

people." Revelation abounds in such duplicate Hebrew and Greeknames: as

Apollyon, Abaddon: Devil, Satan: Yea (Greek, "Nai"), Amen. The name, like other

names, Egypt, Babylon, Sodom, is symbolic. Compare Rev 2:14, 15, which shows the

true sense of Nicolaitanes; they are not a sect, but professing Christians who, like


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Balaam of old. tried to introduce into the Church a false freedom, that is,

licentiousness; this was a reaction in the opposite direction from Judaism, the first

danger to the Church combated in the council of Jerusalem, and by Paul in the

Epistle to Galatians. These symbolical Nicolaitanes, or followers of Balaam, abused

Paul's doctrine of the grace of God into a plea for lasciviousness ( 2Pe 2:15, 16,

19 Jud 1:4, 11 who both describe the same sort of seducers as followers of Balaam).

The difficulty that they should appropriate a name branded with infamy in

Scripture is met by TRENCH: The Antinomian Gnostics were so opposed to John as

a Judaizing apostle that they would assume as a name of chiefest honor one which

John branded with dishonor.

II. The State Of The Smyrna Church!!! Revelation 2:8-11 (Key Verses: Revelation 2:9-11) A. The Struggle In The Midst Of Poverty Against “The

Synagogue Of Satan”!!! (Revelation 2:9)B. Hardships Will Come, But Stay The Course!!! ( Revelation

2:10)C. What Is The “Second Death”? Why Is It Important?

(Revelation 2:11)

Verses Referenced In KJV Concordance1. In Reference to Verse 8: Revelation 1:8, 17-18.2. In Reference to Verse 9: Luke 12:21, Romans 2:17, and

Revelation 3:9.3. In Reference to Verse 10: Matthew 10:22, 24:13, and James

1:12. 4. In Reference to Verse 11: Revelation 13:9, 20:6, and 21:8.

 8. Smyrna--in Ionia, a little to the north of Ephesus. POLYCARP, martyred in A.D.

168, eighty-six years after his conversion, was bishop, and probably "the angel of

the Church in Smyrna" meant here. The allusions to persecutions and faithfulness

unto death accord with this view. IGNATIUS [The Martyrdom of Ignatius 3], on his

way to martyrdom in Rome, wrote to POLYCARP, then (A.D. 108) bishop of

Smyrna; if his bishopric commenced ten or twelve years earlier, the dates will

harmonize. TERTULLIAN [The Prescription against Heretics,32], and IRENAEUS,


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who had talked with POLYCARP in youth, tell us POLYCARP was consecrated

bishop of Smyrna by St. John.

      the first. . . the last. . . was dead. . . is alive--The attributes of Christ most

calculated to comfort the Church of Smyrna under its persecutions; resumed

fromRev 1:17, 18. As death was to Him but the gate to life eternal, so it is to be to

them (Rev 2:10, 11 ).

      9. thy works, and--omitted in two oldest

manuscripts, Vulgate, and Coptic. Supported by one oldest manuscript.

      tribulation--owing to persecution.

      poverty--owing to "the spoiling of their goods."

      but thou art rich--in grace. Contrast Laodicea, rich in the world's eyes and her

own,poor before God. "There are both poor rich-men, and rich poor-men in God's sight"


      blasphemy of them--blasphemous calumny of thee on the part of (or arising from)


      say they are Jews, and are not--Jews by national descent, but not spiritually of

"the true circumcision." The Jews blaspheme Christ as "the hanged one." As

elsewhere, so at Smyrna they bitterly opposed Christianity; and at POLYCARP'S

martyrdom they joined the heathens in clamoring for his being cast to the lions; and

when there was an obstacle to this, for his being burnt alive; and with their own

hands they carried logs for the pile.

      synagogue of Satan--Only once is the term "synagogue" in the New Testament used

of the Christian assembly, and that by the apostle who longest maintained the union of

the Church and Jewish Synagogue. As the Jews more and more opposed Christianity,

and it more and more rooted itself in the Gentile world, the term "synagogue" was

left altogether to the former, and Christians appropriated exclusively the honorable

term "Church"; contrast an earlier time when the Jewish theocracy is called "the

Church in the wilderness." Compare Num 16:3 20:4, "congregation of the Lord."

Even in Jam 2:2 it is "your (not the Lord's) assembly." The Jews, who might have

been "the Church of God," had now, by their opposition and unbelief, become the

synagogue of Satan. So "the throne of Satan" (Rev 2:13 ) represents

the heathens' opposition to Christianity; "the depths of Satan" (Rev 2:24 ), the

opposition of heretics.


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      10. Fear none, &c.--the oldest manuscripts read, "Fear not those things," &c.

"The Captain of our salvation never keeps back what those who faithfully witness

for Him may have to bear for His name's sake; never entices recruits by the

promise they shall find all things easy and pleasant there" [TRENCH].

      devil--"the accuser." He acted, through Jewish accusers against Christ and

His people. The conflict of the latter was not with mere flesh and blood, but with

the rulers of the darkness of this world.

      tried--with temptation by "the devil." The same event is often both

a temptation from the devil, and a trial from God--God sifting and winnowing the

man to separate his chaff from his wheat, the devil sifting him in the hope that

nothing but chaff will be found in him [TRENCH].

      ten days--not the ten persecutions from Nero to Diocletian. LYRA

explains ten yearson the year-day principle. The shortness of the duration of

the persecution is evidently made the ground of consolation. The time of trial

shall be short, the duration of your joy shall be for ever. Compare the use of

"ten days" for a short time, Gen 24:55 Num 11:19.Ten is the number of the

world powers hostile to the Church; compare the ten horns of the beast, Rev


      unto death--so as even to endure death for My sake.

      crown of life-- Jam 1:12 2Ti 4:8, "crown of righteousness"; 1Pe 5:4, "crown

of glory." The crown is the garland, the mark of a conqueror, or of

one rejoicing, or at a feast; butdiadem is the mark of a KING.

      11. shall not be hurt--Greek, "shall not by any means (or possibly) be hurt."

      the second death--"the lake of fire." "The death in life of the lost, as

contrasted with the life in death of the saved" [TRENCH]. The phrase "the second

death" is peculiar to the Apocalypse. What matter about the first death, which

sooner or later must pass over us, if we escape the second death? "It seems that

they who die that death shall be hurt by it; whereas, if it were annihilation, and so

a conclusion of their torments, it would be no way hurtful, but highly beneficial to

them. But the living torments are the second death" [BISHOP PEARSON]. "The

life of the damned is death" [AUGUSTINE]. Smyrna (meaning myrrh) yielded

its sweet perfume in being bruised even to death. Myrrh was used in

embalming dead bodies ( Jhn 19:39 ); was an ingredient in the holy anointing


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oil ( Exd 30:23 ); a perfume of the heavenly Bridegroom ( Psa 45:8 ), and of

the bride ( Sgs 3:6 ). "Affliction, like it, is bitter for the time being,

but salutary; preserving the elect from corruption, andseasoning them for

immortality, and gives scope for the exercise of the fragrantly

breathingChristian virtues" [VITRINGA]. POLYCARP'S noble words to his

heathen judges who wished him to recant, are well known: "Fourscore and

six years have I served the Lord, and He never wronged me, how then can I

blaspheme my King and Saviour?" Smyrna's faithfulness is rewarded by its

candlestick not having been removed out of its place ( Rev 2:5 ); Christianity

has never wholly left it; whence the Turks call it, "Infidel Smyrna."

III. The State Of The Pergamos (Pergamum) Church!!! Revelation 2:12-17 (Key Verses: Revelation 2:12-17) A. I Am Ready To Fight!!! (Revelation 2:12)B. I Know Of Your Works And Your Lost!!! (Revelation 2:13)C. My Anger Is Against You And You Must Repent!!! (Revelation

2:14-16)D. What Is The “Hidden Rewards” Of Staying The Course? Why

Is It Important? (Revelation 2:17)

Verses Referenced In KJV Concordance1. In Reference to Verse 12: Revelation 1:16 and 2:16.2. In Reference to Verse 14: Numbers 31:16, Acts 15:29, and 1

Corinthians 6:13.3. In Reference to Verse 16: 2 Thessalonians 2:8. 4. In Reference to Verse 17: Exodus 16:33-34 and Revelation


12. TRENCH prefers writing Pergamus, or rather, Pergamum, on the river

Caicus. It was capital of Attalus the Second's kingdom, which was

bequeathed by him to the Romans, 133 B.C. Famous for its library, founded

by Eumenes (197-159), and destroyed by Caliph Omar. Parchment, that

is, Pergamena charta, was here discovered for book purposes. Also famous

for the magnificent temple of AEsculapius, the healing god


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[TACITUS, Annals,3.63].

      he which hath the sharp sword with two edges--appropriate to His address

having a twofold bearing, a searching power so as to convict and convert

some ( Rev 2:13, 17 ), and to convict and condemn to punishment others

( Rev 2:14-16, especially Rev 2:16; compare also see on JF & B for Re 1:16).

      13. I know thy works--Two oldest manuscripts omit this clause; one oldest

manuscript retains it.

      Satan's seat--rather as the Greek is translated all through Revelation,

"throne." Satan, in impious mimicry of God's heavenly throne, sets up his earthly

throne ( Rev 4:2 ). AEsculapius was worshipped there under the serpent

form; and Satan, the old serpent, as the instigator (compare Rev 2:10 ) of

fanatical devotees of AEsculapius, and, through them, of the supreme

magistracy at Pergamos, persecuted one of the Lord's people (Antipas) even

to death. Thus, this address is an anticipatory preface to Rev 12:1-

17;Note: "throne. . . the dragon, Satan. . . war with her seed," Rev 12:5, 9,


ct common to the Israelites of old, and the Nicolaitanes in John's day; he does

not add what was peculiar to the Israelites, namely, that they sacrificed to

idols. The temptation to eat idol-meats was a peculiarly strong one to the

Gentile converts. For not to do so involved almost a withdrawal from

partaking of any social meal with the heathen around. For idol-meats, after a

part had been offered in sacrifice, were nearly sure to be on the heathen

entertainer's table; so much so, that the Greek "to kill" (thuein) meant

originally "to sacrifice." Hence arose the decree of the council of Jerusalem

forbidding to eat such meats; subsequently some at Corinth ate

unscrupulously and knowingly of such meats, on the ground that the idol is

nothing; others needlessly tortured themselves with scruples,

lest unknowingly they should eat of them when they got meat from the

market or in a heathen friend's house. Paul handles the question in1Cr 8:1-

13 10:25-33.

      fornication--often connected with idolatry.

      16. The three oldest manuscripts read, "Repent, therefore." Not only the

Nicolaitanes, but the whole Church of Pergamos is called on to repent of not


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having hated the Nicolaitane teaching and practice. Contrast Paul, Act 20:26.

      I will come--I am coming.

      fight against them--Greek, "war with them"; with the Nicolaitanes primarily;

but including also chastisement of the whole Church at Pergamos: compare "unto


      with the sword of my mouth--resumed from Rev 1:16, but with an allusion

to the drawn sword with which the angel of the Lord confronted Balaam on his

way to curse Israel: an earnest of the sword by which he and the seduced

Israelites fell at last. The spiritual Balaamites of John's day are to be smitten with

the Lord's spiritual sword, the word or "rod of His mouth."

      17. to eat--omitted in the three oldest manuscripts.

      the hidden manna--the heavenly food of Israel, in contrast to the idol-

meats (Rev 2:14 ). A pot of manna was laid up in the holy place "before the

testimony." The allusion is here to this: probably also to the Lord's discourse

( Jhn 6:31-35 ). Translate, "the manna which is hidden." As the manna

hidden in the sanctuary was by divine power preserved from corruption, so

Christ in His incorruptible body has passed into the heavens, and is hidden

there until the time of His appearing. Christ Himself is the manna "hidden"

from the world, but revealed to the believer, so that he has already a

foretaste of His preciousness. Compare as to Christ's own hidden food on

earth, Jhn 4:32, 34, andJob 23:12. The full manifestation shall be at His

coming. Believers are now hidden, even as their meat is hidden. As the

manna in the sanctuary, unlike the other manna, was incorruptible, so the

spiritual feast offered to all who reject the world's dainties for Christ is

everlasting: an incorruptible body and life for ever in Christ at the


      white stone. . . new name. . . no man knoweth saving he--TRENCH'S

explanation seems best. White is the color and livery of heaven. "New" implies

something altogether renewed and heavenly. The white stone is a glistening

diamond, the Urim borne by the high priest within the choschen or breastplate of

judgment, with the twelve tribes' names on the twelve precious stones, next the

heart. The word Urim means "light," answering to the colorwhite. None but the

high priest knew the name written upon it, probably the incommunicable name of


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God, "Jehovah." The high priest consulted it in some divinely appointed way to

get direction from God when needful. The "new name" is Christ's (compare Rev

3:12, "I will write upon him My new name"): some new revelation of Himself

which shall hereafter be imparted to His people, and which they alone are capable

of receiving. The connection with the "hidden manna" will thus be clear, as none

save the high priest had access to the "manna hidden" in the sanctuary. Believers,

as spiritual priests unto God, shall enjoy the heavenly antitypes to the hidden

manna and the Urim stone. What they had peculiarly to contend against at

Pergamos was the temptation to idol-meats, and fornication, put in their way by

Balaamites. As Phinehas was rewarded with "an everlasting priesthood" for his

zeal against these very sins to which the Old Testament Balaam seduced Israel; so

the heavenly high priesthood is the reward promised here to those zealous against

the New Testament Balaamites tempting Christ's people to the same sins.

      receiveth it--namely, "the stone"; not "the new name"; see above. The "name

that no man knew but Christ Himself," He shall hereafter reveal to His people.

IV. The State Of The Thyatira Church!!! Revelation 2:18-29 (Key Verses: Revelation 2:18-29) A. You Have Done Great Things, But There Is A Huge Problem!!!

(Revelation 2:18-21)B. This How I Will Solve The Problem!!! (Revelation 2:22-23)C. My Reward To Those Who Stay The Course!!! (Revelation


Verses Referenced In KJV Concordance1. In Reference to Verse 18: Revelation 1:14-15.2. In Reference to Verse 19: Revelation 2:2.3. In Reference to Verse 20: 1 Kings 16:31, 21:25, and Exodus

34:15. 4. In Reference to Verse 21: Revelation 9:20 and 16:19.5. In Reference to Verse 23: Jeremiah 11:20 and 17:10.6. In Reference to Verse 24: 2 Timothy 3:1-9 and Acts 15:28.7. In Reference to Verse 25: Revelation 3:11.8. In Reference to Verse 26: John 6:2 and Matthew 19:28.9. In Reference to Verse 27: Psalm 2:8-9.10. In Reference to Verse 28: 2 Peter 1:19.


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18. Thyatira--in Lydia, south of Pergamos. Lydia, the purple-seller of this city,

having been converted at Philippi, a Macedonian city (with which Thyatira, as being

a Macedonian colony, had naturally much intercourse), was probably the

instrument of first carrying the Gospel to her native town. John follows the

geographical order here, for Thyatira lay a little to the left of the road from

Pergamos to Sardis [STRABO, 13:4].

      20. a few things--omitted in the three oldest manuscripts. Translate then, "I have

against thee that," &c.

      sufferest--The three oldest manuscripts read, "lettest alone."

      that woman--Two oldest manuscripts read, "THY wife"; two omit it. Vulgate and

most ancient versions read as English Version. The symbolical Jezebel was to the

Church of Thyatira what Jezebel, Ahab's "wife," was to him. Some self-styled

prophetess (or as the feminine in Hebrew is often used collectively to express a

multitude, a set of false prophets), as closely attached to the Church of Thyatira as

a wife is to a husband, and as powerfully influencing for evil that Church as Jezebel

did Ahab. As Balaam, in Israel's early history, so Jezebel, daughter of Eth-baal,

king of Sidon ( 1Ki 16:31, formerly priest of Astarte, and murderer of his

predecessor on the throne, JOSEPHUS [Against Apion, 1.18]), was the great seducer

to idolatry in Israel's later history. Like her father, she was swift to shed blood.

Wholly given to Baal worship, like Eth-baal, whose name expresses his idolatry, she,

with her strong will, seduced the weak Ahab and Israel beyond the calf-worship

(which was a worship of the true God under the cherub-ox form, that is, a violation

of the second commandment) to that of Baal (a violation of the first commandment

also). She seems to have been herself a priestess and prophetess of Baal.

Compare2Ki 9:22, 30, "whoredoms of. . . Jezebel and her witchcrafts" (impurity was

part of the worship of the Phoenician Astarte, or Venus). Her spiritual counterpart

at Thyatira lured God's "servants" by pretended utterances of inspiration to the

same libertinism, fornication, and eating of idol-meats, as the Balaamites and

Nicolaitanes ( Rev 2:6, 14, 15 ). By a false spiritualism these seducers led their

victims into the grossest carnality, as though things done in the flesh were outside

the true man, and were, therefore, indifferent. "The deeper the Church penetrated

into heathenism, the more she herself became heathenish; this prepares us for the

expressions 'harlot' and 'Babylon,' applied to her afterwards" [AUBERLEN].


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      to teach and to seduce--The three oldest manuscripts read, "and she teaches and

seduces," or "deceives." "Thyatira was just the reverse of Ephesus. There, much zeal

for orthodoxy, but little love; here, activity of faith and love, but insufficient zeal for

godly discipline and doctrine, a patience of error even where there was not a

participation in it" [TRENCH].

      21. space--Greek, "time."

      of her fornication. . . she repented not--The three oldest manuscripts read, "and

she willeth not to repent of (literally, 'out of,' that is, so as to come out of) her

fornication." Here there is a transition from literal to spiritual fornication, as appears

from Rev 2:22. The idea arose from Jehovah's covenant relation to the Old Testament

Church being regarded as a marriage, any transgression against which was,

therefore, harlotry, fornication, oradultery.

      22. Behold--calling attention to her awful doom to come.

      I will--Greek present, "I cast her."

      a bed--The place of her sin shall be the place of her punishment. The bed of her sin

shall be her bed of sickness and anguish. Perhaps a pestilence was about to be sent. Or

the bed of the grave, and of the hell beyond, where the worm dieth not.

      them that commit adultery with her--spiritually; including both the eating

of idol-meats and fornication. "With her," in the Greek, implies participation

with her in her adulteries, namely, by suffering her ( Rev 2:20 ),

or letting her alone, and so virtually encouraging her. Her punishment is distinct

from theirs; she is to be cast into a bed, and her children to be killed; while those

who make themselves partakers of her sin by tolerating her, are to be cast into great


      except they repent--Greek aorist, "repent" at once; shall have repented by the time

limited in My purpose.

      their deeds--Two of the oldest manuscripts and most ancient versions read "her."

Thus, God's true servants, who by connivance, are incurring the guilt of her deeds, are

distinguished from her. One oldest manuscript, ANDREAS, and CYPRIAN, support


      23. her children-- ( Isa 57:3 Eze 23:45, 47 ). Her proper adherents; not those

whosuffer her, but those who are begotten of her. A distinct class from the last in Rev

2:22(compare Note, see on JF & B for Re 2:22), whose sin was less direct, being that


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only of connivance.

      kill. . . with death--Compare the disaster that overtook the literal Jezebel's votaries of

Baal, and Ahab's sons, 1Ki 18:40 2Ki 10:6, 7, 24, 25. Kill with death is a Hebraism

for slay with most sure and awful death; so "dying thou shalt die" ( Gen 2:17 ). Not "die

the common death of men" ( Num 16:29 ).

      all the churches shall know--implying that these addresses are designed for the

catholic Church of all ages and places. So palpably shall God's hand be seen in the

judgment on Thyatira, that the whole Church shall recognize it as God's doing.

      I am he--the "I" is strongly emphatical: "that it is I am He who," &c.

      searcheth. . . hearts--God's peculiar attribute is given to Christ. The "reins" are the

seat of the desires; the "heart," that of the thoughts. The Greek for "searcheth" expresses

an accurate following up of all tracks and windings.

      unto every one of you--literally, "unto you, to each."

      according to your works--to be judged not according to the mere act as it appears to

man, but with reference to the motive, faith and love being the only motives which God

recognizes as sound.


V. The State Of The Sardis Church!!! Revelation 3:1-6 (Key Verses: Revelation 3:1-5) A. You Name Is Just Lame!!! (Revelation 3:1-2)B. If You Return You Shall Be Given A Name That Is Not

Lame!!! (Revelation 3:3-5)

Verses Referenced In KJV Concordance11. In Reference to Verse 3: 1 Timothy 6:20, Revelation 3:19,

Matthew 24:42-43, and Revelation 16:15.12. In Reference to Verse 4: Acts 1:15, Jude 23, Revelation 4:4

and 6:11.13. In Reference to Verse 5: Revelation 19:8, Exodus 32:32,

Philippians 4:3, and Luke 12:8. 14. In Reference to Verse 6: Revelation 2:7.


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      1. Sardis--the ancient capital of Lydia, the kingdom of wealthy Croesus, on the

river Pactolus. The address to this Church is full of rebuke. It does not seem to have

been in vain; for MELITO, bishop of Sardis in the second century, was eminent for

piety and learning. He visited Palestine to assure himself and his flock as to the Old

Testament canon and wrote an epistle on the subject [EUSEBIUS Ecclesiastical

History, 4.26]; he also wrote a commentary on the Apocalypse

[EUSEBIUS, Ecclesiastical History, 4.26; JEROME,On Illustrious Men, 24].

      he that hath the seven Spirits of God--that is, He who hath all the fulness of the

Spirit ( Rev 1:4 4:5 5:6, with which compare Zec 3:9 4:10, proving His Godhead). This

attribute implies His infinite power by the Spirit to convict of sin and of a hollow


      and the seven stars-- ( Rev 1:16, 20 ). His having the seven stars, or presiding

ministers, flows, as a consequence, from His having the seven Spirits, or the fulness of

the Holy Spirit. The human ministry is the fruit of Christ's sending down the gifts of the

Spirit.Stars imply brilliancy and glory; the fulness of the Spirit, and the fulness of

brilliant light in Him, form a designed contrast to the formality which He reproves.

      name. . . livest. . . dead-- ( 1Ti 5:6 2Ti 3:5 Tts 1:16; compare Eph 2:1, 5 5:14 ). "A

name," that is, a reputation. Sardis was famed among the churches for

spiritual vitality; yet the Heart-searcher, who seeth not as man seeth, pronounces

her dead; how great searchings of heart should her case create among even the best of us!

Laodicea deceived herself as to her true state ( Rev 3:17 ), but it is not written that she

had a high nameamong the other churches, as Sardis had.

      4. The three oldest manuscripts prefix "but," or "nevertheless" (notwithstanding thy

spiritual deadness), and omit "even."

      names--persons named in the book of life ( Rev 3:5 ) known by name by the Lord as

His own. These had the reality corresponding to their name; not a mere name among men

as living, while really dead ( Rev 3:1 ). The gracious Lord does not overlook any

exceptional cases of real saints in the midst of unreal professors.

      not defiled their garments--namely, the garments of their Christian profession, of

which baptism is the initiatory seal, whence the candidates for baptism used in the

ancient Church to be arrayed in white. Compare also Eph 5:27, as to the spotlessness of


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the Church when she shall be presented to Christ; and Rev 19:8, as to the "fine linen,

clean and white, the righteousness of the saints," in which it shall be granted to her to be

arrayed; and "the wedding garment." Meanwhile she is not to sully her Christian

profession with any defilement of flesh or spirit, but to "keep her garments." For no

defilement shall enter the heavenly city. Not that any keep themselves here wholly free

from defilement; but, as compared with hollow professors, the godly keep themselves

unspotted from the world;and when they do contract it, they wash it away, so as to have

their "robes white in the blood of the Lamb" ( Rev 7:14 ). The Greek is not "to stain"

(Greek, "miainein"), but to "defile," or besmear (Greek, "molunein"), Sgs 5:3.

      they shall walk with me in white--The promised reward accords with the

character of those to be rewarded: keeping their garments undefiled and white

through the blood of the Lamb now, they shall walk with Him in while hereafter. On

"with me," compare the very same words, Luk 23:43 Jhn 17:24. "Walk" implies

spiritual life, for only the living walk; also liberty, for it is only the free who walk at

large. The grace and dignity of flowing long garments is seen to best advantage

when the person "walks": so the graces of the saint's manifested character shall

appear fully when he shall serve the Lord perfectly hereafter (Rev 22:3 ).

      they are worthy--with the worthiness (not their own, but that) which Christ has put

on them ( Rev 7:14 ). Eze 16:14, "perfect through MY comeliness which I had put upon

thee." Grace is glory in the bud. "The worthiness here denotes a congruity between the

saint'sstate of grace on earth, and that of glory, which the Lord has appointed for them,

about to be estimated by the law itself of grace" [VITRINGA]. Contrast Act 13:46.

      5. white--not a dull white, but glittering, dazzling white [GROTIUS]. Compare Mat

13:43. The body transfigured into the likeness of Christ's body, and emitting beams of

light reflected from Him, is probably the "white raiment" promised here.

      the same--Greek, "THIS man"; he and he alone. So one oldest manuscript reads. But

two oldest manuscripts, and most of the ancient versions, "shall THUS be clothed," &c.

      raiment--Greek, "garments." "He that overcometh" shall receive the same reward as

they who "have not defiled their garments" ( Rev 3:4 ); therefore the two are identical.

      I will not--Greek, "I will not by any means."

      blot out. . . name out of. . . book of life--of the heavenly city. A register was kept

in ancient cities of their citizens: the names of the dead were of course erased. So

those who have a name that they live and are dead ( Rev 3:1 ), are blotted out of


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God's roll of the heavenly citizens and heirs of eternal life; not that in God's electing

decree they ever were in His book of life. But, according to human conceptions,

those who had a high name for piety would be supposed to be in it, and were, in

respect to privileges, actually among those in the way of salvation; but these

privileges, and the fact that they once might have been saved, shall be of no avail to

them. As to the book of life, compare Rev 13:8 17:8 20:12, 15  21:27 Exd 32:32 Psa

69:28 Dan 12:1. In the sense of the "call," many are enrolled among the called to

salvation, who shall not be found among the chosen at last. The pale of salvation is

wider than that of election. Election is fixed. Salvation is open to all and is pending

(humanly speaking) in the case of those mentioned here. But Rev 20:15 21:27 , exhibit

the book of the elect alone in the narrower sense, after the erasure of the others.

VI. The State Of The Philadelphia Church!!! Revelation 3:7-13 (Key Verses: Revelation 3:7-12) A. I Know Thy Works And I Will Open The Door For You!!!

(Revelation 3:7-8)B. “They Shall Worship Before Thy Feet”!!! (Revelation 3:9-12)

Verses Referenced In KJV Concordance1. In Reference to Verse 7: Acts 3:14, 1 John 5:20, Isaiah 9:7;

22:22, Matthew 16:19, and Job 12:14.2. In Reference to Verse 8: Revelation 3:1 and 1 Corinthians

16:9.3. In Reference to Verse 9: Revelation 2:9, Isaiah 45:14, 49:23,

and 60:14. 4. In Reference to Verse 10: 2 Peter 2:9; Luke 2:1, and Isaiah

24:17.5. In Reference to Verse 11: Philippians 4:5, Revelation 2:25,

and Revelation 2:10.6. In Reference to Verse 12: 1 Kings 7:21, Psalm 23:6,

Revelation 14:1, 22:4, Hebrews 12:22, Revelation 21:2, 2:17, and 22:4.

7. In Reference to Verse 13: Revelation 2:7.

 7. Philadelphia--in Lydia, twenty-eight miles southeast of Sardis, built by Attalus

Philadelphus, king of Pergamos, who died A.D. 138. It was nearly destroyed by an


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earthquake in the reign of Tiberius [TACITUS, Annals, 2.47]. The connection of this

Church with Jews there causes the address to it to have an Old Testament coloring

in the images employed. It and Smyrna alone of the seven receive unmixed praise.

      he that is holy--as in the Old Testament, "the Holy One of Israel." Thus Jesus and the

God of the Old Testament are one. None but God is absolutely holy (Greek, "hagios,"

separate from evil and perfectly hating it). In contrast to "the synagogue of Satan" (Rev

3:9 ).

      true--Greek, "alethinos": "VERY God," as distinguished from the false gods and

from all those who say that they are what they are not ( Rev 3:9 ): real, genuine.

Furthermore, He perfectly realizes all that is involved in the names,

GOD, Light ( Jhn 1:9 1Jo 2:8 ), Bread( Jhn 6:32 ), the Vine ( Jhn 15:1 ); as

distinguished from all typical, partial, and imperfect realizations of the idea. His

nature answers to His name ( Jhn 17:3 1Th 1:9 ). The Greek,"alethes," on the other

hand, is "truth-speaking," "truth-loving" ( Jhn 3:33 Tts 1:2 ).

      he that hath the key of David--the antitype of Eliakim, to whom the "key," the

emblem of authority "over the house of David," was transferred from Shebna, who

was removed from the office of chamberlain or treasurer, as unworthy of it. Christ,

the Heir of the throne of David, shall supplant all the less worthy stewards who have

abused their trust in God's spiritual house, and "shall reign over the house of

Jacob," literal and spiritual ( Luk 1:32, 33), "for ever," "as a Son over His own

house" ( Hbr 3:2-6 ). It rests with Christ to open or shut the heavenly palace,

deciding who is, and who is not, to be admitted: as He also opens, or shuts, the

prison, having the keys of hell (the grave) and death ( Rev 1:18 ). The power of the

keys was given to Peter and the other apostles, only when, and in so far as, Christ

made him and them infallible. Whatever degrees of this power may have been

committed to ministers, the supreme power belongs to Christ alone. Thus Peter

rightly opened the Gospel door to the Gentiles ( Act 10:1-48 11:17, 18;

especially Act 14:27, end). But he wrongly tried to shut the door in part again ( Gal

2:11-18 ). Eliakim had "the key of the house of David laid upon his shoulder": Christ, as

the antitypical David, Himself has the key of the supreme "government upon His

shoulder." His attribute here, as in the former addresses, accords with His promise.

Though "the synagogue of Satan," false "Jews" (Rev 3:9 ) try to "shut" the "door" which I

"set open before thee"; "no man can shut it" (Rev 3:8 ).


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      shutteth--So Vulgate and Syriac Versions read. But the four oldest manuscripts read,

"shall shut"; so Coptic Version and ORIGEN.

      and no man openeth--Two oldest manuscripts, B, Aleph, Coptic Version, and

ORIGEN read, "shall open." Two oldest manuscripts, A, C, and Vulgate

Version supportEnglish Version reading.

      write upon him the name of my God--as belonging to God in a peculiar sense

(Rev 7:3 9:4 14:1; and especially Rev 22:4 ), therefore secure. As the name of

Jehovah ("Holiness to the Lord") was on the golden plate on the high priest's

forehead (Exd 28:36-38 ); so the saints in their heavenly royal priesthood shall bear

His name openly, as consecrated to Him. Compare the caricature of this in the

brand on the forehead of the beast's followers ( Rev 13:16, 17 ), and on the harlot

( Rev 17:5; compare Rev 20:4 ).

      name of the city of my God--as one of its citizens ( Rev 21:2, 3, 10, which is

briefly alluded to by anticipation here). The full description of the city forms the

appropriate close of the book. The saint's citizenship is now hidden, but then it shall

be manifested: he shall have the right to enter in through the gates into the city ( Rev

22:14 ). This was the city which Abraham looked for.

VII. The State Of The Laodicea Church!!! Revelation 3:14-22 (Key Verses: The Whole Passage!!!) A. What Are You?!?!?! (Revelation 3:15-17)B. What You Can Be Again!!! (Revelation 3:18-19)C. I Am Knocking!!! Will You Let Me In!?!?!? (Revelation 3:20-


Verses Referenced In KJV Concordance1. In Reference to Verse 14: 2 Corinthians 1:20, Revelation

1:5, 3:7, 19:11, and Colossians 1:15.2. In Reference to Verse 15: Revelation 3:1.3. In Reference to Verse 17: Hosea 12:8. 4. In Reference to Verse 18: Isaiah 55:1 and 2 Corinthians 5:3.5. In Reference to Verse 19: Job 5:17 and Hebrews 12:6.6. In Reference to Verse 20: Song of Solomon 5:2, Luke 12:36-

37, and John 14:23.7. In Reference to Verse 21: Matthew 19:28.


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8. In Reference to Verse 22: Revelation 2:7.

   14. Laodiceans--The city was in the southwest of Phrygia, on the river Lycus, not

far from Colosse, and lying between it and Philadelphia. It was destroyed by an

earthquake, A.D. 62, and rebuilt by its wealthy citizens without the help of the state

[TACITUS, Annals,14.27]. This wealth (arising from the excellence of its wools) led

to a self-satisfied, lukewarm state in spiritual things, as Rev 3:17 describes. See on

JF & B for Col 4:16, on the Epistle which is thought to have been written to the

Laodicean Church by Paul. The Church in latter times was apparently flourishing;

for one of the councils at which the canon of Scripture was determined was held in

Laodicea in A.D. 361. Hardly a Christian is now to be found on or near its site.

            beginning of the creation of God--not he whom God created first, but as

inCol 1:15-18 (see on JF & B for Col 1:15-18), the Beginner of all creation, its

originating instrument. All creation would not be represented adoring Him, if He

were but one of themselves. His being the Creator is a strong guarantee for

His faithfulness as "the Witness and Amen."

      15. neither cold--The antithesis to "hot," literally, "boiling" ("fervent," Act

18:25 Rom 12:11 ; compare Sgs 8:6 Luk 24:32 ), requires that "cold" should here mean

more than negatively cold; it is rather, positively icy cold: having never yet been warmed.

The Laodiceans were in spiritual things cold comparatively, but not cold as the world

outside, and as those who had never belonged to the Church. The lukewarm state, if

it be the transitional stage to a warmer, is a desirable state (for a little religion, if

real, is better than none); but most fatal when, as here, an abiding condition, for it is

mistaken for a safe state ( Rev 3:17 ). This accounts for Christ's desiring that they

were cold rather than lukewarm.For then there would not be the same "danger of

mixed motive and disregarded principle" [ALFORD]. Also, there is more hope of

the "cold," that is, those who are of the world, and not yet warmed by the Gospel

call; for, when called, they may become hot and fervent Christians: such did the

once-cold publicans, Zaccheus and Matthew, become. But thelukewarm has been

brought within reach of the holy fire, without being heated by it intofervor: having

religion enough to lull the conscience in false security, but not religion enough to

save the soul: as Demas, 2Ti 4:10. Such were the halters between two opinionsin

Israel ( 1Ki 18:21; compare 2Ki 17:41 Mat 6:24 ).


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      16. neither cold nor hot--So one oldest manuscript, B, and Vulgate read. But two

oldest manuscripts, Syriac, and Coptic transpose thus, "hot nor cold." It is remarkable

that the Greek adjectives are in the masculine, agreeing with the angel, not feminine,

agreeing with the Church. The Lord addresses the angel as the embodiment and

representative of the Church. The chief minister is answerable for his flock if he have not

faithfully warned the members of it.

      I will--Greek, "I am about to," "I am ready to": I have it in my mind: implying

graciously the possibility of the threat not being executed, if only they repent at once. His

dealings towards them will depend on theirs towards Him.

      spue thee out of my month--reject with righteous loathing, as Canaan spued out its

inhabitants for their abominations. Physicians used lukewarm water to cause vomiting.

Coldand hot drinks were common at feasts, but never lukewarm. There were hot

and cold springs near Laodicea.

      17. Self-sufficiency is the fatal danger of a lukewarm state (see on JF & B for Re


      thou sayest--virtually and mentally, if not in so many words.

      increased with goods--Greek, "have become enriched," implying self-praise in self-

acquired riches. The Lord alludes to Hsa 12:8. The riches on which they prided

themselves were spiritual riches; though, doubtless, their spiritual self-sufficiency ("I

have need of nothing") was much fostered by their worldly wealth; as, on the other

hand, poverty of spiritis fostered by poverty in respect to worldly riches.

      knowest not that thou--in particular above all others. The "THOU" in the Greek is


      art wretched--Greek, "art the wretched one."

      miserable--So one oldest manuscripts reads. But two oldest manuscripts prefix "the."

Translate, "the pitiable"; "the one especially to be pitied." How different Christ's estimate

of men, from their own estimate of themselves, "I have need of nothing!"

      blind--whereas Laodicea boasted of a deeper than common insight into divine things.

They were not absolutely blind, else eye-salve would have been of no avail to them;


      anoint. . . with eye-salve--The oldest manuscripts read, "(buy of Me) eye-salve

(collyrium, a roll of ointment), to anoint thine eyes." Christ has for Laodicea an

ointment far more precious than all the costly unguents of the East. The eye is here


Page 24: Sermon Outline Revelation 2 Chosen People

the conscience or inner light of the mind. According as it is sound and "single"

(Greek, "haplous," "simple"), or otherwise, the man sees aright spiritually, or does

not. The Holy Spirit's unction, like the ancient eye-salve's, first smarts with

conviction of sin, then heals. He opens our eyes first to ourselves in our

wretchedness, then to the Saviour in His preciousness. TRENCH notices that the

most sunken churches of the seven, namely, Sardis and Laodicea, are the ones in

which alone are specified no opponents from without, nor heresies from within. The

Church owes much to God's overruling Providence which has made so often

internal and external foes, in spite of themselves, to promote His cause by calling

forth her energies in contending for the faith once delivered to the saints. Peace is

dearly bought at the cost of spiritual stagnation, where there is not interest enough

felt in religion to contend about it at all.

      20. stand--waiting in wonderful condescension and long-suffering.

      knock-- ( Sgs 5:2 ). This is a further manifestation of His loving desire for the

sinner's salvation. He who is Himself "the Door," and who bids us "knock" that it

may be "opened unto" us, is first Himself to knock at the door of our hearts. If He

did not knock first, we should never come to knock at His door.

Application/Conclusion For Revelation Chapter 2 & 3:

I. Be Real With God!!!

II. As You Work out your FAITH remember to STAY ON THE COURSE YOU WERE GIVEN and NEVER LEAVE it!!!

III. Remember GOD sees all and will JUDGE ALL Fairly!!!


V. Altar Call/Close. God wants a personal relationship with you!!! He wants to hear from you and be open about how you feel and the struggles you go through. God helps those that cannot help themselves. Jesus died for ALL OF US on the cross since we could not pay the sin debt. That MEANS ALL OF US need His help!!! He stands at the door and knocks, will you accept His help today and stop struggling with burdens you were not designed to bear.