serendib horticulture - dailynews · 1997 -...

Singer Life Style exhibition at BMICH A three-day Singer Sri Lanka Life Style exhibition and Fun Fair was held at the BMICH recently under the theme of future begins today.Various home appliances such as TV, Refrigerators, Washing Machines, Sewing Machines, model furnitures were sold during the exhibition at a discount. The mega event was organized to commemorate the 160-year service of Singer Sri Lanka. Main stalls at the exhibition were dedicated to different brands including Samsung, Whirlpool, Hitachi and many- more. There were other stalls selling garments, furniture, gardening equipment, mobile phones, broadband, Solar Systems, books, magazines, fashion acces- sories and toys. The latest laptop model named ‘All in One PC’ was also launched during the exhibition. A large number of people, visited the fair. (H.G) Pictures by Sumanachandra Ariyawansa Inspecting latest embroider patterns at the exhibition Exchanging leaflets at the TCLED stall At the model furniture showroom Model, Piumi Srinayake with a Whirlpool Washing Machine. Demonstrating a sewing machine A family looks around

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Page 1: Serendib Horticulture - DailyNews · 1997 - 1999 - General Manager, CTC Foliage, British-American Tobacco (Sri ... tissue culture

DN page x T H U R S D A Y , N O V E M B E R 2 4 , 2 0 1 1BUSINESS/PHOTO ESSAY

Serendib Horticultureto go global

Q - How has the overallbusiness performance ofSerendib HorticultureTechnologies (Pvt.) Ltdbeen so far?

A - Yes, 2011 has beenbetter for the company than2010. We have managed toincrease our profitability byabout 15% this year. Wehave also started two over-seas ventures. One in Qatarand the other in Rwanda.The fruits of these two ven-tures will be seen in 2012.We also managed to securetwo big contracts from ourEuropean clients whichagain will positively affectthe turnover of the compa-ny in 2012.

Q - Do you see the SriLankan horticulture mar-ket growing?

A - If you are talking ofthe internal market in SriLanka - yes it is growing.People are more keen tobuy plants and flowers.besides there are many con-struction projects that havestarted all over the island,which required plants forgreening the environment.A good indicator was thelocal flower exhibitionwhich was held at theViharamaha Devi Park.This exhibition was held

only once a month. But nowit’s held almost every week.This shows that there is alot of interest among thelocal customers.

Q - What are your plansto expand Serendib Hor-ticulture Technologies(Pvt.) Ltd presence inthe region?

A - Regionally, we haveexpanded to the MiddleEast, where we have start-ed a project in Qatar withthe Ministry of Environ-ment. We are the consul-tants to the Ministry at theBiotechnology Centre inDoha. We are training theirstaff in commercial tissueculture and also developingprotocols for plant varietiesthat are required by theState of Qatar.

Beside this , we haveestablished our presence inAfrica - Rwanda, where weare working with an Ameri-can company, FAIM (Africa), to supply fruitplanting material and toestablish a tissue culturelab to produce their plantrequirement.

Q - What areas isserendib focusing in SriLanka?

A - We are concentrating

on producing elite plantingmaterial to the farmer.There is a huge demand bythe farmers for good plant-ing material. This could bein fruits, vegetables orornamentals. We Believethat the agriculture in SriLanka could benefitimmensely if good plantingmaterial is provided to thefarmer with correct exten-sion service.

Q - As the CEO of thecompany, how do yousupport the futuregrowth aspirations of thecompany?

A - As the CEO it is myduty to sustain the futuregrowth of the company.Hence it is important forme to know what the globaltrends are in horticulture. Itis through extensive mar-keting that we have beenable to secure good con-tracts for the companywhich will sustain itsgrowth for the next 2-3years. What is importantnow is to ensure the goodswe deliver.

With a very well experi-enced staff and a very good,capable management team,I’m confident we will deliv-er the goods and ensuregood growth for the compa-ny in the future.

Q - Your views on thehorticulture industry inSri Lanka ?

A - I think at present theindustry is stagnant, with agood potential for growth. Ifeel companies in Sri Lankashould concentrate invest-ing in marketing. Thoughthere is a crisis in Europeand US, this should not dis-courage us to seek neworders. As I said before, ourcompany has increased theturnover over the past twoyears amidst all the nega-tive economic indicatorsglobally.

Horticulture industryglobally is a very personal-ized industry, which to acertain extent is insulatedby the external factors.Hence it is important thatwe try to capitalize on thisfactor and seek business forfuture growth.

Q - What are the chal-lenges and opportunitiesyou see in the local horti-culture industry?

A - The biggest challengeI see is to overcome theincrease in cost of produc-tion. Though we were anation where we had lowCOP in the past, we cannotsay the same now. Labour,electricity, cost of chemi-cals etc all are on theincrease. Unless we serious-ly look at increasing pro-ductivity, we will soon benon-competitive in theglobal market. We need toinvest in R & D. This iswhere the public institutesshould take a lead role.Unfortunately , this is nothappening. We need toestablish better Public-Pri-vate Partnerships toenhance the R & D capabil-ities in the industry.

Q - Does your companyengaged in innovatinghorticulture productsand services and how ithas impacted on yourbusiness?

A - Innovation is the keyto success. Unfortunately,this is what is lacking in ourcountry. I believe over 90%of the products the SriLankan growers are produc-ing is the same. This is dueto the poor focus onResearch and Develop-ment. We need the Depart-

ment of Agriculture and theUniversities to be muchmore pro-active in R & D.The focus should be ondeveloping varieties thathas commercial potentialand not producing some-thing that is not mar-ketable. Doing research forthe sake of publishingpapers will not carry usanywhere. Research shouldbe something that is appli-cable and with a potentialfor commercialization.

Foreign markets are get-ting dis-interested in SriLankan product due to thelack of innovation.

Our company has beenworking on R & D to pro-duce and introduce newvarieties to the market.There are 2 varieties we arehoping to introduce in2012. We will also be look-ing at using latest technolo-gy in Genetic Engineeringwith the University of Per-adeniya on two researchprojects in 2012.

Q - In the face of globaleconomic turmoil andcivil commotions in vari-ous countries, fuel pricesare going up. This hasresulted in increased aircharges. How would thisimpact the growth aspira-

tions of the company inthe near and mid-term?

A - We cannot fight byasking them to drop thefuel prices etc. We have toface it head on. And theonly way to do it to be pos-itive and work on the

strengths you have. Duringmy last visit to Europe, wemanaged to have an agree-ment with a laboratory inEurope, where we will workin collaboration on prod-ucts for the EU market. Weare also working on a pro-ject to produce flower bulbswith a consortium inEurope, again through acollaboration where we willuse the knowledge of theproduct and produce thedemand in the EU.

These are areas wherethere is less competitionand one would have a priceadvantage.

So our company’s aspira-tions for the near and mid-term are very positive.

Q - What are the globaltrends of horticultureindustry, how will itimpact on the localindustry?

A - Global trend is moretowards flowering plants.We also need to look atvalue addition to the prod-ucts we are already doing.

All over the world costsis going up more specifical-ly in Europe and USA, whoare the biggest consumers.We need to create an identi-ty among the floricultureworld as a country wherequality and reliability couldbe established.

This is one factor thatwould attract foreign collab-oration and investment.

Q - How does your com-pany make a responsiblecommitment for the wellbeing of the local farmingcommunity in Sri Lanka?

A - When we deliver aplant to the farmer, it isonly the beginning of a longrelationship that will beestablished with the compa-ny and the farmer. Weensure the farmer getshis/her monies worth fromthe product he has boughtfrom us.

We regularly visit thefarmer fields and work withthem on problems thatoccur in plants. It is ourresponsibility to ensure thefarmer develops with ourservices.

Q - What sort of invest-ment plan does your com-pany have in mind in SriLanka?

A - We are looking atexpanding the capacities ofthe tissue culture laborato-ries and also establishing agood extension service,over the next 2 years. Theinvestment will certainlyincrease our exports andalso provide services to thelocal farmers.

[email protected]

Full Name - Dilip de Silva Name of Firm - Serendib Horticulture

Technologies (Pvt.) Ltd.Sri Lanka

Profession - Chairman/CEO, Serendib Horticulture Technologies

(Pvt.) Ltd., Sri Lanka Date of Birth - 29 December 1958Address - Kandy Road, Kalagedihena

Education:1996 - Diploma in General

Management, National University of Singapore

1990 - Virus indexing, University of Cambridge, U.K

1987 - MSc in Plant Pathology, Post Graduate Institute of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka

1985 - BSc in Microbiology, Ohio State University, USA Employment Record -1999 - to date Chairman/CEO, Serendib Horticulture Technologies (Pvt) Ltd, Sri Lanka

1997 - 1999 - General Manager, CTC Foliage, British-American Tobacco (Sri Lanka)

1995 - 1996 - Operations Manager, CTC Foliage, British American Tobacco (Sri Lanka)

1987 - 1994 (Laboratory Manager, Tissue Culture Laboratory, BritishAmalgamated Tobacco (Sri Lanka) : was instrumental in commencing the commercial operation of the tissue culture laboratory at Ceylon Tobaccocompany.

Serendib Horticulture Technologies (Pvt) Ltd, oneof the leading horticulture companies in Sri Lankais moving to expand its local and global presencesharing local know-how and knowledge with for-eign governments while supporting agricultureresearch and export production in Sri Lanka.Located in Kalagedihena in Gampaha, SerendibHorticulture Technologies is a leading company inplant bio-technology, where many varieties are pro-duced through tissue culture technology.The plants include ornamental plants, such as,banana, pineapple, potato and strawberry andcommitted to produce superior quality plants withtimely delivery.The company is into exporting flowers, fruits andvegetable plants to Holland, Denmark, Japan,USA, Germany, South Korea, Bahrain, Qatar andUAE and for local customers as well.A staff of 120 people are directly employed at thecompany while another 60 are indirectly employedas suppliers.Daily News Business interviewed Serendib Horti-culture Technologies (Pvt) Ltd, Chairman and CEODilip de Silva for Today’s Tea with CEO column.Here are the excerpts of the interview:


Serendib Horticulture Technologies (Pvt) Ltd Chairman/CEO Dilip de Silva.Picture by-Nissanka Wijeratne

Singer Life Styleexhibition at BMICH

A three-day Singer Sri Lanka Life Style exhibitionand Fun Fair was held at the BMICH recently underthe theme of future begins today. Various homeappliances such as TV, Refrigerators, WashingMachines, Sewing Machines, model furnitures weresold during the exhibition at a discount.The mega event was organized to commemorate the160-year service of Singer Sri Lanka. Main stalls atthe exhibition were dedicated to different brandsincluding Samsung, Whirlpool, Hitachi and many-more.There were other stalls selling garments, furniture,gardening equipment, mobile phones, broadband,Solar Systems, books, magazines, fashion acces-sories and toys. The latest laptop model named ‘Allin One PC’ was also launched during the exhibition.A large number of people, visited the fair. (H.G)Pictures by Sumanachandra Ariyawansa

Inspecting latest embroider patterns at the exhibition

Exchanging leaflets at the TCLED stall

At the model furniture showroomModel, Piumi Srinayake with a Whirlpool WashingMachine. Demonstrating a sewing machine

A family looks around
