sequences. the sequence abstract data type implementing a sequence

Sequences R ecall th at w ith a v ecto r, w e u se ran k to a c c e ss e le m e n ts. W ith a list, w e u se p o sitio n to a c c e ss e le m e n ts. S E Q U E N C E 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Post on 21-Dec-2015




2 download


Page 1: Sequences. The Sequence Abstract Data Type Implementing a Sequence


R e c a l l t h a t w i t h a v e c t o r , w e u s e r a n k t o a c c e s s e l e m e n t s . W i t h a l i s t , w e u s e p o s i t i o n t o a c c e s s e l e m e n t s .


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Page 2: Sequences. The Sequence Abstract Data Type Implementing a Sequence

sequenc: A container of elements, that stores elements in a linear order and that provides both rank and position to access each element. Example: Consider the salesman’s schedule as a sequence 0 1 2 3 4 5 Halifax Montreal Ottawa Toronto Winnipeg Regina 6 7 Edmonton Vancouver We can use the rank ( 4 ) to access the element “Winnipeg” Or we can find Winnipeg is after Toronto and before Regina (position).

Page 3: Sequences. The Sequence Abstract Data Type Implementing a Sequence

The Sequence Abstract Data Type

The sequence abstract data type supports all the methods of both the vector ADT and list ADT, plus the following two “bridging” methods that provide connections between ranks and positions: atRank(r): Return the position of the element with rank r.

Input: Integer; Output: Position rankOf(p): Return the rank of the element at position p.

Input: Position; Output: Integer

Page 4: Sequences. The Sequence Abstract Data Type Implementing a Sequence

I n J a v a , th e in te r f a c e fo r s e q u e n c e s i s a n e x a m p le o f m u lt ip le in h e r i t a n c e : i n t e r f a c e S e q u e n c e e x t e n d s L i s t , V e c t o r { p u b l i c P o s i t i o n a t R a n k ( i n t r a n k ) t h r o w s B o u n d a r y V i o l a t i o n E x c e p t i o n ; p u b l i c i n t r a n k O f ( P o s i t i o n p o s i t i o n ) t h r o w s I n v a l i d P o s i t i o n E x c e p t i o n ; }

V e c to r i n te r f a c e L is t i n te r fa c e

S e q u e n c e i n te r fa c e

Page 5: Sequences. The Sequence Abstract Data Type Implementing a Sequence

Implementing a Sequence

Recall that an array can be used to implement a vector. And a doubly linked list can be used to implement a list. We can implement a sequence with either an array or a doubly linked list. We study implementing a sequence with a doubly liked list first.

Page 6: Sequences. The Sequence Abstract Data Type Implementing a Sequence

Sequence ADT Position rank

Doubly linked list DNode atRank(r)rankOf(p)

Implementation of a sequence with a doubly linked list:

Page 7: Sequences. The Sequence Abstract Data Type Implementing a Sequence

Implementing a Sequence with a Doubly Linked List

R e c a l l t h a t p o s i t i o n o p e r a t i o n s c a n b e e a s i l y i m p l e m e n t e d w i t h a d o u b l y l i n k e d l i s t . H o w e v e r , i t i s n o t e a s y t o i m p l e m e n t r a n k o p e r a t i o n s . T o f i n d a n e l e m e n t f o r a g i v e n r a n k , w e h a v e t o p e r f o r m l i n k h o p p i n g . E x a m p l e : W e h a v e t o “ h o p ” t w i c e t o f i n d t h e e l e m e n t a t r a n k 2

h e a d e r

R o m e S e a t t l e

t r a i l e r

B a l t i m o r eT o r o n t o

10 2 3

Page 8: Sequences. The Sequence Abstract Data Type Implementing a Sequence

Class NodeSequence

In Java, we declare a class NodeSequence to implement sequences. The class inherites the class NodeList and implements the interface Sequence: public class NodeSequence extends NodeList implements Sequence { . . . }

Page 9: Sequences. The Sequence Abstract Data Type Implementing a Sequence

The methods to be implemented in class NodeSequence:

Methods defined in Vector:void insertAtRank(int rank, Object element)Object removeAtRank(int rank)Object replaceAtRank(int rank, Object element)Object elemAtRank (int r)

Auxiliary method:void checkRank(int rank, int range)

Bridging methods:Position atRank(int rank)rankOf(Position p)

Page 10: Sequences. The Sequence Abstract Data Type Implementing a Sequence

protected void checkRank( int rank, int s ) throws BoundaryViolationException { if( rank < 0 || rank >= s ) throw new BoundaryViolationException( "Rank" + rank + " is invalid for this sequence of " + numElts + " elements." ); }

This method checks if the given rank is out of boundary.

Page 11: Sequences. The Sequence Abstract Data Type Implementing a Sequence

public Position atRank( int rank ) { DNode node;

int n = size();

checkRank( rank, n ); if( rank <= n / 2 ) { node = header.getNext(); for( int i = 0; i < rank; i++ ) { node = node.getNext(); } } else { node = trailer.getPrev(); for( int i = 1; i < n - rank; i++ ) { node = node.getPrev(); } } return node; }

0 1 r2 n-2 n-1

Number of hopping = ri=0,1,...,r-1

Number of hopping = n-r-1i=1,2,...,n-r-1


Page 12: Sequences. The Sequence Abstract Data Type Implementing a Sequence

rank number of hopping 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 … … r r rank number of hopping n-1 0 n-2 1 n-3 2 n-4 3 … … r n-r-1

Page 13: Sequences. The Sequence Abstract Data Type Implementing a Sequence

public void insertAtRank( int rank, Object element ) throws BoundaryViolationException { if( rank == size() ) { insertLast( element ); } else { checkRank( rank, size() ); insertBefore( atRank( rank ), element ); } }

0 1 r



0 1 r



Page 14: Sequences. The Sequence Abstract Data Type Implementing a Sequence

public Object removeAtRank( int rank ) throws BoundaryViolationException { checkRank( rank, size() ); return remove( atRank( rank )); }

0 1 r



0 1 r



Page 15: Sequences. The Sequence Abstract Data Type Implementing a Sequence

public Object replaceAtRank( int rank, Object element ) throws BoundaryViolationException { checkRank( rank, size() ); return replaceElement( atRank( rank ), element ); }

0 1 r




0 1 r2


Page 16: Sequences. The Sequence Abstract Data Type Implementing a Sequence

/** Gets an element at the given rank.*/ public Object elemAtRank(int r) { return atRank(r).element(); }

/** Returns the rank of a given position.*/ public int rankOf(Position p) { DNode node; node = header.getNext(); for (int i=1; i < size(); i++) {

if (p == node) return i;else node = node.getNext();}

} }

Page 17: Sequences. The Sequence Abstract Data Type Implementing a Sequence

/** Implementation of a sequence by means of a doublylinked list. */

public class NodeSequence extends NodeList implementsSequence {

/** Checks whether the given rank is in the range [0, n - 1] */

protected void checkRank(int r, int n) throws BoundaryViolationException { if (r < 0 || r >= n) throw new

BoundaryViolationException("Illegal rank: " + r); }

Page 18: Sequences. The Sequence Abstract Data Type Implementing a Sequence

/** Returns the position containing the element atthe given rank; O(n) time. */

public Position atRank (int rank) { DNode node; checkRank(rank, size()); if (rank <= size()/2) { // scan forward from the head node = header.getNext(); for (int i=0; i < rank; i++)

node = node.getNext(); } else { // scan backward from the tail node = trailer.getPrev(); for (int i=1; i < size()-rank; i++)

node = node.getPrev();} return node; }

Page 19: Sequences. The Sequence Abstract Data Type Implementing a Sequence

/** Gets an element at the given rank.*/ public Object elemAtRank(int r) { return atRank(r).element(); } /** Returns the rank of a given position.*/ public int rankOf(Position p) { DNode node; node = header.getNext(); for (int i=1; i < size(); i++) {

if (p == node) return i;else node = node.getNext();}

} }

Page 20: Sequences. The Sequence Abstract Data Type Implementing a Sequence

/** Inserts an element at the given rank; O(n) time. */ public void insertAtRank (int rank, Object element) throws BoundaryViolationException { checkRank(rank, size() + 1); if (rank == size()) insertLast(element); else { insertBefore(atRank(rank), element); } }

Page 21: Sequences. The Sequence Abstract Data Type Implementing a Sequence

/** Removes the element stored at the given rank;O(n) time. */

public Object removeAtRank (int rank) throws BoundaryViolationException { checkRank(rank, size()); return remove(atRank(rank)); }

public Object replaceAtRank(int rank, object element) throws BoundadryViolationException { checkRank(rank); return replaceElement(atRank(rank), element); } }

Page 22: Sequences. The Sequence Abstract Data Type Implementing a Sequence

Implementing a Sequence with an Array

R e c a l l t h a t w i t h a n a r r a y , r a n k o p e r a t i o n s a r e e a s y . W h a t c a n b e u s e d t o r e p r e s e n t a p o s i t i o n ? W e c a n n o t u s e i n d e x t o r e p r e s e n t a p o s i t i o n b e c a u s e i n d e x c a n c h a n g e w h i l e t h e p o s i t i o n d o e s n o t .

q p s

0 1 2 3 4 5 6

A f t e r t h e f i r s t e l e m e n t ( r a n k 0 ) i s r e m o v e d :

q p s

0 1 2 3 4 5

Page 23: Sequences. The Sequence Abstract Data Type Implementing a Sequence

The solution is that we use an array to store the references to position objects. In turn, each position object stores the rank and a reference to the element.


1 2

3 N-1


1 2


Baltimore New York Rome Providence


Page 24: Sequences. The Sequence Abstract Data Type Implementing a Sequence

Let us consider the insertFirst(e) method. Before insertFirst(e):


1 2

3 N-1


1 2


Baltimore New York Rome Providence


Page 25: Sequences. The Sequence Abstract Data Type Implementing a Sequence

C re a te a n e w p o s i t io n a n d m a k e ro o m fo r i t . U p d a te in d e x fo r e a c h e le m e n t .


2 3

4 N - 1


1 2


B a l tim o re N e w Y o rk R o m e P ro v id e n ce



T o ro n to


Page 26: Sequences. The Sequence Abstract Data Type Implementing a Sequence

A f te r in s e r tF i r s t ( e ) :


2 3

4 N - 1


1 2


B a l ti m o r e N e w Y o r k R o m e P r o v i d e n c e



T o r o n t o


B e c a u s e i t n e e d s to u p d a te th e in d e c e s a n d m a k e r o o m f o r th e n e w e le m e n t , th e r u n n in g t im e o f th is o p e r a t io n i s p r o p o r t io n a l to n , th e s iz e o f th e s e q u e n c e

Page 27: Sequences. The Sequence Abstract Data Type Implementing a Sequence

Comparing Sequence Implementations

The table here is a comparison of the running times. Operations Array List size, isEmpty fast fast atRank, rankOf, elementAtRank fast )(nO first, last, before,after fast fast replaceElement, swapElements fast fast replaceAtRank fast )(nO insertAtRank, removeAtRank )(nO )(nO insertFirst, insertLast fast fast inserAfter, inserBefore )(nO fast

remove )(nO fast

Page 28: Sequences. The Sequence Abstract Data Type Implementing a Sequence

Interface Hierarchy for Vectors, Lists, and Sequences

Vector (interface) List (interface)

Sequence (interface)ArrayVector (class) NodeList (class)

ArraySequence (class) NodeSequence (class)

impl. extends extends

impl. impl. extendsextends

Supplement with the methodsin Vector interface

Supplement with the methodsin List interface


Page 29: Sequences. The Sequence Abstract Data Type Implementing a Sequence

Data Structure Exercises 9.1

Page 30: Sequences. The Sequence Abstract Data Type Implementing a Sequence

IteratorsS o f a r , w e h a v e s e e n t h a t t h e r e a r e t i m e s w h e n w e w a n t t o p r o c e s s e a c h e l e m e n t s i n a v e c t o r o r a l i s t .


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

F o r a v e c t o r , w e p r o c e s s t h e e l e m e n t s u s i n g r a n k s . F o r a l i s t , w e p r o c e s s t h e e l e m e n t s u s i n g p o s i t i o n . S i n c e s u c h a n o p e r a t i o n i s s o p o p u l a r , w e c a n d e f i n e a n a b s t r a c t d a t a t y p e f o r i t , c a l l e d i t e r a t o r .

Page 31: Sequences. The Sequence Abstract Data Type Implementing a Sequence

i t e r a t o r : T h e p r o c e s s o f s c a n n i n g t h r o u g h a c o l l e c t i o n o f e l e m e n t s o n e e l e m e n t a t a t i m e . W h e n w e w a n t t o s c a n t h r o u g h a s e q u e n c e , w h a t c o n c e r n s u s i s t h e f o l l o w i n g q u e s t i o n s : 1 . I s t h e n e x t e l e m e n t a v a i l a b l e ? 2 . W h a t i s t h e n e x t e l e m e n t i f i t i s a v a i l a b l e ?

C u r r e n t p o s i t i o n

N e x t p o s i t i o n


Page 32: Sequences. The Sequence Abstract Data Type Implementing a Sequence

The Iterator Abstract Data Type

The iterator abstract data type supports the following methods:

hasNext(): Test whether there are elements left in the iterator. Input: None; Output: Boolean

next(): Return and remove the next element in the iterator. Input: None; Output: Object

Page 33: Sequences. The Sequence Abstract Data Type Implementing a Sequence

Iterators in Java

Java provides an Iterator interface.

public interface Iterator { boolean hasNext(); Object next(); }

(in package java.util)

Page 34: Sequences. The Sequence Abstract Data Type Implementing a Sequence

An implementation of the Iterator is always related to container,i.e., a vector, a list, or a sequence.

The following is an exemplary implementation of the List Iterator.

public class PositionIterator implements Iterator { protected List list; // the underlying list protected Position cur;

// the current (next) position public PositionIterator() { } // default constructor public PositionIterator(List L) {

// preferred constructor list = L; if (list.isEmpty()) cur = null; // list is empty else cur = list.first();

// start with the first position }

Page 35: Sequences. The Sequence Abstract Data Type Implementing a Sequence

public boolean hasNext() { return (cur != null); }public Object next() throws NoSuchElementException {

if (!hasNext())throw new NoSuchElementException("No next position");

Position toReturn = cur; if (cur == list.last()) cur = null;

// no positions left else { try {

cur = list.after(cur)}catch (InvalidPositionException e) { }

} // move cursor to the next position return toReturn; }}

Page 36: Sequences. The Sequence Abstract Data Type Implementing a Sequence

class NoSuchElementException extends Exception { public NoSuchElementException() {super();} public NoSuchElementException(String s) { super(s); }}

Page 37: Sequences. The Sequence Abstract Data Type Implementing a Sequence

In a similar way, we can establish an ElementIterator as follows.

public class ElementIterator implements Iterator { protected List list; // the underlying list protected Position cur;

// the current (next) position protected Object elementCur;

// the current (next) element public ElementIterator() { }

// default constructor public ElementIterator(List L) {

// preferred constructor list = L; if (list.isEmpty()) cur = null; // list is empty else cur = list.first();

// start with the first position }

Page 38: Sequences. The Sequence Abstract Data Type Implementing a Sequence

public boolean hasNext() { return (cur != null); } public Object next() throws NoSuchElementException { if (!hasNext())

throw newNoSuchElementException("No next position");

elementCur = cur.element(); if (cur == list.last()) cur = null;

// no positions left else { try {

cur = list.after(cur)}catch (InvalidPositionException e) { }

} // move cursor to the next position

return elementCur; }}

Page 39: Sequences. The Sequence Abstract Data Type Implementing a Sequence

The following is a simple example of using the Iterator interface. public static void printVector( Vector vec ) { Iterator iter = vec.iterator(); while( iter.hasNext() ) { System.out.println(; } }

Note: In page 215, the textbook proposes a method elements() that returns an iterator. In Java, it is the method iterator() that returns an iterator. The method elements(), on the other hand, returns an object of Enumeration. Basically, it is also an iterator.

Page 40: Sequences. The Sequence Abstract Data Type Implementing a Sequence








Page 41: Sequences. The Sequence Abstract Data Type Implementing a Sequence

Data Structure Exercises 10.1

Page 42: Sequences. The Sequence Abstract Data Type Implementing a Sequence

Case Study: Bubble-Sort on a Sequence

An interesting application of sequences is to implement the well-known bubble-sort algorithm. We will study how to use sequence and what are the trade-offs with different implementations of sequences.

01260 43.21 27784 31.32 10600 37.41 23692 35.96 22673 41.76 10600 37.41 23692 35.96 22673 41.76 27784 31.32 01260 43.21 27951 47.27 82366 45.53 82366 45.53 27951 47.27

Page 43: Sequences. The Sequence Abstract Data Type Implementing a Sequence

The Bubble-Sort Algorithm

The sorting problem is to reorder the sequence so that the elements are in non-decreasing order. Example: For a given sequence (5,7,2,6,9,3) we want to have it sorted so it becomes (2,3,5,6,7,9)

Page 44: Sequences. The Sequence Abstract Data Type Implementing a Sequence

The algorithm: Given a sequence S assign 0 to a variable i while not done for rank r = 0 to n - i - 1 if the element S[ r ] is larger than S[ r + 1 ] swap element S[ r ] and S[ r + 1 ] increment i The for loop in the algorithm is called a pass. Therefore, the bubble sort performs a series of passes.

2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9i

for a certain i


Page 45: Sequences. The Sequence Abstract Data Type Implementing a Sequence

The first pass for the sequence (5,7,2,6,9,3) rank sequence after each

iteration swap

(5,7,2,6,9,3) 0 (5,7,2,6,9,3) - 1 (5,2,7,6,9,3) 7 <->2 2 (5,2,6,7,9,3) 7 <->6 3 (5,2,6,7,9,3) - 4 (5,2,6,7,3,9) 9 <->3

Page 46: Sequences. The Sequence Abstract Data Type Implementing a Sequence

The second pass for the sequence (5,7,2,6,9,3) rank sequence after each iteration swap (5,2,6,7,3,9) 0 (2,5,6,7,3,9) 5 <->2 1 (2,5,6,7,3,9) - 2 (2,5,6,7,3,9) - 3 (2,5,6,3,7,9) 7 <->3

Page 47: Sequences. The Sequence Abstract Data Type Implementing a Sequence

The third pass for the sequence (5,7,2,6,9,3) rank sequence after each iteration swap (2,5,6,3,7,9) 0 (2,5,6,3,7,9) - 1 (2,5,6,3,7,9) - 2 (2,5,3,6,7,9) 6 <->3

Page 48: Sequences. The Sequence Abstract Data Type Implementing a Sequence

The fourth pass for the sequence (5,7,2,6,9,3) rank sequence after each iteration swap (2,5,3,6,7,9) 0 (2,5,3,6,7,9) - 1 (2,5,3,6,7,9) 5 <->3

Page 49: Sequences. The Sequence Abstract Data Type Implementing a Sequence

Bubble Sort Using Rankspublic static void bubbleSort1( Sequence S ) { int n = S.size(); for( int i = 0; i < n; i++ ) for( int j = 1; j < n - i; j++ ) if( valAtRank( S, j - 1 ) > valAtRank( S, j ) S.swapElement( S.atRank( j - 1 ), S.atRank( j )); } private static int valAtRank( Sequence S, int i ) { return (( Integer ) S.elemAtRank( i )).intValue(); }

Page 50: Sequences. The Sequence Abstract Data Type Implementing a Sequence

If the sequence is array-based, the running time is proportional tothe square of n, the size of the sequence: running time O(n2). On the other hand, if the sequence is position-based, the runningtime is proportional to n3. running time O(n3). In this case, the atRank operation needs to perform link hopping.

Page 51: Sequences. The Sequence Abstract Data Type Implementing a Sequence

Bubble Sort Using Positionspublic static void bubbleSort2( Sequence S ) { Position prec, succ; int n = S.size(); for( int i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { prec = S.first(); for( int j = 1; j < n - i; j++ ) { succ = S.after( prec ); if( valAtPos( prec ) > valAtPos( succ ) S.swapElements( prec, succ ); prec = succ; } } } private static int valAtPos( Position p ) { return (( Integer )p.element()).intValue(); }

Page 52: Sequences. The Sequence Abstract Data Type Implementing a Sequence

The running time is proportional to the square of n, the size of thesequence, regardless of how the sequence is implemented: running time O(n2).

Page 53: Sequences. The Sequence Abstract Data Type Implementing a Sequence

Data Structure Exercises 9.2