
i e Is r :i H i it H i X li I t M T. H ", E c V : t I t e: nr If 5 it? "C? n Our Great erge Suit Offering $12 r -- tf.W ,- -! Ml e PC0 e hare irccicci more of our splendidly made for us Serffc Xuils, and shall con- tinue to sell them at Ttcelre Dollars. Every purchaser becomes one of our best customers, ready to push for our suc- cess. Clothes that make and hold friends must possess much to commend them, lle'tt liie to add you to our list of serge suit patrons. et Clothters. UabtrJathers cad Hatters. Republic Bull&nz. OlheSL. Cor. Sevrofo. jimOMEY LOANED ON Diamonds. Watches. Jewelry. Guns A PitL. Lowost ratos of interest. GLOBE, IC9 N. 6th St., bot. Pino &. Choatnut. BAlIUAlNs IS INUEUEEMLU I'LLDUES. tffc E&EB& 9 ai!S ATA UUN Lis .Fa 912-01- 4 FRANKLIN AVE. So L) renin, He Ool It, "he larg-- ct an 1 u:vei complete cf unrs-!ni"- W plrtJprs in Ih city. vf Gents' and Ladles watches Jewelry nl Illncs of all descriptions. Our alock was n'rer Urker and price k at at the prrteiit lime Ve have made reductions in cur Gents una Ls-tie- Watches thai amount to many dollars, be- cause we are determined to aell them. This li a ippoitunlty to pixcure a fine Wallham. Hsrnk-fe- Elgin. Snrlnstleld or any other movement for atout the cot of manufacture. We- - also hare the largest stock of new and teeendhand elothlnr la II. city; we are selllnc flrtt-clas- s wearing at prices unheard of. Style, quality and nt kre up to date. Tilt neputilo l mated f 1th rollera rosda by C. V. CJIUTSIXGEK. No Il-i- l 8. Third at. BEN BMBETT Si 60 1 607 PINE STREET. AXo-ao- y to Iioan OK FERSOAAL FROPERTY. LNUCDEnilKO PLEDGES FOR MUi Daslness Confidential. I Exj!l5 slVrs I In CO ta antei Iwllh farmd. or BOfee.SottJnfoclr!.SriSetni. terlitxnB-oVIr- t.'ai oute ?- -. si. miiii, jso. NOTARY PUBLIC. JOSEPH F. FARISH, ST. LOUIS ItEPUULIC UUILDtXG. TEL. MAIN ::i)18. K1XLOCU A U73. CITY ITESIS. TROT vour Bovs down to THE CRAW- FORD STORE y and set them out- fitted!! They have licautlful summer gcods now at less than the cost of the material. Then why should you miss them? VISITORS AT ST. LOUIS HOTELS. H. Clay Heather. Prosecuting Attorney at Palmyra. Mo., is a guest at the Laclede. Charles Hodge of Dallas Is a Texas ar- rival at the Laclede. A. E. Smith of Beecher City. III.. Is xeslstered at the Laclede. A Mollne. HI., party, consisting of H. Ackerman. William Ruady and H. Watson, arc at the Imperial. W. H. Woods of Fort Worth. Tex., is at the Imperial for a few days. George W. Beebe of Anna, III., Is at the St Jtmes. The Southern has on Its register W. V. Cholsser of Harrlsburg. III. S. Pern- - Richardson of Davenport. la.. Is one of the Southern's guests. George J. Gray of Kansas City Is so- journing at tho Southern. A. M. Ansel of Chicago Is staying at the Ttfoyer. A. H. Rastman of New Orleans In a Moser guest. Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. HcCann of St. Joseph have apartments at the St, Nich- olas. J. William Hampden Pyc of Hartford, Conn.. Is an arrival at the St. Nicholas. H. H. Condlt of Indianapolis Is quar- tered at the St. Nicholas. Mr. and Mrs. C R. Hayes and daugh- ter. Miss May. of Sedalla. Mo., are at Horn's. Frank Jackson of Macon. Mo., is a guest at Horn's. J. L. Hurtcheson of Chattanooga is at the Llndell. Mrs. J. J. Frank and son of Poplar Bluff. Mo., are Llndell guests. Mrs. I H. Clark or Indianapolis is a Llndell guesL Neal T. Scott of Ladonla la one of the Linden's Texas Igueus. Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Hall of Kansas City are at the Planters. J. B. Husten of Marshall, Mo., reached the Planters yesterday. Schcdrtl Cnnnjjeil. Illinois Central ijew Orleans limited for Cairo, Memphis and Dixie Flyer for Nash- ville. Atlanta and Jacksonville, commencing June 6, will leave St. Louis Union Station at ) p ta., instead of 10:15 p. m.. as formerly. Farmer "Wife Commits Salclde. XtEPl'UUC FPKCIAI Russcllvllle. .Mo.. July 11. Mrs. Fred Wsgner. the young wife of a highly ro spected farmer of near this place, com- mitted suicide this forenoon by drinking about two ounces of carbolic acid. Her husband I'.as away from home thrashing wheat and her parents were out In tna field at the time. She was discovered ly- ing on the floor by a neighbor, who called at tho Wagner home and Doctor Norwood of KuEsellvffle was hurriedly summoned. He arrived about a quarter of an hour be-fo- ro she died. The following note was found nerr where she was lying: "Fred, rll I ask of you Is to send all my nice things and let the. girls divide them except my waf-fc- . which Is for Mary here. You vouM k mf. wluit I am doing this for. It is Iqn !?cuj2C 1 am not satisfied here, ihat is all." DIIIXIC HAD IT CCn,ED. The Immune Treatment not only makes drink Intolerable, bet rebuilds constitutional evils caused by excesses. The new life which our patients live is te strongest attest of its efflcacy. jind tna dost substantial busi- ness firms endorsj it. Address, for particu- lars. PAQUIN 1MMUNK COMPANY, Ful-kr'- o" st, Louis. BAYNOR'S GOUMSEL MAKES ACCUSATION l Asserts Tlmt Offer Was Made to Diop Case Against Fugithe for 30-J,O- CRITICISES ERWIN'S REPORT. Says It IJcileots on Canadian Judi- ciary ProsiM'tition Presents .Motion to Ji:ah Writs of Habeas Corpus?. Quebec. July U.-- In the Gaynor-Grcen- e case- - y. referring to the n ports sent to Attorney General Kncx by Mr. M. Hrwln. Mr. Taschereau protested against tl: remarks made by Mr. Krwln respecting the Judiciary in this province and said he considered It an act of effront- ery. He regretted Krwln's absence here y. as he had something Interesting to tell him. but hoped that counel for the would do . He was quite rutprfsed. he said, that In lii report Mr. Krnln had not Informed the I'r.lteu Stales nsithorllles that !e had maile an clTer tu the prisoners to drou the ase If the latter noubl P"iy over JSOO.'UO!1 to the Unlttu States Gocrn-men- t. This offer. Mr. Tasehfreju said, was made in the Wlr.d-o- r Hotel. Montreal. n the Saturday following the arrest of Gay-n- or a:.d Greene. Mes.vrs. MeMa-t- cr and DanJurand pro- tested against ilr. Taschereau's remarks regarding Hrwin's report and said the lat- ter had net reflected on the Judges, but on the contrary, he had expressed high ap- preciation of them. They d'd not believe that Mr. Bruin ever made such an offer to the accused. Sir. then presented a motion to quash the habeas corpus writs issued on June 2i) and 21 by Judge Caron. Couns-e- l for the accufCd asked for a delay to Tues- day next to reply. This delay was granted and couns-e- for the prosecution was given until Ktiday next to answer the replies of counsel for the defence. Mr Taschereau also moved that Judge Caron fix a day for a hearing on the merits of the case, but the Judge remarked that the motions to quash the writs ef habeas corpus had precedence. PANAMA HAT WAS AGAINST HIM. Private Detective .Mistaken by Po- liceman for Rank Thief. Because he wore a Panama hat like the one that adorned the head of the young man who attempted to Meal a bundle ot eurrency amounting to I3.M from the St. Union Trui-- t 1'ompnny Monday. Ar- thur R. Bunion, agent for a local detective agency, wan arrested nd eomrclled to :lde in a patrol nagon to the Four Court."' 1htiroay evening. Vigilance on the private detective's part, as well as that of tne policeman who ar- rested him. led to the arrest. Patrolman Moorman of the Central District, since the attempt to steal the money, hai scanned cIoscI the faces of all those who ame near the trust company's building ct Fourth and Olive streets. Thursday he saw Burton standing on the corner opposite the financial institution's structure. The Panama hat. worn by the detective, who had been employed by the trust company to look out for the return of the would-b- e thief, seemed to the policeman sufficient evidence on which to make an arrest. Ap- proaching Burton carefully, Moorman said: "The Captain wants to see you at the Four Courts." Burton's protest that he had no business with the Captain were In vain. Being sure of his ability to clear himself. Burton accompanied the policeman to the patrol box and smilingly seated himself In the wagon when it arrived. Once before Cap- tain Reynolds, he readllv Droied his identi- ty and was permitted to go. He was on duty again yesterday and so was Moorman, but the latter wai looking for better evi- dence than a Panama hat. SECOND COUNTRY EXCURSION. Vacation Playgrounds Children Have an Outing. The second country excursion of the Va- cation Playgrounds Committee was i taken yesterday. Ramona Park was the destina- tion, and during the day 150 children from ths tenements enjoyed the unlimited privi- lege of the pretty county grove on the Fer- guson division of the Suburban Railroad. Four special cars were furnished by the Suburban Railway free of charge to take the little one to the country. The park was also furnished free by Mr. Goss. the manager. The little ones seemed like birds out of a cage In the park, and kept their teachers busy looking after them. Game3 of various kinds were played, and lunch wan furnished on the grounds. The children were In charge of Miss A. Mrs. Patterson. Miss Robb. Miss Brennan. Mrs. Bell. Mrs. Kenncy and Mrs. Stoddard. They went to the park early In the dav and returned yesterday afternoon about S o'clock. The third outing will be taken next Thursday to Forest Park Highlands, when the little ones will be the quests of th Transit Company and the Forest Park Highlands Committee. They will be ad- mitted to the pavilion for the afternoon show free of charge. ?22 Aabevllle, X. C, and nctnrn $22. Via Southern Railway. Ofllce. 719 Olive street. DOG'S LEGAL RIGHT TO BITE. Judge r?ldener Decides .'"auiue May Itesent Teasing. Tying tin cans, firecrackers or other ter- rifying articles to a dog's tall, according to a decision by Judge George B. Sldener in the First District Police Court yesterday, gives the canine a legal righ to Lite his persecutor. This unique decision came up In the case ot Abraham Simon of No. 13)2 South Broad- way, who was arrested en a charge of keeping a vicious dog. Little Willie Quinn of No. 1502 South Broadway appeared to prosecute Simon, and declared that the dog bit him. A witness In Simon's behalf de- clared that Willie had attempted to at- tach a can of rocks to the dog's tall. "Discharged." said Judge Sldener when he heard this evidence. "I would tile. too. If I were the dog." The Hound of the Baskenilles." the latest and best Sherlock Holmes story by Connn Doyle, will begin as a serial in next Sunday's Republic. TAUGHT "STRONG-ARM- " TRICK. James Woods Says It Cost Him Sis Dollars to Learn It. James Woods of No. 61S Elm street told the police yesterday that he, was robbed late Thursday night by three men who took him into an alley to show him how-Hi-e "strong arm" Is accomplished by n. He said it cost him ti to learn the trick. Edward Reilly. Edward Curran and Dave Murphy, who were arrested as illustrators of the "strong arm." were Identified by Woods. The men. Woods said, met him in a ealoon and the conversation turned to robberies. The trio, he declares, offered to show him how a man wan robbed in the Mley near the saloon several nights before. Unsophisticated in the ways ot highway- men. Woods accompanied them to be en- lightened. One man. he says, grabbed him about the neck In a way to pln'on his arms, at the same time Another remarking: 'This is the way they did it." put his hands In his pockets and .extracted the money. Schedule Chanced. Illinois Central New Orleans limited for Cairo, Memphis and Dixie Flyer for Nash- ville. Atlanta and Jacksonville, commencing June 6. will leave St. Louis Union Station at 10:30 p. m., instead of 10:15 p. m., as formerly. TOE REPUBLIC: SATURDAY, JULY 1", 1H02. INVENTOR BENBOW CRITICISES SANTOS j Confident That Ills Airship Will Excel That or the Noted Brazilian. INTRODUCES NEW FEATURES. Claims That He Will l.e . hie to Asrenil or Descent I With the Kase of a l.ird Test iu a Few Days. Th Psr-s- n. Hth St. anl Pennsylvania Ae Washington. July II. Mr. T. C. Benbow. the Montana Inventor, who hss been In Washington for the past month building the model of an airship which he claims will be able to show n clean pair of w!n;t to anything M. Hantos-Dutno- nt can turn out. Is a typical hustling Westerner, with a remarkable facial resemblance to Thomas A. Edison. Mr. Beiibow's experiments with aerial nnvlcatinn have covered a period of about 1 ten years. For the lat two year he ha been striving to p:oduce n macmne ina. would ifimbtne the qualities cf absolute dltigibility, safety and speed. He thinks he has It nuw and he has succeeded In convincing a number of practical cnjltal-M- s that Ms ship will be able to do what Is claimed for it. The first test will occur in a few days ct Frankfort. N. V. Four Fan Propellers. The distinctive feature of Mr. Benbow's machine are the four Immense fan propel- lers, with automatically folding b.adm. con- structed cf hollow attel tubing and silk. By an ingenious and tlmple cam-whe- el ar- rangement, operated by levers from the ar of the ship, tnese folding blades can be set so as to open and close at any given jiclnt In the r circuit without l:ening the Dd of their revolution. The resistance of the propellers to the atmosphere can thus oe brought to bar tn the downward s.roke of the propeller it the xeronaut wishes to rise in the air or vice cisa if he wishes to s.nk gently to the earth or ut any angle necessary to produce uu oblique line of flight on either an ascend- ing or descending plane. Mr. Benbow claims that this arrangement will do away with the necessity of carrying ballast and that he can descend to the earth as gently as a bird does from Its ftlht Tho fnl.Hnir li!nn- - nf th fan are I much broader at their outer ends, thus giving thiin a greater degree cf leverage than tne wings ni a uiru. The whole tnupnlne. wtieii completed, will weigh between RO and HW pounds. It Is supoorte . In the air by two oblong gas bags. Ti.j Idea of having two bags Instead .I one Is to guard against dangerous fails bv reason of a puncture. If one bag should spring a leak the other one Is suftitient to support the machine and hold the flaccid one tree ot the wings nf the machinery. Either a gasoline or on electric motor will be used to propel ths craft. In discussing the invention. Mr. Benbow sa!d: Airships nt the World's I'nlr. "I lalm that with my machine I can sail either over or under the Brooklyn bridge. My suggestion to the St. Louis Fair author- ities was to have a number of hurdles set up on the ground to test the dirlglbillty uf the airships. I am certain that with my machine I can sail alternately over and un- der them. "M. Santos's machine N nothing but a balloon with a propeller attached. He Is forced to use ballast to rise and a grappling line when he wishes to descend. "It is hardly lair to the American in- ventors that he should be allowed to come to this country and practically dictate the course over which the trial nt the St-- Louis Fair Is to be held. You will see a number of American machines at the Fair. I pre- dict. The reason that the foreigners have taken the lead so lar In this branch of sci-n- ce li that they have paid more atten- tion to It. They have had the money to spend in experiments. "I do not think that there will ever be a practical aeroplane In operation. There must be some power to hold the machine In the air. Even our largest bird are very poor flyers. Look at the ostrich and the turkey, for Instance." "The Hound of the Baskervllles." the latest and best Sberleck Holmes siory by Conan Doyle, will begin as a serial in next Sunday's Republic ORGANIZE FAIR ASSOCIATION. Fayette, 31o., to Have Meeting in September. KEPI BL.1C SPECIAL Fayette. Mo.. July 11. The Fayette Fair Association has been organlz'.-- by electing R. Iee Holliday president. John W. Heist vice president, SI. B. Ycaman secretary and II. P. Slason treasurer. It Is proposed to hold 3 IU str.jt Tair September 10. 11 nnd 12. In li r.yctte had a rousing fair and she proposes to ccllpcc that record this time. Went End Hotel. Del'ghtfully cool looms and suite now vacant: reasonable fcr July and August. KILLED COMING FROM FUNERAL. Eichard Jones Had Just liuricd Father at Van Buren, Ark. ltEPL'BIJC SPECIAI. Van Buren. Ark.. July 1L Richard Jones, n farmer, while returning from burying his father. wa3 Instantly killed this morning by a runaway team. His two children were also seriously hurt. Bin Four Excnralon to Terre Haute, ' JI.M round trip, July 13. Leave St. Lutils S:vt p. ra. Get tlciccts Broadway una Chestnut and station. Real Estate Transfers. ADELA1DB- -I ft. 1 In., n. s b'L Tnlrd and liclwer; Caroline Pose to St. If Una Terminal Companj w. d JISWW BHOADWAV 75 fU n. s.. bet. Koeln anJ gtelns; Emma Paule to Jorepb Gilllca w. d.'. J.SX) BROADWAY S) ft.: William Paddock to John Paddock w. d t BKLLB-- M ft.: Joseph Ryan to William Coodlett. Jr. w. d S BAY-- SJ .; J. nels to Alexlan nrothejs of St. Louis w. d 3.H3 BEUr-- r It 1 H. n. s.. bet. Marcus and Walton; John Crtlthton to Anne Innllan qte. d 10OT CASTXEMAN M ft., n. s., bet. Lawrence and Thurman: ilarciu Karyes to Au- - rust Iloardman w. d 1.1JJ BVANS-- io ft., n. s.. bet. Sarah and Wblttler: John Seller ta Mary Kerr KtCBEK SM n.: Connecticut Mutual Ufa Insurance Company to St. Louis-Roc- k Island Terminal Cfcmrany . d SA.ftOA LUmETIA ft: Bernard McManus to Helena Mehllc w. J j.S MOHQAN-1- 0" fL: William Gocdlett to Joseoh Ryan w. d i MAnyLAND-- M ft n. s.. bet. HoelM and mjioTi ruts uernart 10 lierhan Heal. , ., r"rtw.T.- - r MdNTCOMRRY-- 41 ft., n. .. bet. Jeffer- son J.SM and Elliot; John Baumer to JIari Relnke w. d MONTOOlinrtY- -n ft., n. s.. bet. Jeffer-I017a.- El:t: Marie lielnke to Eliza- beth Kerb w. d NATCRAI, BHirGE-- S ft.: Pat Reilly to Tbemas Connelly-- w. d.... CO) J;IV.Ew? ,.t .2; - S5ar"h "hd wi'- - w j"nn,c Chapman to Wlllinm Denke rsELjij-fV- : Hi "ln::"e."VM""bVt: oiasrnw and Bremen: Gus Wenit to Fortter Realty Company w d 1.0TI SiS.1'!?'"-?- 1 "- - & Cain to J Noin Atha Roterman'Vo"MiV-tl- n w. d.. TrSnIi0-- F " : lienderon nVait; to Jojlc, Glbson-- w. d S.CT) Dfir? Investment Com- - J.IM 10JCO fflaS2?5: Joka McDonald to Gx TJ&PiSSitt-v&S- S 10.JOO - ..w... aiati( w. Q, . t.tTJ Building: Permits. B"r' OIlve n1 Grand, boilfr room: rXGM "5!nrSon nlvrsltr. 431-- South Siita. fac tory: enrv and Zfinr 1m. . i...vm..y ,- - " " " lag; JLOno. i. . Goodlet. ;ir- - Kensington, fiats: ttWx, W. C. Coodleu WI7-- Morxaa. Cats: JltAM. "Lowest-Price- d Houso In RELSASLE Our solid gala casts r made especially for us by the best makers, with extra, heavy backs to pro- tect the movements. We tiuar&ntee thecv lo be Just as repre- sented. JjSSXJt 11 s :! o-:- t Jeueird motement, Hail Orders fvv' 7V' US '.eSr Filled. 14 ' SMti VT,j ivatr'i. fin nieX J r ! Til - T - a l 'iiobtM or rnkne tuine I SZ5.UQ 3. I'ri tniy W rlt- - for our complete dcrrlpllte ( nlnliiRUr eomaliilns: ncr Illutrntiun mitl iirlrra of fine Illuninnd, atrtir, lheruarr, Cut :ln-- , etc. SInllcd free. On BROADWAY, JOPLIN CONVENTION WILL NAME JUDGES Iteimhlican Contests Will Disturb Harmony of the Pro- ceeding.'. ) Indications point to almost as Interesting j a time In the Republican Judicial Conven tion, wmen will meee in jopun next lues-ds- y. ss that in the Jefferson City Conven- tion, June 24. Evidences of "harmony" are nliout as plentiful as tbev were during the tumultuous proceedings of the tate Nom- inating Convention. It I probable that the contests which were decided In Jefferson City between the St. Republican Club crowd and the Kerens-Zlegenhe'- crowd will be gone over again unless the convention itself takes action. It Is Mild that the St. Louis Re- publican Club i willing to abide by the de- cision of the Credentials Committee in the Jefferron City Convention, but that the Kerens crowd will make another try fr recognition in those wards where delega- tions v ere unseated two weeks ago. The temporarj roll of tbe convention which has been printed uses the report of the Jefferson City Credentials Committee us a basis. The Kerens faction does- - not intend to accept any such ruling, and will take full delegations down from the Fourth. Seventh and Tenth wards, whose delegations were unseated in Jefferson City. Gossip concerning probable nomination Is confined to n few probabilities. Henry Lamm of Sedalla may be one of the nom- inees. Edward Hlgbee of Lancaster, a friend of Colonel F. W. Blees of .Macon, may be another unless Kansas City Is given recognition by the nomination of James W. Moore or San ford B. Ladd. both of whom hav been mentioned. ' Moses Whybark of Marble Hill Is another probability, though he will be compelled N. A. Mozdy t.f Bloomlleld for the honor. These two men have been carrying on an energetic enmpaign in Southeast Mis- souri for Instructions. Whybark Is credited with being a Kerens man. and Mozely Is aligned with tho Aklns forces. Whybark voted for the certificates of Indebtedness while In the Leglilature. and h! opponaat are using this agatmt him. He Is on ef the few Republican who voted for tfcelr is- suance who Insists that he did right. 0:herJ such as Ben F. Russell ofStc-:-vlll- e. Major John L Blttlnger of St. Jo- seph and others, have "renlgged." ( Mondav evening u meeting of the State I Commltte- - will be nt the Keystone Ho- tel, where headquarters will be establish mJ for the delegates. The principal things to be done are the selection of a succe-so- to Colonel D. I". Dyer, who retired after be- ing Informed of hl election by the conven- tion, and the choice of a secretary to suc- ceed L F. Shriner. the Incumbent. It Is pe.slb!e that Mr. will be ecretary and an assistant lie named. Sir. Shriner Is now In the office of the Sur- veyor of tli" Port. It Is said that E. S. Austin is after the secretaryship. NEW FRIEND GOT HER RINGS. Young Man Departed While Miss Dannaher Got Ice Water. Sllss Kate Dannaher. a servant employed nt No. 4221 Cook avenue. Is anxious to learn the whereabouts of a "handsome" young man who relieved her of two ring last Wednesday evening. She frays that she met the fellow, who wore a brown cult and stylish Panama hat. last Wednesday evening on Grand cenue. H arcosied her and she allowed him to walk with her. He accompanied her to her noma on Cock avenue. Meantime he had asked to look at her rings und had thm In his possession. He asked fcr a drink of water, and she wrnt into the house to set It for him. but on her return he whs re to be seen. She reported the loss to the police She said that th man gave hi" name as William D. Wilson, and that he lived nt No. 230O Washlngtai avenue. No such per- son is known at thl address, which 1 that ot a drug store. The rings are valued at 120. The "laind of ilie Sty" nnd tbe Beautiful .Sapphire Country Reached In through sleepers via Southern Railway. OMcc. 719 Olivo street. CORNELL CLUB CELEBRATION. Anuual Jollification and Election at Cherokee Garden. I The Cornell Club of St. Hauls will hold Its celebration ot the recent triple victory of the Cornell boat crews at Cherokee Gar- den The Jollification was original- ly scheduled for June 2S. hut was postponed because of the heavy rain. Among the speakers will be George J. Tansey. Willi urown. Perry Pcwt Taylor and Alden Ittle. The annual election of officer will be held the same evening. The present officers of the club are C. H. An- derson, president, and Slartln Seward secre- tary. 1 We Correct All Dcfecta Of the human eye that glasses will remedy. Dr. Bend, our expert optician, will examine your eyes free of charge and lit them prop- erly if glasses are needed. Steel frames. Jl and up; gold. K and up. S1ERSIOD & JACCARD'S. On Broadway, cor. Locust st. n'ritior cototojvt,tjoa ntgrtni'. JlsileJrt. Another Splndletop Compromise. RKPCBUC SPECIAL Beaumont. Tex.. July 1L Another of the Snow suits for a ls Interest in Suindie Top property has been compromised, the Higglns Fuel Oil Company paying over to the representatives of the p!a:ntl.f tw.lui for the purpose of quieting the property under lease to the Hcywood Oil Company end owned by the Hlggins concern. Best for rheumatism Eimer & Amend Prescription. No. 2S5L Celebrated on It merits for many effectual cures. America for Fine Goods." WATCHES, We have the finest collcitioit of Reliable Watches ever shown. They arc filtetl with movements made especially for u- - and bear- ing our name. Kach watch if run and care- fully regulated before leaving our hands is registered and fully guaranteed tt Us a good rcliab.c timekeeper. XaJaSJLJf vtMi, (oenn onl; yuUiUU i u i:. O IJ Wat- -, Cr. JsfnMn n " - - " ."SSI- - o;r . $40.00 JEWELRY GO., Cor. Locust St. DYER'S INDORSEMENT FOR THEJU, SENATE Louisiana Ixepublicaus Disgusted With Marnier in Which Their Convention Was Controlled. IIEPPP.L.1C SPECIAL Louisiana. Mo.. July 10. Referring to the Indorsement of Colonel D. I. Dyer for United Stales Senator, the Globe-Democr- at remarked editorially yesterday: A cood example was set bv the Pike County llrpuUlcans In their convention the other da)-- . In nominating a, candidate for tbe LeclsUture tcey Instructed him on the Senatorial question-I- ths Iteiiub.lcaa county c menttou )ct to bo held vlmllar action U tit nils connection V- - may prove Interest- ing to relate how Colonti Dyer procured the indorsement and to describe the split bccasloneU by the action similar to wht.h tne uiobe-Deaioci- nt Is urging upon Repub- lican county conventions yet to be held as ues.n.ble. Mr. F. L Wilson Is chairman of the Pike County Republican Committee. He is an Aklns partUan. and his body called a coun- ty contention for May 31 to select drlegatcs to the State conventions. Slay 21 was se- lected because Colonel Dyer desired to bo here Decoration Day. and wanted to attend both affairs on one trip. Being almost neces- sary to hold the township conventions on Saturday, the committee was forced by Colonel Dyer's convenience to call same for Slay 24. an entire week ahead of tho County Conventlon. an unusual proceeding Colonel Dyer came up from 1. Louis to nls nld home. Slay 24. and got up a ticket en red paper, before the Township Conven- - Hon. on wnicn ticket was printed for a caDtlon. He made a sptech to thl convention, urging all pres- ent to vote tlf "little red tickets." and then, to aold the appearance of Interfering, withdrew to his; hotel while the convention oted. His ticket was snowed under by a majcruy 01 nearly iw votes, to Co tnus de- feated tn the township whero he had once, lived and practiced law for a third of a century was a bitter pill for his friends, but when tho rest of the county was heard from It was found that the Dyer faction would control the County Convention by a few votes. When It met. Slay 3L W. C. Shattuc was, iiuur cnairman. ana alter mucn wrangimg the Dyer followers named the delegates to the State conventions. Then the convention Adjourned sine die. But a county ticket was yet to be put In the field, and Colonel Dyer's frletuU did not care to take the chance of letting the Republicans in town- - thip mass conventions pass on the matter. so sir. vt llsou and his comm'.ttee called a convention for July l. to nominate a county ticket, and into the call they put a very ut.usual provision. They ordered that the dclesntes to this convention from each township ;hou!d be the same as those who bad bsen delegates to the last convcnt.on. This Is a ssmnle of Rentihllean rvnlittea hv which the "desirable action was attained. v, nen tna conventon met tne question or Its legality was at once raised, but th bare majority proceeded arbitrarily to name a county ticket, even though a brother to one of the nominees declared the nomlnnt'on would nut be accepted, and then to Indorse Colonel Dyer. The 'ote on the Indorsement of Colonel Dyer for the Senate stood S to 4L The thirty-fiv- e delegate from Buffalo Township, his former home, waited to vote against it. which they did to a man. and then many of them walked out. Four of the men on the county ticket have announced that they will resign. Both fac- tions arc attacking each other In the lo--al papers, over nam de plumes. Buslnes ties of years are bfrlng broken, and Pike County Republicans are turning Democrats dally. "Sly wife says she has made a discovery that should make houjekcepers rejoice. She lnsits that you do not need milk to make biscuit, when LAYTON'S QUICK HEALTH FOOD BAKING POWDBR Is used, a this BRAND WORKS BKTTER with COLD WATER than OTHER BRANDS do with SULK. Th- - price Is honest. 10 CENTS THE POUND. BOYS BURIED THE MONEY. Charged With Taking $4.9.1 From William Borcher. Frank Kuhn. 12 years old. of No. 1413 Sal- isbury street, and Charles Klelne. 12 ears old. living at Twenty-secon- d street and Newhouse avenue, were arrested Thursday on complaint of William Barchers of No. 671 Bremen avenue. Barchers stated that the boys stole from hL cash drawer JI.S3. of which $5.20 were found buried In a vacant lot at Ninth streoi and Bremen avenues, where the boy had secreted It. Barchers declined to prosecute and the probation officer was notified. Speelnl Offer In Fine Stationery. 1M sheets and So envelopes of "Impetlal Vellum" writing paper, stamped with a three-lett- er monogram, only JL73: WO finest calling cards printed from your plate, only 75 cents. SIKRSIOD JACCARD'S. On Broadway, cor. Locust st. nriUfercatalogve.sjwtnjratinjt.MailtJjrtt. ST. LOUIS COUNTY PARAGRAPHS. A mnrrlnge license- - rrna Issnrd In Clayton jesterdsy to Harry E. Claud cf Chicago and Jcacet ChaipenUer ef St. ne ""I"' wr8 married by Justice J. Will Barren. T lie replevin case that John Mrlta- - bruegsc brought against John SIcCulloch for tne recovery of a shepherd dog. about a week ago. was continued yesterday until July 22. The dog belongs to Jerry Coakley. station master at Union btatlon. and wa ???' by .h!,3!.J? Heimbruegge's home in Kirk wood. While there the canine was stolen and said to SlcCalloch. Helm-trueg- ge the antmaL SIcCulloch Is now visiting ln Montana, and the case was continued until he could be heard from. Kll Hodge, a negro, ns held for the Grand. Jury yesterday by Justice Greena-fe.d- er in Clayton on a charge of rcbhery. Hocgo is accused or having stolen S3 from m employe or the Xoraanuy Park Ciub. To Northern and Eastern Resorts WABASH L Enjoy an Observation-Caf- e, Parlor or Luxurious Chair Car Cooled by Electric Fans En Route. VERY LOW VACATION RATES. Stop-Ov- er Granted at Detroit and Niagara Falls. Ticket Office, Do You Ever stop to consider tbe present efficiency of the 'TELEGRAPH SERVICE compared with rhat It was before tht 'POSTAL' A fntftvri the fMd? VANDALIA-PENNSYLVANI- A TO - ATLANTIC COAST RESORTS. Ticket Office, 7th & Olive. LOVE HAD BEGINNING IN QUARANTINE WARD Mrs. James Avis, a Smallpox "urse, Kept Wedding Secret Pecause of Father's Death. Sllss Mamie Doyle, a former nurse at the Quarantine Hospital, and James Avis, dri- ver of the quarantine nmlulanee. have Just announced that they wi'e married at War-rensbu- r? Mo.. Aigust 11, ISO. the fact net having ben previously to their friends. The co'inl- - first Kit when Miss Doyle took a poiit.'-.- n as nurse ct the hospital during the Mnallpjx epidemic of last year. She nursed the pctients that were brought there by .Wis. and their cutics brought them cften together. One day Mis Dc-y!- i was called Yt me by the deatn of ie father, Patrick Duylc. a well-know- n c'tizen of Caicndelct. nev- er return 1. and Avis became try Icnely. But he learn-- 1 her audrcss end went to see her. His were frequent aflrr that. Sli. Doy'e declined to listen to hl en- treaties so cisse tipiju the- death oe her fa- ther, and ihjectetl to an IrrmeCIntu mar- riage. He tho-juh- t of a plan. hcweer. that, while no: In concora viitt: a sal heart, woutd ke.-t- , them from drifting apart, and lie made ihe proj-oslttt- of a tecret cere- mony. That nigh: they took a strcll. It wa the same night thv made their appearance at Warrensbu'.t. SILs Diyle's mother repri- manded her for staying ou: late tha. night. Many nights after this the two weie seen together, and thtlr frIen.U were beginning to wonder if they P) list thinking of marriage, when the rev.s was told them Sunday. E. JACCAIID JEWELRY CO.'S OFFICE Corner Broadway and Locust street. 11 ritSrceta! tngratiQt. Itailelfret. FINED F0IRSTRiKING HIS WIFE. Separated Couple Struggled for Possession of Their .Child. John Craig. No. 1512 South Eighth street, wis fined 30 by Judge Tracy In the Dayton Street Police Court yesterday for striking his wife. Emma, from whom he is parte!, and who was trying to get possession of their child. The couple separated last month and ru sued fcr divorce, it Is stated. They have two children. When they separated hfc . Kept tne oiacr cmiu auu .c younger. I.ater Craig got .possession of tne cnnu. uu uuuut. - ,"rc "" she wont to where her husband is living, and. It Is stated, attempted to tiJe the child. A struggle took place between Sir. Crlg and her husoand. and. it was stated, that he struck her ln the face. The case was brought In the First District Police Court, and wa taken to the Dayton Street Police Court on a change of venue. Two Fine Oflloea for Rent In the Slermod & Jaccard fireproof building. Broadway and Excellent service. Best location In the city. MRS. MARY OBERMEJER DEAD. Long a Resident of St. Louis and Prominent Charity Worker. Sirs. Slary Anna Obermeler. an old resi- dent of St. Louis, died Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the residence of her son. STx. George Obermeler. No. 1S33 Hogon street. She was born In Cincinnati la 1S25. and came to St. Lnuls with her parents when quite young, and has since then mnde this city her home, residing most of the time In North St. Louis. All her life Mm. Obermeler has Interested herself In church and cahrltable work, and leaves a host of friends. The funeral will take place Saturday morning from the res- idence of her son. George Ooermeler, to fct. Llborlus Church, wfcere solemn requiem, mass will be celebrated by Father Rice. Wabash Change of Time. Commencing Sunday. July 13. Moberly train, which now leaves HL Louis at 35 p. m. dally, will leave St. Louis on Sunda one hour later. Decatur accommodation train, which now leaves St. Louis at 4:10 p. m. dally, will leave St. Iiuls on Sundays at J3 p. m. Passenger for points north of Brunswick. Including Council Bluffs and Omaha, may leavc at) n. m.. Instead of 7:40 a. m.. as, heretofore, arriving at Omaha at 11:20 p. m. UNDERTAKER DIES SUDDENLY. Edward Oherschelp Falls Dead in Crowded Street. Edward Oberachelp of No. 1022 North Sixth street, manager for the Charles Ber-ges- ch Undertaking Company, at Sixth and Carr streets, fell dead on the sidewalk at Sixth street and Washington avenuo yes- terday afternoon. Heart disease ts sup- posed to have caused his death. The body was removed to the morgue. A. W. Keaton. bookkeeper for the undertaking-company- and Frank Pearson, policeman at the Coroner's office. Identified Ober-sche- lp an hour later. Doctor Waldo Brlggs had been treating Oberachelp for a nervous aliment for some time. It was through a card found In the dead man's pocket, wnich bore the physician' name, that the body was Identified. SchcdaJe Changed. Illinois Central Ne Orleans .limited for Co'roJfraphls .lu,l?-xl- e F1"" tar and Jacksonville, commencing J:"e h, W,U ,ev.e St-- Lo"1 Union Station at p. m.. instead of J0U5 p. m.. as formerly. -- VIA THE- - Harris Custom Toe for Sale on our new caatosa style gd. 4f""5f FOLLOW THE FLAG" Eighth and Olive Sts. QUICK COMFORT 'CLEANABLE" REFRIGERATORS. RINGEN STOVE CO .l UlLI.IAM r. llUiltM. II. J. UIKK.NXITK, PierWect. Secretary. ESTABLISHED IN ISO. MISSOURI STATK 3H.TXA1. I'lIIB A .ID 31ARIM-- : lSI ItA.Nt'B I'UMPAAY. OlRee. No. 717 Ch.ilnH L. St. Lcul. Mo. Tel. B'll Stain rTTIA, TeL A 113. rcllne are written on elih'i stock or mutual DinECTORB: Itennr C !"aar,tlcc J. It. C Lucas. M R Orihweln. r. D Walker. Aucustus NetM-rn- ut Jss W. FelL Wm. F Harres "ittt-trUetJ-'- Collvtl. r a 1Nuek(pi 200 Men's fine $20.00 and $18.00 Suits reduced to "11.75 Boys' S7.S0, S6.50. $5.00 and $4.00 Vcstec Suits, now 1,d Boys' $10.00. $8.50 and $7.50 Sailor Suits, now 3.75 Boys' $5.00. S4.00 and $3.50 Sailor Wash Suits, now -- je These are broken tot and will not last. All our own good make. Don't miss this opportunity. t eot(X OLD SOLDIERS' ORGANIZATION. New Association Formed to Con- trol Legislation. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. Washington. July 1L An "Old Soldiers' organization has been started here, and it Is planned to extend It all over the country and to take Into It all citizens who ever have fought for the United States. Speak- ing for the new organization "Private" Dalzell said: 'This organization Is intended to embrace soldiers ot all wars and their sons ln a na- tional political organization. It will not Interfere with party politics, religion or ant-oth- er obligations of Its members. It will not antagonize the Grand Army of the Re- public or the Union Veterans Union or any-othe- r patriotic organization now ln exist- ence, because the members of this new organization belongs to the others. 'The Intention of the promoters of the new combination. If It may so be called. I to have organizations by States, congres- sional districts, counties, and precincts, tha same as the political parties have organi- zations y. It is the purpose ot the organization to control nominations and elections of men who are favorable to tne. soldier and ir need be. to defeat, without regard to party, any man In the countrv for office who has demonstrated hostility or Indifference to the Interests of the old soldier of any and every war. "So broad Is this new order that Presi- dent Roosevelt, himself an honorably dis- charged soldier of the Untted State Army, may. and likely will, become a member, a will also. If they desire. General Breckin- ridge and "Fighting Joe" Wheeier. al- though they were fighters against the Union m ine uivii war. Tne single requirement for eligibility Is an honorable discharge from the military or naval service of, the ' UOVrmment. Sana nf .ll.ihU member Will also be admitted to the order. The Grand Army of the Republic i prohibited by it) constitution and by-la- w from Interfering In any wnv ln the nomination or appoint- ment or election of any person to civil oEce." Your Watch Sbonld Be Cleaned And oiled every twelve or eighteen months to insure best results, and by placing It with our expert watchmakers you will have 16 put ln perfect order at small cosL MERSIOD & JACCARD'S On Broadway, cor. Locust. WAS DETERMINED ON DEATH. Elmer Ferris Fought Wife Off and Swallowed Poison. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. Mattoon. HL. July U. Elmer Ferris, 23 years old. a prominent young farmer of Metcalfe. Edgar County, swallowed thirty-fiv- e grains of corrosive sublimate, yester- day. Hbl.wIfe anl rnt girl frantlcallr fought to prevent him. In the struggle Mrs. Ferris, was burned in the face. Ferris will die. t22jg 407 N. 6th St- - infi.It8Wt-- 4 -- iimniarti..i;l,iifariaJilij., SMm jss.!c fatl' MillfsWntr1iyrjijiin - a PES5J jJIgsLaijwg-agn- m iiws.'ijj'. I 3 i : i

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Our Greaterge SuitOffering


r --tf.W ,- -! Mle PC0

e hare irccicci more ofour splendidly made for usSerffc Xuils, and shall con-

tinue to sell them at TtcelreDollars.Every purchaser becomesone of our best customers,ready to push for our suc-cess.Clothes that make and holdfriends must possess muchto commend them, lle'ttliie to add you to our listof serge suit patrons.

etClothters. UabtrJathers cad Hatters.

Republic Bull&nz. OlheSL. Cor. Sevrofo.


Diamonds. Watches. Jewelry. Guns A PitL.Lowost ratos of interest. GLOBE,IC9 N. 6th St., bot. Pino &. Choatnut.BAlIUAlNs IS INUEUEEMLU I'LLDUES.

tffc E&EB& 9 ai!SATA UUN Lis .Fa

912-01- 4 FRANKLIN AVE.So L) renin, He Ool It,

"he larg-- ct an 1 u:vei complete cf unrs-!ni"- W

plrtJprs in Ih city. vfGents' and Ladles watches Jewelry nl

Illncs of all descriptions. Our alock was n'rerUrker and price k at at the prrteiit lime

Ve have made reductions in cur Gents una Ls-tie-

Watches thai amount to many dollars, be-cause we are determined to aell them. This li aippoitunlty to pixcure a fine Wallham. Hsrnk-fe-

Elgin. Snrlnstleld or any other movementfor atout the cot of manufacture. We-- also harethe largest stock of new and teeendhand elothlnrla II. city; we are selllnc flrtt-clas- s wearing

at prices unheard of. Style, quality and ntkre up to date.

Tilt neputilo l mated f1th rollera rosda byC. V. CJIUTSIXGEK. No Il-i- l 8. Third at.



LNUCDEnilKO PLEDGES FOR MUiDaslness Confidential.

I Exj!l5 slVrsI In CO ta anteiIwllh farmd. or

BOfee.SottJnfoclr!.SriSetni. terlitxnB-oVIr- t.'ai oute ?- -. si. miiii, jso.




TROT vour Bovs down to THE CRAW-FORD STORE y and set them out-fitted!! They have licautlful summer gcodsnow at less than the cost of the material.Then why should you miss them?


H. Clay Heather. Prosecuting Attorneyat Palmyra. Mo., is a guest at the Laclede.

Charles Hodge of Dallas Is a Texas ar-

rival at the Laclede.A. E. Smith of Beecher City. III.. Is

xeslstered at the Laclede.A Mollne. HI., party, consisting of H.

Ackerman. William Ruady and H. Watson,arc at the Imperial.

W. H. Woods of Fort Worth. Tex., isat the Imperial for a few days.

George W. Beebe of Anna, III., Is at theSt Jtmes.

The Southern has on Its register W. V.Cholsser of Harrlsburg. III.

S. Pern- - Richardson of Davenport. la..Is one of the Southern's guests.

George J. Gray of Kansas City Is so-

journing at tho Southern.A. M. Ansel of Chicago Is staying at the

Ttfoyer.A. H. Rastman of New Orleans In a

Moser guest.Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. HcCann of St.

Joseph have apartments at the St, Nich-olas.

J. William Hampden Pyc of Hartford,Conn.. Is an arrival at the St. Nicholas.

H. H. Condlt of Indianapolis Is quar-tered at the St. Nicholas.

Mr. and Mrs. C R. Hayes and daugh-ter. Miss May. of Sedalla. Mo., are atHorn's.

Frank Jackson of Macon. Mo., is aguest at Horn's.

J. L. Hurtcheson of Chattanooga is atthe Llndell.

Mrs. J. J. Frank and son of PoplarBluff. Mo., are Llndell guests.

Mrs. I H. Clark or Indianapolis is aLlndell guesL

Neal T. Scott of Ladonla la one of theLinden's TexasIgueus.

Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Hall of KansasCity are at the Planters.

J. B. Husten of Marshall, Mo., reachedthe Planters yesterday.

Schcdrtl Cnnnjjeil.Illinois Central ijew Orleans limited for

Cairo, Memphis and Dixie Flyer for Nash-ville. Atlanta and Jacksonville, commencingJune 6, will leave St. Louis Union Stationat ) p ta., instead of 10:15 p. m.. asformerly.

Farmer "Wife Commits Salclde.XtEPl'UUC FPKCIAI

Russcllvllle. .Mo.. July 11. Mrs. FredWsgner. the young wife of a highly rospected farmer of near this place, com-mitted suicide this forenoon by drinkingabout two ounces of carbolic acid. Herhusband I'.as away from home thrashingwheat and her parents were out In tnafield at the time. She was discovered ly-ing on the floor by a neighbor, who calledat tho Wagner home and Doctor Norwoodof KuEsellvffle was hurriedly summoned.He arrived about a quarter of an hour be-fo- ro

she died. The following note wasfound nerr where she was lying: "Fred,rll I ask of you Is to send all my nicethings and let the. girls divide them exceptmy waf-fc- . which Is for Mary here. YouvouM k mf. wluit I am doing this for.It is Iqn !?cuj2C 1 am not satisfied here,ihat is all."

DIIIXIC HAD IT CCn,ED.The Immune Treatment not only makes

drink Intolerable, bet rebuilds constitutionalevils caused by excesses. The new life whichour patients live is te strongest attest ofits efflcacy. jind tna dost substantial busi-ness firms endorsj it. Address, for particu-lars. PAQUIN 1MMUNK COMPANY, Ful-kr'- o"

st, Louis.



l Asserts Tlmt Offer Was Made toDiop Case Against Fugithe

for 30-J,O-


Says It IJcileots on Canadian Judi-ciary ProsiM'tition Presents

.Motion to Ji:ah Writsof Habeas Corpus?.

Quebec. July U.-- In the Gaynor-Grcen- e

case- - y. referring to the n portssent to Attorney General Kncx by Mr. M.Hrwln. Mr. Taschereau protestedagainst tl: remarks made by Mr. Krwlnrespecting the Judiciary in this provinceand said he considered It an act of effront-ery.

He regretted Krwln's absence here y.

as he had something Interesting to tellhim. but hoped that counel for the

would do . He was quite rutprfsed.he said, that In lii report Mr. Krnln hadnot Informed the I'r.lteu Stales nsithorlllesthat !e had maile an clTer tu the prisonersto drou the ase If the latter noubl P"iyover JSOO.'UO!1 to the Unlttu States Gocrn-men- t.

This offer. Mr. Tasehfreju said, wasmade in the Wlr.d-o- r Hotel. Montreal. nthe Saturday following the arrest of Gay-n- or

a:.d Greene.Mes.vrs. MeMa-t- cr and DanJurand pro-

tested against ilr. Taschereau's remarksregarding Hrwin's report and said the lat-ter had net reflected on the Judges, buton the contrary, he had expressed high ap-preciation of them. They d'd not believethat Mr. Bruin ever made such an offer tothe accused.

Sir. then presented a motion toquash the habeas corpus writs issued onJune 2i) and 21 by Judge Caron. Couns-e- l

for the accufCd asked for a delay to Tues-day next to reply. This delay was grantedand couns-e- for the prosecution was givenuntil Ktiday next to answer the replies ofcounsel for the defence.

Mr Taschereau also moved that JudgeCaron fix a day for a hearing on the meritsof the case, but the Judge remarked thatthe motions to quash the writs ef habeascorpus had precedence.


Private Detective .Mistaken by Po-

liceman for Rank Thief.Because he wore a Panama hat like the

one that adorned the head of the youngman who attempted to Meal a bundle oteurrency amounting to I3.M from the St.

Union Trui-- t 1'ompnny Monday. Ar-thur R. Bunion, agent for a local detectiveagency, wan arrested nd eomrclled to :ldein a patrol nagon to the Four Court."'1htiroay evening.

Vigilance on the private detective's part,as well as that of tne policeman who ar-rested him. led to the arrest. PatrolmanMoorman of the Central District, since theattempt to steal the money, hai scannedcIoscI the faces of all those who amenear the trust company's building ctFourth and Olive streets. Thursday hesaw Burton standing on the corner oppositethe financial institution's structure. ThePanama hat. worn by the detective, whohad been employed by the trust company tolook out for the return of the would-b- e

thief, seemed to the policeman sufficientevidence on which to make an arrest. Ap-proaching Burton carefully, Moorman said:"The Captain wants to see you at the FourCourts."

Burton's protest that he had no businesswith the Captain were In vain. Beingsure of his ability to clear himself. Burtonaccompanied the policeman to the patrolbox and smilingly seated himself In thewagon when it arrived. Once before Cap-tain Reynolds, he readllv Droied his identi-ty and was permitted to go. He was onduty again yesterday and so was Moorman,but the latter wai looking for better evi-dence than a Panama hat.


Vacation Playgrounds ChildrenHave an Outing.

The second country excursion of the Va-

cation Playgrounds Committee was i takenyesterday. Ramona Park was the destina-tion, and during the day 150 children fromths tenements enjoyed the unlimited privi-lege of the pretty county grove on the Fer-guson division of the Suburban Railroad.

Four special cars were furnished by theSuburban Railway free of charge to takethe little one to the country. The parkwas also furnished free by Mr. Goss. themanager. The little ones seemed like birdsout of a cage In the park, and kept theirteachers busy looking after them. Game3of various kinds were played, and lunchwan furnished on the grounds.

The children were In charge of Miss A.Mrs. Patterson. Miss Robb. Miss

Brennan. Mrs. Bell. Mrs. Kenncy and Mrs.Stoddard. They went to the park early Inthe dav and returned yesterday afternoonabout S o'clock.

The third outing will be taken nextThursday to Forest Park Highlands, whenthe little ones will be the quests of thTransit Company and the Forest ParkHighlands Committee. They will be ad-mitted to the pavilion for the afternoonshow free of charge.

?22 Aabevllle, X. C, and nctnrn $22.Via Southern Railway. Ofllce. 719 Olivestreet.


Judge r?ldener Decides .'"auiue MayItesent Teasing.

Tying tin cans, firecrackers or other ter-rifying articles to a dog's tall, according toa decision by Judge George B. Sldener inthe First District Police Court yesterday,gives the canine a legal righ to Lite hispersecutor.

This unique decision came up In the caseot Abraham Simon of No. 13)2 South Broad-way, who was arrested en a charge ofkeeping a vicious dog. Little Willie Quinnof No. 1502 South Broadway appeared toprosecute Simon, and declared that the dogbit him. A witness In Simon's behalf de-clared that Willie had attempted to at-tach a can of rocks to the dog's tall.

"Discharged." said Judge Sldener whenhe heard this evidence. "I would tile. too.If I were the dog."

The Hound of the Baskenilles." thelatest and best Sherlock Holmes story byConnn Doyle, will begin as a serial in nextSunday's Republic.


James Woods Says It Cost HimSis Dollars to Learn It.

James Woods of No. 61S Elm street toldthe police yesterday that he, was robbedlate Thursday night by three men whotook him into an alley to show him how-Hi-e

"strong arm" Is accomplished by n.

He said it cost him ti to learnthe trick.

Edward Reilly. Edward Curran and DaveMurphy, who were arrested as illustratorsof the "strong arm." were Identified byWoods. The men. Woods said, met him ina ealoon and the conversation turned torobberies. The trio, he declares, offered toshow him how a man wan robbed in theMley near the saloon several nights before.Unsophisticated in the ways ot highway-men. Woods accompanied them to be en-lightened. One man. he says, grabbed himabout the neck In a way to pln'on hisarms, at the same time Another remarking:'This is the way they did it." put his handsIn his pockets and .extracted the money.

Schedule Chanced.Illinois Central New Orleans limited for

Cairo, Memphis and Dixie Flyer for Nash-ville. Atlanta and Jacksonville, commencingJune 6. will leave St. Louis Union Stationat 10:30 p. m., instead of 10:15 p. m., asformerly.




j Confident That Ills Airship WillExcel That or the Noted



Claims That He Will l.e . hie toAsrenil or Descent I With the

Kase of a l.ird Testiu a Few Days.

Th Psr-s- n.

Hth St. anl Pennsylvania AeWashington. July II. Mr. T. C. Benbow.

the Montana Inventor, who hss been In

Washington for the past month building

the model of an airship which he claimswill be able to show n clean pair of w!n;tto anything M. Hantos-Dutno- nt can turnout. Is a typical hustling Westerner, with aremarkable facial resemblance to ThomasA. Edison.

Mr. Beiibow's experiments with aerialnnvlcatinn have covered a period of about

1 ten years. For the lat two year he habeen striving to p:oduce n macmne ina.would ifimbtne the qualities cf absolutedltigibility, safety and speed. He thinkshe has It nuw and he has succeeded Inconvincing a number of practical cnjltal-M- s

that Ms ship will be able to do what Isclaimed for it. The first test will occurin a few days ct Frankfort. N. V.

Four Fan Propellers.The distinctive feature of Mr. Benbow's

machine are the four Immense fan propel-lers, with automatically folding b.adm. con-

structed cf hollow attel tubing and silk.By an ingenious and tlmple cam-whe- el ar-rangement, operated by levers from thear of the ship, tnese folding blades can

be set so as to open and close at any givenjiclnt In the r circuit without l:ening theDd of their revolution.The resistance of the propellers to the

atmosphere can thus oe brought to bar tnthe downward s.roke of the propeller it thexeronaut wishes to rise in the air or vicecisa if he wishes to s.nk gently to the

earth or ut any angle necessary to produceuu oblique line of flight on either an ascend-ing or descending plane.

Mr. Benbow claims that this arrangementwill do away with the necessity of carryingballast and that he can descend to theearth as gently as a bird does from Itsftlht Tho fnl.Hnir li!nn- - nf th fan are

I much broader at their outer ends, thusgiving thiin a greater degree cf leveragethan tne wings ni a uiru.

The whole tnupnlne. wtieii completed, willweigh between RO and HW pounds. It Issupoorte . In the air by two oblong gasbags. Ti.j Idea of having two bags Instead.I one Is to guard against dangerous fails

bv reason of a puncture.If one bag should spring a leak the other

one Is suftitient to support the machine andhold the flaccid one tree ot the wings nfthe machinery. Either a gasoline or onelectric motor will be used to propel thscraft.

In discussing the invention. Mr. Benbowsa!d:

Airships nt the World's I'nlr."I lalm that with my machine I can sail

either over or under the Brooklyn bridge.My suggestion to the St. Louis Fair author-ities was to have a number of hurdles setup on the ground to test the dirlglbillty ufthe airships. I am certain that with mymachine I can sail alternately over and un-der them.

"M. Santos's machine N nothing but aballoon with a propeller attached. He Isforced to use ballast to rise and a grapplingline when he wishes to descend.

"It is hardly lair to the American in-

ventors that he should be allowed to cometo this country and practically dictate thecourse over which the trial nt the St-- LouisFair Is to be held. You will see a numberof American machines at the Fair. I pre-dict. The reason that the foreigners havetaken the lead so lar In this branch ofsci-n- ce li that they have paid more atten-tion to It. They have had the money tospend in experiments.

"I do not think that there will ever be apractical aeroplane In operation. Theremust be some power to hold the machineIn the air. Even our largest bird are verypoor flyers. Look at the ostrich and theturkey, for Instance."

"The Hound of the Baskervllles." thelatest and best Sberleck Holmes siory byConan Doyle, will begin as a serial in nextSunday's Republic


Fayette, 31o., to Have Meeting inSeptember.

KEPI BL.1C SPECIALFayette. Mo.. July 11. The Fayette Fair

Association has been organlz'.-- by electingR. Iee Holliday president. John W. Heistvice president, SI. B. Ycaman secretary andII. P. Slason treasurer.

It Is proposed to hold 3 IU str.jt TairSeptember 10. 11 nnd 12. In li r.yctte hada rousing fair and she proposes to ccllpccthat record this time.

Went End Hotel.Del'ghtfully cool looms and suite now

vacant: reasonable fcr July and August.


Eichard Jones Had Just liuricdFather at Van Buren, Ark.

ltEPL'BIJC SPECIAI.Van Buren. Ark.. July 1L Richard Jones,

n farmer, while returning from burying hisfather. wa3 Instantly killed this morningby a runaway team.

His two children were also seriously hurt.

Bin Four Excnralon to Terre Haute,' JI.M round trip, July 13. Leave St. LutilsS:vt p. ra. Get tlciccts Broadway unaChestnut and station.

Real Estate Transfers.ADELA1DB- -I ft. 1 In., n. s b'L

Tnlrd and liclwer; Caroline Pose to St.If Una Terminal Companj

w. d JISWWBHOADWAV 75 fU n. s.. bet. Koeln anJ

gtelns; Emma Paule to Jorepb Gilllcaw. d.'. J.SX)

BROADWAY S) ft.: William Paddock toJohn Paddock w. d t

BKLLB-- M ft.: Joseph Ryan to WilliamCoodlett. Jr. w. d S

BAY-- SJ .; J. nels to Alexlan nrothejs ofSt. Louis w. d 3.H3

BEUr--r It 1 H. n. s.. bet. Marcus andWalton; John Crtlthton to Anne Innllan

qte. d 10OTCASTXEMAN M ft., n. s., bet. Lawrence

and Thurman: ilarciu Karyes to Au- -rust Iloardman w. d 1.1JJ

BVANS-- io ft., n. s.. bet. Sarah andWblttler: John Seller ta Mary Kerr

KtCBEK SM n.: Connecticut Mutual UfaInsurance Company to St. Louis-Roc- kIsland Terminal Cfcmrany . d SA.ftOA

LUmETIA ft: Bernard McManus toHelena Mehllc w. J j.S

MOHQAN-1- 0" fL: William Gocdlett toJoseoh Ryan w. d iMAnyLAND--M ft n. s.. bet. HoelM andmjioTi ruts uernart 10 lierhan Heal., .,r"rtw.T.- - r

MdNTCOMRRY-- 41 ft., n. .. bet. Jeffer-son


and Elliot; John Baumer to JIariRelnke w. dMONTOOlinrtY- -n ft., n. s.. bet. Jeffer-I017a.-

El:t: Marie lielnke to Eliza-beth Kerb w. d

NATCRAI, BHirGE--S ft.: Pat Reilly toTbemas Connelly-- w. d.... CO)

J;IV.Ew? ,.t .2; - S5ar"h "hd wi'- -w j"nn,c Chapman to Wlllinm Denke

rsELjij-fV- :Hi "ln::"e."VM""bVt:

oiasrnw and Bremen: Gus Wenit toFortter Realty Company w d 1.0TISiS.1'!?'"-?- 1 "- - & Cain toJ Noin

Atha Roterman'Vo"MiV-tl- nw. d..

TrSnIi0-- F " : lienderon nVait;to Jojlc, Glbson-- w. d S.CT)

Dfir? Investment Com- -J.IM


fflaS2?5: Joka McDonald to GxTJ&PiSSitt-v&S- S 10.JOO

- ..w... aiati( w. Q, . t.tTJ

Building: Permits.B"r' OIlve n1 Grand, boilfr room:rXGM

"5!nrSon nlvrsltr. 431-- South Siita. factory:enrv and Zfinr 1m. . i...vm..y ,- -" " "lag; JLOno.

i. . Goodlet. ;ir-- Kensington, fiats: ttWx,W. C. Coodleu WI7-- Morxaa. Cats: JltAM.

"Lowest-Price- d Houso In

RELSASLEOur solid gala casts

r made especiallyfor us by the bestmakers, with extra,heavy backs to pro-tect the movements.We tiuar&ntee thecvlo be Just as repre-sented.

JjSSXJt 11 s :! o-:- t

Jeueird motement,



fvv' 7V' US '.eSr Filled.

14 ' SMti VT,j ivatr'i. fin nieX J r !

Til - T - a

l 'iiobtM or rnkne tuine I SZ5.UQ3. I'ri tniyW rlt- - for our complete dcrrlpllte ( nlnliiRUr eomaliilns: ncr

Illutrntiun mitl iirlrra of fine Illuninnd, atrtir, lheruarr, Cut:ln-- , etc. SInllcd free.




Iteimhlican Contests Will DisturbHarmony of the Pro-


)Indications point to almost as Interesting

j a time In the Republican Judicial Convention, wmen will meee in jopun next lues-ds- y.

ss that in the Jefferson City Conven-tion, June 24. Evidences of "harmony" arenliout as plentiful as tbev were during thetumultuous proceedings of the tate Nom-inating Convention.

It I probable that the contests whichwere decided In Jefferson City between theSt. Republican Club crowd and theKerens-Zlegenhe'- crowd will be gone overagain unless the convention itself takesaction. It Is Mild that the St. Louis Re-publican Club i willing to abide by the de-cision of the Credentials Committee in theJefferron City Convention, but that theKerens crowd will make another try frrecognition in those wards where delega-tions v ere unseated two weeks ago.

The temporarj roll of tbe conventionwhich has been printed uses the report ofthe Jefferson City Credentials Committeeus a basis. The Kerens faction does- - notintend to accept any such ruling, and willtake full delegations down from theFourth. Seventh and Tenth wards, whosedelegations were unseated in JeffersonCity.

Gossip concerning probable nominationIs confined to n few probabilities. HenryLamm of Sedalla may be one of the nom-inees. Edward Hlgbee of Lancaster, afriend of Colonel F. W. Blees of .Macon,may be another unless Kansas City Is givenrecognition by the nomination of James W.Moore or San ford B. Ladd. both of whomhav been mentioned. '

Moses Whybark of Marble Hill Is anotherprobability, though he will be compelled

N. A. Mozdy t.f Bloomlleld for thehonor. These two men have been carryingon an energetic enmpaign in Southeast Mis-souri for Instructions. Whybark Is creditedwith being a Kerens man. and Mozely Isaligned with tho Aklns forces. Whybarkvoted for the certificates of Indebtednesswhile In the Leglilature. and h! opponaatare using this agatmt him. He Is on efthe few Republican who voted for tfcelr is-suance who Insists that he did right.0:herJ such as Ben F. Russell ofStc-:-vlll- e.

Major John L Blttlnger of St. Jo-seph and others, have "renlgged." (

Mondav evening u meeting of the State I

Commltte-- will be nt the Keystone Ho-tel, where headquarters will be establish mJ

for the delegates. The principal things tobe done are the selection of a succe-so- toColonel D. I". Dyer, who retired after be-ing Informed of hl election by the conven-tion, and the choice of a secretary to suc-ceed L F. Shriner. the Incumbent. It Ispe.slb!e that Mr. will beecretary and an assistant lie named. Sir.

Shriner Is now In the office of the Sur-veyor of tli" Port. It Is said that E. S.Austin is after the secretaryship.


Young Man Departed While MissDannaher Got Ice Water.

Sllss Kate Dannaher. a servant employednt No. 4221 Cook avenue. Is anxious tolearn the whereabouts of a "handsome"young man who relieved her of two ringlast Wednesday evening. She frays thatshe met the fellow, who wore a brown cultand stylish Panama hat. last Wednesdayevening on Grand cenue.

H arcosied her and she allowed him towalk with her. He accompanied her to hernoma on Cock avenue. Meantime he hadasked to look at her rings und had thm Inhis possession. He asked fcr a drink ofwater, and she wrnt into the house to setIt for him. but on her return he whs re

to be seen. She reported the loss tothe police

She said that th man gave hi" name asWilliam D. Wilson, and that he lived ntNo. 230O Washlngtai avenue. No such per-son is known at thl address, which 1 thatot a drug store. The rings are valuedat 120.

The "laind of ilie Sty" nndtbe Beautiful .Sapphire Country

Reached In through sleepers via SouthernRailway. OMcc. 719 Olivo street.


Anuual Jollification and Electionat Cherokee Garden.


The Cornell Club of St. Hauls will holdIts celebration ot the recent triple victoryof the Cornell boat crews at Cherokee Gar-den The Jollification was original-ly scheduled for June 2S. hut was postponedbecause of the heavy rain.

Among the speakers will be George J.Tansey. Willi urown. Perry Pcwt Taylorand Alden Ittle. The annual election ofofficer will be held the same evening. Thepresent officers of the club are C. H. An-derson, president, and Slartln Seward secre-tary.

1 We Correct All DcfectaOf the human eye that glasses will remedy.Dr. Bend, our expert optician, will examineyour eyes free of charge and lit them prop-erly if glasses are needed. Steel frames. Jland up; gold. K and up.

S1ERSIOD & JACCARD'S.On Broadway, cor. Locust st.

n'ritior cototojvt,tjoa ntgrtni'. JlsileJrt.Another Splndletop Compromise.

RKPCBUC SPECIALBeaumont. Tex.. July 1L Another of the

Snow suits for a ls Interest in SuindieTop property has been compromised, theHigglns Fuel Oil Company paying over tothe representatives of the p!a:ntl.f tw.luifor the purpose of quieting the propertyunder lease to the Hcywood Oil Companyend owned by the Hlggins concern.

Best for rheumatism Eimer & AmendPrescription. No. 2S5L Celebrated on Itmerits for many effectual cures.

America for Fine Goods."

WATCHES,We have the finest collcitioit

of Reliable Watches ever shown.They arc filtetl with movementsmade especially for u- - and bear-

ing our name. Kachwatch if run and care-fully regulated beforeleaving our hands isregistered and fullyguaranteed tt Us a goodrcliab.c timekeeper.


vtMi, (oennonl; yuUiUU

i u i:. O IJ Wat- -, Cr. JsfnMn n

" - - "."SSI- - o;r . $40.00



Cor. Locust St.



Louisiana Ixepublicaus DisgustedWith Marnier in Which Their

Convention Was Controlled.

IIEPPP.L.1C SPECIALLouisiana. Mo.. July 10. Referring to the

Indorsement of Colonel D. I. Dyer forUnited Stales Senator, the Globe-Democr- at

remarked editorially yesterday:A cood example was set bv the Pike County

llrpuUlcans In their convention the other da)-- .

In nominating a, candidate for tbe LeclsUturetcey Instructed him on the Senatorial question-I-

ths Iteiiub.lcaa county c menttou )ct to boheld vlmllar action U

tit nils connection V-- may prove Interest-ing to relate how Colonti Dyer procuredthe indorsement and to describe the splitbccasloneU by the action similar to wht.htne uiobe-Deaioci- nt Is urging upon Repub-lican county conventions yet to be held asues.n.ble.

Mr. F. L Wilson Is chairman of the PikeCounty Republican Committee. He is anAklns partUan. and his body called a coun-ty contention for May 31 to select drlegatcsto the State conventions. Slay 21 was se-lected because Colonel Dyer desired to bohere Decoration Day. and wanted to attendboth affairs on one trip. Being almost neces-sary to hold the township conventions onSaturday, the committee was forced byColonel Dyer's convenience to call same forSlay 24. an entire week ahead of tho CountyConventlon. an unusual proceeding

Colonel Dyer came up from 1. Louis tonls nld home. Slay 24. and got up a ticketen red paper, before the Township Conven- -Hon. on wnicnticket was printed for a caDtlon. He madea sptech to thl convention, urging all pres-ent to vote tlf "little red tickets." andthen, to aold the appearance of Interfering,withdrew to his; hotel while the convention

oted. His ticket was snowed under by amajcruy 01 nearly iw votes, to Co tnus de-feated tn the township whero he had once,lived and practiced law for a third of acentury was a bitter pill for his friends,but when tho rest of the county was heardfrom It was found that the Dyer factionwould control the County Convention by afew votes.

When It met. Slay 3L W. C. Shattuc was,iiuur cnairman. ana alter mucn wrangimgthe Dyer followers named the delegates tothe State conventions. Then the conventionAdjourned sine die. But a county ticketwas yet to be put In the field, and ColonelDyer's frletuU did not care to take thechance of letting the Republicans in town- -thip mass conventions pass on the sir. vt llsou and his comm'.ttee called aconvention for July l. to nominate a countyticket, and into the call they put a veryut.usual provision. They ordered that thedclesntes to this convention from eachtownship ;hou!d be the same as those whobad bsen delegates to the last convcnt.on.

This Is a ssmnle of Rentihllean rvnlittea hvwhich the "desirable action was attained.v, nen tna conventon met tne question orIts legality was at once raised, but th baremajority proceeded arbitrarily to name acounty ticket, even though a brother to oneof the nominees declared the nomlnnt'onwould nut be accepted, and then to IndorseColonel Dyer.

The 'ote on the Indorsement of ColonelDyer for the Senate stood S to 4L Thethirty-fiv- e delegate from Buffalo Township,his former home, waited to vote against it.which they did to a man. and then manyof them walked out.

Four of the men on the county ticket haveannounced that they will resign. Both fac-tions arc attacking each other In the lo--alpapers, over nam de plumes. Buslnes tiesof years are bfrlng broken, and Pike CountyRepublicans are turning Democrats dally.

"Sly wife says she has made a discoverythat should make houjekcepers rejoice. Shelnsits that you do not need milk to makebiscuit, when LAYTON'S QUICK HEALTHFOOD BAKING POWDBR Is used, a thisBRAND WORKS BKTTER with COLDWATER than OTHER BRANDS do withSULK. Th- - price Is honest. 10 CENTSTHE POUND.


Charged With Taking $4.9.1 FromWilliam Borcher.

Frank Kuhn. 12 years old. of No. 1413 Sal-

isbury street, and Charles Klelne. 12 earsold. living at Twenty-secon- d street andNewhouse avenue, were arrested Thursdayon complaint of William Barchers of No.671 Bremen avenue.

Barchers stated that the boys stole fromhL cash drawer JI.S3. of which $5.20 werefound buried In a vacant lot at Ninth streoiand Bremen avenues, where the boy hadsecreted It. Barchers declined to prosecuteand the probation officer was notified.

Speelnl Offer In Fine Stationery.1M sheets and So envelopes of "Impetlal

Vellum" writing paper, stamped with athree-lett- er monogram, only JL73: WO finestcalling cards printed from your plate, only75 cents.

SIKRSIOD JACCARD'S.On Broadway, cor. Locust st.


ST. LOUIS COUNTY PARAGRAPHS.A mnrrlnge license- - rrna Issnrd InClayton jesterdsy to Harry E. Claud cfChicago and Jcacet ChaipenUer ef ""I"' wr8 married by JusticeJ. Will Barren.

T lie replevin case that John Mrlta- -bruegsc brought against John SIcCullochfor tne recovery of a shepherd dog. about aweek ago. was continued yesterday untilJuly 22. The dog belongs to Jerry Coakley.station master at Union btatlon. and wa???' by .h!,3!.J? Heimbruegge's home inKirkwood. While there the canine wasstolen and said to SlcCalloch. Helm-trueg- ge

the antmaL SIcCullochIs now visiting ln Montana, and the casewas continued until he could be heard from.

Kll Hodge, a negro, ns held for theGrand. Jury yesterday by Justice Greena-fe.d- er

in Clayton on a charge of rcbhery.Hocgo is accused or having stolen S3 fromm employe or the Xoraanuy Park Ciub.

To Northern andEastern Resorts

WABASH LEnjoy an Observation-Caf- e, Parlor or Luxurious

Chair Car Cooled by Electric Fans En Route.


Stop-Ov- er Granted at Detroit and Niagara Falls.

Ticket Office,

Do You Everstop to consider tbepresent efficiency of the'TELEGRAPH SERVICEcompared with rhat Itwas before tht 'POSTAL' Afntftvri the fMd?



Ticket Office, 7th & Olive.



Mrs. James Avis, a Smallpox"urse, Kept Wedding SecretPecause of Father's Death.

Sllss Mamie Doyle, a former nurse at theQuarantine Hospital, and James Avis, dri-

ver of the quarantine nmlulanee. have Justannounced that they wi'e married at War-rensbu- r?

Mo.. Aigust 11, ISO. the fact nethaving ben previously to theirfriends.

The co'inl- - first Kit when Miss Doyletook a poiit.'-.- n as nurse ct the hospitalduring the Mnallpjx epidemic of last year.She nursed the pctients that were broughtthere by .Wis. and their cutics broughtthem cften together.

One day Mis Dc-y!- i was called Yt me bythe deatn of ie father, Patrick Duylc. awell-know- n c'tizen of Caicndelct. nev-er return 1. and Avis became try Icnely.But he learn-- 1 her audrcss end went to seeher. His were frequent aflrr that.

Sli. Doy'e declined to listen to hl en-

treaties so cisse tipiju the- death oe her fa-

ther, and ihjectetl to an IrrmeCIntu mar-riage. He tho-juh- t of a plan. hcweer. that,while no: In concora viitt: a sal heart,woutd ke.-t-, them from drifting apart, andlie made ihe proj-oslttt- of a tecret cere-mony.

That nigh: they took a strcll. It wa thesame night thv made their appearance atWarrensbu'.t. SILs Diyle's mother repri-manded her for staying ou: late tha. night.

Many nights after this the two weie seentogether, and thtlr frIen.U were beginningto wonder if they P) list thinking ofmarriage, when the rev.s was told themSunday.

E. JACCAIID JEWELRY CO.'S OFFICECorner Broadway and Locust street.

11 ritSrceta! tngratiQt. Itailelfret.


Separated Couple Struggled forPossession of Their .Child.

John Craig. No. 1512 South Eighth street,wis fined 30 by Judge Tracy In the Dayton

Street Police Court yesterday for strikinghis wife. Emma, from whom he is parte!,and who was trying to get possession oftheir child.

The couple separated last month and ru

sued fcr divorce, it Is stated. They havetwo children. When they separated hfc

.Kept tne oiacr cmiu auu .cyounger. I.ater Craig got .possession oftne cnnu. uu uuuut. - ,"rc ""she wont to where her husband is living,and. It Is stated, attempted to tiJe thechild. A struggle took place between Sir.Crlg and her husoand. and. it was stated,that he struck her ln the face. The casewas brought In the First District PoliceCourt, and wa taken to the Dayton StreetPolice Court on a change of venue.

Two Fine Oflloea for RentIn the Slermod & Jaccard fireproof building.Broadway and Excellent service.Best location In the city.


Long a Resident of St. Louis andProminent Charity Worker.

Sirs. Slary Anna Obermeler. an old resi-

dent of St. Louis, died Thursday afternoonat 3 o'clock at the residence of her son.STx. George Obermeler. No. 1S33 Hogonstreet. She was born In Cincinnati la 1S25.

and came to St. Lnuls with her parentswhen quite young, and has since then mndethis city her home, residing most of thetime In North St. Louis.

All her life Mm. Obermeler has Interestedherself In church and cahrltable work, andleaves a host of friends. The funeral willtake place Saturday morning from the res-idence of her son. George Ooermeler, to fct.Llborlus Church, wfcere solemn requiem,mass will be celebrated by Father Rice.

Wabash Change of Time.Commencing Sunday. July 13. Moberly

train, which now leaves HLLouis at 35 p. m. dally, will leave St.Louis on Sunda one hour later.

Decatur accommodation train, which nowleaves St. Louis at 4:10 p. m. dally, will

leave St. Iiuls on Sundays at J3 p. m.Passenger for points north of Brunswick.

Including Council Bluffs and Omaha, mayleavc at) n. m.. Instead of 7:40 a. m.. as,heretofore, arriving at Omaha at 11:20 p. m.


Edward Oherschelp Falls Dead inCrowded Street.

Edward Oberachelp of No. 1022 NorthSixth street, manager for the Charles Ber-ges- ch

Undertaking Company, at Sixth andCarr streets, fell dead on the sidewalk atSixth street and Washington avenuo yes-terday afternoon. Heart disease ts sup-posed to have caused his death.

The body was removed to the morgue. A.W. Keaton. bookkeeper for the undertaking-company-

and Frank Pearson, policemanat the Coroner's office. Identified Ober-sche- lp

an hour later. Doctor Waldo Brlggshad been treating Oberachelp for a nervousaliment for some time. It was through acard found In the dead man's pocket, wnichbore the physician' name, that the bodywas Identified.

SchcdaJe Changed.Illinois Central Ne Orleans .limited forCo'roJfraphls .lu,l?-xl- e F1"" tar

and Jacksonville, commencingJ:"e h, W,U ,ev.e St-- Lo"1 Union Stationat p. m.. instead of J0U5 p. m.. asformerly.

-- VIA THE- -

Harris Custom Toe for Saleon our new caatosa style gd. 4f""5f


Eighth and Olive Sts.




UlLI.IAM r. llUiltM. II. J. UIKK.NXITK,PierWect. Secretary.


31ARIM-- : lSI ItA.Nt'B I'UMPAAY.OlRee. No. 717 Ch.ilnH L. St. Lcul. Mo.Tel. B'll Stain rTTIA, TeL A 113.

rcllne are written on elih'i stock or mutual u.saDinECTORB:

Itennr C !"aar,tlcc J. It. C Lucas.M R Orihweln. r. D Walker.Aucustus NetM-rn- ut Jss W. FelL

Wm. F Harres

"ittt-trUetJ-'- Collvtl.

ra 1Nuek(pi

200 Men's fine $20.00 and$18.00 Suits reduced to

"11.75Boys' S7.S0, S6.50. $5.00 and

$4.00 Vcstec Suits, now

1,dBoys' $10.00. $8.50 and $7.50

Sailor Suits, now

3.75Boys' $5.00. S4.00 and $3.50

Sailor Wash Suits, now

--jeThese are broken tot and will

not last. All our own good make.Don't miss this opportunity.

t eot(X


New Association Formed to Con-

trol Legislation.REPUBLIC SPECIAL.

Washington. July 1L An "Old Soldiers'organization has been started here, and itIs planned to extend It all over the countryand to take Into It all citizens who everhave fought for the United States. Speak-ing for the new organization "Private"Dalzell said:

'This organization Is intended to embracesoldiers ot all wars and their sons ln a na-tional political organization. It will notInterfere with party politics, religion or ant-oth- er

obligations of Its members. It willnot antagonize the Grand Army of the Re-public or the Union Veterans Union or any-othe- r

patriotic organization now ln exist-ence, because the members of this neworganization belongs to the others.

'The Intention of the promoters of thenew combination. If It may so be called. Ito have organizations by States, congres-sional districts, counties, and precincts, thasame as the political parties have organi-zations y. It is the purpose ot theorganization to control nominations andelections of men who are favorable to tne.soldier and ir need be. to defeat, withoutregard to party, any man In the countrvfor office who has demonstrated hostilityor Indifference to the Interests of the oldsoldier of any and every war.

"So broad Is this new order that Presi-dent Roosevelt, himself an honorably dis-charged soldier of the Untted State Army,may. and likely will, become a member, awill also. If they desire. General Breckin-ridge and "Fighting Joe" Wheeier. al-though they were fighters against the Unionm ine uivii war. Tne single requirementfor eligibility Is an honorable dischargefrom the military or naval service of, the 'UOVrmment. Sana nf .ll.ihU member Willalso be admitted to the order. The GrandArmy of the Republic i prohibited by it)constitution and by-la- w from InterferingIn any wnv ln the nomination or appoint-ment or election of any person to civiloEce."

Your Watch Sbonld Be CleanedAnd oiled every twelve or eighteen monthsto insure best results, and by placing It withour expert watchmakers you will have 16put ln perfect order at small cosL

MERSIOD & JACCARD'SOn Broadway, cor. Locust.


Elmer Ferris Fought Wife Off andSwallowed Poison.

REPUBLIC SPECIAL.Mattoon. HL. July U. Elmer Ferris, 23

years old. a prominent young farmer ofMetcalfe. Edgar County, swallowed thirty-fiv- e

grains of corrosive sublimate, yester-day.

Hbl.wIfe anl rnt girl frantlcallrfought to prevent him. In the struggleMrs. Ferris, was burned in the face. Ferriswill die.

t22jg 407 N.6th St- -

infi.It8Wt--4 -- iimniarti..i;l,iifariaJilij., SMm jss.!cfatl' MillfsWntr1iyrjijiin - a PES5JjJIgsLaijwg-agn- m iiws.'ijj'.



