september/october 2013

President’s Leer I am delighted to welcome you to Thursday Musical’s 122 nd season! Over the summer our Thursday Musical programmers have developed our three series, and we have a fabulous season planned for you. The opening concert of our Thursday Morning Artist Series is October 3 at the Bloomington Center for the Arts. Come early and enjoy pastries and coffee from our TM silver service at 9:30 AM. The concert begins at 10:30 AM. Our fall Home Programs will be on October 24 with four homes from which you may choose, three in the morning and one in the evening. What a delight to hear music performed in the intimacy of a home! The Home Programs are always some of my favorites. Our Community Concerts are scheduled at many venues and times across the Twin Cities. See the Events of Note for times and locations or check our website for the most up-to-date program information. This fall Thursday Musical concerts will be held in three locations: the Bloomington Center for the Arts on October 3 and 17, MacPhail Center for Music’s Antonello Hall on November 21 and at Concordia University’s Buetow Hall on November 7. Each hall is beautiful and has good acoustics. Come to the location near you! At last May’s Annual Meeting, a complete revision of the Bylaws was passed. The biggest change implemented was the establishment of an Executive Council, consisting of the President, Vice President-Membership, Treasurer, Secretary, a representative of the programmers (Monica Murray, our Artist Series Chair) and Sylvia Wilson, our Student Section Chair. We met twice over the summer, dealing with the day-to-day issues of Thursday Musical, as well as beginning some strategic planning . I look forward to seeing you at our opening concert! Liz Nordling, President Liz Nordling, President President’s Leer 1 Artist Series 1 Announcements 2 Home Programs 3 Performing Members 5 Young Artist Prgm 9 Community Concerts 10 Home Programs Res. 10 Membership 11 Events of Note 12 SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2013 VOLUME XXVI, NO. 1 THURSDAY MUSICAL CONTENTS A publication of Thursday Musical Thursday Morning Artist Series Features New Format and New Venue In addition to the Bloomington Center for the Arts and MacPhail Center for Music, the 2013- 2014 Thursday Morning Artist Series offers a new beautiful concert venue, the Buetow Music Auditorium located on the campus of Concordia University, St. Paul. With the exception of the opening concert, programs will feature three performers instead of four, allowing for more potential performance time. The popular Living Concert Notes returns once again, which includes live, moderated discussion with the performers about the music they are performing. Moderators are composer and vocal- ist Abbie Betinis (December 5) and MPR an- nouncer Steve Staruch (February 20). Several concerts will also feature winners from the 2013 Young Artist Scholarship Competition. On October 3, the opening concert features new performing member, pianist Min Jung Kim who was born in South Korea and began piano lessons at the age of six. A prize winning pianist, she also has been a featured participant in several summer workshops and chamber music festivals, including Vienna International Summer Music Festival, Spain Tenerife International Music Festival, and Jeju Island Music Festival. Recently, she won the third prize (bronze medalist) at the 2013 Houston Symphony’s Ima Hogg Competition and her live performance with the Houston Symphony has been broadcast nationally on KUHA in Houston. She recently received her Doctor of Musical Arts degree from the University of Minnesota where she studied with Distinguished McKnight Professor Lydia Artymiw. Continued on page 10

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Page 1: September/October 2013

President’s Letter

I am delighted to welcome you to Thursday

Musical’s 122nd season!

Over the summer our Thursday Musical

programmers have developed our three series,

and we have a fabulous season planned for you.

The opening concert of our Thursday Morning

Artist Series is October 3 at the Bloomington

Center for the Arts. Come early and enjoy

pastries and coffee from our TM silver service at

9:30 AM. The concert begins at 10:30 AM.

Our fall Home Programs will be on October

24 with four homes from which you may choose,

three in the morning and one in the evening.

What a delight to hear music performed in the

intimacy of a home! The Home Programs are

always some of my favorites.

Our Community Concerts are scheduled at

many venues and times across the Twin Cities.

See the Events of Note for times and locations or

check our website for the

most up-to-date program information.

This fall Thursday Musical concerts will be

held in three locations: the Bloomington Center

for the Arts on October 3 and 17, MacPhail

Center for Music’s Antonello Hall on November

21 and at Concordia University’s Buetow Hall

on November 7. Each hall is beautiful and has

good acoustics. Come to the location near you!

At last May’s Annual Meeting, a complete

revision of the Bylaws was passed. The biggest

change implemented was the establishment of an

Executive Council, consisting of the President,

Vice President-Membership, Treasurer,

Secretary, a representative of the programmers

(Monica Murray, our Artist Series Chair) and

Sylvia Wilson, our Student Section Chair. We

met twice over the summer, dealing with the

day-to-day issues of Thursday Musical, as well as

beginning some strategic planning .

I look forward to seeing you at our opening


Liz Nordling, President

Liz Nordling, President

President’s Letter 1

Artist Series 1

Announcements 2

Home Programs 3

Performing Members 5

Young Artist Prgm 9

Community Concerts 10

Home Programs Res. 10

Membership 11

Events of Note 12



A publication of Thursday Musical

Thursday Morning

Artist Series Features New

Format and New Venue

In addition to the Bloomington Center for the

Arts and MacPhail Center for Music, the 2013-

2014 Thursday Morning Artist Series offers a

new beautiful concert venue, the Buetow Music

Auditorium located on the campus of Concordia

University, St. Paul.

With the exception of the opening concert,

programs will feature three performers instead

of four, allowing for more potential performance


The popular Living Concert Notes returns once

again, which includes live, moderated discussion

with the performers about the music they are

performing. Moderators are composer and vocal-

ist Abbie Betinis (December 5) and MPR an-

nouncer Steve Staruch (February 20). Several

concerts will also feature winners from the 2013

Young Artist Scholarship Competition.

On October 3, the opening concert features

new performing member, pianist Min Jung Kim

who was born in South Korea and began piano

lessons at the age of six. A prize winning pianist,

she also has been a featured participant in

several summer workshops and chamber music

festivals, including Vienna International Summer

Music Festival, Spain Tenerife International

Music Festival, and Jeju Island Music Festival.

Recently, she won the third prize (bronze

medalist) at the 2013 Houston Symphony’s Ima

Hogg Competition and her live performance

with the Houston Symphony has been broadcast

nationally on KUHA in Houston. She

recently received her Doctor of Musical Arts

degree from the University of Minnesota where

she studied with Distinguished McKnight

Professor Lydia Artymiw.

Continued on page 10

Page 2: September/October 2013

Volume XXVI, No. 1



A publication of

Thursday Musical

709 8th Ave. SE #8

Mpls., MN 55414



Amy Morris

Graphic Design

Vanessa Voskuil

Members may

advertise free of

charge in a classified

ad format with a

five-line maximum.

Submission deadlines:


October 3


December 5


February 6

For more information

[email protected]


Young Artist Program

New this year, all registrations for the Young

Artist Scholarship Competition will be done

online. There will be only one application and

one deadline, January 6, 2014. No late

registrations will be accepted after that date.

The term Student Membership has been retired

and absorbed into the competition applica-

tion—indicated as an application fee.


It is with great anticipation that I start my term

as Membership Vice President for Thursday

Musical. I am pleased to have a very capable

and energetic group of people serving on the

Membership Committee with me. Included

are: Sally Deke, Marian Hoffman, Susan Jones,

Mary Kirchner and Ona Pinnsoneault.

Our goals are to increase our membership

and to create ways in which to make Thursday

Musical more visible to our community and

region. There will be more to report over the

course of this coming year. Stay tuned!

We have worked to clarify our current

membership and to encourage past members

to renew. The concerts this past year were

spectacular and the coming season looks

outstanding as well. It is hoped that all of our

wonderful concerts and events can be enjoyed

by more people this coming year.

Thanks to Ona Pinnsoneault we now have

a Directory of Arts Organizations that will be a

resource for us in upcoming marketing of

Thursday Musical. Our plan is to network with

these arts organizations in ways that can be a

benefit to them as well as to Thursday Musical.

It is amazing that this organization is

nearing its 125th year and yet there are still

people in the arts community of our area and

region that do not know about us. Let’s see if

we can change that. I am asking that each and

every current member be an advocate for

Thursday Musical this year. Let friends and

acquaintances know about us! Tell them how

students, performers and audiences come

together to create unique and incredible

experiences. Invite them to attend a concert or

subscribe to the 2013-2014 season. This is a

rather effortless task that can truly make a

difference in so many ways.

Judy Olson

Vice President, Membership

- 2 -


2013-2014 Board of Directors

*Please welcome our new board members!


Elizabeth Nordling


Judy Olson

Vice President - Membership

Monica Murray

Debra Gilroy*

Co-Vice Presidents - Artist Series

Elliot Wilcox*

Vice President - Auditions

Sylvia Wilson

Russell Dedrick

Co-Vice Presidents - Student Section

Beth Blackledge*

Recording Secretary

Nanette Scott Goldman



Mary Hunt

Mary Goetz*

Co-Chairs, Community Concerts

Carrie Vecchione

Educational Outreach

Kathryn Christie

Ingrid Koller*

Co-Chairs, Home Programs

Sandra Haines

Home Programs Reservations

Carolyn Britton

Long-Range Planning

Shirley Santoro


Lois Cooper


Pat Nortwen


Pat Forse

Financial Oversight

Shirley Decker

Corresponding Secretary

Amy Morris

Newsletter Editor

Lynn Shackelford

Nancy Augustson


Dorothy Boen


Pat Smith


Carolyn Britton


Page 3: September/October 2013

Fall Home Programs

Audiences at Thursday Musical’s four Home

Programs on October 24 will be treated to a rich variety of

performances. Performers will include pianists, string and wind

players, vocalists, and even a classical guitarist. The roster

includes long-time and debuting Thursday Musical members.

Clarinetist Ona Pinsonneault will be performing the

Brahms Clarinet Sonata in E-flat Major with pianist James

Kurschner. Both are on the music faculty at Normandale

Community College in Bloomington, MN. Ona says that “the

composition shows Brahms as being mellow, gentle, wistful,

sweet and lyrical but also demanding forceful lion-hearted


Tenor Jason Hernandez will be singing Vaughan Williams’

Songs of Travel and also works by Franz Schubert in his first

performance for Thursday Musical. He will perform these

same pieces as well as a set of French songs for his Junior recital

at the University of Minnesota on September 24.

Pianist Gail Olszewski will

play piano pieces from the early

20th century by five Finnish

composers: Sibelius, Merikanto,

Palmgren, Madetoja, and Hanni-

kainen. Gail says, “These are

wonderful little descriptive late

Romantic gems - they're reminis-

cent of Grieg's Lyric Pieces or

Mendelssohn's Songs without

Words. They have really interest-

ing harmonies and there's lots of


Duo pianists Ann Buran and Lynn Shackelford have been

playing together since the 1970s. According to Ann, “We

continue to have a stimulating and adventurous collaboration.

We will be playing Romance del Plata (a sonatina for four hands)

by the amazing Argentinian composer, Carlos Guastavino.

Melodies, rhythms and passion have propelled him to interna-

tional prominence and we are thrilled to have discovered his


Mark Bussey, classical guitarist, is president of the

Minnesota Guitar Society. He will be playing selections from a

Bach cello suite, transcribed for guitar, along with works from

the late 20th century by Andrew York. Mark is especially

looking forward to playing on the Home Programs. “While it's

always a thrill to play on the big stage at the Bloomington

Center for the Arts,” Mark says, “classical guitar is really a very

intimate chamber instrument. It's a delight to get to play in a

location where the audience can more directly experience the

nuances of the instrument.”

For complete schedule for the October 24 Home Programs,

please refer to the Events of Note. Since seating is limited,

reservations must be made at or by phone

at 612-333-0313.

Kathryn Christie

Co-chair, Home Programs

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Gail Olszewski, piano

Page 4: September/October 2013

AUDITIONS Become a Performing Member of Thursday Musical!

Application Deadline: Postmarked January 9, 2014

Audition Date: January 30, 2014 | 9:00am - 1:00pm

- 4 -

Applications and Information:


Presenting Minnesota’s Finest

Classical Musicians in

Concert— Thursday Musical,

since 1892

Page 5: September/October 2013

Meet Thursday Musical’s Newest Performing Members

Born in Ireland to South African parents, cellist Hanno Strydom came to the U.S. to study at the

Eastman School of Music under Professor Steven Doane. He earned both his undergraduate and

graduate degrees in cello performance from Eastman, where he also won the Cello Concerto

Competition and was awarded the Performer’s Certificate. In addition to his work with Professor Steven

Doane at Eastman, Hanno also studied with many leading musicians in masterclass settings, most

notably as a student in Steven Isserlis' class at the International Musicians Seminar Prussia Cove, in

Cornwall, England—one of the world's premiere short course seminars. Hanno’s performing activities

have included solo appearances with the National Symphony and Concert Orchestras of Ireland and the

Eastman Philharmonia, and recitals at Ireland’s National Concert Hall and the Eastman School’s

Kilbourn Hall. He is an active chamber musician, regularly collaborating with leading Twin Cities

musicians. His service as teaching assistant to Professor Doane at Eastman marked the beginning of a

career as a dedicated music educator. He joined the faculty of MacPhail Center for Music when he

moved to the Twin Cities in 2008. In addition to maintaining a busy teaching schedule, Hanno is a

regular competition judge. More:

Min Jung Kim was born in South Korea and began piano lessons at age 6. She earned her Bachelor of

Music in piano performance from Seoul National University, South Korea in 2006 while studying with

Soojung Shin and her Master of Music and performer’s diploma in piano performance from Indiana

University Jacobs School of Music at Bloomington where she studied with Shigeo Neriki. As the 1st

prize winner of the 2007 Indiana University Concerto Competition, she performed the Shostakovich

Piano Concerto No. 1 with the Indiana University Chamber Orchestra under the conductor Uriel Segal.

At Indiana, she was awarded Gyorgy Sebok’s scholarship and she was appointed as principal pianist for

distinguished professor and legendary cellist Janos Starker’s studio. She also participated and per-

formed at Vienna International Summer Music Festival, Spain Tenerife International Music Festival, and

Jeju Island Music Festival. Ms. Kim recently won the 15th Kenwood Symphony Concerto competition in

November, 2012 and earned her DMA in December, 2012 at the University of Minnesota where she

studied with Distinguished McKnight Professor Lydia Artymiw.

Soprano Kate Lamb earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in music from Luther College where she sang in

the Nordic Choir under the direction of Weston Noble. Kate also earned her Master of Science degree in

communication sciences and disorders from St. Cloud State University where she sang in the St. Cloud

Choir under Lee Nelson. During her undergraduate studies, Kate also trained with the University of

Miami School of Music’s Vocal Performance program in Salzburg, Austria and performed leading roles

in Luther College's opera program. While completing her graduate work, Kate performed with The

Singers-Minnesota Choral Artists and founded SCSU’s Hearing Health Clinic for Musicians. In

competitions, Kate has performed as a finalist in the SCSU Concerto and Aria Competition, and the

NATS Regional Competition. Kate currently practices speech therapy as a certified speech-language

pathologist in the Minneapolis area. In addition to her singing and speech-language pathology work,

Kate has presented research at national, state and local conventions and conferences and has worked as

an adjunct faculty member at SCSU in the area of language development and disorders.

- 5 -

Hanno-Strydom, cello

Kate Lamb, soprano

Min Jung Kim, piano

Page 6: September/October 2013


Community Concerts

MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 1:00 PM Loren on Park

2625 Park Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55407

Kathryn Bakke, piano

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 20 2:00 PM Owatonna Arts Center

435 Dunnell Drive, Owatonna, MN 55060

Thelma Hunter and Dee Ann Crossley, piano duo

José Zayas-Cabán, saxophone

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24 7:30 PM 1666 Coffman Condominiums

1666 Coffman Street, Falcon Heights, MN 55108

Nickolai Kolarov, cello

Michael Davis, flute

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25 7:00 PM The Kenwood

825 Summit Avenue, Minneapolis, MN 55403

Debra Gilroy, soprano

Salam Murtada, piano

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 27 2:00 PM Woodbury United Methodist Church

7465 Steepleview Road, Woodbury, MN 55125

Nancy Paddleford, piano

Ariel Trio

Kathryn Christie, violin

Sandra Haines, cello

Nancy Lichtenstein, piano

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14 6:30 PM Timber Hills Presbyterian Homes

6307 Burnham Circle, Inver Grove Heights, MN 55076

Jeana Ogren, piano

Carolyn Boulay, violin

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 16 10:30 AM St. Therese Care Center

8000 Bass Lake Road, New Hope, MN 55428

Sara Kantor, soprano and Mindy Eschedor, piano

Amy Morris, flute

- 6 -

All Concerts are Free

612 333-0313







Page 7: September/October 2013

Thursday Musical Thursday Morning Artist Series

Opening Concert

Thursday, October 3, 2013 | 10:30 AM

Reception 9:30 AM

Bloomington Center for the Arts

Free Admission


Min Jung Kim, piano

Ludwig van Beethoven:

Piano Sonata No. 26 in E-flat major

Peggy Doerrie, flute

Kevin Carlson, guitar

Tina Lamberts, cello

James McGuire: Cancion and Danza

Marco Pereira: Lis

Steve Kujala: Heads, Hands, Heart

Northern Lights Quartet

Carolyn Liptak, violin

Kathryn Christie, violin

Jennifer Thomas, viola

David Holmes, cello

Bedrïch Smetana:

String Quartet No. 1 in E minor

Strydom-Iverson Duo

Hanno Strydom, cello

Jon Iverson, piano

Mary Laymon, soprano

André Previn: Four Songs

Bloomington Center for the Arts, Bloomington

Season Tickets and Membership $75/Senior $65

612 333-0313 |

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Page 8: September/October 2013

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Page 9: September/October 2013

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It was a great experience for me to perform

for Baby Blue Arts. Thank you! - Hyun Jin Cho, First Place, College Piano

Hyun graduated this spring from the Carlson School of

Business at the University of Minnesota. She had stopped play-

ing piano for several years, but decided to take lessons again

while at the University. She played Toccata by Debussy for the

taping. The next day she flew home to Korea.

Three first prize winners of Thursday Musical’s 2013

Young Artist Scholarship Competition were videotaped on

July 12 for broadcast on the cable TV program Baby Blue Arts

Presents. The complete 30 minute program was featured on the

Internet in August at and will be airing on

local television and on local TV stations throughout the

country beginning this fall. The individual performances will

remain on the site indefinitely. The featured students were:

Kristina Meanley, clarinet (First Place College Winds), Sarah

Knott, mezzo-soprano (First Place College Advanced Voice)

and Hyun Jin Cho, piano (First Place College Piano). They

were professionally displayed in three exciting performances,

and each received a free copy of the DVD. The taping was

done at the Schmitt Music Auditorium at their Brooklyn Center


Winning a Thursday Musical Young Artist

Scholarship has allowed me to pursue additional

opportunities and training. In addition to the

scholarship, Thursday Musical offers many performing

opportunities to share music and connect with other

highly talented emerging artists. I am very fortunate to

be recognized by an organization that truly promotes

young talent. - Sarah Knott, First Place, College Advanced Voice

Sarah performed “Voi lo sapete” from Cavalleria Rusticana

by Pietro Mascagni and “Iris Hence Away” from Semele by

George Frideric Handel. She was accompanied by Nanyi

Qiang. She recently moved to the Twin Cities from Duluth and

won First Prize in the 2012 Schubert Club Bruce P. Carlson

Scholarship Competition. At the 2012 Vancouver International

Song Institute in Vancouver, Canada, Ms. Knott was selected

to attend the Theatre of Art Song: Advanced Program Studies

as an emerging artist.

Thursday Musical performing member Laurie Patton heads

this program for Baby Blue Arts. The mission of Baby Blue

Arts is to showcase Minnesota musicians. Done by volunteers,

who give of their time and considerable talents, local artists are

presented in a visually appealing setting with high quality

audio. The session went very well. Laurie Patton and the other

volunteers were wonderful about patiently working with the

students and were impressed with the high level of artistry.

Almost all performances required only one take - the students

were very well prepared and very excited!

I am so thankful and blessed to have received a

scholarship from Thursday Musical which allowed me

to fund my travel expenses to take on a few professional

orchestra auditions. The experiences I gained at these

auditions were as real as it gets and have brought me

steps closer to understanding what it will take for me to

achieve my dream of winning a symphony orchestra

clarinet position. Thank you! - Kristina Meanley, First Place, College Winds

Kristina is a DMA candidate at the University of Minnesota

in Clarinet Performance. She performed three movements of

the Francis Poulenc Clarinet Sonata accompanied by Jerrod


Sylvia Wilson, Co-Vice President, Student Section

Baby Blue Arts Features Three Thursday Musical 2013 Student Winners

Young Artist Scholarship

Competition 2013

The Young Artist Scholarship Competition was held on

Saturday, March 16, 2013 at the University of St. Thomas.

Thursday Musical awarded 43 students a total of $18,500 in

scholarship monies presented at the Winners’ Concert on April

4, 2013 at the Bloomington Center for the Arts. Also honored

was Dr. Jo Anne Link, piano instructor at Crocus Hills

Studio, as Thursday Musical’s Distinguished Teacher of the

Year. For a 2013 listing of winners visit

The competition and the winners’ concert and presentation

are a tremendous undertaking that would simply not occur

without a lot of hard work by many dedicated people. Many

thanks go to last year’s student section volunteers: Dawn Baker,

Judy Bender, Beth Blackledge, Dorothy Boen, Mark

Bussey, Michael Davis, Russell Dedrick, Peggie Doerrie,

Carolyn Eklin, Geneva Eschweiler, Mary Goetz, Nanette

Goldman, Suzanne Greer, Laurie Hancock, Christine Hansen,

Leslie Hercules, Marian Hoffman, Jane Jensen, Gail Jones, Susan

Jones, Elizabeth Longhurst, Marilyn Miller, Norma Nelson, Liz

Nordling, Georgeanne Owiredu, Judith Ranheim, Dick Saliny,

Sandra Saliny, Carlynn Savot, Pat Smith, Gene Swanson, Kay

Studer, Charles Wazanowski, Carol White and Sylvia Wilson.

A special thanks to our wonderful judges: Sophie Christian,

Janet Holdorf, Shannon Wettstein Sadler, Richard Tostenson,

Mimi Tung, Jose Uriarte (piano); Kristian Anderson, Tony

Hauser, Chris Kachian (guitar); Andrew Barrett, Alan Bryan,

Jerome Elsbernd, John-Scott Moir, Barbara Prince, Jean Del

Santo (voice); James Bartsch, Daryl Carlson, Nickolai Kolarov,

Ingrid Koller, Judy MacGibbon, Doug Overland, Edward

Schaefle, Michael Watson (strings); Julia Bogorad, Michelle

Campbell, Janet Greene, Ralph Hepola, Barbara Leibundguth,

and Charles Wazanowski (winds).

Sylvia Wilson, Co-Vice President, Student Section

Page 10: September/October 2013

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Thursday Morning Artist Series continued from page 1

New performing members

the Strydom-Iverson Duo

are a piano and cello group

who serve on the faculty of

MacPhail Center for

Music. Born in Ireland to

South African parents,

cellist Hanno Strydom

came to the U.S. to study at

the Eastman School of

Music under Professor

Steven Doane. He earned

both his undergraduate

and graduate degrees in

cello performance from Eastman. Hanno’s performing activities

have included solo appearances with the National Symphony

and Concert Orchestras of Ireland and the Eastman Philharmo-

nia, and recitals at Ireland’s National Concert Hall and the

Eastman School’s Kilbourn Hall. Pianist, composer and teacher

Jon Michael Iverson completed his Master of Music degree in

piano performance and pedagogy from Westminster Choir

College of Rider University. As a pianist, Iverson performs

regularly as soloist, accompanist and chamber musician around

the Twin Cities area.

Soprano Kate Lamb will perform on the October 17 recital.

Kate earned her Bachelor of Arts in music from Luther College

while singing in the Nordic Choir under the direction of Weston

Noble and earned her Master of Science in communication

sciences and disorders from St. Cloud State University (SCSU)

where she sang in the St. Cloud Choir under Lee

Nelson. During her undergraduate studies, Kate performed

leading roles in Luther College's opera program and trained

with the University of Miami School of Music’s Vocal

Performance program in Salzburg, Austria. During her

graduate studies, Kate performed with The Singers-Minnesota

Choral Artists and founded SCSU’s Hearing Health Clinic for

Musicians. In addition to joining the Thursday Musical

performers’ roster this year, Kate can be seen performing with

the Minnesota Chorale and Opera on Tap. Kate currently is an

adjunct faculty member at SCSU and practices speech therapy

as a certified speech-language pathologist in the Minneapolis

and St. Paul area.

Returning performers include: the Northern Lights String

Quartet, Peggy Doerrie, flute, pianists Helen and Paul

Baumgartner, and Judy Ranheim, flute.

Monica Murray

Co-Vice President, Artist Series

Community Concerts

The 2013-2014 Community Concerts calendar stretches from

September through May and finds some 54 Thursday Musical

performers giving 23 concerts at 20 different venues throughout

the Twin Cities metro area. What a wonderful contribution to

the musical life of our community! Several retirement

communities have asked for two programs during the season,

and we have added two new venues this fall: Golden Living

Center Lake Ridge in Roseville and Summit Place Senior Living

in Eden Prairie. Venues that are returning to our roster after a

year or more’s absence include the 1666 Coffman

Condominiums, Hastings Prescott Area Arts Council, and Oak

Grove Lutheran Church in Richfield.

Thursday Musical members are always welcome at

Community Concerts, especially those that are a part of a music

series at a church and other venues. For 2013-14, these include

programs at Owatonna Arts Center on October 20; Woodbury

United Methodist Church on October 27; Hazel Park

Congregational Church on February 16; United Church of

Christ in Prescott, WI on April 3; and Oak Grove Lutheran

Church on May 4.

Mary Hunt

Co-chair, Community Concerts

Home Programs Reservations

The Home Programs are always a favorite event for

members. There are eight morning and evening Home

Programs to choose from on Oct. 24, 2013 and April 24, 2014.

Thursday Musical would like to thank its 2013-2014 Home

Program hosts Joni MacDonald, Pat Nortwen, Susan Jones,

Greg and Lisa Buck, Carol White, Shirley and Michael Santoro,

Deirdre Michael-Mechelke, and Mary Kirchner.

Fall Home Program host, Greg Buck, won a piano

scholarship through Thursday Musical’s Young Artist

Scholarship Competition in 1972 as a senior at Edina High

School. He remembered Barbara Nymark called him with the

news. Greg studied piano from first grade through twelfth with

Eva Anderson. Then he studied four years at St. Olaf with Dr.

Wee, Graber, and Paddleford. Buck is now on the Board of

Regents at St. Olaf College. He and his friend, Doug Schmitt

(Vice President of Schmitt Music), also a St. Olaf alumnus, have

been gradually placing new Steinways for students in the dorm


Reservations for the fall and spring Home Programs can be

made online at, by phone at 612-333-0313,

or in person at Thursday Morning Artist Series concerts Oct. 3,

17 (fall only), March 6, 20 and April 10.

Sandra Haines

Home Programs Reservations

Northern Lights String Quartet

Page 11: September/October 2013

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Join a thriving community of artists, arts patrons, and art curators by becoming a member today! Questions? Please contact us: 612-333-0313 or [email protected].


12 Thursday Morning Artist Series concerts

4 Home Programs

Numerous Community Concerts

4 Issues of Uptempo, the Thursday Musical newsletter

Member directory

Member Announcements MEMBER ANNOUNCEMENTS Members may submit announcements to be included in Thursday Musical’s e-news, printed newsletter, and on the website. Announcements may be performance events, CD releases, music reviews/writing, grants/fellowships/scholarships, services for musicians, job offers, and workshops/classes. Announcements may be submitted online at JOIN THE LEGACY CLUB Share your love of music with future generations by including Thursday Musical in your will or estate plan. For more Information about how to make a lasting contribution, please email [email protected] or call (612) 333-0313.


Note: Annual membership terms run from May 1 - April 30. New members' dues paid March 1 or later shall extend through the following fiscal year.


ONLINE BY MAIL IN PERSON Thursday Musical Subscribe at any Thursday Morning 709 8th Ave SE #8 Minneapolis, MN 55414 Artist Series concert.

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Directory Updates view online hardcopy

Please accept my tax-deductible donation $

Please designate my contribution to:

General Operating Fund $

Artistic Endowment Fund $

Student Operating Fund $

Student Scholarship Endowment Fund $

Music In Our Schools $

TOTAL PAYMENT ENCLOSED $ (payable to Thursday Musical)

A matching form is enclosed

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Page 12: September/October 2013

Events of Note

(A) Thursday Morning Artist Series

(C) Community Concerts

(H) Home Programs

*Performer Debut

(C) Monday, September 23; 1:00 pm

Loren on Park

2625 Park Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN

Kathryn Bakke, piano

(A) Thursday, October 3; 10:30 am

Bloomington Center for the Arts

1800 W Old Shakopee Rd., Bloomington, MN

Min Jung Kim, piano - Peggy Doerrie, flute,

Kevin Carlson, guitar and Tina Lamberts,

cello - Northern Lights String Quartet (Carolyn

Liptak, violin, Kathryn Christie, violin, Jennifer

Thomas, viola and David Holmes, cello) -

* Strydom-Iverson Duo (Jon Iverson, piano and

Hanno Strydom, cello) - * Mary Laymon,


(A) Thursday, October 17; 10:30 am

Bloomington Center for the Arts

1800 W Old Shakopee Rd. Bloomington, MN

Luther Warren, violin (Young Artist

Scholarship Competition Winner 2013) - * Kate

Lamb, soprano and Leah Siltberg, piano - Judy

Ranheim, flute - Helen and Paul Baumgartner,

piano four-hands

(C) Sunday, October 20; 2:00 pm

Owatonna Arts Center

435 Dunnell Drive, Owatonna, MN

Thelma Hunter and Dee Ann Crossley, piano

four-hands - José Zayas-Cabán, saxophone

(H) Thursday, October 24; 10:30 am

Home of Joni MacDonald

3030 Hamline Ave. North, Roseville, MN

Jeana Ogren, piano - Nanette Goldman, violin -

Carrie Vecchione, oboe

(H) Thursday, October 24; 10:30 am

Home of Greg and Lisa Buck

6104 Wilryan Ave., Minneapolis, MN

Mimi Tung, piano - Dragan Stojković, violin -

Ona Pinsonneault, clarinet

(H) Thursday, October 24; 10:30 am

Home of Pat Nortwen

210 W. Grant #314, Minneapolis, MN

Ann Buran and Lynn Shackelford, piano four-

hands - Mark Bussey, guitar - Jason Hernandez,


(H) Thursday, October 24; 7:30 pm

Home of Susan Jones

6165 Ridge Rd., Chanhassen MN

Laurie Patton, flute - Melyssa Rice, soprano -

Gail Olszewski, piano

(C) Thursday, October 24; 7:30 pm

1666 Coffman Condominiums

1666 Coffman Street, Falcon Heights, MN

Nickolai Kolarov, cello - Michael Davis, flute

(C) Friday, October 25; 7:00 pm

The Kenwood

825 Summit Avenue, Minneapolis, MN

Debra Gilroy, soprano - Salam Murtada, piano

(C) Sunday, October 27; 2:00 pm

Woodbury United Methodist Church

7465 Steepleview Road, Woodbury, MN

Nancy Paddleford, piano - Ariel Trio (Kathryn

Christie, violin, Sandra Haines, cello and

Nancy Lichtenstein, piano)

(A) Thursday, November 7; 10:30 am

Concordia University

Buetow Music Auditorium

1282 Concordia Avenue, St. Paul, MN

Christine Kim, violin (Young Artist

Scholarship Competition Winner 2013) - Ona

Pinsonneault, clarinet and James Kurschner,

piano - Deanne Mohr, piano - Semada Trio

(Dana Donnay, oboe, Matthew Bertrand,

bassoon and Seth Engelby, piano)

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