september csa newsletter

 Save the Date! the Herbal CSA sweet herb medicinals, llc Fall is definitely in the air, but these warm days linger into dusk, or what I like to call, twilight. My f avorite time of day, twilight lends its peaceful breath of fresh air. It is a time of day with a certain calm that affords the space to reflect on all that has happened during the light and all which continues during the dark. Ebbing & flowing, working and resting, this cycle is constant. It has been a bountiful season, and for this, we are grateful on many levels. Our hearts and our bellies are full of richly nutritious foods and fruits and herbs to delight even the smallest of people. There are many herbs and  blossoms still to be enjoyed, and so the  bees and the butterflies as well as the hummingbirds happily buzz and dash and flutter by. What a beautiful place we call home. Our climate lends to such a fantastic cornucopia of plant species. The comfrey leaves are big, the lemon verbena’s fragrance transcends us to a time and place far away, the mint is flowering and bushing out, the pennyroyal in its whirly glory and its it purply-pink hue, and of course, the lavender…cut and come again, and again, and again. All species, on a cellular level, are preparing for the cooler months to follow. Many  blessings to you and yours.  Oxymel  We ha ve re al ly be en lo oki ng forwa rd to of fe ring you th e i nc red ib le bl end of flavors found in this fennel garlic oxymel. We included cardamom and  bl ueb err y wi th the ra w hon ey and or ga ni c app le ci de r vi ne ga r to cr ea te a formula sure to keep your body performing optimally. With changing of  seasons, kids going to back to school, extra-curricular activities and sports, and slightly elevated stress levels as a result of all the above, this Oxymel will enable you to keep up by leaving any illness behind. You may try gargling the formula if you feel sore throat coming on. There may be mini bits of garlic in the bottle, but do not hesitate to swallow it down! It’s good for ya! Beginning Herbal Studies 10/3-11/21 Herb Walks October 13 th & November 2 nd , 2013 Cost: $25 for 1, $45 for both. Herb walks are included in Beginning with Herbs tuition. Herbal Holidays Join us for a fun-filled day making gifts with Nature’s bounty from the heart. They are sure to be received by the heart. November 9 th & 21 st . SUMMER 2013~SEPTEMBER  Immerse yourself into the healing  world of pla nts. Join me for this 7-week course in making plant medicine.  What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to give it sweetness.   John Steinbeck  Lemon Verbena infused Honey There are some things in life that just cannot get any better. To me, lemon verbena optimizes summer, the feeling you have when it’s summertime, and everything sweet and smell good that comes along  wi th it . Th en…yo u add ho ney . Per fe ct , al l on it ’s own. To ro un d ou t a lovely summer season, and a fantastic summer herbal CSA, we are happy to impart an extra bit of sweetness into your life. Enjoy this delightful creation by the spoonful, drizzled over your yogurt or oatmeal, into a baked dish, over f resh steamed carrots, or directly into  yo ur mo uth . Su pe r, du pe r yummy ! Oh, and, don’t forget to give thanks to the bees for all their hard work!

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7/30/2019 September Csa Newsletter 1/2


Save the Date!


Herbal CSAsweet herb medicinals, llc

Fall is definitely in the air, but these

warm days linger into dusk, or what I

like to call, twilight. My favorite time of 

day, twilight lends its peaceful breath of fresh air. It is a time of day with a

certain calm that affords the space to

reflect on all that has happened during

the light and all which continues during

the dark. Ebbing & flowing, workingand resting, this cycle is constant.

It has been a bountiful season, and for 

this, we are grateful on many levels.

Our hearts and our bellies are full of richly nutritious foods and fruits and

herbs to delight even the smallest of 

people. There are many herbs and blossoms still to be enjoyed, and so the

 bees and the butterflies as well as the

hummingbirds happily buzz and dashand flutter by.

What a beautiful place we call home.

Our climate lends to such a fantastic

cornucopia of plant species. Thecomfrey leaves are big, the lemon

verbena’s fragrance transcends us to a

time and place far away, the mint is

flowering and bushing out, the

pennyroyal in its whirly glory and its it

purply-pink hue, and of course, thelavender…cut and come again, andagain, and again. All species, on a

cellular level, are preparing for the

cooler months to follow. Many blessings to you and yours. 

Oxymel We have really been looking forward to offering you the incredible blend of 

flavors found in this fennel garlic oxymel. We included cardamom and

 blueberry with the raw honey and organic apple cider vinegar to create a 

formula sure to keep your body performing optimally. With changing of 

seasons, kids going to back to school, extra-curricular activities and sports,

and slightly elevated stress levels as a result of all the above, this Oxymel will

enable you to keep up by leaving any illness behind. You may try gargling the

formula if you feel sore throat coming on. There may be mini bits of garlic in

the bottle, but do not hesitate to swallow it down! It’s good for ya!

Beginning HerbalStudies 10/3-11/21

Herb Walks

October 13th &

November 2nd, 2013

Cost: $25 for 1, $45

for both. Herb walks

are included in

Beginning with

Herbs tuition.

Herbal Holidays

Join us for a fun-filled

day making gifts with

Nature’s bounty from

the heart. They are

sure to be received by 

the heart. November

9th & 21st.

S U M M E R 2 0 1 3 ~ S E P T E M B E R  

Immerse yourself 

into the healing 

 world of plants. Join

me for this 7-week

course in making 

plant medicine.

“ What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter 

to give it sweetness.”  ―  John Steinbeck  

Lemon Verbena infused Honey There are some things in life that just cannot get any better. To me,lemon verbena optimizes summer, the feeling you have when it’s

summertime, and everything sweet and smell good that comes along  with it. Then…you add honey. Perfect, all on it’s own. To round out a lovely summer season, and a fantastic summer herbal CSA, we arehappy to impart an extra bit of sweetness into your life. Enjoy this

delightful creation by the spoonful, drizzled over your yogurt oroatmeal, into a baked dish, over fresh steamed carrots, or directly into

 your mouth. Super, duper yummy!Oh, and, don’t forget to give thanks to the bees for all their hard work!

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September Herbal CSA featured cherry cordial, corn silk tincture, lavender salts, lemon verbena infused honey, fire

crush & fennel garlic oxymel ~ 

Lavender Salt is a fun way to spice up your cooking

Use this garden-infused item as a rub, or simply add it

to any recipe calling for salt. The flavor and aroma wil

 be quite a nice treat

Corn silk Tincture

Prized for its flavor, remarkable for its effectiveness,

and honored for its long-time use, corn has been a 

staple for food and medicine of people around the

 world for centuries.

Corn silk is merely the hair that grows around thecorncob. When we harvested our corn this season, we

delicately retained the silk and dried it out in a basket.

The color maintained as did the fragrance. We used

 brandy as well as vegetable glycerine to create this

healing tincture helpful for all your urinary tract

inflammation-reducing needs. Be well.

Fire CrushThis is a heated little concoction we just can’t get enough of. It is an

excellent base for soups or sauces, and it can be used as a spread. It

 works great against cold & flu virus, so incorporate where you can

during the change of the season. Bon apetit! 

In a food processor, blend 


2 parts torpedo red onion 

1 part cayenne pepper 

3 parts nasturtium flower 

a dash of sea salt 

a few tablespoons of olive oil 

Ingredient Profiles—

- Cayenne pepper: hot & firey, healthy for

the heart, increases


- Nasturtium: sharp, peppery, fresh,

 watercress-like, relieves cold/flu & hair loss.

- Torpedo red onion: sweet, spicy, mild,

acidic, heart healthy, preventative to

common ailments, reduces bad cholesterol

The cherry cordial began back in May when we hand picked

cherries from the family ranch. With so much fruit and not

 wanting any of it to go to waste, I came up with the idea of a cherry 

cordial. What you are presented with here today is like art in a 

 bottle. The flavor profile is delightful, and even with dry vermouth

and vodka, the taste is not overpowering or overwhelming. It is

smooth, sweet, delicious and a perfect accompaniment to

sparkling water, wine, over ice or, simply, up. You can transform it

in into a martini, shaken, not stirred, with a garnish of orange peel,

lime, or chocolate (on the side, mind you). Do enjoy, share it with

 your loved ones, and savor not only the flavor but also the

gorgeous ruby hue seen directly through the clear glass bottle.

Medicinally, cherries are heart healthy, excellent for the liver and

urinary tract; and helpful to the body in eliminating toxins. They 

are very cleansing to the digestive tract as well. They will

definitely ‘keep you regular’. Traditionally, they have been used as

an effective treatment for gout and build up of uric acid around the

 joints. Cherry cordial won’t help with gout, but it will certainly 

taste good. Cin cin.