september a. frank theresa m....

The Bridge September 10th Silent Prayer Retreat September 11, 12 and 13th Horicon Bible Studies Begin September 14th Committed Couples September 19th Men’s Retreat September 25th and 26th Celebrating the Past and Embracing the Future Service & Dinner September 27th September 2015 Newsletter Staff: Editors Patti A. Frank Theresa M. Ganiere September Events Life Groups... What’s the big deal? The purpose of a life group is to help you grow in your faith through building community, pursuing intentional growth, and serving like Jesus. We passionately believe the mission at CLF is to make devoted follow- ers of Christ. A life group will help you grow in your love for Christ, in your following of Him and in your journey towards becoming a fully de- voted disciple. What am I committing to? Each life group meets at different times throughout the month. Commit- ting to a life group means you are committing to spiritual growth, disci- pleship, growing in friendships as well as in your relationship with Christ. It is imperative to be committed to your group, coming every time they meet. The group can not grow in fellowship and trust, when everyone isn’t committed to it. Please sign up at a information desk or online. Contact a leader if you have any questions. Sun 8:45 a.m. CLF Room 306W Through the Bible Different Leaders Sun 6:00 p.m. CLF Men Only Through the Bible Pastor Dave Every other Sun 6:00 p.m. Mayville Sermon Based Cort & Kathye Tangeman Every other Sun 6:00 p.m. Horicon Illuminate Youth Pastor Micah Every other Tues 6:30 p.m. Mayville Sermon Based Pat & Chee Chamberlin Wed 6:30 p.m. CLF Women Only Bad Girls of the Bible Theresa Ganiere & Patti Frank Wed 6:30 p.m. CLF Room 306W Good or God? J. Bevere Pastor Dave & Mary Buggs Wed 6:30 p.m. CLF Room 306 Sermon Based Ron Moffatt Every other Thurs 6:30 p.m. Mayville Sermon Based Bob & Gaile Hanson Once a month Thurs 6:30 p.m. CLF The Bridge (19-30 yr olds) Pastor Micah & Zac Melton Sat 5:30 p.m. CLF 4 weeks: Sept 19, Oct 3, 17, 24 Committed Couples Pastor Micah & Pastor Laura

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Page 1: September A. Frank Theresa M. Ganiere September Events Life Groups... What’s the big deal? The purpose of a life group

The Bridge

September 10th

Silent Prayer Retreat September 11, 12 and 13th

Horicon Bible Studies Begin

September 14th

Committed Couples September 19th

Men’s Retreat September 25th and 26th

Celebrating the Past and Embracing the Future

Service & Dinner September 27th

September 2015

Newsletter Staff:


Patti A. Frank

Theresa M. Ganiere

September Events

Life Groups...

What’s the big deal?

The purpose of a life group is to help you grow in your faith through

building community, pursuing intentional growth, and serving like Jesus.

We passionately believe the mission at CLF is to make devoted follow-

ers of Christ. A life group will help you grow in your love for Christ, in

your following of Him and in your journey towards becoming a fully de-

voted disciple.

What am I committing to?

Each life group meets at different times throughout the month. Commit-

ting to a life group means you are committing to spiritual growth, disci-

pleship, growing in friendships as well as in your relationship with

Christ. It is imperative to be committed to your group, coming every

time they meet. The group can not grow in fellowship and trust, when

everyone isn’t committed to it.

Please sign up at a information desk or online. Contact a leader if you

have any questions.

Sun 8:45 a.m. CLF Room 306W Through the Bible Different Leaders

Sun 6:00 p.m. CLF Men Only Through the Bible Pastor Dave

Every other Sun 6:00 p.m. Mayville Sermon Based Cort & Kathye Tangeman

Every other Sun 6:00 p.m. Horicon Illuminate Youth Pastor Micah

Every other Tues 6:30 p.m. Mayville Sermon Based Pat & Chee Chamberlin

Wed 6:30 p.m. CLF Women Only Bad Girls of the


Theresa Ganiere & Patti Frank

Wed 6:30 p.m. CLF Room 306W Good or God?

J. Bevere

Pastor Dave & Mary Buggs

Wed 6:30 p.m. CLF Room 306 Sermon Based Ron Moffatt

Every other Thurs 6:30 p.m. Mayville Sermon Based Bob & Gaile Hanson

Once a month Thurs 6:30 p.m. CLF The Bridge (19-30 yr olds) Pastor Micah & Zac Melton

Sat 5:30 p.m. CLF 4 weeks: Sept 19, Oct 3, 17, 24 Committed Couples Pastor Micah & Pastor Laura

Page 2: September A. Frank Theresa M. Ganiere September Events Life Groups... What’s the big deal? The purpose of a life group

I know it’s hard to believe that summer

has come and gone by so quickly, but

now we enter into the amazing season

of autumn. As far as seasons in the

year go I would say that autumn is defi-

nitely my favorite. There’s something

about nice, crisp evenings outside in the

fall. Then adding high school football

into the mix and it becomes just amaz-

ing. Another thing that I love about au-

tumn as well is the beginning of the

school year. It’s a fun time where our

children and students head back into

the classroom. They have abundant

opportunities to grow, and be stretched

regardless of what type of schooling

they’re doing. It is fun to watch them

grow and progress throughout the

school year, but another thing that I love

about the beginning of the school year

is the excitement of doing some

new again. Students return to

school with a new sense of ener-

gy to reach out to their friends

about their faith. Throughout the

month of September we focus a

lot on evangelism and outreach.

We call our services Back To

School Bash (B2SB) services

that not only focus on evange-

lism, but also offer a big group

game every week where our stu-

dents have a chance to connect

and build relationships with one

another. As a pastor there is no

greater feeling than seeing the

students you pour yourself into

every week catch ahold of the

importance of sharing their faith

with their friends and peers. Lis-

From The Heart Of Pastor tening to them have conversa-

tions with one another about

how God has changed their life

since they surrendered their

lives to Him. I get excited just

thinking about what God has in

store for this coming school year

in the lives of our children and


Not only are our students start-

ing a new year in school, but

also the adults have a new op-

portunity to join in on one of the

many adult Life Groups that are

being offered this fall. Disciple-

ship happens in many ways, but

one very effective way is through

being a part of a small group.

Not only do you dig deeper into

God’s word, but you build rela-

tionships where you walk

through life with fellow believers.

It’s a place where as scripture

says “iron sharpens iron.” If

you’re not involved I want to en-

courage you to step out, and find

a group that fits what you’re

looking for. We have some that

are sermon based so they go off

of our weekly sermons at CLF.

Many others are topic based,

gender specific, or for marriage

enrichment. They happen at dif-

ferent times on all different days

of the week. Some will be hap-

pening right here at CLF, but

many also take places in the

homes of people here at CLF.

May this be a season of not only

beautiful weather and entertain-

ing sports, but also of great

growth. As we’re intentional as a

church in making sure that disci-

pleship is a focus may God con-

tinue to strengthen, and grow

the ministry here at CLF. Our

desire is to show the love of

Christ to people in the communi-

ties around us.

Page 2 September 2015 Newsletter Chr ist ian L i fe Fel lowship

[ 1 ] Jer 34-36

[ 2 ] Jer 37:1-41:10

[ 3 ] Jer 41:11-45:5

[ 4 ] Jer 46-48

[ 5 ] Jer 49:1-51:10

[ 6 ] Jer 51:11-52:34

[ 7 ] Lam 1:1-3:51

[ 8 ] Lam 3:52-5:22;

Ezek 1-2

[ 9 ] Ezek 3-8

[10] Ezek 9-12

[11] Ezek 13:1-16:43

[12] Ezek 16:44-20:17

[13] Ezek 20:18-22:12

[14] Ezek 22:13-24:27

[15] Ezek 25:1-28:10

[16] Ezek 28:11-31:18

[17] Ezek 32:1-34:24

[18] Ezek 34:25-38:9

[19] Ezek 38:10-40:49

[20] Ezek 41-43

[21] Ezek 44-47

[22] Ezek 48; Dan


[23] Dan 2:31-4:27

[24] Dan 4:28-7:12

[25] Dan 7:13-11:13

[26] Dan 11:14-


Hosea 1-3

[27] Hosea 4-9

[28] Hosea 10-14;

Joel 1:1-2:17

[29] Joel 2:18-3:21;

Amos 1-4

[30] Amos 5-9; Oba


Abbreviation Key:

Jer Jeremiah

Read Your Bible Through in a Year!

Lam Lamentations

Ezek Ezekiel

Dan Daniel

Oba Obadiah

Page 3: September A. Frank Theresa M. Ganiere September Events Life Groups... What’s the big deal? The purpose of a life group

Page 3 Chr ist ian L i fe Fel lowship September 2015 Newsletter

Mission Updates Being Used By God – Special Touch Update

God longs to use His children including those with disabilities, to fulfill His divine purposes. Recently,

Thomas and Angelia Carpenter, new coordinators of the Oklahoma Special Touch Summer Get Away,

shared how Get Away is a wonderful opportunity for people with disabilities to be used by God.

Caleb, a young man with intellectual disabilities, invited Team Leader Jim to go swimming during this

year’s Oklahoma Special Touch Summer Get Away. However, Jim declined. Caleb assumed he could-

n’t go swimming because of the odd-shaped “machines” in Jim’s ears.

Later that evening, Caleb prayed for Jesus to heal Jim’s ears. A few weeks passed, and when Jim

happened to remove his hearing aids, he noticed he could hear without them! Jesus had indeed an-

swered Caleb’s prayer for healing.

Thank God for Special Touch Summer Get Away where people with disabilities can come and learn to

be fearless, responding in faith. Special Touch is excited how these courageous people leave camp

and impact precious lives, right where they live. Jim is thankful that Caleb attended and exercised faith

and that Jesus healed him.

Paul & Barbara Parks Update

New doors of opportunity are opening for Paul and Barbara Park, stretching their ministries and en-

larging places of influence.

In January, Paul was in a Southern Asia Bible College for three weeks to challenge students to reach

out to Muslims and help them find Jesus. In February, Paul and others from Global Initiative: Reaching

Muslim Peoples shared the same vision with students from Southwestern AG University, Waxahachie,

TX. God is bringing Muslim students and refugees to the cities of America.

Barbara went with a team of eight women in ministry to visit house churches to speak to 120 females

– Global University, Cuba, students in March. More than 3,000 students are enrolled at Global Univer-

sity; nearly half of them women. The first graduating class of 417, last year, completed a four year

course of studies. Also there are current projects that will reach out to Hindi and Muslim people groups

through creative uses of updated technology. Please pray for these new challenging innovative meth-

ods and procedures in world wide ministry.

"Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous works among all the peoples!"

[1 Chronicles 16:24]

Page 4: September A. Frank Theresa M. Ganiere September Events Life Groups... What’s the big deal? The purpose of a life group

Page 4 September 2015 Newsletter Chr ist ian L i fe Fel lowship

The CLF board met on Mon-

day, August 10 at 6:30 PM.

All members were present ex-

cept Mary Buggs.

The meeting opened with shar-

ing needs of various members

and praying for needs and

God’s blessing and direction

on our future.

Pastor Dave shared the finan-

cial report and summary in the

absence of Interim treasurer

Kevin Snyder. The financial

report was accepted and ap-


Minutes from July 27th were

approved as printed.

The safety committee led by

chairman Mike Thoreson will

meet soon to discuss the re-

sponses to their recommenda-

tions one year ago and look at

other important security

measures with recommenda-

tions to our board.

The board had a video confer-

ence with Phil Drost with Gen-

eris concerning hiring him as a

consultant for our upcoming

capital campaign. We spent

about 30 minutes talking with

Phil. At the end of the meet-

ing, our board made the de-

cision to move forward and

hire him as a consultant in

the process.

Andrew Johnson came and

updated the board with infor-

mation about the celebration

at the end of September.

The board decided that we

wanted the dinner here in

our video café which will au-

tomatically limit the number

of people who can attend.

We are encouraging people

who are part of our church

family to get their tickets, and

if for any reason they cannot

attend, to return them so

someone else can use them.

The board approved the Per-

sonnel and finance commit-

tee to being working on the

2016 budget. The names

approved are Kevin Snyder,

Bob Hanson, Penny Ross,

and Clint Scheberl

Pastor Dave shared that we

had a student injured on our

property just prior to the

Speed-The-Light Bike ride

on Friday morning. The inci-

dent was reported and docu-

mented in our office and our

insurance carrier has been


Pastor Dave shared the life

groups that will be meeting

for this Fall.

Rachel Lescelius 9/02

Cathy Hoffman 9/03

Sean Cannon 9/04

Ray Jenswold 9/04

Jennifer Schabel 9/05

Greg Schmidt 9/05

Aria Schabel 9/07

Adalynn Wolf 9/09

Diane Nitschke 9/10

Seth Spoerl 9/10

Mason Sponholz 9/10

Laura Galbavy 9/10

Allisa Borkenhagen 9/11

Jonathan Wichman 9/12 Katie Snyder 9/15

Edyn Stortz 9/18

Joe Simmons 9/20

Shirley Elford 9/21

Carlton Freitag 9/21

Nate Cummings 9/22

Kristine Konitzer 9/23

Michael Thompson 9/25

Gonzo Lopez 9/26

Gary Kahlhamer 9/27

Tania Wolf 9/27

Jessica Stortz 9/28

Alexandra Elfers 9/29

Erin Leberak 9/29

Julie Koch 9/30

Leona Mattson 9/30

S e p t e m b e r

B i r t h d a y s

Page 5: September A. Frank Theresa M. Ganiere September Events Life Groups... What’s the big deal? The purpose of a life group

September 2015 Chr ist ian L i fe Fel lowship Page 5

Dodge County Fair

Water Wars

Landscaping our Building August 13 (David J. Frank Landscaping)

Each year, we have a

booth at the Dodge

County Fair. Volunteers

there, pass out bottles

of water, give out infor-

mation on the church,

and give a cheery hello!

Fun, games & laughter were had by all, during

the Illuminate Student Ministries Water Wars.

This was the second evening of fun and silli-

ness this summer, where both students and

leaders participated in this fun event.

Have you noticed the improve-

ments around our church

campus? We are working hard

for our upcoming Debt Retire-

ment Celebration.

Many volunteers have given

up multiple hours this summer

improving the building and

grounds of Christian Life Fel-


Our property has new land-

scaping as well. If you have

not seen the improvements,

come check them out!

Page 6: September A. Frank Theresa M. Ganiere September Events Life Groups... What’s the big deal? The purpose of a life group

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 5:45 Garage Café 6:30 Midweek —Adult Life Groups —Illuminate Youth —Toddler Rainbows —Konnect Kids

3 4 5

6 8:45 Adult Life Group 10:00 Communion 11:30 Cookie Fellow-ship 6:00 Men’s Life Group

7 8

3:30 Food Pantry

9 5:45 Garage Café 6:30 Midweek —Adult Life Groups —Illuminate Youth —Toddler Rainbows —Konnect Kids


6:30 The Bridge


Women’s Silent

Prayer Retreat

12 9:00 City on a Hill

Women’s Silent

Prayer Retreat

13 8:45 Adult Life Group

10:00 Worship

Women’s Silent

Prayer Retreat

6:00 Tangeman Life


6:30 Hanson Life


14 10:00 Horicon Life


15 16 5:45 Garage Café 6:30 Midweek —Adult Life Groups —Illuminate Youth —Toddler Rainbows —Konnect Kids

17 18 19

5:30 Committed


20 8:45 Adult Life Group

8:45 Membership


10:00 Worship

11:30 Newcomer


6:00 Men’s Life


21 22

3:30 Food Pantry

23 5:45 Garage Café 6:30 Midweek —Adult Life Groups —Illuminate Youth —Toddler Rainbows —Konnect Kids

24 25

Men’s Conference

Spencer Lake


Men’s Conference

Spencer Lake

27 8:45 Adult Life Group

10:00 Worship

11:30 Debt Retire-

ment Dinner

6:00 Tangeman Life


6:30 Hanson Life


28 29 30 5:45 Garage Café 6:30 Midweek —Adult Life Groups —Illuminate Youth —Toddler Rainbows —Konnect Kids

September 2015

Page 7: September A. Frank Theresa M. Ganiere September Events Life Groups... What’s the big deal? The purpose of a life group