september 30th, 2015 week #14€¦  · web viewseptember 30th, 2015 week #14 this is me and my...

September 30 th , 2015 Week #14 This is me and my companion (Sister Pritchard) and then Sister Colby and her companion (Sister Hall). Sister Colby's companion has been really sick for weeks and so they sent her home last week. The three of us were in a trio this last week and we were not only covering our two wards but her four wards too. It has been a crazy and fun week! One morning we went outside and chased chickens around the yard. I do not like animals! This was my first time holding a chicken.

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Page 1: September 30th, 2015 Week #14€¦  · Web viewSeptember 30th, 2015 Week #14 This is me and my companion (Sister Pritchard) and then Sister Colby and her companion (Sister Hall)

September 30th, 2015 Week #14

This is me and my companion (Sister Pritchard) and then Sister Colby and her companion (Sister Hall). Sister Colby's companion has been really sick for weeks and so they sent her home last week. The three of us were in a trio this last week and we were not only covering our two wards but her four wards too. It has been a crazy and fun week!

One morning we went outside and chased chickens around the yard. I do not like animals! This was my first time holding a chicken. 

Page 2: September 30th, 2015 Week #14€¦  · Web viewSeptember 30th, 2015 Week #14 This is me and my companion (Sister Pritchard) and then Sister Colby and her companion (Sister Hall)

This is our cute little trio!

We stopped on our way to sweet this week and took some pictures by a little stream. I stepped in mud and my foot sank. My shoe was covered in mud. 

Page 3: September 30th, 2015 Week #14€¦  · Web viewSeptember 30th, 2015 Week #14 This is me and my companion (Sister Pritchard) and then Sister Colby and her companion (Sister Hall)

We drank water from a trough this week. In the middle of Sweet (which is not a very big town) they had this little watering trough. The water tasted way better than Emmett water. 

One of the lady’s in our ward has like 15 dogs (They are all Chihuahuas). The one that I am holding is named Monkey and she is the cutest little dog ever. 

Page 4: September 30th, 2015 Week #14€¦  · Web viewSeptember 30th, 2015 Week #14 This is me and my companion (Sister Pritchard) and then Sister Colby and her companion (Sister Hall)

This is Glenna! She is one of my favorite people to go see. She is hilarious. She lives in assisted living place. We painted her nails and she just had to show everyone. She kept holding her hands up and looking at them and kept saying "these are just beautiful". 

Sister Pritchard is being transferred. Good-byes are never easy. This is Ines (very right), Michael (right in front of me), and their cousins and family. 

Page 5: September 30th, 2015 Week #14€¦  · Web viewSeptember 30th, 2015 Week #14 This is me and my companion (Sister Pritchard) and then Sister Colby and her companion (Sister Hall)

This is the Graviett's. We said good-bye to them too :( We ate so much food last night because every house that we stopped at they insisted that we had desert with them. 

Now to be serious. We had an awesome lesson with our recent converts. We just taught them about the Plan of Salvation again. They have a neighbor that comes over occasionally. He came over for dinner the same night that we had the lesson. After he was done eating he came in and said that he was listening to all that we were saying and said that he was really interested. He wants to "investigate" more. We had a really powerful discussion with him and then invited him to pray. We always try to have the investigator pray so that they can feel the Spirit. We all knelt down and he said a few words and then it was really awkwardly silent for 5 minutes. Then he stands up and says he can’t do it anymore. It was really weird. He was crying and said that he felt the spirit. Someone else ended up saying the closing prayer. IT was such a powerful lesson.

We usually get fed really good food and I am grateful for the people that feed us dinner. But this week we got a really nasty meal. We had veggie burgers or at least that is what she called them. She didn't really know what was in them. She just threw whatever was on her shelves in. She was still in the kitchen when we were eating so we all slowly just fed it to the dogs. We told her how grateful we were and she didn't know we didn't really eat them. 

Transfer calls were really scary this time. I was really nervous about what was going to happen. Last time I didn't have to worry because I knew that We were both going to stay here another week. Sister Pritchard is being transferred to Nampa :( I get to stay here in Emmett and I am training! I am so excited!!! 

Page 6: September 30th, 2015 Week #14€¦  · Web viewSeptember 30th, 2015 Week #14 This is me and my companion (Sister Pritchard) and then Sister Colby and her companion (Sister Hall)

We put on a wedding this week. We had to make a veil which was really interesting and hard because none of us knew how to make one but it turned out okay. The wedding was a success. Sister Colby has two investigators that want to be baptized but they had to get married first.

The General Women’s session of General Conference was amazing! It was just what one of our Recent converts needed to hear. 

It has been a great week! We have loved the trio life and are sad we are being split up now. We have had many great lessons this week!