september 2006adee cracow, nikos mattheos nikos mattheos university of bern, switzerland malmö...

September 2006 ADEE Cracow, Nikos Mattheos Nikos Mattheos University of Bern, Switzerland Malmö University, Sweden

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Page 1: September 2006ADEE Cracow, Nikos Mattheos Nikos Mattheos University of Bern, Switzerland Malmö University, Sweden

September 2006 ADEE Cracow, Nikos Mattheos

Nikos Mattheos University of Bern, Switzerland

Malmö University, Sweden

Page 2: September 2006ADEE Cracow, Nikos Mattheos Nikos Mattheos University of Bern, Switzerland Malmö University, Sweden

September 2006 ADEE Cracow, Nikos Mattheos

”if you want them to learn...

...confuse them! ”

Rolf Attström, Monday morning 8.00, Periodontology department corridor, Malmö ..!

Page 3: September 2006ADEE Cracow, Nikos Mattheos Nikos Mattheos University of Bern, Switzerland Malmö University, Sweden

September 2006 ADEE Cracow, Nikos Mattheos

Distance Learning (DL)

Open and Distance Learning (ODL)

Flexible Learning

Distributed Learning

Blended Learning

A little bit of History!

Page 4: September 2006ADEE Cracow, Nikos Mattheos Nikos Mattheos University of Bern, Switzerland Malmö University, Sweden

September 2006 ADEE Cracow, Nikos Mattheos

1. ”traditional” + electonic/web based

2. face to face + distance/self-paced

3. Different pedagogic approaches

...and what is blended learning ?

Page 5: September 2006ADEE Cracow, Nikos Mattheos Nikos Mattheos University of Bern, Switzerland Malmö University, Sweden

September 2006 ADEE Cracow, Nikos Mattheos

”Blended learning is only new to people who were foolish enough to think that delegating the entire training role to the computer was going to work..!”Jay Cross, 2004

Page 6: September 2006ADEE Cracow, Nikos Mattheos Nikos Mattheos University of Bern, Switzerland Malmö University, Sweden

September 2006 ADEE Cracow, Nikos Mattheos



Project work

On-line library



Web boards

Team work

Search engines



Mattheos N. 88th Annual FDI Congress, Paris 2000.

Page 7: September 2006ADEE Cracow, Nikos Mattheos Nikos Mattheos University of Bern, Switzerland Malmö University, Sweden

September 2006 ADEE Cracow, Nikos Mattheos

Education will be enhanced and Education will be enhanced and improved through technology as long as improved through technology as long as

the focus remains on learningthe focus remains on learning

Invimeds consortium

Page 8: September 2006ADEE Cracow, Nikos Mattheos Nikos Mattheos University of Bern, Switzerland Malmö University, Sweden

September 2006 ADEE Cracow, Nikos Mattheos

Page 9: September 2006ADEE Cracow, Nikos Mattheos Nikos Mattheos University of Bern, Switzerland Malmö University, Sweden

September 2006 ADEE Cracow, Nikos Mattheos

Virtual Learning Environments Learning Content Management


”Instructional technology software created for educational use, primarily used as course support or

as vehicles or on-line courses.”Minielli Ferris, 2005

Page 10: September 2006ADEE Cracow, Nikos Mattheos Nikos Mattheos University of Bern, Switzerland Malmö University, Sweden

September 2006 ADEE Cracow, Nikos Mattheos

LecturesSeminarsClinicTextbooks - ArticlesAtlasMicroscope Lab


Web page or CDwith images

+ e-mail discussion Forum

Blended Learning !

Undergraduate teaching of Oral Pathology:

Page 11: September 2006ADEE Cracow, Nikos Mattheos Nikos Mattheos University of Bern, Switzerland Malmö University, Sweden

September 2006 ADEE Cracow, Nikos Mattheos

• loads of transparenciesloads of transparencies • One AmphitheatreOne Amphitheatre• Three lectures per weekThree lectures per week• 100 100 studentsstudents

Page 12: September 2006ADEE Cracow, Nikos Mattheos Nikos Mattheos University of Bern, Switzerland Malmö University, Sweden

September 2006 ADEE Cracow, Nikos Mattheos

Digitise transparenciesDigitise transparencies ++ InternetInternet+ Three lectures+ Three lectures+ Asynchronous board+ Asynchronous board

4040 students in lecturesstudents in lectures23 hits on the web23 hits on the web2 comments on the e-board2 comments on the e-board2 e-mails2 e-mails

Page 13: September 2006ADEE Cracow, Nikos Mattheos Nikos Mattheos University of Bern, Switzerland Malmö University, Sweden

September 2006 ADEE Cracow, Nikos Mattheos

• One opening lectureOne opening lecture• Digitise - InternetDigitise - Internet• Links - referencesLinks - references• IndividualIndividual – – GroupGroup taskstasks

Page 14: September 2006ADEE Cracow, Nikos Mattheos Nikos Mattheos University of Bern, Switzerland Malmö University, Sweden

September 2006 ADEE Cracow, Nikos Mattheos

20 + questions


Page 15: September 2006ADEE Cracow, Nikos Mattheos Nikos Mattheos University of Bern, Switzerland Malmö University, Sweden

September 2006 ADEE Cracow, Nikos Mattheos

• self- assessmentself- assessment• Peer criticPeer critic• Invite ”guest” expertInvite ”guest” expert

• One opening lectureOne opening lecture• Digitise - InternetDigitise - Internet• Links - referencesLinks - references• IndividualIndividual – – GroupGroup taskstasks

Page 16: September 2006ADEE Cracow, Nikos Mattheos Nikos Mattheos University of Bern, Switzerland Malmö University, Sweden

September 2006 ADEE Cracow, Nikos Mattheos

Blended Learning !Blended Learning ! He ”blended” media

to deliver instruction

She used media to ”blend”

- self-assessment- teamwork- peer critic- external assessment- interaction

Page 17: September 2006ADEE Cracow, Nikos Mattheos Nikos Mattheos University of Bern, Switzerland Malmö University, Sweden

September 2006 ADEE Cracow, Nikos Mattheos

”Keep the end in mind ! ”

Page 18: September 2006ADEE Cracow, Nikos Mattheos Nikos Mattheos University of Bern, Switzerland Malmö University, Sweden

September 2006 ADEE Cracow, Nikos Mattheos

Why bother?

Learning Styles !

Diveristy in Learning

Page 19: September 2006ADEE Cracow, Nikos Mattheos Nikos Mattheos University of Bern, Switzerland Malmö University, Sweden

September 2006 ADEE Cracow, Nikos Mattheos

“With blended learning, schools and teachers can increase the engagement of students in the learning process and accommodate a variety of

learning styles.”

Liz Pape. From Bricks to Clicks: Blurring Classroom/Cyber Lines. 2006

Page 20: September 2006ADEE Cracow, Nikos Mattheos Nikos Mattheos University of Bern, Switzerland Malmö University, Sweden

September 2006 ADEE Cracow, Nikos Mattheos





Ice cream?

...Blend !

Page 21: September 2006ADEE Cracow, Nikos Mattheos Nikos Mattheos University of Bern, Switzerland Malmö University, Sweden

September 2006 ADEE Cracow, Nikos Mattheos

Simpson C & Du Y. 2004.Effects of learning styles and class participation on students’ enjoyment level in distributed learning environments.

Richmond AS & Liu L. 2005. Student learning styles of traditional courses versus online distyance


Terrell SR & Dringus L. 2000.An investigation of the effect of learning style on student success in an on-

line learning environment.

Learning styles - Blended learning

No correlation between specific learning styles and computer

enhanced instruction

Page 22: September 2006ADEE Cracow, Nikos Mattheos Nikos Mattheos University of Bern, Switzerland Malmö University, Sweden

September 2006 ADEE Cracow, Nikos Mattheos

Page 23: September 2006ADEE Cracow, Nikos Mattheos Nikos Mattheos University of Bern, Switzerland Malmö University, Sweden

September 2006 ADEE Cracow, Nikos Mattheos

Myers - Bryggs:

Extraversion - IntroversionSensing - IntuitiveThinking - FeelingJudging - Perceptive



Visual AuditoryKinesthetic Tactile


Felder & Silverman:

Active - ReflectiveSensing - IntuitiveVisual - VerbalSequential - Global

Page 24: September 2006ADEE Cracow, Nikos Mattheos Nikos Mattheos University of Bern, Switzerland Malmö University, Sweden

September 2006 ADEE Cracow, Nikos Mattheos

Computer is a tool - it can be used to favour any learning strategy or style

Page 25: September 2006ADEE Cracow, Nikos Mattheos Nikos Mattheos University of Bern, Switzerland Malmö University, Sweden

September 2006 ADEE Cracow, Nikos Mattheos

to ...blend on not to blend?

Instructional Advantages:

- simplicity, accessibility, flexibility

- management of learning process, documentation

Educational Advantages:

- pedagogic strategic choice- better than purely on-line education

Page 26: September 2006ADEE Cracow, Nikos Mattheos Nikos Mattheos University of Bern, Switzerland Malmö University, Sweden

September 2006 ADEE Cracow, Nikos Mattheos

to ...blend on not to blend?

...because students will like it more

...because this way you will accommodate more learning styles

...because it is be more effective

Page 27: September 2006ADEE Cracow, Nikos Mattheos Nikos Mattheos University of Bern, Switzerland Malmö University, Sweden

September 2006 ADEE Cracow, Nikos Mattheos

”Blended learning focuses on optimising achievement of learning objectives by applying the right learning technologies to match the right learning style to transfer the right skills to the right person at the right time”

Singh H & Reed C.

Singh H & Reed C. A white paper: Achieving success with Blended Learning. 2005.

Page 28: September 2006ADEE Cracow, Nikos Mattheos Nikos Mattheos University of Bern, Switzerland Malmö University, Sweden

September 2006 ADEE Cracow, Nikos Mattheos

”The term blended-learning is ill-defined and inconsistenly used. Whilst its popularity is increasing, its clarity is not.

Building research around this term becomes an impossible project, since without a common concept of its meaning there can be no coherent way of synthesising the findings of studies, let alone developing a consistent theoretical framework.”

Oliver M (London) & Trigwell K (Oxford) 2005

Oliver M, Trigwell K. Can blended learning be redeemed? E-learning, Vol2, Nr1, 2005.

Page 29: September 2006ADEE Cracow, Nikos Mattheos Nikos Mattheos University of Bern, Switzerland Malmö University, Sweden

September 2006 ADEE Cracow, Nikos Mattheos

”Blended is a transitory term. Soon it will join other terms in the dustbin of has-beens. In the meantime, ”blended” is a stepping stone to the future.

It reminds us to look at learning challenges from many directions. It makes computer-only training look ridiculous.

It drives us to pick the right tools to get the job done”.

Jay Cross

Jay Cross, In: Foreword, Handbook of blended learning. December2004

Page 30: September 2006ADEE Cracow, Nikos Mattheos Nikos Mattheos University of Bern, Switzerland Malmö University, Sweden

September 2006 ADEE Cracow, Nikos Mattheos