sept - nov 2015

Visit the shul website at Shul Office: 905.522.1351 [email protected] VOL. 32 - NO. 1 SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER/NOVEMBER 2015 TISHREI/CHESVAN/KISLEV 5776 Dates To Remember BETH JACOB SYNAGOGUE The Circle Saturday, Sept. 5 Selichot Program & Israeli Film Monday & Tuesday, Sept. 14 & 15 Rosh Hashanah Sunday, Sept. 20 Jewish Voice of Hamilton Exhibit Opening Tuesday, Sept. 22 Kol Nidre Wednesday, Sept. 23 Yom Kippur Monday, Sept. 28 - Sunday, Oct. 4 Sukkot Monday, Oct. 5 Shemini Atzeret - Yizkor Tuesday, Oct. 6 Simchat Torah Friday & Saturday Nov. 13 & 14 Installation Weekend for Rabbi Hillel Lavery-Yisraeli Details Inside Tikateyvu V’tichatemu 5776 ’shan a Tov ah Visit the shul website at Shul Office: 905.522.1351 [email protected] Visit us on Facebook Blow Your Own Horn! Please bring your shofar on the second day of Rosh Hashanah. At the end of Musaf, you are invited to join Rabbi Hillel and Cantor Eyal on the bima for the last shofar blowing.

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Page 1: Sept - Nov 2015

V i s i t t h e s h u l w e b s i t e a t w w w. b e t h j a c o b s y n a g o g u e . c a Shul Off ice: 905.522.1351 off [email protected]

Vol. 32 - No. 1 september/october/NoVember 2015 tishrei/chesVaN/kisleV 5776

Dates To Rem ember


T h e C i r c l e

Saturday, Sept. 5Selichot Program &

Israeli Film

Monday & Tuesday, Sept. 14 & 15Rosh Hashanah

Sunday, Sept. 20Jewish Voice of Hamilton

Exhibit Opening

Tuesday, Sept. 22Kol Nidre

Wednesday, Sept. 23Yom Kippur

Monday, Sept. 28 - Sunday, Oct. 4Sukkot

Monday, Oct. 5 Shemini Atzeret - Yizkor

Tuesday, Oct. 6Simchat Torah

Friday & Saturday Nov. 13 & 14

Installation Weekend forRabbi Hillel Lavery-Yisraeli

Details Inside

T i k a t e y v u V ’t i c h a t e m u

5 7 7 6

’shana Tovah

Visit the shul website

Shul Office: 905.522.1351 [email protected]

Visit us on Facebook

B l o w Yo u r O w n H o r n !

P l e a s e b r i n g yo u r s h o f a r o n t h e s e c o n d d a y o f R o s h H a s h a n a h . A t t h e e n d o f Mu s a f , yo u a r e i n v i t e d t o j o i n R a b b i H i l l e l a n d C a n t o r Ey a l o n t h e b i m a f o r t h e l a s t s h o f a r b l o w i n g .

Page 2: Sept - Nov 2015


Dearest Beth Jacob Family, It is with joy that I submit my first contribution to the Beth Jacob Bulletin. Our first few weeks in this community have been absolutely wonderful. Every-one’s been so helpful, kind, and welcom-ing to me and my family, and for this I thank you all sincerely. I’m not even finished unpacking my boxes and it’s already time to prepare for the High Holidays. Hopefully by the

time this goes to print, the box with my kittel will be discovered and un-packed. Unpacking boxes could be a good metaphor for the High Holidays with its theme of reflection, repair and making amends. Throughout the year we do a lot of things, some we’re proud of, others we aren’t. After doing them, we might tend to just ‘file them away’ in one of the storage boxes of our minds, setting them aside, taping them closed and forgetting about them. Once a year Judaism gently reminds us that those boxes can’t stay piled up in the corner of our basement forever. As painful as it might be, we have to open them, sort through them, decide what we can keep, what needs repair, what needs to be thrown out (and what belongs to someone else and we forgot to return). I find it comforting that Judaism gives us the opportunity to ‘unpack’ in the company of our friends – our community – all of whom are going through the same process. Indeed, even when praying alone, we always recite the vidui (confession prayer of Yom Kippur) using the plural forms, and even confess sins which we ourselves know that we could never have committed. Being a part of this Jewish family is our source of pride, encouragement and strength. And at the same time, though we do approach our yearly day of judg-ment with nervousness and trepidation, we should remember that it is not supposed to be depressing or despairing. It is actually traditional to wish each other ‘Chag same’ach’ on Yom Kippur! In ancient times, Yom Kippur after-noon was dedicated to dancing and matchmaking! It should be heartening to remember that if we approach Yom Kippur with sincerity, our slates get wiped clean and we receive a second chance. Teshuvah (return) is never out of reach. To our horror, this past year has seen some Jews performing some ex-tremely shocking crimes, namely the stabbing-murder of Shira Banki at the Gay Pride Parade in Jerusalem, and the house arson in Kfar Duma which killed 1.5-year-old Ali Dawabsheh, may their memories be for blessing. Crimes committed ‘in God’s name’. No less shocking was the absence of condemnation of either crime from the leading ultra-Orthodox Israeli rabbis. I am reminded of the words of a liturgical poem often sung just before Rosh Hashanah begins: “Tikhleh shanah vekileloteha, tachel shana uvirkhoteha”. “May this year end with all its curses, and may the new year begin with all its blessings.” I wish us all a good, sweet new year, and may we all be inscribed in the book of life blessed with health and happiness. Shanah tovah um’tukah.

Rabbi Hillel Lavery-Yisraeli

THE RABBIa word from THE PRESIDENTA word from

The date was Friday, March 6, 2015, late morning. In the shul parking lot, Rabbi Selsberg smiled and waved as past president, Wendy Schneider, and I drove off to Toronto Pearson Airport to greet rabbinical candidate, Rabbi Hillel Lavery-Yisraeli, flying in from Sweden. The weekend’s planned three-day itinerary was timed to the nano-second – meals, sermons, ser-vices, hosts, questions, group meet-ings, private meetings, city tour, Jew-ish tour — all designed to welcome Rabbi Hillel, for him to get to know us and for the folks of Beth Jacob to get to know him. By now, you might know that I suffer from OY-CD - Jewish paranoia. As we got closer and closer to the airport, my mind was searching for any-thing that we might have forgotten, when it came to me. “Wendy, what do we do when it’s time to actually greet Rabbi Hillel? Handshake or hug?” Wendy answered with a typically direct response, “Handshake!” (I was driv-ing, but I knew her eyes rolled and I felt the slight tremor of frustration in her voice, but that’s why I love Wendy and she loves me.) An hour later, the Arrivals door slid open and Rabbi Hillel easily caught sight of us and he smiled from ear to ear. As he walked down the ramp towards us, his arms extended and he took us both in for one big HUG! “This is the art of welcoming,” writes wellness and fitness coach Ray-chel Kubby Adler, “being open as well as extending invitations. Welcoming brings ease — makes people feel wanted and accepted. It allows us to sanc-tify a moment, cherish a relationship, receive and embrace.” Not all of us, and surely not at all times, are we ready to give or to receive such a welcome. Some of us are more shy than others; some are al-ready satisfied with the number of people they connect with. Some have for-gotten what it was like to be the outsider. However, as Conservative Jews, we wrestle with issues and strive to develop our practices to move up a higher spiritual ladder. One of the ways we achieve this is by being a community, learning together, celebrating together, welcoming all to find their niche, their circle or an additional circle of friends, connectedness, retention, and a continuum of members. The most powerful way we experience God is not personally, but col-lectively. In our prayer book most of the prayers are in the plural “we thank, we need, we hope.” In Judaism, most of the mitzvot can only be fulfilled in community: when we visit our sick, console our bereaved, give resources to our needy or simply stop, converse and get to know one another. This shul is composed of the most interesting, funny, smart, spiritual people from all parts of the world, with Jewish experiences and practices so wide and fasci-nating. Judaism is built around people. God doesn’t dwell within our institu-tions or buildings, but in our relationships. So introduce yourselves to one another, invite others to your home for Shabbat dinner, religious celebra-tions or bring someone to a class. If you see someone on the outside (liter-ally and figuratively) then for goodness sake and for God’s sake, invite them in. Welcome to the next generation of our kehilla. L’Shana Tova Tikatevu.

Cindy Richter

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Several years ago, I had a striking dream. I was standing in a valley in Israel and suddenly I heard a shofar blowing. That incredible sound stirred so much in me. I searched for the source of the shofar blast. Then I saw an individual wrapped in a tal-lith and standing on the hill to my left. Then I heard the sound of yet another sho-far. This one was coming from the hill to my right. I looked and could see a figure on the other hill also wrapped in a tallith. The musical dissonance between the two shofar blasts was grating on my

ears. They weren’t in the same pitch! Then I saw the two figures search for each other as they blew their shofars. Each shifted a little to this side and to that until finally, they were perfectly facing each other. They had found each other. At that precise moment, the two separate pitches turned into one sin-gle pitch. They were now in perfect unison. It was beautiful. We will hear the sound of the shofar this Rosh Hashana and at the con-clusion of Yom Kippur. It is a highlight for so many of us. The sanctuary quiets down. Kids rush to the bimah. (Some adults wish they could!) For some, it’s nostalgic. For some, it’s a powerful reminder of our ancient roots. For some, it’s a spiritual moment carrying a divine message. The 13th century Spanish poet Judah Samuel Abbas, in his great poem Et Sha’arei Ratzon, saw the shofar blast as signifying the Jewish people’s sal-vation - an end to persecution and the coming of the messiah. The prophet Isaiah understood it to signify the gathering of the scattered Jewish people to their homeland (Isaiah 27:13). The High Holy Days, though, are not just about the Jewish people as a collective, but also about us as individuals. During this time we are expected to come clean with ourselves, God, and those around us. We are asked to seek forgiveness and to be forgiving. In my dream, the shofar blowers overcame the dissonance between them and found a way to work together. As we hear the shofar this Rosh Hashana, may we be reminded to acknowledge the dis-sonance in our personal lives and to seek to repair it and to heal it so that we can be whole and in harmony with ourselves and those around us. Shanah Tovah

Cantor Eyal Bitton


A word from

Access to the shul during the High Holidays will be from the parking lot only. The Aberdeen

Avenue entrance will be closed. Thank you.


SUNDAY, SEPT. 13Mincha/Ma’ariv 6:00 pm Candle lighting 6:14 pm





CANDLE LIGHTINGOn Kol Nidre Eve, after 6:30 pm candles will be available in the main kitchen for those

who wish to avoid riding to synagogue after the kindling of lights.


Service start times are firm; all other start times are approximate.

Shacharit 8:30amShofar/Return Torah 10:00amSermon 10:15am

Mincha/Maariv 6:00pmCandle not before 8:14pm

Shacharit 8:30amSermon 11:00 am

Yizkor immediately following sermon

Mincha 5:15pmNeilah 6:45pmConclusion of Fast/Shofar 7:58pm

Shacharit 9:15am Mincha/Seu’dah Shlisheet/Ma’ariv 6:40pmHavdallah 8:05pm

Kol Nidre Services *7:00 pm Candles by 6:59pm* Sharp. Our start time is not determined by when all are seated, but based on the

position of the sun in the sky. We cannot wait for latecomers before beginning.

Please consider arriving sufficiently early to park (if driving), walk to shul, find your

seats, shmooze with friends, and do some last-minute atoning before 7:00pm.

Please note sermon times!!

Shacharit 8:30amShofar/Return Torah 10:00amSermon 10:15am

Mincha/Maariv 7:00pmHavdallah 8:13pm

This High Holy Day season we ask that congregants please refrain from wearing perfume or cologne as some people get allergic reactions or headaches as a result of other people’s fragrances

and moving seats isn’t always an option. Thank you!

Fragrance-Free High Holy DaysPlease let us know if you or someone you know is in

hospital or need a home visit or phone call. Call the shul office at 905.522.1351 or email

[email protected].

We can’t help if we don’t know

Page 4: Sept - Nov 2015




Candle lighting 6:50pm Ma’ariv Services 6:55pm


Shacharit 9:00am Mincha 6:50pm

Monday: Candles after 7:49pmTuesday: Havdallah at 7:47pm


SEPT. 30, OCT. 1 & OCT. 2 Shacharit 7:30am Mincha 6:00pm

Friday Kabbalat Shabbat at 6:00pm


Shacharit 9:00am Mincha 6:10pm

HOSHANA RABA SUNDAY, OCT. 4 Shacharit 9:00am Mincha 6:00pm


Shacharit 9:00am Yizkor 10:30am Mincha 6:30pm Ma’ariv followed by Hakafot 7:15pm


Shacharit 9:00amHakafot, dancing, snacks and controlled mayhem! 9:45am

Simchat Torah luncheon following hakafotMincha following luncheon

Havdallah at 7:34pm

SIMCHAT TORAH HONOUREESJoin us on Tuesday, October 6 as we recognize

Jerry Goldblatt with the honour of Chatan Torah and Cantor Eyal Bitton with the honour of Chatan Bereshit

Jerry Goldblatt grew up on Holton Street in the east end of Hamilton, within walking range of the Delaware Avenue JCC. His earliest memories include walking to the Hunter street shul with his family. At age 11, his family moved out west to Chedoke street and he had his Bar Mitzvah at the new Beth Jacob two years later. Jerry says his best education was at the University of Intermet-co where he was trained on how to be a scrap dealer. Today he is still working in the industry, run-ning his own business, Creekwood Metals Trading which purchases and sells scrap nonferrous metals throughout North America. In 1969 Jerry married Elena Scholes at a ceremony officiated by Rabbi Silverman. They have two daughters, Danielle and Mindy, who have given Jerry and Elena five beautiful grandchildren. They all live in Toronto but still enjoy coming to Beth Jacob for the High Holidays which the grandchildren refer to as “Zaidy’s Shul”. Jerry’s love for Beth Jacob goes back to when he would attend shul with his father. He still enjoys at-tending morning and evening min-yan to pray and kibbitz with his fellow minyonaires. Jerry is Beth Jacob Synagogue’s handymensch. If he finds a crack in the wall, he will fill it. If a bath-room needs renovations he will find the resources and personnel to fix it. Jerry is currently help-ing Beth Jacob upgrade its security system and, with Jerry at the helm, you know you’re in good hands. Jerry is honoured and grateful to be named Hatan Torah this year.

Cantor Eyal Bitton is a composer and playwright who has written several musicals which have been produced in Canada, the US, Ken-ya, and China. His liturgical works have been performed by cantors and choirs in Canada, the US, and Israel. As an infant, Cantor Eyal moved to Zaire and then, at the age of eight, moved to Montreal where he studied at United Tal-mud Torahs, Vanier College and McGill University. He worked as a musical director of several adult and children’s choirs for 20 years, including Toronto’s Beth Tikvah Synagogue. In 2009, he moved to Hamilton with his wife, Michele Tredger, to become cantor at the warm and welcoming congregation of Beth Jacob. Known for his creative ap-proach, Cantor Eyal has introduced themed Shabbat services, formed an adult choir for Shabbat and Kol Nidrei, a new youth choir for Rosh Hashanah, presented engaging musical lectures like “Jewish TV Theme Songs” and “Jewish Rock Stars”, organized and performed in concerts, and started the L’dor Va-dor Young Leaders program to give teens key roles in services. He also teaches in theHebrew school and regularly leads youth services throughout the year. Cantor Eyal is also very engaged in the community, per-forming and teaching regularly at Shalom Village and Kehila and writing the scripts for Yom Has-hoah. Cantor Eyal is extremely hon-oured and grateful to be Hatan Be-reshit this year.


Flowers on the bima for the High Holidays were donated in memory of Lou and Claire Latner by

Donna and Henry Vine and Family and Hershey Latner

Page 5: Sept - Nov 2015


The Jewish community’s Out of the Cold program provides hot, nutri-tious and delicious meals for Hamiltonians in need, served with dignity and compassion. Would YOU like to volunteer? We operate every Tuesday from November to the end of March. Consider the following and contact Cindy before October 15 at [email protected].

The duties include the following:Kitchen – purchasing/preparing/cooking food10am-5:00pm (2-3 hour shifts of your choosing)Dining Room Setup – set up tables and chairs, tablecloths etc.1-1½ hours (usually late morning or early afternoon)Serving – serving the prepared meals to our guests4 to 6 p.m. (those who work during the day often come around 5pm)Kitchen Cleanup – wash dishes/cutlery/kitchen 5:15-6:30pmDining Room Cleanup – put away tables & chairs, tablecloths, dish-ware, etc.5:30-6:30pm. (Usually, the servers also clean up the dining room, but extra help is always welcome)

In addition, OOTC provides a breakfast program Mondays through Saturdays at the Wesley Centre. Volunteers are needed from 7:15 to 9am, preparing breakfasts, serving guests and cleaning up. If you’re interested in the breakfast program or another of the sites which operate, please check out: and contact the OOTC office after Labour Day, 905 308-8447.

* We even go further! For the comfort of our guests, we provide toilet-ries, new adult socks, clean warm hats, gloves and scarves. Drop them off at the shul. Shana Tova!


Wishing the Beth Jacob Family

Shana Tova

Rabbi Hillel and Rabbi Yonah Lavery-Yisraeli Cantor Eyal Bitton & Michele Tredger

Rina Rodak, Cindy RichterThe Beth Jacob Board of Governors

Hanna Schayer, Maureen Price, Kelly Buwalda, Lance Tsuchiya and John Wiltshire

Our congregational Tashlikh will take place at Bayfront Park. Meet at 4:45 p.m. at the Bayfront Park parking lot. Feel free to bring a picnic dinner!

SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 20Annual General


• D’var Torah• Congratulations and Condolences• Welcoming of new members• Approval of minutes from last year’s AGM• Presentation of financial statements• Appointment of auditors• Rabbi’s Report• Presidents’ Report• Election of Board of Governors• Good & Welfare

MeetingThe agenda will include the following:

If you have something that you think would be of interest to other congregants, let us know. We’ll ask you to write a short article about your experience for possible insertion into the bulletin. Provide photographs if relevant.

Share yournewsand views

MAZON Canada is the national Jewish response to hunger which funds only

those organizations which have as their primary concern the relief of hunger

Donate at

Feed the Hungry

Page 6: Sept - Nov 2015



18 ELUL - SEPTEMBER 2Annie ZaltzEve FinkelsteinSam Rosenblatt

19 ELUL - SEPTEMBER 3Abby Goldblatt

20 ELUL - SEPTEMBER 4Benjamin RosenfeldThelma Pearl Rusonik

21 ELUL - SEPTEMBER 5Minnie CohenMilton Roher

22 ELUL - SEPTEMBER 6Paul LandaChaim Schayer

23 ELUL - SEPTEMBER 17Frances Lew

24 ELUL - SEPTEMBER 18Grandfather of Hilton SilbergMorris Silver

25 ELUL - SEPTEMBER 9Rose FarkasRebecca MishkelAnne BergartJacob Abraham

26 ELUL - SEPTEMBER 10Grandfather of Barry Rosenblatt

27 ELUL - SEPTEMBER 11 Ida Rosen

28 ELUL - SEPTEMBER 12Malcolm Goldblatt

29 ELUL - SEPTEMBER 13Grandmother of Larry GoldblattSamuel Levy

1 Tishrei - SEPTEMBER 14Grandmother of Barry RosenblattMorris BlackZev PearlBernard (Bernie) Tick

2 Tishrei - SEPTEMBER 15Toby SkrobackyBertram KaplanskyIda CharneyGeraldo Pillon

3 Tishrei - SEPTEMBER 16Harry GaffeBubbles BenjaminDavid GurevitzMarcia Baily Levy

4 Tishrei - SEPTEMBER 17Lillian Dressler Waldman

5 Tishrei - SEPTEMBER 18Judi GreenBlanche LatnerAnne WellsDr. Jack ShekterMuriel BackBarbara Molly BerensHarold Abraham Ellison

6 Tishrei - SEPTEMBER 19Hilda Goldblatt

7 Tishrei - SEPTEMBER 20Andrew BackPeter WaldJacob Brown

8 Tishrei - SEPTEMBER 21Robert Madow

9 Tishrei - SEPTEMBER 22Marion LevyReuben Molot

10 Tishrei - SEPTEMBER 23Harry CohenRose SwayeMichael Burjaw

12 Tishrei - SEPTEMBER 25Harry Zigelstein

13 Tishrei - SEPTEMBER 26Faye HaivenDavid Polan

14 Tishrei – SEPTEMBER 27Bernie GreenbaumSaul Aaron CohenMischa Weisz

15 Tishrei - SEPTEMBER 28Lawrence WengleBetty LevyBelle Cohen

16 Tishrei - SEPTEMBER 29Jacob Furman

17 Tishrei - SEPTEMBER 30Monya ChernsGrandmother of Hilton Silberg

18 Tishrei - OCTOBER 1Maurice WolpertHinda Myra (Babsie) GoldbergReiselle Schayer

19 Tishrei – OCTOBER 2Mother of Betty Foster

Ethel GoldbergGordon FruitmanJack Friedman

20 Tishrei – OCTOBER 3Rose (Cookie) Rosenblatt

21 Tishrei - OCTOBER 4Jessica KaplanskyClaris ‘Brownie’ Freedman

22 Tishrei - OCTOBER 5Belle OrsonIrvin EberGertrude FinkelsteinHy RotmanBen Dasch

23 Tishrei – OCTOBER 6Bertha KaufmanJoseph Gold

24 Tishrei – OCTOBER 7Marjorie StaplesMartha Caplan

25 Tishrei – OCTOBER 8Anne ResnickReva GelberEva Halasz

26 Tishrei – OCTOBER 9Sylvia ArronEvelyn Silver

27 Tishrei – OCTOBER 10Harry Petigorsky

28 Tishrei – OCTOBER 11Sandra Marks

29 Tishrei – OCTOBER 12Abraham Louis (Oscar) Weitzman

30 Tishrei – OCTOBER 13Rose SilvertBertha Gelber

1 CHESHVAN – OCTOBER 14Paul SilverRose FineShelley Borovoy

2 CHESHVAN – OCTOBER 15Boris RoefeElse OrkinBlanche Levy

4 CHESHVAN – OCTOBER 17Helen ZimmermanJack CaplanSusan Sauve

5 CHESHVAN – OCTOBER 18Morris Paikin

7 CHESHVAN – OCTOBER 20Rebecca HarenHarold ApplebaumBarbara RoatAlbert Ennis

8 CHESHVAN – OCTOBER 21Bessie GurevitzCoosy FrankSylvia (Sorkey) Nellicks

9 CHESHVAN – OCTOBER 22Samuel Price

10 CHESHVAN – OCTOBER 23Hyman Wiseman

11 CHESHVAN – OCTOBER 24Father of Marla HoppeMaurice ZaltzJack RosenRonald FeinGina Guerina Gerotto-Pillon

12 CHESHVAN – OCTOBER 25Mary AckermanGertrude EisenstatNathan FoxGeorge ScholesHyman Caplan

13 CHESHVAN – OCTOBER 26Ralph EnnisSydney CohenAllan RosenStan SobolGoldie Finkelstein

15 CHESHVAN – OCTOBER 28Hasna SolomonIrene Bella Hershberg

16 CHESHVAN – OCTOBER 29Father of Betty Foster

17 CHESHVAN – OCTOBER 30Ruth Anne ZaitchikHenri Smolarski

18 CHESHVAN – OCTOBER 31Jacob Norman GoldblattJacob AdlerBarbara June Rosenberg

19 CHESHVAN – NOVEMBER 1Anuta (Hana) PulverSybil DermerMelvin ManishenAlexander KhayutinSigmund Botnick

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Our chapel at the Beth Jacob cemetery served us well; however, for safety’s sake, we had to bid it farewell. In addition, the removal of aged trees has begun. A realigned cement walkway has been installed along with sodding; the commemoration plaques from the chapel will be re-displayed and the generations after us will stand under new trees which will be planted in the Fall. We wish to thank Elaine Miller and the family of Leonard Miller, z”l, for their generous donation.Our sincerest appreciation for their generosity to Aiden Tuite of Tuite General Contracting, Martin Sniderman of Posner Metals, Benjy Katz and our outstanding, conscientious, strong and caring cemetery custodian, Brian Guffroy.

Farewell to the Cemetery Chapel

The O-MA-NOOT Gallery at Beth Jacob Synagogue presents

In Celebration

A celebratory Judaic exhibition of quilts, tapestries and textile wall hangings

created by the Pomegranate Guild of Judaic Textiles, Toronto

September - November 2015/5776

Interested in joining the O-MA-NOOT group? Contact the shul office at 905-522-1351

20 CHESHVAN –NOVEMBER 2James L. Shekter

22 CHESHVAN – NOVEMBER 4Abram PriceRuth (Perle) Goliger

23 CHESHVAN – NOVEMBER 5Murray Cooper

24 CHESHVAN – NOVEMBER 6Grandmother of Larry Goldblatt

25 CHESHVAN – NOVEMBER 7Ethel WaltersNettie LevineJacobo FerdinandShirley ZennerJanna Adler

27 CHESHVAN – NOVEMBER 9Sarah ShapiroMendel JegendorfDr. Philip Yanover

28 CHESHVAN – NOVEMBER 10Joseph EisenstatEdmund OrlanderEric Douglas Main

29 CHESHVAN – NOVEMBER 11Mendel LevineLouis RosenbergRuth BordenNathan Fenwick

1 KISLEV – NOVEMBER 13Joseph ObermanLeslie Roefe

2 KISLEV – NOVEMBER 14Mother of Raye LebowRose Rosenshein

3 KISLEV – NOVEMBER 15Faye Minden

4 KISLEV – NOVEMBER 16William Ginsberg

5 KISLEV – NOVEMBER 17Father of Dorothy PollockSam Boom

6 KISLEV – NOVEMBER 18Leonard Zalter

7 KISLEV – NOVEMBER 19Sheldon Ross

8 KISLEV – NOVEMBER 20Mariam PetersArthur AvetissianIsabella Willinger Ducharme

9 KISLEV – NOVEMBER 21Dora KoskyStephen Frederick Foster

10 KISLEV – NOVEMBER 22Wolfe AdelmanDavid OrsonMichael Ryan LevinsonHarriette SmurlickMurray Walman

11 KISLEV – NOVEMBER 23Father-in-law of Ada FarkasJack RosenfeldDebby MosesMorris SiegelRuth Genevieve Rosenblatt

12 KISLEV – NOVEMBER 24Lou Hershorn

13 KISLEV – NOVEMBER 25Gloria SilvermanVictor Goldberg

14 KISLEV – NOVEMBER 26Brother of Dorothy PollockMaita RosenfeldBetty Kay

15 KISLEV – NOVEMBER 27Father of Sydney KudlatsSadie OpperBarbara GoldblattLeonard GooblarLillian Cohen

16 KISLEV – NOVEMBER 28Ruth EllenzweigRobert GooblarBirdie SmurlickChester WaxmanArthur Miller

17 KISLEV – NOVEMBER 29Sam Israel SoiferSamuel MacyGertrude RoherKenneth Loveman

18 KISLEV – NOVEMBER 30Louis WaltersIsabelle SilverSammy Kudlats

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David Gershon specializes in turning family synagogue services into meaningful, interactive experiences. He leads services in synagogues and camps throughout Canada.

Thank you to Patrizia and Alexander Maine for sponsoring High Holiday family services in memory of Patrizia’s father, Gino Raimondo Pillon.

Beth Jacob Synagogue presents a dynamic and exciting

Book your seats today! Call 905-522-1351 or email [email protected] note: If you already have High Holiday tickets for Beth Jacob, contact us to reserve complimentary seats.


Rosh Hashanah Family Service featuring

David Gershon(of the renowned Juno-winning “Judy and David”)

TUESDAY, Sept. 15 at 10:45 a.m.

Songs, stories, reflection and of course, shofar

blowing and honey cake!

If you came last year, you know what you’re in for!!If you missed last year, be sure to come for the fun!!

Welcome to all our new and

returning students! This year,

we are opening the school at

3:45 p.m. each Wednesday to welcome students

for after-school snack (which we will provide)

and some social time. Hebrew School will still

officially begin at 4:30 p.m. This time from 3:45-

4:30 p.m. is intended to serve as optional bonus

time for the children to spend (supervised time)

together. Please note that with these changes in

our program, dinner will no longer be provided.

At 4:30 p.m. the entire school will come

together in the Richter Chapel for a service with Cantor Eyal. Classes will follow

until 6:15 p.m. Mrs. Schmerling and Morah Gila will both be returning. Their programs will be enhanced by over-the-summer training from “Hebrew Through Movement.” Morah Gila’s class will continue to involve art, but themes will focus on the weekly Torah portion and upcoming holidays. Morah Gila will also focus on expanding our students’ Hebrew vocabulary. Cantor Eyal, Rina Rodak and Inbal Chaimovitz will be teaching the older grades. The Cantor’s class will be based on an expanded and enhanced version of his popular Jewish Rock Stars lecture series that he delivers yearly in Toronto and in Hamilton. Rina’s classes will focus on Jewish milestones and perspectives. Rina and Inbal will work together to grow the students’ Hebrew language skills; reading, writing and developing conversational skills


We are offering a second chance to further develop students’ Hebrew Language

skills. For those families who are interested, Inbal will be overseeing this enrichment

opportunity every Monday beginning mid-October. Beginner/intermediate levels

will be offered from 4:15-5:00 p.m. and intermediate/advanced will run from

5:00 to 5:45 p.m. (Each student’s level will be determined in the first weeks of

Wednesday Hebrew school. A minimum seven students in order to run this class)

Please note that a fee will apply.

JOINT PROGRAMMING WITH TEMPLE ANSHE SHOLOM! We will once again have joint learning opportunities with the Temple Anshe Sholom

Hebrew School. This year’s programs include Sukkot (TAS at BJ), Chanukah (BJ at

TAS), TuBShvat (BJ at TAS) and Passover (TAS at BJ). We hope they will join us for

some Shabbat learning as well. Our first joint program will be on Sept. 9 at Weir’s

Lane Farm and Apiary.

QUESTIONS? Contact Rina at [email protected]

or call 905-512-4036.

Exciting changes in store at the school

Pizza in the Hut Sukkah Decorating

For families of all ages!

Sunday Sept 2710 am -noon

Lunch served

RSVP to Rina at [email protected] or call 905-512-4036

Page 9: Sept - Nov 2015


Thursday, September 3, 5 - 7 pmBack to School Pool Party Pot Luck at the home of Cindy & Lowell RichterLifeguard will be on dutyParve or Dairy contributions to the potluck, please!

Wednesday, September 9Rosh Hashanah Family Program with Temple Anshe Sholom families at Weir’s Lane Farm and ApiaryIt’s All About the Bees... ‘bout the bees! Yum Honey!4:30 to 6:00p.m. No fee for this program!

Monday, September 14 at 10:45 a.m. Rosh Hashanah Day 1 Family Service in the Richter Chapel

Tuesday, September 15Rosh Hashanah Day 2 (see box)

Wednesday, September 16, 4:30 - 6:15 pmFirst day of Hebrew School Parent meeting at 5:45pm

Sunday, September 20 from 10 am to noonJewish Voice of Hamilton Exhibit Opening with kids’ activities (ages 6+ recommended)

Wednesday, September 23 at 10:30 a.m.Yom Kippur Family Service in the Richter Chapel PLUS - for those in grade 3+

“The Sacrifice of Isaac” comic book study

at approximately 11:15 (during Yizkor)

Sunday, September 27 ,10 a.m. to noonPizza in the Hut Sukkah Decorating Family Program (lunch will be served)

RSVP [email protected]

or call 905-512-4036. We will be painting

so please bring a smock!

Wednesday, September 30Temple Anshe Sholom Hebrew School joins

BJ Hebrew School for a Sukkah-fun program

(pick up is at 6pm)

Monday, October 5 & Tuesday October 6Simchat Torah Families... Come Horah with the Torah!

Saturday, October 17 at 10:30 a.m. Shabbat Morning Youth ProgramMeet in the museum chapel

Sunday, November 1 Beth Jacob Family BowlingDetails to follow

Saturday, November 7 at 10:30 a.m.Shabbat Morning Youth ProgramMeet in the museum chapel

Friday, November 13Installation Weekend Shabbat Dinner

Saturday, November 28 Youth Led Shabbat

Wednesday, December 2 BJ Hebrew School joins Temple Anshe SholomHebrew School for a Chanukah program (Drop off and pick up at TAS, 4:30-6:00 p.m.)

Wednesday, December 9 Shul-wide Chanukah Dinner

Schedule of Events

Torah for TotsBabies and children up to age 5 years are invited with a caregiver to participate in their own expe-riential Shabbat program twice a month. Enjoy songs, stories, movement, and play with Natalie

Sobel, followed by our own special kiddush!

Starting: October 17 Time: 10:45 to 11:45 a.m. In the All Purpose Room,

previously the Lower Cloak Room

Page 10: Sept - Nov 2015

Adult EducationMazal Tov to: David Ludwin by Mary Louise & Dennis Beecroft.

Building FundCondolences to: Julia Kollek & Family by Elizabeth Avetissian; In honour of: Victor Abraham by Francine & Murray Gerson; Rabbi Hillel Lavery Yisraeli by Jackie & Saul Koblin; Mazal Tov to: Hanna Schayer & Carl Cuneo by Francine & Murray Gerson, Carl Cuneo & Hanna Schayer; Hilton & Shirley Silberg.

Golden Book FundMazal Tov to: Lawrence Pollock by Shirley, Joanne, Michael, Adam, Jay, Evan, Shane, Barry, Sharon, Joel, Daphne & Corey; Bev & Ralph Orman by Joy Foster, Gwenn & Michael Sherman.

Hebrew School FundMazal Tov to: Beverly & Ralph Orman by Les & Leah Lowinger; Speedy Recovery to: Henry Vine by Philip & Maureen Price.

House FundCondolences to: Suzy Gurevitz by George & Bunny Levinson, Philip & Maureen Price, Hershey Latner, Susan & Bruce Levy; Lou & Judy Levy by Martin & Sandi Levy. Mazal Tov to: Jerry Goldblatt by Harold & Rayella Goldblatt, Henry & Donna Vine; Victor Abraham by Rabbi Dan & Karen Seleberg, Asher, Sammy & Aitan; John & Marla Levy by Cheryl Stevens; Ray & Sheila Greenspon by Josh Bach & Family; Victor Abraham by David & Alina Papernick; Bev & Ralph Orman by Mark & Shelly Markusoff; Yahrzeits of: Yetta Levy by Bruce Levy; Dr. Bella Aftenie by Dr. Judith Coret-Simon; Jerry Levy by Bruce & Susan Levy; Cecil Saperson by Marcia Saperson.

Library Fund Condolences to: Julia, Talia & Amiel Kollek by Alan, Yael, Mira & Tamar Livingston.

Music FundCondolences to: Suzy Gurevitz by Sandra Rabin; Mazal Tov to: Victor Abraham by Sandra Rabin & Ivan Ross; Bev & Ralph Orman by Bev & Les Lasky; Hanna Schayer & Carl Cuneo by Sandra Rabin & Ivan Ross; Sara Cuneo & Jonah Gordon by Eyal Bitton & Michele Tredger. In honour of: Michele Tredger by Philip & Maureen Price.

Out of the ColdMazal Tov to: Karen Saperson & Jeremy Goldberg by the Schoenbergs; Debbie & Ron Richter by Henry & Donna Vine; Peter Smurlick by Diana & Victor Abraham; Monisha Jhirad by Diana & Victor Abraham; Victor Abraham by Dorothy Rosenthal; Meredith & Vova Melamed by Josh Bach & Family; Victor Abraham by Ruth & Manny Fine, Lowell & Cindy Richter; Ralph & Bev Orman by Betty Filer; Rosalie & Paul Gaffe by Shirley Gold; Hanna Schayer & Carl Cuneo by Esther & Ralph Block, Victor & Diana Abraham; Hilton & Shirley Silberg by Cindy & Lowell Richter; Maureen Mansfield by Victor & Diana Abraham; Condolences to: Suzy Gurevitz by Donna & Henry Vine; Jeri Stringer by Donna & Henry Vine; In honour of: Victor Abraham by Judy & Daniel Berk, Nomi,Sara, Carl Cuneo & Hanna Schayer.

Prayer Book FundCondolences to: Sheryl Katz & the family of Goldie Robbins by Philip & Maureen Price & family; Magda Guzner by Helen Adler; Suzy Gurevitz by Marcia & Bill Halpren; Speedy Recovery to: Rabbi Morton Green; Henry Vine by Marcia & Bill Halpren; Mazal Tov to: Anna Ouwehand by Shlomit Acciaroli; Bev & Ralph Orman by Marcia & Bill Halpren; Victor Abraham, Harold & Rayella Goldblatt by Shirley & Kirk Kaplansky; Victor Abraham by Cele & David Steinberg; Gwen Sherman by Cele & David Steinberg; Bev & Ralph Orman by Cele & David Steinberg, Merle & Jack Brown. Prayer Book/High Holiday Machzor/Chumash Fund BookplateIn honour of: Dorothy Rosenthal by Michael & Harriet Orlander; Thank you to: Anne Sanderson, Peter Smurlick, Cantor Eyal Bitton, Alan Livingston by Anna Ouwehand; Mazal Tov to: Bev & Ralph Orman by Lynda & Jerry White; Hilton & Shirley Silberg by Fay Schmerling; Victor Abraham by Philip & Maureen Price, Rhona & Lou Rottman.

Rabbi’s Discretionary FundCondolences to: Brad & Sherri Michell & Family by Alan, Yael, Mira & Tamar Livingston; Suzy & Sheldon Gurevitz by Dora Fischer & Hertzel Gerstein; Mazal Tov to: Bev & Ralph Orman by Paul & Vittoria Granatstein; Refuah Shlemah to: Jan Hastie by Yael Greenberg; Stuart Winnick by Ron & Anne Barrs; In honour of: Rabbi Hillel Lavery Yisraeli & family by Bruce & Susan Levy; Thank you to: Rabbi Dan & Karen Selsberg by Anna Ouwehand. Sefer Torah FundMazal Tov to: Victor Abraham by Peter Smurlick & Anne Sanderson.

Shabbat Kiddush FundCondolences to: Suzy Gurevitz by Beverly Sobel, Sandra & Sol Eisenberg; Mazal Tov to: Kirk & Shirley Kaplansky by Philip, Maureen & Sara Price; Sandy Morris by Dennis & Judy Schwartz, Henry & Donna Vine; Anna Ouwehand by Hanna Schayer; Peter Smurlick by Hanna Schayer & Carl Cuneo; Ian Frappier by Hanna Schayer; Brandon Irish by Hanna Schayer; Peter Smurlick by Gail & Les Wolfe; Victor Abraham by Gail & Les Wolfe; Ralph & Bev Orman by Sam Lewis, Rosalie & Paul Gaffe; Hanna Schayer & Carl Cuneo by Gail & Les Wolfe; In honour of: Dorothy Rosenthal by Philip & Maureen Price & Family; Rabbi Hillel, Yonah & Hisda by Joy Foster; Speedy Recovery to: Barb Babij by Hanna Schayer; Henry Vine by Gail & Les Wolfe; Yahrzeit of: Bella Ginsburg by Beverly Sobel. Ted Adler Chupah FundMazal Tov to: Victor Abraham by Carol Adler; In honour of: the Selsberg family by Carol & Stephen Adler; Donation from: Elliott & Dina Biro; Condolences to: Carol & Stephen Adler by Alan, Yael, Mira & Tamar Livingston, Eyal Bitton, Michele Tredger, Philip, Maureen, Sara Price & Family, Deanna & Eddy Peranson, Helen Silver, David Yanover, Jordan & Carly; Stephen Adler by Barry & Nelly Zagdanski, Ilana Sara Zagdanski, Felicia & David Posluns; Carol Adler by Rob & Merle Kamin; Carol & Stephen Adler by Rhona & Louis Rottman; Carol Adler & Family by Trudy Lieser; Carol Adler by Joanne Cohen; Carol Adler & Family by Elizabeth Avetissian.

Mollie Caplan Memorial FundSpeedy Recovery to: Lloyd Orson, Gord Brandes by Carole & Allen Bain; Mazal Tov to: Mr. & Mrs. Reuven Berk by Carole & Allen Bain; Yahrzeit of: Ethel Caplan by Carole & Allen Bain; Louis Bain by Carole & Allen Bain.

Farkas Family Foundation Condolences to: Farkas Family by Sid & Elaine Kadish; Speedy Recovery to: Maureen Bergart by Sandra Rabin.

Landa Family FoundationCondolences to: Suzy Gurevitz & family, Jeri Stringer by Andrea & Marvin Stringer.

Reuben and Belle Levy Memorial Endowment FundCondolences to: Suzy Gurevitz & Family by John & Marla Levy;

Sadie and Albert Livingston Scholarship FundCondolences to: Sheryl & Stan Katz by Alan, Yael, Mira & Tamar Livingston; Ruth Weinstock & David Fielder by Alan, Yael, Mira & Tamar Livingston; Refuah Shlemah: Gilda Ennis by Yael Greenberg;

Chana and Melech Orlander Memorial FundMazal Tov to: Victor Abraham by Harriet & Michael Orlander;

George and Henrietta Pollock Endowment FundMazal Tov to: Dorothy Rosenthal by Lawrence Pollock; Lawrence Pollock by Judy Rosen. Rose & Phil Rosenshein Museum FundThank you to: Phil Rosenshein by Hanna Schayer; Mazal Tov to: Phil Rosenshein by Merle Peters & family. Dede Rosenthal Educational Endowment FundCondolences to: Shirley Waxman & Family, Jeri Stringer by Dorothy Rosenthal; Mr. Lionel Morris by Natalie & Arthur Dentz, Dorothy Rosenthal; Mazal Tov to: Dorothy Rosenthal by Sari Ackerman, Natalie & Arthur Dentz; Donation from: Marie Finkelstein to honour Blaine Rosenberg.

Matt & Fay Schmerling Educational FundMazal Tov to: Jerry Goldblatt, Sandy Morris, Harriet Orlander, Peter Smurlick, Shirley & Kirk Kaplansky, Marlene & Sheldon Gains, Judi & Marvin Caplan, Bev & Ralph Orman, Victor Abraham, Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Nekrich, Karen Saperson & Jeremy Goldberg by Fay Schmerling; Get Well to: Evelyn Steinberg, Shirley Staples Hutton, Stan Abramovitz, Rosalie Gaffe by Fay Schmerling. In honour of: David Ludwin by Fay Schmerling;

Rabbi Dan & Karen Selsberg Fund for Creative Jewish LifeMazal Tov to: Gail Wolfe by Carole & Allen Bain; Hanna Schayer & Carl Cuneo by Carole & Allen Bain; Hanna Schayer & Carl Cuneo by Tory Metzger; Rabbi Hillel & Yonah & Hisda Lavery-Yisraeli;Thank you to: Lowell Richter by Carole & Allen Bain;

Rose and Allen Swaye Endowment FundCondolences to: Suzy Gurevitz, Jeri Stringer by Sasha & Tommy Weisz & family.



Page 11: Sept - Nov 2015


Beth Jacob extends a hearty Mazel Tov to: • Mina Ao and Itay Yavin on the birth of their son Lev Arie Yavin.• Shirley and Kirk Kaplansky and family on the marriage of their son Simon

to Marissa Verskin.• Ted and Bonnie Lax and family on the marriage of their daughter Sandra

to Mark Bessoudo. Proud grandmother is Sally Lax.• Marlene and Sheldon Gains and family on the marriage of their daughter

Eryn to Brandon Ram.• Debbie and Ron Richter on the marriage of their son Adam to Jessica

Azhadi.• Ilona Feldman on the birth of her granddaughter Olivia Danielle born to

Kayla and Jeremy Prober.• Ralph Orman on his 75th birthday.• Bev and Ralph Orman on their 50th anniversary.• Marilyn and Jack Levy on their grandson, Max Schwartz, being given a

Max and Stella Rotman Humanitarian Youth Award.• Victor Abraham on his 80th birthday.• Jared Gaffe for receiving a Max and Stella Rotman Humanitarian Award.• Rayella and Harold Goldblatt on their 50th Wedding Anniversary.• Anne Sanderson on her birthday.• Peter Smurlick on his special birthday.• Gail Wolfe on her special birthday.• Phil Rosenshein on his birthday.• Karen Saperson and Jeremy Goldberg on the engagement of Nicola to

Michael Katchen.• Mona Jhirad on her birthday.• Judi and Marvin Caplan on their 44th wedding anniversary.• Shirley & Hilton Silberg on the marriage of their daughter Maxine to Bram

Berk.• Gwenn Sherman on her 70th Birthday.• David Ludwin on his retirement.• Miriam Biro on her third birthday.• Sara Cuneo and Jonah Gordon on the birth of their baby boy, Amiel

Chaim. Proud grandparents are Carl Cuneo and Hanna Schayer and Gwen and Don Gordon. Doting aunties are Nomi Cuneo and Allison Gordon.

• Kelly Buwalda, our bubbly, bright and brainy bookkeeper on her 50th birthday and for the publication of her short story in the chapbook, Time & Place.

• Suzy Gurevitz on her birthday.• Lance Tsuchiya, our new weekend custodial staff person and baseball

aficionado.• John Wiltshire our new weekday custodial staff person and all around

good guy.• Anna Ouwehand on the marriage of her daughter, Christina to Assad

Najem in Lebanon.• Brian and Irene Albert on their 45th anniversary.• Debra and Robert Waxman and the entire family on the marriage of their

son, Justin to Julie McCluskey.• Ted, Bonnie and Sally Lax on the marriage of Bobby to April Nelson.

Beth Jacob wishes to thank:• Joseph Walker, our wonderful week-end custodial staff person who

looked after us for 5 years and is enjoying life in the big country further

north.• All garage sale donors.• Garage sale volunteers: Henry Morris, Shawn Maher, Shirley Kaplansky, Kirk

Kaplansky, Judi, Caplan, Marvin Caplan, Judy Schwartz, Jeanette Nathan, Nomi Cuneo, Harold Goldblatt, Jerry Goldblatt, Lisa Zaitchik, Rob Zaitchik, Deb Avetissian, Ben Avetissian, Michael Avetissian, Philip Price, Yael Livingston, Matthew Ogus, Eugene Khayutin, Cindy Richter, Yael Resnick DeMarco, Rhona Rottman, Francine Gerson, Mary Louise Beecroft, Anne Sanderson, Shlomit Acciaroli, Sari Ackerman, Julia Kollek, Ivan Ross, Fay Schmerling, Laura Ludwin, David Ludwin, Tory Metzger and Nicole Shapiro.

• BJ Staff assisting with garage sale: Joe Walker, Katrina Simmons, Tom Lawlor, Kelly Buwalda, Hanna Schayer, Maureen Price and Ari Nisker.

• Green Yarmulke members Irwin Levine, Les Lasky, Len Kaufman and Jerry Goldblatt for their perseverance in overcoming dandelion adversity. Beth Jacob’s grass has never looked better!

• Anne Sanderson for sponsoring Shabbat Kiddush in honour of Peter Smurlick’s 65th birthday.

• Judy and Marvin Caplan for co-sponsoring Shabbat Kiddush in honour of their 44th anniversary and in memory of Rabbi Israel Silverman.

• Bev and Ralph Orman for sponsoring the Shabbat Kiddush in honour of their 50th wedding anniversary.

• Diana and Victor Abraham for sponsoring the Shabbat Kiddush in honour of Victor’s 80th birthday.

• Everyone who made the Selsberg gala such a success.• Everyone who contributed to the Rabbi Dan and Karen Selsberg Fund for Creative

Jewish Life.• Bonnie, Ted and Sally Lax for their sponsorship of Down by the Bay.• Elizabeth Avetissian, Carole and Allen Bain, Tory Metzger, the Cuneo- • Schayer family and Gail and Les Wolfe for sponsoring Shabbat Kiddush in honour

of Rabbi Dan, Karen, Aitan, Sammy and Asher.• Maria Mastrangelo for preparing Shabbat Kiddush while Katrina was on holidays.• Tory Metzger, Jeanette Nathan and Gail Wolfe for their decorating expertise for the

Selsbergs farewell kiddush.• Tom Lawlor, our week-day custodial staff person who has left to pursue other op-

portunities. • Nicole Shapiro for looking after the Good Food Box with such diligence and care.• Dina and Elliot and Saul for sponsoring Kiddush in honour of Miriam ‘s birthday.• An anonymous donor for sponsoring Shabbat Kiddush in honour of the Lavery-

Yisraeli family.• Rabbi Dan and Karen Selsberg for sponsoring Shabbat Kiddush in honour of the

Lavery-Yisraeli family.• Irene and Brian Albert for sponsoring Shabbat Kiddush in honour of their anniver-


Beth Jacob extends our sincere condolences to:• Suzy and Sheldon Gurevitz and family on the passing of Suzy’s brother, Paul Poteck.• Jeri Stringer, Betty Foster and family on the passing of their sister and niece, Merle

Ruth Carr. • Joie, Jordan and Seth Gold on the passing of their husband and father, Frank Gold.• Rabbi and Ellen Biller and family on the passing of Rabbi Biller’s mother, Geraldine



Page 12: Sept - Nov 2015


Installation Weekend

for Rabbi Hillel Lavery-Yisraeli

Please join us at the

TICKETS$55 | nuclear family

$18 | adult (13 and older)$9 | child (ages 5 - 12)

Children under 5 - FREE

SCHEDULEFriday: Kabbalat Shabbat at 4:30pmDinner at 6:00pmSaturday: Services at 9:15am

RSVP FOR THE WEEKEND(905) 522-1351 or [email protected]

VOLUNTEERS NEEDEDThis is a volunteer-driven event and we could really use your help shopping, cooking, setting tables.Please call the shul office if you can help.

Join us on Friday night and Shabbat morning to meet our new rabbi and his family and to welcome our new members!


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Study with the RabbiTalmud Mondays at 6:30 p.m. in the library beginning Oct. 19Tractate Berakhot beginning from the fourth chapter which mainly deals with determining the proper times for reciting each prayer.

The Book of DanielWednesdays at 6:30 p.m. in the library beginning Oct. 14

Daniel was, in some ways, the male version of Esther. Abducted as a child and taken to Babylon, he was castrated and fed a special royal diet with the goal of him becoming a special adviser to the idolatrous king Nebuchadnezzar. Against all odds, he remained true to God and our people until his very last day. Unique in the Tanakh, the book is almost completely written in Aramaic not Hebrew, making it more challenging to study. The tragic story is also said to contain hidden messages, including the date of the end of the world.

Practical Judaism Thursdays at 6:30 p.m. in the Richter Chapel beginning Oct. 15

A how-to crash-course in Judaism, from the very beginning. This course is appropriate both for newcomers to Judaism as well as experienced practitioners of our faith looking to gain a more accurate or sophisticated understanding of how we do what we do, and why. Open to people who are already Jewish, as well as to non-Jews seeking or considering conversion after private consultation with the rabbi.Babysitting available for a nominal charge

Introduction to Kabbalah Thursdays at 9:00 a.m. following morning minyanCoffee’s on us.

Begin to become acquainted with the complex concepts, ideas and systems of medieval Jewish mysticism. Is it authentic Judaism? We will study some texts both from the ‘traditional’ angle as well as a more scholarly/academic one, and see if and how it can relate to our modern lives.

Rashi on the Parasha Shabbat mornings at 9:00 a.m. beginning on Oct. 10

Prepare yourself for the day’s Torah reading by studying some of the comments of the primary classical commentator, Rabbi Shlomo Yitzchaki.

Pre-registration, though not mandatory, would be helpful to us.

Jewish Laws & Customs:Work on Shabbatwith Rabbi Yonah Lavery-YisraeliThursdays at 6:30p.m. in the Shul Library beginning Oct. 15

Older adults and social media Sunday, Oct. 25 10 a.m. to noon

An enhanced PowerPoint presentation exploring the internet and sites of interest to older adults; What is an app? Why has Google become so important? Various social media websites, includingFacebook, Skype, Twitter and Instagram. How to create personal profiles. Adding pictures and comments, what information to share, how to set privacy controls. Finding friends and family. Search techniques and tips. Q & A at the end.

Exploring the wonders of YouTube Sunday, Nov. 8 10 a.m. to noon

An interactive PowerPoint Presentation on YouTube, exploring the amazing content, from big band music to how-to videos. Music, TV, movies, news and much more! Learn how to set up your profile, share, comment, set up channels and subscriptions. Using YouTube to ask questions. Convert video to music files. Create your own Youtube video and upload it! Q & A at the end.

Computer scams, those phone calls and emails! Sunday, Nov. 22 10 a.m. to noon

2.8 million Canadians were called last year by someone pretending to be from Microsoft! Over a billion dollars stolen! This third Power-Point presentation and discussion is designed to help you protect your computer and yourself from fraud and spam email. What is a virus? What is spyware or spam? Ways to identify fake emails and block them, anti-virus and anti-spyware, why the differences are important. How Adobe and Java updates can leave you vulnerable. Strategies to help you handle those phone calls and steps to take if you’ve been targeted. Q & A at the end.

Pre-registration, though not mandatory, would be helpful to us. Please call 905.522.1351 or email [email protected].

with Amy BackBrunch ’n Learn

This course will examine the definition of “work” on Shabbat, always keeping in mind questions of social justice. As we learn about “work,” we will ask ourselves what behaviours and relationships are promoted or avoided by prohibitions in Jewish law. Classical texts will be served alongside modern rabbinic commentary and the occasional Marx.Babysitting available for a nominal charge

Pre-registration, though not mandatory, would be helpful to us.


Page 14: Sept - Nov 2015


This High Holiday season, Beth Jacob Synagogue is holding a not-to-be-missed Selichot program to get you in an introspective frame of mind with the screening of the award-winning Israeli documentary


The story of a religious family’s struggle with the ‘demons’ threatening to overwhelm their adopted Ethiopian daughter, who forces the family to contend with problems of alcoholism, petty thefts, and prison. Does the story of Ariella have an inevitable ending? Can she accept and absorb the love and concern that surround her?

Mincha at 7:00 pmHavdallah at 8:30 pmFilm at 9:00 pmDiscussion and refreshments at 10:30 pmSelichot service at 11:00 pm

All WelcomeMembers: FreeNon-Members: Voluntary donations gratefully accepted

* Winner Best Film and Best Cinematography, Docaviv 2014. Winner Best Film, Best Editing, Best Cinematography, the Israeli Documentary Forum Awards 2014



Page 15: Sept - Nov 2015

The Babylonian Talmud is challenging, compelling, frustrating, thought-provoking, confusing, wise, often hilarious and always worthwhile. It is also the central text of Jewish Life since the time of the Bible. Yet it is unknown to most Jews. Join the study, and add to our Tradition.


Pre-registration, though not mandatory, would be helpful to us. Please call 905.522.1351 or email [email protected].

Explore Berakhot with Rabbi Hillel Lavery-Yisraeli


Page 16: Sept - Nov 2015


The Book of Daniel

Against all odds, he remained true to God and to our people until his very last day

WEDNESDAYS 6:30 PMBeginning October 14

Pre-registration, though not mandatory, would be helpful to us. Please call 905.522.1351 or email [email protected].

IMAGE: Daniel in the Lion’s Den, c. 1615 by Pieter Paul Rubens

Page 17: Sept - Nov 2015


Pre-registration, though not mandatory, would be helpful to us. Please call 905.522.1351 or email [email protected].

This course is appropriate both for newcomers to Judaism as well as experienced prac-

titioners of our faith looking to gain a more accurate or sophisticated understanding of

how we do what we do, and why. Open to people who are already Jewish, as well as to


A how-to crash course in Judaism ... from the very beginning

from to

THURSDAYS 6:30 PMBeginning October 15 Richter Chapel

Page 18: Sept - Nov 2015

Begin to become acquainted with the complex concepts, ideas and systems of medieval Jewish mysticism. Is it authentic Judaism? We will study some texts both from the ‘traditional’ angle as well as a more scholarly/academic one, and see if and how it can relate to our modern lives.

kaBBalahan inTroDucTion

THURSDAYS 9:00 am(after morning minyan ... coffee’s on us)

Pre-registration, though not mandatory, would be helpful to us. Please call 905.522.1351 or email [email protected].



Page 19: Sept - Nov 2015

THURSDAYS 9:00 am(after morning minyan ... coffee’s on us)

Jewish Laws & Customs WORK ON SHABBAT

This course will examine the definition of “work” on Shabbat, always keeping in mind questions of social justice. As we learn about “work,” we will ask ourselves what behaviours and relationships are promoted or avoided by prohibitions in Jewish law. Classical texts will be served alongside modern rabbinic commentary and the occasional Marx.

THURSDAYS 6:30 PM Beginning October 15 Beth Jacob Library

Pre-registrat ion, though not mandatory, would be helpful to us. Please cal l 905.522.1351 or emai l of f ice@bethjacobsynagogue .ca.

with Rabbi Yonah Lavery-Yisraeli


Page 20: Sept - Nov 2015

rashi on The Parasha

Prepare yourself for the day’s Torah reading by studying some of the comments of the primary classical commentator, Rabbi Shlomo Yitzchaki.

SHABBAT MORNINGS 9:00 AMBeginning October 10 Richter Chapel

QUESTIONS? Contact Rabbi Hillel Lavery-Yisraeli | 905.522.1351 | [email protected]


Page 21: Sept - Nov 2015



Kabbalat Shabbat


Candles 7:05pm

Shacharit 9:15am



Shacharit 9:15am

Mincha/Ma’ariv 6:40pm

Havdallah 8:05pm

Shacharit 9:15am



Shacharit 7:45am



Shacharit 9:00am



Candles after 7:49pm

Shacharit 9:00am

Sukkah decorating &

Pizza in the hut




Candles 6:50pm

Shacharit 7:45am

Mincha 2:00pm

Kol Nidre 7:00pm

Candles 6:59pm

Shacharit 8:30am

Mincha 5:15pm

Neilah 6:45pm

Ma’ariv 7:45pm

Fast ends 7:58pm

Shacharit 7:45am



Kabbalat Shabbat


Candles 6:52pm

Shacharit 7:45am



Board Mtg 7:30pm

Shacharit 7:45am

Mincha 6:00pm

Shacharit 8:30am

Mincha 6:00pm

Candles after 8:14pm

Elul 28

Shacharit 8:30am



Havdallah 8:13pm

Shacharit 7:30am



Fast ends 7:58pm

Shacharit 9:00am



Shacharit 9:00amMincha/Ma’ariv 6:00pmCandles 7:16pm

Shacharit 7:45am



Shacharit 9:00am

Jewish Voice of Hamil-

ton exhibit opening


Tashlikh 5:00pm



Elul 25 Elul 26 Elul 27

Elul 29

Erev Rosh Hashanah

Tishrei 1

Rosh Hashanah I

Tishrei 2

Rosh Hashanah II

Tishrei 3

Tzom Gedaliah

Hebrew School starts

Tishrei 4

Shacharit 7:45am



Shacharit 7:45am



Tishrei 9

Erev Yom Kippur

Tishrei 10

Yom Kippur

Tishrei 12 Tishrei 13

Parashat Ha’Azinu

Tishrei 14

Erev Sukkot Tishrei 15

Sukkot I

Kabbalat Shabbat


Candles 7:18pm

Elul 22 Elul 23 Elul 24

Tishrei 6

Parashat Ki Tavo

Tishrei 5

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Elul 17 Elul 18 Elul 19 Elul 20 Elul 21Parashat Ki Tavo

Shacharit 9:15am



Havdalah/Slichot Program


Slichot Service 11:00pm

Kabbalat Shabbat


Candles 7:30pm

Shacharit 7:45am

Mincha 6:00pm

Shacharit 7:45am

Mincha 6:00pm

Tishrei 7 Tishrei 8 Tishrei 11

Shacharit 7:45am

Mincha 6:00pm

Shacharit 9:00am



Havdallah 7:47pm

Tishrei 16

Sukkot II

Shabbat ShuvahParashat Vayeilech

Shacharit 7:30am

Sukkah program with

Temple Anshe Sholom


Mincha 6:00pm

Tishrei 17

Sukkot III

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Kabbalat Shabbat


Candles 6:16pm

Shacharit 9:00am

Mincha 6:10pm

Rashi on the Parasha


Shacharit 9:15am



Rashi on the Parasha


Shacharit 9:15am

Torah Tots 10:45am



Rashi on the Parasha


Shacharit 9:15am



Shacharit 9:00am

Mincha 6:30pm

Ma’ariv & Hakafot


Shacharit 7:45am



Talmud 6:30pm

Shacharit 9:00am



Shacharit 7:45am



Shacharit 7:45am



Book of Daniel 6:30pm

Kabbalat Shabbat


Candles 6:05pm

Shacharit 9:00am

Mincha/Ma’ariv 6:00pm

Shacharit 7:45amIntro to Kabbalah 9:00amMincha/Ma’ariv 6:00pmPractical Judaism 6:30pmJewish Laws & Customs 6:30pm

Shacharit 9:00



Tishrei 27

Parashat Bereshit

Cheshvan 5 Cheshvan 6

Election Day

Shacharit 7:30am



Shacharit 7:30am

Mincha/Ma’ariv 6:00pm

Book of Daniel 6:30pm

Shacharit 9:00am



Shacharit 9:00am



Shacharit 7:45am



Talmud 6:30pm

Shacharit 9:00amMincha/Ma’ariv 6:00pm

Tishrei 24 Tishrei 25 Tishrei 26

Tishrei 28 Tishrei 29

Statuatory Holiday

Bar Mitzvah of Zane Ogus

Tishrei 30

Rosh Hodesh

Chesvan 1

Rosh Hodesh

Cheshvan 2

Shacharit 7:45am

Mincha/Ma’ariv 6:00pm

Shacharit 9:00am

Hakafot 9:45am



Cheshvan 7 Cheshvan 8 Cheshvan 9 Cheshvan 10 Chesvan 11

Parashat Lech Lecha

Cheshvan 12 Cheshvan 13

Kabbalat Shabbat

6:00 pm

Candles 6:28pm

Tishrei 20

Sukkot VI

Tishrei 21

Sukkot VII

Hoshanah Rabah

Tishrei 22

Shmini Atzeret

Tishrei 23

Simchat Torah

Cheshvan 4

Parashat Noach

Youth Shabbat

Shacharit 7:45am



Cheshvan 14

Shacharit 7:45am

Mincha/Ma’ariv 6:00pm

Book of Daniel 6:30pm

Cheshvan 15

Cheshvan 3

Tishrei 19

Sukkot V

Shacharit 7:30am

Kabbalat Shabbat


Candles 6:40pm


Cheshvan 16

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Kabbalat Shabbat


Candles 5:55pm

Cheshvan 17

Shacharit 7:30am

Mincha 6:00pm

Tishrei 18

Sukkot IV

Rashi on the Parasha


Shacharit 9:15am



Cheshvan 18

Parashat Vayera

Shacharit 7:45amIntro to Kabbalah 9:00amMincha/Ma’ariv 6:00pmPractical Judaism 6:30pmJewish Laws & Customs 6:30pm

Shacharit 7:45amIntro to Kabbalah 9:00amMincha/Ma’ariv 6:00pmPractical Judaism 6:30pmJewish Laws & Customs 6:30pm

Page 23: Sept - Nov 2015


Kabbalat Shabbat


Candles 4:32pm

Rashi on the Parasha


Shacharit 9:15am



Shacharit 9:15am



Rashi on the Parasha


Shacharit 9:15am



Rashi on the Parasha


Shacharit 9:15am



Shacharit 7:45am

Ma’ariv 6:00pm

Talmud 6:30pm

Shacharit 7:45am

Ma’ariv 6:00pm

Talmud 6:30pm

Shacharit 9:00am

Ma’ariv 6:00pm

Shacharit 7:45am

Ma’ariv 6:00pm

Shacharit 7:45am

Ma’ariv 6:00pm

Book of Daniel 6:30pm

Kabbalat Shabbat


Candles 4:28pm

Shacharit 7:45am

Ma’ariv 6:00pm

Talmud 6:30pm

Kislev 2

Parashat Vayera

Rabbi Installation


Kislev 10 Kislev 11

Shacharit 7:45am

Ma’ariv 6:00pm

Shacharit 7:45am

Ma’ariv 6:00pm

Book of Daniel 6:30pm

Shacharit 9:00am

Ma’ariv 6:00pm

Shacharit 9:00am

Ma’ariv 6:00pm

Shacharit 7:45am

Ma’ariv 6:00pm

Talmud 6:30pm

Shacharit 9:00am

Ma’ariv 6:00pm

Cheshvan 29 Cheshvan 30

Rosh Hodesh

Kislev 1

Rosh Hodesh

Kislev 3 Kislev 4 Kislev 5 Kislev 6 Kislev 7

Shacharit 7:45am

Ma’ariv 6:00pm

Book of Daniel 6:30pm

Shacharit 7:45am

Ma’ariv 6:00pm

Kislev 12 Kislev 13 Kislev 14 Kislev 15 Kislev 16

Parashat Vayishlach

Youth Shabbat

Kislev 17 Kislev 18

Kabbalat Shabbat


Rabbi Installation

Weekend Dinner


Candles 4:38pm

Cheshvan 25

Parashat Chayei Sara

Cheshvan 26 Cheshvan 27 Chesvan 28

Kislev 9

Parashat Vayeitzei

Kislev 8

NOVEMBER 2015Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Shacharit 9:00am

Ma’ariv 6:00pm

Cheshvan 19

Shacharit 7:45am

Ma’ariv 6:00pm

Talmud 6:30pm

Cheshvan 20

Shacharit 7:45am

Ma’ariv 6:00pm

Cheshvan 21

Shacharit 7:45am

Ma’ariv 6:00pm

Annual General Meeting


Cheshvan 22 Cheshvan 23

Kabbalat Shabbat


Candles 4:46pm

Cheshvan 24

Shacharit 7:45amIntro to Kabbalah 9:00amMincha/Ma’ariv 6:00pmPractical Judaism 6:30pmJewish Laws & Customs 6:30pm

Shacharit 7:30amIntro to Kabbalah 9:00amMa’ariv 6:00pmPractical Judaism 6:30pmJewish Laws & Customs 6:30pm

Shacharit 7:45amIntro to Kabbalah 9:00amMa’ariv 6:00pmPractical Judaism 6:30pmJewish Laws & Customs 6:30pm

Shacharit 7:45amIntro to Kabbalah 9:00amMa’ariv 6:00pmPractical Judaism 6:30pmJewish Laws & Customs 6:30pm

Page 24: Sept - Nov 2015

Hamilton's Yiddish newspaper its iconoclastic publisher, Henry Balinsonand our city in the 1930s and 40s



THE JEWISH VOICEThe Rose and Phil Rosenshein Museum at Beth Jacob presents

of hamilton

Sunday, September 20, 201510 a.m. to noon