sept 2007 pp

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  • 7/28/2019 Sept 2007 pp


    Mock Exam ReviewNGC Paper 1

    Presented by:Ravi Seepersad

    College of Health,Environment

    & Safety Studies

  • 7/28/2019 Sept 2007 pp


  • 7/28/2019 Sept 2007 pp



    Define Provide a generally accepted definition

    Describe - Give a word picture

    Explain- Give a clear account of or reason for.

    Give Provide without explanation Identify Select and Name

    List Provide list without explanation

    Outline Give the most important features of

    StateA less demanding form of define. No generallyrecognized definition

    Sketch A simple line drawing using labels to identifyspecific features.

  • 7/28/2019 Sept 2007 pp


    Question 1

    (a).Definethe terms error and violationError An unintentional deviation from an accepted standard. Classified into slips/lapses andmistakes.

    Violation A deliberate deviation from an accepted standard.

    (b). Identify INDIVIDUAL factors contributing to human error Age

    Past Experience

    Language problems and poor communication skills


    Physical capabilities

    Mental capabilities

    Sensory defects Attitude & Aptitude

    Lack of motivation

    Stress & Fatigue


    Effects of drugs or alcohol.

  • 7/28/2019 Sept 2007 pp


    Question 1(c.) Outline ways of reducing the likelihood of human error in the workplace.

    Use of skilled, competent and properly trained employees.

    Ensure staff is well motivated.

    Avoid monotonous work processes

    Designating clear roles and responsibilities

    Adequate supervision

    Establish good lines of communication

    Address workplace issues such as; lighting, noise, heat etc.


    Policies on alcohol and drug use & abuse.

  • 7/28/2019 Sept 2007 pp


    Question 2Outline the CONTENTS of a typical permit to work.

    The nature of work to be done

    The plant and equipment involved and how they are identified.

    The person authorized to do the work.

    The steps that have been already taken to make the plant safe.

    The potential hazards that remain.

    The precautions that must be taken against these hazards.

    For how long the permit is valid.

    Certification of release.

    Signature of acceptance.

    Signature confirming re-acceptance.


  • 7/28/2019 Sept 2007 pp


  • 7/28/2019 Sept 2007 pp


  • 7/28/2019 Sept 2007 pp


    Question 5(a). Identify four types ofemergency procedures that a company might need to

    have in place.

    1. Fire procedures

    2. First aid/medical procedures in the event of an accident.

    3. Chemical spillage

    4. Violence intruders, explosives etc.

    5. Natural Disasters

    (b). Explain why visitors to a workplace should be informed of its emergencyprocedures.

    1. Legal obligation under HSW Act 1974 & MHSW regulations 1999.

    2. To prevent panic and encourage the appropriate response in the event of anemergency.

    3. To prevent them obstructing employees and putting them at risk.

    4. Duty of care owed.

  • 7/28/2019 Sept 2007 pp


    Question 6(a). Statethe legal requirements whereby employers must prepare a written statement of their

    H&S policy.

    Section 2(3) places an absolute duty where there is an employer and that employer employsfive or more persons to prepare a written health and safety policy.

    (b). Identifysix categories of persons who may be shown in the organization section of a H&Spolicy and state their responsibilities:

    1. Directors: Setting policy, objective and targets

    2. Supervisors: Checking day to day compliance of the policy.

    3. Safety Advisers: Giving advice during investigations and on compliance issues.

    4. Specialists: Occupational nurse/engineers to provide specialist advice on particular healthand safety issues.


    Safety Representatives: Represent the employees at meetings on issues of health andsafety.

    6. Employees: To ensure the safety of themselves and others who may be affected by theiractions or omissions.

    7. Fire Marshals:Responsible for the safe evacuation of the building in an emergency.

    8. First Aiders: Administering first aid to injured persons.

  • 7/28/2019 Sept 2007 pp


    Question 7(a). Statethree occupational diseases reportable under RIDDOR 1995.

    1. Occupational dermatitis

    2. Occupational asthma, farmers lung, pneumoconiosis, mesothelioma etc.

    3. Leptospirosis, hepatitis, anthrax, legionellosis.

    4. Hand-arm vibration, WRULDs

    (b). Outline the legal requirements for reporting an occupational disease.

    Under RIDDOR 1995 an employer is required to report an occupational diseaseafter he has received written notification from a medical practitioner that the

    employee is suffering from a work-related disease. The National Incident Centeror enforcing authority shall be informed without delay via telephone, facsimile ore-mail and this should be followed by a report on form F2508A.

  • 7/28/2019 Sept 2007 pp


    Question 8(a) Identify the possible defences to a civil law claim ofnegligence.

    1. No duty of care owed to the injured party

    2. He duty was not breached.

    3. The loss or injury was not directly caused by the breach.

    4. The employee contributed to the injury contributory negligence

    5. Volenti non fit injuria

    6. Risk was not foreseeable

    7. Injury was caused by an act of god.

    (b) State the circumstances in which an employer may be held vicariously liable.

    The employee while acting within the course of his employment and while doingso negligently caused injury to a third party.

  • 7/28/2019 Sept 2007 pp


    Question 9(a). Explain using an example the meaning of the term risk.

    Risk is the likelihood of a substance activity or process to cause harm or loss. Forexample; the likelihood of someone being killed by coming into contact withelectricity.

    (b). Outline the factors that should be considered when selecting individuals toassist in conducting risk assessments.

    1. Individual past experience and training in risk assessment.

    2. Knowledge or past experience n the process or activity.

    3. Communication skills4. Attitude and commitment.

    5. Knowledge of regulations and standards.

  • 7/28/2019 Sept 2007 pp


    Question 10(a). Explain the difference between consulting and informing.

    Consulting is a two way process where the employer listens to, and takes intoaccount of the views of the employees before the decision is taken.

    Conversely informing refers to one way communication from the employer to theemployee, eg. Providing information on hazards.

    (b). Outline the ways by which an employer can consult with the employee.

    1. Directly trough meetings, safety tours

    2. Indirectly through ROES or safety representatives

    (c) Outline the health and safety matters on which an employer must consult.

    1. The introduction of any new measure that may affect health and safety.

    2. Appointment of person(s) to assist in health and safety.3. Health and safety training.

    4. Introduction of new machinery and its health implications.

    5. Emergency procedures

    6. Results of risk assessments.

  • 7/28/2019 Sept 2007 pp


    Question 11Identify EIGHT measures that can be used to monitor an organisations health and

    safety performance.

    Proactive Measures

    1. Results of inspections

    2. Results of environmental monitoring

    3. Quantity and extent of risk assessments

    4. Safety Audits

    Reactive Measures.

    1. Accident and near miss data.

    2. Action taken by enforcement agencies3. Insurance claims

    4. Ill health data.