seo presentation by dang ha - ecm team

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This presentation has come from eXo Platform SEA about SEO by Dang Viet Ha ECM Team.


Page 1: SEO presentation By Dang HA - ECM team

Copyright 2011 eXo Platform

Search Engine Search Engine OptimizationOptimization

Dang Viet HaECM Team

Page 2: SEO presentation By Dang HA - ECM team

Copyright 2011 eXo Platform


Introduction – What is SEO? SEO Techniques SEO Support in eXo's products What's Next

Page 3: SEO presentation By Dang HA - ECM team

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What is SEO?What is SEO?

Page 4: SEO presentation By Dang HA - ECM team

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Introduction to SEOIntroduction to SEO

What is SEO? Why SEO? How Search Engine Work Differences Between the Major Search Engines

Page 5: SEO presentation By Dang HA - ECM team

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What Is SEO?What Is SEO?

SEO is a technique which helps search engines find and rank your site higher than the millions of other sites in response to a search query.

SEO may target different kinds of search– Image

– Location

– Video

– Academic

– News

– Industry-specific search engines.

– …. SEO as an Internet marketing strategy Some related terms with SEO

– SEM: Search Engine Marketing

– SEOs: SEO Consultant

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Why SEO?Why SEO?

Search engine optimization is one of the most effective mediums of promoting your website on-line on search engines.

The need of SEO is to increase the amount of visitors to a web site by ranking high in the search results of a search engine. The higher a web site ranks in the results of a search, the greater the chance that site will be visited by a user.

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How Search Engine WorkHow Search Engine Work

Search engines are not humans. Unlike humans, search engines are text-driven.

Search engines perform several activities in order to deliver search results:

Crawling Indexing Processing Calculating relevancy Retrieving

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How Search Engine Work (cont.)How Search Engine Work (cont.)

The robots.txt When a search engine crawler comes to your site, it will look for

a special file on your site. That file is called robots.txt Tells the search engine spider, which Web pages of your site

should be indexed and which Web pages should be ignored. The robots.txt file is a simple text file (no HTML), that MUST BE

placed in your root directory: Ex:

Main content of robots.txt file: User-agent: allow which spider to crawl your site, * for all Allow: Disallow: Sitemap: URI to the sitemap file of your site

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How Search Engine Work (cont.)How Search Engine Work (cont.)

The robots.txt When a search engine crawler comes to your site, it will look for

a special file on your site. That file is called robots.txt Tells the search engine spider, which Web pages of your site

should be indexed and which Web pages should be ignored. The robots.txt file is a simple text file (no HTML), that MUST BE

placed in your root directory: Ex:

Main content of robots.txt file: User-agent: allow which spider to crawl your site, * for all Allow: Disallow: Sitemap: URI to the sitemap file of your site

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How Search Engine Work (cont.)How Search Engine Work (cont.)

Site-maps– The Site-maps protocol allows a webmaster to inform search engines about

URLs on a website that are available for crawling.

– A Site-map is an XML file that lists the URLs for a site. It allows webmasters to include additional information about each URL:

• when it was last updated• how often it changes• how important it is in relation to other URLs in the site.

– File format:

• XML:• Text File:• Site-maps file also can be a compressed file.

– Search engine submission:




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Differences Between the Major Search Engines Differences Between the Major Search Engines

The minor differences between them lead to major changes in results relevancy

For different search engines different factors are important.

Yahoo! and Bingi. on-page keyword factors are of primary importanceii. has no expressed preference towards sites and domains with tradition.

Googlei. links are very, very important.ii. sites are like wine – the older,

the better.

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SEO TechniquesSEO Techniques

Page 13: SEO presentation By Dang HA - ECM team

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SEO TechniquesSEO Techniques

Keywords – the Most Important Item in SEO Links – Another Important SEO Item Meta tags Content Is King Visual Extras and SEO Domains, URLs, Web Mastery

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The Most Important Item in SEO Choosing the Right Keywords to Optimize For Keyword Density

3-7 % for major keywords is best, 1-2 for minor Keyword density is over 10% → Spam

Keywords in Special Places Keywords in URLs and File Names Keywords in Page Titles: 65-70 Keywords in Headings, Bold, Italic Keywords in anchor text Keywords in <alt> tags

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There are two types of links Inbound link (back-link) Outbound link

Why Back-links Are Important? Web-sites with large number of quality

back-links: more relevance Links from similar sites

Anchor text of inbound links Ways to Build Back-links

Posting in forums and blogs Offer RSS feeds to interested sites for free News Announcements and Press


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Links (cont.)Links (cont.)

Link Practices That Are To Be Avoided Inbound links from link farms and other suspicious sites Many outgoing links: you'd better keep them under 100 per

page Cross-linking looks like disguised reciprocal link trading and is

penalized. Single pixel links

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Meta tagsMeta tags

Meta tags are used to summarize information of a page for search engine crawlers

Meta Description pointing search engines to what themes and topics your Web

site is relevant to Some search engines (including Google) use these meta

description display a summary of the listings on the search results page

Meta Keywords Keep the metatag reasonably long – 10 to 20 Don't stuff the <Keywords> tag

Meta Robots Specify the pages that

you do NOT want crawled and indexed

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Content Is KingContent Is King

Good SEO content has three primary characteristics Offers useful information to human readers Boosts search engine rankings Attracts plenty of links from other sites

If you write for readers, the search engines will follow. SEO Killers

Duplicate Content Spam and Filler Illegal Content Invisible text

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Visual Extras and SEOVisual Extras and SEO

Images: Always provide in the <alt> tag a meaningful

description of an image but don't stuff it with keywords or irrelevant information.

Using images instead of text links is bad Animation and Movies

if you don't have the tapescript of the podcast or the video it is as if the podcast or movie is not there because it will not be indexed by search engines.

Spiders don't index the content of Flash movies, so if you use Flash on your site, don't forget to give it an alternative textual description.

Having a Flash home page (and sometimes whole sections of your site) and no HTML version, is a SEO suicide.

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Visual Extras and SEO (cont.)Visual Extras and SEO (cont.)

Frames Frames are very, very bad for SEO. Avoid using

them unless really necessary. Same URL for multi-pages

JavaScript if your main content is displayed through

JavaScript, this makes it more difficult for spiders to follow and if JavaScript code is a mess and spiders can't follow it, this will definitely hurt your ratings.

If used wisely, it will not hurt.

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Domains, URLs, Web Mastery Domains, URLs, Web Mastery

Keyword-rich URLs and filenames Site Accessibility Sitemaps.xml and robots.txt Hyphens in URLs Domains vs. subdomains, separate

domains URL length: avoid having more than 10

words in the URL Dynamic URLs:

Spiders prefer static URLs, Long dynamic URLs (over 100 characters) are really bad

Use a tool to rewrite dynamic URLs in something more human- and SEO-friendly.

Bans in robots.txt

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SEO Support by eXoSEO Support by eXo

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SEO Support by eXoSEO Support by eXo

Auto-generate robots.txt and sitemaps.xml for each site Embed meta tags on page:

Description meta-tag Keywords meta-tag Robots meta-tag

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SEO Support by eXoSEO Support by eXo

For ease-of-use to manage SEO information for each page; we provide 4 status to indicate the relevant level of SEO information as below:

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SEO Support by eXo – Under The HoodSEO Support by eXo – Under The Hood

We develop a SEOPorlet to manage SEO's information for each page in Front-Office

The SEO's information of each page is store in related mop:page jcr node in portal-system workspace

We also create two equivalent node files for robots.txt and sitemaps.xml in SEO folder node for each site. User can modify these files directly by using SE.

Because the robots.txt file MUST BE store in the root of the site; so we use route of new portal's controller to handle this (similar to URL re-writing). And the same for sitemaps.xml file

<route path="/{gtn:sitename}/sitemaps.xml">

<route-param qname="gtn:handler">




<route path="/{gtn:sitename}/robots.txt">

<route-param qname="gtn:handler">




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1. SEO Tutorial: All about Robots.txt:

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