seo mythbusters - · seo mythbusters: sorting through the fact and the fiction ashley...

SEO Mythbusters: Sorting through the Fact and the Fiction Ashley Mar+n Execu+ve Director, University Marke+ng and Crea+ve Services Division of Communica+ons and Marke+ng Kansas State University Feb. 22, 2018

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SEO Mythbusters: Sorting through the Fact and the Fiction




What exactly is SEO? “SEO is the practice of increasing both the quality and quantity of website traffic, as well as exposure to your brand, through non-paid (also known as "organic") search engine results.”


What exactly is SEO?

•  What types of degrees?

•  Who is searching?

•  When are they searching?

•  How are they searching? –  What words? –  What questions?

–  Mobile vs. desktop?

•  Why? –  Career advancement? –  Required certifications?

•  Where?

The how and the why of SEO •  How do search engines work?

–  Crawling and indexing

•  Why does SEO matter? –  The majority of online traffic is driven by search engines. –  Organic (non-paid) search results:

•  Take up the most real estate on search engine results pages (SERPs)

•  Receive significantly more clicks than paid advertisements (credibility factor)

SEO basic principles •  Make pages primarily for users, not search


•  Think about what makes your websites unique, valuable or engaging.

•  Don’t deceive your users.

•  Avoid tricks intended to improve search engine rankings. –  Black-Hat SEO versus White-Hat SEO

SEO mythology

Myth #1 Research isn’t necessary.

Myth #2 Focusing on SEO alone with drive all the leads you need.

Myth #3 All you need is an optimized website.

Myth #4 Load the content with keywords.

Myth #5 There is a penalty for duplicate content.

Myth #6 Paid search affects organic search results.

Myth #7 Higher rankings mean more revenue (aka more students).

Myth #8 The more backlinks you have, the better.

Myth #9 Meta descriptions are a ranking factor.

Myth #10 It’s all about content.

Myth #11 You must rank #1.

Myth #12 SEO is set and forget.

Myth #13

SEO in 2018 requires:

•  Attracting long links

•  Speeding up your website

•  Ensuring you have a PR machine working for you

•  Making sure My Google Business is current

•  Paying attention to your metadata

Resources are required!

SEO is free traffic.

So…what can you do? •  Audit your website (H1 tags, meta

descriptions, content) and look for areas ripe for improvement –  Make sure your content is NOT buried in


•  Audit keywords used by your users (server logs, Google Keyword tool, etc.)

•  Review your competitors’ sites for insights

•  Consider your inbound links (social media, blogs, PR efforts, etc.)

•  Work with your Web/IT support team(s) to ensure mobile optimization, accessibility compliance, and optimum page load times


Today’s most important takeaway: Moz Beginners Guide to SEO