seo 101: seo checklist for developing a domain

SEO 101: SEO Checklist for Developing a Domain So, you have a keyword rich domain name that you want to develop in a full website that will, ideally, rank well in the search engines. What is the best way to develop that domain name into a website that Google and Bing will like?. August, 2013

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Own a domain name that you want to develop into a full website? Is it just sitting there, or is it parked? Here's my checklist for developing a domain name into a site.


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SEO 101:SEO Checklist for Developing a Domain

So, you have a keyword rich domain name that you want to develop in a full website that will, ideally, rank well in the search engines. What is the best way to develop that domain name into a website that Google and Bing will like?. 

August, 2013

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What The Process is for Developing a Domain

• Set up web hosting• Set up a basic web page• Research Competition• Keyword Research• Social Media Accounts• Web Design, CMS• Content• Linking

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Web hosting

Set Up Web Hosting

• Example: domain name is currently a parked domain at a parking company.• The first order of business is to set up web hosting for the domain. Decide if you are developing one site or several websites.• The type of hosting, etc. is not critical at this point, as the domain can be moved to another server or the hosting can be upgraded.• I recommend a host like, Host Gator, something other than a domain parking company; some 'domain development' services will host many domains on the same servers with the same templates, which is not something you want to do.• You need your own web hosting, I preferto start off with a VPS so I can host multiple domains/sites on the same server.

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Web Page

Set up a basic web page

• Immediately, when the hosting is set up, put you some sort of landing page. • It could be a basic web page even made using "notepad" that has a sentence or two on it. • Make sure it has a unique title tag, meta description tag, heading, and at least one or two sentences on it. • The web design doesn't matter at this point, we'll deal with that later. • The most important factor here is to get SOMETHING other than the previous parked domain lander on that domain.

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Research Competition

Research Your Competition

• Start with one main keyword phrase, such as "red widgets", which is probably your a main keyword. • Find out who is currently ranking in the top 10 for that keyword phrase, and start thinking about what it will take to get there. • Make a list of the top ranking sites (top 10 sites, for example) and use the "site" operator to find out how large those sites are. For example, search for this at Google:

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Keyword Research

Keyword Research

• Before you start building content on your website, you'll need to figure out what type of content you'll need on your site (we already have figured out how much content you'll need). • You can easily find out related keywords as well as what keywords your competition is ranking for currently so you can build similar content on your website• How to find content ideas

• Come up with a keyword list. • Think about targeting one keyword per page, with the main

keyword for the site focused on the home page.

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Social Media Accounts

Social Media Accounts

• It's important to set up or "claim" social media accounts for your site and link those accounts back to your site. • Twitter, Facebook, and creating a Google+ page are critical. • You can certainly go on over to and find more places to set up accounts. • Social is a big part of SEO nowadays, and the search engines are looking for "social signals" that indicate that real people like your site. • So, if you can help show those signals, it will help your site.

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Web Design

Web Design, CMS

• Deciding which CMS (content management system), web design, and soforth is not critical from an SEO perspective--but WordPress and Drupal are good

WordPress:• Custom theme - The site should be appealing visually and not use the basic generic "themes" that are packaged with WordPress "out of the box". I recommend spending a little bit to get a custom theme for the site. I really like the "Genesis" framework and the "StudioPress" premium themes.• Custom logo - You will need a logo for the site. 99 Designs, and even Fiverr are options (get several Fiverr logos done, choose the best one).• WordPress Plugins - There are several that you should use, including Akismet or CommentLuv for spame, Yoast SEO Plugin, Tweet Old Post (if you want to use that sort of option), and WordFence (good for WordPress security).

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• Content on the site is key.• Text Brokers, iWriter, elance, and are all options. Make sure you are as specific as you can when it comes to the article/content you're looking for.• Always include photos/images within articles and posts. Stock photos are a good option if you cannot take the photos yourself.• Static content can be added to the site all at once, blog posts on a regular schedule, add new blog posts to your social profiles/socialize them when you post new content.• Never use free content. You'll always run into duplicate content issues with the search engines, and vistors typically don't really like content that's been posted on other sites.• Before posting content, you may want to spend time optimizing it. Certainly all pages need a unique title tag, meta description tag, and headings, but take it one step further and optimize it using ScribeSEO ( before you post it on your site. There is a WordPress plugin and a Microsoft Word Plugin for Scribe SEO.

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• Getting links from other website is key to helping your site rank well in the search results• press release (announcing launch of your site)• local citations• image sharing (upload product images to image sharing sites, link back to your site)• video sharing• research competitor's links• find link opportunities, such as dead links, event listings, unlinked mentions of your site/brand

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• By this time, your site should be indexed by the search engines with the new content. • Because you've set up your social accounts and have begun to socialize your articles and content on your site, you should be seeing your content indexed and potentially some new traffic to the site. • Adding new content and socializing it will bring the search engine back often--and get your pages indexed. • Working on getting new links to the site each month will keep the site in the search engine results--and hopefully you'll be enjoying the traffic from your newly developed domain.

• Read More:SEO Checklist for Developing a Domain

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Questions and Answers

Q & A

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Thank You

Bill HartzerDirector of Search Engine Optimization

Standing Dogwww.StandingDog.comTwitter: @StandingDog


Personal Blog: www.BillHartzer.comTwitter: @Bhartzer


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