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Sentiment Analysis and Deep Learning: A Survey Prerana Singhal and Pushpak Bhattacharyya Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Powai Mumbai, Maharashtra, India {singhal.prerana,pushpakbh} Abstract Deep learning has an edge over the tra- ditional machine learning algorithms, like SVM and Na¨ ıve Bayes, for sentiment anal- ysis because of its potential to overcome the challenges faced by sentiment anal- ysis and handle the diversities involved, without the expensive demand for man- ual feature engineering. Deep learning models promise one thing - given suffi- cient amount of data and sufficient amount of training time, they can perform the task of sentiment classification on any text genre with minimal restrictions and no task-specific or data-specific manual fea- ture engineering. In this survey, we de- scribe some of the different approaches used in sentiment analysis research. 1 Introduction Previous research work has shown that basic ma- chine learning techniques produce effective results in performing several natural language process- ing tasks like topic categorization of documents. However the same techniques cannot be naively used for sentiment classification. The non-trivial nature of the latter demands extra effort to con- tribute effectively towards opinion classification. Opinions need more understanding (Pang et al., 2002) for them to be analyzed properly. We discuss some techniques from the two ma- chine learning paradigms: traditional models, which have proved useful for sentiment analysis since over the past few decades, and deep learning models, which have emerged as a powerful tool for natural language processing in recent years. 2 Traditional Paradigm Extensive research has been done over the past years to exploit popular machine learning algo- rithms for the task of sentiment classification (Pang et al., 2002). Depending on the prob- lem statement in opinion mining, these classifiers have shown good performance accuracy, provided proper feature engineering and pre-processing steps are carried out prior to the classification pro- cess. 2.1 Features Used To perform classification, traditional machine learning algorithms require hand-crafted features as input. Hence, given an input piece of text, the first step is to decide upon the features which can be useful for sentiment classification. Researchers have experimented with varied schemes of fea- ture extraction (Gonz´ alez-Ib´ anez et al., 2011; Buschmeier et al., 2014), some of which are enu- merated as follows: Lexical features: The occurrence of n-grams (generally unigrams and bigrams in labeled documents, either as count or as boolean rep- resentation, can be used as features. An alter- native to using all n-grams (occurring in doc- uments) can be to use only some fixed num- ber of most frequently occurring n-grams in the dataset for classification purposes. Sentiment lexicon-based features: The SentiWordNet (Esuli and Sebastiani, 2006) is a lexical resource that adds sentiment-related information to the WordNet. It tags the synsets with three scores - positive, nega- tive and objective score – between 0.0 and 1.0, which can be used as features for clas- sification. Also a set of predefined positive and negative sentiment lexicons such as that

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Page 1: Sentiment Analysis and Deep Learning: A · PDF fileSentiment Analysis and Deep Learning: A Survey Prerana Singhal and Pushpak Bhattacharyya Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering

Sentiment Analysis and Deep Learning: A Survey

Prerana Singhal and Pushpak BhattacharyyaDept. of Computer Science and Engineering

Indian Institute of Technology, PowaiMumbai, Maharashtra, India



Deep learning has an edge over the tra-ditional machine learning algorithms, likeSVM and Naıve Bayes, for sentiment anal-ysis because of its potential to overcomethe challenges faced by sentiment anal-ysis and handle the diversities involved,without the expensive demand for man-ual feature engineering. Deep learningmodels promise one thing - given suffi-cient amount of data and sufficient amountof training time, they can perform thetask of sentiment classification on any textgenre with minimal restrictions and notask-specific or data-specific manual fea-ture engineering. In this survey, we de-scribe some of the different approachesused in sentiment analysis research.

1 Introduction

Previous research work has shown that basic ma-chine learning techniques produce effective resultsin performing several natural language process-ing tasks like topic categorization of documents.However the same techniques cannot be naivelyused for sentiment classification. The non-trivialnature of the latter demands extra effort to con-tribute effectively towards opinion classification.Opinions need more understanding (Pang et al.,2002) for them to be analyzed properly.

We discuss some techniques from the two ma-chine learning paradigms: traditional models,which have proved useful for sentiment analysissince over the past few decades, and deep learningmodels, which have emerged as a powerful tool fornatural language processing in recent years.

2 Traditional Paradigm

Extensive research has been done over the pastyears to exploit popular machine learning algo-rithms for the task of sentiment classification(Pang et al., 2002). Depending on the prob-lem statement in opinion mining, these classifiershave shown good performance accuracy, providedproper feature engineering and pre-processingsteps are carried out prior to the classification pro-cess.

2.1 Features Used

To perform classification, traditional machinelearning algorithms require hand-crafted featuresas input. Hence, given an input piece of text, thefirst step is to decide upon the features which canbe useful for sentiment classification. Researchershave experimented with varied schemes of fea-ture extraction (Gonzalez-Ibanez et al., 2011;Buschmeier et al., 2014), some of which are enu-merated as follows:

• Lexical features: The occurrence of n-grams(generally unigrams and bigrams in labeleddocuments, either as count or as boolean rep-resentation, can be used as features. An alter-native to using all n-grams (occurring in doc-uments) can be to use only some fixed num-ber of most frequently occurring n-grams inthe dataset for classification purposes.

• Sentiment lexicon-based features: TheSentiWordNet (Esuli and Sebastiani, 2006) isa lexical resource that adds sentiment-relatedinformation to the WordNet. It tags thesynsets with three scores - positive, nega-tive and objective score – between 0.0 and1.0, which can be used as features for clas-sification. Also a set of predefined positiveand negative sentiment lexicons such as that

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formed by Hu and Liu (Hu and Liu, 2004)can be used. Given a piece of text, the occur-rence of one or more of these words can beused in the form of a feature vector.

• Parts of Speech: Appending each word withparts of speech tag helps in sense disam-biguation of the word to some extent whichin turn can help in sentiment classification.For example, the word love expresses posi-tive sentiment when used as a verb (Peoplelove comedy movies) but is neutral in senti-ment when used as a noun (He writes lovestories). Hence POS tags can serve as usefulfeatures for detecting sentiments.

• Adjectives and Adverbs: Adjectives (andadverbs to certain extent) have been the fo-cus of many researchers for sentiment detec-tion as it is argued that they carry most of theinformation regarding sentiment of a docu-ment. Hence, using these as features can pro-duce good classification results (Pang et al.,2002).

• Interjections and Question marks: Ex-pressions like ‘haha’ or ‘wow’ contain strongsentiment information and hence can be usedas features. Also, question marks can changethe sentiment orientation of a text. Forexample, the statement ‘It’s a great weather.’is a positive opinion whereas ‘It’s a greatweather?’ clearly reflects negative notion.

2.2 Traditional Models

Naıve Bayes Classifier is the simplest and themost widely used probabilistic classification al-gorithm (Russell et al., 2003; McCallum et al.,1998). It is based on Bayes’ Theorem. It basicallycalculates the posterior probabilities of events andassigns the label with the maximum posteriorprobability to the event.

A major assumption made by the Naıve BayesClassifier is that the features are conditionally in-dependent, given the sentiment class of the doc-ument (Pang et al., 2002), which is not true inreal-life situations. Furthermore, another problemwith this technique is that, if some feature value,which was not encountered in the training data, isseen in the input data, its corresponding probabil-ity will be set to 0. Bayes classifier fails in this

case. To remove this undesirable effect, smooth-ing techniques are applied (Chen and Rosenfeld,2000).

Maximum Entropy classifier is another modelwhich performs probabilistic classification, mak-ing use of the exponential model. It is based onthe Principle of Maximum Entropy (Jaynes, 1957)which states that subject to the prior data whichhas been precisely stated, the probability distri-bution which describes this data with the currentknowledge in the best possible manner is the onewith the largest possible entropy value. This tech-nique has been proven to be effective in many NLPclassification tasks (Berger et al., 1996) includingsentiment analysis.

Max entropy classifier is seen to outperform theNaıve Bayes in many cases (Pang et al., 2002)(though not always). One major advantage of thisclassifier is that it makes no conditional indepen-dence assumption on the features of the documentsto be classified, given a sentiment class. Hence, itis applicable to real-life scenarios, unlike in caseof Naıve Bayes.

Support Vector Machines (SVMs) (Cortesand Vapnik, 1995) have proved to be highlyeffective for the categorization of documents(Joachims, 1998) based on similar topics. As op-posed to the probabilistic classifiers like the pre-vious two (Rennie et al., 2003), this method aimsto find large margin between the different classes.It is a supervised learning model which analyzesdata and learns patterns which can be used to clas-sify the data.

Support vector machines attempt to find a hy-perplane (in case of 2-class classification prob-lem) which not only separates data points based onthe category they belong to, but also tries to max-imize this separation gap between the two classes,i.e., this is a constrained optimization problem.

One major advantage of this classifier is that itmakes no assumption on the documents to be clas-sified and it endeavors to find the best classifica-tion margin for the data at hand instead of rely-ing on probability values. It is one of the widelyused machine learning algorithms, which yieldsvery good results for the task of sentiment anal-ysis (Pang et al., 2002).

2.3 Possible Limitations

Most of the classical machine learning algorithmsfor text classification are either rule-based or

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corpus-based. Their efficiency depends on thequality of the annotated corpora as well as the fea-ture engineering task involved prior to the classi-fication. The features need to be manually hand-crafted as well as they differ from domain to do-main and document to document, which makes itless generic and more text-specific.

The accuracy of these systems depends on howthe features were chosen, which makes the systemliable. Furthermore, it is very difficult, and manya times not feasible, to adapt a system designedfor a particular problem to new problems or in dif-ferent language for the same problem. And fortexts like tweets, which do not follow any rulesor grammar as such, these approaches tend to per-form very badly.

Hence, extensive pre-processing and featureengineering need to be done specific to the textgenre, language and the problem statement usingother NLP tools Since these tools are not 100%accurate, the loss in accuracy in the pre-processingsteps will in turn affect the overall accuracy of thesentiment analysis task. Hence, pre-processingsteps, especially feature extraction steps, need tobe carefully managed. Although good accuracyvalues have been reported in literature and thesealgorithms seem to work well for a long time,there is a large scope of improvement, whichcannot be overlooked.

3 Introduction to Deep LearningParadigm

Neural networks recently have become a very pop-ular topic of research in the field for natural lan-guage processing, including sentiment analysis.Neural networks are proving useful in solving al-most any machine learning classification problem.The only adjustment required is defining its ar-chitecture — number of hidden layers to be used,number of hidden units to be present in each layer,activation function for each node, error thresholdfor the data, the type of inter-connections, etc.

Once a suitable neural network architecture isdesigned for the problem at hand, a solution to theclassification problem can be obtained using deeplearning models. The only demand for deep learn-ing models is enough training data and enoughtime and resources to train the network for clas-sification.

Deep learning is a branch of machine learn-ing based on a set of algorithms that attemptto model high-level abstractions in data by us-ing model architectures, with complex struc-tures or otherwise, composed of multiple non-linear transformations.

– defined by Deng and Yu (Deng and Yu,2014)

Clearly, a traditional machine learning algo-rithm can be designed using deep learning but notnecessarily vice-versa. This is because neural net-works are capable of capturing very complex char-acteristics of data without any significant involve-ment of manual labour as opposed to the machinelearning systems. Deep learning uses deep neu-ral networks to learn good representations of theinput data, which can then be used to perform spe-cific tasks.

3.1 Advantages of Deep Learning

Although the traditional machine learning algo-rithms like SVM have shown good performance invarious NLP tasks for the past few decades, theyhave some shortcomings and deep learning modelshave the potential to overcome these limitations toa large extent. Some of the advantages of deepneural networks are:

• A strength of the deep learning models is nodemand for carefully optimized hand-craftedfeatures. Instead of the features, they takeword embeddings as input which contain con-text information, and the intermediate layersof the neural network learn the features dur-ing the training phase itself. This means thata necessity, which is at the base of the tradi-tional classification models, is no longer re-quired for the functioning of deep learningmodels.

• Deep learning allows good representationlearning. While feature representations of in-put text can be learned automatically from thetraining data for a particular task, the repre-sentations of the words, containing contextinformation, can be learned from raw corpusin an unsupervised manner. This disregardsany need for manual construction of appro-priate features or word information.

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• As discussed before, sentiment analysis con-sists of varied problem statements. Theability to adapt to the task variations withvery small changes in the system itself addsa feather in the cap of the deep learningparadigm.

3.2 Basic Neural NetworksNeural Networks play an important role in ma-chine learning and cognitive science. These havebeen widely used in the field of image processingand pattern recognition. Recently, they are becom-ing popular for solving Natural Language Process-ing problems. A neural network can be used tolearn the word embeddings as well as in turn usethem as input for NLP tasks like sentiment classi-fication. The basic structure of a fully-connectedneural network, which uses one hidden layer, isshown in Fig 1.

Figure 1: A Fully-Connected Simple Neural Net-work

The weights on edges are learned by means ofback-propagation of errors through the layers ofthe neural network based on the inter-connectionsand the non-linear functions. The labeled datais fed to the network a number of times (calledepochs) for the network to learn the weight pa-rameters until the error becomes negligible (in theideal case). Generally, for experiments, training isdone for a fixed number of times to reach a mini-mum error value when the network does not con-verge any further.

4 Word Embeddings

Neural networks in NLP, unlike other traditionalalgorithms, do not take raw words as input, sincethe networks can understand only numbers andfunctions. Hence words need to be transformedinto feature vectors, or in other words word em-beddings (Mikolov et al., 2013), which capture thecharacteristics and semantics of the words if ex-tracted properly. The word vectors can be learned

by feeding large raw corpus into a network andtraining it for sufficient amount of time.

Bengio et al. (Bengio et al., 2003) presentedthe first large-scale deep learning model for nat-ural language processing to learn the distributedrepresentation of words by using language mod-eling (Figure 2. The network is trained on a rawcorpus, which is expressed as sequence of words.The idea is (a) to associate each word in the vo-cabulary with a real-valued word feature vector ofm dimensions, (b) to express the joint probabilityfunction of word sequences in terms of the featurevectors of the words occurring in the sequence,and (c) to learn the word feature vectors and theparameters of the probability function simultane-ously.

Figure 2: Bengio’s Neural Network Model (Ben-gio et al., 2003)

Each word embedding may be of any dimen-sionality as the user wishes. Higher dimensional-ity implies more information captured but on theother hand incurs higher computational expense.Hence, a trade-off is to be chosen to balance both.Google has released pre-trained vectors trained onpart of Google News dataset (about 100 billionwords)1, which can be used by researchers. Themodel contains 300-dimensional vectors for 3 mil-lion words and phrases. These can then be used asinputs into the neural networks for any NLP tasks.

The quality of the word vectors is defined byhow the vectors distinguish between dissimilarwords and are close for similar ones. The close-ness of word vectors is generally determined bycosine distance (Mikolov et al., 2013). For exam-

1available at

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ple, embeddings of words cat and dog are closer tothat of horse as compared to that of play. In addi-tion, certain directions in this induced vector spaceare observed to specialize towards certain seman-tic relationships (unlike one-hot encoding) likegender, verb tense and even country-capital rela-tionships between words (Mikolov et al., 2013).For example, following relationships are capturedby the pre-trained Google vectors:

(<word> implies corresponding word vector)

<king> + <queen> = <boy> + <girl>

<playing> + <played> = <trying> +<tried>

<Japan> + <Tokyo> = <Berlin> +<Germany>

Hence, this substantiates the utility of these vec-tors, i.e., word embeddings as features for severalcanonical NLP prediction tasks like part-of-speechtagging, named entity recognition and sentimentclassification (Collobert et al., 2011).

5 Neural Network Architectures for NLP

Generally, for NLP tasks, we tend to use theWindow Approach (Collobert et al., 2011). Thismethod assumes that the tag to be assigned to aword in a sentence depends upon its neighbouringwords. Hence, a fixed window size (additionalhyper-parameter) is chosen and this amount ofwords is fed into the network to tag the middleword (Fig. 3). The feature window is not definedfor border words (start/end) and hence padding isdone in the sentences.

Figure 3: Window-level Neural Network Archi-tecture

The window-level approach cannot be appliedto macro-text level tasks like sentiment classifi-cation because sentiment tag requires the wholesentence to be taken into consideration, whereasin window level approach, only a portion of sen-tence is considered at a time. Also, for other NLPtasks as well, one word may depend on some wordwhich does not fall in the pre-decided window.Hence, sentence-level approach is a viable alter-native, which takes the feature vectors of all thewords in the input text as input (Collobert et al.,2011).

Figure 4 shows the overall structure of such anetwork which takes the whole sentence as input.The sequence layer can have different structuresto handle the sequence of words in the text. Forsentence classification, since sentences can be ofvariable size, there is a pooling layer after thesequence layer, which is a feature map of a fixedsize. This is then fed into fully connected layersof neurons to produce a single tag for the wholesentence.

Figure 4: Sentence-level Neural Network Archi-tecture

The number of layers, the number of units ineach layer, the structure of the sequence layer,the dimensionality of the word vectors, the inter-connections and the activation functions are someof the hyper-parameters of the neural networkmodel, which need to be tuned to achieve the best

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performance for a particular task.

5.1 Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)

Collobert et al. proposed a unified neural networkarchitecture (Collobert et al., 2011) which can beapplied to numerous Natural Language Process-ing tasks like Part-Of-Speech Tagging, Parsing,Chunking, Semantic Role Labeling and NamedEntity Recognition. The architecture, known asCNN (Convolutional Neural Network), takes con-catenated word vectors of the text as input and in-volves convolutional and max-pooling layers priorto the general neural network framework.

Convolution Layer: It is a sort of generalizationof window approach where a window offixed size is moved over the sentence andthe weight matrix is same for each sequence.One feature vector is obtained by convolutingover each sequence. This layer is meant toextract local features from sequence of wordsin the sentence. The network can have a num-ber of window sizes and a number of weightmatrices, each forming one channel.

Max-Pooling Layer: The length of the output ofconvolution layer depends on length of theinput sentence and the number of channelsused. To establish uniformity in the sizeof the sentence vector, max-pooling layer isused to select the maximum value for eachfeature across all windows. This is preferredover simple averaging because for the classi-fication, all words do not contribute equally;their relative significance is captured by themax-pooling layer. Now the global featurevector size for the sentence is proportional tothat of individual words and to the number ofchannels used, i.e., its length is constant forall sentences of varying length.

Figure 5: Model architecture with two channels inCNN (Kim, 2014)

The “sentence vector” is then fed into a fullyconnected neural network with 0/1/2/.. hiddenlayers and activation functions like softmax orsigmoid to ultimately reach the output layerwhose size is equal to the number of labels. Amodel architecture of CNN is shown in Figure 5(Kim, 2014).

5.2 Recursive Neural Tensor Networks(RNTN)

A recursive neural tensor network (RNTN)(Socher et al., 2013) is a kind of deep learningmodel in which the same set of weights is appliedrecursively over a structure (e.g. tree), to producea structured or a scalar prediction over variable-length input, by traversing the given structure intopological order. The RNTN model takes as in-put, the word vectors and the parse tree of the text,and then computes vectors for the nodes in the treeusing a single tensor-based composition function.This model is a modification over the recursiveneural networks which uses a simple weight ma-trix shared across all the nodes.

The input sentence is first converted into aconstituent parse tree. The leaves of the tree arerepresented by the corresponding word vectors.The vector representations of the parent nodesare computed in a bottom-up fashion using atensor-based compositionality function g, whichuses the vectors of the children nodes as featuresfor a classifier at the parent node. This function,which is shared over the whole network, variesfor different models based on the task to beperformed. An example of the structure of arecursive neural tensor network for sentimentclassification is shown in Figure 6.

Recursive neural tensor networks are a powerfulmodel to capture the meaning of longer phrases ina principled way (Socher et al., 2013) and under-stand the compositionality in complex tasks suchas sentiment detection. It is able to accurately cap-ture the effects of several phenomena like negationand their scope at various tree levels. The only ex-tra pre-processing step which this model requiresis construction of a parse tree for the input sen-tence and in cases like tweets which do not followany syntax or grammatical rules, the efficiency ofthe model is affected adversely due to the demandfor correct parse tree construction.

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Figure 6: Example of Recursive Neural TensorNetwork (Socher et al., 2013)

5.3 Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN)Recurrent Neural Network Models (Mikolov et al.,2010) are a form of neural networks which donot depend on the window size to work for Nat-ural Language Processing tasks. RNN is capableof conditioning the network on all the previouslyseen inputs (words in case of a sentence). In addi-tion to dependency on the current input, the valueof each hidden layer unit also depends on its previ-ous state, thereby propagating the effects of wordsover the sentence (Fig 7).

Figure 7: A Recurrent Neural Network with threetime steps

The word vectors for each word is fed into thenetwork one by one and the effect of each wordis carried on till the end of the sentence, therebyensuring that the dependency of each word onall other words is captured through activations ofneurons and back-propagation on weight matrices.The goal of an RNN implementation is to allowpropagation of context information through far-

away time-steps.RNN model works by propagating weight ma-

trices over the time-steps. However, this createsanomalies which are not acceptable in practice.Intuitively, one should be able to predict a wordmore accurately given more context (i.e., morenumber of words preceding this) as compared tolesser context. However, RNN tends to performthe opposite due to the problems of Vanishing Gra-dient and Gradient Explosion problems. The gra-dient signal can result in being multiplied a largenumber of times (as per the number of time-steps)by the weight matrix associated with the inter-connections between the neurons of the recurrenthidden layer. This implies that, the magnitude ofweights can have a strong impact on the learningprocess.

Vanishing Gradient Problem: While back track-ing a few steps, the gradient may go on get-ting smaller and smaller due to small weightvalues (less than 1.0) and a time may comewhen it is close to zero. This means the effectbetween the far away words in a sequence be-comes negligible or zero.

Gradient Explosion Problem: The gradient valuemay explode over the time steps, if the weightvalues are large (majority being greater than1.0). This means the weight matrices over-power the word vector values in the learningprocess, which is again not desirable.

Hence, RNN model, due to its unavoidable lim-itations, is inappropriate for natural language pro-cessing tasks. Though it has its merits, the un-reliability of the back-propagation of informationmakes it less favourite among the researchers. Thenecessity is some modification in the network soas to preserve the pros while mitigate the cons.Some of the improved versions are Gated Recur-rent Units (GRU) and Long Short Term MemoryModels (LSTM).

5.4 Long Short Term Memory (LSTM)models

Long Short Term Memory networks (Hochreiterand Schmidhuber, 1997) are a modified version ofthe recurrent neural networks but with much morecomplicated activation units. The key element ofan LSTM model is a memory cell. Here, informa-tion is stored in two ways (hence the name LongShort Term Memory):

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Short-term Memory as activations of the neu-rons which capture the recent history,Long-term Memory as weights which aremodified based on back propagation

This model allows retention of information overa much longer period (more than the usual 10-12steps as in case of RNNs) through the use of thememory cell and hence produces appreciable re-sults when applied to NLP tasks.

The internal units of an LSTM model are shownin Fig 8. The network architecture is very complexand its structure can be broken down into certainstages 2:

1. Input Gate : It uses the input word and thepast hidden state to determine whether or notthe current input is worth preserving.

2. New Memory Generation : It uses the inputword and the past hidden state to generate anew memory which includes aspects of thenew word.

3. Forget Gate : It uses the input word and thepast hidden state to make an assessment onwhether the past memory cell is useful forcomputation of the current memory cell.

4. Final Memory Generation : It first takes theadvice of the forget gate and accordingly for-gets the past memory; it then takes the ad-vice of the input gate and accordingly gatesthe new memory and lastly it sums these tworesults to produce the final memory.

5. Output/Exposure Gate : It makes the as-sessment regarding what parts of the mem-ory needs to be exposed/present in the hiddenstate.

So the LSTM model (Gers et al., 2000) consistsof memory cells to maintain information over longperiods of time, and the gating units to decide whatinformation to store and when to apply that infor-mation. This division of responsibilities enablesthe network model to remember salient eventsover arbitrarily long period of time.

The task of sentiment analysis is generally as-signing a label to the whole sentence and not tothe individual words. Hence, the outputs producedat each time-step, i.e, with each input word, needto be reconciled to finally get a single label for

2 notes/LectureNotes4.pdf

Figure 8: Detailed Internals of an LSTM

whole sentence. One way is to have a numberof LSTM cells for each of which the outputs arepassed through a mean-pooling layer before goingthrough logistic regression.

Hence, in spite of the fact that the LSTM net-work is very complicated and has its own disad-vantages like huge computational complexity, thenetwork offers promising results since it is capa-ble of taking into account the whole sentence ascontext to generate results.

6 Experimental Results

We discussed some basic machine learning tech-niques from the two paradigms so far. However,for performing classification tasks efficiently, re-searchers are frequently coming up with modifiedsystems based on these architectures and the ex-perimental results reported in literature reflect theviability of the different techniques. Although ex-tensive research has been done using traditionalmodels (as the term traditional suggests), a goodamount of work has been done using deep learn-ing models too in recent years. In fact, the latter isseen to outperform the traditional systems in mostcases, thereby establishing its utility in the field ofnatural language processing, including sentimentanalysis.

We tabulate and compare experimental results,reported in literature, on some datasets, for someof the following models:

Traditional Paradigm ::

1. Naıve Bayes (Pang et al., 2002) : With uni-gram and unigram+bigram as features (Panget al., 2002)

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2. SVM (Pang et al., 2002) : With unigramand unigram+bigram as features (Pang et al.,2002)

3. NBSVM (Wang and Manning, 2013) :SVM with Naıve Bayes unigram and uni-gram+bigram features (Wang and Manning,2012)

4. Tree-CRF (Nakagawa et al., 2010) : Depen-dency tree-based sentiment classification us-ing CRFs with hidden variables (Nakagawaet al., 2010)

Deep Learning Paradigm ::

5. CNN-rand, CNN-static, CNN-nonstatic, andCNN-multichannel (Yoon Kim, 2014) : Fourvariants of the Convolutional Neural Net-work based on the variations in the usage ofword vectors (Kim, 2014)

6. DCNN : Dynamic Convolutional Neural Net-work with k-max pooling, as given in (Kalch-brenner et al., 2014) (Kalchbrenner et al.,2014)

7. LSTM, Bidirectional LSTM, 2-layer LSTM,2-layer Bidirectional LSTM, Tree-LSTM :Long Short Term Memory Models and theirvariants, as given in (Tai et al., 2015) (Socheret al., 2015)

8. RNN : Recurrent Neural Networks, as givenin (Socher et al., 2013) (Socher et al., 2013)

9. MV-RNN : Matrix-Vector Recursive NeuralNetwork with parse trees, as given in (Socheret al., 2013) (Socher et al., 2013)

10. RNTN : Recursive Neural Tensor Networkwith tensor-based feature function and parsetrees, as given in (Socher et al., 2013) (Socheret al., 2013)

11. RAE : Recursive Autoencoders, as given in(Socher et al., 2011) (Socher et al., 2011)

12. RAE-pretrain : Recursive Autoencoders withpre-trained word vectors from Wikipedia, asgiven in (Socher et al., 2011) (Socher et al.,2011)

13. DRNN : Deep Recursive Neural Networks,as given in (Irsoy and Cardie, 2014) (Irsoyand Cardie, 2014)

14. VecAvg : A model that averages neural wordvectors and ignores word order, as given in(Socher et al., 2013) (Socher et al., 2013)

15. Paragraph-Vec : Logistic regression on topof paragraph vectors, as given in (Le andMikolov, 2014) (Le and Mikolov, 2014)

6.1 Performance of Models on StanfordSentiment Treebank Dataset

The sentiment treebank dataset3 introduced byStanford (Socher et al., 2013) contains 11,855 sen-tences (movie reviews along with their parse treesgiving rise to 215,154 phrases. These are an-notated with sentiment scores ranging between 0and 1 where 0 means most negative and 1 meansvery positive. Experiments are performed on thisdataset (using the standard train/development/testsplits) for two subtasks of classification:

Fine grained sentiments: The dataset is catego-rized under 5 labels as – very negative (0 −0.2), negative (0.2−0.4), neutral (0.4−0.6),positive (0.6 − 0.8) and very positive (0.8 −1).The train/development/test splits of 8544 /1101 / 2210 are used here.

Binary sentiments: The dataset is categorized un-der 2 labels as – negative (0− 0.4) and posi-tive (0.6−1) with neutral sentences removed.The train/development/test splits of 6920 /872 / 1821 are used here.

We show a comparison of the performance ofthe three basic traditional models : Naıve Bayeswith unigram features, Naıve Bayes with uni-gram+bigram features and SVM with unigramfeatures4 (Pang et al., 2002) with the accuracy val-ues for some of the deep learning models in Table1 (the results are taken from papers cited alongsidethe classification models in the table).

6.2 Performance of Models on BenchmarkDatasets

We show experimental results on the followingbenchmark datasets:

1. MR5 : Movie reviews with one sentence perreview; classification involves detecting pos-itive/negative reviews (Pang and Lee, 2005)

3available at

4Experimental results are taken from (Socher et al., 2013)5available at


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Traditional Paradigm

Naıve Bayes (unigrams) 41.0 81.8Naıve Bayes (uni-bigrams) 41.9 83.1SVM (unigrams) 40.7 79.4

Deep Learning Paradigm

CNN-rand (Kim, 2014) 45.0 82.7CNN-static (Kim, 2014) 45.5 86.8CNN-nonstatic (Kim, 2014) 48.0 87.2CNN-multichannel (Kim, 2014) 47.4 88.1DCNN (Kalchbrenner et al., 2014) 48.5 86.8

LSTM (Tai et al., 2015) 45.8 86.7Bidirectional LSTM (Tai et al., 2015) 49.1 86.82-layer LSTM (Tai et al., 2015) 47.5 85.52-layer Bidirectional LSTM (Tai et al., 2015) 46.2 84.8Constituency Tree LSTM (Tai et al., 2015) 50.6 86.9

RNN (Socher et al., 2013) 43.2 82.4MV-RNN (Socher et al., 2013) 44.4 82.9RNTN (Socher et al., 2013) 45.7 85.4RAE-pretrain (Socher et al., 2011) 43.2 82.4DRNN (Irsoy and Cardie, 2014) 49.8 86.6VecAvg (Socher et al., 2013) 32.7 80.1Paragraph-Vec (Le and Mikolov, 2014) 48.7 87.8

Table 1: Results (Accuracy values in %) of different machine learning approaches for sentiment classifi-cation on Stanford Sentiment Treebank dataset

2. MPQA6 : Opinion polarity detection subtaskof the MPQA dataset (Wiebe et al., 2005)

3. CR7 : Customer reviews of various products(cameras, MP3s etc.); task is to predict posi-tive/negative reviews (Hu and Liu, 2004)

4. Subj8 : Subjectivity dataset where the task isto classify a sentence as being subjective orobjective (Pang and Lee, 2004)

The summary statistics of these datasets aregiven in Table. The comparison of the traditionalmodels with some of the deep learning modelsare shown in Table 2 which reports the averageaccuracy values of 10-fold cross-validation exper-iments performed on the datasets (the results are

6available at at∼liub/

FBS/sentiment-analysis.html8available at


taken from papers cited alongside the classifica-tion models in the table).

7 Conclusion

The classification performance of the differentmodels on the different datasets gives a rough ideaof the utility of the different models in differentscenarios for sentiment classification. On most ofthe datasets, the performance of the deep learn-ing models, especially CNN and LSTM variants,is over-whelming. Convolution Neural Networks(Kim, 2014) give the best accuracy for binary sen-timent classification on Stanford Sentiment Tree-bank dataset (CNN-multichannel : 88.1%), MovieReview (MR) dataset (CNN-nonstatic : 81.5%),MPQA dataset (CNN-static : 89.6%) and Cus-tomer Review (CR) dataset (CNN-multichannel :85.0%) while Constituency Tree LSTM model (Taiet al., 2015) performs the best for fine-grained sen-timent classification of Stanford Sentiment Tree-

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Models MR MPQA CR Subj

Traditional Paradigm

Naıve Bayes (unigrams) (Wang and Manning, 2012) 77.9 85.3 79.8 92.6Naıve Bayes (uni-bigrams) (Wang and Manning, 2012) 79.0 86.3 80.0 93.6SVM (unigrams) (Wang and Manning, 2012) 76.2 86.1 79.0 90.8SVM (uni-bigrams) (Wang and Manning, 2012) 77.7 86.7 80.8 91.7NBSVM (unigrams) (Wang and Manning, 2012) 78.1 85.3 80.5 92.4NBSVM (uni-bigrams) (Wang and Manning, 2012) 79.4 86.3 81.8 93.2Tree-CRF (Wang and Manning, 2012) 77.3 86.1 81.4 -

Deep Learning Paradigm

CNN-rand (Kim, 2014) 76.1 83.4 79.8 89.6CNN-static (Kim, 2014) 81.0 89.6 84.7 93.0CNN-nonstatic (Kim, 2014) 81.5 89.5 84.3 93.4CNN-multichannel (Kim, 2014) 81.1 89.4 85.0 93.2RAE (Socher et al., 2011) 76.8 85.7 - -RAE-pretrain (Socher et al., 2011) 77.7 86.4 - -

Table 2: Results (Accuracy values in %) of different machine learning approaches on MR, MPQA, CRand Subj Datasets

bank dataset (50.6%) – more than 8% perfor-mance gain over the traditional models. Thisclearly exhibits the efficacy of deep learning mod-els for sentiment analysis.

Neural networks are versatile, owing to the factthat they avoid task-specific engineering, therebydisregarding any sort of prior knowledge relatedto the data. Hence, man-made features, whichhave to be carefully optimized to produce properresults in case of traditional models, are not atall necessary while using deep learning models.Although the widely popular traditional modelslike Naıve Bayes and SVM have proved usefulfor so long, the potential of the deep learningparadigm cannot be overlooked. In fact, the latterpromises to perform much better than the former,with minimal constraints on the task or data forsentiment analysis.

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