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  • 7/25/2019 Sentence Transformation, Word F e Extra Word - SOLUZIONI ESERCIZI - Copia


    SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION :Sentence transformation, 17

    January 23, 2007

    31.- Can you understand what this paper means?


    Can you mae sense of this paper?32.- !t wasn"t necessary to meet me at the airport yesterday.


    #ou needn"t ha$e met me at the airport yesterday.

    33.-!t was unind of you to ta% to her %ie that.


    #ou shou%d not ha$e ta%ed to her %ie that.

    3&.-! saw the fi%m a%thou'h ! stron'%y dis%ie thri%%ers.


    ! saw the fi%m in spite of my stron' dis%ie of thri%%ers.

    3(.-!t"s not possi)%e to p%ay tennis )ecause of the rain.


    *he rain maes it impossi)%e. to p%ay tennis.3+.-!"$e ne$er tasted such 'ood food )efore.


    !t is the )est food !"$e e$er.. tasted.

    37.-o your parents a%%ow you to watch * %ate at ni'ht?


    o your parents %et you watch. * %ate at ni'ht?

    3.-/id you write a note for nna?/ ! ased my mother.


    ! ased my mother whetherif she had written. a note for nna.

    3.-e 'a$e me the money first, and then he %eft.


    e %eft after he had 'i$en meafter 'i$in' me.. the money.

    &0.-! don"t find it difficu%t to 'et up ear%y any more.


    ! am used to 'ettin'. up ear%y.

    Sentence transformation,1+

    January 23, 2007

    31 e rea%%y %ies correctin' her 4n'%ish.


    e taes p%easure in.. correctin' her 4n'%ish.

    32 !t"s not necessary to tae a %ot of %u''a'e when 'oin' on ho%iday.


    #ou don"t need much needn"t tae much don"t ha$e to tae much %u''a'e when 'oin' on ho%iday.33 5erhaps he hasn"t recei$ed the doctor"s resu%ts yet.


    e ..may not ha$e recei$ed.. the doctor"s resu%ts yet.

    3& %% ! want you to do is to %oo after my do'.


    %% ! want you to do is to tae care of.. my do'.

    3( She was not certain a)out the trip.


    She cou%d not decide.. a)out the trip.

    3+ e %oced the 'ate so that the do' wou%dn"t escape.


    e %oced the 'ate to pre$ent the do' 6from.. escapin'.37 *hey did not %ie to pay e8tra ta8es.


    *hey o)9ected to payin'. e8tra ta8es.
  • 7/25/2019 Sentence Transformation, Word F e Extra Word - SOLUZIONI ESERCIZI - Copia


    3 *he day was so nice that we went on a picnic.


    !t was such a nice day. that we went on a picnic.

    3 *he on%y person ! didn"t see was Jane.


    ! saw e$eryone e8cept.. Jane.

    &0 She decided to $isit her friend and te%% her the news.


    She decided to drop in on her friend and te%% her the news.

    Sentence transformation, 1(

    January 21, 2007

    31 :e ha$e to reduce our e8penses.


    :e ha$e to cut down on.. our e8penses.

    32 ;Can you p%ease e8p%ain this to me?/ she ased the teacher.


    She ased the teacher if she cou%d e8p%ain that to her.

    33 5erhaps he"s worin' %ate.may

    e may )e worin'. %ate.

    3& t he%ped me. , ! wou%d ne$er ha$e mana'ed.

    &0 *he mana'er made the emp%oyees stay %ate.


    *he emp%oyees were made to stay %ate )y the mana'er.

    Sentence *ransformation,1&January 21, 2007

    31 e nows e$erythin' a)out f%owers.


    e is an e8pert on f%owers.

    32 !f you are not o%d enou'h you cannot watch certain fi%ms.


    !f you are under a'e.. you cannot watch certain fi%ms.

    33 ! re'ret that ! 'a$e him the money.


    !f on%y ! hadn"t %ent. him the money.

    3& !t was such a )orin' mo$ie that we %eft.


    *he mo$ie .was so )orin'.... that we %eft.

    3( 5eop%e say that the pyramids are worth $isitin'.
  • 7/25/2019 Sentence Transformation, Word F e Extra Word - SOLUZIONI ESERCIZI - Copia



    *he pyramids are supposed to )e. worth $isitin'.

    3+ John cannot possi)%y )orrow the car toni'ht.


    !t"s out of the uestion for John to )orrow the car toni'ht.

    37 Cou%d ! continue what ! was doin'?


    Cou%d ! 'et on with what ! was doin'?

    3 @ary is s%ower at doin' thin's than Ji%%.


    @ary is not as fast as.. Ji%% at doin' thin's.

    3 ! can"t mae up my mind a)out the co%our.


    ! cannot decide on.. the co%our.

    &0 *here are times when you ha$e to do thin's )y yourse%f.


    *here are times when you ha$e to do thin's on your own.

    Sentence transformation, 13January 20, 2007

    31 #ou were %ate, so you missed the match.


    !f you hadn"t )een %ate you wou%dn"t ha$e.. missed the match.

    32 ! am sorry ! for'ot your )irthday.


    ! wish ! hadn"t for'otten. your )irthday.

    33 *he )ur'%ar mana'ed to escape without punishment.


    *he )ur'%ar mana'ed to 'et away without. punishment.

    3& e fai%ed the test )ecause he did not study enou'h.

    attri)utedis fai%ure in the test was attri)uted to his.. not studyin' enou'h.

    3( ! wonder if you can %end me somethin' to wear toni'ht.


    :ou%d you mind %endin' me.. somethin' to wear toni'ht?

    3+ :e can"t decide where to 'o on ho%idays.


    :e can"t mae a decision a)out. where to 'o on ho%idays.

    37 Can you tae me to the station )y car?


    Can you 'i$e me a %ift. to the station?

    3 #ou wi%% miss the )us if you don"t hurry up.

    un%ess#ou wi%% miss the )us un%ess you hurry up.

    3 !t is %ie%y that they ha$e a%ready %eft.


    *hey may ha$e a%ready.. %eft.

    &0 ow much is the )us fare from Aondon to Cam)rid'e?


    ow much does it cost to 'otra$e%. from Aondon to Cam)rid'e )y )us?

    Sentence transformation, 12

    January 1, 2007

    31 Sa%%y has not come to schoo% )ecause she has )een sic.


    Sa%%y has )een a)sent from . schoo% )ecause she has )een sic.

    32 !t is often difficu%t to find an answer to a pro)%em.

  • 7/25/2019 Sentence Transformation, Word F e Extra Word - SOLUZIONI ESERCIZI - Copia


    Bindin' a so%ution to a pro)%em is often difficu%t.

    33 ! was %ucy you %et me stay with you for the ni'ht.


    ! was %ucy you put me up. for the ni'ht.

    3& ! ad$ised him to stop smoin'.


    ! su''ested 6that he.. stop smoin'.

    3( *hey are 'oin' to do up my room.


    !"m 'oin' toha$e my room.. decorated.

    3+ Jane doesn"t often see @ie.


    Jane se%dom sees. @ie.

    37 ! can understand this uite we%%


    !t"s easy for me to.. understand this.

    3 @y mother doesn"t %ie us to stay out %ate.

    appro$e@y mother doesn"t appro$e of usour stayin' out %ate.

    3 @ary is emp%oyed )y !@, isn"t she?


    @ary wors for !@, doesn"t she?

    &0 *hey cou%d not understand what she said.


    *hey had difficu%ty in understandin'. what she said.

    Sentence transformation, 11

    January 1, 2007

    31 *here is no su'ar %eft.

    run:e ha$e run out of. su'ar.

    32 D

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    ! wish ! new. how to dance.

    Sentence transformation, 10

    January 17, 2007

    31 :e wou%d rather stop than continue in this manner.


    :e Dd prefer to stop.. than to continue in this manner.

    32 @other to%d *om that he had to 'o to )ed ear%y.


    D#ou to must 'o)ed ear%y," @other to%d *om.

    33 ! %ast saw her at the end of @ay.


    ! ha$en"t seen her since.the end of @ay.

    3& !"%% ne$er )e a)%e to persuade her to a'ree with the idea.


    !"%% ne$er )rin' her round to the idea.

    3( She cou%d not understand how they were re%ated.

    connectionShe cou%d not understand their connection to her.

    3+ ! don"t thin ! can afford to )uy this dress.


    ! don"t thin ! ha$e enou'h. money to )uy this dress.

    37 e is he%pin' his mother so that they can finish uic%y.


    e is he%pin' his mother in order to finish.. uic%y.

    3 ! found my o%d diary )y chance.


    ! came across.. my o%d diary )y chance.

    3 e was $ery rude when he spoe to the o%d man.

    po%ite%ye did not spea po%ite%y to the o%d man.

    &0 She cau'ht the ear%y )us so that she wou%d not )e %ate for wor.


    She cau'ht the ear%y )us to a$oid )ein'. %ate for wor.

    Sentence transformation,

    January 17, 2007

    31 despite his rude )eha$iour despite )eha$in' rude%y

    32 is to )%ame for

    33 wou%d rather order food than

    3& time the 'o$ernment did

    3( can"t ha$e )een

    3+ were you ! wou%d tidy37 shou%d ha$e your hair

    3 put up with

    3 wasn"t as 'ood as

    &0 con'ratu%ated him on 'ettin'

    Sentence transformation,

    January 1+, 2007

    31 *he foot)a%% match was postponed due to the rain.


    *he foot)a%% match was FFFFFFput offFFF due to the rain.

    32 *here was no one here e8cept John.


    *here was no one here FFFFFFapart fromFFFF John.

    33 #ou wi%% ha$e to pay at %east G(00 to 'et that watch.

  • 7/25/2019 Sentence Transformation, Word F e Extra Word - SOLUZIONI ESERCIZI - Copia


    #ou"%% find it FFFFimpossi)%e to 'et)uyFF that watch for %ess than G(00.

    3& ! don"t want to eat this now.


    ! FFFFFFFDd rather notFFFFFF eat this now.

    3( DSha%% ! turn on the %i'ht?" Sue ased Ji%%.


    Sue ased Ji%% FFifwhether she wantedFF the %i'ht turned on.

    3+ @other wa%ed in uiet%y so as to a$oid wain' the )a)y.


    @other wa%ed in uiet%y FFFFin order not to waeFF the )a)y.

    37 !t"s possi)%e that she didn"t understand what ! had said.


    She FFFmi'ht not ha$e understoodFFwhat ! had said.

    3 ! cou%dn"t concentrate fu%%y )ecause of the %oud music.


    *he %oud music FFmade it difficu%t to concentrateFF fu%%y.

    3 *he tea is too hot to drin.

    enou'h*he tea FF isn"t coo%co%d enou'hF to drin.

    &0 She is certain to ha$e heard a)out it on the news.


    She FFmust ha$e heardFF a)out it on the news.

    Sentence transformation, 7

    January 1&, 2007

    1 e went to Spain to try to spea Spanish )etter.


    e went to Spain FFFto )rush up hisFF Spanish

    2 !s she ustra%ian?


    FFFoes he come fromFFustra%ia?3 s 5au% to do it. #ou can re%y on him.


    s 5au% to do it. e Fwi%% not %et you downFF

    & !t"s a $ery forma% dinner party.


    :e are e8pected FFto dress upFFfor the dinner party.

    ( n an%e in9ury pre$ented her from tain' part in the race.


    She had to FFdrop out ofFFthe race )ecause of an an%e in9ury.

    + !t was near%y midni'ht when John arri$ed.


    John FFdid not turn upFFunti% near%y midni'ht.7 !"m not $ery confident of passin' my dri$in' test.


    ! don"t FFthin ! wi%% e8pect to 'et throu'hFmy dri$in' test

    *he meetin' went on unti% 11.30


    *he meetin' FFdid not )rea upFF unti% 11.30

    Hn%ess )usiness impro$es soon, we"%% )e )anrupt )y the end of the year.


    !f )usiness FFdon"t pic upFsoon, we"%% )e )anrupt )y the end of the year.

    10 *he %ast time my rent rose was three years a'o.


    *hey ha$en"t FFput my rent up put up my rentF for three years.

    11 #ou wi%% support me at the meetin', won"t you?

  • 7/25/2019 Sentence Transformation, Word F e Extra Word - SOLUZIONI ESERCIZI - Copia


    #ou wi%% FF)ac me upFat the meetin', won"t you?

    12 *his form must )e comp%eted )efore you %ea$e.


    #ou FFmustarereuired toare e8pected toha$e to fi%% inFthis form )efore you %ea$e.

    13 ! don"t thin !"%% 'o out on Saturday.


    ! thin F! wi%% stay inFF on Saturday.

    1& Hn%ess it stops rainin' soon, we"%% ha$e to cance% the picnic.


    !f it FFFdoes not c%ear upFFsoon we"%% ha$e to cance% the picnic.

    1( ! don"t smoe as many ci'arettes as ! used to.


    !"$e mana'ed to Fcut down the num)er ofFci'arettes ! smoe.

    Sentence transformation, +

    January 1&, 2007

    1 *heir weddin' taes p%ace on Saturday.


    *hey FFFwi%% 'etare 'ettin' marriedF on Saturday.2 :ou%d you %ie some more sauce with your meat?


    a$e FFyou 'othad enou'h sauceFFwith your meat?

    3 ow %ie%y is she to win the race?


    :hatFFare her chances of winnin'Fthe race?

    & e wished he had 'one to uni$ersity.


    e FFre'retted not ha$in' that he hadn"tF'one to uni$ersity.

    ( 5au% had difficu%ty in startin' the car.


    5au% FFfound it difficu%t to startFFthe car.+ *ae a 9umper with you )ecause it mi'ht 'et co%d %ater on.


    *ae a 9umper with youFFFin case it 'etsFFFco%d %ater on.

    7 ow much did that 9acet cost?


    ow much FFFdid you pay forFFthat 9acet?

    *he on%y uestion ! had wron' was uestion se$en.


    ! had FFe$ery uestiona%% the uestions e$erythin' ri'ht e8ceptFFuestion se$en

    ! don"t thin !"%% 'o to Jane"s party on Saturday.


    ! FFFdou)t ifwhether !"%% 'oFFto Jane"s party on Saturday.10 !t was $ery ind of them to he%p us.


    :e FFwere 'ratefu% to themFfor their he%p.

    11 @y unc%e had ne$er )een a)road )efore.


    !t was FFFmy unc%e"s first tripFFa)road.

    12 *his is the )est food !"$e e$er eaten.


    !"$e FFFFne$er eatentasted )etter food thanFFthis

    Sentence transformation, (

    January 1&, 2007

    1 o you want a sandwich?


    FF:ou%d you care forFFa sandwich?
  • 7/25/2019 Sentence Transformation, Word F e Extra Word - SOLUZIONI ESERCIZI - Copia


    2 !s this pen yours?


    oes FFthis pen )e%on' toFFyou?

    3 a$id was too i%% to 'o campin' with us.


    a$idFFFwas not we%%fit enou'hFFto 'o campin' with us.

    & #ou can"t $ote un%ess you are o$er ei'hteen.


    #ouFmust )e o$er ei'hteenFFto $ote

    ( ! thin we shou%d 'o home now.


    !t FFis time we wentwere 'oin'FFhome now.

    + ! certain%y won"t 'o there a'ainE


    *hat FFFis the %ast timeFFF! 'o thereE

    7 ! re'ret not 'ettin' married.


    ! Fwish ! had 'otFF married. e found it hard to start the car.


    e FFFhad difficu%ty in startin'FF the car.

    :hy wou%dn"t she 'i$e you her te%ephone num)er?


    :hyFFFdid she refuse toFF'i$e you her te%ephone num)er?

    10 John and ! %ast uarre%%ed o$er a wee a'o.


    John and ! Fha$e not fa%%en outF for o$er a wee.

    11 ! dou)t $ery much that you saw Car%a at the party as she"s in Scot%and at the moment.


    #ou FFFFcannot ha$e seenFFFCar%a at the party as she"s in Scot%and at the moment12 fter near%y an hour the coach had sti%% not arri$ed.


    fter near%y an hour FFthere was sti%% no si'nFFof the coach.

    Sentence transformation, &

    January 1&, 2007

    1 :e started eatin' when a%% the 'uests had arri$ed.


    :e Fdid not start eatin' unti%FFa%% the 'uests had arri$ed.

    2 ! shou%d $ery much %ie to p%ay the 'uitar.


    ! FFwish ! cou%dnew how toFp%ay the 'uitar

    3 *he pop star %eft )y the )ac e8it so as to a$oid meetin' the press.order

    *he pop start %eft )y the )ac e8it FFin order not to meet in order to a$oid 6meetin' Fthe press

    & Iur dri$in' %aws and theirs are not the same.


    Iur dri$in' %aws FFare different fromFtheirs

    ( Sa%%y hasn"t contacted me for o$er si8 wees.


    ! FF%ast heard from Sa%%yFFo$er si8 wees a'o

    + D#ou rea%%y must stay the ni'ht," he said to us


    e FFinsisted on us stayin' that we stayedFFthe ni'ht

    7 *hey mae 2,000 cars a wee at that factory.


    *hat factoryFFturns outFF2,000 cars a wee.
  • 7/25/2019 Sentence Transformation, Word F e Extra Word - SOLUZIONI ESERCIZI - Copia


    e was punished for his )ad )eha$iour.


    !f he FFhad not )eha$ed )ad%yFF, he wou%dn"t ha$e )een punished.

    Speain' persona%%y, ! don"t care whether she comes with us or not.


    !t FFdoes not matter to meFwhether she comes with us or not.

    10 ! don"t rea%%y want to 'o out toni'ht.


    !FFwou%d prefer not toF'o out toni'ht.

    11 D:ou%d you %ie to p%ay tennis on Briday?" 4mi%y ased

  • 7/25/2019 Sentence Transformation, Word F e Extra Word - SOLUZIONI ESERCIZI - Copia


    1 :e were surprised to see 5ame%a at the party.


    :eFFFdid not e8pect toFFto see 5ame%a at the party.

    2 4$eryone has heard a)out the cana%s in msterdam


    msterdam FFFis famous for 6itsFFcana%s

    3 !f you pay no attention to him, he"%% soon 'o away.


    !f youFFtae no notice ofFFhim, he"%% soon 'o away.

    & John Aennon was forty when he died.


    John Aennon FFFdied at the a'e ofFFforty.

    ( #ou can stay with my sister if you"re e$er in ri'hton.


    @y sister wi%% FFFput you upFFif you"re e$er in ri'hton.

    + She didn"t say 'ood)ye when she %eft.


    She FFFF%eft without sayin'FF 'ood)ye.7 D!"m sorry !"m %ate," he said.


    eFFFapo%o'ied for )ein'FFF%ate.

    !t"s possi)%e that they didn"t 'et the messa'e in time.


    *hey FFFmi'ht not ha$e 'otFFthe messa'e in time.

    ! ha$en"t smoed for si8 years.


    Si8 yearsFFa'o ! 'a$e upFFFsmoin'

    10 !t was wron' of you to stea% those app%es from @rs rown"s 'arden.


    #ouFFFshou%d not ha$e sto%enFFthose app%es from @rs rown"s 'arden.11 !t"s a four-hour 9ourney from Swansea to Aondon.


    !tFFFtaes four hours to tra$e%FFFfrom Swansea to Aondon.

    12 ! don"t rea%%y want to %ea$e yet.


    ! FFFwou%d rather notFFF%ea$e yet.

    Sentence transformation, 1

    January 1&, 2007

    31 :hy are you interested in tain' up a new ho))y?


    :hy do you want K to tae up a new ho))y?

    32 Da$e you seen my '%o$es anywhere, 4ric?" ased @rs

  • 7/25/2019 Sentence Transformation, Word F e Extra Word - SOLUZIONI ESERCIZI - Copia


    37 *he c%ients demanded to stay in a first-c%ass hote%.


    *he c%ients insisted onupon K stayin' in a first-c%ass hote%.

    3 ! don"t o)9ect to the counci% )ui%din' a new road here.


    ! ha$e noha$en"t anymae no K o)9ection to the counci% )ui%din' a new road here.

    3 *he author wrote her %atest no$e% whi%e she was stayin' in @a9orca.


    *he author"s %atest no$e% was written K durin' hera stay in @a9orca.

    &0 *he newspaper offered Aynda G(,000 for her story, )ut she refused.


    Aynda turned down K thean offer of G(,000 from the newspaper for her story.


    48tra word, 13January 23, 2007

    L!*!< M =L44C4 B4S*!A

    (+ death

    (7 heroica%%y

    ( pi%'rima'e

    ( ritish

    +0 ce%e)ration

    +1 inspiration

    +2 reminder

    +3 partnership

    +& industria%

    +( de$e%opment6s48tra word, 13

    January 23, 2007

    AI4 =I

    &1 much

    &2 IN

    &3 he

    && nati$e

    &( *he

    &+ has

    &7 down

    & IN

    & sti%%(0 fu%%y

    (1 there

    (2 a%%

    (3 IN

    (& that

    (( themse%$es

    48tra word, 12

    January 23, 2007

    < H

  • 7/25/2019 Sentence Transformation, Word F e Extra Word - SOLUZIONI ESERCIZI - Copia


    &+ them

    &7 IN

    & our

    & IN

    (0 had

    (1 he

    (2 IN

    (3 of

    (& )e

    (( it

    48tra word, 11

    January 21, 2007


  • 7/25/2019 Sentence Transformation, Word F e Extra Word - SOLUZIONI ESERCIZI - Copia


    && the South Co% route. *he Sin'apore team wi%% attempt to IN

    &( retrace the e8act%y same route as they )e'in their ascent.

    &+ *he idea is to c%im) 4$erest was first )rou'ht up in 10.

    &7 *he Sin'apore @ountaineerin' Bederation, was )ein' esta)%ished

    & in 13 and a permit for the c%im) was fina%%y 'i$en in @ay 1&. IN

    & *he Sin'apore 4$erest team, which comprises of ei'ht

    (0 c%im)ers and a support team, %eft for Natmandu in ear%y IN

    (1 @archP a re%ati$e%y $ery youn' team with the a$era'e a'e of

    (2 mem)ers )ein' at a)out 30 years o%d and whose mem)ers

    (3 come from a%% the wa%s of %ife. *he 9ourney wi%% )e 'rue%%in'

    (& and mem)ers are fu%%y aware of that they may not succeed,

    (( or more worse, sur$i$e. Iur hopes and prayers wi%% fo%%ow them.

    48tra word,

    January 1, 2007


  • 7/25/2019 Sentence Transformation, Word F e Extra Word - SOLUZIONI ESERCIZI - Copia


    that the conditions in the $a%%ey were a%% ri'ht at the moment for && IN

    %andin' and tain' it off, )ut that the weather was rapid%y &( it

    'ettin' more worse and we wou%d ha$e to 'et away as uic%y as &+ more

    possi)%e. :e a%% wored si%ent%y for uite a whi%e, )ecause of we &7 of

    did not want to waste time. Bina%%y the p%ane was )ein' ready. & )ein'

    Jim he a%so )oarded it so that there was one %ess person to tae & he

    on the ne8t trip. *he p%ane mo$ed o$er the surface of the water (0 IN

    and rose into the air. *he p%ane carne )ac on the time and it was (1 the

    Chris" turn to 'o, with the rest of the fi%m 'ear. Hn%ess the p%ane (2 IN

    was not )ac in time, we wou%d )e in trou)%e. *he c%ouds (3 not

    were 'ettin' so thicer and )%acer. :e )e'an to )e an8ious (& so

    a)out our safety and whether the p%ane wou%d )e )ac to pic us up. ((IN

    48tra word, (

    January 17, 2007

    S5C4 BL IH* BII

    &1 IN

    &2 4!

  • 7/25/2019 Sentence Transformation, Word F e Extra Word - SOLUZIONI ESERCIZI - Copia


    ( it

    + o

    7 that



    10 o

    11 then

    12 try

    13 o

    1& for

    1( not

    1+ $ery

    48tra word, &

    January 12, 2007

    Lead the te8t )e%ow and %oo carefu%%y at each %ine. Some of the %ines are correct, and some ha$e a word

    missin'. !f a %ine is correct put a tic 63 after it. !f a %ine has a missin' word, use a stroe 6 to show where a

    word has )een %eft out, and on the ri'ht su''est what the missin' word mi'ht )e. *here are two e8amp%es at

    the )e'innin' 60 and 00n 4m)arrassin' moment

    0 !t happens to e$eryone sooner or %aterQ that IN

    00 dreaded moment when you say or do that maes somethin'

    you so em)arrassed that you wish a )i' ho%e FFFFFFFFFF

    appear in the 'round down which you cou%d FFwou%dFFFFFF

    disappear. Ine of most em)arrasin' moments FFFFmyFFFF

    happened when ! was 9ust twenty-two and %i$in' FFFFINFFFF

    in 4ast)ourne. ! 'one for an inter$iew for a 9o) FFhadFFFFFF

    as receptionist in a %ar'e hote% in ri'hton. FFFaFFFFF

    ! had dri$en there and, )ecause of the traffic FFFINFFFF

    and the difficu%ty findin' the hote%, ! was FFFFFinFFF

    s%i'ht%y %ate. ! had 9ust reached the hote% car and FparFFFwas a)out to re$erse into a parin' space a man FFwhenFFF

    in a )i', white Ja'uar car dro$e into it. *his made FFFINFFFF

    me rea%%y so ! wound down the window and Fmadfurious etcF

    shouted and swore him. ut he 9ust i'nored me FFFatFFFF

    and wa%ed away, of course made me e$en FwhichFFFF

    madder. *o add to my difficu%ties, it was summer F)ecauseFF

    the car par was fu%% so ! had to wait another fi$e FFFFFINFFF

    minutes or so )efore ! find an empty parin' FFcou%dFF

    suare. *his time ! was o$er a uarter of an hour FFFyFFFF

    %ate for the inter$iew, so ! rushed to the FFFFINFFFF

    mana'er"s office, noced the door and wa%ed in Fat, onFFF

    *he mana'er was a man was sittin' )ehind his Fand whoFFFdes. :hen he %ooed up ! died R it was the same Fa%mostnear%yF

    man that ! had shouted and sworn at the car FinF

    par R the one who had taen my parin' spaceE FFFFINFFFF

    appi%y, we )oth saw funny side of thin's and ! FFFtheFFFF

    ended up the 9o), )ut on%y on one condition R that FFF'ettin'FFF

    ! promised to shout and swear at the 'uestsE FFnotFF

    5osted in 48tra wordK Aea$e a Comment

    January 12, 2007

    In%y four of the sentences )e%ow are 'rammatica%%y correct. Bind these four sentences and rewrite those that

    contain mistaes. *here is an e8amp%e at the )e'innin' 60.

    0 #ou can"t 'o in there, !"m afraid. *hey ha$e a meetin'.

    #ou can"t 'o in there, !"m afraid. *hey are ha$in' a meetin'

    1 :e are much )etter than they at foot)a%%.

    FFF:e are much )etter than them at foot)a%% :e are much )etter thanthey are at foot)a%%FFFFFFFFFFFFF
  • 7/25/2019 Sentence Transformation, Word F e Extra Word - SOLUZIONI ESERCIZI - Copia


  • 7/25/2019 Sentence Transformation, Word F e Extra Word - SOLUZIONI ESERCIZI - Copia


    +& harden

    +( dan'erous

    :ord formation,

    January 21, 2007

    A!=*S, C@4L, C*!I

  • 7/25/2019 Sentence Transformation, Word F e Extra Word - SOLUZIONI ESERCIZI - Copia


    (+ a%i$e

    (7 suddenness

    ( death

    ( sur$i$ors

    +0 patient%y

    +1 unconscious+2 weaness

    +3 attention

    +& hope%ess

    +( fri'htenin'

    :ord formation, &

    January 1, 2007

    *4 @< :I 5A

  • 7/25/2019 Sentence Transformation, Word F e Extra Word - SOLUZIONI ESERCIZI - Copia


    :ord formation, 1

    January 1&, 2007

    CI@5H*4LS ** 5A# =@4S

    (+ performance

    (7 impro$ement

    ( )i''est( considera)%y

    +0 com)ination

    +1 end%ess

    +2 impressi$e

    +3 insufficent

    +& competition

    +( hea$i%y


    Co%%ocations, 3

    January 12, 2007

    1 #ou shou%d a%ways FinsureFyour homeFa'ainstFFfire.

    2 Does 5eter FFremindFyouFFofF@ichae% Jacson?" D

  • 7/25/2019 Sentence Transformation, Word F e Extra Word - SOLUZIONI ESERCIZI - Copia


    + ! remem)er FFwantin'F to )e a pop star when ! was a chi%d.

    7 on"t pretend FFto %ieF 9a. ! now you hate it rea%%y.

    D@ary hasn"t 'ot a car. :ou%d you mind FF'i$in'FF her a %ift?"


  • 7/25/2019 Sentence Transformation, Word F e Extra Word - SOLUZIONI ESERCIZI - Copia


    & e %eft Lussia in 12 and wi%% ne$er 'o )ac there.

    e %eft Lussia FFfor 'oodFFFFFin 12

    ( :e"%% ha$e to use the stairs. *he %ift"s not worin'.

    :e"%% ha$e to use the stairs. *he %ift"s Fout of orderFFFFF

    + @r %ae comes )ac from his ho%iday ne8t wee.

    @r %ae is on ho%idayFFFFat the momentFFFFFF7 e owes the )an G(,000.

    e is G(,000FFin de)tFFFFFFF

    ! memoried the poem.

    ! %earnt the poemFF)y heartFFFFFFFFFFF

    !t was no accident. e did it de%i)erate%y.

    !t was no accident. e did it FFon purposeFFFFFFFFF

    10 e hasn"t had a 9o) for o$er two years.

    e"s )een FFout of worFFFFFFFfor o$er two years

    11 ! fe%% in %o$e with her the moment ! saw her.

    !t was %o$eFFat first si'htFFFFFFF12