sentence transformation

Complete the second sentence with three to eight words so that is has similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. 1) As soon as the film was released, it started to break box office records. (THAN). No / sooner was the film released THAN / it started to break box office records. 2) Nowhere in the world have I seen such a wide variety of TV channels. (SO). I haven’t seen / SO wide a variety of TV channels ANYWHERE / in the world. 3) Nowadays, smoking is forbidden everywhere in the building (PERMITTED). Nowadays, no one / is permitted to smoke ANYWHERE / in the building. 4) If they didn’t have children, they would have split up by now. (FOR). Were / IT NOT FOR their children, they would have / split up by now. 5) I’m glad you helped me; otherwise I couldn’t have done it (HELP). Had it / NOT BEEN for your help, I couldn’t / have done it. 6) The moment they finished filming, it started to rain. (IT) Hardly DID they finish filming, IT started / to rain. 7) It is a legal requirement for cigarette advertisement to carry a public health warning (LAW). Cigarette advertisements / are required by LAW to carry / a public health warning. 8) The tiger would be extinct now if governments had not forbidden people to hunt it (IMPOSED). Had / governments NOT IMPOSED a ban on / tiger-hunting, the tiger would be extinct by now.

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Post on 26-Sep-2015




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Complete the second sentence with three to eight words so that is has similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given.

1) As soon as the film was released, it started to break box office records. (THAN).No / sooner was the film released THAN / it started to break box office records.

2) Nowhere in the world have I seen such a wide variety of TV channels. (SO).I havent seen / SO wide a variety of TV channels ANYWHERE / in the world.

3) Nowadays, smoking is forbidden everywhere in the building (PERMITTED).Nowadays, no one / is permitted to smoke ANYWHERE / in the building.

4) If they didnt have children, they would have split up by now. (FOR).Were / IT NOT FOR their children, they would have / split up by now.

5) Im glad you helped me; otherwise I couldnt have done it (HELP).Had it / NOT BEEN for your help, I couldnt / have done it.

6) The moment they finished filming, it started to rain. (IT)Hardly DID they finish filming, IT started / to rain.

7) It is a legal requirement for cigarette advertisement to carry a public health warning (LAW).Cigarette advertisements / are required by LAW to carry / a public health warning.

8) The tiger would be extinct now if governments had not forbidden people to hunt it (IMPOSED).Had / governments NOT IMPOSED a ban on / tiger-hunting, the tiger would be extinct by now.

9) Her voice was very soft and no-one could hear it at all (THAT).So / soft was her voice THAT / she was totally inaudible.

10) You must never swim here alone (CIRCUMSTACES).Under / no CIRCUMSTANCES must you swim here by / yourself.

11) He loved sailing most of all (MORE).It / is sailing he loved more than / anything else.

12) Many people think that he didnt tell the truth in cour (WIDELY).He / is widely thought not to have told the truth / in court.

13) I didnt realize how addictive computer games could be until I started playing them myself (DID).Not / until I started playing them myself DID I / realise how addictive computer games could be.

14) But for the new drug, he would not have been cured. (ONLY)It / was ONLY because the new drug was / developed that he was cured.

15) He said it ewould be a good idea for her to organize a trip to the desert (SUGGESTED).He / SUGGESTED that she (should) organize / a trip to the desert.

16) The popular belief was that he was born into the aristocracy (GENERALLY).He / is GENERALLY believed to have been born / into the aristocracy.

17) If we all stopped using cars, the worlds oil supplies would last longer (TO).IF WE WERE ALL TO STOP / the worlds oil supplies.

18) From the look of him, I thought hed / just run a marathon.(THOUGH)I thought / he look AS THOUGH hed just run a marathon.

19) I m determined to see that film (MISS).I wont MISS that film under any / circumstances.

20) They say it is likely that the police will catch him soon (CHANCES)They say the / chances are high of him getting caught / by the people.

21) Perhaps we should build a new cinema in the centre of the town, said someone. (BUILT)It was / suggested that a new cinema be BUILT / in the town centre.

22) Although it may not be easy for her, she must make up her mind to change her job (DECISION).She has to find another job, difficult AS THIS DECISION MAY BE / for her.

23) His main criticism was the expense of the project. (OBJECTED).What he objected to was the expense / of the project.

24) Youll never overtake him, however hard you try. (NO)Hell always beat you NO MATTER HOW MUCH OF / an effort you make.

25) I enjoyed the holiday so much that I didnt want to leave. (FUN)So / MUCH FUN WAS / the holiday that I could have / stayed there for ever.

26) She was not qualified for the job but they gave it to her anyway. (BEING)In spite of / her not being qualified she got / the job.

27) The factory released toxic waste into the lake, and so the fish died. (CONTAMINATED)HAD THE FACTORY / not contaminated the lake, no fish would / have died.

28) I dont think the truth will ever be known (DOUBT).I / doubt we will ever know / the truth.

29) I would prefer you to stay and wait for them. (RATHER)I / would rather you stayed and wait / for them.

30) I regret not buying a house when prices were a lot lower (BEFORE)I wish / I had bought a house BEFORE prices went / up so much.

31) There is no doubt that there will be a strike if the management doesnt back down (BOUND).Unless / the management backs down, there is bound to / be a strike.