sense of home voel je thuis · voel je thuis sense of home voel je thuis who we are the ‘care...

VOEL JE THUIS Sense Of Home VOEL JE THUIS Who We are the ‘Care Taker Team’ (CTT), a group of students taking part in the EPS (European Project Semester) programme. In collaboration with AP University, who are responsible for the EPS programme, and Zorgbedrijf Antwerpen, we are carrying outthis project. The group consists of six international students, all with different nationalities and academic backgrounds. We are continuing the work of a previous group which initiated this project at the beginning of the first semester. According to research, elderly people manifest many difficulties when it comes to adapting to life in elderly care facilities. These difficulties include not only physical problems, which are inevitable, but also personal and intimate problems like their general well-being in these institutions. We strongly believe that problems of this kind can and should be solved. Therefore, we started this project on the basis of wanting to make some changes to the way classical healthcare instituitions do things. Essentially, we want and think it’s in everybody’s best interest for the elderly to be able to feel at home in their elderly care institutions. Our goal is to build a room which strongly consists and connects with the concept of ‘sense of home’. This means that the room will make the elderly feel as comfortable and as relaxed as they would at home, so they can feel at ease and personally respond to the questionnaire in an intimate manner, on the app which will be included in the room. This is the fundamental connection between the room and the App. The comfort of the room consolidated with the App and filled in questionnaire will give the care takers a better understanding of what the elderly want or need. This will stimulate and motivate conversation which will consequently improve the relationship and well being of both elderly and care takers. Method We decided to separate our team into smaller working units. Each unit would work on different aspects of the project depending on their academic qualifications. Three groups were made, to work on the room, the app and the questionnaire. This organisation helped us work in a more efficient manner. Weekly meetings and constant communication kept us updated on the global outcome of the project. We figured out that it was best to ‘work with the elderly, for the elderly’ because what better way is there to capture the ‘sense of home’ of an elderly. Long hours of contact with the elderly included various sorts of activities, which consisted of weekly discussions and workshops. These workshops made the elderly feel like they are a part of the project which is a critical factor to our project. They involved themselves by choosing and deciding on various details of the decoration of the room; From the fabrics we used, materials we bought, furniture we picked and the wallpaper we hung on the walls. Our sponsors are Zorgbedrijf Antwerpen, ( contact person is Ira van Sprundel) and AP Hogeschool (contact person is Katrijn van loock ) The project is funded by the Baudouin foundation.Main target group and users are residents in care facilities. Broad users of the tools are the employee’s at the care facilities, the familiesof residents, students or people thinking of moving into the care facilties. Where? Main Stakeholders Goal Why Sint-Maria, Berchem, Antwerp Vredestraat 93, 2600 Antwerpen

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Page 1: Sense Of Home Voel Je Thuis · VOEL JE THUIS Sense Of Home VOEL JE THUIS Who We are the ‘Care Taker Team’ (CTT), a group of students taking part in the EPS (European Project Semester)




We are the ‘Care Taker Team’ (CTT), a group of students taking

part in the EPS (European Project Semester) programme. In

collaboration with AP University, who are responsible for the EPS

programme, and Zorgbedrijf Antwerpen, we are carrying outthis

project. The group consists of six international students, all with

different nationalities and academic backgrounds. We are continuing

the work of a previous group which initiated this project at the

beginning of the first semester.

According to research, elderly people manifest many difficulties when it

comes to adapting to life in elderly care facilities. These difficulties include

not only physical problems, which are inevitable, but also personal and

intimate problems like their general well-being in these institutions.

We strongly believe that problems of this kind can and should be solved.

Therefore, we started this project on the basis of wanting to make some changes to the way classical healthcare instituitions do things. Essentially, we want and think it’s in everybody’s best interest for the elderly to be

able to feel at home in their elderly care institutions.

Our goal is to build a room which strongly consists and connects with the

concept of ‘sense of home’. This means that the room will make the elderly feel

as comfortable and as relaxed as they would at home, so they can feel at ease

and personally respond to the questionnaire in an intimate manner, on the app

which will be included in the room. This is the fundamental connection

between the room and the App. The comfort of the room consolidated

with the App and filled in questionnaire will give the care takers a better

understanding of what the elderly want or need. This will stimulate and motivate

conversation which will consequently improve the relationship and well

being of both elderly and care takers.


We decided to separate our team into smaller working units. Each unit would

work on different aspects of the project depending on their academic qualifications.

Three groups were made, to work on the room, the app and the questionnaire. This

organisation helped us work in a more efficient manner. Weekly meetings and

constant communication kept us updated on the global outcome of the project.

We figured out that it was best to ‘work with the elderly, for the elderly’ because

what better way is there to capture the ‘sense of home’ of an elderly.

Long hours of contact with the elderly included various sorts of activities, which

consisted of weekly discussions and workshops. These workshops made the elderly

feel like they are a part of the project which is a critical factor to our project. They

involved themselves by choosing and deciding on various details of the decoration

of the room; From the fabrics we used, materials we bought, furniture we picked

and the wallpaper we hung on the walls.

Our sponsors are Zorgbedrijf Antwerpen, ( contact person is Ira van Sprundel) and AP Hogeschool (contact person is Katrijn van loock ) The project is funded

by the Baudouin foundation.Main target group and users are residents in care

facilities. Broad users of the tools are the employee’s at the care facilities,

the familiesof residents, students or people thinking of moving into the

care facilties.


Main Stakeholders


Sint-Maria, Berchem, AntwerpVredestraat 93, 2600 Antwerpen



Wie bouwde de vertelliving & applicatie?

Gespreid over twee jaar (2015-2017) gingen twee internationale groepen studenten

(België, Nederland, Frankrijk, Portugal, Spanje, Duitsland en Turkije) aan de slag om

de vertelliving en de applicatie ‘ Voel je Thuis’ te ontwerpen en vervolgens te realiseren.

Dit gebeurde in het kader van hun European Project Seminar (EPS), een mogelijkheid

om samen te werken met studenten van verschillende landen en verschillende


Voor de praktische uitvoering van de ruimte konden de studenten rekenen op de

ondersteuning van een groep studenten van de opleiding Bouw van de AP-Hogeschool

Voor de bewoners is het woonzorgcentrum de plek waar zij wonen en leven.

Daarom is het belangrijk dat de bewoner centraal blijft staan. Hierbij is het nodig dat

bewoners kunnen vertellen wat voor hen belangrijk is.

Want deze informatie kan ertoe bijdragen dat de bewoners zich meer thuis

kunnen voelen in het WZC.

Deze kamer is een vertelliving, een gezellige plek waar een bewoner zich op zijn gemak kan voelen. In deze ruimte kan de applicatie ‘ Voel je Thuis’ ingevuld worden.

De vertelliving en de applicatie kunnen de bewoners ondersteunen om hun

verhaal te vertellen over wat voor hen belangrijk is. Op deze manier komt naast goede

zorgverlening ook de bewoner en het (samen)leven nog meer centraal te staan.

Deze vertelliving en en de applicatie werden gebouwd voor bewoner, zijn omgeving en

het personeel. Ontdek zelf hoe beiden jou op een eenvoudige manier kunnen


Hoe kwam de ruimte tot stand?

Deze vertelliving werd gebouwd met én voor de bewoners, hun familie en het personeel. Individuele gesprekken met het personeel en bewoners, workshops,

naar de winkel met bewoners om materialen en meubels uit te zoeken zorgden

ervoor dat de vertelliving en de applicatie in voortdurende samenwerking tot

stand kwam.

Zorgbedrijf Antwerpen wil bewoners ondersteunen bij het ‘zich thuis voelen’

in een woonzorgcentrum.

Zorgbedrijf Antwerpen en AP Hogeschool werkten samen om deze vertaling

en de applicatie ‘Voel je Thuis’ te realiseren.

Deze vertelling en de applicatie ‘Voel je Thuis’ kwam tot stand met de steun

van de Koning Bouwdewijn Stichting en de Nationale loterij.

Waar ?

Initiatiefnemers en Sponsors

Doel: Vertelliving & Applicatie


Sint-Maria, Berchem