sennheiser - organizational culture

SENNHEISER “The pursuit of the perfect sound” By: David Velásquez Sebastián Osorio Luisa Zapata Samuel Escobar

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Post on 29-Sep-2015




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A description of Sennheiser´s history and background, along with an analysis of its organizational culture and perceived values.


  • By:David VelsquezSebastin OsorioLuisa ZapataSamuel EscobarSENNHEISERThe pursuit of the perfect sound

  • MISSION We are shaping the future of the audio industry, based on our history, our culture of innovation and our passion for excellence.

  • HISTORY1945-1955The company was founded in 1945, by Dr. Fritz Sennheiser as the Laboratorium Wennebostel or Lab W. Their production varies from microphones, measuring equipments and geophysical equipments.

  • 1956 1965In 1958 Labor W is renamed Sennheiser electronic.The develop revolutionary products the first answering machine (1961), first baby monitor, the so-called "Babysitter (1962), M 101 mixer (1965).

  • 1966 1975Sennheiser develops the worlds first open headphones. With more than 10 million units sold, the HD 414 remains the bestselling headphone ever.

  • 1976 1995During this years they start to expan all over the worldFounding of Sennheiser France (1988)Founding of a third production plant in Ireland (1990)Founding of Sennheiser UK (1990)Founding of Sennheiser Electronic Corporation, USA (1991)Founding of Sennheiser Belux (1991)Founding of Sennheiser Canada (1991)Founding of Sennheiser Asia (1992)Opening of Sennheiser Nederland (1995)Founding of Sennheiser Mexico (1995)

  • 2001 2010Founding of Sennheiser Innovation (Schweiz) AG, with the aim to identify market trends and customer needs that will emerge in five or more years (2008)Official opening of Sennheiser Japan (2008)

  • 2011Sennheiser has been divided into three organizational divisions: Consumer Electronics, Professional Systems and Integrated Systems, enabling each of the respective business divisions to offer stronger market and customer orientation.

  • 2013Sennheiser opens a new subsidiary in SwitzerlandSennheiser opens sales subsidiaries in Australia and New Zealand.

  • GLOBALIZATIONSubsidiariesService CenterCommercial Airline MarketCommunications sales partners


    We are shaping the future of the audio industry, based on our history, our culture of innovation and our passion for excellence.



  • POLITICALThe government is parliamentary and a democratic constitution emphasizes the protection of individual liberty and division of powers in a federal structure.Germany suffered deeply during both wars in the 20th century with the Nazism, Hitler and Holocaust.It is a recent country declared itself the Federal Republic of Germany in 1990 and its part of the EUToday enjoys of political instability, freedom of speech.The capital is Berlin, the currency is the Euro and has about 85 million people. Angela Merkel is the current chancellor.

  • ECONOMICLargest Economy in Europe and the 4th largest in the World by GDP.Leading exporter of machinery, vehicles, chemicals, technology and equipment. The integration in the economic field has been a big challenge sin the unification of east and west germany in 1990. Its been recovering from a long recession. Reforms such Harzt IV helped with the unemployment and pension deficit.

  • SOCIALMajor Cities : CapitalBerlin, Hamburg, Munich, Cologne, Frankfurt, Stuttgart , HanoverOfficial language: GermanNational Festivals such as the OktoberfestDamage of social pride after WWII and the recovery of it after the World Cup 2006Its society is shaped by a plurality of life styles and truly different ethno-cultural diversity.Home of famous musicians, phylosophers and scientistsFriendly, punctual, efficient and organized societyStereotypes about Nazis and unpoliteness

  • TECHNOLOGICALGerman industry is very diversified and in many sectors it is a global leader.The most important branch of the economic activity in Germany, with traditionally a very high share of total economic production, is industry.Germany is the worlds third largest automobile producer, with more than 70 percent of vehicles produced here intended for exportGermanys most innovative sectors with above average growth rates are those of technologies for the use of renewable energies as well as information technology and bio-technology.

  • LEGALThe administration of justice is divided into five branches: ordinary, labor, administrative, social and financial courts.The plaintiffs and the accused can appeal against a court ruling.

    The law of the Federal Republic of Germany applies to virtually all aspects of life.

    Germanys legal system has been shaped by constitutional law but is also influenced by the law of the European Union and by international law.The legal stability attracts foreign companies and is to the benefit of investments and entrepreneurial activity in Germany.

    Business-life in Germany is based on the principle of competition.

  • ENVIRONMENTALIndustrialization has taken its toll on Germanys environment, including that of the former GDR - Global Depositary Receipt.Germany has 107 cu km of renewable water resources, of which 86% are used for industrial purposes.relies principally on fossil fuels as sources of energyAcid rain resulting from sulfur dioxide emissions, is damaging forests.Green energy is been highly promoted in the past years.

  • We make an active contribution to the shape of todays and tomorrows markets, and set new standards with our innovative achievements.



    Intensive collaboration and the continual development of modern forms of cooperation enable us to successfully complete the steps in our work processes and instill a lasting team spirit in all areas of our business.

    Our extensive range of training and further education options offers all our staff the chance to expand their horizons on a professional and personal level and actively shape their career within Sennheiser.


  • Perfect tone, exhilarating sound, an outstanding acoustic experience, excellent Sennheiser technology: achieved by around 2,100 employees worldwide all linked by a common purpose that can be summarized in just three words: passion for sound.


  • Sennheiser is an international company. Our company reflects the cultural variety of the markets we serve.


  • Reliability and integrity are the foundation for our relations with our business partners and employees.


  • Because everyone at Sennheiser lives and loves first-class audio, we want each and every one of our customers to be able to do the same.


  • Close integration and constructive interaction between our teams from R&D and manufacturing to marketing, sales and many other departments form the basis of the typical services portfolio at Sennheiser.


  • CODE OF CONDUCTMember of the German Electrical and Electronics Industry ZVEI (ZVEI Code of Conduct for Corporate Social Responsibility)

    Human rights and labour conditionsWe respect and promote human rights as formulated in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Environment and societyPursuant to the principles of the Rio Declaration, we undertake in the interest of a sustainable and fair economy to act in an environmentally conscious way and to handle natural resources responsibly.We are aware of our social and economic responsibility in the countries and regions where we are in business. We accordingly support our employees civic commitment.

  • VALUESIntegrityRespectEntrepreneurial SpiritEmpathyExcellencePassionCuriosity and Openness

  • CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITYEven in the earliest stages of developing new products, we take care to use resources responsibly to save the environment. Our management team has firmly embedded this objective in our corporate guidelines.In the manufacture of Sennheiser components, we rely on innovative technology that as far as possible minimizes their environmental impact. The same applies with how consumers use them. Environmental protection is a consistent theme throughout a products life cycle.

  • BIbliographySennheiser electronic GmbH & CO KG. (2014). Sennheiser the pursuit of perfect sound. Retrieved from