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Oceanography Senior Thesis Guidebook For Fall-Winter-Spring 2012-2013 University of Washington School of Oceanography Box 357940 Seattle WA 98195 4 Last update: 9/21/2012

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Oceanography Senior Thesis Guidebook For Fall-Winter-Spring 2012-2013

University of Washington

School of Oceanography

Box 357940

Seattle WA 98195

Last update: 9/21/2012


Table of Contents

Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................ 2 Criteria defining the Oceanography Senior Thesis Experience ...................................................... 3 Syllabus: Ocean 443 Design of Oceanographic Field Experiments ............................................... 4

I. Instructors ................................................................................................................................ 4 II. Course goals ........................................................................................................................... 4

III. Setting, Scheduling, and Resources ...................................................................................... 4 IV. Course Requirements and Grading ....................................................................................... 5 V. Class Web Space ................................................................................................................... 5

Ocean 443: Writing Your Project Topic Summary ....................................................................... 6

Goal ............................................................................................................................................. 6 Homework Assignment: Topic Summary ................................................................................. 6

Ocean 443: Guidelines For A Research Proposal .......................................................................... 8 Ocean 443: Peer Review of Proposal Drafts ................................................................................ 10

Ocean 443: Ship Time Request .................................................................................................... 11 Syllabus: Oceanography 444 Advanced Field Oceanography ..................................................... 13

I. Overview .............................................................................................................................. 13

II. Grading ................................................................................................................................ 13 III. Schedule ............................................................................................................................. 13

IV. Research Dissemination..................................................................................................... 13 Ocean 444: Manuscript Guide ..................................................................................................... 14 Ocean 444: Peer Review of Manuscript Drafts ........................................................................... 17

Ocean 444: Oral Presentation Guide ............................................................................................ 18

Oceanography Senior Thesis: Agreement for External Advisors ................................................ 19 Oceanography Undergraduate Thesis Substitution Petition ......................................................... 20 The 444 Class Style Guide ............................................................................................................ 22

Instructors Rubric: Ocean 443 Topic Summary Evaluation Form .............................................. 26 Instructors Rubric: Ocean 443 Proposal Outline Evaluation Form ............................................. 27

Instructors Rubric: 443 Proposal Draft Evaluation Form ............................................................ 28 Instructors Rubric: Ocean 444 Final Paper Evaluation Form ...................................................... 29 Instructors Rubric: Final Oral Presentations Evaluation Form .................................................... 31


Criteria defining the Oceanography Senior Thesis Experience

The UW School of Oceanography provides each of its undergraduate majors with the opportunity to

conduct research and/or independent study on a topic of their choice and to write an undergraduate thesis

formally presenting the results. Students typically complete their senior thesis by completing the two

course sequence Ocean 443-444 in their senior year. Motivated students can complete the thesis

requirements through independent research outside of the formal thesis coursework - see the appendices

to this document for the forms necessary to ‘opt-out’ of the traditional senior thesis courses.

The goals of the senior thesis are:

1. To create a thesis proposal that is self-generated, written to departmental guidelines, and that

undergoes at least two rounds of review by faculty and students in the School.

2. To perform independent research. While the research is conducted as part of a larger project, the

individual’s research must have its own hypotheses or goals that are definable within the context

of a larger research frame.

3. To provide opportunities for students to develop interpersonal skills and a sense of how

individual research is conducted within a larger framework. The two examples of this used in

443/444 include group planning of the research cruise and peer-to-peer review of research

proposals and reports.

4. To create a final report, separate from the initial project proposal, that is written wholly by the

student. The final report is an opportunity for the student to explain how their research fits within

and contributes to the work of the larger Oceanographic community. The final report will

undergo both student and faculty review and will be made publicly available through the UW’s

Digital Library (ResearchWorks).

5. To present the results of the research in a public venue, either through a poster presentation or an

oral presentation. The senior thesis course 444 provides this opportunity via its spring


For many students, independent research is a rewarding activity, but also a challenging activity with

which they have little experience. Thus, it is often seen as a big hurdle and it can cause anxiety and

worry. This guidebook is designed to clarify procedures, expectations and deadlines, explain options,

provide resources, and reduce some of the anxiety.

Your thesis experience should prove to be one of the most rewarding parts

of your Oceanography education.


Syllabus: Ocean 443 Design of Oceanographic Field Experiments

I. Instructors

Prof. Rick Keil

517 OSB // 616-1947

[email protected]

Prof. Steve Riser (Physical Oceanography)

325A OSB // 543-1187

[email protected]

Prof. Steve Emerson (Chem. Oceanography)

419 OSB // 543-0428

[email protected]

Prof. Bob Morris (Biological Oceanography)

316 Ben Hall IRB // 221-7228

[email protected]

Dr. Miles Logsdon (GIS, remote sensing)

505 OSB // 543-5334

[email protected]

Byron Kilbourne (TA December cruise)

APL (by appointment) // 659-8582

[email protected]

Hilary Palevsky (TA Kurishio Current Cruise)

420 OSB // 221-6740

[email protected]

Kathy Newell (all options)

21 OTB // 543-6119

[email protected]

II. Course goals The primary function of Ocean 443 is to provide guidance for the formulation of your research

proposal, and for timely cruise planning of associated fieldwork. The multi-faceted goal of Ocean 443 is

to familiarize you with strategies and methods in field Oceanography, with thinking beyond the confines

of your own option, with fitting into group efforts, with interpreting and presenting the resulting

information, and, finally, with learning more about field research. You will have principal responsibility

for selecting a research topic/goal and then planning, executing, and reporting on your work. Experience

tells us that you will enjoy this unique opportunity to develop your scientific skills in a real world


The key to a successful senior thesis is solid preparation in Ocean 443. Your individual goals for

autumn quarter are: 1) to produce a detailed research proposal to test an hypothesis or explore an

environment using the best possible experimental/observational strategy, given the limitations in time and

available equipment; 2) to prepare to execute your proposed research at sea; and 3) to assist in the cruise

planning (schedule, logistics, etc.) for the ship that will be used. The combination of background

research, proposal writing, and cruise planning (Ocean 443), the research cruise itself, paper writing, and

the class symposium (Ocean 444) is what makes this capstone course sequence such a unique, rewarding,

and educational experience.

III. Setting, Scheduling, and Resources Fieldwork is typically scheduled aboard the R/V Thomas G. Thompson. Careful cruise planning

will be necessary in order to provide adequate research opportunities to all of the class members.

Thompson is permanently equipped with an ADCP (75 kHz), a dual-frequency (12 and 3.5 kHz) echo

sounder/subbottom profiler, a Simrad EM302 (30 kHz) swath mapping system, a CTD system, and GPS

positioning systems. The CTD system includes a transmissometer, fluorometer, O2 sensor, PAR sensor,

altimeter, and up to twenty-four 10 L Niskin bottles. Other sampling equipment can be requested and

rented from Pooled Equipment ( Additional laboratory equipment (bench-top fluorometer, filter rack and pump, microscopes, glassware,

etc.) is available through Classroom Services (Kathy Newell, 543-6119, 21 OTB). Our Marine Chemistry

Lab can provide a wide range of analytical services.

In choosing your research project, we encourage you to think in terms of a team approach that

crosses option boundaries. More useful insight can typically be gained if a problem is viewed and

understood from multiple perspectives. This approach may also provide valuable experience as you enter

the job market or graduate school.


IV. Course Requirements and Grading In Ocean 443, each of you will be responsible for a written research proposal that lays out a

scientific background and rationale, a cruise/analytical work plan, and a budget. Copies of some

proposals from previous years are available from your advisers for short-term loan. To assist you in

keeping on pace, additional assignments (Topic Summary, Proposal Outline) are designed to help you

develop your library, organizational, and writing skills. Instructions for these assignments are on the class

web site ( and in this handout pack. During autumn quarter, you

are expected to invest significant time reading relevant literature and your proposal should reflect this

with a discussion of published work related to your study (including appropriate citations). You will

assist, during formal class exercises, in formulating a detailed cruise plan for the ships and vessels that

will be used and for ensuring that research vessel time is apportioned adequately and fairly. Prior to any

cruise work, you will also be responsible for ordering necessary supplies and expendables, seeking out the

equipment you need, and mastering necessary shipboard measurement techniques.

Your grade in Ocean443 will be derived from the following components:

Topic Summary 5%

Proposal Draft 1 10%

Individual Ship Time Request 5%

Draft Proposal 2 20%

Peer Review exercise 15%

Cruise Planning 10%

Final Proposal 35%

Deductions of 2 points per day will be made for late submissions. A passing grade in Ocean 443

and admission to Ocean 444 are contingent upon submission of an acceptable proposal demonstrating that

you are thoroughly prepared for the research cruise.

V. Class Web Space The Ocean 443 and 444 Senior Research Web Sites serve a broad community of interested

persons, including other Oceanographers, your parents, friends and relatives, and our alumni. These

pages are popular and receive thousands of hits each year. Your research is something that the school is

proud of and we enjoy providing a web outlet for your work.

Each of you is asked to share material for posting thesis-related documents. The course web

pages will provide the general public with your content. As you carry out your research, you will be

asked to post various components of the work to the class page. If you need help, please ask one of the

teaching team.


Ocean 443: Writing Your Project Topic Summary Due via E-submit/Collect It

Goal Once you have assembled and read a variety of papers on your chosen topic, you should be able

to flesh out and present your embryonic project idea and/or hypothesis in the form of a Topic Summary.

This Topic Summary, described in detail below, should be fully supported by citations of relevant


In the past, students in this class have frequently overlooked the importance of comprehensive

literature reviews. This assignment will give you practice in integrating library research with project

validation and design. Literature reviews are a critical and fundamental part of any scientific enterprise.

If used early and wisely in the initial phases of your research, library resources can assist in fine-tuning

project design and in clarifying your own research objectives by placing your goals within the context of

previous work. Through literature reviews we become acquainted not only with what is known about a

given subject, but also with how something becomes known. What methods were used? What

assumptions were made? Are conclusions believable and are they supported by the presentation of

adequate data and facts? Reviewing literature is an opportunity to identify questions that interest you and

with methods that you might use. A literature review also functions as a first ‘gauntlet’ through which to

test your own ideas and challenge the ideas of others. Finally, if you review the literature well, you are

not likely to spend valuable resources (time and money) reinventing the wheel or repeating someone

else’s mistakes.

Note: persons who put serious effort into this assignment right away have

an easier time with the entire course.

Homework Assignment: Topic Summary You should by now have fastened onto a topic or question that you intend to make the focus of

your own independent research project. You have already started a literature search to learn more about

it. Survey the abstracts to find articles most pertinent to your interests, and then get the articles

themselves. It would be prudent to include past student papers in your searches. After you have read the

articles and papers write a one-page, one-paragraph-long summary of your research topic. Discuss what

you have learned about the subject, trying to integrate the information from the different articles. In this

Topic Summary, support assertions as you make them using appropriate references. Complete citations

for these references should be listed following the Topic Summary. Conclude by identifying a further

question, direction, or hypothesis suggested by the library research that you might wish to pursue, for

example, as your research proposal. This hypothesis can be speculative (and daring, if you like) but it

must be supported by what you’ve cited. The required ingredients of your Topic Summary include:

Tentative Title

Clear statement of Objectives, i.e. the question or hypothesis under investigation

Why – what is the scientific relevance of the research?

What – what data/samples/measurements/analyses will be required to meet your Objectives?

Where – where is your study area?

When – when will the work be done and what conditions are necessary or critical?

How – what equipment will be needed (aboard ship and ashore) and what analytical procedures

will be used? What outside services are required?

Who – is involved other than yourself (external adviser/experts etc.)?


Figure(s) as appropriate


All Topic Summary paragraphs must be supported by citations from at least five different articles

from refereed publications. Past student papers do not fall into this category, although they may still be

referenced and cited in support of your ideas. Past student papers are the only unpublished sources that

may be included as references in your Ocean 443 proposal and Ocean 444 paper. Also pay attention to

when the article was written – a lot of things change, even in a few years. Feel free to dispute claims in

one article with evidence or arguments from another, etc. You should include at least one supporting

figure with your Topic summary. This figure can be of the proposed study area, sampling locations, data

from previous work, etc. You will be graded on your coverage of the required elements (above), effective

use of citations, and your web posting of the Topic Summary (including the References, and the Figure).

Use the Limnology and Oceanography bibliographic style, following the examples in the L&O Style

Guide at

“Chalk Talk” and Oral Presentations of Ideas

A few days after completing your topic summary you will be asked to briefly provide to the class

an updated overview of your ideas and plans. This first informal presentation should be scientific but

casual, and PowerPoint is not allowed. Using only your voice and perhaps the white board, explain what

your project is and why it interests you. Expect at least one question from your audience. You are trying

to start a discussion that will improve your project.

After this first ‘chalk talk’ you will be asked to give a 4-minute PowerPoint with professional

quality graphics presenting your project idea. Your talk should be organized as follows:


Why and how you will perform the research

What you might find (expected results)

End with current issues you are facing / things about your project that currently perplex you

Expect a question from the audience


Ocean 443: Guidelines For A Research Proposal

Due by E-submit/Collect It

Don’t delay – you do not have much time to write your proposal

The purpose of a research proposal is to clearly define a scientific question to be addressed.

Proposals commonly consist of five major components: an abstract that describes the research within a

single page; background setting up the proposed research and justifying the need for the research;

proposed work including the questions and hypotheses to be tested and the exact work to be done;

references to prior research; a financial budget and time plan. A good proposal persuades the reviewer

and makes the reviewer advocate for the work to be conducted.

Clearly state the problem to be addressed or hypothesis to be tested, explain why your proposed

research is important, and detail your plans for the cruise and subsequent analyses of samples. Be sure to

demonstrate a basic familiarity with published work relating to the problem. The proposal should sum up

your individual scientific goal(s) for the course.

A collection of past research proposals is available to you through your instructors so that you can

see what your predecessors produced. You are asked to turn in the proposal at various stages in the

following forms:


The outline should exhibit the main features of outlines (e.g. parallelism, coordination, subordination and

division). Online tools for outlines include:

Draft 1:

Each section should contain paragraphs and supporting documentation (images, references). This draft

helps you organize and prioritize your thoughts. If needed, it may contain bulleted phrases and text for

components you are still unsure of. Make clear when and where you still need to obtain more

information; this will help your instructors guide you effectively. This draft is graded for completeness of

ideas and themes, regardless of whether the paragraphs are complete and perfect.

Draft 2:

This proposal draft should be as complete as possible. It will be reviewed by your peers and by your

major advisors. Good grades on the final proposal and in 443 are strongly linked to complete and

thoughtful effort on this draft. Your peers will help you with constructive criticism, but can do so only to

the extent that you provide them with a complete draft of your hypotheses and research ideas.

Final Proposal:

This final product should have all typographical, grammar, stylistic and scientific issues resolved and

should be of suitably high quality to share with persons outside the university.

Submission of an acceptable proposal will be the prerequisite

for taking part in the Ocean 444 cruise and passing that course.


The style/format of the proposal must follow the rules of the National Science Foundation (NSF;

the major funder of Oceanographic Research in the USA) as simplified here: The text must have 1 inch

margins and images/tables embedded within. The font size must either be 11 or 12, and the font must be

a serif font (e.g. Times New Roman, what this syllabus is printed in). Optionally, figure and table legends

may be 10 point and in a sans serif font (e.g. Ariel Narrow).


The proposal must consist of the following sections:

o Title Page: Give the title of your research project, your name, mobile phone, e-mail address and

the date.

o Project Summary: On a separate page, you must create an ‘Intellectual Merit’ summary that

briefly and clearly states the objectives of the proposed work, succinctly describes the methods and

approach to be, and provides a rationale for the research. This page must be separate from the main

body of the text and must not contain use of the first person voice. This cannot exceed 1 printed page.

o Project Narrative: There is a 15-page limit for the proposal narrative, but 7-10 pages including

figures and tables is more typical for a senior thesis. References are not included in this page count.

Sections typically included in the narrative are:

Introduction: Give a description of the problem you are addressing and place it in the broad

perspective of its importance to marine science, environmental policy, etc. State the

questions you are asking, and frame your research goal in terms of a hypothesis or the

objective(s) that is to be tested in the proposed work that follows. Review the current state of

knowledge concerning the problem and briefly summarize previous applicable research.

Proposed Research: Describe the research that you will do in the context of the goals stated

in the previous section. Give a thorough description of the field and laboratory methods that

will be used. Be sure to cite relevant literature. You should address the time, duration, and

sequence of your shipboard sampling and observations. Show how your proposed work will

allow a test of your hypothesis and/or achieving your objective(s). In addition, describe how

your expected results will complement measurements to be made by others.

Other things to include in this section would be: 1) charts and tables showing sections, lines,

station descriptions; 2) description of on-cruise and post-cruise analyses to be conducted; 3)

any important special considerations for collection and/or analysis of samples or data that

might constrain your work. Examples of this latter category might be 1) the need to begin

shore-based analyses within a short time after sample collection or 2) the need for a key piece

or type of information from another investigator before you can accomplish your goals.

Expected Results: Given your hypotheses, what do you think you will find and how do you

intend to evaluate your data to determine whether it supports your ideas?

o References: Your references must begin on a separate page from the narrative and must conform

to the following style: hanging indent of ½ inch, authors listed with first authors initials after their

surname and all other authors with their initials first (prior to their surname). Year. Title. Journal in

italics, volume, number and pages. DOI numbers are optional but can replace the information after

the title. For books or book chapters, use the same format as above but substituting the title of the

book and chapter for the journal article title, and add the name of the book’s editors (if there are any)

after the title. If there are seven or more authors, you may substitute ‘and others’ for the names after

the first author. For six authors or fewer, spell them all out. A formatted journal reference looks like


Mayer, LM, RG Keil, SA Macko, SB Joye, KC Ruttenberg, and RC Aller. 1998. Importance of

suspended particulates in riverine delivery of bioavailable nitrogen to coastal zones. Global

Biogeochemical Cycles 12 (4):573-579.

o Project Budget: You will be given an Excel spreadsheet to use in figuring out your budget. The

budget must be provided with your final proposal. Your costs include ship time, equipment rental,

supplies and expendables, analytical costs, etc. Rental charges for all pooled equipment and chemical

analyses are on the Technical Services web site

( Use a cost of $33,500/day for

Thompson. Clearly indicate which are real project costs and which items (such as Thompson time)

are being provided at no charge to your project.


Ocean 443: Peer Review of Proposal Drafts

To be completed before the class peer review session

Please email each review to the individual you are reviewing, and also to the class TA.

You will be emailed 3-4 other proposals from your classmates to review. The instructors expect you

to take peer review seriously, and as such have assigned 15% of the class grade to this effort. Peer review

is the process of subjecting an author's scholarly work to the scrutiny of others who are also

knowledgeable in the same field. The peer review process encourages scientists to meet high standards

and serves to prevent the dissemination of unwarranted claims, unacceptable interpretations or personal

views. Most peer review is anonymous. In our class, we will use an open review process where you

know who reviews your work. While this is atypical, it serves the course well because it provides

accountability to both the proposal writer and the reviewers. Reading anonymous reviews can hurt your

feelings. Be aware that while it is your obligation as a reviewer to promote the best scientific practices

and interpretations, use of harsh language and personal pronouns can be unintentionally hurtful. Try for

constructive criticism but also try to determine how you would feel if you received the review you have

just completed. If you have a criticism to levy, but cannot determine how to say it thoughtfully, consult

your advisor.

The point of this exercise is to gain experience in evaluating the scientific writing of others. Your

goal is to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the proposals you are reviewing and provide some

specific ideas for improvement. In return, you should receive constructive suggestions to improve your

own proposal. First read an entire proposal without commenting – resist the temptation to provide

specific comments straight away – then read it again and comment. Comments on scientific content are

most important, but other comments are welcome and encouraged (spelling, grammar, paragraph

transitions, awkward sentences etc). Focus on ideas for improvement of each of the proposal sections.

Title: From the title, is it easy to understand the question under consideration and the methods that will be

employed to address it?

Topic Summary / Intellectual Merit: Does the summary provide background about the problem at

hand? Is the hypothesis or objective(s) of the proposal explicitly stated? Is the methodological approach

that will be taken presented concisely? Are the potential significance of the results to be obtained stated?

Are all the important elements of proposed work summarized?

Introduction: Is the broad significance of the topic introduced? Is there enough information referenced

from primary sources (journal articles) to provide sufficient background? Is the motivation of the study at

hand clear?

Proposed work: Are the sampling location and scheme defined? Are the methods to be employed clear?

Is enough detail provided for a reviewer to evaluate whether the work will be successful, and for a future

reader to replicate the study?

Figures/Tables: Is prior data presented where appropriate? Are maps of sampling locations clear? Do

figure legends fully describe each figure?

References: Are references used appropriately? (Are there enough, are they cited properly, and is their

format in L&O style?)

Overall impression is the proposal: Is the proposal well organized, the work well thought through, and

task list doable considering the given framework and resources?


Ocean 443: Ship Time Request Due by E-submit/Collect It

The purpose of the Ship Time Request is to give you practice in describing your cruise needs very

precisely and succinctly so that a Marine Operations group could adequately plan for your needs. The

Oceanographic fleet in the USA is operated by UNOLS (University-National Oceanographic Laboratory


This 2-page document mimics the UNOLS form. It should take considerable thought, and probably a

significant amount of chart work, to provide all of the necessary information. Ship Time Requests also

form the basis of a request to Pooled Equipment for support of all of the class projects. The Request

should tell a reader what you’re doing, where you’re going, what you need, and how much time each of

your observations will require.

Page 1: the general request

1. Principal Investigator: (Your name, together with the names of any co-investigators who would be sharing ship time/stations with you)

2. Project Title:

3. Platform required: (What vessel or vessels will you require for your work?)

4. Geographic Area(s) of Research (please attach a chart): (This chart should preferably be a copy of the portion of a NOAA chart, with latitude and longitude axes clearly labeled)

5. Shipboard Equipment Required (circle): (Designate each required piece of equipment. Be very specific.)

Bathy CTD WinFrog IMET Hiab crane

EM302 Aux. Winch Trawl wire 0.680 wire Portable Capstan

Kevlar line Rad van Walk-In Coolers (temp?) ADCP


6. CTD sensors required: (Name each component that you need. Sensors are frequently taken off the CTD for calibration if users don’t request them.)

Niskin Bottles (# and size) Fluorometer Transmissometer

Salinity/Temperature pH PAR

Other? altimeter O2

7. Pooled Equipment Required:

List each piece of Pooled Equipment that you will need. These are listed on the PE web site at

8. Non-Pooled Equipment Required (note source or location):

List each and every piece of gear and all supplies and expendables that you are buying or

borrowing from sources other than Pooled Equipment.


9. Time Considerations and Constraints (tides, currents, night/day):

Note all special conditions that are required for your objectives. If you need to be on a station at

high tide, be specific and show the time and stage of the tide.

10. Operational Summary

Fully but briefly describe your field program. Describe the order in which stations and/or track

lines are to be run. Be sure to show how much time will be involved for each component of your

work plan. In the table at the bottom of the sheet show the correct locations for all stations and

waypoints. Double-check these locations. The best way to do that is to plot them using a


11. List the stations you need to occupy and the work to be done there.

Station Latitude Longitude Equipment to

be used

Time Time

constraints (be


Additional Comments as Necessary:


Syllabus: Oceanography 444 Advanced Field Oceanography

I. Overview Your principal objective is to carry out a complete short-term scientific study. The key phases are:

1) Executing your field/observational program according to your Ocean443 Proposal;

2) Analysis of data, samples, and observations;

3) Interpretation & presentation of results in both written & oral formats, posting to Research Works.

Remember that because Ocean 444 is a W-course, grading emphasis will be placed on your final written

paper. By adhering to a course time line, the instructors will assist you in developing and polishing the

product through several intermediate stages. Your research advisers will be grading your written

submissions on degree of organization, format and writing style (in addition to scientific content) and will

present general advice about how to produce a professional scientific manuscript.

II. Grading Your Ocean444 grade will be determined as follows:

Oral Presentations/Updates 10%

Draft of complete paper 15%

Peer Review Exercise 15%

Symposium presentation 15%

Final Report – Scientific Content 30%

(scientific organization, scientific reasoning,

facility with literature, use of figures and tables)

Final Report – Writing Style 10%

(following style sheet, grammar, references, etc.)

Attitude/Participation 5%

III. Schedule Instead of regularly scheduled meetings, we will meet as a class only on selected dates (see the class

schedule distributed separately). Most of the time designated for Ocean 444 will be available to you for

lab/computer work, report preparation, and consultation with your research adviser. Advisers may

schedule formal or informal instructional periods at any of the other class times. Many of you who are

dependent on others for expertise, instrumentation, co-processing of samples, etc., will need to adjust

your schedules accordingly.

Don’t let the light class schedule trick you! Experience has shown that you will need all six scheduled class hours per week (at a minimum) to

achieve your objectives. Stay organized, flexible, and realistic. Practice good time management.

IV. Research Dissemination A course requirement is that you provide your final thesis content (manuscript with images) as a .pdf file

to the UW’s open digital research portal ResearchWorks (

There are multiple rationales for the ResearchWorks posting. Your research will be of interest to other

scientists, agencies, and consultants outside the University. Also, an archive of Ocean 444 reports for

future student use depends to a large degree on the existence of an electronic information base.

Please note that employers know about ResearchWorks and routinely access student theses during the

hiring process. Your thesis work makes you stand out – most students at UW do not conduct senior thesis

research. Your thesis lives longer than the 20 weeks of the class.


Ocean 444: Manuscript Guide Due by E-submit/Collect It

The final paper must be submitted using the class template, which is available

on the 443/444 website. Drafts should NOT be in the template.

The Manuscript; an overview

Drafts of your research papers are to be submitted as WORD documents (.docx) or in the pdf format. A

draft of your entire paper, including revisions from the first draft, is due roughly half way through the

quarter. This submission should include Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Abstract, Non-Technical

Summary, References, and should include all tables and illustrations. This draft will be peer-reviewed by

your fellow students. Try to make this draft as good as possible. Throughout this review process you

are encouraged to discuss specific interpretations of your data with your project advisor(s). If you desire

a draft review by an external adviser (an excellent idea), you should set this up independently.

Your drafts will be graded for quality and completeness and on how well you have responded to

suggestions and criticisms. Please note that 40% of your grade (the updates, draft submission and peer

review) is based on how well you take advantage of this iterative review process. Manuscript review is

something all scientists take very seriously.

Your final product will typically be about ten to fourteen pages once placed into the class

template (see later bullet in this guide). If your project is more complex, you should expand the scope

and text as necessary. This final paper will be graded for scientific content, writing quality, and

adherence to the class style guide.

Manuscript Components

In writing your paper, assume a scientifically literate audience – not necessarily 100% Oceanographers,

but a literate and interested audience that understands the basic tenants of the scientific method. Present

your story accordingly. Draw on the text of your research proposal from Ocean 443; you may already

have on hand the basic prose for your Introduction, Background, and Methods. We strongly advise the

use of outlining as a tool for keeping your paper organized. Not doing this will virtually ensure that you

have some Results in the Discussion section, Discussion in the Conclusions section, Results in the

Methods section, etc. The style and format of the Journal of Limnology and Oceanography, with some

specific exceptions described below, will be used for all written submissions.

Drafts should be double-spaced, with numbered pages. Final papers should be in the class


The following is an abbreviated description of a suggested organization for your paper.


This section is not normally a part of an L&O manuscript but we require it for your Ocean 444 paper

and web posting. It is a short summary, in laypersons terms, of your project and its results. Length

should be about the same as for an Abstract (250 words or no more than a single page) but more

descriptive and less scientifically terse.


Despite coming near the beginning, this is typically one of the last sections of a paper to be

composed. It is also often the most difficult because it must capture the essence of your entire effort

in a few lines (the class limit is 250 words). Explain why you performed the study, how you did it

(not too much detail here), and what you found and what you think it means. Do not present anything

that has not been covered in the body of the paper. Think about all those database searches you've


conducted and what distinguishes a useful abstract from a poor one. A good abstract contains facts

and interpretation; it does not contain gross generalities and sweeping statements.


This section should proceed from the general to the specific and include:

An overview of the project theme and the central question, objectives or hypothesis being


A description of your specific project and how it ties into the overall theme.

Development of your specific project theme and help in educating the interested reader. Its basis

is generally a scholarly survey of the literature pertinent to your project.


Describe in detail how your work was carried out, including any variations from standard methods.

You may wish to break out your field/sampling methods from your laboratory/analytical methods. If

a complex or novel approach to data evaluation is a part of your project, include a description. For

example, in the case of a salt budget calculation, make clear the method of the determination and any

underlying assumptions. If this section is disproportionately long or detailed, you might want to

relocate some of it to an Appendix (see below). Methods sections are typically either brief and

contain references to papers that directly deal with methodologies used, or are more robust and

describe novel methods or alterations to existing methods. The reader should be able to reproduce

your work. Methods sections never contain results or interpretations.


Describe the results of your field and laboratory measurements. What data or information did your

methods yield? Make efficient use of figures and tables and refer to them in a logical sequence.

Always refer to figures and tables in the order they are introduced in the text. A basic written

explanation (caption) should accompany your figures and tables, serving to highlight the key features

observed. Where applicable, you must include an estimate of accuracy and precision and how you

arrived at those estimates. Figures and plots should include error bars where appropriate. Virtually

all your graphics and tables are introduced here. Results sections never contain methods or


NOTE: some people like to combine their results and discussion sections. The journal L&O

discourages this and so do the instructors of Ocean 444.


This section should be the most fun but is also the most demanding component to write. It is where

you discuss the implications of your data and place it within a scientific frame. Proceed logically to

prove or disprove your hypothesis or otherwise argue your interpretations. Cite the results of

published studies to support or contrast with your claims. You don't have to rely solely on figures

from the Results section; if warranted the Discussion section can be an excellent place to introduce an

interpretive figure(s) to help you explain meaningful correlations between properties, or to mine the

literature to produce a comprehensive data plot never before seen.

If you have several key interpretations (e.g. effects of grain size vs polychaete abundance; effects of

pollutants on polychaetes; etc) break up your discussion into sections with appropriate headers.

Finally, a frequent outcome of short-term studies of the type you are conducting is the realization that

a different approach or better experiment is needed, or that a new question needs to be considered.

Mention these for the sake of future investigators, but keep it brief (some reviewers disapprovingly

view this as advertising for future work of your own).


CONCLUSIONS (not a summary)

The L&O style guide does not specifically require a Conclusions section; but it is a requirement for

Ocean 444. Why? This is a concise restatement of the findings of your study, larger than the abstract

and containing all the jewels of information you learned. Do not present any data or information here

that you have not already appeared in the body of the paper. The conclusions section may be


We discourage the use of a summary paragraph. The difference between a Conclusion and a

Summary is largely that the former singles out specific results and collates them, whereas the latter is

a more complete recap similar to an abstract. In papers which require an Abstract (such as yours),

Summaries are discouraged.


This is an opportunity for you to give recognition to those who were of special assistance to you and

the success of your project. The acknowledgements section is optional and is not graded.


For most journals (L&O included), this is purely a matter of following directions as to precise

typographical mechanics. Examine the style guide very closely. Listing references in the wrong

format can needlessly lose grading points. The style guide prohibits inclusion of unpublished papers

and reports in your references section. We allow one exception to this: you can (and are encouraged

to) include Ocean 444 student papers. Note also that the L&O style guide places a limit on the length

of your References section.

APPENDICES (optional)

The style guide specifically forbids appendices, but they can be included as part of your paper. This

section could contain information that you may wish to preserve and present, but which is not crucial

to the body of the paper. For instance, this section might contain a comprehensive data listing that

you feel should accompany the report. Another example might be a detailed computational

description (not routine arithmetic), original computer algorithms, description of your own instrument

design, etc. Large appendices that only seem to be ‘padding' will probably not survive the draft

submission phase.

The style guide (beginning on page 22) contains complete manuscript guidelines.


Ocean 444: Peer Review of Manuscript Drafts

To be completed before the class peer review session

Please email each review to the individual you are reviewing, and also to the class TA.

You will be emailed 3-4 manuscripts from your classmates for you to review. The instructors expect you

to take peer review seriously, and as such have assigned 20% of the class grade to this effort. Try for

constructive criticism but also try to determine how you would feel if you received the review you have

just completed. If you have a criticism to levy, but cannot determine how to say it thoughtfully, consult

your advisor.

Your goal is to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the manuscripts you are reviewing and provide

some specific ideas for improvement. In return, you should receive constructive suggestions to improve

your own manuscript. First read an entire manuscript without commenting - resist the temptation to

provide specific comments straight away - then read it again and comment. Comments on scientific

content are most important, but other comments are welcome and encouraged (spelling, grammar,

paragraph transitions, awkward sentences etc). Use the rest of this worksheet to focus on ideas for

improvement of each of the proposal sections.


From the title, is it easy to understand the question under consideration and the methods that will be

employed to address it?

Abstract: Does the abstract provide quantitative information about the problem at hand? Is the

methodological approach that was taken presented concisely? Are the significant results stated? Are all

the important elements of completed work summarized? Are the significant conclusions and

interpretations clearly stated?

Introduction: Is the broad significance of the topic introduced? Is there enough information referenced

from primary sources (journal articles) to provide sufficient background? Is the motivation of the study at

hand clear?

Methods: Are the sampling location and scheme defined? Are the methods clear enough that another

scientist could replicate the methods? Is the section devoid of results or discussion?

Results: Are the results of the study presented clearly and precisely? Are figures and tables presented in

a logical order? Are interpretations avoided, or did they accidentally slip into this section abberantly?

Discussion: Is the research framed within other research conducted previously? Does the author

describe how the present work fits into previous work? Are clear and understandable conclusions made

based on the research and its literature frame?

Conclusions: Are the primary findings clearly restated at the end?

Figures/Tables: Is prior data presented where appropriate? Are maps of sampling locations clear? Do

figure legends fully describe each figure?

References: Are references used appropriately? (Are there enough, are they cited properly, and is their

format in L&O style?)


Ocean 444: Oral Presentation Guide

Oral Presentations

During the quarter, each student will give at least one 8-minute-long presentation of their research results

to date. This presentation will serve as a practice for the final symposium and should be aimed at the same

audience (that is, at a general audience, not at your peers). We recognize that analytical work will still be

underway and that the Results section will still be under construction to varying degrees. However, this

presentation should emphasize your Results to the degree possible depending on your progress to date.

For the final Symposium each student will be given 15 minutes for their presentation; you should

plan on 12 minutes for the talk, with 2 minutes for questions and 1 minute to switch to the next speaker.

PowerPoint presentations are the de-facto standard method of providing visual aids in support of your

talk, but other formats are acceptable provided that you insure the computer in OSB425 is capable of

displaying your content correctly. As it is not unusual for a figure that is acceptable in a manuscript to

make a poor ‘slide' for presentation purposes, design your visual aids accordingly.

OSB 425 will be made available for rehearsal prior to any presentations.

Talk Guidelines Try for one slide per minute plus an intro and acknowledgements slide. Therefore, about 10 slides

total for a 10-minute talk.

Don’t put too much info into each slide, and avoid too much text, especially text that is small and

hard to read.

Try to allow each graphic to tell only one or two points – don’t jam too much into each graphic.

Paraphrase, don’t simply read the words off your slides.

If you tend toward nervousness, write notes for yourself onto flash cards.

PRACTICE in front of an audience. Time will be made for practice sessions the week before the


Place your talk on the computer and text it BEFORE your talk begins – it may not look or function

the same in the presentation room as it does on your computer.

One strategy Rick likes to use is this: tell them what you are about to tell them, tell them, then tell them

what you just told them. Thus, start with an outline and one bulleted conclusion (maybe say something

like this: “if you fall asleep now, just remember this one thing…”). Then tell your scientific story in all

its glorious detail. Use ~8 slides for this. Finally, wrap up with a conclusions section that briefly

reiterates using different words. Finish with acknowledgements (unless you did them first, which some

people like to do).

The final words that should come out of your mouth: THANK YOU. Not, “Thanks and I’ll be happy to

answer questions” or some other long mumbly phrase. Why? Because by asking for questions you have

just preempted the opportunity for people to clap for you. End simply and graciously, let people clap in

appreciation of your hard work. Then ask for questions if there aren’t hands already up in the audience.


Oceanography Senior Thesis: Agreement for External Advisors

University of Washington

School of Oceanography

Box 357940

Seattle WA 98103-7940

Thank you for agreeing to help advise a student in the School of Oceanography’s undergraduate

senior research program. Your help is of tremendous value to the student as they develop their

scientific skills. The School appreciates your efforts. By signing this document, you

acknowledge that you:

Accept the responsibilities of mentoring this undergraduate for the duration of their

research project (typically two academic quarters)

Will uphold the highest academic and scientific principles during the collaboration

Are willing to participate in the proposal and manuscript review process with the

instructors of the course (reading proposal and manuscript drafts and providing written

commentary to the student you are mentoring)

Are willing to help the instructors in the class adequately assess the effort, scholarship

and growth of the student so that a grade may be assigned to the work. Note: the Senior

Thesis is graded competitively (on a curve) and it is a great benefit to the instructors of

the course to get your input to help assess your student relative to the others in the class.

Full details of expectations of students during the senior thesis experience are given in the

Oceanography Senior Thesis Guide, which your student should make available to you.

In acknowledgment of your mentoring efforts, after a grade has been assigned to the student the

School of Oceanography will provide a letter of recognition to you and your immediate

supervisor outlining your efforts and thanking you for your contribution.

Signature and Date:

External Advisor's Name, Email and Mailing Address:

Name and address of person to send letter of acknowledgement to:


Oceanography Undergraduate Thesis Substitution Petition

Name Date

Email Expected Date of Graduation

Part 1 To be completed before project initiation. This initiates the bypass process and notifies the

department of your intent to bypass the traditional senior thesis coursework.

Please attach a detailed statement describing the coursework and research that you wish to substitute for

the thesis courses 443 and 444. Note that Ocean 443 and 444 total to 8 credits, of which 5 are writing


Courses to be taken , if any

Number Name Credits Quarter to be taken

Initial Approval (office use)

Part 2 To be completed at least two months prior to commencing the research component of project.

Upon submission of this part, the Oceanography Senior Thesis committee will convene to discuss the

application and provide a decision on the appropriateness of the request.

Please attach a statement detailing how your planned research will meet the goals of the Oceanography

Senior Thesis. These goals are explained in the Oceanography Senior Thesis Guide, and are briefly stated


1. A thesis proposal is self-generated, written to departmental guidelines, and undergoes at least two

rounds of review by faculty in the School.

2. The research is independently conducted. If the research is conducted as part of a larger project, it

has its own hypotheses and goals that are definable within the context of a larger research frame.

3. The project provides opportunity for development of interpersonal skills and the opportunity to

develop a sense of how individual research is conducted within a larger frame. The two examples of

this used in 443/444 include group planning of the research cruise and peer-to-peer review of research

proposals and reports.

4. A final report, separate from the initial project proposal, will be written by the student. The final

report will undergo faculty review and will be made publicly available through the UW’s Digital

Library (Research Works).

5. The results of the research will be presented in a public venue either through a poster presentation or

an oral presentation.

Approval to Move Forward (office use)


Part 3 To be completed after conclusion of research and writing component.

Please submit:

one hard copy of your thesis and one electronic copy (.pdf preferred format).

A personal statement of how you met the requirements of the senior thesis, and a self-

reflection of your experience.

If necessary, please provide evidence of public presentation.

Checklist for submitted documents and progress

Initiation of bypass process

Submission of form part 2 documentation

Copy of thesis proposal

Copy of final document

Personal statement

Statement of personal growth


The 444 Class Style Guide This document is the law for 444 manuscript writing style issues.

The Designated Class Style As you prepare your paper, refer to Research Works for examples of the class style. The order of

the different parts of the final manuscript must be:

Title and name/affiliation

Nontechnical summary



Methods (including embedded images, graphs and tables in the order they are presented)

Results (including embedded images, graphs and tables in the order they are presented)

Discussion (including embedded images, graphs and tables in the order they are presented)




General Style for Final Paper: Use an 11-point serif font (Times Roman preferred), single-spaced.

Set the page size to letter and use 1-inch (2.5-cm) margins on all sides.

Number all pages, starting with 1.

Justify the right-hand margin.

Do not break (hyphenate) words over lines.

Indent the first line of each paragraph.

The only allowable footnotes are for author addresses on the title page or when they are

unavoidable in tables.

Do not number or letter sections of the manuscript.

Thoroughly proofread and spell-check the manuscript with a computer program.

If special mathematical or Greek symbols not available in the serif font of the text, use the

Symbol font. Note: superscripts, subscripts, italic, boldface, underline, and changes of font size

are not considered to be different fonts.

Cite all figures and tables in the text and number them in the order that they appear in the text.

Do not use punctuation (commas or periods) in numbered equations.

Cite literature in the text in chronological, followed by alphabetical, order and formatted like

these examples: "Campbell (1983, 1987b)," "(Smith et al. 1984; Karl and Craven 1988; Korobi

1997, 1998)." In the References section, list citations in alphabetical, followed by chronological,


Use only SI units (metric and Celsius). The following are required formats for situations that are

commonly formatted incorrectly:

o Use exponents to indicate multiplication or division in units (slashes are not allowed).

o Use mol L-1

for molar concentrations ('M' is not acceptable).

o Use mol quanta for photosynthetically available radiation (PAR) (No ‘Einsteins’).

o Use × for multiplication (* is not acceptable).

o To indicate a power of 10, write, e.g., 5×10-8

(5E-8 is not acceptable).

Do not italicize common Latin terms and abbreviations such as i.e., e.g., in situ, in vivo, and et al.


The Title:

Capitalize only the first word, proper nouns, and acronyms in the title. I.e., Do not capitalize all

words nor use all capitals for the entire title.

Do not use abbreviations in the title (e.g., use 'iron', not 'Fe'; and 'southeast', not 'SE').

The Acknowledgments:

Include brief statements about granting agencies, important aid received from institutions, and

any potential conflicts of interest.

Thank anyone who made a substantial contribution to the work (e.g., data collection, analysis, or

writing or editing assistance).

You are responsible for ensuring that all persons named in the Acknowledgments section know

and agree to being identified there (since it may be interpreted as endorsement of the data or


The Abstract:

A single paragraph of no more than 250 words (15 to 17 lines of text in a 11-point serif font,

where the line width is 17 cm [=6.5 in]). State what you did and what you found; omit

'introductory' statements that summarize previous work and avoid statements that do not identify

actual findings (e.g., "The implications of these results are investigated with a dynamic model.")

Summarize rather than advertise important findings and their significance. In the jargon of

scientific writing, abstracts must be informative rather than indicative. Because the abstract must

stand on its own, it cannot include references.


Follow all directions given in the General style section above.

Describe statistical methods in enough detail to enable a knowledgeable reader with access to the

original data to verify the reported results. Give degrees of freedom for F-tests as subscripts (e.g.,

F3,4); for other statistics, report degrees of freedom as "df=n" following the test result (e.g., t=3.4,

df=20). Use italics for symbols representing a statistic: p for probability level, n for the sample

size, r for the correlation coefficient, R2 to denote the coefficient of determination. (r

2 = R

2 only

for a linear regression.)

Use the same font for the same mathematical symbol regardless of where it appears in the

manuscript (text, displayed equations, tables, figures, or figure legends).

Use periods after all abbreviations except for metric measures, compass directions, and time (s,

min, h, d, yr; do not abbreviate 'week' or 'month'). Use hh:mm h or hh:mm:ss h for time of day.

Do not use a.m. or p.m. E.g., 09:30 h, 18:24:44 h.

Provide the full expansion of all acronyms on first use (even common ones like DNA).

Format dates like "15 June 1999" throughout the text, figures, and tables. If it is necessary to

conserve space, abbreviate month names to the first 3 letters of the month name (no period) and

the year to the last two digits.

Do not abbreviate names of states, provinces, or cities. Abbreviate names of countries only after

defining on first use, e.g., United Kingdom (U.K.), United States of America (U.S.A.)


The ratio of pages of references to pages of text must be less than 1:4.

All references cited in the text must appear in the References, and vice versa.

No more than 3 references can be cited to support any statement.

Double check the spelling of author names and years of publication.


Manuscripts in preparation, submitted, unpublished theses, or other inaccessible sources should

be referred to in text by referring to the author(s) by last name and initials, e.g., Jones, A. B.,

followed by 'pers. comm.' or 'unpubl.' -- such materials must NOT appear in the References.

Verify all references against original sources; check especially journal titles, accents, diacritical

marks, and spelling in languages other than English.

Make sure that each citation is complete, according to the following examples:

Article: Fenchel, T. 1986. Protozoan filter feeding. Prog. Protistol. 1: 65-113.

Articles with a Digital Object Identifier (DOI): De Pol-Holz, R., O. Ulloa, L. Dezileau, J. Kaiser, F. Lamy, and D. Hebbeln. 2006. Melting of the

patagonian ice sheet and deglacial perturbations of the nitrogen cycle in the eastern South Pacific.

Geophys. Res. Lett. 33, L04704, doi:10.1029/2005GL024477.

If there are page numbers, then the last part would be 33: 15-32, doi:10.1029/2005GL024477.

Papers that have been assigned DOIs must also cite either page number(s) or an article number,

but not both. Electronic journals, for which HTML is the primary form of publication, are

assigned article numbers, which must precede the DOI to make the identifier unique.

Book: Stumm, W., and J. Morgan. 1981. Aquatic chemistry, 2nd ed. Wiley.

Chapter: Codispoti, L. A. 1983. Nitrogen in upwelling systems, p. 513-564. In E. J. Carpenter and D. G.

Capone [eds.], Nitrogen in the marine environment. Academic.

Thesis: Kimmance, S. A. 2001. The interactive effect of temperature and food concentration on plankton

grazing and growth rates. Ph.D. thesis. Univ. of Liverpool.

Papers which are unconditionally accepted for publication but for which exact publication data

are not yet available should be formatted according to the above examples but with the phrase "In

press" appearing instead of the year of publication.

Use mixed case (upper and lower case OR caps and small caps) for all text in the References

section. In particular, do not use all capital letters for author names because doing so makes it

impossible to for the copyeditor to properly typeset names like "MacKenzie".

For abbreviations of journal names refer to Chemical Abstracts Service Source Index (CASSI) or


Do not include part (issue) numbers after volume numbers unless each part of the volume is

paginated separately.

Websites. A websites may be referred to only if it is sponsored by an organization that is

committed to maintaining it in perpetuity. Personal or university-based websites are not allowed

in L&O because such websites are prone to disappear when the scientist who created them moves

or loses interest in material. Websites are referred to only in the text and are not included in the

list of references.


Start each table on a new page.


Format tables so that they will fit on the printed page: A 1-column table can be up to 60

characters wide, and a 2-column table up to 130.

Type table legends as double-spaced paragraphs at the top of each table.

Figure Legends:

Group figure legends together on the page(s) preceding the figures; one paragraph per figure.

Explain all panels in each figure (A), (B), ...

Symbols used in the figure (e.g., circles, squares, ...) must be explained on the figure itself (i.e.,

not in the figure legend). No special symbols are allowed in the figure legend.


Do not put figure legends in the figures.

Number all figures serially.

Number figures with Arabic numerals in the order of their citation in the text. If panels of a figure

are labeled (A, B, ...) use the same case when referring to these panels in the text (A, B, ..., not a,


If a figure consists of multiple panels, put all panels on one page and repeat axes titles on each

panel only if they are different.

Put scale bars on the figure, NOT in the figure legend.

Use a serif font for all text and numerals on figures. Font sizes size should be from 9 to 11 points.

If mathematical or Greek symbols are not available in the serif font, use the Symbol font.

Make figures as simple as possible. For example, avoid grid lines and boxes around symbol


Maps must include latitude and longitude, an indication of compass direction, and a thin line as a

border. All markings must be legible.

Guidelines for Color Figures: Do you need to use color? Although color is useful and attractive, it may not be necessary to get your message across. Be

aware that many people who download your paper will print it in black-and-white. Also, 10-15% of men

have some form of color blindness. If you need to use color, design your figures to accommodate these

situations and minimize or eliminate the loss of essential information.

If you use color, check what your figures will look like …

in B&W. Most programs that create color figures allow quick conversion to B&W, or simply

print your figure in B&W.

to a person with color blindness. Use a color checker designed for that purpose. Vischeck

( has a practical service that simulates the appearance of color figures under

various forms of color blindness.

Color graphics files and output devices must be set to CMYK mode, not RGB. For final (i.e.,

accepted) submissions the resolution must be a minimum of 350 dpi; prior to acceptance, lower

resolutions (150 dpi) should be used to minimize file size.

Figures on disk should be the final size desired, and all mounting should be electronic.

Indicate the input resolution on any images that have been scanned. For final (i.e., accepted)

submissions color images must be scanned at 350 dpi; if your layout includes line art, it should be

scanned at 1200 dpi and grayscale images scanned at 450 dpi.

Note that nearly all images downloaded from the Internet are in JPEG or GIF format at 72 dpi and

are not acceptable for the printing process.


Instructors Rubric: Ocean 443 Topic Summary Evaluation Form

Student Name__________________________________

Title 1 2

Accurately reflects question under investigation and method(s) to be used


Objectives/hypothesis/problem clearly stated 1 2 4

Research rationale, why the work is important 1 3 5

What/where/when 1 2 3

How – brief methods overview 1 2 3

Who (mention helpers? Mentors?) 1 2 3

References (at least 5) 1 3 5

Adequate number

Primary literature

Complete (all cited refs listed)

Figures (optional) 1 2 3

(extra points for good use of figures, no total points above a 25 allowed.



Instructors Rubric: Ocean 443 Proposal Outline Evaluation Form

Student Name__________________________________

Title 1 2

Accurately reflects question under investigation and method(s) to be used

Summary 1 2 3


Research rationale

Methods overview

Significance of expected results

Introduction 6 7 8 9 10

Significance of Topic

Relevant past studies covered

Introduction leads to question(s) to be investigated

Proposed Research 6 7 8 9 10

Methods description is detailed and ref’d

Adequate sampling/surveying design (replicates, etc.)

Rationale for methods/sampling design explained

Budget 1 2

Complete and consistent with proposed research

References (at least 5) 1 2 3

Adequate number

Primary literature

Complete (all cited refs listed)



Instructors Rubric: 443 Proposal Draft Evaluation Form

Student Name_____________________________

Summary 1 2 3 4

Concise, 1 paragraph

Context of work explained

Hypothesis clearly stated

Significance of results to be obtained

Introduction 6 7 8 9 10

Broad significance of topic

Relevant past studies described specifically

Intro material leads to questions to be investigated

Proposed Work 6 7 8 9 10

Methods description detailed (& referenced)

Adequate sampling design (replicates)

Rationale behind methods choice/sampling design explained

References 1 2 3 4

Adequate number

Primary literature

Complete (all cited refs listed)

L&O style

Figures and Tables 1 2 3 4

Adequate number

Descriptive legends/axes

Cited appropriately

Budget complete

Overall project design 1 2 3 4

Hypothesis supported by prev. data?

Results likely to prove/disprove hypothesis?

Overall Writing style 1 2 3 4

no grammatical errors, typos

use of topic sentences

smooth transitions between ideas

Total ______________



Instructors Rubric: Ocean 444 Final Paper Evaluation Form

Student Name:

Scientific Writing

Content Style

75 25 Overall

3 2 1. Non-technical Summary

A. Written in lay terms?

B. Does it completely describe study (what, how, when, where, why,

and by whom?) including results and conclusions?

3 2 2. Abstract

A. Are where, when, how reported?

B. Are results and conclusions reported quantitatively?

C. Concise, 1 paragraph

7 3 3. Introduction/background

A. Are general and relevant specific issues introduced (in that order),

B. Previous work properly used and cited?

C. Does Intro lead reader to the questions/hypothesis investigated?

D. Are scope and objectives clearly stated?

E. Does Intro connect with Discussion?

10 4 4. Methods

A. Is section well sequenced, e.g. sampling scheme/processing/data treatment?

B. Are subsections used and if so clearly labeled?

C. Are procedures complete enough to allow duplication?

D. Are relevant papers cited?

16 4 5. Results

A. Is section well sequenced, e.g from hydrographic overview to

specific untreated data to processed or composite data?

B. Are results thematically structured?

C. Does structure of this section correspond to that of the Intro/

Background and/or Methods sections?

D. Do the tables and figures represent the data accurately?

E. Are any extraneous data presented?

22 4 6. Discussion

A. Is principal finding(s) reported early in section?

B. Does structure of Discussion correspond to that of the Results and/or

proceed from most to least important findings?

C. Are limitations and strengths of methods, data, and analyses discussed?

D. Is the relevant literature cited and related to study?

E. Is Discussion scientifically valid based on Results?

4 1 7. Conclusions

A. Are primary results of study clearly restated?

B. Are conclusions supported (scientifically) by Discusion?

C. Are there suggestions for how results can be used or built upon by

future studies?

3 2 8. References


A. Are all References cited in text or figure captions?

B. Are all citations in the References section?

C. Are all relevant?

7 3 9. Tables / Figure Legends / Figures

A. Are all relevant and properly formatted/labeled?

B. Do legends completely describe contents and meaning of figures?

C. Are figures clear, complete, and thoroughly annotated and labelled?

D. Are all figures necessary?

Notes on Rubric Usage:

Each instructor gives an overall score for each section in bold type, and separately assigns points for writing

and scientific content. These scores include whether or not the structural elements in columns D&E are

present/well done, as well as "section relevant" (to be determined by each instructor) general criteria from

below. The balance between these things is at the discretion of individual instructors.

Difference between science content and writing style:

Writing style is limited to grammar, meeting the guidelines, punctuation, etc. Scientific 'voicing and style'

counts as scientific content.

Scientific Content:

The rubric can be used to measure:

(a) conceptions and use of evidence

(b) applicability of performed research in evaluating complex problems

(c) ability to consider alternative perspectives

(d) ability to frame research within existing literature (within both the intro and discussion)

(e) scientific organization of thoughts and logic

(f) response of writing to previous suggestions and criticisms

Salient points for scientific style points that can be applied to all sections:

* Discussion has a coherent structure that is explicitly laid out at the beginning and that flows conceptually

from the simple to the more complex; clear connections are made between various parts of the paper.

* Language is unambiguous and concise; terminology is clearly defined

* Uses scientifically valid experimental and data analysis techniques, with appropriate references to the

supporting literature

* Patterns in the data, as reflected in figures and tables, are clearly identified and used in support of scientific


* Does not present confounding or superfluous concepts

Writing Style:

The rubric can be used to measure:

(a) grammar, punctuation, usage of voice and tense, etc.

(b) ability to follow the guidelines

(c) completeness


Instructors Rubric: Final Oral Presentations Evaluation Form

Student Name:

Scoring: Best - - - - - - - - - - - -> Worse

Scientific Content 5 4 3 2 1

Adequate background

Statement of question/hypothesis

Results support conclusions

Organization 5 4 3 2 1



Time management

Speaking Style 5 4 3 2 1



Audience contact

Visual Aids I – Style 5 4 3 2 1

Fully labeled



Visual Aids II – Content 5 4 3 2 1

Excess/inadequate in number?

Supports presentation?

Total Points:_________

Comments: (optional)