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Name: ___________________________ Section: “Literature” Advanced English Period: ____ A Christmas Carol By Charles Dickens Table of Contents: 1 Page(s ) Description 2-5 The Life and Times of Charles Dickens 6 Literary Elements and Devices for This Unit 7-13 Stave I Resources 14-19 Stave II Resources 20-27 Stave III Resources 28-37 Stave IV & V Resources 38 Symbolism 39 Theme 40 Plot

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Page 1: Seneca Valley School District€¦ · Web viewThe lower class contained men, women, and _____ performing many types of labor, including factory workers, seamstresses, sweepers, miners,

Name: ___________________________ Section: “Literature”Advanced English Period: ____

A Christmas CarolBy Charles Dickens

Table of Contents:


Page(s) Description

2-5 The Life and Times of Charles Dickens

6 Literary Elements and Devices for This Unit

7-13 Stave I Resources

14-19 Stave II Resources

20-27 Stave III Resources

28-37 Stave IV & V Resources

38 Symbolism

39 Theme

40 Plot

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The Time Period of Charles DickensSocial Class Structure in ________________ England (Mid 1800’s to the turn of the century):

Upper Class (Wealthy) The top class was known as the Upper Class or ________________________. It included the _____________ and nobility, which had great power and wealth. This class consisted of about _________ percent of the population, but owned the

majority of the land. It included: the royal family, lords, the clergy, great officers of state, and those above

the degree of baronet. These people were ____________ into nobility, privileged, and avoided taxes.

Middle Class (Bourgeoisie) The middle class consisted of the ___________________________. It was made up of factory owners, bankers, shopkeepers, merchants, lawyers,

engineers, businessmen, traders, and other professionals. These people could sometimes be extremely rich, but in normal circumstances

they were not___________________ , and they especially resented this. There was a very large ________ between the middle class and the lower class.

Lower Working Class (Skilled and Unskilled) This class is also referred to as the ___________________________ class. The working class (skilled laborers) were above the unskilled class but not by much. The lower class contained men, women, and ___________________ performing many

types of labor, including factory workers, seamstresses, sweepers, miners, and others. Like the middle class, the lower class also had to endure a large burden of __________. This third class consisted of about _____ percent of the population but only owned

_________ than ______ percent of the land. The working class unskilled laborers contained many men, women, and children with no

particular ________________. These people typically did ______________________ that did not last long. Many unskilled laborers were a step away from being __________________ and occasionally spent

time on the streets.

Under Class The Under Class is also known as “____________________” (those who were

not working and were receiving public charity). This was considered a submerged "under class" and was sometimes referred to

as the "sunken people" who lived in ____________________. The under class were more susceptible to exploitation and were therefore

taken advantage of. These people often starved to ______________ on the streets or died from

malnutrition or disease.


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The Industrial Revolution During the 1800’s the __________________________________ spread

throughout Britain. The use of steam-powered machines, led to a massive increase in the

number of _________________, particularly in textile factories or mills.

From Country to City As the number of factories grew, people from the countryside began to move

into the towns looking for better paid _________________. Cities were filled to overflowing, and __________________ was particularly bad. People crowded into already crowded houses. Rooms were _________________

to whole families or perhaps several families. If there were no rooms to rent, people stayed in lodging houses.

Child Labor Children worked in ___________________carrying large buckets of coal around on their

backs, or they worked sitting down in the mine alone to open the door for a coal cart passing through.

Many factory workers were children. They worked ___________ hours and were often treated _____________ by the supervisors or overseers.

In match factories, children were employed to dip matches into a chemical called phosphorous. This phosphorous could cause their teeth to rot and some died from the effect of breathing it into their lungs.

The mill owners often took in orphans to their workhouses, they __________ at the mill and were worked as hard as possible.

They spent most of their working hours at the machines with little time for _________________ or exercise. Even part of Sunday was spent cleaning machines.

There were some serious ___________________; some children were scalped when their hair was caught in the machine, hands were crushed, and some children were killed when they went to sleep and fell into the machine.

When young boys first started working as chimney sweeps between _________ and ________ years old, they suffered many cuts, grazes and bruises on their knees, elbows, and thighs. However, after months of suffering, their skin became hardened.

Street Kids Hordes of dirty, ragged children roamed the streets with no regular money

and no home to go to. The children of the streets were often ______________with no one to care for them.

They stole or picked pockets to buy food and slept in _____________________ or doorways. Some street children did jobs to earn money.

They could work as crossing-sweepers, sweeping a way through the mud and horse dung of the main paths to make way for ladies and gentlemen. Others sold lace, flowers, matches, or muffins out in the ___________________.


Page 4: Seneca Valley School District€¦ · Web viewThe lower class contained men, women, and _____ performing many types of labor, including factory workers, seamstresses, sweepers, miners,

The Life of Charles Dickens

The Life of Charles Dickens Charles Dickens was born on ___________________________________. His father, John Dickens, was a clerk at the Navy Pay Office. His father continuously lived beyond his means and was _______________________

for debt in 1824. When Dickens was _____, he was pulled out of school to work in a boot-blacking

factory to support the family. He glued the labels onto the bottles of boot black for six shillings a day. Today, One Shilling would equal ______ pennies, so in one month of factory work, Dickens made an estimated 144 Pence which would equal ________ today!

Dickens Begins to Write Dickens said that his time _________________ and living alone in a boarding house traumatized him

for the rest of his life. Dickens eventually returned to school at Wellington House Academy in __________________. Dickens began submitting material to the British Press where he was paid a ___________ a line.

Connection: He was similar to a reporter for a newspaper today. Dickens' career as a writer of fiction started in _________ when his short stories and essays appeared

in periodicals. Dickens proved to be a prolific writer writing ______novels, plays, short stories, and essays. Some of his more famous works include:

Oliver Twist 1837 Nicholas Nickelby 1838 A Christmas Carol 1843David Copperfield 1849 A Tale of Two Cities 1859 Great Expectations 1860

Personal Life Dickens married Catherine Hogart in __________. Catherine’s _______________, Mary, moved into their house, and it was suspected that Dickens was in

love with her. Mary died in 1837, and a heartbroken Dickens requested to ______________________ next to her. Mary has appeared in his books, but usually as a good-hearted character. Dickens had ______ children with Catherine, but they separated in 1858. In the 1850s, Dickens spent much time traveling and campaigning against

many of the ____________________ of his time. In addition he gave talks and readings, wrote pamphlets, plays, and letters.

From 1860 until the time of his death, Dickens lived at Gadshill Place, near Rochester, Kent.

He died at Gadshill on _____________________________. Dickens died before he finished his last work called The Mystery of Edwin Drood. The novel was left ____________________, and the ending remains ___________________.

More about Charles Dickens4

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Directions: Answer the following questions as you watch the video clip about Charles Dickens. They go in order!

1. How old was Charles Dickens’ mother when he was born? ________________

2. Why was the Leather Bottle (pub) important to Dickens? __________________________________________________

3. What importance did Gad’s Hill Place, a house that Dickens adored as a boy, have in Dickens’ life? ________________


4. East Gate House is featured in which two works by Dickens?

______________________________________________ and ________________________________________________

5. How were the docks important in Dickens’ novels?_______________________________________________________

6. How long was Dickens’ father imprisoned because of debt? _______________________________________________

7. How did the death of Dickens’ grandmother help his family? _______________________________________________


8. Dickens fell in love at age 17. What happened four years later?_____________________________________________


9. What paper did Dickens write for? ____________________________________________________________

10. Dickens met Catherine. By what year were they engaged to be married? _______________

11. What novel did Dickens begin after Pickwick was finished? _____________________________________________

12. Why did Dickens miss one month of an installment of his writings? _________________________________________


13. How many children did Dickens have? _________

14. What happened with Dickens’ marriage? _____________________________________________________________

15. On how many occasions did Dickens perform before the queen? _______________

16. Why is Dickens’ enthusiasm for acting not surprising? ___________________________________________________

17. How many visits did Dickens make to the United States? _______________

18. Why was Dickens disappointed with the United States? __________________________________________________


19. In 1855, where did Dickens settle down? ______________________________________________________________


20. What was Dickens’ death considered (because he was held in such high regard by so many people)? _____________



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Literary Elements and Devices for This Unit

Characterization The process by which the writer reveals the personality of a character. Characterization is revealed through direct characterization and indirect characterization.

Direct Characterization Tells the audience what the personality of the character is. Example: “The patient boy and quiet girl were both well-mannered and did not disobey their mother.” Explanation: The author is directly telling the audience the personality of these two children. The boy is “patient” and the girl is “quiet.”

Indirect Characterization Shows things that reveal the personality of a character. There are five different methods of indirect characterization: speech, thoughts, effect on others, actions, looks (STEAL)

Setting The general locale, historical time, and social circumstances in which the action of a fictional or dramatic work occurs; the setting of an episode or scene within a work is the particular physical location in which it takes place.

Theme The message about life that comes out of a story. Theme can either be stated or unstated in a story.

Symbolism Something concrete that stands for something abstract. A symbol may be a person, place, thing, or action. It may stand for an idea, belief, feeling, or attitude. A symbol keeps its own meaning while also standing for something else.

Foreshadowing The use of clues early in a story to give hints about events that will happen later.

Dynamic Character The character changes, grows, or learns something by the end of the story.

Static Character The character experiences no major change in the story.

Situational irony An outcome contrary to what was or might have been expected.

Flashback Insertion of an earlier event into the normal chronological sequences of a narrative.

Plot The order structure, or sequences, of causal events in a story (exposition, inciting incident, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution, denouement)


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Name: __________________________________ Section: Literature

Advanced English Period: ____

Stave I Vocabulary

1. covetous (adj.) – excessively desirous of the possessions of another

2. credentials (n.) – that which entitles one to confidence, credit or authority; evidence or testimonials concerning one’s right to credit, confidence or authority.

3. entreaty (n.) – an earnest request or petition; a plea

4. executor (n.) – one who carries out or performs something; one appointed by law to execute a person’s will

5. garret (n.) – a room on the top floor of a house, typically under a pitched roof; an attic

6. implore (v.) – to appeal to; beseech; beg urgently

7. impropriety (n.) – the quality or condition of being improper; an improper act

8. intimation (n.) – a subtle and/or indirect announcement or proclamation; a hint

9. legatee (n.) – the inheritor of a legacy or estate

10. lunatic (adj.) – insane; wildly or giddily foolish; eccentric (n.) – a person characterized as such

11. misanthropic (adj.) – characterized by a hatred or mistrustful scorn of humankind misanthrope (n.) – a person so characterized

12. ominous (adj.) – menacing; threatening; of or like an omen, especially an evil one

13. replenish (v.) – to fill or make complete again; restock

14. resolute (adj.) – firm or determined; unwavering

15. solitary (adj.) – existing, living or going without others; alone; having no companions

16. trifle (n.) – something of little importance or value; a small amount

17. unhallowed (adj.) – not hallowed or consecrated; not holy or sacred; lacking reverence; immoral


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Name: __________________________________ Section: Literature

Advanced English Period: ____


Setting Describe when and where the story takes place.

Time Period


Historical Context

Briefly describe what you know about the country at this time.

Time of Year

Why is the setting important in the novella?






Name: __________________________________ Section: Literature


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Advanced English Period: ____ Due Date: ___________

Stave I Comprehension Questions Directions: Using your novella, answer the following questions. Make sure you fully answer each question. This packet will serve as your review packet for the test.

1. Who is Marley? - page 1


2. How did people react to Scrooge? – page 2


3. Why does Scrooge’s nephew visit? – page 4


4. Who enters Scrooge’s business after his nephew leaves? – page 5


5. What do the men want? – page 5


6. How does Scrooge react to them? – pages 5-6


7. Scrooge lets his clerk have the 25th off on what condition? – page 8


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8. How long ago did Marley die? – page 8


9. What did Scrooge see on his door knocker? How did he react? – pages 8-9


10. What did Scrooge do after he entered his house that demonstrated his suspicions? – pages 9-10


11. Was Scrooge upset or bothered by Marley’s ghost? Explain your reasoning. Cite the text! – page 12


12. Why is Marley’s ghost still on the earth? – pages 13-14


13. Why does Marley say he is visiting Scrooge? – page 15


Name: __________________________________ Section: Literature10

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Advanced English Period: ____ Due Date: ___________

Stave I Literary Analysis Questions 1. What was the significance in Charles Dickens emphasizing Marley’s death to the reader?


2. How is the atmosphere of Scrooge’s office at the beginning of the novel symbolic with the time period?


3. What might the doorknocker and the bells foreshadow?


4. How does Scrooge’s reaction to the businessmen in Stave I illuminate his likeness to the beliefs of Victorian England?


5. “His nephew left the room without an angry word, notwithstanding. He stopped at the outer door bestowed greetings of the season on the clerk, who, cold as he was, was warmer than Scrooge.”

What do you think Charles Dickens wanted the readers of that time period to take from the previous excerpt?



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6. “‘Business! . . . Mankind was my business. The common welfare was my business; charity, mercy, forbearance, and benevolence were all my business. The dealings of my trade were but a drop of water in the comprehensive ocean of my business!' "

What is the significance of this quote?


7. How did Charles Dickens create a dismal, gloomy, and intimidating mood at the beginning of Stave I?


8. “Scrooge signed it: and Scrooge’s name was good upon ‘Change, for anything he chose to put his hand to.”

What was the literary purpose of the previous excerpt? Why is it important?



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Stave I CHARACTERIZATION Directions: Identify a character trait that best represents Scrooge in Stave I. Then, find a piece of text from the novella to support this character trait using each of the following methods of characterization for Scrooge. Write the quote, character’s name, and page number in the chart below. (See the typed example in the chart.)

Scrooge’s Character Trait: __________________________

Quote Character Page #

Direct Characterization (Directly stated by the narrator)

Indirect- Speech “If I could work my will, said Scrooge, indignantly, “every idiot who goes about with ‘Merry Christmas’ on his lips, should be boiled with his own pudding, and buried with a stake of holly through is heart. He should!’”

Scrooge 3-4

Indirect-Thoughts of the Character

Indirect-Effect on Others




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Name: __________________________________ Section: Literature

Advanced English Period: ____

Stave II Vocabulary 1. aspiration (n.) – strong desire, aim, longing; ambition; goal

2. brigand (n.) – a bandit, especially one of a band of robbers in mountain or forest regions

3. capacious (adj.) – capable of holding much; spacious; roomy

4. condescension (n.) – the act of condescending; behavior showing or implying a patronizing or superior attitude that “comes down” to a lower level.

5. conducive (adj.) – tending to produce; favorable; helpful; (usually followed by to, as in conducive to)

6. corroborate (v.) – to make more certain; confirm

7. decanter (n.) – an ornamental glass bottle for holding and serving wine, brandy or the like

8. deftly (adv.) – dexterously; nimbly; skillfully; cleverly

9. expend (v.) – to use up; pay out; disburse; spend

10. instantaneous (adj.) – occurring, done or completed in an instant

11. jocund (adj.) – cheerful; merry

12. laden (adj.) – burdened; loaded down

13. latent (adj.) – present but not visible or apparent; existing as potential; remaining in an inactive or hidden phase; dormant

14. loath (adj.) – unwilling; reluctant

15. lustrous (adj.) – shining; luminous; having luster

16. opaque (adj.) – not transparent or translucent; impenetrable to light; not allowing light to pass through

17. pillage (v.) – to strip ruthlessly of money or goods by open violence, as in war; to plunder

18. reclamation (n.) – noun form of the verb to reclaim; the act or process of reclaiming, recovering or bringing or taking back

19. recumbent (adj.) – lying down; reclining; leaning; inactive or idle

20. transition (n.) – movement, passage or change from one position, state, stage, subject, concept to another; change


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21. tumult (n.) – violent and noisy commotion or disturbance of a crowd or mob; uproar (adj. – tumultuous)

22. tunic (n.) – a gown-like garment, with or without sleeves, usually unfitted but sometimes belted

Name: __________________________________ Section: Literature

Advanced English Period: ____ Due Date: ___________

Stave II Comprehension Questions Directions: Using your novella, answer the following questions. Make sure you fully answer each question. This packet will serve as your review packet for the test.

1. Scrooge asks himself, “Was it a dream or not?” Does he think it is or isn’t? Explain your answer and cite at least one example from the text to support your response. – page 17


2. Who is the first spirit? - page 18


3. How did Scrooge feel when he saw himself as a boy? – pages 20-21


4. What would have surprised Scrooge’s business friends? – page 21


5. What does Scrooge regret from the night before? What does he wish he had done differently? – page 22


6. Who is Fan? – page 22



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7. Who is Fezziwig? – pages 24-25


8. How does Scrooge react to seeing the wonderful Christmas Eve party that Fezziweg had for his employees? – pages 26 and 27


9. “It matters little,” she said softly. “To you, very little. Another idol has displaced me; and if it can cheer and comfort you in time to come, as I would have tried to do, I have no just cause to grieve.”

“What Idol has displaced you?” he rejoined.

“A golden one.” – page 27

What is the woman referring to in this part? What has replaced her? Explain your response.


10. Explain the significance of this quote: “You may—the memory of what is past half makes me hope you will—have pain in this. A very, very brief time, and you will dismiss the recollection of it, gladly as an unprofitable dream, from which it happened well that you awoke. May you be happy in the life that you have chosen!” – page 28


11. What scene did the spirit take Scrooge to next, what did he see here, and how did he react to seeing this? – pages 29-30



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______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________

Name: __________________________________ Section: Literature

Advanced English Period: ____ Due Date: ___________

Stave II Literary Analysis Questions 1. How does the flashback of Scrooge’s fiancé breaking off their engagement help develop the plot?


2. The strange figure-like a child; yet not so like a child as like an old man is symbolic. What does it symbolize?


3. What do the summer flowers, delicate legs and muscular arms of the Ghost of Christmas Past most likely symbolize?


4. What is the purpose of the flashbacks in Stave II?


5. What is one of Scrooge’s first signs of emotion that is contradictory to his personality?



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6. What does the light coming from the Ghost of Christmas Past’s head symbolize?


7. The Ghost of Christmas Past states to Scrooge…“Would you soon put out the, with worldly hands, the light I give? Is it not enough that you are one of those whose passions made this cap and forced me through whole trains of years to wear it low upon my brow?” What is the cap most likely a symbol of?


8. At the end of Stave II, Scrooge shoves the cap over the Ghost of Christmas Past’s head in order to extinguish the light. What does this action symbolize?


9. When Scrooge and the Ghost of Christmas Past looked upon the past memory of Fezziwig, Scrooge became angry with the Ghost of Christmas Past when he stated “A small matter,” said the Ghost, “to make these silly folks so full of gratitude.” What was the Ghost’s purpose in this statement?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

10. Which flashback was meant to show Scrooge what he missed out on in life?


11. What is the scene in his past that makes Scrooge begin to weep?


12. What are Scrooge’s tears, his sadness due to his treatment of the caroler and Bob Cratchit, his defense of Fezziwig’s generosity, his torture in seeing Belle, and his anger at the Ghost of Christmas Past an indication of?


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Stave II CHARACTERIZATION Directions: Identify a character trait that best represents Scrooge in Stave II. Then, find a piece of text from the novella to support this character trait using each of the following methods of characterization for Scrooge. Write the quote, character’s name, and page number in the chart below.

Scrooge’s Character Trait: __________________________

Quote Character Page #

Direct Characterization (Directly Stated by the narrator)

Indirect (Speech)

Indirect (Thoughts of the Character)

Indirect (Effects on Others; other characters opinions)


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Indirect (Actions *Most important)

Name: __________________________________ Section: Literature

Stave III Vocabulary 1. abyss (n.) – a chasm or gorge so deep or vast that its extent is not visible; something that is immeasurably deep or infinite

2. bilious (adj.) – unsettled in the stomach, as if about to vomit; extremely unpleasant to look at; bad-tempered and irritable

3. blithe (adj.) – happy, cheerful and carefree; casually indifferent

4. brawn (n.) – the meat of a boar

5. compulsion (n.) – an irresistible force that makes one do something, often unwillingly

6. consolation (n.) – a source of comfort that calms a disappointment or upset; a comfort to someone who is

distressed or disappointed; a game or contest for people who have lost in an earlier tournament or game

7. conspicuous (adj.) – easily or clearly visible; attracting attention through being unusual or remarkable

8. demeanor (n.) – one’s behavior, manner, appearance or personality, especially as it reflects upon one’s character

9. demurely (adv.) – done in a modest and serious manner

10. dismal (adj.) – gloomy or depressing to the spirit or outlook; showing a lack or failure of hope; very poor or


11. ensue (v.) – to follow closely after something; to be a consequence of something

12. exalted (v. or adj.) – high in rank, position or esteem; grand or noble in character or to esteem, raise or

worship someone or something

13. glee (n.) – joyful or animated delight; jubilant, often smug pleasure, especially as a result of someone else’s

bad luck or fortune

14. goblet (n.) – a drinking vessel with a stem and base, especially one of metal or glass

15. grog (n.) – a mixture of alcohol, especially rum, and water, now often served hot with sugar and lemon juice

16. intricate (adj.) – containing many details or small parts that are skillfully made or assembled; with many

interrelated parts, elements or factors so as to be complex and difficult to understand or resolve

17. plume (v.) – to decorate, cover or supply with or as if with plumes

18. prematurely (adv.) – occurring, existing or developing earlier than expected, normal or advisable


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19. seething (adj.) – churning; foaming as if being stirred; extremely angry

20. shabby (adj.) – worn out, frayed or threadbare after long use; inconsiderate and unfair; inferior in quality

21. subsequently (adv.) – occurring or happening after something else

22. swarthy (adj.) – with a dark and often weather-beaten complexion

23. ubiquitous (adj.) – present, or seeming to be present, everywhere at once

24. withered (v. or adj.) – shriveled or dried up, especially a plant or part of a plant; faded or having lost vitality or freshness.


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Name: __________________________________ Section: Literature

Advanced English Period: ____ Due Date: ___________

Stave III Comprehension Questions Directions: Using your novella, answer the following questions. Make sure you fully answer each question. This packet will serve as your review packet for the test.

1. How did Scrooge react when the second spirit didn’t arrive “when the bell struck one?” – pages 31-32


2. Who is the second ghost he meets?


3. How does this quote show a change in Scrooge’s character? “‘Spirit,’ said Scrooge submissively, ‘conduct me where you will. I went forth last night on compulsion, and I learnt a lesson which is working now. To-night, if you aught to teach me, let me profit by it.’” – page 33

______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. What could the spirit do with his torch? Cite an example from the text to support your response. –pages 35-36

______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. What is the demeanor of the Cratchit’s? (Describe their attitudes.) – pages 37-38, 40

______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


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6. What will happen to Tiny Tim? What can change that? Cite an example from the text to support your response. – page 40

______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________

7. Who does Cratchit toast? How does the family react? – pages 40-41

______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

8. Cite one example of figurative language on page 42. Explain why it is that type of figurative language.

Page number: _____________ Type of figurative language:__________________________________________

Direct Citation: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________


______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9. How do Scrooge’s niece and nephew feel about him? – pages 44-46

______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

10. Why did Scrooge beg to stay at the party? – page 47



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11. What did Scrooge notice about the change in the spirit’s appearance? – pages 48-49

______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

12. How long will the spirit be “upon the globe?” – page 49


13. What was under the spirit’s robe? List and describe what was under the robe. – page 49

______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

14. “‘Are there no prisons?’ said the Spirit, turning on him for the last time with his own words. ‘Are there no workhouses?’” – Explain why this part of the text is ironic. (Hint: Look back to Stave I!) – page 50

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Name: __________________________________ Section: Literature

Advanced English Period: ____ Due Date: ___________

Stave III Literary Analysis Questions 1. What might Scrooge’s reaction when the second spirit doesn’t arrive “when the bell struck One,” indicate about his personality?

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2. What can the reader infer about Scrooge’s immediate reaction when Christmas Present shows him the Cratchit home and Bob's large family?

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3. Why does Fred tell his wife that he will continue to ask his Uncle Ebenezer to Christmas dinner every year?

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4. Present says to Scrooge, “‘ If he be liked to die, he had better do it and decrease the surplus population.”’ Why is this quote significant?

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5. “If these shadows remain unaltered by the future, none other of my race will find him here.” Why is this quote significant?

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6. Who are the brothers that the Spirit of Christmas Present refers to?


7. Symbolically, what does the Ghost of Christmas Present sprinkle from his torch?

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8. Christmas Spirit says that he sprinkles his incense on the poor most because they need it most. Why does he say this?

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9. Scrooge is ashamed when he hears of the fate of Tiny Tim, and the Spirit repeats Scrooge’s own words to him from Stave I. What message is Dickens is trying to share with his readers?

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10. Bob Cratchit calls Scrooge “the Founder of the Feast” and offers up a toast to him. What is Dickens’ purpose behind this action? (What is he trying to emphasize?)

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11. When Christmas Present takes Scrooge to visit the Miners, and Scrooge asks where they are, Christmas Present says, “’A place where Miners live, who labour in the bowels of the earth,’ returned the Spirit. ‘But they know me. See!’” What is Christmas Present trying to show Scrooge?

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12. What does the empty scabbard (sword holder) that Christmas Present bears most likely symbolize?

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13. Christmas Present makes the following statement to Scrooge regarding Boy Ignorance and Girl Want: “And they cling to me, appealing from their fathers.” Why do they cling to the Spirit?

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14. What is the significance of Mrs. Cratchit agreeing to toast Scrooge?

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15. What does the throne which Christmas Present sits upon at the beginning of Stave III symbolize?

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16. The following is part of the description of Christmas Present: “Its dark brown curls were long and free; free as its genial face, its sparkling eye, its open hand, its cheery voice, its unconstrained demeanor, and its joyful air.” When you think about what Christmas Present symbolizes, what kind of spirit does Dickens most likely wants his readers to visualize?

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17. Scrooge notices the aging of the Ghost of Christmas Present as midnight approaches. What does the Ghost explain that his aging is due to?

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18. Why does the Ghost of Christmas Present say that Scrooge should fear the boy ignorance more than anything?

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Stave III CHARACTERIZATION Directions: Identify a character trait that best represents Scrooge in Stave III. Then, find a piece of text from the novella to support this character trait using each of the following methods of characterization for Scrooge. Write the quote, character’s name, and page number in the chart below.

Scrooge’s Character Trait: __________________________

Quote Character Page #

Direct Characterization (Directly Stated by the narrator)

Indirect (Speech)

Indirect (Thoughts of the Character)

Indirect (Effects on Others; other characters opinions)

Indirect (Actions *Most important)


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Name: __________________________________ Section: Literature

Advanced English Period: ____

Stave IV Vocabulary 1. repute (v.) to consider or believe (a person or thing) to be as specified; (n.) estimation in the view of others; reputation: persons of good repute; favorable reputation

2. flaunting (v.) to parade or display oneself conspicuously, defiantly, or boldly. 3. beseech (v.) to implore urgently; to beg eagerly

4. inexorable (adj.) unyielding; unalterable: inexorable truth; inexorable justice; not to be persuaded, moved, or affected by prayers or entreaties

5. disgorge: (v.) to discharge forcefully or as a result of force

6. repent (v.) to feel sorry for a sin or fault; to feel sorry for past conduct

7. relents (v.) to soften in feeling, temper, or determination; to become passionate and forgiving

8. replete (adj.) abundantly supplied or provided; stuffed with food; complete

9. reek (n.) a strong unpleasant smell; vapor or steam (v.) to smell strongly or unpleasantly; to give off; emit

10. scanty (adj.) meager amount; not adequate

11. falter (v.) to speak hesitantly or brokenly; to move unsteadily (n.) unsteadiness of gait, voice, action

12. repulse (v.) to drive back; repel; (n.) a refusal or rejection

13. slipshod (adj.) carelessly; untidy

14. latent (adj.) present but not visible

15. cesspools (n.) a well or pit for retaining the sediment of a drain or sewage; a place of filth

16. intercourse (n.) interchange of thoughts and feelings or communication with between individuals

17. avarice ( n.) insatiable greed for riches ; miserly desire to hoard and gain wealth

18. tarry ( v.) to remain or stay in one place; to delay or be tardy in action or starting

19. strive ( v.) to content in opposition; to make an effort towards a goal


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Name: __________________________________ Section: Literature

Advanced English Period: ____

Stave V Vocabulary 1. recompense(v.) to rearrange; to restore composure or calmness

2. hearty (adj.) Warm hearted; genuine; jovial

3. peals (n.) a loud prolonging ringing of bells

4. portly (adj.) rather heavy or fat

5. feign (v.) to imitate deceptively ; to pretend

6. jovial (adj.) joyous humor or spirit

7. pang (n.) a sudden feeling of mental or emotional distress or longing

8. illustrious (adj.) highly distinguish; renowned

9. extravagance(n.) excessive or unnecessary expenditure of money

10. loitered (v.) to linger aimlessly ; to move slowly

11. sidled (v.) to move sideways (n.) a sliding movement

12. endeavor (v.) to exert oneself; to make an effort (n.) a strenuous effort

13. amends (n.) to compensate for a loss

14. giddy (adj.) lighthearted; impulsive; dizzy

15. array (n.) an impressive display

16. borough (n.) a town, area represented by a member of Parliament

17. dispelled (v.) to drive off; cause to vanish

18. blithe (adj.) Happy, glad, cheerful

19. malady (n.) disease or ailment

20. unanimity (n.) being all of one mind or in agreement

21. munificence (adj.) extreme generosity or liberality


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Name: __________________________________ Section: Literature

Advanced English Period: ____ Due Date: ___________

Stave IV & V Comp. Questions Directions: Using your novella, answer the following questions. Make sure you fully answer the question. This packet

will serve as your review packet for the test. 1. Who is the last spirit? Describe him.– Pgs. 50-51

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2. On page 51 Scrooge says, “‘Ghost of the Future!’ he exclaimed, ‘I fear you more than any Spectre I have seen. But, as I know your promise is to do me good, and as I hope to live to be another man from what I was, I am prepared to bear you company, and do it with a thankful heart. Will you not speak to me?’” How has Scrooge changed up until this point? (Think back to when he first saw Marley and the other two spirits.)

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3. Who were the men that were talking about the man who had died? – pgs. 51- 52


4. On page 52, who did Scrooge think the men were talking about? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. On page 53 in the first full paragraph, what does Scrooge notice?


6. What did Scrooge and the ghost see in the next scene (reference pgs. 53-56) and how did Scrooge feel about hearing it (pg. 56)?

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Page 32: Seneca Valley School District€¦ · Web viewThe lower class contained men, women, and _____ performing many types of labor, including factory workers, seamstresses, sweepers, miners,

7. “ ‘If there is any person in the town, who feels emotion caused by this man’s death,’ said Scrooge quite agonized, ‘show that person to me, Spirit, I beseech you!’” Describe what happened after Scrooge said that. – pages 57-58

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8. What did Bob Cratchit say the lesson was that Tiny Tim taught to his family? – page 61


9. Before Scrooge sees the name on the grave, what does he want to know? – page 62


10. How did Scrooge react when he learned it was his name on the grave? – page 62


11. What does Scrooge say that he vows to do if he can continue living? – page 62

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12. When Scrooge is back in his bedroom how does he react? – page 63


13. How has Scrooge changed since the beginning of the story?

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14. What day does Scrooge realize it is? – page 64 ______________________________________________________________________

15. What does Scrooge ask the little boy to do? – page 64



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16. Where is he going to send what he sent the little boy to get? – page 64


17. What did Scrooge say about his door knocker? How does this relate to the beginning of the story? – page 65


18. Describe how Scrooge walks down the street now, as opposed to how he used to. – page 65


19. Describe the encounter that Scrooge had with the portly gentleman from the day before. – pages 65-66


20. Who does Scrooge stop in to see and how do they react? - page 66


21. What did Scrooge do for Crachit that would have been very out of his character before? – page 67


22. Did Scrooge keep his word? Explain how he did this, citing at least one example from the story to support your response. - page 68



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Name: __________________________________ Section: Literature

Advanced English Period: ____ Due Date: ___________

Stave IV & V Lit. Analysis Questions 1. When Scrooge asks the Ghost of Christmas Future to show him someone who feels emotion about the man’s death, the Ghost takes him to which scene?

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2. What does the outstretched hand of Christmas Future most likely symbolize?

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3. Before Scrooge looks at the gravestone, the text states, “’Men’s courses will foreshadow certain ends, to which, if persevered in, they must lead,’ said Scrooge. ‘But if the courses be departed from, the ends will change. Say it is thus with what you show me!’” Why does Scrooge say this to the Spirit?

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4. “’Spirit!’ he cried, tight clutching at its robe, ‘hear me! I am not the man I was. I will not be the man I must have been but for this intercourse. Why show me this, if I am past all hope?’” Following this question, the Spirit’s hand appears to shake for the first time. What is the significance of that detail?

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5. What scene made Scrooge so angry that he demanded to see some sympathy for the dead man?

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6. Why does Scrooge say he fears Christmas Future more than any other Spirit?

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7. Situational irony can be defined as “An outcome contrary to what was or might have been expected.” What was ironic about Scrooge’s reaction to the conversation among Old Joe, First Man, First Woman, and Mrs. Dilber when they were discussing the dead man’s belongings?

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8. Scrooge asks Christmas Future to show him someone who feels emotion connected with the death. Why is the scene that the Spirit shows Scrooge so important?

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9. “Holding up his hands in one last prayer to have his fate reversed, he saw an alteration in the Phantom’shood and dress. It shrunk, collapsed, and dwindled down into a bedpost.” What might this symbolize?

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10. The description and details of Bob Cratchit are very different in Stave I as compared to Stave III. What is Dickens’s purpose for this?

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11. “'If he wanted to keep 'em after he was dead, a wicked old screw. . . why wasn't he natural in his lifetime? If he had been, he'd have had somebody to look after him when he was struck with Death, instead of lying gasping out his last there, alone by himself.' " Why is this quote is significant?

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Page 36: Seneca Valley School District€¦ · Web viewThe lower class contained men, women, and _____ performing many types of labor, including factory workers, seamstresses, sweepers, miners,

12. "'I will honor Christmas in my heart and try to keep it all the year. I will live in the Past, Present, and the Future. The Spirits of all three shall strive within me. I will not shut out the lessons that they teach. Oh, tell me I may sponge away the writing on this stone!'” What is the significance of this quote?

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13. When Scrooge asks to see tenderness connected to a death, what scene is Scrooge is shown?

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14. “’Spirit!’ said Scrooge, shuddering from head to foot. ‘I see, I see. The case of this unhappy man might be my own.’” What does this quote indicate?

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15. How does the scene at old Joe’s parlor represent the values and beliefs of Victorian England?

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16. Which scene best depicts how others feel about Scrooge?

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17. How does Scrooge say he will treat Christmas from now on? How does it tie to the central message/theme Dickens wanted to get across to the readers of Victorian England?

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Page 37: Seneca Valley School District€¦ · Web viewThe lower class contained men, women, and _____ performing many types of labor, including factory workers, seamstresses, sweepers, miners,

18. What is the difference in the mood at the beginning of Stave IV versus the mood at the beginning of Stave V? Describe how the moods differ.

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19. Why do you think Scrooge says he will love his doorknocker for as long as he lives?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Page 38: Seneca Valley School District€¦ · Web viewThe lower class contained men, women, and _____ performing many types of labor, including factory workers, seamstresses, sweepers, miners,

Stave IV & V CHARACTERIZATION Directions: Identify a character trait that best represents Scrooge in Stave IV & V. Then, find a piece of text from the novella to support this character trait using each of the following methods of characterization for Scrooge. Write the quote, character’s name, and page number in the chart below.

Scrooge’s Character Trait: __________________________

Quote Character Page #

Direct Characterization (Directly Stated by the narrator)

Indirect (Speech)

Indirect (Thoughts of the Character)

Indirect (Effects on Others; other characters opinions)

Indirect (Actions *Most important)


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Name: __________________________________ Section: Literature

Advanced English Period: ____ Due Date: ___________


Symbol Meaning--Explain what each symbol represented in your own words.Scrooge

Bob Cratchit

Fire (Bob warms himself, fireplace when Marley’s ghost comes, fire from Christmas Present)

Marley’s Chains

Ghost of Christmas Past1. 1. Light upon his head

2. Cap he holds

3. Body




Ghost of Christmas Present(throne)

Ghost of Christmas Yet-to-Come (Future)

Girl Want

What do you know about Victorian England?

Boy Ignorance

What do you know about Victorian England?

Name: __________________________________ Section: Literature39

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Advanced English Period: ____ Due Date: ___________


Theme Evidence from the text to support your theme; include the Stave and page number from the text!




Name: __________________________________ Section: Literature


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Advanced English Period: ____ Due Date: ___________


Inciting Incident

Rising Action


Falling Action

