sending the right message with your office

12 Sending The Right Message With Your Office Ginger Bratzel, DDS Your New Patient Attraction Expert

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Post on 08-Nov-2015




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DESCRIPTION Dr. Ginger Bratzel talks about the message your office is saying about you to patients (especially your first time ones!), it's right under your nose but you probably haven't even seen it. Visit:


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GingerBratzel.comSending The Right Message With Your OfficeGinger Bratzel, DDSYour New Patient Attraction ExpertYour office is sending messages to your patients (especially first timers),

but is it a good one?

GingerBratzel.comYou probably walk through your office a 100 times a day, but when youre walking through you have your business goggles on.But when your patients walk through, they are looking at your office in an entirely different

So you should designate a person to walk through your office every morning with patient goggles on.GingerBratzel.comWalking all along the patient path.

Starting with the parking lot, all the way back to the procedure

GingerBratzel.comI recently encountered an office (of a dentist I highly respect!) that had a nice stack of books in the reception area.

Upon closer review realized they were dental text books including graphic images!Patients do not and should not be privy to this

Now you may not have dental surgery books laying in your office.

But do you have old magazines? Is there a scuff right in the middle of your wall?Trash in your parking lot?

Good news this is a quick easy fix.

Designate someone to walk through every morning and address all these minor details that can make a BIG difference.GingerBratzel.comSee full video with the top 3 best selling promotional items

Ginger Bratzel, DDSYour New Patient Attraction ExpertFor more information on Attracting more patients,Creating sustainable growthAnd increasing your production.

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