sending mm bullhorn ppt

For Recruiters Prepared By Harish Potnuri HR Executive

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Prepared ByHarish PotnuriHR Executive

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Flow of Work

Client Job Candidate

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Main tasks that recruiters handle in bullhorn are

Candidate searching or Sourcing Internal submissionsClient submissionsMass mailingAdding candidates to database

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Main tasks that recruiters handle in bullhorn are

Writing notesResume parsingCreating Tear sheetsUpdating resumesCreating and Managing email message


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Bullhorn Environment

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Sending a Mass Mailing

To create a mass mailing from a set of search results or a Tearsheet 1. On the search results page or tearsheet list (with the tearsheet expanded),

select the check boxes to the left of the candidates or contacts to email.

2. From the Selected drop-down, select Email.

3. If necessary, from the Managing Email Message Templates Message Templates drop-down, select a template to populate the message body. Or, type the contents of the mass mailing yourself.

4. In the Subject field, enter the subject of the email.

5. Complete any other necessary email options, such as adding a file attachment or adjusting the priority.

6. Click Send.

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Bullhorn User Interface

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Bullhorn User Interface

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To create a mass mailing from a distribution list in Bullhorn S Release

On the Bullhorn menu, under Home, select Distribution Lists.

If necessary, from the Distribution Lists drop-down in the upper-left corner, select the owner, department, and name of the distribution list to compose a message from.

Do one of the following: To email all members of the distribution list, select the check box in the

column header and from the selected drop-down, select Email All Selected. To email only the Candidates in the distribution list (if it is a mix of

candidates and contacts), select the check box in the column header and from the selected drop-down, select Email Selected Candidates.

To email only the Contacts in the distribution list (if it is a mix of candidates and contacts), select the check box in the column header and from the selected drop-down, select Email Selected Contacts.

To email select Members of the distribution list, select the check boxes to the left of their names and from the selected drop-down, select Email All Selected.

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Contd.. If necessary, from the Managing Email Message Templates

Message Templates drop-down, select a template to populate the message body. Or, type the contents of the mass mailing yourself.

In the Subject field, enter the subject of the email. Complete any other necessary email options, such as

adding a file attachment or adjusting the priority. Click Send.

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Split a Tearsheet If you have a Tearsheet with over 500 Candidates/Contacts and need to send a mass email you will need to limit the emails to a max of 500 at a time. To split the tearsheet into multiple ones of 500 you would need to

go to Tearsheets and Select it: Change the quantity per page to 500 Select all by clicking the choose all check box and Then under Selected choose Add to Tearsheet and create/name a

new temporary one which will be deleted after you use it for the mass email.

Then with the 500 still selected choose Remove from Tearsheet to allow you to do the process again for the next 500.

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Bullhorn User Interface

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