semianr on arabin nights in jnu

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  • 8/14/2019 Semianr on Arabin Nights in JNU


    I t tcrs ati ona 51atpasix wReception f Arabianbosted F J Literat*reigbts in VorldCentre of Arabic atrd African Studies}*i :l _?gu age,Literan-rreand cuttu re StudiesJA\r_{JL{RLt L NEHRLT U}.JT!-ERSIT}NEI'- DELHI r 110067 . IIVDL{

    >u_ndavhe 2l"_Eshruar], 201g.veaue: chool fArtsandAestheti*e"a;.uHffl*LliG:r., universitv, ewDelhi.r.r,*:*r' Prof' s' A' Rahman, chal:persoa-centre of Arabrc anci-{frican Srudres,JawaharralNehru universiry.NewIntroduction of the Svmposium: Dr Rizwanur Ralrma*, Director of ire Srmposium.essage of the Yice itt"iato' qf faftie' g.E vt u- r'iamia ensariro be readby Dr SyedAlhtar Husaine1'noteAddtess: Prof' G' R Maa'u r""r-,*1*-*. D;rt "*t;t"q!.! u*o.nrty Jrrr.rr*i., srinagar.ddtess of the Guest of Flonour: Prof' G- L'chadha" cab, s""a -lt*rl-.*.r.iry, u# o.ri, (Guestof Honour)Fq$ffdress:

    Dr K"piL y"*to"o'-irl n"io"3.nn,a-ci"ril*o,r,

    Indianntem"tiorra en'e-AsiatojectPresidential Addtess: Ptof' B- B' Bbattacbarr-a' \ ice Chancelror. -raw.:lrariar ehru university, New DerhiI:-l.ll**"#r" Basheera-'o'1.--+,r. p'"r"r'."',-il'*.Li.r*oic andAfican Joa.*,;r-rr,ariarNehruLunch: 12.30pm l_avn, School of ,{ns ani -{esthetics,JNU(Courresv: the Dean, SLI^&CS)

    First Academic Session: 2 _P'cc*' Schcor or h"gr*gf;ffi-1*::%uli::re stu

  • 8/14/2019 Semianr on Arabin Nights in JNU


    1-opic:SufcReadittgs of Spun Voiagu af SindbadTk Saibr- Saidur p2h'.an, Assist^ot Professor, Department of Arabic, Malda College, fvlalda (W-B)Topic: Translatiortsof tbeArabiax Niglts in Bangu- p.of Manzoor Ahmad Khanr Departmeot of Arabic, University of Kashrnir, SrinagarTrpic: Nectptionof theArabiax Nigltx in Kasbnii "iirature

    Firct Parallel Asademic Session: 2pm - 3-30pm(Papers in Persian)Venue: School of Ans and Aesthetics Auditodum, Jawahartal Nehru Univetsity, New Delhi-Dr- Abul Qasim Radfar, Professor ofProf, M- S. Niazmand, ChairPerson,

    Persian Literanrre, Persian Research Institute, Tehran - IRAN &centre of Persiao aod central Asian Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru

    Universiry, New Delhi. (In Chair)Speakers:

    - prcf. Ainul Flasan, Centre of Persian and Central Asian Studies,Jawaharlal Nehlr University,Nevr Delhi-Topic:Reiew of HalarCest- prof. Dr. Muhammad Flussain Yameen- Department of Dari Literature Universiqv of KabulKabul, AFGITANISTANTEic Tbe aatun of gexesis nd narratiaeof Tho*add and Oae Ntgbts- Mri. Uandana-Mangali, Lectrrrer Depanoeot of Persian Literature Islamic Azad Universitv,Anar, IRAN & Mts. Fatma Ghafuri, kcturcr, Department of Persian Literature, Islartic AzadUniversity, Anar, IRANTEic A Glata at the Tborcandand Orc Nights

    Tea Break: 3.3O-4.0OSecond ParallelAcademic Session: 4pm - 530prn(Papers n Persian)

    Yenue: School of Arts and Aesthetics Auditorium, Jarsaharl,alNehru Univetsitv, New Delhi'Dr- Sved Akhtar f{sssain, Associate Professor. Ceatre of Persian and Ceotral Asian Studies, Jawahar{Nchru lJair,-crs;iry,Ne-..ra )elhi & Dr. Sk- Js},t:q*e -Alrnaad; Assistant Profess'or, Cenrrc of Persian andCentral Asian Studies,Jawahadal Nehru Universrry, New Delhi- (io Chatr)Speakers:Dt. Abul Qasim Radfar, Professor of PersianLiterature- PersianResearch nsdtute, Tehran -IR-:'\

    Tofi:. Anentt:isn ni f i'l li.+,l-t;cd ti Ote Nighx- IIrs. Mehri Shah Hosaini- Ernrnent Poetessand Scholar-Tehran - IR-\NTrtbir: Cbaracter at the Coxrt a_iH;nntr Rrzsheedn ^\r3frr-.- Dr- Nasnrllah Fotoohar, l5lernic -lzad universitv. Nonh Tehrao, IR-{NTapir kniew of the stol; oJAbx p;!r txri ''1buSair

    Tea Break: 5:30pmIlocdat the 22"dFebruar,s 2010-(Papers irl Eng$sh)

    Third Acaderrric Session 0am - llamVenue: Annex Auditorium, India Inrernationol Centre, New Dr. Mohammad Yusuf Siddiq, Higher Education Cornsrission Professor Department of IslamicStudies, University of the Puniab. l-ahore- P1KISTAN (In ChairtSpeakers: Dr. Mirza Nehal A Baig, F,7ior"ti Directon IGNOL. Srx,lq,ir Cenire,

    Topic: ImpactofAraban,\;1lr-' ot Sti littratarc'- I)r lVluzaffar Alam- Assistant Professor. Centle of .{rabic Literature, English ald ForeignLanguage-Universitv' Hvderabad- Andhra Pradesh' ,,

  • 8/14/2019 Semianr on Arabin Nights in JNU


    fa?iE K*ft;l K;lant An E>pt rf A{I-lk waI4b for Cbildrcr- Dt. Ashfaq Ahmad, Associrte Professor, Department of Arabic, Assarn University, Silchar,Assam'fEic Vomaz fu Ishan SuiayA Sb.q based x tbcAmbiarNtghts

    - Mahmood Alam, Victorb Mcoorial, KolkataTopir TbeArabian NQbrc SnEaf Hitions andTnulatioas- Dr. Arshadul Qedr, Assimt Professor, Department of Persian, University of Lucknow,Lucknow, U.P.TEic Cenesis f Siaddd aJ it &nlEnent ia A{ blob m L-oilab-

    Tea Break: 11-1130 mFourf rfcedcmic Session fl-Fem - L{X}pm

    {Papers in F-ttSlEsh)Yenue: Annex Auditodr-rn, Indie l*rrirrf C.ente,NerlLtr-Prof. Shankat Basu, Dean" School of l-ltr-|i., Litetarure "'.t Grhrue Studies,JawaharlalNehru Univerciry, NewDelhi (In Chair)Speakets: - Prof, Nasar Shahd nmi, Ceotre of Rrxsln StuHes, Jawahadal Nehru University, NewDelhi

    Topic '7 0AI Nigha": Its B4b it Rnssia:-.- Ilr. Sanaullah Nedvi Associar Professor, Dpdet of Aabic, Aligarh Mulsim University,Aligarh (tlP)Topic Touardr a Postna&n Pfttg on tbeAraliaN4kt- Ms. Jarrashruti ChadmrAssistant Professot, C-entre forJapanese, Koteas and North EastAsian Studies, Jawahadal Nehru University, Nev DdhiTapic:Magic carpet oJapar- Dt- Alka J"*Fl, Centre for Spanis[ Portugre, Iblho md I-atin Amedcao Studies,Jawaharlal Nahru Universitv, Nev Delhi.Topir Arabc infbenre 6 fulsditwl tF-isb literatsrcA aneSt@ 6cal;la a,a DimnaMs. Preeti Panq Reseerch schobr, UaiversityofYdhdoli{ SPAIN"1-q* At O* to frc Art {Sq -WredffiY *Amtia NiStrl. an Du fui1*t tlc ia hIaaeto

    Lunch Break: 1.0O 2-OOpmVenue: IIC A-rmex (Conrerp IIC-$eia ProiecQ

    Fifth Academic Serin 2.{X}pm- 330pm(Papers-

    F'.ng[sh]Venue: Annex Auditodum, India Ihtemational Cenuc, Nev DethiDr Kapila Vatsyayan, MP RaiyaSabha& Chairperson,AsL Projecl India Intemational Centre, New Delhi (In Chair)Speakers: - Prcf.Jean-|acques TFIIBON, Universit6Bhise-Pascat Frxrce -Clermont-FerrandTEic: Praenceof S*f teacbingsndpradicts it .*c tclcsof The Arabien Nrgbts

    -Prof. Dr. Ali Fuat Bilkan, Dean TOBB Ekonomi ve Teknoloii Universites4 Ankar4 TURKEYTapit: Trrkirb Traxsbtions of TbeArabiar Ngirt- Dt (Mrc) Kaseh Abu Bakr,Associate Eofessor, Centre of Arabic Studies, Malaysian NatiorralUniversity, Kuala Lumpur, MAI-AYSIATEic: l00l Ntsbtt in Malalian Uterary and CtlralTraditioxs- Dr Syed Akhtat }fusain, Associate Professor, Centre of Persiao and Central Asi*n Studies,Jawahadal Nehru lJnoversty, New Delhi- (C-rmtes5t IIC-Asia Froiect)Topic Reception fArahian Nigbts n SirRicM Bzrton'sTranrlation.

    Interval: 3.30-3.40pm

  • 8/14/2019 Semianr on Arabin Nights in JNU


    Sixth Academic Session 3'40pm - 5-30pm(Papets la f,ngfistr)

    Yenue: Annex Auditodum, India International Cerrtre' New DeHri

    Mt. S.Ausaf Ali, Founder Membet, JarniaHamdard' Nlcs Delhi (In Chair)Speakers: rof. (Mrs) Ismat Mehdi, Formedy Head, Departrnent of Anbic, English and Foreign Language-' University, Hyderabad - Andhra Pradesh

    Tapic Moden Sbebar4zdt Vomex ar storytelhrs- prof. Kafeel Ahmad Qasmi, tt rtt of -Labic, Aligath Muslim University' Aligarh (-lJP)TEtc Od$awrdions f heArabinaNt4htl- Dt. Sevim ora.*it, Faculty of-Theology, Suleyman Demirel university, Isparta, TurkeyTEir Reftctior afArabian Ntgbts:ForE Vi{n' Stoies- Dt. A. Nizarudeen, A$sociate Professor- Department of Aratric, university of Kerala'Ttivandrum & Thairldeen ,{-S., Researcher.Centre of Arabic and Aftican Studies'JawahadalNehru UaiversitY' New Delhi

    TEicTbeInJTeenn.oftheAmhianN'sbt'ontbe}IalajalamLiterat'lfvHigh Tea : 5.3ft>rnVenus IIC Annex (Courtesy: IIC-Asia Proiect)

    Tuesday the 23d February fi10'Scventh Academic Session 93)am - 11'(Fpm(Papers in Arabic)

    venue: committee Room, school of I-anguage, Literature and culture studies, Jawahadal Nehnr universit-v'New Delhi"Prof. Zubair Ahrnad Farooqui, Former Head, Deparunent of Arabic,Jarnia lrfrllia Isiarrra- Nert- Delhi lfc

    Ch"rr)Speakers:prcf- bt. Ben Ameur Taofik, unir-ersity,'I'nisra

    Tarxr Rece7tiott fArabian nigbts n modetttArat* literatan- L)r. At daEabBahloul' Facuity of Arts' liairor;an- TunisiaT'r;Eir:Sedttoian arlic.;andperstasiacfconrin'tnlpzt'"edarzst Arabidn Nigbt:- iir. (Ms) Buthaina At 1ita"i' Universitv of Kairou'n' TLTNISLA'TEic Cotz+aretiv siug, qf ih, Arabar Ntghtt andAs:cmbiis of Andals-'isn (!fa*lt) N;gt'ir_prof. Dr. yousri Ahmad Abdunah ifidar,Director of Filsher Studies-unir-ersitE of Cairo -EgiP'T"$ic Ah nub s'askil,zb: A lirtmiail aad nitical studi

    TrsdaY the 23td Februaqs 2I}10'Parallel Scven6 Acadernic Session 93{hm - 1l'fr}pm(Papets in Urdu)

    yenue: Corn*ittee Room, School of International SnletiesrJawebarlal Nehru University, New Delhi'

    ftof. Moinuddin A. Jinabade, Ceotre of Indian Languages. Scho,ol of l-anguage' Literature and C.lture Stodies'Jawaharlal Nehru Universiqv, Ne'*'- Delhi'Speakers:

    - Dr. Jamit Asghar, Department of Lrdu, Sarnanabad Degree college, Faisalabad' PAKISTANTEic: The Arabian Nights and Femint''m- Dr. M. AsifAwan, Departrnent of Ljrdu, GC UniTersin- Farsalabad' PAKISTANTopic The Elements af l\ationaiiry in '4rabian Ntqhtt, Dr. Aleem Ashraf, Associate Professor, Department of Persian, Universiqv of Delhi, Delb'r'Topic: Rereptionaf '*fhe snt, I -o;u!e-,of Sindbad the Sailor" in [)dt Translalion'

  • 8/14/2019 Semianr on Arabin Nights in JNU


    - Dr Asif Zahri- Assistant Proiessor. Centre for Indjan Languages,JawahadalNehru University,New DelhiTopir CbaraCersoj.,1;7 i;h z'; )ii,ic nl itr dePictita: n Iulittn talzsfor childrtn- Frof ShamsruzZrtha- Departrnent of Arabic, Patna Umversitv, Patna, Bihar'fopic Alif t-ti/n: ..7.nli:t, r:i:z- Dr Arafat 7afan, Assl.tant Protes:or. Departrnent of -{,rabic. Universitv of I-ucknowTopic: Ear/ier transhiior-' ,t;-1i'Li; it India.

    Tea Break: 71,-L130arnTuesday the 23d Februar-v 20().Eighth Academic Scssion 11-3{}am - 01pm(Papets in English)Venue: Committee Room, School of I znguage! Literature and Cutture Studies, Jawahadal Nehru Liniversity,NewDelhi-

    Prof. Jean-Jacques THIBON, UnFersite Blarse-Pascal. rance -Clermont-Ferand, FRANCE (In chair)Speakers:- Ptof. Krishnaswamy Nachirnuthu, Centre of Indian Tqngreges,Jawahadal Nehnr University,Nevr Delhi & Dt.K-M3-Ahrrned Zubab,Assistarrt Professor of Arabic, PG & ResearchDepartment of Arabic, The New College, Chen.21Topic: Tbe Tani/ Adoptation af ladinatta Ntites ofAraiian Xigbts'- A Sndl- Dt. Abdul Quddoos, Assistrttl Professor, Depanment of Arabic, Assam University, Srlchar,AssamTopic Af l-zilab n'a tbc gtxt-,isofmodentArabi: r-,tnatiw Eterctarcmpactof Arabian |iirhts onWefiern L;itnalure- Dr Mustafizur Rahman, Assistaat Professor, Departrnent of Arabic, Assam University. Silchar-Assman

    Toptc: mpact ofArabian Nighx on V:.e$trn -iteraturc- DrYazeer }iI'asan, UGC ResearchScientist C'.Drpanment nf ,lrabic.Bartzras }*oduLlai*,-ersiry- Y zr ar,asl-T*7vc: Topic:An ounient of tbe aryagesfSindbadAn a,i:ntumus tak oJArabian Nights.- Dr F{ari Rarn lVlishta, Assistalf Professor. Centre for Sarsi:lr Studjes. Jarr.ahz.rhl {rl.-r-u'J rxi-crs:t!_-,\ c: Llc*u-Tapic: Jataka katba and theArabian N;gbts

    Lrrnsh' 1tmYdedictory Fuoction 2-30pm -3.30pmYenue: Committee Room, School of Langrrage, Literatrrre and Cultore StudiesrJawahadal Nehru University

    Dt- Mohamcrad Flossein Karimi, Counselor, Science, Technology and Education, India and SuFContinent, Embassyof t}te Islarnic Republic of Iran, New Delhi (Chief Guest)Prof. Syed Shahid Mahdi, Vice President, India Intematic'nal Centre, New Delhi- 0n chair)Remarks of Delegates: Prof. Jean-Jacgues Thibon, Universit6 Blaise-Pascal France -Clermont-Ferrand,Prof- Dt- Ben Ameur Taofik, Zartuna University, Trmisra. Dr (Mrs) Kaseh Abu Bakt, Associate professor.Centre of Arabic Studies, Malaysian National Universirr- Kuala Lumpur, MAI-AySIA-Dt Rizwanur Rahrnan: Vote of Thanks

    Dt Rizwanur RahrnanDirector of the Symposium

    Co/laborators:IIC-,4.sia PrviectIndiax Cound f'orCuliura RelationsCoat $-India,llinistry af Cuhurv

  • 8/14/2019 Semianr on Arabin Nights in JNU


    SahityaAreadni ;\ +N a inna Co u ci fo r Pmmob n of U rdx I--angu geIndian Councilfor Sonil Science esearchEnbasg of the Islarr.'&ryrblic af Imn