semester exams & exemptions tompkins high school 2014-2015


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Post on 01-Apr-2015




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Slide 2 SEMESTER EXAMS & EXEMPTIONS TOMPKINS HIGH SCHOOL 2014-2015 Slide 3 HOW MANY CLASSES CAN I EXEMPT? 9 TH GRADE = 1 CLASS 10 TH GRADE = up to 2 CLASSES 11 th GRADE = up to 3 CLASSES Semester exams count as 15% of your semester average BUT YOU MUST MEET THE QUALIFICATIONS Slide 4 EXEMPTION GUIDELINES GRADES & ABSENCES Course Average of A = no more than 3 absences Course Average of B = no more than 2 absences Course Average of C = no more than 1 absence 3 Tardies = 1 absence **All dependent on individual classes** Slide 5 EXEMPTION GUIDELINES (cont) Extenuating Circumstances Absences If you had an absence due to an extenuating circumstance, you must complete an application form Forms are found in your Grade Level APs office Forms are due by Monday, December 1st Slide 6 Extenuating Circumstance (cont) Absences considered: Student surgery Student hospitalization Death of an immediate family member Supporting documentation must be provided (hospital note or obituary or funeral service handout) Slide 7 Extenuating Circumstance (cont) Absences NOT considered: Flight delays Weather delays Full day absences for illness even with a doctors note Maximum of 2 days will be granted The decision is final Slide 8 EXEMPTION GUIDELINES (cont) DISCIPLINE Cannot exempt for the following: An N in conduct in a class = cannot exempt that class A U in conduct in a class = cannot exempt any class Offenses that result in more than a combined total of six (6) hours of any type of detention, or any in-school or out of school suspension, or higher consequences EX:3 x 3 HR ASD= cannot exempt Sat. Det (4 hrs) + 3 x 1-Hour = cannot exempt ISS assignment = cannot exempt 1 X 3 HR ASD = can still exempt Slide 9 EXEMEPTION GUIDELINES (cont) CLASSES Cannot exempt the same class both semesters Ex. If you exempt Algebra I this semester, you cannot exempt it again in the spring. Students must attend school during exam week for all classes/courses (band, choir, study hall, student aide, etc.) unless an exam exemption has been earned in that area. Slide 10 EXEMPTION GUIDELINES (cont) EXEMPTION CARDS Distributed on Monday, December 8 th during lunches. DUE on Friday, December 12 th to your grade-level AP office. *All holds and fines must be cleared in order to pick up your exemption card* Slide 11 EXEMPTION GUIDELINES (cont) What do I do with the card? Take your card to the class or classes you want to exempt The teacher will check your grade and attendance The teacher will sign off on your card Turn your card in to your Grade Level Assistant Principals office on or before Friday, December 12 th. Slide 12 EXAM SCHEDULE Monday (12/15)Regular schedule Tuesday (12/16)7 th Period Exam Wednesday (12/17)1 st & 6 th Period Exams Thursday (12/18)2 nd & 3 rd Period Exams *Friday (12/19)4 th & 5 th Period Exams *early dismissal See Fall Semester Exam Schedule for class times Students must attend 4 th and 5 th Periods Tues.- Thurs Slide 13 If exempting If you are exempting You need to be at school by 1 st Period on Wednesday (12/17)10:14 AM 2 nd Period on Thursday (12/18)10:14 AM 4 th Period on Friday (12/19)9:27 AM If you are exemptingYou need to leave school at 7 th Period on Tuesday (12/16)12:25 PM 6 th Period on Wednesday (12/17)12:25 PM 3 rd Period on Thursday (12/18)12:25 PM 5 th Period on Friday (12/19)9:30 AM Slide 14 EXEMPTIONS Misc. Info Students who exempt a class are expected to be off campus during that exam time Students who ride the bus either in the morning or afternoon, may report to the Main Commons during their exempted class Friday, December 19 th, is the only day/early release 11:35 AM. Buses will run at normal times the other days Slide 15 GOOD LUCK ON YOUR EXAMS!!