semester 2 8 th grade finals study guide mr. wenn 2010

Semester 2 Semester 2 8 8 th th Grade Finals Study Grade Finals Study Guide Guide Mr. Wenn Mr. Wenn 2010 2010

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Semester 2Semester 288thth Grade Finals Study Guide Grade Finals Study Guide

Mr. WennMr. Wenn


Page 2: Semester 2 8 th Grade Finals Study Guide Mr. Wenn 2010

11stst Industrial Revolution Industrial Revolution

• Trade and manufacturing instead of farming

• Industrial growth leads to rapid growth of cities

• New England – large labor force, rapid river for factories, access to Atlantic ocean

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Textile Mills and Factory Textile Mills and Factory SystemSystem

• Workers and machines together under one roof

• Factories/machines replace hand tools for production

• Textile Mills create fabrics use young women and children as labor source

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Reasons for Immigration Reasons for Immigration

• Immigration increases population of NORTH

• Famines, political and religious wars at home

• Many looking for jobs• Agricultural changes force many off

their farms• Europe’s Industrial Revolution cause

many to lose jobs

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Henry Clay's American System Henry Clay's American System

• Designed to protect American business from foreign competition

• -creates protective tariff

• -establishes a National bank

• -improves transportation systems

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Roads, canals, and railroads Roads, canals, and railroads

• built to connect East with growing West.

• Improves business and communication

• Erie Canal-connects Lake Erie with the Hudson River makes NY an important center for trade

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Women's suffrage movement & Women's suffrage movement & Leaders Leaders

• demanded equal right in politics and society.

• Many had been abolitionists

• Uphill battle-voting rights

• Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Margaret Fuller, Lucretia Mott, Susan B. Anthony

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Seneca Falls ConventionSeneca Falls Convention

• Meeting in New York (1846) for women’s rights.

• Declaration of Sentiments –outlines women, demands equality with men.

• Based upon writings in “D of I”

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Horace MannHorace Mann

• Heads first Board of Education.

• Father of America’s Public Schools

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Transcendentalism and its Transcendentalism and its LeadersLeaders

• Spiritual world more important than physical world

• Nature, Self Examination and individual’s intuition and feelings

• a. Henry David Thoreau- writes WALDEN, Civil Disobedience

• Ralph Waldo Emerson – Essayist and Poet

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Agrarian economy in the South Agrarian economy in the South

• Fertile land, slow moving rivers, warm climate

• Profit from slave labor-export cotton to Europe.

• Economy-agriculture, little industry.

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The cotton ginThe cotton gin

• Invented by Eli Whitney (1793)

• Cleans the seeds from the cotton.

• Speeds up production of highly profitable cash crop.

• Increases demand for land and slave labor.

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• Laws created to control slaves and deny them many basic rights.

• Outlawed teaching slaves to read and write.

• Permission to travel off plantations.

• Rights under law denied, privileges of citizens rejected.

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Resistance to SlaveryResistance to Slavery

• Many methods of resistance –

• Non-violent: slow work, break tools, runaway, ignorance,

• Violent: burn property, poisoning owners, revolt

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Jacksonian DemocracyJacksonian Democracy

• Andrew Jackson “ Hero of the Common Man” president from 1829-1837.,

• all white men over 21 could vote. Dramatic increase in voting rights, participation in government, common man increases political power.

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The spoils system & Indian The spoils system & Indian Removal Act Removal Act

• Jackson replaces government workers with supporters of his presidency.

• Indian Removal-tribes who slow progress of the US-give lands to whites

• "Trail of Tears - • Cherokees-thousands marched

overland, many suffered from disease and starvation.

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Manifest DestinyManifest Destiny

• belief the United States had the right and duty to expand across the Continent to the Pacific Ocean

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Lewis and Clark ExpeditionLewis and Clark Expedition

• Sent by Jefferson to explore the Louisiana Territory.

• Goals: 1. find a route to Pacific Ocean. 2. catalog resources, climates, animals and plants of territory. 3. establish contact with Native Americans

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Women in WestWomen in West

• Western frontier was harsh

• Performed similar jobs as men

• Right to own property and control money

• Given right to vote in many Western states

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• Republic of Texas fights for Independence from Mexico. Becomes the Lone Star Republic from 1836 – 1845.

• a. Battle of the Alamo – • Mission in Texas, 183 rebels died. • Become famous battle cry for Texans.• b. Admission to U.S. - • Texas joins the U.S. in 1845. Leads to

controversy over extension of slavery.

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Mexican American WarMexican American War

• War fought between U.S. and Mexico 1846 – 1848.

• Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

• Ends War. U.S. receives Mexican Cession

• US agrees to pay 15 million to Americans owed money by Mexico.

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• Underground Railroad – • network of abolitionists who helped

run-away slaves reach freedom in the North and Canada

• Harriet Tubman –leader of the UGRR• Harriet Beecher Stowe-Uncle Tom’s

Cabin (1852)• Shows moral and social wrongs of

slavery, and Fugitive Slave Law

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Important AbolitionistsImportant Abolitionists

• Frederick Douglass-former slave, writes autobiography, abolitionist newspaper North Star.

• William Lloyd Garrison-publishes anti-slavery newspaper “The Liberator”, supporter of the Women’s suffrage movement.

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John Brown’s RaidJohn Brown’s Raid

• Abolitionist John Brown leads raid against Federal Arsenal at Harpers Ferry Virginia.

• Attempts to start an armed slave rebellion, hung for his crime

• Northerners- Brown a martyr

• Southerners offended by North’s reaction

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Missouri Compromise (1820)Missouri Compromise (1820)

• Attempt to keep the number of slave and Free states equal.

• Admits Missouri as a slave state, and Maine as a free state.

• Forbids slavery in the west north of 36’ 30” line

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Compromise of 1850Compromise of 1850

• Agreement over slavery under which CA joins Union as a free state

• Strict Fugitive Slave law was passed.

• Fuels growing controversy of slavery in the west.

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Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854)Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854)

• POPULAR SOVEREIGNTY: each territory to decides whether to allow slavery, decided in popular election.

• Proslavery and abolitionists rapidly move to Kansas

• “BLEEDING KANSAS” – name for Kansas Territory-violence there over the issue of slavery in the 1850’s

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Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857)Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857)

• Dred Scott, a slave, lives in a free territory, sues owner for his freedom

• Supreme Court says: Scott not a citizen, cannot sue in U.S. courts

• Court says slavery cannot be banned in the territories, against property rights in Constitution

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Doctrine of NullificationDoctrine of Nullification

• idea that a state had the right to cancel a federal law it considered unconstitutional

• Webster and Calhoun debate rights of states (state’s rights) to nullify or ignore law passed by the Federal government.

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"House Divided" speech (1858)"House Divided" speech (1858)

• Lincoln says the US cannot endure half slave and half free.

• Speech convinces Southerners Lincoln wants to end slavery.

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Lincoln SpeechesLincoln Speeches

• Emancipation Proclamation (1863) • Lincoln’s declaration freeing the slaves in

Confederacy.• Becomes a major reason the Union fights

to win the Civil War. • Gettysburg Address (1863)• Lincoln dedicates the cemetery at

Gettysburg to the soldiers who died in the battle.

• States that the Union (North) fighting for freedom and democracy

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Jefferson Davis and Robert E. LeeJefferson Davis and Robert E. Lee

• Davis-President of the Confederate States of America (Confederacy)

• Lee-Commander of Confederate Army. Former officer in U.S. Army.

• Did not want to fight against home state of Virginia.

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Ulysses S. Grant and ShermanUlysses S. Grant and Sherman

• Commander of U.S. Army at end of Civil War.

• Accepts Robert Lee’s surrender at Appomattox in 1865.

• He and Sherman use “total war” against civilians and lands of the South.

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Effects of the Civil War Effects of the Civil War

• 600,000 dead Americans from both sides.

• Slavery is abolished in the United States.

• Southern society and culture is completely destroyed

• United States is re-united.

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• Period from 1865 – 1877 where the south is rebuilt and rejoins the Union after the Civil War.

• Freedmen's Bureau-U.S. tries to help former slaves adjust to life after the Civil War.

• Gave food, medical care and clothing to former slaves. This group also set up schools in the South to educate former slaves.

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Reconstruction AmendmentsReconstruction Amendments

• 13th-Banned slavery throughout the United States.

• 14th-Granted citizenship and equal legal rights to all persons born in the US.

• Intended to give citizenship to former slaves.

• 15th-no state can deny African Americans the right to vote because of their race.

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"Jim Crow" laws"Jim Crow" laws

• Laws that separated people of different races in public places in the South.

• Inclues restaurants, theaters, trains, schools, churches and playgrounds

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Plessy vs. FergusonPlessy vs. Ferguson

• Supreme Court ruling that said segregation was legal, as long as the facilities were equal.

• This coined the term “separate, but equal”

• Leads to two legal, but unequal societies

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Dawes ActDawes Act

• tribal lands were given to under the control of individual land owners

• no longer under the control of tribal governments

• Much of the land was given or sold cheaply to white settlers

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Industrialists and Labor UnionsIndustrialists and Labor Unions

• Carnegie, Rockefeller and Stanford made large fortunes in industries-oil, steel and railroads

• Workers tried to protect themselves by joining labor unions to achieve better conditions and wages.