self-study literature: time management senior level date: 06-17-2012 organization and time managment...

Self-study Literature: Time Management Senior level Date: 06-17-2012 Organization and Time Organization and Time Managment Managment 1st Level 1st Level 2nd Semester 2nd Semester Staffing Executive

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Page 1: Self-study Literature: Time Management Senior level Date: 06-17-2012 Organization and Time Managment 1st Level 2nd Semester Staffing Executive

Self-study Literature:

Time Management

Senior level

Date: 06-17-2012

Organization and Time ManagmentOrganization and Time Managment

1st Level1st Level

2nd Semester2nd Semester

Staffing Executive

Page 2: Self-study Literature: Time Management Senior level Date: 06-17-2012 Organization and Time Managment 1st Level 2nd Semester Staffing Executive

Time Management

Time Management

Time is one of our most valuable resources. By studying time management we can discover the most effective way of using it at work as well as outside. Time management can be used to define a person’s state of mind and lifestyle. One may consider time to be one of the most important and crucial resources for managers.

A few characteristics of time are:

It can become our enemy or an ally if we can organize itIt can easily become a scarce resource if not properly administered or prioritized in our daily activitiesIt can be either a friend or foe in achieving objectives and goalsIt cannot be boughtIt cannot be caught, held or given backIt can be one of the most valuable resources any individual can have; therefore it must be utilized at its maximum potentialIt is often said that nobody has enough time, however, everyone has the entire time that exists.

Page 3: Self-study Literature: Time Management Senior level Date: 06-17-2012 Organization and Time Managment 1st Level 2nd Semester Staffing Executive

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Time Managment

Time management: determining factor

The most important factors in our life are the use, implementation and “management” of our time. This can be reflected in all aspects of our daily lives, in the work we perform, our family life, our personal care, and in what we can consider “quality time”. Due to economic hardships, halfway through the last century society was forced to appreciate time in a more objective manner. This change was partly due to the implementation of women in the workforce, due to a decline in men’s wages.

In communications:

The new “digital era” and the “new technologies” dictate that in order to save time, communication must be objective and precise. What was previously delivered in twenty words must now be objective and direct and delivered in ten words. Communications or information sent via print, although necessary, consume more time that those delivered via email, internet, or telecommunications. Another advantage of electronic communication is that it occupies less physical space, it is much easier to access and they can be safeguarded with a higher level of security.

Page 4: Self-study Literature: Time Management Senior level Date: 06-17-2012 Organization and Time Managment 1st Level 2nd Semester Staffing Executive

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Time Managment

Planning:Planning is a crucial requirement in one’s personal and work life. Although it takes time to develop, the final product saves time, effort and money.A business plan must fulfill a series of requirements in order to be brought to life:

It must have a measurable, reachable and realistic goalThe planning and methodology must be thorough, taking into consideration every possible variable that could deviate the planIts principles must be established under a strict no-breaking clause.

Execution:In order to execute the plan, we must fulfill the “communication” and “planning” requirements. For the business plan to be complete, we must include the final and most important step to finalize our product or goal: execution..

Page 5: Self-study Literature: Time Management Senior level Date: 06-17-2012 Organization and Time Managment 1st Level 2nd Semester Staffing Executive

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Time Managment

Take some time to thinkWhen we are busy it is easy to reflect on what went right and what has not gone so well. But we should to evaluate our method of work to discover what happened and why. Then you can determine the causes that have led you to solve, or not, in time a task. This work requires concentration, but not too long. Simply spend the last hour on Friday to think about how it went the week. Furthermore, only you must evaluate the work you will return to face and those in which the result has not been as satisfactory as expected. Of course, when reflections be objective. Think of how far the fault is in the other but acknowledge your mistakes, is the only way to improve. Finally, includes some notes in the folder "for next time." From there, do not invest more time in the lost time. Direct your efforts toward the future.

The way to use time is a habit…… reflect on these habits and correct them. The reward will be able to control the work and have time to concentrate on the most important aspects.

Evaluate your time … very easy to spend too much time on routine tasks. Ask yourself: at present How to distribute my time?

Keep track of time ; you may be surprised to discover how much time you spend talking to my colleagues and how much you can spend ra really important things.

Setting Priorities ; choose tasks that are most important, those that require immediate attention.

Plan your working day ; so you can select the tasks that you can do in one day, be realistic. ...

Page 6: Self-study Literature: Time Management Senior level Date: 06-17-2012 Organization and Time Managment 1st Level 2nd Semester Staffing Executive

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Time Managment

Think positive

Think positive to plan successfully: most unpleasant task will seem simple. Be aware of the tasks that are particularly pleasant, must be well distributed throughout the day.

Think positive to plan successfully: most unpleasant task will seem simple. Be aware of the tasks that are particularly pleasant, must be well distributed throughout the day.

Avoid stress when it is busy require some determination to find the time to think about how to use the next few hours in a productive way. From a psychological point of view is useful for planning activities to control the time, this will help you avoid stress and achieve your goals. .

Make immediate changes

Avoid interruptions at certain times everyone needs to concentrate without interruption.

Stay up to date, information is constantly changing.

 Choose when to call, book a time of day to call, make a list of all calls you make during the day.

  Program free time is important to do every day to recharge the batteries again.

Page 7: Self-study Literature: Time Management Senior level Date: 06-17-2012 Organization and Time Managment 1st Level 2nd Semester Staffing Executive


Time Managment


Jack FleitmanLibro evaluación integral hacia modelos de calidad. 2004 Jack Fleitman

HINDLE, Tim. (1998). La Administración del Tiempo. Barcelona: Grijalbo.