self publishing made easy

Self Publishing made easy Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that's simple, beautiful and fun. By undefined undefined page 1 of 9

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Post on 18-Jul-2015




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Self Publishing made easy

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Page 2: Self publishing made easy

Self Publishing made easy

Your first step is to write your book. Find a quiet place and make a plan on how you are going to finish your book. Will you write every day? Are you writing during the weekends? Set times in your calendar for writing so you have space to focus on what you're doing.  Don't just focus on sitting at a desk, most of the magic happens when you're out and about. Go for a walk when you're stuck with a character. Do some gardening when you need a new plot line. Your brain will still be working on your book, even when you're not. 

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Page 3: Self publishing made easy

Self Publishing made easy

Publishing a book costs money. Although there are a number of free uploading services, before you are at a point that you're ready to upload you final product onto book sellers websites you need to complete the following steps:  step #2 - Editing your text step #3 - Designing the interior of the book (layout, fonts) step #4 - Designing the exterior of the book (covers)  Each of these steps should be done by a professional, so have a plan on how much you are willing to pay (if any) for each of these services.

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Page 4: Self publishing made easy

Self Publishing made easy

As you won't be able to edit your own book, you will need to find a freelance editor, hire a professional or sign up for a company that provides guided self publishing services (  Freelance editors can be found by doing a google search, or go to:  Research that your editor has experience with editing your style of book. Some editors will quote you an hourly rate, others will quote you per word so make sure you know what your out of pocket expenses are going to be. 

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Page 5: Self publishing made easy

Self Publishing made easy

There are 2 types of designers needed for the completion of a book file: 1) Somebody with the experience of creating book covers. 2) Somebody to design the layout, typesetting and over look of the book interior  You can choose to have one person do both jobs, but most publishing houses will have two different people on staff for these jobs as they required slightly different experiences and skills.  When you hire a designer for the interior of the book, make sure you give that person the technical specifications for margins and book size so you won't get stuck at the end phase of your project when you're ready to start uploading.  Contact for further information or help with this part of your book project.

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Page 6: Self publishing made easy

Self Publishing made easy

SPOILER ALERT:  Publishing companies will hardly ever get involved with the marketing and sales of your book. Most of the marketing drive has to come from the author.  The same goes for self-publishing: you need to be clear about your marketing plan and how you are going to drive the sales of your book.  Some ideas that you can use to create exposure for your book:  1) Create a website / landingpage for your book 2) Create a Facebook / Google+ / Instagram page for your book 3) Create an author page on Amazon author central 4) Organise book tours, launch events, twitter campaigns (hashtag campaign #yourbookrocks ) 5) Speak with local bookstore owners to have your book in stock 6) Use your network, both online and offline to start the discussion about your book. Maybe pre-release one chapter to get interest in free downloads to get people reading your book. 7) Don't be afraid to give your book away for free in exchange for reviews / feedback / testimonials…

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Page 7: Self publishing made easy

Self Publishing made easy

Now the fun starts!  Your book is ready: - Writing.... DONE - Editing..... DONE - Cover design .... DONE - Marketing text / book summary .... DONE  You're ready to upload it into the most used self-publishing sales channels.  You will need to create separate accounts for each of these companies:  Amazon Createspace LULU Smashwords  Alternatively, you can sign up with Complete-publishing ( ) and we will distribute your book to all these channels so it is available to 38,000+ stores and outlets globally.  

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Self Publishing made easy

When you self publish, you will need to do all the sales and marketing for your book.  You can hire companies to do this for you, but that will be extra money that you will have to spend. And to be honest - you're the most passionate person in the world about your book, so who better to promote it than you?!  Purchase a few boxes of your book in print so you have physical books for "show and tell" and connect with people. Talk to readers, talk to book retailers and promote your book.  

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Self Publishing made easy

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