selection of population and sampling technique

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  • 8/13/2019 Selection of Population and Sampling Technique




    The research generally prefers

    a sample to a population frame

    for a reason of:Economy of time



  • 8/13/2019 Selection of Population and Sampling Technique



    Refers to the universe or the sum

    total of all elements under

    consideration. It is a larger group about which

    your generalization is made.

    Gay (1976) defines it as the groupto which a researcher would like

    the results to be generalizable.

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    According to Ferguson (1976) any

    sub-aggregate drawn from the

    population, or it a portion of a


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    Kerlinger (1973) says, all members

    of a well defined class of people,

    events or objects, which is theactual statistical values and Its

    characteristic are called


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    Example of population frame;

    All the TB patient with gastric ulcer inSan Lazaro Hospital.

    All five-year-old children in the districtof Makati suffering from severe

    diarrhea. All Nursing graduates of Perpetual

    Help College Manila who passed the

    board examination for the year 2012. Some population frame are either finite

    or countable while others are infinitecan not be counted.

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    Example of Finite Population

    All patient with stomach ulcers in Makati medical

    Center Patients who died of pneumonia in UST Hospital for


    All nurses who have gained employment abroad.

    Sometimes what makes a population countable is that

    it is delimited to a certain period of time or samplecan be derived. Ex. The number of nurses who passed


    board exam is difficult to obtain, but it can be done,

    hence population of all nurses who passed the boardexam is countable for a particular year desired. This

    shows the importance of delimitation in the research.

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    Example of Infinite Population

    All cars that passed along Dapitan street All stars in the sky

    All numbers of stone in the seashore.

    Look at the examples of all cars that will pass

    along Dapitan which can be counted, but

    researcher who is very interested in the topic


    decide to use a quota sample and take the first

    100 or 200 cars that will pass along Dapitan


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    Factors Affecting in the

    Selection of a Population

    1. Objectives of the research

    2. Availability of data

    3. Nature of research

    4. Variables to be measured, assessed

    or associated


    Inferences to be made

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    Some Minimum Acceptable

    Sizes of Sample

    Descriptive Research 10% of the

    population for smaller population a

    minimum of 20% may be required.

    Correlational research 30 subjects

    Ex post facto or casual comparative

    research 15 subjects per group

    Experimental research 15 subjects pergroup. Some authorities believes that 30

    per group should be considered minimum.

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    A process which involves taking a part

    of a population, making observation on

    this representative group and thengeneralizing the findings to a bigger


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    Slovin Formula to determine the

    sample size of a population

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    n = sample size

    N = population sizee = the desired margin of error


    Suppose the population has the size of 1000.what

    size of the sample can be derived from it using a0.05

    margin of error? Remember that the assumption of a normal

    distribution of the population should beconsidered. When the normal approximation is

    small or poor, this sample size formula does

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    The methods of deriving samples from

    probability or nonprobability is called

    sampling technique. There is therefore a

    one-to-one correspondence between asample and a sampling technique or that

    sample has its own unique sampling


    There are two kinds of samples:

    Probability sampletaken from one where

    all elements in the population frame have

    an equal chance of being selected.

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    Nonprobabilityconsist of non-randomsample subjects. There is less chance ofobtaining a representative sample.

    Different Types of Probability Samplesa. Random Samplinga method of selecting

    sample size from a universe such that eachmembers of the population has an equal

    chance of being selected as the sample. Thisstrategy is known as the best procedure.

    Pre-requisite for Random Sampling:

    1. Define the population

    2. List all members of the population3. Select the sample by employing an adequate

    procedure where every member has an equalchance.

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    Two Basic Principles in Random Sampling

    1. Equi-probabilitythis means that the member of

    the population has an equal chances of being

    included in the sample.

    2. Independencerefers to the fact that when one

    member is selected for the sampling this should

    not affect the chances of the other members

    getting choosen.

    How it is being selected

    1. Lottery Sampling or the fish bowl technique-this

    procedure can be applied by first assigning

    numbers to the participants of the populationassembling them in a sampling frame.

    2. Table of Random Numbers-is the most systematic

    technique for getting sample units at random.

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    b. Systematic Sampling-it is a strategy for

    selecting the members of the sample that

    allows only chance and a system todetermine membership in the sample.

    Systemis a planned strategy for selecting

    members after a starting point to be

    selected at random.

    c. Stratified Random Sample-strategy for

    selecting samples in such a way that

    specific sub-groups (strata) will havesufficient number of representative within

    the sample to provide ample numbers of

    sub-analysis of the members of these sub-


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    d. Cluster Sampling-results when population

    is divided into group or cluster. A cluster

    sampling technique, is a sampling

    technique where groups and cluster not

    individuals are selected. It is used when

    large-scale survey is undertaken whileother sampling techniques are concerned

    only with a few subjects or a few locations.

    e. Multistage Sampling-is rarely used,

    because of its complexity of its strategyand also it incurs a lot of effort, time and


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    Nonprobability Sample

    Convenience Sampling It is asampling strategy based on the

    convenience of the researcher. For

    instance if the researcher wants toknow about national reconciliation in

    the Filipinos in the Philippines

    through telephone interviews, he willhave the chance to interview only

    those who have telephone to the bias

    against those who have no

    telephones. Such sampling is done for

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    Purposive or deliberate sampling-if the

    researcher is interested in finding out

    for example, a particular reaction of

    some students on the devaluation ofpeso, instead of asking the opinion of

    all students in various colleges or

    universities in Metro Manila, he maypurposely ask only the group leaders

    of a particular college. This is sampling

    with purpose.

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