select bibliography - institute of ismaili studies____ nahj al-balågha: peak of eloquence: sermons,...

73 Select Bibliography Shi<i Medieval Sources (Ismaili and Ithnå<asharí) Ādam Íafí al-Dín b. Éayyibshåh (d. 1030/1621). Risåla fí kayfiyat ibtidå al- da<wat al-hådiya fí Jazírat al-Hind (Gujarati trans. Peli Midu, ms.) <Alí b. Abí Éålib (collected by al-Sharíf al-Raãí and ascribed to Imam <Alí). Nahj al-balågha, ed. Mu°ammad <Abduh. 2nd ed., Beirut, 1307/1889. ____ Nahj al-balågha: Peak of Eloquence: Sermons, Letters and Sayings of Imåm <Alí b. Abí Éålib, tr. Sayed Ali Reza. New York, 1984. ____ Musnad °adrat <Alí – Arabic text of Prophet Mu°ammad’s a°ådíth related through <Alí b. Abí Éålib and extracted from the Íi°å° Sitta and translated into Urdu by Jamil Naqvi. Karachi, 1985. ____ See Dashti below for an index of Nahj al-Balågha. <Alí b. al-¯usayn [Imåm Zayn al-<Ābidín] (ascribed to him). The Psalms of Islåm: al-Ía°ífa al-kåmila al-Sajjådiyya, tr. William Chittick. London, 1988. al-Āmir bi-A°kåm Allåh (d. 524/1130). al-Hidåya al-Āmiriyya, ed. Asaf A. A. Fyzee. Calcutta, 1938. al-Arbalí, <Alí b. <Isa. Kashf al-ghumma fí ma<rifat al-a>imma (composed in 487/1094); Persian trans., Mu°ammad Båqir Kitåbjí, Tabriz, n.d. Anonymous. Sírat al-Mukarram, vol. 1 (text), vol. 2 (study), in Ph.D. thesis of M. Shakir (unpublished), University of London (SOAS), 1999. Astaråbådí, Fakhr al-Dín Mu°ammad b. <Alí. Manhaj al-maqål, 2 vols. Tehran, 1307/1888. al-Ba°råní, al-Sayyid Håshim (d. 1107/1696). Ghåyat al-maråm fí ta<yín al-

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Page 1: Select Bibliography - Institute of Ismaili Studies____ Nahj al-balågha: Peak of Eloquence: Sermons, Letters and Sayings of Imåm


Select Bibliography

Shi<i Medieval Sources (Ismaili and Ithnå<asharí)Ādam Íafí al-Dín b. Éayyibshåh (d. 1030/1621). Risåla fí kayfiyat ibtidå al-

da<wat al-hådiya fí Jazírat al-Hind (Gujarati trans. Peli Midu, ms.)

<Alí b. Abí Éålib (collected by al-Sharíf al-Raãí and ascribed to Imam <Alí).

Nahj al-balågha, ed. Mu°ammad <Abduh. 2nd ed., Beirut, 1307/1889.

____ Nahj al-balågha: Peak of Eloquence: Sermons, Letters and Sayings of Imåm

<Alí b. Abí Éålib, tr. Sayed Ali Reza. New York, 1984.

____ Musnad °adrat <Alí – Arabic text of Prophet Mu°ammad’s a°ådíth

related through <Alí b. Abí Éålib and extracted from the Íi°å° Sitta

and translated into Urdu by Jamil Naqvi. Karachi, 1985.

____ See Dashti below for an index of Nahj al-Balågha.

<Alí b. al-¯usayn [Imåm Zayn al-<Ābidín] (ascribed to him). The Psalms of

Islåm: al-Ía°ífa al-kåmila al-Sajjådiyya, tr. William Chittick. London,


al-Āmir bi-A°kåm Allåh (d. 524/1130). al-Hidåya al-Āmiriyya, ed. Asaf A.

A. Fyzee. Calcutta, 1938.

al-Arbalí, <Alí b. <Isa. Kashf al-ghumma fí ma<rifat al-a>imma (composed in

487/1094); Persian trans., Mu°ammad Båqir Kitåbjí, Tabriz, n.d.

Anonymous. Sírat al-Mukarram, vol. 1 (text), vol. 2 (study), in Ph.D. thesis

of M. Shakir (unpublished), University of London (SOAS), 1999.

Astaråbådí, Fakhr al-Dín Mu°ammad b. <Alí. Manhaj al-maqål, 2 vols.

Tehran, 1307/1888.

al-Ba°råní, al-Sayyid Håshim (d. 1107/1696). Ghåyat al-maråm fí ta<yín al-

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tuḥfat al-qulūb

imåm min ñaríq al-khåṣṣ wa al-<åmm, ed. al-Sayyid <Alí <Ashúr, n.p., n.d.

al-Bayhaqí, Abí Bakr A°mad b. al-¯usayn (d. 458/1092). al-Sunan al-

kubrå. n.p. n.d.Burhånpúrí, Quñb al-Dín Sulaymånjí (d. 1241/1826). Muntaza< al-akhbår

fí akhbår al-du<åt al-akhyår, partial ed. Samer F. Traboulsi. Beirut, 1999.

Fahåris bi°år al-anwår, 10 vols. Markaz al-diråsåt wa’l-bu°uth al-<ilmiyyah, 1992. See al-Majlisí.

Fakhr, H. M. (ed.). ‘At-Tarjumatu>z-zåhira fi firqat Bohra al-båhira: An Anonymous Tract on the History of the Bohoras’, Journal of the Bombay

Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, New Series, 16 (1940), pp. 87-98 (for an English trans. of this see Jhaveri, K. M.: A Legendary History of the

Bohras). Hafní Da>úd, ¯åmid. Naóråt fí al-kutub al-khålida. Cairo, 1399/¯akím al-Nísåbúrí, al-¯åfió Abí <Abd Allåh (d. 405/1015). al-Mustadrak

<alå ßa°i°ayn, ed. Yúsuf <Abd al-Ra°mån al-Mar<ashí. Beirut,¯åmidí, Ibråhím b. al-¯usayn (d. 557/1162). Kitåb Kanz al-walad, ed.

Mußñafå Ghålib. Wiesbaden, 1971. al-¯årithí, Mu°ammad b. Éåhir (d. 584/1188). al-Risåla al-¯åtimiyya fi’l-

radd <alå ba<ad al-måriqín fí waqt Sayyidna ¯åtim b. Ibråhím al-¯åmidí (ms. Hamdani collection).

¯asan b. Nú° al-Bharúchí (d. 939/1533). Kitåb al-Azhår, 7 vols. mss. (vol. 2 Lokhandwala coll.; vol. 3 Hamdani coll.)

al-Hindí, <Alå> al-Dín <Alí al-Muttaqí (d. 975/1568). Kanz al-<ummål fí

sunan al-aqwål wa al-af<ål. Beirut, 1409/1989.Ibn Abí al-¯adíd. Shar° Nahj al-balågha, ed. Mu°ammad Abú al-Faãl

Ibråhím. 20 vols., 2nd ed., Cairo, 1385/1965. Ibn al-Maghåzalí, <Alí b. Mu°ammad al-Jallåbí (d. 483/1090). Manåqib

<Alí b. Abí Éålib. Tehran, 1403/1982. Ibn Båbawayh, Mu°ammad b. <Alí al-Íaddúq al-Qummí (d. 381/991).

Man lå ya°ãuruhu al-faqíh, ed. ¯asan al-Músawí. 4 vols, Beirut, 1401/1981.

Ibn ̄ awshab Manßúr al-Yaman, al-¯asan b. Faraj (d. ca. 303/915) (ascribed

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lelect ninliograple

to). Kitåb al-Rushd wa>l-hidåya, ed. M. Kåmil ¯usayn, in W. Ivanow, ed., Collectanea. Leiden, 1948, vol. I, pp. 185-213. English trans., ‘The Book of Righteousness and True Guidance’, tr. W. Ivanow, in his Studies in Early Persian Ismailism. 2nd ed., Bombay, 1955, pp. 29-59.

Ibn al-Haytham, Abú <Abd Allåh al-Ja<far. Kitåb al-Munåóaråt (ed. and trans.). See under Madelung, London, 2000.

Ibn Éåwús al-¯illí, <Alí b. Múså (d. 664/1266). al-Éarå>if fí ma<rifat al-

madhhab al-ñawå>if. Qumm, 1399.____ Jamål al-usbú<, ed. Qayyúmi Jawåd, 1371 Sh./ 1992.____al-Durú< al-wåqiya. Qumm, 1414/1993Ibn al-Walíd, <Alí b. Mu°ammad (d. 612/1215). Díwån. ms. Hamdani

Collection. See De Blois, Catalogue, p. 121.Idrís <Imåd al-Dín b. al-¯asan al-Anf al-Abshamí al-Qurashí (d.

872/1468). ____ <Uyún al-akhbår, vols. 1-2, ed. A°mad Chleilat and M. Sagheriji.

Beirut-Damascus-Amman, 2007-2008.____<Uyún al-akhbår, vol. 4, ed. Mußtafå Ghålib. Beirut, 1973. ____ <Uyún al-akhbår, vol. 5, ed. Mußtafå Ghålib. Beirut, 1975. ____ <Uyún al-akhbår, vol. 6, ed. Mußtafå Ghålib. Beirut, 1974. ____ Tå>ríkh al-khulafå> al-Fåñimiyyín bi’l-Maghrib – al-qism al-khåßß min

Kitåb <Uyún al-akhbår, (vol. 5 and a part of vol. 6 of <Uyún al-akhbår), ed. Mu°ammad al-Ya<låwí. Beirut, 1985.

____ <Uyún al-akhbår, vol. 7, ed. Ayman Fu>åd Sayyid (see under Sayyid, Ayman).

____ Nuzhat al-afkår, 2 vols., mss. Hamdani Collection. See De Blois, Catalogue, pp. 137-138.

Ikhwån al-Íafå>. Raså>il Ikhwån al-Íafå>. 4 vols. Beirut, 1376/1957. See also Baffioni, Carmela; Goodman, Lenn; Wright, Owen, and De Callatäy.

Ja<far b. Manßúr al-Yaman (d. before 365/975) (ascribed to). Kitåb al-<Ālim

wa>l-ghulåm, see under Morris, J. The Master and theå>irí, al-Sayyid <Abd Allåh (d. 1180/1767). al-Tu°fat al-saniyya,

manuscript in Āstån Quds Raãawí Library, Mashhad, Iran.Khwaj b. Målik (d. 1021/1612). Majmú< al-Raså>il (in Arabic), translated in

Gujarati as Kawkab al-Falak, ms.

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tuḥfat al-qulūb

al-Kirmåní, ¯amíd al-Dín A°mad b. <Abd Allåh (d. ca. 411/1020). Kitåb

Rå°at al-<aql, ed. M. Kåmil ¯usayn and M. Mußñafå ¯ilmí. Leiden–Cairo, 1953. See also De Smet.

____al-Maßåbí° fí ithbåt al-imåma, ed. Mußñafå Ghålib. Beirut, 1416/1996. See also Paul Walker.

al-Kúfí, Furåt b. Ibråhím (d. 352/963). Tafsír Furåt al-Kúfí. Tehran, 1410/1990.

al-Kulayní, Abú Ja<far Mu°ammad b. Ya<qúb (d. 329/941). al-Ußúl min al-

kåfí, ed. <Alí Akbar al-Ghaffårí. 3rd ed., 2 vols., Tehran, 1388/1968. ____ Furú< al-kåfí, vols. 3-8 ed. Mu°ammad Ja<far Shams al-Dín. Beirut,

1413/1992.____ Partial English trans. of al-Ußúl by Sayyid Mu°ammad ¯asan Rizvi

and Sayyid Karrår ¯usayn. Karachi, 1400/1980. Ma°múdí, Mu°ammad Båqir. Nahj al-sa<åda fí mustadrak Nahj al-balågha.

Najaf, 1385/<ashí al-Tustarí, al-Sayyid Núr Allåh (d. 1019/1610). Shar° i°qåq

al-°aqq wa izhåq al-båñil, vol. 5, ed. al-Sayyid Ma°múd al-Mar<ashí. Qumm, n.d.

al-Majlisí, Mu°ammad Båqir (d. 1111/1699). Bi°år al-anwår, 110 vols. Beirut, 1403/1983.

al-Majlisī, Mu°ammad Båqir (d. 1111/1699). Bi°år al-anwår li-durar

akhbår al-a>immat al-añhår, vol. 62. Beirut, 1403/>ayyad fi’l-Dín al-Shíråzí (d. 470/1078). Díwån, ed. M. Kåmil

¯usayn, Cairo, 1949, trans. by Mohamad Adra under the title: Mount

of Knowledge, Sword of Eloquence (see under Adra, Mohamad).____ Síra, ed. M. Kåmil ¯usayn, Cairo,ßir Bi’llåh, Abú Tamím Ma<add (d. 487/1094). al-Sijillåt al-

Mustanßiriyya, ed. <Abd al-Mun<im Måjid. Cairo, 1954. al-Nå>íní, Rafí< al-Dín Mu°ammad b. ¯aydar (998-1082/1590-1672), al-

¯åshiyat <alå ußul al-Kåfí. Qumm, 1424/í, al-Shaykh Mu°ammad ¯asan (d. 1266/1850). Jawåhir al-kalåm

fí shar° sharå>i< al-Islåm, ed. al-Shakykh <Abbås al-Qúchåní. Tehran, 1367 Sh./1988.

Nåßir-i Khusraw (d. after 462/1070). Díwån, ed. Mujtabå Mínuwí and

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Mahdí Mu°aqqiq. Tehran, 1394/1974. ____ Safar-nåma, French trans. Charles Schefer, Paris, 1881; Arabic trans.

Ya°ya al-Khashshåb. Beirut, 1972. al-Naysåbúrí, A°mad b. Ibråhím (ca. 4-5th/10-11th) Ithbåt al-Imåma, see

under Lalani____Istitar al-Imåm, see under Ivanow____ al-Mújazat al-kåfiya, see under Klemm, Verenaal-Nu<mån b. Mu°ammad, al-Qåãí Abú ¯anífa al-Tamímí (d. 363/974).

Kitåb Iftitå° al-da<wa, ed. Wadåd al-Qåãí. Beirut, 1971; ed. Farhat Dachraoui. Tunis, 1975. See Haji, Hamid for translation

____ Da<å>im al-Islåm, ed. A. A. A. Fyzee, vol. 1 (3rd reprint, Cairo, 1969); vol. 2 (2nd reprint, Cairo, 1967), English trans., A. A. A. Fyzee, completely revised by I. K. Poonawala, as Pillars of Islam, 2 vols. New Delhi, 2002-2004.

____ Kitåb al-Himma fí ådåb atbå< al-a>imma, ed. M. Kåmil ¯usayn. Cairo, 1948; partial English trans. J. Muscati and A. M. Moulvi. Karachi, 1950.

____ Kitåb Ikhtilåf ußúl al-madhåhib, ed. S. T. Lokhandwala. Simla, 1972. ____ Shar° al-akhbår, ed. Mu°ammad al-¯usayní al-Jalålí, Qumm, 3 vols.

1409-1412/í (or Ibn al-Qumm), Abú <Abd Allåh al-¯usayn b. <Alí. Majmú<al-

Raså>il (Letters from the Íulay°ids to the Fatimids) ms. Hamdani Collection. See De Blois, Catalogue, pp. 91-94.

al-Shahrastānī, Mu°ammad b. <Abd al-Karīm b. Abī Bakr, (479-548/1086-1153). Kitāb al-Milal wa’l-ni°al, ed. Mu°ammad Sayyid Gīlānī. Beirut, n.d.

al-Sharíf al-Raãí, Abí al-¯asan Mu°ammad b. al-¯usayn (d. 406/1016). Khaßå>iß al-a>imma, ed. al-Amíní, Mu°ammad Hådí. Mashhad, n.d.

al-Shaykh al-Íadúq, Abí Ja<far Mu°ammad b. <Alí (d. 381/991). al-Amålí, ed. al-Bi<tha Institute. Qumm, 1417.

____Ma<åní al-akhbår, ed. al-Ghaffårí, <Alí Akbar. Qumm, 1361 Sh./ 1983.____ al-Hidåya fí ußúl wa al-furú<. Qumm, 1418.Sulñån al-Khaññåb b. al-¯asan al-¯ajúrí (d. 533/1138). Díwån, edition and

study. See under Poonawala.

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tuḥfat al-qulūb

____ Risåla fí bayån i<jåz al-Qur>ån, ed. and studied by I. K. Poonawala, in Arabica, 41 (1994), pp. 84-126.

____ Ghåyat al-Mawålíd (ms. Hamdani Collection).al-Éúsí, Abú Ja<far Mu°ammad b. al-¯asan (d. 460/1068). al-Istibßår fí ma

ukhtalifa min al-akhbår, 4 vols. Tehran, 1390/1970. Zayd b. <Alí. al-Musnad.

General Medieval Sources (Islamic and Western)al-Malik al-Ashraf <Umar, the Rasúlid Prince of Ta<izz (d. 696/1298).

Éurfat al-aß°åb fí ma<rifat al-ansåb, ed. K. W. Zetterstéen. Damascus, 1949.

al-Ahdal, Badr al-Dín Abú <Abd Allåh al-¯usayn b. <Abd al-Ra°mån. Tu°fat al-zamån fí ta>ríkh al-Yaman, ed. <Abd Allåh al-¯ibshí (see also Löfgren: Aden im Mittelalter).

al-A°ådíth al-qudsiyya min kutub al-Íi°åh al-mu<tamida. Arabic text and English translation by Ibråhím al-Selek. Beirut, 1994.

Abú Makhrama, <Abd Allåh al-Éayyib b. <Abd Allåh(d. 947/1540). Ta>ríkh

Thaghr <Adan (see O. Löfgren, Aden im Mittelalter). al-Hamdåní, Badr al-Dín Mu°ammad al-Yåmí (d. 702/1303). Kitåb al-

simñ al-ghålí al-thaman (see under Smith, G. Rex: The Ayyúbids and

Early Rasúlids in the Yemen). al-Hamdåní, Abú Mu°ammad al-¯asan b. A°mad (d. 360/970). Kitåb Íifat

Jazírat al-<Arab, ed. D. H. Müller. Leiden, 1st ed. 1884-1891 (reprint 1968), also ed. Mu°ammad b. <Alí al-Akwa. Beirut, 1973.

al-¯ujarí. Mu<jam qabå>il al-Yaman. ms. Ismå<íl al-Akwa<, Ían<å>. Ibn <Abd al-Majíd <Abd al-Båqí (d. 744/1343). Bahjat al-zamån fí tå>rikh

al-Yaman. ed. Mußñafå ¯ijåzí. Cairo, 1965. Ibn al-Dawådårí, Abú Bakr b. <Abd Allåh (d. 736/1335). Kanz al-durar wa

jåmi< al-ghurar, vol. 6, (on Fatimids), ed. Íalå° al-Dín al-Munajjid; vol. 7 (on Ayyúbids), ed. Sa<íd <Abd al-Fattå° <Āshúr. Cairo, 1961.

Ibn al-Dayba< al-Shaybåní, <Abd al-Ra°mån (d. 944/1533). Kitåb Qurrat

al-<uyún bi akhbår al-Yaman al-maymún, 2 vols. ed. Mu°ammad b. <Alí al-Akwa< al-¯iwålí. Cairo, 1954 (2nd ed. 1977).

____ al-Faãl al-mazíd <ala bughyat al-mustafíd fí akhbår zabíd, ed. Mu°ammad

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lelect ninliograple

<Isa Íali°iyya. Kuwait, 1982. Ibn al-Qalånisí, Abú Ya<lå ¯amza b. Asad (d. 555/1160). Dhayl ta>ríkh

Dimashq, ed. H. F. Amedroz. Leiden-Beirut, 1908. Ibn ¯anbal, A°mad. Musnad al-imåm A°mad ibn ¯anbal, 9 vols. Beirut,

1412/1991. Ibn Khaldún, <Abd al-Ra°mån Mu°ammad (d. 809/1406). Kitåb al-<Ibar.

Beirut, 1961; French trans. of the portion on the history of Berbers entitled Histoire des Berbères. Algiers, 1847-1851; reprint, Paris, 1978.

Ibn Khallikån, A°mad b. Mu°ammad (d. 681/1282). Wafayåt al-a<yån, 8 vols. ed. I°sån <Abbås. Beirut, 1968-1972; trans. B. M. de Slane as Ibn

Khallikån’s Biographical Dictionary, 4 vols. Paris, 1842-71; reprint, New York, 1963.

Ibn Målik al-¯ammådí, Mu°ammad (d. ca. 470/1077). Kashf asrår al-

Båñiniyya, ed. Mu°ammad Zåhid al-Kawtharí. Cairo, 1959. Ibn Manóúr, Jamal al-Dín Mu°ammad. Lisån al-<Arab, 15 vols., Beirut,

1374-1376/1955-1956.Ibn al-Mujåwir, Jamål al-Dín Yúsuf b. Ya<qúb (d. 630/1232). Íifat bilåd al-

Yaman, or Ta>ríkh al-Mustabßir ed. Oscar Löfgren. Leiden, 1951-54 (extracts in O. Löfgren’s Aden im Mittelalter).

Ibn Muyassar, Tåj al-Dín Mu°ammad b. <Alí (d. 677/1278). Akhbår Mißr, ed. H. Massé. Cairo, 1919; ed. Ayman Fu>åd Sayyid as al-Muntaqå min

Akhbår Mißr. Cairo, 1981. Ibn Samura al-Ja<dí, <Umar b. <Alí (d. after 586/1190). Éabaqåt fuqahå> al-

Yaman, ed. Fu>åd Sayyid. Cairo, 1957. Ibn al-Íayrafí Abu’l-Qåsim <Alí b. Munjib (d. 521/1127). al-Qånún fí

díwån al-raså>il, ed. <Alí Bahjat. Cairo, 1905. ____ al-Ishåra ilå man nåla al-wizåra, ed. A. Mukhliß. Cairo, 1924. ____ al-Qånún fí díwån al-raså>il wa>l-Ishåra ilå man nåla al-wizåra, ed.

Ayman Fu>åd Sayyid. Cairo, 1990; French trans. by H. Massé as Ibn Çaïrafi, ‘Code de la chancellerie d’état (Période Fatimide)’, Bulletin

de l’Institut Français d’Archéologie Orientale du Caire, 11 (1914), pp. 65-120.

Ibn Taghríbirdí, Abu’l-Ma°åsin Yúsuf (d. 874/1470). al-Nujúm al-zåhira fí

mulúk Mißr wa’l-Qåhira, 12 vols. Cairo, 1929-1955.

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Ibn Ẓåfir al-Azdí, Jamål al-Dín <Alí (d. 613/1216). Akhbår al-duwal al-

munqañi<a, section on Fatimids, ed. by André Ferré. Cairo, 1972. Ja<far b. Manßúr al-Yaman. Kitåb al-<Ālim wa’l-ghulåm, trans. by James W.

Morris as The Master and the Disciple: An Early Islamic Spritual Dialogue. London, 2001.

al-Janadí, Bahå> al-Dín Abú <Abd Allåh Mu°ammad b. Yúsuf. al-Sulúk fí

ñabaqåt al-<ulamå wa’l-mulúk, ed. Mu°ammad b. <Alí b. al-¯usayn al-Akwa<. Ían<å>, n.d.

____ Akhbår al-Qaråmiña bi>l-Yaman (a section from al-Sulúk), ed. ¯asan Sulaymån Ma°múd along with <Umåra’s Ta>ríkh al-Yaman, and is translated in Kay’s Yaman (see also O. Löfgren in Aden im Mittelalter).

al-Khazrají, Muwaffaq al-Dín <Alí b. al-¯asan (d. 812/1410). al-Kifåya

wa>l-i<låm fí man waliya al-Yaman wa sakanaha min mulúk al-Islåm (ms. Khuda Bakhsh Library, Patna, India, microfilm in Arab League Library, Cairo, no. 1182).

____ al-<Uqúd al-Lu>lu>iyya, ed. Redhouse. Leiden-London, 1906-1908. al-Maqrízí, Taqí al-Dín A°mad b. <Alí (d. 845/1442). al-Khiñañ (= al-

Mawå<ió wa>l-i<tibår bi dhikr al-khiñañ wa>l-åthår, 2 vols. Cairo, Búlåq, 1270/1853-54; edition of the Musawada (autograph copy) by Ayman Fu>åd Sayyid. London, 1995.

____ French trans. of parts 3 and 4 of al-Khiñañ by Paul Casanova in Mémoires

publiés par les membres de l’Institut Français d’Archéologie Orientale du Caire (1906-1920).

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