selamat tahun baru 2009!

erita Boustead October - December 2008 For internal circulation only Royale Bintang KL presents Raya cake to Yang di-Pertuan Agong pg 3 PV5 is now 'Kapal Ronda TLDM Kelantan' pg 6 Selamat Tahun Baru 2009!

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Page 1: Selamat Tahun Baru 2009!

eritaBousteadOctober - December 2008

For internal circulation only

Royale Bintang KLpresents Raya cake to

Yang di-Pertuan Agongpg 3

PV5 is now'Kapal RondaTLDM Kelantan'pg 6

Selamat Tahun Baru2009!

Page 2: Selamat Tahun Baru 2009!

Dear fellow Bousteadians,

As I pen these few words to you, I recalled my message in the previous Berita Boustead and indeed since then, the world’s financial market and dare I say financial structure continues to spiral down.

Alhamdulillah, the Boustead Group remains resilient and continues to weather this storm. For the first nine-months of this very choppy financial year, we recorded an unaudited profit before tax of RM658 million on the back of a turnover of RM5.8 billion, compared with the corresponding period for the previous financial year’s profit of RM502 million. This significant jump in profit before tax represents an increase of 31% on a year-on-year basis. We would not have been able to achieve such strong results if not for the diversified nature of our Group. Our current earnings structure places us in a strong position as our revenue is not pegged to any one particular sector. The current volatile economic landscape has also brought into focus the need for greater risk management. With market conditions the way it is, we are left with little room for complacency towards risk management. I urge all fellow Boustedians to take greater care with this matter. We must maximise our strengths and minimise our weaknesses now more than ever. With the global economy set to experience another challenging year, this has only emphasised the need for each department to review its expenditure to operate in a cost-effective manner. Adopting these measures will ensure optimal management of our resources and will enable the Group to enjoy sustained growth for the coming year. Before I conclude, I am confident our results for the final quarter of this financial year will help us close this year on a very strong note. As we look towards next year, we must remain strong, creative and diligent to overcome the challenges that will come our way. Last but not least, I would like to wish all of you a very happy New Year. May 2009 find you in good spirits and bring many opportunities your way.



YBhg Tan Sri Dato’ Lodin Wok Kamaruddin

Staf Boustead yang dihargai,

Ketika menulis perutusan ini kepada anda, saya teringat kepada pesanan saya di dalam Berita Boustead sebelum ini dan sesungguhnya tidak lama kemudian, pasaran kewangan dunia dan berani saya berkata struktur kewangan terus merosot. Alhamdulillah, Kumpulan Boustead sentiasa teguh dan mampu bertahan mengharungi keadaan ini. Bagi sembilan bulan pertama tahun kewangan yang sukar ini, kita telah mencatatkan keuntungan sebelum cukai yang belum diaudit sebanyak RM658 juta di atas perolehan sebanyak RM5.8 bilion, berbanding RM502 juta dalam tempoh yang sama pada tahun sebelumnya. Kenaikan ketara dalam keuntungan sebelum cukai ini mencerminkan peningkatan sebanyak 31% berdasarkan tahun ke tahun. Kita tidak mungkin dapat mencapai keputusan yang amat baik ini sekiranya bukan kerana kegiatan Kumpulan kita yang pelbagai. Struktur perolehan kita pada masa ini membolehkan kita berada dalam keadaan kukuh kerana pendapatan kita tidak terhad kepada satu sektor tertentu sahaja. Keadaan ekonomi yang bergolak hebat pada masa ini juga telah membawa perhatian kita kepada pentingnya pengurusan risiko yang lebih tinggi. Dengan keadaan pasaran yang sebegini, kita tidak boleh berasa puas hati terhadap pengurusan risiko kita. Saya menyeru agar semua staf Boustead memberi lebih perhatian terhadap perkara ini. Kita perlu memaksimumkan kekuatan kita dan mengurangkan kelemahan kita lebih-lebih lagi pada masa ini. Dengan ekonomi global yang bakal menghadapi satu lagi tahun yang mencabar, setiap jabatan perlulah mengkaji semula perbelanjaannya agar dapat beroperasi secara kos efektif lagi. Langkah-langkah yang diambil ini, dapat memastikan agar sumber-sumber kita dapat diurus secara optima. Ini membolehkan Kumpulan menikmati pertumbuhan berterusan untuk tahun yang akan datang. Sebelum mengakhiri perutusan ini, saya yakin keputusan bagi suku akhir tahun kewangan ini dapat membantu kita mengakhiri tahun ini dengan baik sekali. Dalam menyambut tahun baru, kita mestilah sentiasa kuat, kreatif dan tekun bagi menghadapi cabaran-cabaran yang akan kita tempuhi. Akhir sekali, saya ingin mengucapkan Selamat Tahun Baru kepada anda semua. Semoga tahun 2009 membuat anda lebih bersemangat dan membuka lebih banyak peluang untuk anda.

Page 3: Selamat Tahun Baru 2009!

Royale Bintang KLpresents Raya cake toYang di-Pertuan Agong

Al-Hadharah Boustead REIT held its first Unitholders’ Meeting on 9 December 2008 at the Conference Room, 4th Floor, Menara Boustead. The meeting was chaired by Tn Hj

Kamaludin Abdul Kadir, an independent Director of Boustead REIT Managers Sdn Bhd, being the Manager of Al-Hadharah Boustead REIT. Several questions and issues were raised by the unitholders during the meeting. The Unitholders’ Meeting saw all resolutions put forward being passed by the unitholders. These resolutions include the Proposed Acquisition and Lease, Proposed Issuance of Consideration Units, Increase in Al-Hadharah Boustead REIT ‘s Fund Size and Proposed General Mandate to issue additional units.

Boustead Holdings Berhad recently held an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) to obtain its shareholders’ approval in relation to the proposed disposal of its plantation assets. The

EGM was held on 9 December 2008 at the Conference Room, 4th Floor, Menara Boustead.

At the EGM, shareholders approved the proposed disposal of the plantation assets comprising Malakoff and Bebar estates for RM188.8 million to the Al-Hadharah Boustead REIT and the subsequent lease of the estates to Boustead Plantations Berhad. The sale would be paid through cash and issuance of consideration units.

With the injection of the two estates, Al-Hadharah Boustead REIT’s existing asset portfolio would increase from 12,680 hectares to 16,420 hectares and its investment properties portfolio value would increase to RM805 million. Boustead’s current unit holding in the REIT would rise to 337 million units or 60.5%, from 53.4%.

The Royale Bintang Kuala Lumpur recently presented a symbolic cake of ‘lemang’ to His Majesty Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong, Tuanku

Mizan Zainal Abidin and Her Majesty Seri Paduka Baginda Raja Permaisuri Agong, Tuanku Nur Zahirah in conjunction with the Hari Raya Aidil Fitri.

Represented the hotel during the cake presentation ceremony at the Istana Hotel on 29 September 2008 were Mr Leo Kuscher, The Royale Chulan Kuala Lumpur's General Manager, Ms Suzanne Lim, Group Marketing Communications Manager and Chef Azmi Mohd T’eh, Executive Chef Raja - Pastry Chef De Partie.

Al-HadharahBoustead REIT's Unitholders’ Meeting

Representatives from The Royale Chulan Kuala Lumpur with the masterpiece.Left to right: Siti Sapiah, Senior Sales Manager, Chef Azmi and Kuscher

The unitholders’ meeting in session

Boustead holds EGM to get shareholders’ nodfor disposal of plantation assets

A shareholder seeking clarification on an issue

Page 4: Selamat Tahun Baru 2009!

PASSIONS special feature

PASSIONS spoke with the Group Managing Director of one of Malaysia’s oldest conglomerates, Boustead Holdings Berhad, Tan Sri Dato’ Lodin Wok Kamaruddin, on his hopes and aspirations for the future of Malaysia. The veteran businessman who also serves as the Managing Director of Aff in Holdings Berhad and the Chief Executive of Lembaga Tabung Angkatan Tentera (LTAT – The Armed Forces Provident Fund) among many others, was eloquently expressive, in the dignif ied, soft spoken mannerisms of a truly cultured man.

When we asked him the first question, “What

does it feel like to be a Malaysian today?”

Tan Sri Lodin gave us a smile, and immediately

replied, “I’ve always been proud to be a Malaysian because it’s

a wonderful country, with great weather, clean environment,

a diversity of race and culture, and people living in peace and

harmony, which makes the country interesting.” He stressed

that Malaysia is a land of opportunity, and that it depends on

whether the people “want to take advantage and make full

use of the opportunity available to them.”

Tan Sri Lodin explained that as “our forefathers have laid a

good foundation,” Malaysia has become “a peaceful, stable

country, and it’s easy for people to earn a living here.” With the

various programmes and incentives offered and the essential

stability of the country, Malaysia has certainly managed to

attract the investments of a lot of foreign investors.

In an interview with the PASSIONS magazine recently,

our Group Managing Director spoke on his hopes and

aspirations for the future of Malaysia which he would

like to share with all Bousteadians. This special feature

in Berita Boustead is reprinted courtesy of PASSIONS

magazine – ‘For Those Who Lead Extraordinary Lives.’

Page 5: Selamat Tahun Baru 2009!

“But of course, with such diversity, there’s bound to be challenges. It is prevalent in every country in the world. If we don’t face these kinds of challenges, it won’t be exciting.” He mentions that the people have to decide on these matters as they have to “go the extra mile to make sure that the country continues to progress steadily” and “continue to carry on the established foundation our forefathers have left us, as it is up to the newer generations to plan and map out the future, and then act on it.”

“We have to adapt to the new environment – the global environment – and we can’t run away from that. I think that there are many innovations brought in by foreign investors and visitors which are considered new to us. Our people are now exposed to a lot of cultures and system of values that were previously foreign to us in the past, but we have to learn how to adapt and accept this type of change for us to be a part of the global system. And I view this as a positive development. We must – at every opportunity – take advantage of it and thrive on it to make our country stronger and more resilient to any global changes. In this way, we will be assured of our place in the global system.”

“I’m quite concerned about the gap between the rich and the poor. I think this is an issue we have to address, if we want a good and peaceful country. We must make sure that the gap between the haves and the have-nots is narrowed for the middle class to thrive. The spirit of ‘Malaysia Boleh,’ our peace and harmony must be maintained,” says Tan Sri Lodin when asked which issues Malaysia should address.

For the advancement of the country, Tan Sri Lodin opines that “there must be a lot of give and take, and a lot of compromise. We have to get the new generation to understand how to live in harmony with one another. And although it’s not easy to get all the different races and cultures in Malaysia to live in the same country peacefully and harmoniously, we have to try. Our forefathers were very successful in doing that, and there’s no reason why we cannot continue.”

“To be an economic superpower in Asia, we have to first convince foreign investors that Malaysia is a stable and peaceful country. Secondly, we have to convince them that our people are resilient, in the sense that they have a competent understanding of technological advancement, communication skills and work skills. We have to make sure that Malaysia gives more emphasis on quality of work, and communication skills such as the ability to speak English fluently and communicate well, which can put us ahead of others.”

“Universities also play an important role in providing education and a qualified workforce for the economy. For the last ten to fifteen years, you see a lot of new universities being established, and this development is not only confined to the Klang Valley. Now it is being spread out in all parts of Malaysia, which is good. Previously, the emphasis was on quantity, but of late the focus has been more on the quality, so we’ll be able to generate high quality graduates in the market, and that will make a difference. The future generation and the generation now are skilled, intelligent, focused and fluent in the English language. And the fact that the government has also allowed good foreign universities to be set up in our country, for example, the University of Nottingham – it’s a good step in trying to establish a good standard and a good benchmark for all the local universities here.”

“Foreign investors would like to see stability and continuity in place. As I said, we do face hiccups here and there, but this is part of the growing process. One thing good about Malaysia is that we recognise our shortcomings and we have got farsighted, visionary leaders who recognise all these issues, and are taking steps to resolve them.”

Tan Sri Lodin hopes for every Malaysian to have their own home and a decent job, “to love their country and be able to live in harmony, help each other in times of need, understand and appreciate each others’ values, cultures and religious differences, and to accept that as part and parcel of the Malaysian community.”

Tan Sri Lodin is an old school Malaysian from the true golden era of Malaysian values, where impeccable mannerisms, oodles of class and dignity, passion and a heart warm enough

to encompass concern for the entire nation, are just everyday values. As such, interviewing him was not just a pleasure, it promptly made our day.

He doesn’t smile easily, but when he does, it lifts your heart a little and the room seems brighter. Was the impression given merely because he is Tan Sri Dato' Lodin Wok Kamaruddin, Group Managing Director of one of Malaysia’s oldest conglomerates, Boustead Holdings Berhad? No.

We believe it’s because it’s not everyday you meet a powerful, important man who transcends the “I am here – you are there” boundary and speaks simply, eloquently and with so much genuine

sincerity and passion for a country that he obviously loves so very dearly.

He concluded the interview with a prayer for all Malaysians, “I always pray and hope forthis country to remain peaceful and stable, and for all of us to benefit, not just a particular

group, but the whole society. The cake is big – let’s grow it and share it well among allof the citizens of this country.”

Beautifully put, Tan Sri. And PASSIONS joins you in that same prayer for a strong, capable, and happy Malaysia that will know no bounds in her quest to be all that she can be.

Page 6: Selamat Tahun Baru 2009!

Boustead Emastulin Sdn Bhd recently signed an agreement with Chery Alado Automobile Sdn Bhd, a local distributor of Chery cars in Malaysia, on 10 November 2008 to be its dealer.

Under this agreement, Boustead Emastulin will distribute Chery MPV and SUV models namely, Chery Eastar and Chery Tiggo respectively in the Klang Valley.

“We have great confidence in the China-made cars and hope that the appointment will add value to our bottom line soon,” said its Executive Director, En Rahim Mohd Som.

Founded in 1997, Chery has grown to become a major player and ranked fourth in China in both 2006 and 2007, third in 2008, and now holds a 7.5% market share in the expanding and highly competitive Chinese passenger vehicle market.

On 24 November 2008, Boustead Naval Shipyard Sdn Bhd (BN Shipyard) was honoured to have the presence of KDYMM Al-Sultan Kelantan, Tuanku Ismail Petra Ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Yahya Petra and

DYMM Raja Perempuan Kelantan Tengku Anis Binti Almarhum Tengku Abdul Hamid for the Naming Ceremony of PV5 (Patrol Vessel 5).

The Naming Ceremony is a part of the naval tradition to commemorate the naming of a ship. The highlight of the PV5 Naming Ceremony was when Raja Perempuan Kelantan declared the name of PV5 as ‘Kapal Ronda TLDM Kelantan,’ and turned the ship wheel to signify the moment. A labu sayong filled with 'yassin' water was released to hit the ship’s bow, bathing the ship with the holy water. The Royal Malaysian Navy band played the brass band music, and the ship was showered with the release of confetti and colourful fireworks. The PV5 Naming Ceremony was a culmination of the combined efforts of both the Royal Malaysian Navy and our dedicated staff. BN Shipyard’s Group Managing Director, YBhg Dato’ Seri Ahmad Ramli Mohd Nor said, “the naming event is significant as it represents yet another milestone of our ability to deliver the patrol vessel despite the hurdles faced.”

PV5 is now'Kapal Ronda TLDM Kelantan'

Distinguished guests admiring a model of the Kapal Ronda TLDM Kelantan

Boustead Emastulin appointed dealer for Chery cars


The ship being showered with

confetti and colourful fireworks

Press conference in session

The committed and dedicated team behind the successful event

Page 7: Selamat Tahun Baru 2009!

Director'sProfile YBhg Laksamana Madya Dato' Seri Ahmad RamliHaji Mohd Nor (R)

at Federal and State levels, and also international recognition including Legion of Merit (Degree of Commander) from the United States in 1997, the Royal Government of Thailand, the Knight Grand Cross (First Class) in 1998, and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, the Hilal-I-Imtiaz in 1998.

• Led the successful restructuring exercise of Boustead Heavy Industries Corporation Berhad (formerly known as PSC Industries Berhad) which was completed in August 2007.

• Led Boustead Naval Shipyard Sdn Bhd to resume the construction and subsequently the successful delivery of the first and second patrol vessels to the Royal Malaysian Navy.

WORK ATTITUDE AND LEADERSHIP• “Leadership is important, but without teamwork,

success cannot be achieved.”• “To command respect, integrity is important in a

leader.”• “As a leader, I would rather have my team to work

with me, and not for me.”• “I believe in giving everyone another opportunity to

prove themselves, but they must ensure they do not disappoint the trust placed in them.”

HOPES AND ASPIRATIONS• To transform the Heavy Industries Division into a

leader in the maritime industry.• To develop our human capital in all aspects, not only

for our benefit, but also for the nation.

MEMORABLE WORKING EXPERIENCE• Dealing with numerous parties during the

restructuring exercise of Boustead Heavy Industries Corporation and Boustead Naval Shipyard. “It was not easy to deal with the lenders, suppliers, employees and clients at first, but I am grateful they place their trust in us (Boustead) and supported our team.”

INGREDIENT FOR SUCCESS• "There is much to gain in humility, and much to

loose due to arrogance."

There is much to gain in humility, and much to loose due to arrogance

Boustead Emastulin appointed dealer for Chery cars

QUALIFICATIONReceived training at the Britannia Royal Naval College in Dartmouth, United Kingdom. A graduate of the Indonesian Naval Staff College and Naval War College in the United States. Attended the Naval Post Graduate School in Monterey, the United States.

Holds a Master in Public Administration from Harvard University.


CURRENT POSITIONExecutive Deputy Chairman/Group Managing Director - Boustead Heavy Industries Group NATURE OF JOBLeadership role for the Heavy Industries Division of the Boustead Group, which encompasses shipbuilding, ship repair, heavy engineering (including oil & gas fabrication) and defence-related businesses.

WORKING EXPERIENCE & OCCUPATIONMore than 34 years of service with the Royal Malaysian Navy, retiring from the service as the Chief of Navy in October 1998.

Major Military Appointments:Director, National Maritime Enforcement and Coordinating Centre, Prime Minister's Department 1987 – 1991Deputy Chief of Navy 1991 – 1994Fleet Operation Commander 1994 – 1995Deputy Chief of Navy 1995Chief of Navy 1995

Serves as a member of the Board of Directors in both private and public companies including Boustead Heavy Industries Corporation Berhad, Boustead Naval Shipyard Sdn Bhd, Affin Bank Berhad, Affin Islamic Bank Berhad, Muhibbah Engineering Berhad, Favelle Favco Berhad and Comintel Corporation Berhad.

Presently the Chairman of Maritime Institute of Malaysia, the Chairman of Association of Marine Industries of Malaysia, Deputy President of the Harvard Club of Malaysia.

ACHIEVEMENTS • Appointed as the Chief of Navy in 1995.• While in the military service, received various awards, both

Page 8: Selamat Tahun Baru 2009!

BHPetrol launched its first 24-hour convenience store ‘BHP Mart’ on 9 December 2008 at Dataran Sunway in Kota Damansara, in an effort to always be at the forefront of customer service

and satisfaction.

The ‘one-stop centre’ convenience store that is independent of a service station is meant to serve the surrounding community and provide after hours convenience for the public.

BHPetrol’s Managing Director, Mr Tan Kim Thiam said that BHPetrol was the first petroleum company that embarked on such concept to further boosts its branding as well as getting closer to its community.

Apart from tidbits, magazines, food and chilled beverages, the one-stop centre will also provide value-added services such as Poslink

The infiniti fuel by BHPetrol has won thumbs up in a recent independent survey conducted with 60 drivers.

All the participants who took part in the X-Factor Fuel Challenge last June 2008 were more than satisfied with the performance of the ‘X fuel.’ 95% enjoyed better mileage while 93% experienced smoother driving.

One of the participants in the focus group survey, Yvonne Lim, a Counsellor, said she achieved more mileage than she usually did and experienced smoother driving condition.

In addition, 87% of the drivers felt that they were using a premium grade petrol and 85% believed that the petrol enhanced the performance of their vehicle.

Another survey participant, Muhamad Syawal Abu Hassan, an Engineer, said he felt an almost immediate change with the performance of his car. “It was as if I was using a premium grade petrol,” he said.

Mastura Mokhtar, an Administrative Officer said she also experienced better mileage and the driving felt smoother.

“Despite driving a 5-year old car, I felt my car running effortlessly and I truly enjoyed using the petrol,” she said.

BHPetrol’s Managing Director, Mr Tan Kim Thiam said BHPetrol would continue to evolve and upgrade its products and services to meet the demands of today’s consumers who wanted more innovative products that made life simpler for them.

“Today’s event marked another milestone for BHPetrol as the results of the blind test clearly demonstrate the company’s commitment to be technically superior,” he said. “We are excited that the results of the blind test reflect our commitment to creating a more advanced fuel that offers more mileage, improves the engine’s performance and responsiveness and reduces engine noise,” Tan added.

So, if you think you are using a superior fuel and satisfied with its performance and mileage – think again. Perhaps it is time to try our infiniti by BHPetrol and experience the difference for yourself!

*The survey was conducted by an independent party and was verified by an international auditing firm.

BHP Mart offers convenience andvalue added services for its community

infinitidrives performance and fuel economy

Participants going through the survey form

Tan and James Koo, GM Retail seen inside the newly launched BHP Mart

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BHP Mart offers convenience andvalue added services for its community

postal services, e-Pay reload, Touch&Go services, ATMs etc. There will be a fresh snacks corner where customers can get freshly made breads, pastries and hot drinks for a quick refreshments or light meal.

Customers can also pay their electricity, water, telephone and mobile phone bills. Other services provided are insurance and road tax, photocopy, fax services, printing and lamination. These services are provided from 8.00am until 9.30pm daily.

BHPetrol eCard users can also redeem their points for some selected items, on-the-spot at BHP Mart.

Senior management staff and guests reciting the Safety ‘Ikrar’

SIRIM presents UAC with safety certifications

Puzi Ramlan, the Management Representative (MR) who highlighted the need for all employees to have a safe and healthy working environment. The event continued with a speech by UAC’s Chief Executive Officer/Managing Director, Mr Koo Hock Fee. On behalf of the Board of Directors, Mr Koo conveyed his appreciation to all employees who have worked hard in the preparation of the manuals, procedures etc. He also emphasised the company’s commitment to safety and that the certifications were the reflection of the company’s successful implementation of the safety systems.

13 August 2008 was an eventful day for UAC Berhad when SIRIM QAS International Sdn Bhd officially presented the OHSAS 18001:2007 and MS 1722:2005 certifications to the company. The presentation ceremony was held at the company’s factory in Ipoh, Perak. About 150 employees within the Group assembled at the Crating Bay at about 3.00pm, all smartly dressed in t-shirt themed ‘Live Healthy Work Safely.’ Several representatives from Menara UAC, Petaling Jaya as well as UAC Steel, Shah Alam were also invited to witness the ceremony. The event kicked off with a ‘doa’ recital by En Abdul Halim Ramli from Sheet Finishing, followed by an opening address by Tn Hj Mohd

BHP Mart’s one stop service pointA fresh snacks corner

Koo receiving the safety certificate from Mohd Azam Md Yunus of SIRIM

Koo unveiling a backdrop to officiate the event

Page 10: Selamat Tahun Baru 2009!

There are many requirements that one needs to fulfil in order to be called a Chartered Accountant. Two of the

most important requirements are 1) to obtain a qualification from a professional accountancy body; and 2) to obtain at least three years of working experience before one will be accepted as a member of the professional accountancy body.

In Malaysia, it is a rare chance that one can be accepted into a tailor-made programme where one can fulfill both requirements concurrently.

The HistoryIt was in 1993 when the Boustead Holdings Berhad (BHB) Accountant Trainee Programme was initiated to offer the Group’s resources to train accounting professionals, thus contributing towards the Group’s requirements and nation building at large. The programme, which was spearheaded by the Goup’s Director of Financial Services, Mr Daniel Ebinesan, have accepted 43 trainees into the programme since its commencement, with pioneer trainees now heading the finance department in various subsidiaries. According to Mr Daniel, the Group had

hardly hired accountants from outside in the last ten years as most positions have been filled internally.

The ProgrammeBHB Accountant Trainee Programme offers its trainees a chance to pursue a professional accountancy course from either The Malaysian Institute of Certified Public Accountant (MICPA), The Chartered Institute of Management Accountant (CIMA) or the recently added The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW). Selected trainees are expected to complete the assigned courses within a three-year period whilst going through a series of on-the job training attachments with various Group subsidiaries.

The RequirementsTo be selected, one needs to fulfill a certain set of criteria. A minimum of a Second Class Upper Honours Degree or equivalent from a recognised university is a must. However, only the cream of the cream, First Class Degree holders could be considered for the ICAEW programme.

As a programme that envisage grooming trainees into future leaders of Boustead, only candidates with excellent interpersonal and communication skills, leadership potential, adaptability and resourceful attributes are admitted.

The AttributesWhat sets the Group’s programme apart from a training attachment with an audit firm is that it exposes the trainees with actual accounting experiences and not just limited to theories alone. Under this programme, all trainees are expected to undertake hands on accounting responsibilities such as financial reporting, management accounting, taxation, business exposures and much more that will in turn assist them to understand their professional courses and appreciate the qualification better. Apart from that, the trainees will also be able to interact with people of all levels in the Group which will help them to value the importance of humility and teamwork. Through this channel, the trainees are able to sharpen their people skills, a 'soft' aptitude which is essential in climbing up the management ladder.

The Accountant Trainee ProgrammeThe Accountant Trainee Programme

A group photo






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The Accountant Trainee ProgrammeThe Accountant Trainee Programme

A group photo


In addition to that, the trainees are also exposed to the Group’s Senior Management level. This, by far, carries the biggest value of the programme since one can rarely experience interacting with Senior Management in other big organisations. This exposes the trainees with opportunities to acquire the required management skills and leadership abilities to assist them in their future development with the Group.

The mentoring system is another feature of the programme that is beneficial for the development of the trainees. A mentor is assigned to a group of trainees to oversee their studies and career development. Mentors, who are usually the Senior Finance Heads, are responsible to assist, motivate and guide the trainees to achieve the programme’s objectives. Ms Josephine Wong, Mr Peramjeet Singh, Ms Cheah Swee Choo and Ms Goh Sup Chien were the selected mentors that had been the backbone of the past batches of the Accountant Trainee Programme.

Moving forward, Mr Daniel aspires for the senior batch of the programme to continue the mentoring tradition by taking on the role as mentors for the junior trainees. This in turn will brush up their leadership skills and will also enable them to pass on the valuable experience that they have acquired throughout the programme.

The ProductsThe BHB Accountant Trainee Programme has produced good quality finance heads and accountants that are currently serving various Group subsidiaries. These seniors have been with the Group for over 13 years and are mostly Grade E Managers.

They are:• Adzli Shaferul Ramli, Group Accountant, BHB• Ng Foong Khen, Finance Manager, BHB• Noorulhadi Mohamed, Manager - Financial Solutions, BHB• Norlymalis Jazmi Kamaruddin, Head of Finance, Boustead Curve Sdn

Bhd• Mohamad Mahazir Mustaffa, Finance & Administration Manager,

Boustead Engineering Sdn Bhd• Nazri Suhaimie Mohd Nasir, Finance & Administration Manager, Boustead

Shipping Agencies Sdn Bhd• Syarifah Nadia Syed Abdul Rahman, Finance & Administration Manager,

Boustead Travel Services Sdn Bhd

The OutlookThe Group will continue to recruit trainees for the programme in order to ensure the continuity of the accountant succession plan.

However, the career and development prospect for the trainees does not end there. Mr Daniel has shared the management’s plan to create another programme, The General Management Programme, whereby the senior trainees from the Accountant Trainee Programme will be trained to acquire the required management and leadership skills in order to take over as leaders of the Boustead Group. And that, my friend, is the icing on the cake!


What do you think of Boustead’s move in introducing the programme?

Boustead deserves recognition and praise with regard to these training programmes. Very few organisations have the foresight and vision to see that investing in the training of professionals will result in future benefits for the company.

Teo - Management Trainee, ICAEW Programme

It’s a good move because it provides good accounting trainings and give us diverse knowledge and experience in many areas of the business. CIMA even recommended Boustead to me and that’s why I’m here!

Nik Masleen - Management Trainee, CIMA Programme

What are the challenges faced while you were in the programme?

Of course it was not easy to juggle between work, study, family and leisure. You need to be mentally, emotionally and physically strong. Also, you need to discipline yourself to ensure that revision are done regularly and not at the very last minute.

Jazmi - Finance Manager, Boustead Curve

What are your views of the programme?

Personally, I'm satisfied that I'm leaving something behind for the Group, the future accountants - the good qualified accountants as a legacy.

It is like a student-teacher feeling. I feel good and proud every time I see trainees passing exams and come to see me to thank me.

Mr Daniel Ebinesan - Director, Financial Services

To what extent has Boustead Holdings Berhad’s Accountant Trainee Programme helped you in your career development?

Apart from the generous financial backing, I feel one of the most important parts of this programme is its mentors. Currently, I have two of the best in Ms Josephine and En Adzli. I learn a lot from them everyday. I also have to credit my previous mentor, En Mahazir, and thank Mr Daniel Ebinesan for giving me this tremendous opportunity. I know I can really grow as an employee and as a person in this programme.

Fazril - Management Trainee, MICPA Programme

In what way has the programme helped you with your current job/responsibilities?

After having been to several subsidiaries, you learn a lot from many different people. This invaluable knowledge, apart from the paper qualification gained, will broaden your view which will assist you in your job.

Syarifah Nadia - Finance Manager anda Qualif ied Accountant (CIMA)

What is the most memorable experience you had during your tenure as a mentor for the programme?

There are a lot of happy memories, especially when one of my trainees passes a paper or qualifies to become a member of a professional body. News of marriages as well as the birth of their children, promotions and praises always bring a smile to my face.

Mr Peramjeet Singh - Senior General Manager, Finance and Mentor

Daniel sharing some valuable insights about his own accounting experience with his team

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Boustead Plantations Sabah


About 770 Bousteadians from the Plantation Division, Group Internal Audit and Boustead Naval Shipyard

Sdn Bhd and their families attended the Boustead Plantations Sabah 'Family Day' held in Kundasang on 9 - 10 August 2008. Also present to officiate the two-day event was our Group Managing Director, YBhg Tan Sri Dato’ Lodin Wok Kamaruddin. We kicked off the first day with a barbeque at the Perkasa Hotel where we stayed. Even though it rained lightly, Bousteadians and their families enjoyed the food and the cultural show presented by the Kundasang local community. Our second day started with a senamrobik at 6.30am, followed by the main event. About 25 family games were organised and participated well by Bousteadians and their families. At the end of the games, Tawau Region emerged as the overall champion.

All-you-can-eat dinner

Registration prior to ‘senamrobik’

"I like to move it move it!"

Tan Sri Lodin officiates the event with a balloon release

Family Day 2008Family Day 2008

Participants getting ready for the giant ‘terompah’ walk

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“Never gonna give up!”


As part of our corporate social responsibility, we donated a sum of RM5,000 to the Headmaster of SK Kundasang school as our appreciation to the local community for allowing us to organise the family day in their area. On behalf of Boustead Plantations Berhad, we would like to congratulate the Chairman of the Family Day Committee, Tn Hj Omar Hasan and his hardworking team for a well-organised event.

“Let’s test our strength in this tug of war game!”

“Get out of my way or you’ll get hit by the coconut!”

“Yahoo, at least something to bring back home!”

Egg throwing-catching game

"Don't forget to leap like a frog!"

“Let’s see who can hit the bull-eye’s first!”

Kids having fun with a balloon game

Tan Sri Lodin presenting a mock cheque toSK Kundasang school's Headmaster

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On 25 July 2008, 22 staff from Group Internal Audit, Boustead Holdings Berhad departed from Menara Boustead to KLIA for a team building trip to Chiang Mai, Thailand.

Our journey to Chiang Mai by flight took about 2 hours and 50 minutes. Upon arrival at the Chiang Mai Airport, we were welcomed with a warm smile and greetings of ‘savadika.’ Thereafter, a local tour leader by the name of Mr Happy took us on a bus tour around the 700-year old city with a home population of 300,000. The city, located in the northern province of Thailand is surrounded by hills, mountains, old properties, monuments and temples.

Our first day tour started with a temple visit to the famous Wat Phra That, built in 1383 atop Doi Suthep, the mountain that overlooks the city from the west. From the peak, 3,500 feet above sea level you can be blessed with an impressive panoramic view of the Ping River Valley with its city and airport. For us, it was truly a new experience to explore and enjoy the beautiful sceneries and sites offered by Doi Suthep Mountain. After the tour, we checked in at Porping Tower Hotel.

In the evening, we proceeded to Khum Khantoke for a Northern Thai dinner followed by an entertainment of colourful cultural shows.

The next following day, we made a tour to Mai Sa Camp, well known for its elephant show and popular waterfall. There are 29 elephants in Mai Sa Camp and each of them is given a name for identification purpose by the trainers.

In the camp we visited the place where the elephants are fed. Many of our team members took this opportunity to feed the elephants with bananas and take some photographs. The team also visited the place where the trainers bathe the elephants daily at a nearby stream.

Next, we went to see an elephant show. It was surprising to many of us that these smart

animals can even draw pictures of plants and trees with flowers.

Our next destination for the day was the Orchid Farm. As we entered the Orchid Farm, we were overwhelmed with the hundreds of species of orchids with rare and colourful blooms.

Later after lunch at Fong Ming Restaurant, we proceeded to several handicraft home industries in the province of Chiang Mai including Shinawatra, Thailand’s longest established hand woven silk factory. Here we were able to see the silk weaving process and do some shopping at the silk, wood carving, silver and lacquer sections.

We continued our journey from Shinawatra to another place where paper umbrellas are made. We were briefed and shown on the actual process of making paper umbrellas.

Our last stop for the day was at the Gems Gallery, the world’s biggest jewellery store in Thailand. Once there, we were escorted to the Slide Multivision Room to watch on

Group Internal Audit team posing with a

Thai Cultural dancer at Khum Khantoke

Elephants feeding time

A group photo

Group Internal Audit


Team BuildingChiang Mai, ThailandTeam BuildingChiang Mai, Thailand

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screen how these precious stones are mined and extracted from the earth. A short tour was given to us by the Gallery staff in the production floor, explaining to us on how these precious stones are cut into various sizes and shapes using machines and tools before they are turned to finished gem stones.

After visiting Gems Gallery, we proceeded to our hotel for our team building activities. Several games had been organised for us such as catching water balloons with a piece of cloth, swapping places among team members without falling, collecting rubber bands using mouth etc. We were divided into three

houses and were required to wear T-Shirts of different colours (red, blue and orange) to represent the house that we belong to. We were excited and enjoyed ourselves during the activities including the bosses.

The red house was announced as the overall winner. All participants were given a small gift each as a token of appreciation in making the team building activity a success. After the team building activity, we headed back to the hotel for a rest.

On the following morning, we checked out of the hotel. We snapped few group photographs at the main lobby in order to cherish the wonderful sweet memories in our

hearts while we were at Chiang Mai, Thailand.

The adventurous journey to Chiang Mai, Thailand was a momentous one for the Boustead Internal Audit Team since everyone returned home with sweet memories to

be cherished.

A group photo in front of the Porping Tower Hotel, Chiang Mai

A visit to Wat Phra That temple atop Doi Suthep mountain

At the Orchid Farm

An elephant lifting large logs

Elephants drawing pictures

of plants and trees

Elephants feeding time

Silk weaving "This is how paper umbrellas are made!"

Catching water balloons witha piece of clothGetting ready to swap places among

team members without falling Collecting rubber bands using mouth Passing balloon

A group photo at Mai Sa camp


Team BuildingChiang Mai, Thailand

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Risk management awareness workshop

As part of its effort to create awareness among departments of Boustead Holdings Berhad, the Corporate Planning Department, in association with Softnex Sdn Bhd, recently organised a workshop on enterprise risk management. The workshop examined the need of implementing sound risk management systems and identified major risks that the departments are currently


A total of 21 participants from various departments as well as several subsidiaries attended the two days workshop held on 25 – 26 November 2008 at the Conference Room, 4th Floor, Menara Boustead. Participants were divided into several groups and were given several case studies and exercises pertinent to the risk management issues. The findings were then presented on the second day of the workshop.


Boustead Curve Sdn Bhd recently organised a service excellence training for 40 of its front-liners. These front-liners include Customer Care Officers, Car Park Assistants, Car Park Supervisors, Technicians,

Chargemen and Receptionist cum Admin Assistant.

The training held at the Curve Management Office training room was divided into two sessions with the first one being held on 29 - 30 October 2008 and the second one on 4 - 5 November 2008. It was conducted by Mr Aaron Lee and Ms Angeline Mun of Upsearch Resources Management.

Fire and safety seminar

This yearly seminar kicked off in the morning with a topic ‘Counselling for Trauma Victims’ by Prof Madya Zainah Ahmad Zamani of University Kebangsaaan Malaysia who shared many of her personal experiences with the participants. In the afternoon, Supt Zakaria Muhd of Jabatan Bomba Dan Penyelamat Kuala Lumpur gave a talk on ‘Fire Safety and Evacuation Procedure.’ He stressed the importance of cooperation and commitment amongst all tenants in ensuring the safety of all occupants during emergency evacuation.

Property Division wishes to thank all the participants for their commitment to attend the seminar.

Prof Madya Zainah sharing her trauma experience with the participants

One participant's trauma experience

draws laughters from the crowdSupt Zakaria of Jabatan Bomba

Certificates presentation - Centre Manager, Adele D. Flores, shaking hands with one of the participants whileHead of Human Resources, Tengku Rozanna looks on

Participants from the second training session

Aone-day seminar on fire and safety was organised by the Property Division of Boustead Holdings Berhad on 19 November 2008 at the Conference Room, 4th Floor, Menara Boustead.

It was attended by about 100 participants comprising Fire Marshals from Menara Boustead and Wisma Boustead, Emergency Response Team, maintenance staff, security guards as well as representatives from the Curve, Menara Affin, Chulan Tower and The Royale

Bintang Kuala Lumpur.

Service excellence training for front-liners

Participants from the first training session

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the Curve invited a group of down syndrome children from Sayang, Pusat Anak-Anak Istimewa, Selangor and the

media to have a festive buka puasa on 9 September 2008 at its premises. Upon arrival, the children were greeted by the Curve’s management and staff at the Centre Court which had an exotic Arabian themed ambience.

The children were then ushered to Kwikcut to have new haircuts in preparations for the Raya celebrations. Subsequently, the children were taken to MJ at Metrojaya for a fun shopping spree to select their baju raya. With vibrant colours and designs, the children were spoilt for choice as they tried on their new clothing at the well-established departmental store.

The highlight of the day was when celebrities Jehan Miskin and Farid Kamil made an appearance to spend time with the children. This was followed by the buka puasa dinner at Eden restaurant where they happily tucked into a delicious spread of Western and Asian dishes.

The children posing in front of Kwikcutafter their hair being cutCelebrity, Jehan Miskin spending time with

one of the children

During its Christmas Charity Campaign launch on 24 November 2008, The Royale Bintang Kuala Lumpur invited 20 children from Lifespring Children’s Welfare Home to share the joy of the season. The

children whose ages range from 10 months to 13 years old were treated to a delightful buffet lunch and Christmas carolling by in-house band - Reflection.

The purpose of the project is to help the under privileged children through two meaningful platforms, Sponsor a Candle of Hope for Christmas Charity Tree and/or donate a Gift for Giant Christmas Box. The management and staff were encouraged to sell and promote as many as possible Candles of Hope and Gifts to all the in-house guests and patrons as well as friends and associates. The project was from 28 November 2008 till 2 January 2009. All proceeds and gifts will be channelled to the home.

Royale Bintang KL shares Christmas joy withunder privileged children

The children posing in front of the Christmas Charity Tree

Mr & Mrs Kuscher hanging the Candle of Hopeon the Christmas tree

Smiling faces, warm welcome and cheerful mood filled the air of The Royale Bintang Kuala Lumpur as 30 less fortunate children from Persatuan Ehsan Wanita & Anak-anak Kuala Lumpur (PEWANIDA)

were treated to a Buka Puasa Dinner on 19 September 2008.

The dinner ended on a happy note with each child walking away with duit raya and Hari Raya goodies. This is an annual tradition for the hotel as part of its community service activities.

The hotel’s Acting General Manager, Tiong Yeo Chuan and Pn Sri Saidatul Akmar Rashid of PEWANIDA

giving duit raya to one of the children

Royale Bintang KL ‘buka puasa’ withless fortunatechildren

The hotel staff and PEWANIDA representatives being photographed with the children

the Curve ‘buka puasa’ with 'special' children


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'Perempuan Melayu Terakhir?'Semua staf bergambar


Sudah menjadi satu tradisi bagi Bahagian Hartanah - Boustead Holdings Berhad

untuk meraikan ketibaan Syawal setiap tahun. Sambutan Majlis Hari Raya Aidilfitri tahun ini telah diadakan pada 9 Oktober yang lalu di Tingkat 18, Menara Boustead. Suasana kemeriahan dan kegembiraan jelas terpancar pada setiap wajah kakitangan yang menganjurkan majlis tersebut.

MajlisHari Raya


This year, the décor was themed Souk Bazaar and pays tribute to the rich sights and sounds often associated with the traditional Islamic marketplace. To stay

true to this special Middle Eastern heritage, the entire Centre Court was dressed in vibrant colours and filled with ornate furnishings that exude a true Arabian feeling. With plush cushions and colourful marquees all around the Curve, it was definitely a feast for the eyes this Raya.

Complementing these decorations at the Centre Court were numerous stalls exhibiting a variety of products and services. Shoppers were entertained with a myriad of exciting cultural activities reflecting the chosen theme.

Hari Raya @ the Curve(5 September – 5 October 2008)

Shoppers enjoyed a glimpse of ‘Bollywood’ with contemporary dances and a musical trio during the celebrations of Deepavali at the Curve. Keeping

the Indian culture alive, there were decorations with ornaments shaped as elephants and strands of dangling jasmine flowers. The Fashion Court was transformed into an enchanting feast for the eyes. Additionally, pretty ‘oil lamps’ displayed a truly festive feeling.

In line with the theme, there were booths providing henna art as well as tarot card reading. Not forgetting the true symbol of Deepavali, there was also a beautifully crafted ‘kolam’ shaped of peacocks.

Deepavali @ the Curve(17 – 27 October 2008)

The Management of The Royale Bintang Kuala Lumpur recently hosted a Hari Raya Open House for its staff to celebrate the

occasion in true muhibbah tradition.

100 staff and heads of various departments attended the event which was held at Delima Hall. Staff were given duit raya by Director of Operations, En Mokhtar Khir. In addition to the celebration, October birthday boys and girls celebrated their birthdays with the crowd.

Hari Raya favourites and delicacy were served such as rendang, lemang, serunding, nasi impit and dodol - specially prepared by the hotel’s culinary team.

Royale Bintang KLHari Raya Open House

A Bollywood contemporary dance

A cultural performance

The hotel’s staff helping themselves to the buffet spread


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Deepavali @ the Curve(17 – 27 October 2008)

The Royale Bintang Damansara was proud to welcome two world renowned downhill mountain bike icons - Steve Peat of Team Santa Cruz Syndicate and Cedric Garcia of Team Commencal-

Oakley who stayed at the hotel recently. Both bikers took part in the men’s elite category of the inaugural Kuala Lumpur Downtown (KLD) meet at the Commonwealth Hill in the National Sports Complex, Bukit Jalil, on 18 – 19 October 2008. Steve Peat had won 3 World cup titles.

Royale Bintang Damansara welcomes two world renowned bikers

Pada 16 Disember 2008 yang lalu, sekali lagi aktiviti menderma darah telah diadakan oleh Jabatan Komunikasi Kumpulan, Boustead Holdings Berhad dengan kerjasama

Unit Bergerak, Pusat Darah Negara. Usaha ini diadakan sebagai salah satu aktiviti tahunan dengan tujuan untuk membantu Pusat Darah Negara yang sentiasa kekurangan bekalan darah terutama sebagai persediaan menghadapi saat kecemasan seperti kemalangan, pembedahan dan sebagainya.

Para penderma yang hadir pada hari itu terdiri daripada kakitangan Boustead Holdings Berhad dan anak syarikatnya serta kakitangan syarikat-syarikat di sekitar Menara dan Wisma Boustead.

Kempen yang bermula dari pukul 9.30 pagi sehingga 4.30 petang itu telah diadakan di Tingkat 9, Kompleks Sukan Boustead.

Lagi aktivitimenderma darah

Left to right: Steve Peat and Cedric Garcia


Standing (L-R): Wan (F&B), Nazri (Maintenance),

Jasme (House Keeping), Anuar (Finance), Hafiz (Maintenance)

Sitting (L-R): Redzwan (House Keeping), Saiful (Front Office),

Azrin (Front Office) Sulaiman (F&B) & Pakaruddin (F&B)

TEAM 2: ALL STARS Standing (L-R): Thomas (F&B), Arif (F&B), Harris (HR), Ledat (F&B), Khairul (House keeping)Sitting (L-R): Syahrul (F&B), Sabri (F&B),Fendi (Maintenance) & Luqman (HR)


Sitting (L-R): Azrul (House keeping),

Shukor (F&B), Khairul (Front Office) & Azrul (F&B)

Standing (L-R): Ramdan (Finance),

Faisal (Front Office), Taufik (F&B), Aidil (HR)

Antara mereka yang tampil menderma pada hari itu

Royale Bintang Damansaraconcludesyear-end withfutsal tournament

To conclude its sports activities for this year, the sports committee of The Royale Bintang Damansara recently organised an in-house futsal tournament for its staff. Three teams competed in the tournament.

Besides futsal, the sports committee had in the past organised several monthly indoor and outdoor games namely bowling, netball, volleyball, table tennis, badminton and traditional games (congkak and batu seremban) to promote a healthier lifestyle among the staff and most importantly to build a good team relationship between the staff and the management.


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Boustead Emastulin Sdn BhdLot 1385, Jalan TIB 1, Taman Industri Bolton, 68100 Batu Caves, SelangorTel: 03-6185 1150/1964/1443 Fax: 03-6186 7133 Website:

Boustead Building Materials Sdn Bhd has moved to its new office in Mutiara Damansara. Its new address and contact numbers are as below: Unit 3A-01, 3A-02 & 3A-03, Level 3A, Menara UAC, No 12, Jalan PJU 7/5, Mutiara Damansara, 47800 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul EhsanTel : 03-7728 3599 Fax : 03-7728 2599 / 7728 6599


We are pleased to inform that with effect from 22 September 2008 our Sales & Marketing Department has shifted to the following address to serve you better: Level 3A-03A, Menara UAC, No 12, Jalan PJU 7/5, Mutiara Damansara, 47800 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul EhsanTel : 03-7727 6697 (Hunting line) Fax : 03-7726 9299E-mail: [email protected] Website:

BousteadBuilding Materials Sdn Bhd

BousteadSissons PaintsSdn Bhd

Published by: Boustead Holdings Berhad (3871-H) Printed by: Pencetakan Weng Fatt Sdn Bhd (19847-W)