segmentation and perceptual grouping the problem gestalt edge extraction: grouping and completion...

Segmentation and Perceptual Grouping The problem Gestalt Edge extraction: grouping and completion Image segmentation

Post on 22-Dec-2015




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Segmentation and Perceptual Grouping The problem Gestalt Edge extraction: grouping and completion Image segmentation

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Kanizsa Triangle

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The image of this cube contradicts the optical image

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Perceptual Organization

Atomism, reductionism: Perception is a process of decomposing an

image into its parts. The whole is equal to the sum of its parts.

Gestalt (Wertheimer, Köhler, Koffka 1912) The whole is larger than the sum of its parts.

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Mona Lisa

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Mona Lisa

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Gestalt Principles


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Gestalt Principles

Proximity Similarity

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Gestalt Principles

Proximity Similarity Continuity

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Gestalt Principles

Closure Proximity Similarity Continuity

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Gestalt Principles

Proximity Similarity Continuity

Closure Common Fate

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Gestalt Principles

Proximity Similarity Continuity

Closure Common Fate Simplicity

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Smooth Completion

Isotropic Smoothness Minimal curvature Extensibility

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Elastica is not scale invariant

2( ) min ( )E k s ds


1( ) ( )

kl l k


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Scale invariant measure


2 21 2 1 2( ) 4( )iE

2( ) min ( )iE l k s ds

1 2

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Finding lines from points

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Parametric methods: RANSAC

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RANdom SAmple Concensus Complexity:

Need to go over all pairs: O(n2) For each pair check how many more points are

consistent: O(n) Total complexity: O(n3 )

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Another application of RANSAC: Find transformation between images

Example: compute homography Compute homography for every 4 pairs of

corresponding points Choose the homography that best explains the

image m4n4 sets should be tested

Another example: compute epipolar lines How many correspondences are needed?

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Hough Transform

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Hough Transform

Linear in the number of points Describe lines as

Or better

Prepare a 2D table

y mx n

cos sinx y c



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Hough Transform






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Hough Transform




What if we want to find circles?

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Curve Salience

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Saliency Network

Encourage Length Low curvature Closure

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Saliency Network

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Tensor Voting

Every edge element votes to all its circular edge completions

Vote attenuates with distance: e-αd

Vote attenuates with curvature: e-βk

Determine salience at every point using principal moments

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Tensor Voting

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Stochastic Completion Field

Random walk:

In addition, a particle may die with probability:




(0, )




1/ re

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Stochastic Completion Fields

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Stochastic Completion Fields

Most probable path:


Can be implemented as a convolution



( )


21log( 2 )

k s ds ds


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Stochastic Completion Fields

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Stochastic Completion Fields

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Given a curve Г(s)=(x(s),y(s)), define:




image int ext


22 2

int 2


( ( ))

( ( ))

( , )

( ) ( )


E s ds

E s E E E

E I x y

E s ss s


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Extremum: Calculus of Variation Given a functional

A condition for a local extrimum is obtained using the Euler-Lagrange equation

Curve evolution is defined

Solution obtained when

( , )0

x s t E d E

t x ds x


( )

x E d E

x s x ds x


( , )T

x s E x x ds

( , )0

x s t


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Curve evolution

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Level Set Methods

( , ; )S x y t

( , ; ) 0S x y t Curve defined implicitlyby

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Curve Evolution

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Curve Evolution

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Shortest Path

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Image Segmentation: Thresholding

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0 50 100 150 200 250








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S-T Min-Cut/Max Flow

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S-T Min-Cut/Max Flow



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Normalized Cuts

Given a graph G=(V,E), define W = {wij} weights

D = diag{di},

L = D - W Laplacian

Let , we seek to solve

( , ) ( , )

( , ) ( , )minV A B

cut A B cut A B

assoc A V assoc B V

i ijj

d w


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Normalized Cuts

This can be show to be equivalent to


With these constrains the problem is NP-hard. Without the constraint the solution is obtained

through the generalized eigenvalue problem



u Lu

u Du

Lu Du

1and 1 0




v Au u Dk

v Bk

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Normalized Cuts

Dividing into two segments: Partition determined by the eigenvector with the

second smallest eigenvalue We need to pick a threshold

Dividing into more than two segments: Pick several thresholds. Divide each segment recursively. Pick the best few eigenvectors and then perform


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Texture Examples

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Filter Bank

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image textons


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Normalized Cuts

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Mean Shift Segmentation

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Mean Shift Segmentation

Given an image, convert it to a function that is inversely related to edgeness

Perform mean shift from every pixel Cluster pixels that lead to the same peak

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Mean Shift Segmentation

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Local processing is often insufficient to separate objects

We reviewed several approaches for curve extraction, completion region segmentation

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Preattentive: Parallel

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Preattentive: Parallel

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Attention: Serial

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Page 78: Segmentation and Perceptual Grouping The problem Gestalt Edge extraction: grouping and completion Image segmentation