seevon michelson the gracchus two the gracchi brothers link sons of tiberius gracchus the elder and...

Seevon Michelson THE GRACCHUS TWO

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The Gracchus two

Seevon MichelsonThe Gracchus twoThe Gracchi brothers

linkSons of Tiberius Gracchus the Elder and Cornelia Africana

Tiberius was the elder andwas born between 168 and 163 BC

Gaius was the 3rd child of the family, and was born 154 BC

Their family was very well connected in Roman politics.

Spoiler!They both get murdered!

There will be a rundown of important events and dates at the end for notes. 2Tiberius was elected tribune in 133 BC, promising reformReasons for want of reform:MilitaryGrowth of unrest among unemployed To relieve economic depression in Rome itself Tiberius Gracchus

Tiberius was elected in 133 BC. He promised the people reforms to the agricultural crisis. The main needs for the reforms was the shrinking of the census meaning that there would be less soldiers to fight, and growth of unrest amongst the impoverished in Rome.3Wanted to limit the amount of land each person could ownYou could own 500 iugera (325 acres) yourselfYou could own an extra 250 iugera for each son you hadWanted to rebuild the farming class by redistributing landThe Senate was resistant to the reforms because its members owned most of the land and it was the basis of their wealth.Tiberius Gracchus reforms

Tiberius land reform limited the amount of land each person could hold. It also redistributed land to some landless citizens in Rome. Many senators were against the reform because it threatened their source of income and power.4Sidestepped the senate

An insult to the Senate

Marcus Octavius

Bye Mark! Reform yay!

Because Tiberius knew the senate wouldnt approve of his reforms, he sidestepped them altogether by going to the popular assembly. This was interpreted as an insult by the senate. Senators convinced Marcus Octavius to veto the bill, which led Tiberius to move that Octavius be voted out of office for opposing the good of the public. The vote passed, and Octavius was removed, and the bill was passed. 5Tiberius runs for 2nd term

Not another king!

March to his house!The death of Tiberius

As his term as tribune neared its end, Tiberius heard of a plot to try him in the senate's court for his supposed crimes. As they couldnt try him while he was a tribune, he ran for a second term, which was illegal. He won the election, but didnt win any favor in the senate in doing so. After hearing from questionable sources that Tiberius wanted to be a king, the senate gathered what only can be described as a lynch mob. Arming their slaves with clubs and staffs, senators marched on Tiberius house to arrest him. As he was beat to death by senators, this marked the first bloodshed in the Roman government since the overthrowing of the king. 6

Tiberius was beat to death by pieces of chairs, wielded by senators. Him and 300 of his followers were murdered and thrown in the Tiber river. This was to ensure he didnt get a proper burial. Murder of Tiberius Gracchuslink

Elected tribune in 123BC

Reinstated land reforms

Limited capital punishment

Grain laws Gaius Gracchus

Gaius was his brothers heir, and was elected tribune of the people in 123 BC. He ran for the same reforms as his elder brother, reinstating the land reforms he had made. Gaius also limited capital punishment, which shamed the senators who had murdered his brother. He also put the popular free grain laws in place, giving free or reduced price grain to the poor citizens of Rome.8Gaius lost re-election

Gaius responded by creating an army of followers.

Senate passed a Senatus consultum ultimum -

Optimus defeats Gaius

Gaius commits suicide

Even though he died, many of his reforms stood after his death


After losing the next tribunal election, many of Gaius reforms were repealed. Gaius responded by creating an army of supporters, arming them with clubs and such. Fearing a coup, the senate passed a Senatus Consultum ultimum, which gave full authority to the consuls to kill someone. The ensuing battle led to the slaughter of 3000 of Gaius followers. Gaius fled the city in a heroic attempt to escape, but was caught and committed suicide. Many of his reforms, such as the reduced price grain, stood after his death. 9Tiberius:Elected Tribune in 133 BCTried to bring about land reformsMurdered by senators in 133B

Marcus OctaviusFellow tribune to TiberiusTried to veto Tiberius land reform billParticipated in the murders of both brothers.

GaiusElected Tribune in 123 BCContinued his brothers land reformsIntroduced free bread lawCommitted suicide in 121 BCImportant facts/dates10