seeling channel community input survey€¦ · neighborhood associations have a history of poor...

Seeling Channel Community Input Survey

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Page 1: Seeling Channel Community Input Survey€¦ · Neighborhood Associations have a history of poor choices inappropriate to area. Example, sculpture at Woodlawn Lake by French artist

Seeling Channel Community Input Survey

Page 2: Seeling Channel Community Input Survey€¦ · Neighborhood Associations have a history of poor choices inappropriate to area. Example, sculpture at Woodlawn Lake by French artist

Executive Summary


The Department of Arts & Culture’s Public Art division facilitates a public process for commissioning art of the

highest standards to enrich quality of life and the visual environment for residents and visitors of San Antonio.

The Public Art division manages projects associated with the City’s capital improvements programs to connect

the community through exhibits, presentations, outreach and planning initiatives. The division works with all

City departments and supports local public art efforts of artists, community groups, partner organizations and

external agencies.

As part of the Seeling Channel capital improvements, the Department of Arts and Culture seeks to create an

opportunity for community connection and engage the ecology, community and residential character of the

neighborhood through Public Art.

In February 2020, the Department of Arts & Culture held public meetings and a SA SpeakUp survey to collect

feedback from District 7 residents and agencies to involve the community in the development of the Seeling

Channel public art project. The survey distributed collected feedback on:

• Location for the artwork

• Values and heritage to be reflected in artwork

• Strengths, concerns and opportunities related to the artwork


The survey was posted online through the City of San Antonio’s SA SpeakUp website from February 10 through

March 24. The survey was made available in both English and Spanish and was promoted through the

Department of Arts & Culture social media pages and e-newsletter. The survey link, along with marketing

material, was shared with community members in public meetings San Antonio residents in District 7.

Community Study Results

The Seeling Channel Public Art project survey received a total of 57 responses. This report provides a summary

of the results.

Next Steps

Summer 2019 Design Development

Fall 2019 Community Engagement

October 2019 Concept Design to Public Art Committee

January 2020 Final Design presented to Public Art Committee and Arts Commission

Page 3: Seeling Channel Community Input Survey€¦ · Neighborhood Associations have a history of poor choices inappropriate to area. Example, sculpture at Woodlawn Lake by French artist

Q1: Where within the Seeling Channel project area are you most interested

in seeing public art?

Answered: 57 Skipped: 0

Q2: What are the stories, values, or characteristics of your community or neighborhood that you'd like us to address in this project? We've provided a few ideas, but would love to hear yours!

Answered: 57 Skipped: 0

Page 4: Seeling Channel Community Input Survey€¦ · Neighborhood Associations have a history of poor choices inappropriate to area. Example, sculpture at Woodlawn Lake by French artist

Q3: Which individuals, community, and civic groups should be involved the project?

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Respondents Responses

1 Students and schools in the area

2 Not sure?

3 Jefferson Neighborhood Association

4 All

5 All surrounding neighborhoods.

6 none. we dont need to keep putting everyone in groups.

7 Community center and neighbor HOA associations

8 Junior league

9 Artists, particularly muralists; residents; representatives from area schools.

10 No civic groups. community voting as a whole.

11 Everyone

12 Home owners associations and the people who frequent Woodlawn Lake

13 I don’t know? Maybe allow volunteers from the community to help in some way so we can take ownership

14 Bihl haus Arts, surrounding neighborhood associations, arts friendly businesses

15 Unsure

16 Neighborhood Associations have a history of poor choices inappropriate to area. Example, sculpture at Woodlawn Lake by French artist and City Parks people.

17 Woodlawn Lake Community Program

18 San Antonio Urban Society

19 Don't know

20 local artists. Art at the jalapeno has over 500 artists in their group. 210-708-8252. Ask for Angel Ayala

21 residents who will see the art everyday along the channel. Please don't drop something in a space which the resident's don't want.

22 Local artists, high school or college students, local landscape architects.

23 Schools and neighborhood leaders to guide a sense of place

24 Everyone who is interested

25 school children and their parents through the parent associations and sports teams.

26 All who choose to partake

27 public school student artists

28 All

29 Unsure

30 Students and community artists

31 N/A

32 All that want to be, neighbor leaders that are officers and not officers

33 None

34 Let the art programs at our san antonio colleges take part.. art and agriculture. The students will be able to grow a deeper connection with the community

35 Scout troops, high school groups, neighborhood associations

36 Artist, neighborhood

37 All sorts of groups and community’s should be involved

38 It would be great if everyone had an opportunity to participate.

39 Art space

40 n/a

41 Spare Parts nonprofit org


I think it should be done by local artists. Maybe even by a submission contest where the commuity can vote on the winner. It would be great in displaying the talent of peole in our community.

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43 San anto cultural arts or Rudy herrera

44 City councilman. Churches. High school and middle school art depts.

45 None

46 No one

47 Parks Department

48 Schools and historians

49 SA ART, Tobin Historical ,

50 Anyone who is interested in revitalizing the city with art


52 Bihl Haus, Centet Cultural, the Basilica Church community (school, church, etc.), creek area residents, Oak Farms, and others.

53 Neighborhood associations

54 AIT and other Native American groups and or individuals

55 Kim Bishop, a local artist. Bihl House

56 Urban Planners, Artists and Art Organizations


Q4: How can this project have a significant impact in your community? What are the critical

success factors for this project? Examples include: engaging youth, beautifying channel,

telling neighborhood stories, etc.

Respondents Responses

1 beautifying the channel, engaging all community members

2 I would love to see a combination of art and plantings growing on the chain link fence

3 All of the above

4 Beautifying

5 Creating a space that adds value to the area and involves community volunteer efforts

6 beautifying channel

7 Beautification and inspiring youth

8 Engaging youth and educational experiences

9 Making the area more attractive for residents and visitors.

10 channel beautifying is the main impact.

11 Beautify the area

12 Telling the story of the community throughout the history of San Antonio.

13 Beautifying the channel. Would also love street art to beautify the neighborhood near Woodlawn Lake

14 engaging the community in MEANINGFUL dialog.

15 Telling neighborhood stories

16 Channel is degrading neighborhood.

17 Beautifying the channel

18 Different way in handling problems

19 Beautifying the channel and encouraging interactions.

20 beautifying should be the main point.

21 beautification, engagement with the community and schools: TJHS, YWLA, Madison Elementary

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Beautifying the channel can be accomplished while engaging area youth. Enhancing water quality with bio-remediation and bio-filtration with plants could contribute artistically and serve as a reminder to the neighborhood of the value and powerof water.

23 Ensuring a prideful sense of place

24 Telling neighborhood stories, this is a historic neighborhood and public art should reflect the beauty and history of neighborhood.


a particpatory appraoch to useful yet etshetic art which can connect young peple to the earth, the local nature and plants and the values of caring for our water. the art, as in sculpture, can become a punlic testimony that young peple from the area care, learn about art and nature, and that esthetics means caring for our environment.

26 Beautifying and telling neighboorhood stories

27 promote partnerships between public schools and artists

28 Bringing enjoyment and beauty.

29 Beautifying channel

30 engaging youth, beautifying the neighborhood


32 That all sounds great but at some point quit spending money on everything.

33 Most significant aspect is it's a waste of public money

34 Engaging youth, connecting new residents to the city, beautifying the channel

35 beautifiying the channel with natural elements like plants

36 Beautifying, engaging the young and retired.

37 Definitely engaging your when it comes to our culture. Everyone needs to be reminded about where they come from.

38 Beautifying the channel and including everyone who wants to be included.

39 Making the channel more interesting

40 Beautifying channel, and discouraging littering and animal dumping

41 Educating about our unique communities and histories in an ecological way

42 Engaging the community, beautifying the channel, adding color to the park.

43 Critical success would depend on how much community input is involved specifically the younger community

44 Pleasant to see.

45 It will do nothing

46 Leave it alone.

47 conveying water, beautifying channel

48 Telling neighborhood stories

49 By making the park more enjoyable. Engaging ART and Lake.


I feel this is a great opportunity to engage our youth in positive activities to improve and strengthen our community. In partnering with schools we could create a hands on learning experience slowing students to work with Artists in the community to improve their community.

51 HAVING 'HANDS-ON' EXERCISE ..similar to 'chalk-it-UP'- MUSICIANS strolling ON THE PARKS \= dancers(ing) too


Engage young AND old, beautify (and de clutter) major corridor streets like Fredericksburg, Zarzamora, Cincinnati, Bandera, etc. in addition, more NON chain, multi-ethnic restaurants should be encouraged

53 Beautifying channel

54 Educate community about our ancestors culture and history

55 engaging youth and elderly, fostering connections


High quality art by artist(s) with keen understanding of creating site-sensitive art. No need to tell stories, engage youth or other agendas that have little to do with creating art of the best quality

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57 Telling local stories beautifully

Q5: What excites you about this project?

Respondents Responses

1 Possibilities!

2 That this survey mentioned plantings and that it is addressing an area that really needs beautification

3 This is an opportunity to add a touch that says the project is complete in the area.

4 Beautify and tell the cultural stories.

5 The possibilities of the positive impact it could have on our community.

6 improving area

7 None because city does not allow to choose where the art is needed

8 Not bear spaces

9 Showing youth how to use art positively, rather than negative graffitti.

10 chance to get away from a sterile channel. We shouldn't be channeling any of the waterways, but where we have to, soften the sterile concrete with art and nature.

11 More art

12 I am a public health nurse and I like the possibility of more spaces for people to walk, run, bike and learn something.

13 I’m really excited to see some beauty around here.

14 The potential to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.

15 Telling the stories of a neighborhood. Our stories are lost if they are not recorded. The Native American culture excelled at telling the story of the people.

16 Only vegetation

17 Adding more green to the streets

18 Community service opportunity for everyone

19 Flood control

20 the use of local artists which are highly under represented in San Antonio public art.

21 The ability to beautify an ugly project. This project is transformativeto the overall community

22 The possibility of making an eyesore into aesthetically pleasing and even inspiring spaces.

23 Engaging residents

24 Public art that reflects the history and beauty of the Woodlawn Lake area.


I have done projects like this as a city employee in another city. it is fantastic to see young people, neighborhood people, come together with gifted artists and complete a mosaic type sculpture together, with beautiful organic shapes and everyones signature that they have been a part of making this. we celebrate everyone's input and learning about art forms and natural spots where they can gather, have picnics and other social and even literary events.

26 Bringing more color and life to the area and a greater sense of pride amongst the community

27 plantings of edible food, paired with a mechanism to distribute the harvest

28 Art! Seeing something new.

29 NA

30 beautifying the city


32 Na

33 Nothing

34 This is a chance to increase the beauty San Antonio has to offer

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35 neighborhood beatification

36 City is interested in beautifying community.

37 How beautiful it will make our city

38 Art!

39 Seeing art in a public park

40 Seein art in my neighborhood

41 City support of public art and artists which we need more of.

42 That it will make the park more beautiful and colorful. It will make people more happy and open eyes to the arts.

43 That there may be a chance for public art to connect with the area and not be viewed as boring public art

44 The color I hope to see.

45 Nothing

46 Nothing

47 needed infrastructure improvements

48 Focus in this area.

49 The diversity of ART.

50 Everything!

51 intelligent understanding

52 Beauty and Nature along with the storytelling.

53 Giving local artists a chance to participate in a public project

54 Connecting the past and future generations with history which was hidden from us

55 opportunity to work with artists


The pocket parks allows more autonomous "space" for the art. The art doesn't have to be dependent on the use of built infrastructure (walls, canals, bridges, etc). It can be a stand alone object.

57 The opportunity for our community to be represented in a positive way that beautifies the area

Q6: What concerns you about this project?

Respondents Responses

1 That the art won't be appreciated by all community members

2 The presence of something on the fence will be very prominent. This project should not be afraid of bold art and color. It can be softned and complimented with landscape.

3 This corner of Woodlawn is highly visible and not very attactive.

4 Disruptions.

5 Time factors

6 none

7 No input as to where art was needed in community parks

8 Not the correct history

9 Someone has to be in charge to make the final decision, or else there could be endless arguments and nothing ever gets done.

10 Special interest groups, non-inclusive, cost

11 Need it to be environmentally friendly

12 Negative voices of the neighhborhood.

13 If the art was ugly. That would be sad.

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14 That the city and PASA will dominate it and overlook artists who actulalhy live and work in the immediate area around the channel and park

15 Vandalism after work is completed. Is there any way to paint a washable seal over the artwork?

16 How can you make chain link look good with art? Needs to be covered.

17 Allowing graffiti “art”

18 Not getting input from the people it directly effects

19 Ugly, straight (gentle curves would've been better)


using non local artists and over politicing art which divides. The art should not be political in nature. and if cultural is the direction it goes, remember San Antonio has a vast culture of many countries, cultures, ethnicities, etc.

21 art-beauty is in the eye of the beholder. It should be functional not like the metal mess at Woodlawn Lake which everyone complains about. Engage the residents!


Any project, whether it be a sculpture, a garden, a mural, any public space and public art piece requires maintenance. Is there an allocation in the City's budget for maintenance once the work is done?

23 Residents' input is ignored


My biggest concern is that you will plop up another irrelevant ugly sculpture like the metal monstrosity in Woodlawn Lake Park. It has nothing to say about the history or the area. Please give careful thought to our wonderful history and also the beauty of the Lake, Any public art should address reflect issues


the artist must be able to wotk with the public and incorproate their ideas in design and esthetic. the city must have sufficient budgets and regard the project as a project of sustainable local development.

26 Length of time it may take and potentially cause traffic issues

27 Same old group of artists who do every public project will be tapped

28 Nothing.

29 Most of the "art" I've seen added to the city has been lousy

30 none


32 The constant costs. Overspending l, having to redo it.

33 The cost

34 Increased taxes, increased road detours, time to complete project

35 possible vandalism and graffiti

36 Enough money for its budget.

37 Nothing

38 What if the art is divisive - appealing to some people and unappealing to others?

39 Nothing

40 Vandalism

41 Insufficient funding and too short a project timeline

42 I'm concerned about what art will be chosen. We need more color, more modern art.

43 That those who are in charge if this program are ungamiliar with the area and community

44 Cost

45 Spending my tax dollars

46 Wasting tax dollars so bad kids can tag it, and waste more tax dollars cleaning up the grafiti.

47 don't want art to become just another target for grafitti

48 No concerns

49 The ART will not showcase the lake.

50 That it will not come to pass

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52 That it might involve “low cost” art projects. I am hopeful that the final project will be quality.

53 Graffiti artists / theft of art

54 That it won't get done in my life time and I will pass the concern to future generations.

55 woodlawn lake didn't reach the right people, i don't want a repeat of that!

56 Concerned if the project chose to "decorate" the infrastructure as opposed to let be a stand alone artwork within the site.

57 None so far

Q7: AGE Answered: 56 Skipped: 1

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Q8: GENDER Answered: 57 Skipped: 0

Q9: ETHNICITY Answered: 53 Skipped: 4

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Answered: 55 Skipped: 2

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