seeking uncertainty in an uncertain digital talk 2018: seeking certainty in an...

Seeking uncertainty in an uncertain digital world Seeking certainty in an uncertain digital world 16 May 2018

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Page 1: Seeking uncertainty in an uncertain digital world...Tech Talk 2018: Seeking certainty in an uncertain digital world Anne-Marie Allgrove Chair, Global TMT Industry Group AGENDA FOR

Seeking uncertainty in an uncertain digital world

10 May 2017 | London

Seeking certainty in an

uncertain digital world 16 May 2018

Page 2: Seeking uncertainty in an uncertain digital world...Tech Talk 2018: Seeking certainty in an uncertain digital world Anne-Marie Allgrove Chair, Global TMT Industry Group AGENDA FOR


Page 3: Seeking uncertainty in an uncertain digital world...Tech Talk 2018: Seeking certainty in an uncertain digital world Anne-Marie Allgrove Chair, Global TMT Industry Group AGENDA FOR

Welcome! Tech Talk 2018: Seeking certainty in an

uncertain digital world

Anne-Marie Allgrove Chair, Global TMT

Industry Group

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Page 5: Seeking uncertainty in an uncertain digital world...Tech Talk 2018: Seeking certainty in an uncertain digital world Anne-Marie Allgrove Chair, Global TMT Industry Group AGENDA FOR

0915 - 1015 Cyber security – Managing data breach in a

changing regulatory and post-GDPR world

David Halliday London

Adrian Lawrence


Brian Hengesbaugh





Ian Walden London

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1015 - 1035 Pop-up Topic: Big Data Through an

Antitrust Lens

Agapi Patsa Brussels

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1035 - 1120 Innovation and regulation in the

technology industry





Jacob Ohrvik-Stott




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1120 - 1135 Coffee Break

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1135 - 1220 Data monetisation - How to overcome the legal issues

to maximise the commercial opportunity
















Page 10: Seeking uncertainty in an uncertain digital world...Tech Talk 2018: Seeking certainty in an uncertain digital world Anne-Marie Allgrove Chair, Global TMT Industry Group AGENDA FOR

1220 - 1240 Pop-up Topic: Tax – What’s in store for the digital


Kate Alexander London

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1240 - 1400 Lunch and keynote address

David Nicol


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Cyber security

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Cyber security – Managing data breach in a changing regulatory and post-GDPR world

You are GC for an online marketplace - the marketplace sells bijou, high value items for special occasions, often personalised, by specialist sellers. You have account details for over 30 million customers - they are in all major markets worldwide. You take the orders and remit payment - the sellers do their own fulfilment.

You run multiple websites but all are based on the same infrastructure which is run on an external cloud platform, based on four clusters, two in the EU, one in the US, one in Asia Pac.

Your infosec team has seen some signs of suspicious activity on customer accounts (unusual patterns of access ). Initial investigation has also revealed some unusual malware on the network consistent with packaging data for exfiltration, and some inconclusive evidence of large movements of data out of the network.

They call to ask what we should do at this point? They add they are going to start cleaning up the malware asap.

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Cyber security – Managing data breach in a changing regulatory and post-GDPR world (Cont’d.) It’s Friday evening (near the end of May…)

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Cyber security – Managing data breach in a changing regulatory and post-GDPR world (Cont’d.)


War Room call

Saturday 26 May 2018 18:30 UTC

SOC: Getting somewhere with investigation. Outside providers engaged. Interim report is telling us with confidence that our user

credentials management system on Cloudco was compromised. Mass credentials expert looks like it took place a few days

ago. How this happened not clear. Attribution unclear. We’re in touch with Cloudco now.

Legal: The million dollar question – what do we think threat actor has accessed/exfiltrated from customer accounts?

SOC: Too early to say what was actually exfiltrated. In principle though it is name, home address, DOB, card billing address – but

not card number/expiry date/CVVs. Purchase history and personal preferences also retained. That does include info on

others related to user – birthdays, anniversaries, personalisations on purchases, stuff like that.

Legal: We’re sure card details not accessed?

SOC: Can’t be sure but no evidence of it right now. Depends how the creds database was hit, if they have some privileged admin

credentials in principle they could also hit the separate instance which holds card information. But we would expect to have

seen that flagged by monitoring/logs.

COO: So do we need to be talking to anyone about this right now?

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Cyber security – Managing data breach in a changing regulatory and post-GDPR world (Cont’d.) Cloud provider response

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Cyber security – Managing data breach in a changing regulatory and post-GDPR world (Cont’d.) WhatsApp feed – Monday 28 May 2018

Hey Brian – you around? Crisis situation

What’s going on?

Data breach. Looks bad. Started Friday night. Time running out on us. Need quick inputs.

Just camping with kids … but shoot

Massive user account hack. Can’t tell how many accounts accessed but we assume its millions.

Countries affected?

Everywhere most likely

Just user accounts? No card data?

Pretty confident but not sure. Could take weeks to know for sure.

Root cause?

Not known. Someone compromised one of our IT admin accounts and used it to access user creds. The account should NOT have had access to user creds, bit it does. Mix up over Cloud access settings. Embarrassing potentially. Cloudco might be to blame.

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Cyber security – Managing data breach in a changing regulatory and post-GDPR world (Cont’d.) You are just about to notify when….

Mumsnet @MumsnetTowers

Lots of reports of credit card fraud today. Coincidentally forced password resets from FdB. Connected? Check your accounts!

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Pop-up topic: Big Data through an Antitrust Lens

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Antitrust Interest in Big Data: A Timeline

2008 2014 2015 2018 2016 2017

March 2008


Decision on Google/

Doubleclick merger

October 2014

Commission Decision

on Facebook/

Whatsapp merger

June 2015

CMA study on the

Commercial Use

of Consumer Data

May 2016

Joint German-

French report on

Competition and

Big Data November 2016

OECD report on

Big Data –


Competition Policy

to the Digital Era

June 2017

Revision of German

law to include merger

control threshold

based on value of

transaction, and


criterion for finding

monopoly power

October 2017

ACM report on

Online Video

Platforms (including

their use of data)

March 2016

Opening of Facebook

abuse of dominance

investigation in Germany

October 2016

Commission consultation on revision

of EU merger control framework

(aiming, inter alia, to capture

acquisitions of data-rich companies)

December 2016

Commission Decision on

Microsoft/LinkedIn merger

October 2017

Commission dawn raids

regarding no data access by

Polish banks to fintech rivals

April 2018

Opening of Commission

in-depth investigation in

Apple/ Shazam merger

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What Role for Antitrust Law?

“I don't think we need to look to

competition enforcement to fix privacy

problems. But that doesn't mean I will

ignore genuine competition issues

just because they have a link to

data…[O]ne example…[is] big

data…If [collecting big data] means

companies can cut costs and serve

their customers better, it should be

good news for consumers… But if

just a few companies control the data

you need to satisfy customers and

cut costs, that could give them the

power to drive their rivals out of the

market…[W]e don't need a whole

new competition rulebook for the big

data world”

(DLD 16, 17 January 2016)

“New ways of collecting and working with data have huge potential

to improve our lives...And competition enforcement can make a

difference too. It can help to make sure we have diverse online

markets, where companies compete not just to cut prices, but to

protect our privacy better.”

(Rencontres de Bercy, November 2017)

“Data is increasingly necessary

to compete… [C]ontrolling a lot

of data isn't such a big issue, if

others can easily get hold of

the same information, from

their own customers or simply

by buying it in the market”

(Danish Competition and

Consumers Authority,

March 2018)

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Vertical/conglomerate concerns: Foreclosure of rivals from an essential dataset

Facebook/Whatsapp; Apple/Shazam

Horizontal concerns: Increase in market power



Agree to refuse data-access to new entrants

Commission investigation in alleged agreements between Polish banks to foreclose fintech rivals (2018)

Theories of Harm


Engaging in exclusionary conduct downstream as a result of vertical integration

Leveraging data as part of a tying/bundling strategy

Data as an essential facility to which access is refused

Discriminatory access to data-set to exclude competitors FCA decision in Cegedim (2014)

Exclusivity in contractual arrangements with third-party data suppliers

Data as a means to price discriminate against customers

Use of contractual terms that impinge upon user privacy Commission decision in Facebook/WhatsApp (2014)

vs. BkA Facebook investigation (2016)

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Key Issues to Consider

Theories of harm are conditional on the extent of

the competitive advantage generated by the data collection

“Although data becomes

increasingly important for

online advertising, large

amounts of data are not

an indispensable condition

to enter the video platform

market, since competitors

can start collecting data

for the generation of

advertising revenues after

having entered the video

platform market. However,

the relation between the

collection of data and

market power requires a

case-by-case analysis.”

(ACM report on online

video platforms)

Can the collection and use of data contribute to market power?

Mostly relevant for search engines, social networking, online retailing

Consider: multi-sideness of the market; network effects; multi-homing; market dynamics

Data as a barrier to entry?

“Provided that access to a large volume or variety of data is important in ensuring competitiveness on the market…the collection of data may result in entry barriers when new entrants are unable either to collect the data or to buy access to the same kind of data, in terms of volume and/or variety” (Joint German-French report on Competition and Big Data)

Antitrust authorities may need to reconsider data access in the context of IoT developments: the need for accuracy in product operation makes access to increasing amounts of data more important (European Commission, ABA Antitrust Law 2018 Spring Meeting)

Consider: timeliness; relevance; ease of replicability; uniqueness; importance; scale; scope

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Innovation and regulation in the technology industry

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Data monetisation

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Businesses are re-appraising their business models,

capitalising on big data and the power of analytics

This leads to new strategies, collaborations and


This session will focus on three key legal issues

which can impact maximising the value of data



What risks does data-

related collaboration in a

horizontal relationship carry

(e.g. information exchange;

algorithmic collusion)?

When does leveraging data to create new revenue

streams create market power / foreclosure concerns?

To what extent may exclusivity

arrangements over data be

included in collaborations in a

vertical relationship?



Can you own data? What IP rights might apply (copyright,

database right, contractual rights, trace secrets, patents)?

What are the challenges / gaps in protection of data?

How do you effectively license data?

How can IP be used to maximise the value in data?

How do we expect the tax regime to develop in the future?

What is the role of data ownership (legal, economic, functional)?

How do you determine "nexus" for tax purposes?

Where and how is value created?

How does the current international tax

framework apply to digital business models?

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Pop-up topic: Tax – What’s in store for the digital economy

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The Court of public opinion

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Response so far…

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Establishing a new

"significant digital presence" PE

Defined by reference to revenues received

from supply of digital services, number of

online users, or number of business

contracts for digital services, plus new

rules for attributing profits.

Establishing an ‘interim’ Digital

Services Tax (DST)

Imposed at 3% of gross EU

revenues from specific digital services,

due where users are located. ‘Interim’ DST

intended to fall under Art 113 TFEU as an

indirect tax.

Two proposed Directives:

Interim measure? Final solution?

EC Proposed Directives

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The importance of politics

The importance of politics

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Malta Luxembourg Ireland

Denmark Lithuania Finland

Sweden U.K.

France Poland Portugal

Spain Italy

Germany Belgium Netherlands

Czechia Austria Slovakia Slovenia

Hungary Romania Bulgaria

Greece Croatia

DST estimated to apply

to 60-80% of revenues

resulting in potential

costs between €120 and

€160 million per annum Supporter

Not a supporter


Who are the supporters of an EU-wide measure?

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US does not believe that digital businesses are

sufficiently unique to warrant separate treatment

Following the US tax reform, the US argues that

there is no problem to address: “value is created

in the US, and it is now fully taxed there”

Potential US WTO challenge to EU DST?

The role of the US

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Unilateral actions: examples




Published changes to

income tax and VAT

expanding concept of

the PE.


advertisement and

audio visual content tax.

New “web tax”

and conformed

PE definition in

line with BEPS?

Targeted measure,

expanding ‘fixed

place of business’

for certain digital


New turnover tax on

the digital economy;

2019 proposal to

introduce own levy

on digital companies?

New nexus based on

concept of significant

economic presence

plus equalisation levy

(6% withholding tax

on fees paid for online

advertising by non-







11 A


IL 2





19 D




R 2





1 J







1 J
















1 A


IL 2


HoC released report

on the subject of e-

commerce and trade,


recommendations on

the taxation of the

digital economy.

26 A


IL 2





Published update

to position paper,

considering interim

and long term


introducing a

diverted profits tax? 1 J





Unilateral actions: examples

Several countries have already taken action before international consensus is reached. For example:

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1240 - 1400 Lunch and keynote address

David Nicol


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37 37

Baker McKenzie Global TMT Tech Talk

David Nicol, R3

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Industry Problem

Supplier Customer

We both see the same thing

Apply Credit

Post Invoice

Generate invoice

Do work

Record Work

Confirm credit

Receive Invoice

Input accounts payable

Pay Bill

Acknowledge work


This is what I think I owe


This is what I think I am owed

Apply Credit

Post Invoice

Generate invoice

Do work

Record Work

Confirm credit

Receive Invoice

Key in accounts payable

Pay Bill

Acknowledge work


? Shared Truth

Shared business logic

Shared data

Shared network



Page 39: Seeking uncertainty in an uncertain digital world...Tech Talk 2018: Seeking certainty in an uncertain digital world Anne-Marie Allgrove Chair, Global TMT Industry Group AGENDA FOR

DLT / Blockchain has huge potential to drive change

Financial Institutions Regulators Operations Individuals


• Derivatives Clearing

• Repo Clearing

• Cross Border


• Trade Reconciliations

• Margin / Collateral

• Real-Time Settlement

• Client Onboarding

• Real-Time Settlement

• Common Ref Data

• Timestamping

• Account Portability

• Fraud Identification

• OTC Life-Cycles

• Crowdfunding

• Peer-to-Peer Lending

• Virtual Identity

• Credit Scoring

• Cross Border


• Vault/Escrow Services

• Customer Deposit Cost


• Regulatory Reporting

• Compliance Reporting

• Trade Reporting

• Risk Visualization

• Basel III Compliance

• Client Transparency

These four

use cases





80bn in



(1)Source: McKinsey 2016 Findings From Research Into Distributed Ledger Technology



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• Collaborate and maintain one secure database

• Run software that communicates with their counterparts and

• Keep systems up to date without relying on intermediaries, reconciliation, matching or manual fixes

Blockchain enables competing firms to:



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Current State of Blockchain Landscape

The Enterprise Blockchain sector includes firms pursuing, broadly, two fundamentally different strategies:

oOpen & horizontal – e.g. Corda, IBM’s Fabric (Hyperledger), Ethereum

oClosed & vertical – e.g. Digital Asset, Axoni, Symbiont, SETL

R3 is pursuing an open & horizontal approach: Corda

Approaches from firms include a variety of horizontal and vertical solutions




rm /












Proprieta ry Open Source


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The New Operating System for Global Finance

R3 is an enterprise software firm working with a network of over 200 banks, financial institutions, regulators, trade associations, professional services firms and technology companies to develop on Corda, our blockchain

platform designed specifically for businesses.



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Corda is a distributed ledger platform designed and

built from the ground up to record, manage and

synchronise agreements (legal contracts), designed for

use by regulated financial institutions.



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Corda is the 3rd Generation Blockchain: Open & Interoperable, With Privacy

Corda prioritizes global connectivity + business privacy + asset mobility + network efficiency

G E N E R A T I O N 1

Bitcoin / Ethereum • Public permission-less blockchain • Poor privacy • Network inefficiency

G E N E R A T I O N 2

IBM Fabric / Quorum • Multiple Silo Private Networks • Stranded Assets

G E N E R A T I O N 3

Corda network • Public blockchain + identity • Multiple private business networks • Transferable assets

44 4


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The Evolution of The Blockchain Landscape

R3 was the first to assemble a true industry-backed consortium for the development of blockchain solutions


Corda Open

Source v3.0

Corda EnterpriseAltcoin Rush

Meta Protocols,

Colored Coins,

and Tokenizat ion







R3 plat form

experim entat ion



Linux Open




R3 Consort ium

beginsCorda Open

Source v1.0 & v2.0




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Records stored in a cryptographic manner

Mutual verification

Shared facts established by consensus

Consistent Shared Facts on Ledger

Records of shared facts are consistent

Smart Contracts

Business Logic executes in a

deterministic, tamper evident manner

Security & Privacy

Transaction information is propagated only

to relevant nodes


Corda retains privacy but allows


Easy Integration

Make integration with bank systems easy

and safe


Consensus achieved at individual deal


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The R3 Network









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The Corda Partner Ecosystem Partner SolutionsDelivery Partners

Infrastructure / Technology Partners Network Service Providers



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Bringing real world business solutions to our clients


Enabling the sharing of KYC or

Digital Identity data in a

compliant and efficient way

How blockchain can drive

efficiency, cost saving and risk

reduction across the insurance


Representing digital cash on

blockchain, domestic and

International payments

systems, including CBDC and

non-CBDC activity

Optimizing the supply chain

across business networks, and

connecting the world’s trade

ecosystem making it more

secure and accessible

Blockchain solutions for

instruments across the full trade


Includes portfolio construction, deal

and order management and

regulatory reporting

Digital Identity Insurance Cash and payments Trade finance Capital markets





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The Corda vision is a global network of Corda nodes sharing standards, frameworks, and governance


A single node can operate multiple applications, participating in multiple business networks.


Business Network 1

Business Network 2

Participant A Participant B Participant D

Participant E

Technical Standards Identity Framework

Consensus Pools

Open Governance

Participant C

Participant n

Business Network n



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Project Overview

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Cash represented on Corda will support DvP on the Corda Network

Confidential p5



Business Network 1

Business Network 2

Participant A Participant B Participant D

Participant E

Technical Standards Identity Framework

Consensus Pools

Open Governance

Participant C

Participant n

Business Network n

Cash states Issued on Corda


Commercial Banks

Central Banks Corda Capability

Participant A Participant B

Transactions are paired with transfer of real value for settlement (or netted)

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Corporate KYC

Vision Corporate ownership of the content and

distribution of a single KYC dataset to many

banks, leveraging the immutability and

decentralized nature of blockchain to drive data

validation efficiencies and guarantee of control

over your data.

Objectives To demonstrate the benefits of Corporate KYC

on Corda and build buy in for continuing towards

an Accelerator phase of the Leia program

Project LEIA2


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Membership-led projects on Corda



HQLAx – Tokenisation of liquid assets

Marco Polo – Open account trade finance

Finastra – LenderComm syndicated lending

Calypso - FX trade settlement confirmation

VoltronX – Documentary trade automation

LEIA II – Corporate self sovereign KYC

Maison – Regulatory reporting for mortgages

ECP III – Euro Commercial Paper Issuance

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TradeIX and R3 Partnership R3, TradeIX kick off pilots for Marco Polo initiative

“Hopes to onboard in total 20 to 25 banks by the end of 2018. The ambition is to expand the initiative to include third-party service providers, such as credit insurers, software companies and logistics providers. R3 expects to go into production in late-2018 or early-2019. Marco Polo is one out of two trade finance projects that R3 is running simultaneously. Source: GTR



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Tokenization of baskets of securities to distribute liquidity more efficiently

Vision A collateral lending solution for

sourcing or providingHigh Quality Liquid

Assets (HQLA) on Corda

Objectives To build an exchange that improves HQLA

upgrade/ downgrades by utilizing

distributed ledger technology for the

tokenization of baskets of securities that

allows for quick, legal transfer of HQLA

and re-hypothecation

Project HQLAx


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Euro Commercial Paper

Vision Deliver a new application and business model

for the issuance, dealing and settlement of

Euro Commercial Paper on Corda.

Objectives To deliver the full ECP trade lifecycle on a

Distributed Ledger into production & scale

across key jurisdictions.

Project Euro Debt


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DLT-based FX matching pilot from Calypso Technology & R3

“Calypso sees Distributed Ledger Technology as an important component of our innovative offerings to transform the post trade processing operations. We are excited, that after successful completion of the initial PoC, BBVA, BBVA Bancomer and our strategic blockchain partner R3, have engaged in next phase of Calypso FX Matching Distributed Ledger Technology service supported by our Cloud services”, - M. Mayank Shah, Head of Strategy, Marketing and Alliances.



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Finastra and R3 Partnership

The benefits •Seamless collaboration between agent and lenders •Fully automated and secure communication with lenders •Real-time data •Cloud-based technology for quick and easy adoption

Source: finastra

Fusion LenderComm digitizes communication with lenders – driving efficiencies in the process, saving agents time and money, and eliminating operational risk.

Powered by Corda, highly secure nodes on the Fusion LenderComm network maintain all transaction history. This gives every lender a personal view of deals they participate in and a time-stamped audit trail.



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GuildOne Royalty Ledger – First implementation of a smart contract in the oil and gas Royalty Sector.



“Distributed ledger and Blockchain technology have the potential to greatly minimize and ultimately eliminate resource and royalty-based disputes. The

democratization of these tools to all the stakeholders and communities can increase fair and equitable production of

resources while initiating a more efficient operation model,” -James Graham, CEO of GuildOne

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TradeWind Markets: First Production Example of a Digital Asset Backed by Regulated Custodian – all settled via Corda

TradeWind’s Vaultchain Gold, built on top of

Corda, promises to expand gold as an investable

product while reducing costs and friction for all


• Precious metals investors to execute trades with a

secure and low-cost solution

• Banks to reduce their costs and friction brought

about by trading

• Vaults and refiners to easily interact with customers

and other market participants

• Gold producers to directly access end physical

demand and pricing

• Physical dealers to engage existing customers and

attract new business via a new digital product

Vaultchain Gold, powered by Corda:

• Immutable records of ownership • Direct balance verification on Corda • Flexible account and inventory management • Connectivity by API and Web user interface



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Production Environment Flexibility We can support a myriad of infrastructure models for clients while providing enhanced security, performance and privacy features

• Microsoft and R3 have partnered to not only provide Corda on Azure, but Corda is adding capabilities to take advantage of rich features Azure is developing to support blockchain platforms

• Intel has partnered with R3 to make Corda capabilities availability within Intel’s Software Guard Extensions (SGX) hardware security module

• HPE is building Mission Critical DLT but installing Corda on Nonstop Servers for rapid Blockchain-out-of-a-Box solutions

• Amazon and R3 have partnered together to have Corda available on AWS Marketplace, which allows AWS users to develop CorDapps or deploy example CorDapps from R3 directly from AWS Marketplace.



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States are immutable objects that

represent (shared) facts such as an

agreement or contract at a specific point

in time


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• Transactions are proposed updates to the ledger

• Transactions consume 0 or more existing states (the inputs)…

• …To create 0 or more new states (the outputs)

• The newly created output states replace the input states, which are marked

as historic




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Verification consensus

In Corda, a transaction is only valid if it:

1. is signed by all required peers

2. satisfies the contracts of the input and output states


Page 66: Seeking uncertainty in an uncertain digital world...Tech Talk 2018: Seeking certainty in an uncertain digital world Anne-Marie Allgrove Chair, Global TMT Industry Group AGENDA FOR

Seeking uncertainty in an uncertain digital world

10 May 2017 | London

Seeking certainty in an

uncertain digital world 16 May 2018