security in mobile adhoc networks

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  • 8/10/2019 security in mobile adhoc networks


    Security in Mobile

    Ad Hoc Networks Thao p Le

    [email protected] of Computer Sciences,

    Wichita State University

  • 8/10/2019 security in mobile adhoc networks


    Outline of Presentation

    Induction to MANET ( Mobile A d-HocNet work)

    Ad Hoc Networks Architecture Attacks to Ad Hoc NetworksChallenge of Ad Hoc Networks

    Security SolutionConclusion

  • 8/10/2019 security in mobile adhoc networks



    Ad hoc networks are collections of mobile nodes withlinks that are made or broken in an arbitrary way. No centralized controller and infrastructure.

    Allows free mobilityNode acts as host and router to assist intransmitting data to other nodes in its range.

    Can be quickly and inexpensively setup Applications: military, emergency and disastersituations.

  • 8/10/2019 security in mobile adhoc networks


  • 8/10/2019 security in mobile adhoc networks


    MANETs: Advantages

    Can access information and services regardlessof geographic positionCan set up computer networks at any place andtime

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    Ad Hoc Networks Architecture

    Rapid setup time Ad hoc mode only needs the setting up of radionetwork interface card (NICs) in the user devices.

    Better performance possible The question of performance with ad hoc mode iscertainly doubtful.Limited network access.

    There is no distribution system with ad hoc wirelessLANs, users dont have effective access to the internetand other wired network services.

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    Ad Hoc Networks Architecture(cont.)

    Difficult network managementNetwork management becomes a headache withad hoc networks because of the fluidity of thenetwork topology and lack of a centralizeddevice.

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    Attacks to Ad Hoc Networks

    Two types of attacks target Ad Hoc network External attacks:

    MAC layer jamming Traffic analysis

    Internal attacks:Compromised host sending false routing information

    Fake authentication and authorization Traffic flooding

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    Challenge of Ad Hoc Networks

    Dynamic topologyMovement, node failure, etc.

    Heterogeneous and decentralized controlLimited resourcesBandwidth, processing ability, energy

    Unfriendly environmentSelfish nodes, malicious attackers

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    Challenge of Ad Hoc Networks(cont.)

    Authentication and accountingNo fixed membership

    Security concernOpen medium without any centralized control

    Real time servicesDynamic topology and slow routing information distribution

    Limited bandwidthCongestion is typically the norm rather than the exception.

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    Problems with Security Measures

    Deficiencies of intrusion prevention Increases the overhead during normal operations of

    Ad Hoc networks Restriction on power consumption and computation

    capability prevent the usage of complex encryptionalgorithms

    Flat infrastructure increases the difficulty for the keymanagement and distribution Cannot guard against internal attacks

  • 8/10/2019 security in mobile adhoc networks


    Security Solution

    The Multi-fence Approach in Security Solution The proactive approach attempts to prevent security

    threats in the first place. The reactive approach seeks to detect threats a

    posteriori (derived by reasoning from observed facts)and react accordingly. The reactive approach is

    widely used to protect packet forwarding operations.

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    Security Solution (cont.)

    Ad hoc Secure Routing Source Node Routing( DSR) Distance Vector Routing (DSDV and AODV) Link State Routing: Secure Link State Routing (SLSP) Other Routing Protocols: ARAN

  • 8/10/2019 security in mobile adhoc networks



    The research on MANET security is still in its early stage. Theexisting proposals are typically attack-oriented in that they firstidentify several security threats and then enhance the existingprotocol or propose a new protocol to thwart such threats.

    Because the solutions are designed explicitly with certain attackmodels in mind, they work well in the presence of designatedattacks but may collapse under anticipated attacks. Therefore, amore ambitious goal for ad hoc network security is to develop amulti-fence security solution that is embedded into possibly

    every component in the network, resulting in in-depth protectionthat offers multiple lines of defense against many both knownand unknown security threats.

  • 8/10/2019 security in mobile adhoc networks


    Sources[1] Cavin et al., "On the accuracy of MANET simulators," Proc. ACMWorkshop on Princ. Mobile Computing [2] K.-W. Chin, et al., "Implementation Experience with MANET RoutingProtocols," ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communications Review , Nov. 2002, pp.49-59. Available online.

    [3] Frodigh, et al, "Wireless Ad Hoc Networking: The Art of Networking without a Network," Ericsson Review , No. 4, 2000. online. [4] M. S. Corson etal., "Internet-Based Mobile Ad Hoc Networking," IEEE Internet Computing ,

    July-August 1999[5] C. Elliott and B. Heile, "Self-Organizing, Self-Healing Wireless Networks,"Proc. 2000 IEEE[6] K. Kim, "A New Mobile Environment: Mobile Ad Hoc Networks(MANET)," IEEE[7] C. Perkins and E Royer, Ad Hoc On -Demand Distance Vector Routing,2nd IEEE Wksp. Mobile Comp. Sys.and Apps., 1999